The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 15, 1920, Page 12, Image 12

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mis iaoe lor a conference. They
came and fold in minule detail how
hey had tried to reach German-.
jof thejr failures and what thev be-
ueea 10 be the cause
a caret u I analysis of the state-
ciared It Impossible to Obtain Them.
"le Hy Deeded by
fet JA111. AdTentare that Lead, to the De-
Two rv., . "'nj.nK L AnnUUce The
IS.- Primer. Sent from France
" anmgMn in jujy Lat.
Story of the
to the Military Intelligence
tei- fia-Yl"r? ",0 U,e German "Council of PlTe" In Soaln. En. meats ot officers showed tha
Plan. r.T' ..DJ S Sebastian to Kiel and Secure the lheir n'n had n -ch instance at-
.r.w e on Karls-aftei th nrtiuK - , I tempted to rrnsu nvor the trmon
. - MHU X A CUtll " " IMi I - " ' ' -w
. a i i . l . a . I
i.utrs mrougn me rront; or Tia Bel
gium, or Holland, and that, with al
most supernatural powers, the Boche
had at once tootled them. Their ef
lorts had only resulted in a firing
sqad and a brick wall.
After hearing all this, it was fin.
ally decided that, profiting by
mistakes, the attemm this im
should be centered on an e,ndavor to
reacn Germany through Spain. .
it is a well known fact that Ger
many maintained efficient intelli
gence and propaganda bureaus in
Spain during the entire war. Al
though all means of comniunieatl.m
htween Grmany and Spain wero
supposed to be in the control of the
English, these bureaus had no difii
culty in keeping in constnt contact
with their home offices. Bearing
this in mind, it was considered that
our only real hope of success lay
iu being passed alone one of thou.
lines into Germany. The man ri.-
cided on was for one of our officer.?
to. try and reach Gennarnv thurh
Spain by crossing into that country
at, Henday and ingratiating himself
lniq me confidence
Majbr "A" was selected ir. mak..
the attempt. He had served in the
intelligence serTice in Snai n riurintr
the Spanish-American war and spoke
Spanish fluently. With his knowl-
Spanish customs and of
By Major C. E. Russell
ProTort Marshal, 2nd United States Army
American Expeditionary Forces in France
?f?U 19l9' bjr Fera! News Service, Inc.
IVU7,U1 a ureal Britain Rights Reserved)
tAii uignts Reserved)
Brest, July 10, 1919.
Secretary of War, Washington:
telllaenca Staff, w-ihi--.. ""1Ds loaay consigned to In-
- r e UAOn.
in, th. ,an,n; of Vinor?.U S!f " annonnc
pert carried thla dlsnatrh :VJl--.uu ..oara: newapa-
many speculative reference. t t7. . 1 p, inere w" Panted
were sent to America! th6M mterioa Prisoners and why they
Behind this incident lav one nf ii,. '.wm. . ..
K22 ? Reference, -ff.
lection an! to give the Am ! ,, ' 5" -. "my "r ine,r own pro-
reference to the part Blared . interesting lnformaUon in
tlntt.ultt tr.K f their army in the
rally unexpected termination Tof th. VarM f t .v the q,j!te gen
armistice in November 1918 -r,d war by the of th
tine venreaneii frtr ts. r eTen now, they may be nlot- .
t0 thelF d
JfL-of acuol. to i22!!2. '-
of th ZT.V n :u.l.nlra8!Ive8. Is consclousnes. of tisTi ! . nowled w regarding the
.hi cn an w n r t . . - w vm v uu iiiians i n y r- mam
Yolved lucir peraonai disregard of th . . ,r uS,u ui me American
f German
made his way into the city. Keen
ing out of sipht of the military po
nce, he passed down toward the wa
ter front, and there, in a third rate
hotel, secured quarters for the night.
The neat day, at a prearranged
lime, he walked along the beach to
where the two other o! fleers who
had preceded him to the city by mo
tor, were waiting. On his aonroaeh
they arrested him and took him up
to the American camp, where he was
lonnrreq in a small tent near tho
guardhouse. The news was then
quietly passed around the city that
the Americans had captured a dan
gerous criminal.
Before night, so successful vrn
this propaganda, all the good people
ii nenuay were talking about th.
prisoner. The object of this was to
have the news passed over into Spain
so that, -vhen the major appered.
there would be no doubt of the truth
oi any statements he might make.
To insure this the Spanish guard
on duty at the International Bridge
was invited to see this moat danger
ous prisoner.
To check tip the effect of this pro
paganda in Spain, one of the officers
passed over the border thit night and
returned the next nipht with a re
port that the fame of the prisoner
had penetrated even as far as San
Sebastian. It was now considered !
"Texs of the Storm Country"
Fint of Series for Salem
Theater Goers
For the openm atlraeiion of the
Alcazar Stock company,- Manager T.
u. Blight announces . that Ruper
rilughes' powerful drama "Tess of
the Storm Country" will be the open
ing play tomorrow and Tuesday.- Feb-
ruary l tiand 17.
less or tne Storm Country" s
one of those stirring dramas in
wntch heart interest and powerful
situations predominate. The hero
ine, the hero and the villain, the
sympathetic conudy role and all the
familiar characters of the snlendirt
play are presented, and the situa
tions bringc tears and laughs, as well
as stirring thrills.
The Alcazar Stock company Is to
arpear at the Blight theater Monday
and Tuesday of each week, in a nw
Tobacco Hardens the Arteries,
Overtaxes the Heart
and Shortens Life
Sayi Dr. Connor, Who Suggests a Simple Test to Find If if -Is
Hurting You. Can Yon Stand It?
tirsuea, vital ore&aa and vitI-
and Dro.l irtlon Mia tA
tinve for the major to make his e- I WhitHeld. th leadine ladv. will nor-
vray me roie of "Teas" and she
Spain, the thief believed he had th?
Lest chance for success. The major
was to represent himself as a fugi
tive, lue Etory he was to tell was
mat ne Had stolen his battalion
Iunds, had deserted and had suc
ceeded in escaping into Spin. He
s a man verv antinn.
for revenge on the Americans. To
further this revenge, he would H
anyxning to Injure the allied nw
in addition, he was supposed to have
cape anu cross over the boundary.
ine stakes were so large and tha
danger so great, the officers felt that
even the taking of one of the $riar.l3
into their rutidenee was ont of the
question. So the major had to run
his chances of being shot when he
made his attempt.
(continued next Sunday)
. L... .-1.1 f.
MiouKj win popularity from the start
with her splendid charaf Oerizatloa
cf thta fwamons role. Hichird Fm-
zier in he role of Frederick Graves
4 V . x i : i . !
rsew rorlc Dr. Connor, formrrlv oi
jonns Hopkins hoapttal. cars: Hundreda
or Lhou.anda of men who imek and
chew and who bliev themselves
Health y are sufferlna- front nrnrr,iM
organic ailments. They would never
"'"wn arrncted had it not beta for
, , ol ionacco and moat of them
would soon act well if they would only
top the uae of tobacco.
Th beat knowp habit forming prin
cipal of tobacco la nicotine, but the
aeaaiy ana demoralizing; la fur
fural. Both are deadly poison, which;
when absorbt-d by the ayatera alowry.
oranea, tirsuei
'T oi in Donr,
The harmful rftcct at iaKikm
dpenda on circumatanrea and the
V,l.Y.i?ual-In ,om t caua general
debility, othera catarrh of the throat.
Indication, conatioatlon. ,ilr,m. n-rv.
puaneaa. alee)Uaneaa. loaa of memory,
lack of will power, cowardice and fear,
mental confualon. etc- in mh.,. ,
cauaea heart diaeaae. bronchial troublea.
"r1 enlna; of the ar teriea, palpitation of
the heart, tuberculoaia. Mlnrln..a r.n.
cer and the common afflictir.n know.
as tobocco heart.
ir you use tobacco In in, form
easily detect ita harmful .rf..i.
akine the following- simple testa:
Head aloud a full nace from nawlr I r
l.r.T0' muffled hoarse and
inalatlnct and vmi m . , rr.n... . i
eJear your throat, the chance, are that
Ing; before taking your uiuti
walk up three rilghti auf,. it f-
f "re BUl or breath it .
beat Is forced, trembhna
Tour hear
he milirant' Treach; wiU looTand jSTSTay WISSi of 2rS.
Here, then, la the true storv f . :i ' 1 "
two American imJSZSZ fS.W.OW prisoner, and of tS
Foch to we Paris fromTantn,. .;r Dattie that enabled Marshal
. -"" cm lua wari
fTtTlTTtr,r rr
- j
, - f. The ; American r Plan
f (Continued from last Sunday)
Immediately permission was erant-
n?;n0fUr let tt&rted o 'tnfr hl3
?' th attempt. , The four men
whom he wanted were at this time
cattered, tji different parts of
France.-Major "A" wa. in Bor
deaux; Captain. "B at the headqnar-
c.ata ..n'b the "t Urmy.'whlE
Captain D ' waa with Wje prlaoner
?L??T ureau- Telegrams were
ent to these officers ordering them
to report at Chanmont at once. The
urgency of the wires convinced them
that something serious was pending
and they hurried to th rendeatoas
hy motor and by train. !
iu me cmei, mey wer?
a wa near Chaumont and
liraru in a Bmall rholann ll
anew that they could here work un- as everything
Two of the other officers were to
proceed to Henday, there to carrv
out tneir part of the plot and he
ready instantly to cross over into
fpam to help the major, should oc
casion demand it.
A final review of the nlana hav
ing been made, it was decided that
was in readiness for
H;...v... ' . T. " ' " uu- .r.
he totni t? nnaifOTered. and here the attempt, the major should make
he. Joined them when the last -off!- his start that night.
ihm . rePrtel- The chief, gave The major, not daring even to
or151 7 of the confer- wr his usa identification cards
of iLe woi! 'rest and told them should either the Americans or the
AmericanTmfUl rtr the French arrest him. said good-bye and
to aiStlngQlSti Itself hv iuti Hrtff tK WAV uAnriAw
5?-i2n,lali 7hlch heretofore. The first part of the journel was
-?fbie the"e four "Ic" to that, he and the two officers who
gain full knowledge tof the details accompanied him arrived on the ont-
of the previous attempts made by the skirts of the city soon after niid.
various intelligence staffs. It was nirtt. urn a J ,h.Ar! 1? ,
requested that -ail the chief, of the w 1. Jl! 2 1 !"
alired lntelllgence aervic. be sent toldisan Ja darknlssZ
Girls! Buttermilk Creates
Beauty Overnight
Xo Fuss, Just Try it This New Way.
The first application of Howard's
Buttermilk- Cream will astonish you.
It creates a beauty almost like mag
ic, but the most wonderful thin?
about it is the fact that whilst it
turns the dullest and most lifeless
complexion to radiant beauty and
make's red or rough arms snowy
white, yet there is not the slightest
sign of its use after amplication it
actually vanishes from sight and the
most heated atmosphere will not pro
duce the least ehlniness or greas'
ness of the rkin.
It is absolutely harmless nnd win
neuner produce or .stimulate th
growth of hair. Within twenty-four
hours this wonderful combination
called Howard's ' But termillr PrMm
will work, a marvelous transformation.
,3et a small anantitv indav J
drug store or toilet Mort rnnntor
The directions are simple and its
costs so little that any girl or wom
an can afford If. In addition the
manufacturers authorize every drug
gist to return the purchase "money
unless the first- mnlicatinn hoW.
noticeable improvement, so be sure
to try it at our expense. j
give an unusual performance o'f this "-t'rrhal trouble.
leading role. Neil McKlnnon will
Play the role of Ezra Ixmgman the
half-wit and this sterling young actor
is said to give a finished perform
ance or this character
All of the productions will h nii
der the personal. direction of Walter
c. hiegfned. who will be rememhered
as me Jap in waiter Whiteside's
production of "The Typhoon." The
Alcazar Stock company will nlav
season of rotation stock in the larger
valley towns before opening an in
definite engagement at the Alcazar
tneater in Portland
Next in
you may be the victim if tnl?HPi
or organic heart trouble. If Vo'a? f2li
f you are a alava ta k-.
bacco habit and are alowlr
jouraelf with the tMiZuZ119
druga. nicotine and furfur.L In you h.v. Ju.t two eUer.rJil'
P on witn your aelf-noion..
5:-rardlea. 'of hi daneTa.0." Xf"
fer the conaeaunc . - j a ,nr
of the habit and eacTpe the ai!'1'
Tou can overcome the eraJftVT"' 1
atop the tobacco k-ki. fTT'n
time by using- the followlnc itJnSSZ.
XS. U-oVwu-ha.CnT5m-tobacco.
The rr.Tln- .tor
you. With the nlnst... 't
N'Ote: When aku - . ...
of our leading- drujreiata .a Id- vuJS1?
truly wwonderful remedy for tlVtSt
bacco habIC It is way ahead of
thlna- we h.j. ,.rer Mlj before. W.
authorised br the m. tr
I fund the money" ti diT.ltitn
- of our nime rj. vZVEZS? l
aeaaed unuaual merit.- ,.I
In thla city under an Iron-clad moB.,
Judge Bingham Sentences
Kidnapper to State "Pen"
i-UKTLAXD, Feb. 13. Hugo Tur
ner, convicted last week in the cir
cuit court cn a charge of receiving
fcioien property, was sentenced to
serve two years in the state prison
by Judge Morrow here today.
J. C. Alton. 42. found guilty of
kidnapping 7-year-old Ruth Johnson,
also ..was sentenced to serve two
years in, the penitentiary by Circuit
Judge Bingham of Salem, who heard
the case here Mondav.
CHICAGO. Feb. 13. The major
and minor leagues decided at their
Joint meeting here today to continue
to work under the same "gentl
men's" agreement which prevailed
last year, with the exception that an
arbitration board will be appointed
to nanaie cn disputes
A Complete stock of all fittings and
Tire Shop
Service With a Smile
134 South Commercial Street
This N
nVnnm VUlilil C&HilO. ' Jt S S 9
mpiiiuiuiu m. run oiiarTirkn tn i u
Fruit I'nv.T.-.n, V;.. - n " o;'1 . """un warden of Seventeen
Grow Fruit for Pleasure and Profit
No home garden is complete without Fruit. Anrt r-'.t.
berry bu.hc.. once' planted. Wh,.SSaaS year Fruit grow fi i ,he most pleasanj and i hemeTme
iaot profitable out-door occupaiiox Fruit tree add mcf , L T t
of the farm or the village lot. The annS c o? from .iTcJf Sne,
bushes in this mammoth collection will go 7 long way owrd r,?r t
down theLvinr expcr.. and adding to the UmSy CuM " Z
ara Gollectiom
i j .
xb i uirn w ei ex M . a . .
rZl?? Sw"MUour or lot- VVhcrcvcr hove been r.r..!!,.-, .... , ..
B'jctiea ior tn
if desired, or they can be made to form
- v waua atllJU nil
iTOWn. thV UfII Via! lAna a. t .a a
bwia 7r .. bnTr " ,C I?"51 P?. Grape., Raspberric. and DCW
' . ' ic Ynie$ in this Alammnrh OrM
There h hjjiltv anv Umk
, wond f Itrl ; roliecti. -it. I
tte tttd ji -Uhxi. ; jam . ;h! prn
tfic v !i!r..;1'j h'-.;t l-.f,;I. in:.
i1 v.jic; ri.'.t'tn ; t .1
f . fcK-i and lr;n'-.,
Jifl U V.i vVtt..!'-v.f.-, ,
.r"fucc a l.'lCir U.'.'iV'J '.
Healthful' Beverages
' - I1V1VU
l art'i tn,
or in part, from ilic inn' of
i ir iucious
ar:o ;,i,
You can Ixave, this
irmtw- gmmgt. ,wuj
C(.0l 1U; ( " " -D"a"". II Would b difficult to lectrre a much
... niii uiiirr at cMma n .5 .
wwt, 1 WI tcc tame
5f Apple and Pear Trees
by a method that insure rLi V" r? coucct'on produced
high records for orSo-" tr wiA
: ru.ra,, PP'c and pear trees in thi. ciw.;
r.'r-uwn' Dnfit branches, called scions, are
ear seedling root, and the
grafted tree, thus complete.
'dy i,!to a vi,r,-.. i,-.:i.t... I 7 as Planted, and grow, rap-
ich th. . . 1 V- . a" -in.c ood fpiaiities of the tree
removed, and carefuHy "gf tTd
paft wound with waxed thread. The little
r''-' "ica me scion was taken.
Each cf ihee little trees are about a
You could not cr r - - 1
- e- any price.
Orape Vines from "Calloused Cuttfn
aw '
-ne nncst grnpes
vnere lor a hah
1.1 tilC World arc rrnnn ;n C...V mTT-t.:
cer.tur. the grape has been bred fnr 1,: n-t..,:
. w aa vrvi la ll ItfU
iVrp r.- ! rk n. .-.Irn:. black
v.ji--r iu!'v i.j. i'urc
K;ojti kecj er, yet hard to keep, on
,V j f.' ' . v . ci;glit I ul quality.
hl w a kusvan variety of
x?V-!i!C Sardines-, and can be
hardy sorts
i'me t rait Garden and Orchard Collect!
Zm '?"' i 1 r . c it
c . y j-m l . n w i av aw a iu un jmi v a. m. . -- . l
i -j- a-aa aaa. M - - ... rw ar-. - . j l ll ill Cir,"T ' ..- .a a
Z- ft! 4i-"-''v firti; : , k,i'ls ,n tcst ot thce great vineyards.
"iJ .runSouj n - Thoe cuttLng are buried
JT:-v5r.-C- lou,i,lg.- P?t"r K ""'VVcr a pre5 known as "cal-:::'f..-i
as it i pla, tel Tfcf y c,nti:'5f will take root as soon
all r.--l..; Li:-.. .1J'C C-'ir.f J Oapc Cultinzs- in this collection ar
r. v, uu, mart
icr. 1 hcv c:..w ii- i i
- i .vi.. anu near imrricncc rrnfit
C C . r r PC CVC" Ker "rKe vine planted at the same time.
oyemeen f rees, Vines, and Berry Bushe
, snd is securely wrapped to stand shirmrnt t J X-
mp!ete, W.trteJ Instruction. "4;: 1 KIEFFER PEAR
V isocral offer he uv ,.A -u . V Xr t . rr.
white pulp . jdW a?A
flavor. A .HiSv v
la. ax
' re less
' Aaother hardy Russian apple
- immense pcipularity. Yellow
overcast .with red, and promi
nently streaked. The flesh is
firm, crisp; the flavor .beautifully
wt, yet tart. ! For both dWrt
and cookiPffjt f a few equals. It
V J.1" My ,OM f tle most
profitable apples grown.
2 Improved
i Read This Verv Liberal Offer!
I tloa free postpaid. T lena-uie coUec-
or ....$1.00
The Pciflo HooetUad. 3 yelre ........ j, m
Get W one scri fcnd ye, extra
Safe DeUYery and Satisfactory Growth Guaranteed
should ? S r tra,lin vi Aat
in Vhc support of a reni
In summer the vines are literally cov-
lia. "nmcnie cUiters of de
haous. wincy flavored berries. The
t5an7r.l ih a!1d a halJ
ong and an inch through. Very
are remarkably ,niCyt anl have but a
few. very fine seeds. The larKe Wos
preceding the fruit, are waxy
white, and beautiful- in appearance.
Each Maaamoth Fruie
trden and Orchard Col
lection it guaranteed to
h yon in ood condi'
tKW, and to Irow to your
taxitfactioa. if tha la
structioBs Jor PUntiniJ
carviujiy followed.
I'his Mammoth Fmi Cllrrtmn ,c ...n , .
Tr ,:ti k a . nioss
a., r a.ia Lfc i i r rnci naii A . i
Read the des enntion nf
any distance
l'li. Complete, UtataSa IV" I
Plan. roUr Mammoth Fiiiit Garden tMsV " SJ'?1 " Wow,- aJ ,,J ,he
- . uiiu di 0.1 , nsizTr , M. . . . : . 1 .
ituu in ninety a ay si
3 Niagara Grape c isttrs of vtllow
ish while Rr; pes, that have all
the good po r,ts of the Con
cord. It is, in fact, a white
in tlavor, jualitv and
yitld it is unsurpassed.
V - aV y
3 DcWtii B Grapt.
Large, wcti-shouldcrcd clu-t-ers
of dcliciously sweet, highly
flavortd, bright red grapci
Makes grape juice and jelly cf
tnght red color, and of pecu-
ry,i3 Hjvor mat 1 rrhshed 335 ouur varieties tt
"f - vr, iniiiiy because of its
AS & ,.?f lo you7 Mailbox
. i . vjrucn win nrnva or- a.
3 Cone od Grape
The Lest blue cr purp!e
grape frown, and the univer
sal favorite. More Concords
arc grown and sold ver year
than all other varieties tvfrh-
bearing RED
Lcpinn to boar the fir,t vcar f
!k- -w canes. A picking every wTk
r-m June to October. W 7ruU is
of l hKht..I flavorf SWCH, V J
but firm in texture. Of si-. the
terms n,cn in lare duster. The
RT-A is the first r,d rapbtrry to
r.pcn fruit, and the vine, continue o
Llo'wm and ar ...;i 'c .
of f r.. i-.t. . L . ; 1,11 aPProam
..v-ii Kins Diossom
i prohUbTe variety
T nf 1 ....
h. usiiijr, ano i:pntry ir
regular in shape.' this old dopend-al'-c
is the standard winter ptar
in a!l markets. Datk -fcen in
oh.r. Jt is a splendid keeper, at
its bet in late winter, when it
swtrt and inicv. Kor
catnnn it has no equal, thc flesh
holdiRjj iu f:rnMics i!;d-finitr!v.
in. rC. ' w" prove an evtr innr n z i
tir-zx: n--; t;wbf Kvr thi,
fl to .rowt. b? Plenty cf crape,, and some Zr j Ri 1 hC irin2 O ou will
rUc- k 1 ,1 " ; ' ",CC are -very yt-r? Vor ,Dr,U -n-t , V
, . p ""siiu-,--o nve Vrar 1 k ti i , - -----"- uco lc-
2-.-nt,ty. every year. B-t Vou m-.t ct Vt onc
The Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon
Vith every Collection
include Complcfe In
struction for Planting
Ihese Instructions are
iully illa.rratcd with
showing jut what to do
and when and how to do
. By following these
simple direction you
will soon hac a fine fruit
cardan that will he a
wrea of pleasure and
profit u yea every var.
is. It u t.r
fr the bom,.
Yellow skin, with a pronounced
red blush. Flesh sweet, juicy,
and of spicy flavor. Very mellow
vh.-n ripe, and can be picked and
eaten from the trees. It is pre
eminently a table pear. Very
hardy, lut not a very good
keeper. Yield, a heavy crop, and,
begins to bear in a few years.
a, uregon
me your Mammnth vtJIj ' ' )
your Mammoth Pi n' r10
instrnTtSorSrr1- ,end ,r" tt mt'd
a. p. d