r THE OREGON STATESMAN! RTTAY, FETilirARY 13, 1020. 7 1 Ctess Directory The Wants and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under Proper Headings So You Can Readily Find Them Theyyre Worth While ified NORWICH UNION FIRS INSURANCE SOCIETY ! TbleUen. Rolaad BttrEhardt Iseldeot Area J i 871 HUU Si. HONEY TO LOAN a IMPnOTKD VABX PROPERTY AT XoWK RATE. KO COMJOSSIOJI THOS. K. F0RD1iT FARM LOANS HAWKINS & ROBERTS S04-S07 Oregon! BuQdlng CUIID1KD AOTKBTUnmm . Bat Pa War. Par Insertion . ... 1 On week (six Insertions) .... c One month- Six months contract, par mo.ljfl 11 months' contract; par mo.. 9c Minimum (or any edvert's'm't Sic NEW TODAY TWO TOUNO LADIES I WISH BOARD and room; first class accommoda ; tlonS desired. Phone 945. TOR RENT TWO LIGHT HOUSE keeping rooms, furnished- No cbil drea. Apply 211 So.i Cottage St. : ' i FEDERAL FARM LOANS CITY BUILDING LOANS LOW INTEREST LONO TERMS Prompt and Efficient Service A. C. BOHRNSTEDT . 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Ore. WE WISH TO EXTEND OUR HEART r.it thanks to our many friends for the kindness and sympathy shown us upon the loss of our husband and 1 father, John D. Hardwlck. Also for the beaumui uoni onnni. Mr- John D. Hardwlck i Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKlnley I U r mnii Mr- IXVll KM1 Miss Stella Hardwlck and th- ; t . er relatlvea. LOST LICENSE No. J92C. Return to American Auto Co, ;MS-17 S. Coml 8L. Salem. i WANTED AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC. ! Only first class need apply. Horning ! Bros. Oarage. Corvallta. Oregon. MEN i WANTED FOR DETECTIVE work. Write J. Ganor, former Govt. Detective. Danville, ilia. WANTED COMPETENT WOMAN For housework. Wagea $15 per month: room, board and laandry furnished. v School for the blind. Phone 21: PROGRESSIVE EVERBEARING Straw berry plants. Yield from June to , .v... ifmt ...inn nlant- i ' Thriftv acclimated plants, 325 " for 15 postpaid. Order at once. Ward ' K. Richardson. : FOR 8 ALE FO RD. LATB MODEL. a...t. lt. tst itrai. Classr Ford - bur. 1918 Chevrolet i Wood sV 0Nell, 19th and State ,1 i-OR. riENT APARTMENT THREE room. 292 North Summer street. WANT TO BUY TEAM YOUNG MARES ! and some milch cows due to freshen soon. Call .Monday, 401 Masonic Temple, or phone 577. STRAWBERRY PLANTS. VIGOROUS and well rooted. Progressive Ever besrlng. Etterberg 121. Wilson and Gold Dollar. Place oitders now. TO ard K. Richardson. 2396 North Front St. Phone 494. . FOR SALE ACRE! AND ROOM , house on Daved road and car line. Snap at $1800. W. H. Urabennorsi A Co, 275 State street. - FOR SALE 1(0 ACRE; FARM. 95 Cul tivated; two houses,! running water, 5 ravel road, stock and Implements. t...,.in tis.oeo: srood terms. W, H. Orabenhorst A Co- 375 State street . ; - vnrt aitr g nnnu "BUNGALOW AT J KS0 South Church Street: basement and garage. A good buy at $2300:1 half cash: W H Orabenhorst A Co. 375 State street. FOR SALE ONE FINE WHITE LEO- horn cockerel. Tancred strain, trap- i asstsd stock, Phono I534M. FOR SALE 355 ACRES: Ideal stock and dslry land, good Improvements: 80 acres Cultivated, balance open FrVm odowfn?WoTrIds and good .it'silnTownS r location. $55 per acre. Address owner 456 S. High street. WANTED A SALESMAN TO HANDLE ; our risking tsckle departmenC Haus. i' -er Bros. j FOR SALE McCLANAHAN INCUBAT i or, 240-egg. Good condition. Price reasonable. Phone 66F2L FOR SALE GOSHEN berries. 60c per .100. 8TRAWBER Phone S7F11. BABY CHICKS PRODUCED FROM eggs of thoroughbred White Leghorn early maturing fall and winter lay ing strain of stock.J Also hatching eggs. G. Fr Sherwood. 4(3 So. Com- , tnercial St. ' ij - WANTKO WOMEN TO TRAIN LO- gaaberrles. E. H. Moore. "Winstsn- lsy Farm." Phone 4F3. FOR SALE A FEW If ALIAN PRUNC RED CLOVER SEED FOR SALE. Ger trees. Phons 4F4 evenings. vals. Ore.. Rt. 2. Box 1. SNAPPY SNAPS A sample of some rood buys. A (4 acre farm at J5100. An (t at $130 an acre, ; A too. at $126 an -acre. . These are all good.i well improved. well located fsrms, and are bound to stand advance la price. Fleming Realty Rustler TfETc1TY i&GAINS We still have a few real bargains, tho fast disappearing, anid the lament we feel sure will be "Why didn't we buy when the buying was good. Quite a few sre saying this already, we invite you to call and see whst we have to show you. L Fleming Realty Rustler hi 341 State ; THREE SNAPPY SNAPS Don't think for a moment that we ' make that claim indiscriminately. A ( room bungalow iwell located at $11(0. Another with some furniture at $2000. A nice' 5 room cottage on Paved street, full I lot: shrubbery, fruit, garage, with range and heat , lag stove l both very fine) at (0 per cent of -replacement: value and nest s wax. See us at once. Room 7, Bayne Bldg. , ! The Fleming Realty Co. J u NEW TODAY WANTED TO BUY CONFECTIONERY or cigar store on State street. Will deal with owners only. Address "J 29" care Statesman. EMPLOYMENT IT. M ST.. WANTED ELDERLY WOMAN TO DO housekeeping for family of three I I apply izs south LdDerty St. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL I buuttwrtk. Phone 1-4.7. ' 7 M.T.,T5'. 7. WANTED FIVE MEN TO WORK ON a donkey engine grubbing Job: 40c I per hour. meal 40c; steady work. See Merlin Harding at Salem Hdwe. HEAVY TRAMS WANTED FOR SCRA- per work. 18 lor 8 hours.. Hunt Bros. Packing Co:. 145 Division St. WANTED ONE OR TWO FAMILIES on ranch. Steady work.-good wages. house, wood and water furnished. Address J 94, care Statesman. NEWSPAPER CARRIERS WANTED The Statesman wants two boys with wheels to take regular paper routes Call at the nice or pnone 683. U. S. GOVERNMENT WANTS HUND- reds Railway Mail Clerks immediate ly. Men, women. 18 to 35. $1300 first year. Raise to $2000 Vacations with full pay. Women appointed to office work. Permanent life Dost- lions. Common education sufficient. Pull unnecessary. Examinations com ing everywhere. List government openings free. Write today. Frank lin Institute. Dept. 371B, Rochester. N. . Y INCREASE YOUR SALARY Learn to be an expert in the gas en glneerlng field where the demand for men ever exceeds the supply and wages are high. Our new system of instruction fits a man not only for a Job In automobile, gas tractor, truck. stationary, marine or airplane engi XZl!-JyS. f?5kA hJt!VJlJ?&?lit aucessfu I Day or night classes. Write for free catalog. Hemphill's Trade Schools, inc.. 1 07 Hawthorne Ave, or 124 North Sixth St.. Portland. Oregon SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN TO SELL STOCK IN -MIL-I lion dollar refining company. Good commission and territory still avail able. Superior Sales Syndicate, 611 Bain St.. Ft. worm. Texts. MISCELLANEOUS CHANCE TO WORK INTO A VERY GOOD Dositioa for s ttenorrspher who is ssabi- tiona sad wants to work ap. J. 16, ears Stateamsa. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO work tn our circulation department. A a-ood nroDOSition to the rlsrht peo ple. Address the Pacific Homestead. Statesman Bldg.. Salem. Oregon. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL WALL TINTS. MANY new colors 10c pound and up. Max O. Buren ITS N. Com'l St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FORTUNES IN OIL WELLS AND leases $100 invested has made $22. 00. Small Investors made million aires. Why not you? Get in on the ground floor: invest In the world's best, Tularosa Basin, where we ex pect 6,000 barrel gushers per day. Writ n u irk for mana and leaflets. Otero Oil c Leasing Co., Tularosa. I New Mexico. FREE COPIES INDEPENDENT OILI News. Post yourself. Learn how thousands are making surprising firofits from msrvelous Texaa-Lou-siana Oil Fields; posts 1 brings you valuable information, showing your chsnces for Increased prosperity. Ev eryone seeking quick raoneymaking nnDortunlties write Independent Oil - News, Suite B3. Gilmore Bldg.. Ft. I Worth. Tex.- . FARM MAGAZINE F YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 10c to the Pacific Homestead, Baiem, ursgon. tor a triaj nbscrlouon. Mention tats an. POCLTRT. 00000000000000000000000 EGGS A FEW VERY CHOICE Brown Leghorn hatching eggs. $1.50 for 15. $( per 100. 2800 Brooks Ave., Sa- near fairgrounds. EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM - A-l Anconas. $2.50 per setting. For egg oroducers they can't be neat. J. B. Cooley. 1276 N. Church. Phone $17. RARY CHICKS Wyandottes. Orpingtons. Anconas and Buttercups. .Leghorns. Reds. Ro-ka Mlnorcas. . Prices reasonable. Now hnnktnsr orders for 1920 delivery. C. N. Needham. 658 Stste St. (opposite court house). Phone 400. FOR SALE RHODE ISLAND EGGS for hatching. Phone (6F21. THE NORTHWEST POULTRY JOUR naL the biggest and best tn the west. The lira magaxlne for live poultry, men 76 cents a year. $L00 In Salem. Send 6 cents for sample today. Ad dress The Northwest Poultry Journal, Halem. Oregon. Mention this ad. ansCEXJUANBoirm. Lrtn nan n nnn - -- ----: FOR SALE SEED POTATOES. RL 9, Box 75B. FOR SALE GOLD DOLLAR STRAW berry plants. Phone 2045J. SriTt RALE GOOD BALDWIN AMU Spitxenberg apples, t-none iim. ETTKRBERO 121 STRAWBERRY plants. $7.S per isuw; niiron Address P .O. Box 214. Salem. Ore. -WALLBOARD" CAN BE USED OVER latn or studding, uan oe imiea " n-nered. Max O. Buren. 17 Norin Commercial street . - GET A TAX RECORD SUMMARY FOR compiling 19l statement. paidT Paul Sims. 142 N. High. FOR SALE ARTICHOKES, for seed and small poiaioes in iso" shape. Phone 2091J evenings or at noon. PUBLIC SALE One-fourth mile north east of the asylum, corner Park and DSt. on Thursday. Keb. 19. l92.com . mencing at I o'clock p. m. AM kinds of household goods. Owner. Barbara Ash ford. Auctioneer, CoL W. Wright. ' r'OK SALE STRAW HtiKKI i i s. Etterbure No. 121. $5 per inousana Phone 87F25. vrn T.E NEW ZEALANDS. DOES and bucks. All ages from pedigreed . m --ri.trH stock. Very choice. -it' r-st- rMtry "t 5, Box 151. Phone evening T4F2. FOR SALE 1 SPAN GOOD YOUNG mares, gentle and true, fair-set har ness: this is a No. 1 orchard team. 1 span young horses, gentle, with good set harness: 1 Oliver "- In steel plow, nearly new; 1 0" chilled 8-Inch orchard plow; 1 tooth orchard harrow. 988 S. Liber ty. Phone 1542. Fred E. Wells. miscellaneous. 000000000m00000000000000000000 STRAWBERRY PLANTS PROGRES slve. Everbearing, Ettersberg 121, and Wilson. Vigorous, well rooted plants. Place orders now. Ward K. Richardson. 2395 Front. Phone 494. "WALL. PASTE." NO COOKING R El quired. Sticks everything;. Max O. Buren ,179 N. Commercial street. "WALFELT" YOUR HOUSE: ITS superior to cloth, at about halt price. Max O. Bursa 179 N. Com'l 8t. BALED CLOVER HAY FOR SALE AT barn. C. S. Teeole. R. 1. Phone 11 to 9:30 p. m. 0SED CARS FOR SALE 191$ MAX- well good as new; 1917 Maxwell, run 8000 miles. Cash or terms. 17 Bo. Commercial. Phone $99. WANTED SACKS. RAGS AND ALL Klaus or Junk. 1st eln bock Junk Co.. 22S N. Commercial St. Phone 305. Used cars for sale. Parts of cars at half price. vjarnviTi or tbi oatxah uihui This true storv of western 1mm! nation has been carefully revised. making a handsome little book, It tails la graphic terms of the maesa ere of the Oatman family, of the es cape of Lorenzo, and the eaotlvlty of Mary ana Olive. Mary died or star vation and Olive was purchased from tha Indians (It years later. The price la 20 cents, postpaid. Address Oregon Teachers Monthly. Salem. Or PERSONAL WIDOW AND MAIDEN WORTH OVER $50,000 anxious to marry honorable gentlemen, write Mrs. Warn. zziV. Temple bt., Loa Angeles. CaL MARRY FOR SPEEDY MARRIAGE. best, largest in the country; estab u, i c m, iiiuu.nuu. i wishing early marriage, confidential lished 1& years, thousands wealth y. descripions free The Old Reliable I X..' , . wruoei. i9i saaaiaoii. i sex. strictly. try me; best and most successful "Home Maker": hundreds rich wisn marriage soon; strictly confidential: most reliable: years 01 experience; dererlntinna fr "The Successful U1UD. Airs. Ball,' BOX BAD. UttlUO, California. WOOD DRY FIR WOOD GOING FOR $10.00. sawed $10.50. Furnace $10.50, $11.00 sawea. can. itim. FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT TWO OR THREE FUR- nlshed rooms, ground floor, 481 Un ion St. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROMS for light housekeeping. Parties with 'children need not apply. 1309 N Com'l St. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS $3 to 44 a week. Hotel Glen. 148 N. Commercial St. HOVOA F. L. WOOD. 341 STATE ST.. REAL estate, rentals. WANTED BY BLIND GENTLEMAN occupying roomy dwelling family to occupy same with him. He will fur nish wood, water and rent. Call 1525 Lee St, corner 15th, for partic ulars. salalo. mouse in outskirts run rent. Is in poor condition. Will al low two months rent for fixing up. then $s a month. Big garaen plot. Lease It desired. Statesman business office. LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST BRINDLE AND WHITE Bos ton terrier dog, crippled. Phone 1443 WANTED anar l.i.aw nvTa. WE BUY ANY KIND OF USED CARS. Phone 199. 197 South Commercial. WANTED TO DO PLOWING WITH Fordson tractor. iTlce reasonable Phone 1789W1. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY REPAIR SHOPS HERE WE ARE FORD REPAIR SHOP Wood sV O Nell Good Work Reasonable Prices 19th and State Sts. OLESON AUTO EXCHANGE 349 N. Com. St. Phone ((( 1919 Chevrolt.J475. 1916 Ford $315. 1918 Overlaid "90" $800. 1915 Over land $150. 1917 Briscoe $475. One ton Ford truck $350. 1917 Ford de livery car $400. ACTO lESTlCB 8HIPP8 AUTO SERVICE CITT AND country tflpa. Phone: Day. : eight. SIS. TIAKS R-CFAIRJCD TinUCAjrlZIJil- 0000000000m000000t0000f0000000 GATES HALF-SOLE TIRE SERVICE Station. 17T South Commercial St Phone 43t. LODGES Chsmeksts Ledcs Ka. 1 aisets every Wedaesdsy evealas at 7:80 st the I. O. O. r. HalL BUSINESS CARDS 000000t0000000000000' OH IMXEV SWEEP CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES. chimneys and all Kinds oi rooi irou ble fixed up by expert In these lines. Roof painting a specialty. Phone 2042M. DRAYS ABTD EXTRESS. ni-nn rr rr-rr-r1llllr" LARHER TRANSFER WE MOVE AND store goode Day pnone sse. nigm, fthftfi 1400 DRESSMAKI5TO WANTED DRESSMAKING. Hisrh St. 1299 S rA-CIAi AN ENERGETIC INDIVIDUAL IN this city or vicinity csn make unex celled connections with broker for handling high class securities. Write ' immediately to O. M. Garrison. 6 Wal St.. New York. OIL LEASES AS MONEY MAKERS Buy a lease in the great Louisiana Oil Field and share in the profits of the most sensational development in ik. hutnrr of the industry. We have for ssle leases In all parts of Louisiana and other oil producing jitates. Write for detsils. A C. Frost A Co- Inc., 165 Broadway, New York. XJUTSBbXES. CAPITAL. CITT STEAM LAUNDKT ! Uualtty worn, prompt service. - Broadway. Phone 145. STEAM LAUNDRY-OUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash. c per pound. s bouu oeriy aw Phone ta. HOP LEI EXPERT LACKDRY MAS. 43 fl retry St. I pay top marie pnea for ehiekeas and tgs. Hoase psoas 1888J. Shop pheae 18J. NURSERIES 1000000000000000000 FOR SALE FRUITLAND NURSERY baa a few thousand Italian rrune trees, grafted Franquet Walnuts, and also other Nursery Slock. Phone 111F21. Kt. 8. Salem. Ore. REPAIRING AND VFHOLlTERISQ "URN1TURE HOSPITAL 'I HAVE opened up a first class shop, repair ing and refinishing and upholstering. All work guaranteed Will call and estimate your work Phone 1742 1201 S. Commercial. M. Brown. MONEY TO LOA GOVERNMENT LOANS AT H PER cent. W. D. Smith, I0S Salem I 1MI ink of Commerce. SECOUD HAND PTTKlf ITCRsa HOME OF BARGAINS-NEW A.NU cecuna ninu vw -,. -... Bring in your old furniture and ex change it for new. People's Furni ture Store, 271 N. Com. St. pnone 7 84. WlNTIED SECOND-HAND FURNI- tur e, rugs, carpets, stoves, machinery and tools. Best prices psid. The Csp ital Hardware at Furniture Co, 2$5 N. Coro'I St. rnone mi. OPTOMETRIST, iuLqariiii'i"i"i ..-. 1 DR. U HALL WILSON Special Of. 1st In the Modern Scientific Ap- -r- niiration of Glasses for the aid of vision ana me reiiet oi B,yesirsan .n. HMrtrh. Office closed Saturdaya office 210-211 U. 8. Bank Building. phonee. office 145; res. 1144. T RAX IIXA OAClaljVQ CAPrTAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 22( UTJXlXnjTjULT-rtri li " ssa Ktata at. nhone 921 Distributing. forwarding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. ANT KXNT Ainu lUUA. canin-u. ot hauling. Mooaenoia moving Jobs done prompt ly. Try me once. Tlmme. 471 Stave 8C Phone 9(8. Residence phone 1133J. SECOND HAJTD QOODS u-ij-lh ------ i in n w' WANTED SECOND HAND GOODS OF all kinds. Lucas and Lucas. Phone 1177. . wavTP.n DT.n JUNK. OLD CLOTH- Ing. tools, guns, music miuuutui., will rail day or evenings. Cspital Exchange, 337 Court. Phone 4a. WE BUY AND SELL SECOND BAND goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, har neaa. collars, collar pads. tool. sj chains. Fred Schlndler. 464 Canter street. WALL PAPER PAINT - WALL PAPER AND CEILING PAPER 20c snd up douDie roil. Max im xu ren. 179 N. Commercial St. SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS, WALL Paper ana iciure irwnmi- " workmen. 4(6 Court St. - Paon 486 WOVEN WIRE FENC-NO u un.ru-u-u-ii-ir.-i -i- - - Depot Rati seal A erteaa Fee all staee. M la ta U U. high. Palnta. USle -mmm v are -salts ve Keheili and RepalrcdU Legaahenr aad Hers Heeka, a-i k ntava Wos-us. nioMriit om ue CHINESE PHTSICIAJI 000000 00000000000000P0000m DR L. If. HUM CURES ANT KNOWN . 16$ S. High St. Phone 98$ dl PROFESSIONAL jijUUCwJUUI-njJ''-n-ririr r - -- -- -- CBlnOrHACTOIUo mnn nn ii i"i" - - - I DR. O. U SCOTT. D. C CHIROPRA.C- tor. P. B. c. graduate, is u. -N. Bank Bldg. Phone $7: Res. 2$R OSTEOPATHY. 1 WHITB AND MARSHALL, OSTB- nn, ti I, nhvalcl iclans and surgeons, uo UT 8. National Bank Bldg. Phone (59. Dr. White residence telephone 4(9. Dr Marshall residence telephone $34 DR JOHN L LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC Physician A Burgeon, oreaon Bldg. mones: uixice ve. . DR. W. MERCER. ORJUJUATs American school usteopamy, ai llle, Mo.: treau acuteand chronic a.-Z Ariea 404.405 U. 8, National Bank Bid a. Phone 919. Residence, 419 North Summer. Phone (14. WATER - ,nnnnn nnnnfY-" SALEM WATER. LIGHT A POWER Co . office 101 South Com'l street. Ten per cent discount on domestic flat ratss paid In advance. No de- rftiotinna for absence or any cause unless water la shut off your prem ises REAL ESTATE T.-L-i.-Ln i-i ' ' r-OR gALE LARGE HOUSE I! GOOD LO eatUa. ta Bales., for S.OUW. raose lo. 10 ACRES 2 MILES. NORTHEAST OF fairgrounds on good roaa. t rice -"" Hart-McKlllop Co.. 20 Oregon iildg. FOR SALE BY OWNER MODERN 10 room house, close in. furnished or unfurnished st a Dargain tr. u. io 241. WANTED Modern residences of 5 to 7 rooms. Two clients prefer bungslows In good res idence section on good street. Give us your listings. KINNEY & SMITH 201 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Phone 1130 Choice Bargains and Investments Nice 24 acre tract near Salem: nice nw rnnm hunaralow. aood barn, and other buildings. Good team. hay. grain, machinery, tools, fsmily orchard. acres In grain, good rosd and a big snap for $8000: terms. la sere tract close In. 8 seres In bearing prunes and loganberries, good huildina-s. Snan (425 per acre. Fine full bearing 1 acre prune or chard near Salem. Bargain for ouick sale. ,. . i i 11 ., tract one mile from ca'rline all fine dark loam soil, good buildings, stock, tools, hay. feed, croa fowls. 2 acres cherries snd spples. Bar cr. i-. tnr fluirk sale IS500: easy terms 10 acres best logsnberry and prune land .good house and other buildinga Acre prune orchard, near school, fine dsrk loam. Snap $4500. For a square deal see us. PERRINE & MARSTERS 211-12 Com. Club Bldg. REAL ESTATE I SEE US ABOUT THAT MODERN house U have for sale, close in, we want it, and will get you the cash. John H Scott Realty Co. REAL HOUSE BARGAINS I HAVE five homes, close in. comfortable and in good condition which I am offer ing at very attractive prices. Easy monthly payments. Direct from owner. Also: Bearing prune or chard, some peaches, tiierries and pears, 3 miles out. J. H. LAUTEKMAN. Argo Hotel WOOD'S BARGAINS 1(0 acre farm one of the best in the valley, good buildings and orchard, main highway, five miles out. This place will btar inspection. $1(5 per acre. 10 acres on garden road .orchard and berries, fair buildings. $5500 with stock and implements. 10 acres fine berry land, five miles out. rock rowa, szooo. Five room bungalow with basement, good location. $2000. Five room bungalow, fireplace, $1(00 Five room house, large lot $750. F. L WOOD 341 State street KA1 3 1 A I , AND LUAIsd on farms or INSTALLMENT LOANS on city property ELSW0RTH PICKELL $01 Masonic Temple.- Salem, If Its : LOANS, REAL, ESTATE INSURANCE Bee LAFLAR A LAFLAR 404-7-8 Oregon Blu. SPLENDID VALUES 1 acre choice garden soil. 4 room nlaatered house. $1850. lO's acres, 7 room plastered house, some stock and Implements, good out buildings, 84000.0V. 40 acres. 25 acres bearing fruit, most' ly prunes. Buildings, drier, $300 per acre Tske city property up to $6000. ( room plastered house. 0 fine lots, 2200 strawberry plants, close In, 150 feet oavement paid. (2100. 6 room house plastered, two fine lots, fruit. Must be sold. $2550. WALTER McLAREN Room 28, 180 N. Com. St. Real House Bargains 5 room new, modern cottage. 2 lots on N. Liberty St. This is a swell little place. $2500; $800 cash. 6 room arood house, bath, toilet, elec tric lights, a good buy $1(00. Near school and street car. 8 room house plastered, electric lights, bath and toilet. Improved street. $1500. good terms. 8 room modern bungalow, full base ment. 83200. 7 room modern bungalow .large lot. full basement. A swell home (3300. 6 room house, bath, toilet, electric lights, close in. (1800; $(00 vash. bal ance $10 per month. John H. Scott Realty Co. 22$ Oregon Bldg. BEST BUYS IN MARKET S rnnm bunrilow. bath, toilet, com nlet Dutch kitchen, built in book caaes. full basement, garage. $2(50 Will take $650 cash, balance to suit at ( per cent. - For Sale $500 7 -per cent mortgage secured bv real estate. Wanted $1000 loan on $0 acres of tlmoer. and $275 loan on two corner lots. S0C0L0FSKY 341 State St. VARIETY OF PROPERTIES On paved highway 8 mile, from Salem. hilinr, in oak timber and brush. A V V -! S. I W a... Good fruit and berry land. Fine (-room house, big barn. 2 silos, an practically new; half acre family or rh.rH tiftO an acre. llV acres near Skyline orchard: ( acres prunes yeara oia; acre, ran b nlanted: 4 -room house, small bam. rood running senna, trice $2450: half cash, or will trade in on i i 30 Acres English wslnuts snd cherries In the Kola planting: near nopewen. Produced $1100 worth cherries last r and aome walnuts. (325 an sera It you nave rruu property w sen i rignt prices, usi wim us. PEARCY BROS. 210 Oregon Bldg., Salsm Phone (43 KINNEY & SMITH 50 acres stocked and equipped. 4 5 acres of fine laying land in cultivation. 35 in full rroo Fine familr orchard good set farm buildings: on county road. 4 horses. 4 cows. 3 calves, ( nia-a. 150 bushels osts. household fur niture snd full outfit of machinery are Included. All for $7000. Locat ed In Benton county. u Am Dalrv. S miles from -rood town In Polk countv 50 acres under cultivation and 30 acres limner ana pasture, n of real honest-to-goodness beaver dam land. New -room plastered bungalow; new barn 34x54; new com plete set of outbuildings. Big stock shed 50x50. Buildings all built in 1919. cost $6000. Located within about IS miles of Salem on graveled road. This is a real snap st $12,000: hslf cash. 90 acres within 2 miles of R. R. ststion. located on rosd now being paved, s acres under cultivation, li acres tim ber and pasture New bsrn. room house snd outbuildings. Creek and family orchsrd on plsce. Stock and equipment Included for $12,000; half cash. KO A ere Ceaeral Farm. Located In Itenton county on road now being paved. J mis irom eieciric station, 65 acrs cullivsted, 15 acres pasture: family orchard. Jood 7 room house with bath snd toilet. Large barn and usual set of out buildings. Good spring. Price $10. 000: terms. IIS' Acres 4irala er I airy. Located in I'olk county within about li miles of Salem: fores culti vated. 10 acres oak arub. 10 acres cl?vcr snrt 40 acres fall wheat. Good farm buiidinKS. Karaite, etc. Includ ed with tl.e place are cows. 4 hors es, pigs. lft0 chickens, drill, wood .in - I. n ,-naine. feed mllL waffon bintl r. f.low. feed. seed. etc. All go f-r $1.5 er acre. A real fine farm and :..r:iled within 4 mile of ro:"l to bv fcaved soon. 1.14) Aere t.rala er Dairy Fares. 5 imies fr. m town in Benton county nn crrnvil r ad. All cultivated. 50 i-r.- iw.w in croo Family orchard 7 room hour.-, old hut aood; 2 good barns and iisual outbuildings. School on lace. This won't last long at $75 per acre. If vour farm j for sale and you want P"fcUVIOK in selling It. aive ua your listing we scvertise our good buys. KINNEY & SMITH 201 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Phone 1130. Residence phone 10(1W REAL ESTATE OWNER WILL SELL cHKAl' FOR 30 days 10 acre tract 1 mile rrom Sa lem, all kinds of fruit and good out buildings No agent. Phone 17I1J. 3 ACRES BEARING ROYAL ANN AND Bing cherries, some logan and straw berries. North Commercial St. Very rich soil. Price $1750. Hart-McKil- lop Co.. 208 Oregon Bldg. A DANDY FIVB ROOM HOUSE ON 20th street, paved, for $2000. Small sum cash and . monthly payments Built by owner and a pre-war price Phone 10S5J. WANTED Good farm. Our client will consider dairy farm, chicken ranch or general purpose farm within 8 to 10 miles of Salem. Land must be of good quality. List your farm with us for results. KINNEY & SMITH 201 Bank of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE 2$ acres all in cultivation, new house, barn, near Pacific highway, north. In loganberry district, trice (. HART McKILLOP CO. 208 Oregon Bldg. 17$ ACRES A HALF MILE FROM town: house; barn, store house and big dryer ;three wells; running wa ter at barn; 25 acres prunes. 8 seres peaches. 12 acres loganberries: oaly $180 per acre. Terms. Socolofsky. 341 State St. FOR SALE SEVEN ROOM HOU8E ON paved street, close In. 1 i block from poetofflce; bath. toilet, electric lights, city water, newly tinted, fin ished in wnite enamel, large lot. fruit trees, big garden. Enquire 735 Ferry street. Price $3000: $1000 down, balance monthly like rent. COMPLETELY FURNISHED FIVE room bungalow for sale. 245 Lincoln street. Call afternoons or evenings. MR HOMESEEKER LOOK AT THIS. Will accept Dodge or new Ford In trade on a 6 room bungalow, all mod ern except basement Estes A Ma- gee, 428 Oregon Bldg. FOR REAL ESTATE whether farms, city or suburban see C. W. NIEMEYER 215-218 Masonic Temple. Phones lOOt Salem. Oregon 1014 FOR SALE G ROOM HONE ONE block fiom 12th street car line, close In. Plastered, has basement, hou in good condition, very -large lot, good soil. Exceptional buy. (1400; tCAA mK . I -,-w room louse. Large lot. good barn, plent) of large healthy fruit trees .garden, walkmg distance north $100: terms half cash. I have many others from $550 , to (10.000. fees them. List your houses with me for quick action, s. rt, Pearson, 4V or egon Pldg Phone 4- LAND BARGAINS You are going to be aorry that you -lid not grab that la and 7-1V acrea oil solendid land located aouth of Sa lem. 7 acrea set to strawberries. 4 1-2 to logans. 3 to filberts. 1-3 In timber, a small house and barn, for (3500 on terms. There are several hundred dollars worth of plsntsl ready for sale. Might take a little city property in exchange. MORE BARGAINS 5 acres $400. 5 seres (500. Eight and one-third acres, one-half ln cultivation, house and good well. 11000. Eight and one-third acres, one and a half in orchard and berries. 11000. Will rell any one of the above tracts for (too cash, remainder on very easy payments. This is all srood soil and Is In a good neighborhood. Get busy; It is going to selL JOHN IL SCOTT REALTY LO. 22$ Oregon Bldg. GOOD BUYS 10 acre loganberry tract. $ acres of I loganberries, t room house, large barn, well, running water. Price $4500. 5 acre loean berry tract. 4 3-4 acres! I loganberries, good 6 room house, bsrn. i wii. rrtce I uOvfl. I 10 sere trsct located on main Taciflc i nwawij, mne. ir v-xiiu. I acres Italian prunes, balance first class I loganberry land. Price (4100 20 acre tract. 1 acre cultivated. house, smsll barn, spring and well, close to school, shout 500 cords of standing second growth fir timber. IT Ice $2000 6 acre tract located close to csrline. good soil, plenty of fruit and berries, small buildings Price $3(00. 51 M sere tract located 1 1-4 miles from Salem street car line about 20 acrea of fine timber, -8 acrea bearing prunes, house and barn. Located on main Pacific highway. Price $300 per acre. Half cash. 20 acre tract located on good hardlS0- J KorUa,nd VT 1:50 n.aa, road and RF.D. close to Pacific high way. 4 miles from Salem; good f room plastered cottage, barn, well, 5 acrea of cherries. 4 acrea of loganberries. Price (9000. 6 acre tract. 4 acres loganberries. 4V4 mll.-s from Salem. Price (3000. 6 room modern home In good loca - HOUSE BUYS tinn. sii furniture goes; paved street. I'nrc (5000. 4 room house located In south Sa lem, corner lot IT Ice (2400; (900 down balance (25 per month, 4 per cent In terest. 8 room house and five lots located In south Salem, not far out; large bsrn. good soil. ITice (..000; $2000 down. bslsnce terms. 7 room modern home located at 1110 North Capital street, large lot, garage. rr ire I. .oo. ( room house located at 1330 South Commercial street. IT ice $2(00. wY. H. GRABENHORST & CO. - ' N 4r T FOR REXT- PARMS FOR RENT THREE ACRES OOOD oil in South Salem. Want to com municate with some one that will set to logan or blackberries and In tercrop with some cultivated crop on some shsre basis. See Mr. Abrams at Statesman office. Wright Retains Title to Welterweight Champion SEATTLE, Feb. 11. Billy Wright of Seattle retained his title of Pa ciflc coast welterweight champion here tonight winning a decision over! joe Axaveao ox Ma rrancisco, in fait four round boat. Wright out- pointed A tared o throughout the four rounds, in the opinion ot ringside critics. The Stateman't Clai sified UgT? mvecsrve, . . . - I $S:1S ass 11 -.it ass A4e Rriniv Paettlte' 4:18 psa S:40 wm ilUM a S--M WHOLE MILK AND PKODUCE WASTED Miricn Creamery A Produce Co, Salem, Oregon. Phone 2488 I SALEM MARKETS I BCTINO PKICE KCXS d PoaJtry, Ef. 35c. Hens, heavy, 26c Broilers. 22 O 24c Old rooster. 13c Dressed bogs, 18 to 20c. Pork. Mitum and Bcf. Pork on foot, lCc Lambs, 12 to 13c Reef, steers, to f 4C Cows. 6 to 9 c. Top veal, 23 c. BAY. Cheat hay. per ton. SIS to SIS. Oat and vetch bar. Per ton. $22 to 123. Clover bar. 123 to $24. Ornin. Wbeat 12 to $2.10. Feed oau, S3 to S5c Beans, 6c to c Kill Feed, BetaO. Millrun, $47. Wboleaal To Dealers. Creamery batter, cartons, C4-C5c Butterfat, 62c. rrsxu Oraxites. ft to SS.S0. Ban an as, 11c Lemons. $8 to IS.fcO. California Grapa Fruit, l. VogsjcsTn . Cabbace. 6c Onions, 14.60 a tack. Turolps, 45c a dosea boaebea. Carrots, 45e a dos. bn-penea. Sweet potatoes, 7 He a pound. Green pepers . 10c a pound. Celery, SI a dosen. Recall PrtMH. Creamery butter, 70c Dairy butter, SO to 65c, Egga. 45c Flour, bard wbeat, $3.35 to $3.45. Flour, valley. fX.BSOSS. Sucar, cane, IS -12c u"rar. ek. vinns "re. CHICHESTER S PILLS WV TNS SUMsn B-tAXBK K fsa Um4 sb4 fc!4 "iyVV tr-iTsTlV 1 V c M-frV-rni ) iiAis BB-ks piixa, k. sa -a lis , tiiisLSJ wsaiais scun,taix5Tsnimi v -- - - mi I 'i - Hotel SEWARD AIdr a 100. Btrmi PORTIXD, OR-OOS Tha most homa-lke hotel la Part land. AH Orscoa Electrls tru step at tho) SEWJLRD. f 1 fd vpw W It titrate bta 91-50 TIME TABLES SOUTH -CRN FACT-.O CO. Xevtfcheuel No. (4 Oregonisn ('00 a.aa. No. 14 Oregon Expreae ..... S:((a.m No. it Willamette Limited S-iT . -T No. 24 Coos Bay . (. No. 14 Portland Espreas .... 1:4(a. Sesjthbosmel No. ($ Oregonisn 8:10a. No. 23 For Eugene .....10.0( a.-a. No. 1( California Expreaa ...ll:0(a.m No. 17 Hose burs; Passenger .. 4:08 a.sa fo. 17 Willamette umlted... (:44p.taw l No- 1 Francisco Pass.. .10:0$ ALEM-CEER LUTE He. 7$ Arrive st Salem t :10 a.m. No. 14 Leave Salem 4:00 nm. SAL E34. FALLS CTTY A WESTEmE 1(1 Leaves Salem, motor .... 7:00a.m. 1(8 Leaves Salem, motor .... 9:l(a.m. 11$ Leaves Salem, motor .... l:((p. Through car to Monmonth and Air lie 171 Leaves Salem (:l(p.m. 1(3 Arrives at Salem S:2(anv 1(4 Arrivea at Sa,em 11:00 a.-Bv 10 Arrives at Belem ........ (:20 17$ Arrives Salem 7:40 1 OMOOI KUCCTRIC lew Oct !. laiaV ewUhenad. Trala Leave Arrive eriva ' No. Portland Baleen -Eursna I Ltd.. 1:11am 10:1$ am l(:(f. T 10:45 aaa lt:4nlslmHiir t t:0(pm 4:l(pm ' :$$ 1$ Ltd.. 4:4$ pm 0:40 psa 8:5pm' 17 4 04 pm 8:07 pin Salem oaly ! 9:10 pm 11:10 an Salem onl North Bank Station (leave ieffer eon Street 1$ and SO mlactae later.) Verthh4n4 Train Leave Arrive No, Eugene Salem $ ..... 7:18 asa 10 Ltd.. 1:3$ am S:4Sam 1$ 18:08 pm Portland 9:10 am 11:80 am 8:10 pm. 8:80 pna t. 40 pas 14 SS cbb - lie is ua.. i:iin 4:se pas Bel only S SSpss 1 33 i:9m 7:55 pm 0fj Baak Station (arrive J after. a 1 Corvailia. fKVA-LITO-raWTOS orvuis Arrive .w 8r30 ess S-.4S asa S:9S psa 4:00 pes :18 psa 1:88 pes q m a ji - rv S' P" A. r l t , ! ,, j I' &