TITE OREGON STATESMAN: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13. 1020. 1 XlVw5KAv 1 TOiirw Worn Out In Mind and Body Your child is quick to observe disturbances in your mental attitude or physical condition. And wften he asks: "What's the matter. Daddy?" there's a tone of solemn anxiety in r.is little voice. The depression stamped Upon you reflects intensely upofii him because of his profound solic itudc. He at once drops his plaything; and rushes to your side, but his happy smile has disappeared and hi buoyant spirits are gone replaced by a countenance f worry and a bearing of hopelessness. Yoaow it to lh happiness and weifarsof your family to keep trim in body and kon in InUllleet. Yoa ara tha win and th uipirton of their tivea. Dark. threatening rloude liv r ever their head the inatant yoa show airrw of twins "outof ortj" or "under tU weather." Don't tropanl the if f atur by ncnitxUng your health. The I .Y KO aU In oelabial acfca anlr. hi ka aetawao. Ko U wiWrnum New York For sale by all Druggist. Always Newest styles ia Patent, Gun Metal or Kid, Lewis or Military Heels priced to you at our usual lov? prices Hrown KM Lace Oxford, low heel ... f5.l)H Ulack Cun Metal Oxford, Mili tary Heel Patent OxfortL Military Heel V U..... i7.lM llrown Kid rumps, Ixuis Heel Patent Pumps, Louis heel, 4n cy buckle j i Hall Kid Pump, Louis heel, fancy buckle SALEM SAMPLE STORE 141 North Commercial Street C. J. BREIER CO. STATESMAN CLASSIFIED Gulilcn' Drown Kid, Military li?el also in the beautiful Lt wis covtircil heel at . $9.50 Park Grey Kid In Military an.l Freneh heel, regular price $12. 50,.iiow at $8-73 Oxfords in Hrown and Black, Military heel, the very latest last with sit itched artificial cap at 'only. .. . ....... .. .$8.50 OUR LINE OF CHILDREN'S SHOES IS COMPLETE .. ., i r H Jr. t x r A i aw i X a XVK0 Great General Tonic will banibh that, "tired feFliiurtinridm;iel that worn-out . look. It will renew your atrer.rth and vitrur. ovrmirr'! tl raviahin? eff acta of omvorli an-J worry. revive yoir apiritaand lurtlw yowr boll on life, Heine a refrwh intf appetiser, a valuable aid to digestion and e worthy pronwerof the general health, beenitsecf it ponrfiv re italixinir and reconstructive vah.c, it nw ' especially deairabie in eaaea of aubnormal ctmiiit ;rn. I f you auffer from nervoua exhaj.tjon. muwular or mental f atirue, or deficiency of rirJ tore ri'ie to jrenwal wnknm or waatinir iilneaa. ynj ll find "LYKO" tartic-ilarly bene ficial. It tot.e u the enrir n.i k-e faelins fit. Ak ymr drucikt for a hnUitr today. Sola Maaufaclurera LYfCO MEDICINE COMPANY Vt-i City. Ma. in stock at Perry's Drug Store nd flips 1: V SKl'FFKIIS, imtent vamp with white tops, 8 to 2 91.08 Wtmien'' Sand Xubuck Iace Kline, Ioais heels, Cioodycar welt . . 90.85 Women' Hrown Kid Iace, Iim!s heels... 97J3, 'Iiildren's Slices, Itce, r Kut lon. 8c to $1.93 Women' firry Kid, Itce, Mil itary Heel $7.M1 ADZ-ONE CENT A WORD Dark lliown Kid in French and Military heel !(t only $9.85 Jtrowft Calf in Military heel, extra good walking hoot, all sizes AAA ) '., now at.. $9.50 Witch Klk hoc. low heel, liiri lop, the Tiiinjr llor Skating $9.50 .Pump in ltfaek Kid. Patent Leather, li!ek and White Satin at. . . . : . . .$5.00 to $7.56 Republican League Formed at Meeting in Portland WASHINGTON', Feb. 12. (By The Associated Press) President ! Wilson is understood to have decided J on the appointment of William Phil- lips, rt.M.l a ll l rii-ini, in smir, aa minister to The Netherlands'. The nomination of Mr. Phillips, who will arrive in New York within a few days after a trip to Kncland. ; is expected to be sent to the senate Soon, perhaps together with the nom j ination of Kobert -4'nder wood John I sun of New Yoik. recently selected j as aiiiuayxador to Italy. Changes in the diplomatic service .! since the ending of th war. had led i t n ii nw roiis reports that Secretary Phillips would be offered a foreign pi, the VHcnncies of minister to C'lii na and ambassador to Italy being mentioned. The legation Hi The Mamie has I been without a minister since last October, when John W. Garret of ' H-iltiiiiore resigned. j When the Democratic adminitd ra ; lion came into power in 1 5 1 3. Mr. i Phillips, although a Republican in J politics, was asked to accept the of I fice of th'rd assistant secretary of state, owing to experience in diplo matic matters. He was made first as sistant secretary when Frank L. Polk wes promoted to counsellor. Secretary Phillips, who is a native of Massachusetts, entered the diplo matic service 15 years ago as sec ond secretary of the legation at Pe king. 2000 PHONE WORKERS TO QUIT ON SATURDAY (Continued from page 1) the electriral woikers resulted in a vote of 13so of the numbers of the Pacific oaf union in favor of walk ing out and l.M oppo.se 1, according to Vickcrs. Willamette Basketball Team is Again at Home The W'illamette basketball team returned yesterday noon and went immediately to the Sigma Tau house where the men were entertained at dinner. Paul Waputo. captain, and Ramon Dimick and Leland Austin did not return with the rest of the team. Paul Wapato went to Wenatchee to visit his mother who is ill. Dimick stopped off at Portland and Leland Austin stopped off at St. Helens. The team won three games daring: the trip, with Spokane college. Am erican legion at Ritzville and Wash Ington State college. The W.S.C.game " BULLY! 4 Jf Bilious, Constipated; or Headachy, take "Cascarets" Feel grand! Clean up inside! lour system i. filled with liver aud bowel poison which keeps your skin sauow, your stomacn upset, your foggy and aching. Your meals are turning Into poison and you can not feel right. Don t stay bilious or con : stipated. Feel splendid always by laKtng l.ascarets occasionally. They I act without griping or inconvenience I They never sicken you like Calomel. halts. Oil or nasty, harsh Piils. They cost so little too Case a rets work while you sleep. SPECIALS On our tables are great values Children's values 59c, $1.39, $189, $3.50 One lot small size Ladies' Shoes in Lace and P.ntton, Military and trench heels, value up to lO.lMi, now . .t- $3.95 ! is especially rejoiced over because it was a conference game the second conference team that Willamette has defeated. TOBACCO HABIT DANGEROUS t Dot-tor Connor, formerly of John Hupkinn hospital Tnousaniis of men Miiurinur frora ratal it i uouiU in ii-rlect health lodn were it not lor Ho- iexdl (true nu -otine. Stop the hli; i.ow before its too late. It's a su pio-4-f. to rid iiU!-I( of the i.il. i. . o habit in any form. Jut so to :iv up to il.tte tlruii slore and k i some Nii-olol tblet.; take them as dt-rtitt-i and lo. the pernicious habit iut k!y Viini)iea. rriiKi;iitii relund the mne if they fail. l'.e sure to read lare and mti-resting announce ment by Doetvr t'onnor soon to sppexr in ibin pHpir. It tells of the dancer oi uwotine pou-on in and how to avoid it In Ihe nir.tntinie tiv Nlolo tab !t: i.ii will be iiurinifed I the re t ult. CLUB FUND RASED TO SUM OF $6210 (Continued from page 1) Webb & Clongh . . . 100 Valley Motor company 100 Paul Wallace 100 John Kundbutg 100 Roth Grocery company 100 I). A. White H Son 100 K. h. Stiff c Son 100 Frederick Schmidt 100 Patton Brothers Kafoury Iirothers Hartman Iirothers . . Hunt Iirothers F. G. Deckebach Fred Lamport I. W. Kyre loo 100 ion loo 100 100 100 100 ioo ! Chambers r Chambers S. 15. Klliott George Putnam 100 Joseph II. Albert 100 P. Hishop 100 T. B. Kay 150 A. X. Bush 250 Yick Brothers 500 Total 16210 Mid-Year High School Class Graduates Tonight The Fourteenth annual commence ment exercises of the Salem high school will be held in the high school auditorium tonight at 8 o'clock. Nine students will receive their graduation certificates. The program follows: Invocation Rev. Leland W. Port er. Old Favorite Medley. Seredy High school orchestra. Address to class Prof. A. It. Sweetser of the University of Oregon Vocal duet. "In the Garden of My Heart" Joanna James, Gertrude Aldrlch. '.' Presentation of class Principal James C. Nelson. Presentation of diplomas Vice Chairman E., T. Barnes. Boy Scouts March, Sousa Orches tra. i. Benediction Rev. II. N. Aldrlch. The students who will receive their diplomas are Lillian Hazel Bliven. Muriel lEdmunson, Helen Marion Gardnorrt Donald Pomroy Grettie. Linden-Martin. Jesse Theo dore Walker. Ruth Elizabeth Tib- bitts. Alice Mary Wood. Theodore; Walker is president of the class and Ralph Wilson Is president of the stu dent body. DEMOCRATS ATTACKED SEATTLE. Feb. 12. An attack upou the Democratic administration was delivered by Governor Samuel McKelvie, Nebraska, speaking at a Republican Lincoln day banquet here tonight. WOMAX 1I.IEK DIES SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 12. Mrs. Ethel Itroadwick. 1H.. professional parachute performer, died in a hos pital here today from injuries re ceived when a parachute, with which she jumped from an airplane, failed to ojen. Garage Owners Line up , to Fight Union Labor SPOKANE. Wash.. Fe.. r.. Forty-three automobile de;eis and gar age opeiators of Spokane tinlay post ed notices declaring for tli "Am erican plan.'' or "open r-hop." Th action followed formation recent I v of a motor mechanics union affiliated with the American Federation jf la bor. It was stated by the operators th'it remands have been made lor a wag" ot 9j centi an hour, with aSturdav afternoons off. the alternative beii),i ;;uin to .to: her for a word of ad a walkout April 1.". 'monition tht toy plan:; to keeo Ka- The prevailing wage is said to l-o So cents an hour. Eases Colds At once! Relief with 'Tape's Cold Compound" The fiist dose eases your cold! Don't slay stuffed-up! w ljuit l.lowing anil snuffling'. A dose of "I P' -r- .. . . , . j 1 " hours until ihri.. . . .. i.. "in i out noil mi aton ..vt.rv i u n usually bieaks up a severe cold and ends ail grippe misery. Belief awaits you! Open vour dogged-up nostrils and the air pass ages of your head; stop nose run ning; relieve the headache, dullness, feverishness, sneezing, soreness and stitfness. "Cape's Cold Compound" N the ouickert. surest relief known and costs only a few cents at drug stores. It acta without assistance. Tastes nice. Contains no quinine. Insist REVELATIONS OF A WIFE The Story of a Honeymoon A Wonderful Romance of Married Ufe Wonderfully Told by A DELE CJAKIUSO.V CllAPTER DXVII If there ever has occurred in all my experience since Dicky and 1 were married, a moment when 1 fell more itterly perplexed, more un happy over a happening small in itself than I did as I stood by the window or our house at Marvin and beheld a taxi roll up the driveway smd deposit Dicky's mother at our door. I cannot now recall it. There have been big happenings that seemed to clutch at the very por tals of my Iif but never a sma!l one that sj afftcted me. Yet. was It small? At that in stant 1 felt it a veritable catastro phe. For of all limes to select lo return from a long visit away home. Dicky's mother had chosen the day when we were almoat ready to iimve from our old horn? into the new house we had bought. The house was a nightmare to one who prides herself on rood house keeping. To Dicky's mother it would be'something about which to talk for years to come, if ever she did forget it. The picture of the living room in which Dicky was sorting his "collec tion" of papers and magazines that littered every corner of the bare room from which Katie, Jim and I had recently taken the furni ture and ru?s at Dicky's command to remove them when I protested against tho dangers they presented to our most cherished belongings swam before my eyes. Mother Cra ham was at the door, and as 1 looked again, beside her stepped a woman whose bags and bundles in her hands betokened a guest come o stay, perhaps a long time "It's outrageous! I won't pay two dollars for bringing us that short distance front the . station!" Her 4 voice rose even ' higher as it warmed to her wrath. "I don't care If you did bring the two trunks and our bags. Von can't get more than a dollar out of me." The woman with her must have made some suggestion, for Mother Graham turned on her engrily. but etranse to say this woman didn't letreat an inch she mut have beon a person of determination of char- actter. I reflected. Then what the suggestion was. came to me in Us complete statement of refusal "No. I won't let Dicky attend t.) him. Dicky gives up like a lamb Anyliody can walk over him In mor.. ey ntatterf, and Madfte good gra cious! don't ask me to call either of them!" She whirled around r,n the taut driver, whose fa'e now wor- a puzzjed. eppreciative look in which a smile struggled with his fast weak tning determination to get the pric he askeJ. "Here, young man. she held a bill out to him. "Here's your dol lar. Take it or leave it. Call a po liceman call the entire Marvin po lice force. I saw him down by the station. Pa', ir you take my trunks I'll have you arrested for trying to I teal them." The taxi driver's amu:;?inent con quered him. He laughed outrigh took the dollar, pocketed it. swim: his machine a dozen feet, pushed th trunks from the stand beside his seat end swept away, leaving Mother Gra ham and l.er guest with their bag-1 age in pi. ttiresiue confusion about thtm. triumphantly perhaps, but cpen-moutlicd and inwardly raging at the wny he had "had the lat a on! " I heard a triple behind me. I turned and there stood Katie, al most leaning against my shoulder, red-faced imm stifling her mirth so iong. Before I cjiild reprove her or ivro draw her back with me for I too. had nimed closer to the window than I had thought Mother Graham turned. For the "instant I didn't know whether she saw u:t .r not. for I pulled K.iti' back cs ouitkly as I could snd uasped: Run fep Mr. Gr.-bam l- cur.e klv . Then I gripped hr I it's secret from what I feared would be t'ie uioy in pathetic atten tion of Dicky's mother t-r.til I had an opportunity to tell her myself. ; made necss:ry. "Katie, d ui't you answer th" doorbell. T II Jim. alo, t. stay av.-.v. N'w hurrv." ; lint D"ky bad beard the last I words or v :t" it the higher pitched iiote in mv oic penetrated through bif absorption in his beloved "col lection." arvidst whiih he had been 'sitting, reading and sorting? --at sniy rater be came into the room. I Katie suiiied away. "Whit's up " Dicky demanded ; anxiously. j A fmile struggled through the gloom that had overshadowed my la e. for Dicky, i nmacuiate D'cky. 'who took such pride in br appear iinee and never permitted een tiis 'mother lo see him in disarray, was a slht. 1 1 it- hands were black wiih I the dut of months his beloved "col- Mi i-ii. in" bad atliered and had i i-..Kr, t I II II li is ." MM m, aaiar ;fr. his clothes were diMtv. hi:' hair " rum nled and bis fate bre streaks " I h l ' i liis bands bad toucht d. "Wbat're you grinning at?" ir-v dn -Glided wrathfully. "Come here," I said. And then I pernuUed iiis yes to tell him the story. w'iib i r isp b- sprang back frooi Ihe window "Great Seott'" h tr'.ed. "I ll liave ren ;nil get clean-d up." But I grafted bis arto, and said: "Who's that woman wilb your ui--ther?" "I gii"-s it's Co'ihin Agatha." "Coufcin Agatha." 1 queried, lor I'd never heard of her Ufore. "Mother's cousin. I've stayed l away from her as imicb ..s psjibl. j eliee me! Why. !:" ci'ii m ike )ou reel " The doorbell int rrtip"-d with a i-lonc. imperious rins. IM' kys ex-j jlanution was smothered in h;s Uts' to get away. "You g to the door." he flung iter his shoulder ."s he turned.. M II not go'" 1 derlar"d in a tone I'd neter ustd before to Dicky. . The not- in t.iv voice arrested Mm. Me turned m l looked at me. We faced each jther like two child-1 ren s(u;ibilin- over a point on ! which neither ould weaken. But j ack of toy dr-ternilnaiir.n wss the; memory of bow Dicky bad overrld-. drn my wishes that h shouldn't sort hi "colleriion in Ihe parlor, bis demand tht move the fnrnitnre and rugs i.nt if I didn't wish them ruin-ci. the whole line of miserable moments of the morning. These memories made me stand my ground, and caused me to hope that ct th hands of his own mot her he would rte compelled to repent for his ac tions, which had caesed the situa tion. You what?" be gasped. "Who'll go then?" "You'll have to otcn the door." I aid. For a long instant we stood star ing Into rsch others' eye. AnI then, (he doorbell rang again and egaln. In an imperious summons that would not be denied. To be continued) Havoc Is Wrought by Two Tornadoes Sweeping South MACON. Ga.. Feb. 12. Two tor nadoes sweeping two miles apait south of Meigs today lowered elgh: houses, destroyed large limber tract and seriously Injured Mrs. J. Ed ward, wife of a planter, it was re ported here tonight. The tornado lifted the roof from the home of C. J. Henderson, a far mer near Ocilla. and wreekel every building on on the planttatlon. TWELVE STRAIGHT GAMES WON COLUMBIA. Mo.. Feb. 12. Mis souri university's basketball team won its 12th straight victory tonight by defeating Oklahoma university's' five- 53 to 18. NAME "BAYER" ON GENUINE ASPIRIN For Lundxiso, JlArluflte, lllieiiiiiatKrtL, Stiff lies Pn!n You want relief ipib'kfy an i raTely! Tlfn insist on "Pajvr Tab lets of Aspirin.' stamped with the "I'.iyer Cros." The iium- "Btyer" mc.uis ou are netting the genuine Aspirin pre scribed by piiicians for oyer eight een years, and ptoved safe by mil lions of people. For a few eents yi-ii can get a ban dy tin lo of genuine "ilaver Tab lets of Aspirin." containing twelve tablets. )repiht also sell larger "Bayer' packages. Aspirin is the ir.ide mark of Bayer Manufacture ofi Monnaceticacidesier of ali . 1: ac.d. ' Some ) Peoples Eyes Are Perfect lint not many. Most nf ns have more or less Wefeelive eyes. Some scitrrely use their -eyes for work their -t iipations do not 1 tnaml it. ( otise.inently th'-y may n at li old iiV''1 he Tore reidix.iiio that jinylhiti i un.ne; vti'h t'neir eyes. Trying Eye Work Lcry thin-; no'.vadiiy.s teiuls lo ;iiixi- more ec-u.ik. More lejidiii' is dune, often finder uhsuittiU i 1 i 1 i 1 1 : this, iind other thiiiirs lax our ijrs and sii'.lv.ile Ninall tjefe.ts vhih inijjht otherwise pass imiiol iretl. An. I !..-cause vie nee.l the eleati-vt of vision we are anxious the moment it brains to tail. lilasses are very deiral,c (, ., (r,. ,si,t I, .'in lo fail. They should he sneh ejHNvs , ;,, t e .nM-i,s,,1e for the th feels tnl make m,h i-b'urly illinil ilrt. R. L. HALL WILSON Eyesight Specialist Fits Eyeglasses Correctly 210-211 U. S. National Bank Building GRAND OPERA HOUSE WEDXKsllAV. KEimUARY 18 Seat Sale Start Monday I5KTI lt OF THE FAVOIUTE OI.IYKK IOKtCO PRESENTS THE EVER-POPCLAU HAWAIIAN ROMANCE Richard Walton Tullj'a l'Uy of a Woman' Sul A Rillllant Cava, Including Florence Rockwell and" the Singing Hawaiian Price .VV to 2.M Mall Order Now WOMAN" IS ACCVSED. CHICAGO. Feb. 12. lepartmnt of Justice agents Knlay arrested Es ther Field of Los Angeles. Cal.. as , she stepped from a train, in connec tion with alleged counterfeiting of railroad passes. HERE. NEXT . SUNDAY s THE ONE AN'I ONLY ORIGINAL CHARLES CHAPLIN WITH HI MYRIADS OF TRAFFIC TROCHEES HIS FLIVVER WORRIES AND HIS TEMPERA MENTAL Hlsl-OSITION WILL ;i E VOL" MORE THAN "A DAY'S PLEASURE" IT'S Ills FOIHTII .MILLION DOLL II fOMKDY SI t i ESS YeLiberty