THE OREGON STATESMAN: TUKSDAV, FEBUUAKY 10, 1020. The Oregon Statesman . Issued Dally Except Monday by THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING COMPANY 215 S. Commercial St, Salem, Oregon i MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper and also the local news published herein. R. J. Hendricks, , ' Manager Stephen A. Stone Manatlnr Editor ! Ralph Glover . , Cashier rrana jasaosni. uanager Job Dept. UAIL.Y STATESMAN, served by carrier in Salem and suburbs, is cents a week. 60 cents aJ month. DAILY STATESMANj by mail, $6-a year; 13 for six months; 60 cents a month. For three months or more, paid in advance, at rate of 15 year. (THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm paper, will be sent a year to any one paying a year In advance to the Dally Statesman.) SUNDAY STATESMAN. $1 a year; 60 cents for six months; 26 cents for three months. WEEKLY STATESMAN, Issued In two six-page sections, Tuesdays and Fridays, $1 a year (If not paid In advance, $1.2S); 60 cents for six ' ' months; 26 cents for three months. FOR GLASSES See HENRY E. MORRIS & CO. Eyesight Specialists Z0 State Street Salem. Oregon TELEPHONES: Business Office, 23. Circulation Department. 633. Job Department, 683. Entered at the Postofflce in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter. SALEM TO HAVE A NEW HOSPITAL BUILDING (iood new is conveyed to the people of Salem and all this part of Oregon in the information carried in The Statesman of this morn ing that the board of control of the Salem Hospital yesterday or dered work to be resumed on the proposed new building Kesumed at the point where it was left off at the beginning of (he war.! u . Haste will be necessary Itecause the. present temporary quarters must be vacated by September 1st; in. time for the opening of the Salem public schools! iar- next ran. . The plans of the hospital board, when they shall have been fully carried out, will result in a modern and magnificent hospital build ing, furnished with all the latest appliances for carrying on the work of such an institution, as called for by the'best lights of the science of medicine and surgery. As the writer understands it, the whole, when finally worked but, will represent. an expenditure of away above $100,000. Whether the entire work is expected to be completed befor? September lst, the writer is not informed. ' Uut the eventual completed work will result in a monument of which Salem will be proud. ;; The completed structure will make of that part of Salem even a greater sliow place than it is now. urges the removal of useless em ployes from nonproducing business, the speeding up of all lines of indus try in proportion to the activity of the farmers, and a resolution on the part of merchants and jobbers to content themselves with a reasonable profit on their wares. If all people were in the producing class to the extent that the farmers show today it would help a lot, but in business there are tbausands and thousands who are no better than excess bag gage and who take rather than give. When all the people are busied in some avenue of actual production and the manufacturers and retailers content themselves with a just and reasonable profit as determined by popular sentiment the country ill again find itself back on a sate and sane basis and the gospel of discon tent will be no more preached. At present the farmer is doing bet ter than any other class in achieving this desirable program at least that is the judgment of the new secretary of agriculture as far as he. has got. "The treaty question could be set tled in a single afternoon but for on ? man," said a member of the United States senMe to an Associated Press reporter in Washington yester- Of course, that one man i! President Wilson. Let us hope il may, now be settled in a few after noons, even In spite of this one man, SECURITY FIRST. as great or greater are pledged from various sections of the country. Probably the Rockefeller Foundation would award a million dollars for a panacea, but all these suggestions are based upon the presumption that the remedy must come through a drug, a serum or a dope of me kind. That the diseases can be prevented by mental processes or sensible liv ing matters not to the drug cult. They must have something Nhat can be taken into the stomach or shot in the arm else tbey decline to recognize the relief committee. Sun shine, fresh air, a moderate diet and a clean mind will keep almost any one right. Los Angeles Times. ers. the German papers are asking what the attitude of America would be if the allies bad lost the war and Germany had demanded the surrend er of President Wilson and General Pershing. The question is not pertinent. Whatever else may be said about the activities of the Americans named they certainly didn't start the war. The president's skirts are clear ou that point. It took a lot of prod ding to induce him to $el ready for it. TIME AND MOXEY. Henry Ford got a lot of fame when be first decided ot pay bis skilled workers $5 a day. But If be were to fix that sum as his maximum wage now he would have the busiest and greatest walk out in the country. BITS FOR BREAKFAST TAKING TIIF. PALM. Several species of the palm furnish juices that are highly intoxicating when exposed to fermentation. And Southern California is about the on ly section ot our beloved country where the palm will thrive! Come to Los Angeles and study palmistry or learn to raise the itching palm. Los Angeles Times. A rn-W hospital building. XL lu it Kood news for Salem. The Fwtir-L organization will help tu stabilize labor conditions in Sa lem. It points the right way for labor and capital the country over; thel! world over. Universal training for citizens: why not a little for statesmen? of us think the necessities of lite include casings. A firFt-cIass radical is lost to the cause when he acquires a garden of his own in which to dig. The average American family plans its budget, on the theory that mother will be satisfied with last j ear's, clothes. sin if JKDfflUEtfS BLAMELESS OXF.S. Concerning the demands of the powers for the surrender for trial of the kaiser, the crown prince and oth- ' Every school officer in'this section, as well as all over the United States, ought to be right up on his (or her) toes with respect to the great essay contest. Let's make Marion and Polfe counties stand out in the finals. 'There should be no thought of discouragement over the damage to some fruit buds and fruit trees, in certain sections of the territory surrounding Salem, from the freezing weather of some weeks ago"; which damage is now being examined bv United States Department Agriculture experts. There should: be no thought of, the digging up of fruit trees. Where grafting is necessary, that ought to be resorted to. Our fruit trees are too valuable to be dug up. We have not enough of them, of the right varieties. We should have a hundred times more of them. Now, let's all hope for the best from the United States Senate; the best for this country and for the world. Procrastination has caused great confusion ; made for stupendous losses; cost vast num bers of lives. These can never be recalled. Uut all thi is no rea son for further criminal delay. Hope the school children are all preparing for the essay contest ' What r do you know about onion growing? Tell It to the world through The Statesman ot Thursday. Former Crown Prince Frederick William; is writing his memoirs ot the war. ; It will probably consist of descriptions ot the situation many miles from the fighting front, The records so far available Indi cate that Herbert Hoover la a true blue Republican and always has. been such. Come to think ot It, his clean cut administration, ot the food situa tion had all the earmarks of a Re publican. Los Angeles Times. Strange things are happening these days and It need occasion no surprise If the Democratic National convention should shift Its date so as to meet previous to the time fixed for the Republican gathering, the first week in June. The Democrats are running around in circles with the growth of the Hoover boom and they are likely to attempt ;a case of kidnaping. Watch and , We. Los Angeles Times. We, hope that when the census in formation is finally given to the pub lic it will not be as elaborate as an income tax report, that steers a haz ardous course between lunacy and perjury. Yet we are told that the census information will be more ex tensive than ever before. Exchange GETTING TOGETHER. British cables carry the informa tion that the new level registered by the pound sterling in American ex change has brought the British pub lic to a realization that there is some thing fundamentally wrong with its plan for industrial and economic re construction. Conferences are being held by government heads, financiers and labor union leaders to discuss the situation. These conferences will come . to naught If all concerned do not take a sober reckoinng ot where the so cialistic experiments of the British government are leading. The rate of exchange is falling because the British Investors themselves . have lose faith In British industrial se curities. The government has taken over the railroads; a government committee has recommended taking over the coal mines, and the recent elections will show that the labor union party in the house of com mons is gaining favor with the gen era! public. Security of Investment alone be gets confidence. There can be no security where a government threat ens to step In at any time and nation alize the industry. American invest ors will not purchase British securi ties, irrespective of price; neither will the investors ot other countries. It is also true that British capital is now seeking investment in Ameri can industries. The British investors have plainly lost confidence in their government, and, . until that confi dence is restored, capital will not be forthcoming to rehabilitate the Brit ish Industries. It is possible the latest fall In the British exchange will bring some of the politicians to their senses; and that it will lead the British public to a realization that government in terference in industry threatens fl nanciat ruin to the whole country, Edwin S. Meredith, the Iowa pub lisher who has become secretary of agriculture, figures that the high cost of living and profiteering can-1 There will be no stability in British not be cured by government regula tion alone, or through the efforts of any one class. Permanent relief can only be found through co-operation. As steps towards this relief he exchange until there is security in Brirtish property rights. A CHALLENGE. -f i i--" - n mi)- iTH iiiiJr A MORE COMPREHENSIVE SYSTEM OF CREDITS HT HAT is one of the influences which Member ship in the Federal Reserve System carries with it Formerly credits were largely based upon opinion rather than specific facts. But a sounder principle of business relationship now obtain between bank and customer. But there are many advantages in the United States National's Membership in the System. Mnie, Maeterlinck, "spirit like child-wife" of Maurice Maeterlinck the while-haired philosopher, gives the women of France and Belgium ten years to catch up with American women where they are today. But in the decade where will be the American women? RELIEF WANTED. HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR A COLD Says Cream Applied in Nostrils Opens Air Passages Right Up. Instant relief no waiting. Your clogged nostrils open right up; the air passages of your head clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuufling, blowing, head ache, dryness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh disappears. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply little of this fragrant, antiseptic. healing cream In your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage of the head, loothes the Inflamed or mucous membrane and relief comes instantly. . " It's Just fine. Don't stay stuffed- up with a cold or nasty catarrh. You might call this an II. time. C. L. of Wilhelm writes a frienJ that he is discouraged. So are those who hoped to see him hanged. Slaughter Hearing WUl Be Held in Few Dayt The case of the state against Dr. A. Slaughter who was charged last Friday on a charge of violating the syndicalism law, will be held in the next few days. The exact date of the hearing is undecided according to Judge L'nruh of justice court yes terday. The Justice court hearing will not involve further federal ac tion. The federal warrant Issued for the arrest of Dr. Slaughter embodied charges that he-had paid $75-to Port land socialists named as communists in the federal complaint and that he I had carried on correspondence with known .socialists and alleged radi cals of Portland. Dr. Slaghter Sat urday denied ever owning-a mem bership, card In the Communist La bor party.- an alleged radical organi zation, contrary to statements that were said to have been made to the department of justice agents which lead to the belief that he admitted the memftirsh!p. After a hearty meal, you'll avoid that stuffy feeling If you chew a stick of Other benefits: to teeth, 4. breath, appetite nerves. That's a good deal to get for Scents! Sealed Tigfit-KePt Right 1 ' A3 Tte -Flavor Lasfis Three Passenger liners Finish Perilous Voyage ' ' ' BRIDGEPORT. Conn.. Feb. 7. Th ree passenger steamships which hav ben battlinr Ire floes' and mountainous seas ia Longlslaad soundtberastthfee""daya arrived today and put their passengers ashore. , They were the Georgia, the Ches ter W. Chapin and the New Hampshire. -'-Ml I-V J'l Amrni) ill wlw The Denver Post offers $25,000 for a cure for influenza and purses FCTIRK DATES. 1 H IMteclSto iii imsw'h'Vi H sill ii awusj i r-LrT 'vc raa 7? -UiTI UUGU CSLfsi I ft nRonalBaitld Oregon, Fhruary 8 to H Hoy Smut wmV. ibrui-- 10. Tuly Mans mwiinK of floral enthusiasts to discuss "City Iteautiful." FVHruary IS. Tuesday Ererett Ttab. rwk of Portland will addrena Inter ior l-oraliin class of the Halem Art leaenc at S p. m. in the Commercial eluh auditorium, t'ehruary IS. Tuesdar Mulral concert at auditorium of high school. Kehruary 1 to It Y.W.CA. campaign February 11. 'Wednesday pert forum meeting of Salem Commercial club. February 12. Thursday Lincoln's birth day. February 13, Friday Commencement for mid-year ftradttatini; cln at fl lem high school. Prof. A. K. Sweet ser. speaker. February 1. Monday Spanish War Veterans basket sclal at urmiiry. February la. 1. and r Salem Auto mobile show Febiuaiy 1. Thursday--Cb.i!di-n' eu- renica test al Commercial club February il, Sunday Washington's birthday, February 22. Sunday French govern ment awards throush American le tsion. memorial certificate, to rela tives of s'ddiers who lost lives in war February 21. Monday Federal tnnpee. II on of Company M. National Guard of reon. September 27 to October 2. Oregon fclatv fair. What would you give for his appetite? Remember how things tasted when you were his age? Like to have a touch of that same old just-can't-wait-until-meal-time feeling again, wouldn't you! : Well, try a steaming hot dish of Del' Monte Beans and see if they don't bring back the hunger zest of youth. The flavor is there hand-picked Cal ifornia beans, cooked tender with lean pork and flavored with Del Monte Tomato Sauce as hearty and satisfy ing a food as you can want. They're rich as steak or eggs in nutri ment, yet cost much less. BRAND Y7 J) 1 ) j SlSjpo m't s: CALIFORNIA PACKING CORPORATION San Francisco, California lnl,iiiiiI.Ml..!ini;.aiimi.,'l;l - ' - - ' ww m!U,iKhn:,.ir,!iyr,i.Tfli The Del Mosrt label on canned foods is your guarantee of supreme quality, purity and flavor covering the following wide line: Peaches, Pears, Plums, Pineapple, Apricots, Cherries, Berries, Asparagus, Spinach, Tomatoes, Catsup, Tomato Sauce, Pipe Olives, Orange Marmalade, Jellies, Jams, Preserves, Raisins, Prunes and many other varieties. s j-