The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 10, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE OREGON STATESMAN: Tl 'ESPAY, .uni .tin i.
1 !:' ': , !'- - !
Forty Per Cent of Passenger
Models Are Said to be
j Enclosed Types f
. feur when the great man rolled by
I In hin limousine.
J But times have changed. Nowa
days there are closed cars within
reach of the purse of even the very
moderate income. And the day .when
sueh a vehicle could le driven only
by a paid chauffeur in uniform also
is pa."t. In these times the closed
car driver drives his own.
They make em in all sizes and
brougham. t vie-
Salem Business Men Are
Backing Local Boys to the
Last Trench
Exposition of Tracks Is Spe
ij cial Feature to be Shown
at Armory
rOTtTLAND, Feb. 3. One of the
features of the coming big Portland
automobile show, to be held in the
.Ice palace, will be the display of
closed car models. At least one-third
perhaps even one-half of the 176
models to be shown, will be of the
enclosed type.
' i It doesn't require a -very long
memory to remember .back to the
.days when the only closed automo
biles In this part of the country were
taxlcabs or costly limousines, owner
ship of which automatically rated a
man as a millionaire. In those days
folks on the street used to speculate
as to how much he paid his cbauf-
i We Know
' You Will Like
; t
rt if.
( 1 K
i" . ". t
... :.v?;V.;Vn.r.- i
style now coup1
toria. sedan and variations thereof,
all of which will be on exhibition' at
the Portland show in many differ
ent make of cars. And today the
closed type of automobile is pushing
lur "u v- fuiai .1,, nllnorT mm All IPDT
hard that approximately 40 per cent JJllj BUUUL1 ID UDJLll
of tne entire output or automowies
are now ciusru cars, uu me 1 , 1 tl 11 i
dency to build even more of tat Worker Appeals tO rUOllC 10
The reason for this trend to TCe
closed car is easy to diagnose. The
closed automobile combines comfort
with utility In a manner with which
the open car can nerer compete. Mod
ern' engineering methods have re
duced the weight of automobile chas
sis and body to such an extent that
it no longer is necessary1o make a
closed car weigh half as much as a
locomotive. Infact, the latest mod
els weigh surprisingly little more
than the open caVs and can go any
where that an open car goes, with
Infinitey more comfort In disagree
able weathers.
The number of entries of closed
cars already made for the Portland
automobile show emphasizes the
trend of the present day. The visitor
to the big show will see, however, not
only all the very latest types of
closed cars, but the latest models of
open cars as well.
In all 69 different make of pas
senger automobiles will be on dis
play, and 176 different models.
Still another feature of the Port
land show -is the truck show held In
connection with It. For the first
time on the Pacific coast a show will
be devoted exclusively to trucks.
The truck section of the show will
be held in the Portland armory, only
a few blocks from the Ice palace.
and one ticket will admit the bearer
to both shows without additional
cost. There will be 50 different
makes of trucks on display, and ap
proximately 100 different models.
...,.,... )! ' yn'M i inir
'.Rev Stozaet .w Teiajjcle
"PiW By ,P$aoxW
-If you hate to laugh, get out
Dr. Munyon't famous book on
"How to Be Miserable on a
Million a Year" and nurse your
grouch. But ii
- You like , to ;'j .
i : laugh'
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
. TJxerf See, j , r
v; ; Tbi Funny
Western picture, wherein Roy
Stewart wins a girl by proxy.
Ijook at Tongue! Kemove Poisons
From stomach. Liver and
Accept "California" Eyrup of Figs
only look for the name California
on the package, then you are sure
your child Is having the best and
most harmless laxative or physic for
the little stomach, liver and bowel.?.
Children love its delicious fruity
taste. Full directions for child's
dose on each bottle. Give it without
Mother! You must say "Califor
Is Most Precious
!" '.' !
i We can il spare any one of the faculties with which we
are endowed but of the five senses we can least afford to lose
; -that of elyesight ; which, after all, is hut another way of say-
ing tnatiivision is our most precious gm.
' " ThJ'total loss of vision is justly regarded as a dire ca
lamity.) The terror of which is diminished by the cousoling
reflection that very few ever go Mind.
A ij . Ignorance and Injury
The people of today are inflicting' grave injury upon their eye
sight, simply because they do not understand it until too late,
Neglect is robbing us of good vision.
Eyesight changes constantly, but so slowly that it is not
until the harm is done that suspicion is aroused.
" Town Dwellers' Eyes
Mom 'modern .occupation entail excessive use of the eyes
bi close range hih a few years of such concentration is suf
ficient to render most eyes almost uncapable of seeing any
thing distinctly at a greater distance than that to which they
ba-ve grown accustomed.
,...' Ii s i . i . !
Heading, needlework, tnd all similar "close work" inev
'itably affects the eyes more or less seriously, according to their
natural Btrength or otherwise,
.ii i i . : '
Eyesight Specialist
Fits Eyeglasses Correctly
210-1 U. S. National Bank Building j
Come up to Date in Sup-
port of Work
At J o'clnok Monday morning at
the Commercial club rooms, a score
of business men gathered and start
ed out to romh ! r for the re
quired fund to iut Salem on the map
in boys' welfare work. These were
men of many personal interests
men who are making great sacrifices
in order to put the scout program at
the disposal of Salem leadership.
These men have studied the situa
tion carefully, know the crying need
of proper programs and methods
tor the training of a real citizenship
and they are sworn to pnt this propo
sition ever the top. Salem must have
the scout program. At the present
time there is no other institution
caring directly for the needs of Sa
lem boys, and Scouting offers the
one solution of an immense problem
Results yesterday were not yet ascer
tained late last night.
Do your duty by your civic inter
ests today. Subscribe to the Scout
budget, and assure your city of a
clean, virile, community loving citi
zenship when yon drop off the line
Thd Hoy Scouts of America is a
paying proposition for Salem. To
every citizen who invests in the boy
hood of his community, there conies
back 100 per cent dividends. This
s true because Hoy Scouts learn
how, through a wonderfully con
structive program, to build civic in-1
terests, because Hoy Scouts have an
abiding passion for law and order,
and scouting marshals in
the virtues of manhood that guaran
tee a civic Interest and pride that
can do no other but make future cit
izenship of a Salem home-grown pro
And. more than that! The citizen
ry of Salem will, through Scouting,
have been trained under expert, patriotic.-broad-minded
leadership who
know the value of the Investment.
Thousand I toys Kligible
At the present time there are
nearly 1000 boys in this community
who are eligible for Scouting. Hoys
who are the making of men kho
will become men In a very few years
nd the city of Salem must awake
to the fact that now is the time to
prepare for the future.
T6 put a method that wltl work, a
program broad enough to cover all
abilities and equipment which will
attract, in the harnessing of the pos
sibilities of Salem youth is the big
gest job that any ; civic community
has ever had to face. Scoutine of
fers a program, already put to the
test. Scouting does work, and it Is
Salem's task to fire the boilers that
produce the steam where by 1000
of Salem V. boys are fed to the ma
chine that will produce clean, verile
manhood. Scouting is not a passing
whim. It has come to stay, if Sa
lem will only play the good host.
Ilea to I-ublic Made
The Salerii business men- who are
trying to put this program over the
top need $5000 worth of Salem grit
courage and stick-to-lt-iveness !n or
der to put the machine in proper
motion. The future manhood of an
entire community is waiting the out
come. Will Salem face the situation
squarely upon a sound foundation
or must we Ftill linger in the hack-
woods of civilization regarding our
boys' organizations and their train
ing and education?
ISfclUcT ')jCTU BtS HQ
it i claimed, was fired by Harnett
and killed Grimm.
Attorney Vanderveer attempted to
work the automatic rifle, uc: with
out success, until advised by Harnett
how to release the catch. It was the
first time any of the defendants has
spoken aloud in court. A. C. Hughs
chief of police of Centralla. also was
called to identif the weapons. Kf
forts to trace the sale of the 38-55
rifle have not been completed, the
'-stimony indlvated.
Wltnewte Are Excluded.
All witnesses were ordered exclud
ed from the court room late today
by Judge John M. Wilson.
Attorney Vanderveer was notified
totday that Dr. Donald Nicholson of
Seattle would not be able to examine
Loren Roberts, one of the 11 defend
ants, in an effort to determine his
sanity, and it is understood the court
will be asked to authorize some other
alienist to make the examination.
A Portland physician will be re
quested to make the examination,
Vanderveer intimated.
The prosecution will continue the
introduction of exhibits tomorrow. It
was said today. It was thought that
this phae of the case would be com
pleted during the day and the tak
ing of evidence which would detail
the shooting started.
Witness is Quizzed.
Sheriff Bfiiy in his testimony to
day relative to the rifle, revolver and
pistol exhibits, said that Dert Bland
had in effect admitted taking bis
(Bland's) rifle to Seminary hill and
that O. C. Bland had admitted tak
ing his rifle, to the Arnold hotel.
A 32-20 rifle was produced.
"Did you ever show that rifle to
Bert Brand?" Prosecutor C. D. Cun
ningham asked.
Ves sir," answered the sheriff.
"What did he say?"
"He claimed ownership of the
gun." ' i
"When did he say he saw it las't?"
"He told me he threw it: away on
the railroad track near Galvln."
"And before that?"
"He said it was the gun he had
on the hirt. .rr
What hill?"
"Seminary hill."
A similar answer was given when
the rifle of O. C. Bland was produced.
Texan Declares Labor Pro-
gram Greatest Menace Ever
Sounded in Nation
"Congress of Serfs," Says
Southerner, Threatens Life
of Country
WASHINGTON. . Feb. 9. The
rirst reaction in congress to plan
or organized labor Tor Intervention
in the coming political campaign
came today in the house. Attacking
the labor announcement as a ,pro
nunciamento against congress." Res
resentative Blanton, Democrat. Tex
as, said it was "the greatest menace
ever sounded in this country."
Representative Nolan. Republican
California, defended labor's program
and charged that Blanton. in a pre
vious extension of remarks in the
congressional record, had "stolen in
as a theif in the night." Mr. Blan
ton cut the defense short by object
ing to Mr. Nolan's remarks.
The Texas member declared "the
showing of Samuel Gompers' hand i
going to wake up the people of this
"Whenever Samuel Gompers puts
his hand on a representative and
says 'elect him' the people will keep
that man at home," said be.
"For once I heartily agree with
Gompers and his associate leaders
when they say 'a national crisis Is
threatening the institutions of the
country," Blanton continued.
"When an organized minority of
less than 5 per cent of the people
can control legislation and now
threaten to elect a congress of serfs,
it is indeed 'a national crisis.' threat
ening the Institutions of the coun
Declaring Mr. Gompers wanted to
elect a congress "pledged to carry
out his orders," Blanton said it be
hooved "all Americans who love their
country to find out the names of the
candidates Gompers is trying to elect
and elect the other man ,in behalf
of the' people."
Years tW-
(Continued from page 1)
After more than an hour snent In
introducing evidence tending to
prove ownership of the guns, defjnse
counsel stipulated to admit the
states' contention of ownership of all
itn tne exception of a 38-53 rifle
which the state alleges was owned
by Eugene Barnett. and which rifle.
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose with 5c to Foley & Co..
2835 Sheffield Ave.. Chicago, 111.
writing your same and address clear
ly. You will receive In return a trial
package containing Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound, for coughs.
colds and croup. Foley's Kidney Pills
and Foley's Cathartic Tablets. J. C-
(Continued from page 1)
Say KxceM of Hydrochloric
is Cause of Indigestion
A well-known authority states that
stomach trouble and indigestion ar
nearly always due to acidity acid
stomach- and not, as most Tolks be
lieve, from a lack of digestive Juices
He states that excess of hydrochloric
acid in the stomach retards digesttop
and starts food fermentation, then
our meaU sour like garbage in a can
forming acrid fluids and gases which
inflate the stomach, like a toy "bal
loon. We then get that heavy, lum
py feeling in the chest, we-eructate
sour food, belch gas. or have heart
burn, flatulence, waterbrash or nau
sea. He tells us to lay aside all diges
tive aids and instead, get from any
pharmacy four ounces of Jad Salts
and take a teaspoonful In a glass of
water before breakfast while it is ef
fervescing; and furthermore, to con
tinue this Tor one week. While re
lief follows the rirst dose, it is im
portant to neutralize the acidity, re
move the ga-makin mass, start th
liver, stimulate the kidneys and thu
promote a free flow of pure diges
tive juices.
Jad Salts is inexpensive and is
made from the acid of grapes and
lemon juice, combined with 11 thia
and sodium phosphate. This harmles
salts is used by thousands of people
i for stomach trouble with excellent
on the motion to suspend the rules
and another on sustaining the vice
president when he overruled Senator
Norris" point of order against the
motion to reconsider the ratification
vote. The latter resulted in a count
of 62 to 10, the irreconci tables alone
refusing to back up the ruling of the
chair. Later Senator Norris made
a speech bitterly criticsing the par
liamentary methods 'by which the
treaty's reconsideration was accom
In asking that the commitee be In
structed to return to Republican res
ervations along with the treaty. Sen
ator lodge declared the stipulation
would bind no one and was requested
merely to get the reservations back
before the senate for possible revl
sion. hen that has been done, he
is expected to propose modifications
agreed on by the disbanded bi-partisan
compromise conference, thus op
ening again the whole field of com
promise discussion.
Hath HriMlex with Diffeiences.
In all quarters it was emphasized
tonight that smoothness of the day's
proceedings was not to be taken as
assuring any agreement between the
parties on reservations. Although
many senators professed to be hope
ful of ratification, it was conceded
everywhere that many differences
still stood In the way. There were
evidences also that the irreconcilable
group had plans of its own to mag
nify these differences as much as
You were taught at school
that your body undergoes a
complete change of structure
every seven years.
This tearing down and. build
ing up process of body tissue
continues witheut a moment
pause throughout life.
And when a man gets into a
physical rendition that the tis
sues keep breaking down and
wasting away faster than Na
ture can replace them, right
then he begins to grow "old".
This doesn'tx necessarily
mean, however, that he chas
reached an advanced age.
Thousands upon thousands of
people begin to break down,'
their vital organs giving evi
dence of fast approaching de
cay, long before they reach
middle age simply because
they fail to give Nature, at
the proper time, the needed
belp to rebuild.
If you are beginning to show
the slightest sign of a physical
"let-down" if yoa are losing
your old time "pep" vim and
vigor if high tension energy
and nervous strain are begin
ning to tell on you it's a sure
sign that you are growing "old
too old for your years. You've
reached that stage where your
vital forces need rebuilding.
Don't make the serious mistake
of postponing until too late the assistance
Nature requires; commence oday to take
The Great General Tonic
LYKO enriches the blood, thereby
helping Nature replace worn-out tissues,
and tends to tone up the system generally
bv keeping the liver, kidneys and bowels
clean, neajunr w-
J. V
and active. It
creates a hearty
appetite, as-
mXn yoar capacity
for raal tana and
Mm to kn-p yoa
taqoiraa taaia.
taka LYKO. It wiB
gir9 ya Joat ta
Wlp yoa BMd. Cm
it i
"" 1 "
.'SI &
a v a a a i S a
NawYatfc t. City. Ma
For sale by all Druggist. Always in stock at Perry V Drug Store
Albany Teachers Quit
Because of Short Pay
ALBANY. Ore., Feb. 9. As a re
sult of the'recent violation agitation
on the part of Albany school teachers
for Increased salary and a refusal of
the school board to grant the in
crease, four teachers have resigned.
The teachers have already been
granted a IS per cent raise over
their contracts but In a recent peti
tion to the board, signed by all but
five of the instructors they request
ed snotber raise of 20 per cent. In
a special meeting of the school
board Saturday night this request
was refused and the resignation -of
four teachers was accepted.
JERSEY CITY, X. J.. Feb. t.
Denny Leonard, world's lightweight
boxing champion, outfought Johnny
Dundee of New York In every round
of an eight round bout here tonight.
Dundee put up a stiff battle but the
champion outpuncbed him through
out. Leonard weighted 13 C 2-4
pounds and Dundee 131 1-2.
Fire Barns Noted Resort,
Habitues Grab for Money
CALEXICO, Cal.. Feb. 9. Fire to
night destroyed the Owl theatre in
Mexican, across the Mexicans border,
operated as a gambling house, and
several smaller buildings, and in a
scramble: for money on the gambling
tables participated in by scores of the
several hundred men and women in
the place when the alarm was sound
ed, three Mexicans were shot by a
Mexican policeman. One was report
ed seriously wounded.
A chest of silver, weighing approx
imately 700 pounds, was removed but
the remaining contents, including
much money were consumed. .
The loss, was estimated at from
1175.000 to $250,000. For a time
the fire threatened the entire town.
wr3 sr.'
Fine Metals
Make a Fine Car
As a car is 98 metal you can readily
imagine how great a part metals play in its
quality. A Maxwell is made of fine metals
extra fine metals; otherwise it never could
have survived those 1,500,000,000 miles that
owners are estimated to have driven it.
These metals had to be of the finer grades'
in a Maxwell. For a Maxwell is light 2130
pounds. Lighter metals had to be used but
lighter in weight only not in strength.
Such metals are the extra fine metals that
the great science of metallurgy has produced.
They are high priced. But they have won
countless friendships for Maxwell, developed
a great family of owners approaching 400,000
in number.
This vast number is growing daily at the
rate of 100,000 per year.
371 Court Street SALEM, OREGON
Mmrm mttm ww Dm