The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 08, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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    .... .
The annual budget campaign., for
th Y. W. C.i A. begins Tuesdaand
Salem vomen will devote most or
their time this week to that. Be
cause of the Influenza illness at the
Y.iV. 'CJ A.j rooms., the campaign
headquarter have been moved to the
auditorium of the Commercial duo
Miss Edith McGilvery of New York
City, where she is a national secre
tary, will remain through the cam
paign to assist. Miss Inez Cook re
turned last night from Seattle where
she has been taking a special course.
Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock ha?
been the time set for a meeting of
all the workers on the crpalgn
the captains and their entire teams'
T. Fmith. Mrs. P. E. Graber, Mrs
K. K. Fisher. j
Miss Lisle White, captain: Misses
Wheeler, Murray .liolJ, Rauch. Nor
ton, i.ssnneli, rowie. tna pier trun
dle. Hale.
when- the final Instructions will b
I of New York who was here earlier In
t the week for a short time will re
turn and will address the women a
that time. !
hTe executive committee of which
li. Shipley is chairman. Includes
Mrs. A. N. Utish and Mrs. James El-
vln on the lists committee, and Mrs
Llbabeth. Lamb and Mrs. Charles
Weljer as headquarters committee,
Mrs. A. F. Marcus women's teams
Miss Era Scott business and profes
sional women's teams. Miss Eva Scott
Miss Nina McNary speakers. Miss
Mattle Beaitty, publicity, and Paul
Wallace oni the men's committee.
,The teama as organized are:
Mrs. James Elvin. captain; Mrs.1
William Hamilton, Mrs. F. G. Bw
ersox, Mrs. Kenneth Brown, Mrs. R.
E Pomeroy, Mrs. V. I. Staley, Mrs.
Frank E. Brown, Miss Cora Talking
tun, Mrs. Davis Wright, Mrs. T. G.
Bltgh, Mr sL Lloyd Farmer.
'Mrs. John W. Harbison, captain;
Mrs. Charles O. Wilson. Mrs. 11. A.
Sonne, Mrs. Clifford Farmer, Mrs.
T; A. Roberts, Mrs, George Shand,
Mrs. , Frank Powers, Mrs. William
McGilchrist Jr., Mrs. H. C. Marvin,
Mrs. 8. E. Edwards, Mrs. Otto J.
Mrs. George -G. Brown, captain?
Mrs. J ,C, Griffith, Mrs. John Far
rar, Mrs. H. W. Steusloff.Qdrs. Jo
seph Eaumgartner, Mrs. N. C. Ka
'toury, Mrs. Ed Baker, Mrs. R. B.
Fleming, Mrs. H. H. Olinger, Mrs.
II. J. Clements.
Mrs. J.; J. Roberts, captain; Mrs,
W..C. Dyer, Mrs. Curtis Cross, Mrs.
ljed Stewart, Mrs. G. W, Eyre, Mrs.
Chester Cox
i?.llss Agnes Bayne, captain; Miss
Marie Briggs, Mrs. Harry Savage,
Miss Frudence Brunk, Miss Bertha
dark, Miss Valerie Briggs.
i Mrs. F. II. Thompson,' captain;
Mrs. Crover Bellinger,. Mrs. C. E.
Bates, Mrs. Frank Myers, Mrs. H. V,
Cnpton, Mrs. L. S. Geer, Mrs. D
t, lurton, Mrs. J. H. McNary, Mrs.
Miss Grace Humphreys is home
from Oregon Agricultural i-ollege for
the week end with her parents.
A birthday surprise party was giv
en at the ho.ue of Mips Julia La Kue.
12:J0 North Liberty street, in honoi
of Edward Seymour, Friday even
ing. The evening was sjtent in danc
ing an ! playing gara, Those pres
ent were Misses Marian Itoberts.
Velma Owen, Florence rogue. Dor
othy Kappahahn. Norma Meyers.
Harriet La Rue. Maud Mauley, Jo
sephine Seymour, the hostess and
Edward La Rue. Russell Pratt. Roy
Clover, Lloyd Tucker. Claire Tuck
er, Austin Frazier, Dell Williams
and Donald Ringo.
- - !
Mrs. Carle Abrams and Mrs. Otto
Wilson were joint, hostesses for th
Rafmarian club Thursday afte.noor
at the home of Mrs. Abrams. The
afternoon was eniovablv spent with
sewing and at the close the hostess
es served a dainty lunch. About 16
members were present and Mrs
Charles Wilson and Mrs. H. A. Sonne
were guests of the club for the afternoon.
Miss Ruth Schultz. a Kappa Alpha
Theta girl at Oregon Agricultural
college is home for the week-end
with her parents.
Mis Ethel Frazer and Miss Vivien
Hargrove of Oregon Agricultural
college are home for the week-end.
Miss Mary Bayne of 'the Oregon
Agricultural college has as her house
guest for the week-end. Miss Helen
Redeslil. a Delta Delta Delta sister
at rchool.
beth Fox. dean" of women at the
University vl Oregon. 3poke of her
travels in France during the war
Miss Fox, with her pleasing person
ality and her interesting talk, won
to her ho.t of admirers every gin
present. Preceding her talk Miss!
Florence Elgin played Arabian.
Knights, and Memories, and follow
er it Miss Jonephin I'ross sang
"Think. Love of Me." Tea and chat.
ting informally were enjoyed.
Mrs. B. J. Miles was hostess for
a pretty luncheon Thursday at her
home- on Salem Heights when sh.?
had as her euesfs the members of
the P. E. O. Sisterhood and a few
additional guests. It was a valentine
party and the table decoration pret
tily carried out the idea with rea
hearts, and through the menu the
red color scheme was artistically
used. Covers were laid Tor Mrs. w .
G. Kuntz. Mrs. F. W. Steele. Mrs
William M-Gilchrist. Sr.. Mrs. Ger
ald Volk. Mrs. II. E. Hollngr. Mrs.
F R Fisher. Mrs. O. E. Pricp. Mis
Laura Grant and Mrs. Miles.
Mr. and Mrs. Rov Mills enter
tained with a family dinner last Snn-
dav. honoring the birthday of Mrs
Mills' father. C. K. Spanldine. The
truest were Mr. and Mrs. Charles
K. Snauldine. Mr. and Mrs. Walter
L. Soaulding. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Scauldins and daughter Jeanmarie
of Newberg.
Mrs. Lloyd Molt arrived Thursday
from Astoria where fche visited
friends and will remain with Mrs.
W. S. Mott until the return of her
husband. Captain Lloyd Mott. who h
now stationed in Siberia.
The manv friends of Miss Junelh
Vandervort will be sorry to learn
that she is 111 at her home with an
attack of Spanish influenza.
Mrs. Grace Eoff was a charming
hnite. when 'she entertained thr
Mondav Afternoon Bridge club at
her home on Court street. Mrs
Bliss Darby received th prize for
the high score at the close of the
play. Besides the members of the
club Mrs. W. H. Darby and Mrs. W.
I. Staley were asked to spend the af
ternoon with Mrs. Eoff. Refresh
ments were served by the hostess.
Mrs. E. E. Fisher was hostess for
an "afternoon" yesterday at her
fell. &mJAP
Mrs. F. L. Purvine will entertain home on Market street. The room?
the women of the North Salein Wom
an's club at her home Wednesday
afternoon for the regular monthly
meeting of the club.
Mrs. E. C. Ferguson of Hood Riv
er is visiting her 'daughter. Miss
Martha Ferguson, a student at Wil
lamette niversity.
j .
The SaVm High School Girls club
Were the guests of Miss Vivien
Young and Miss Jennie Huggtns at
the Y. W. C. A. Wednesday from 4
until 5:30 o'clock when Miss Eliza-
Hair OhaM
radiant with a profusion of
spring flowers in varying shades
Her guests Included the members of
the Beta Sigma Sunday school clas
of which she is teacher and which
in composed of about 32 zirls. Mrs
Fisher was assisted by Mrs. w.
Fisher in serving a luncheon.
Miss Emma Snook spent last
week end in Corvallis as the guest
of Miss Marjory Brown at the Sigma
KattDa sorority house. She attended
the Waldo hall formal, the Women's
1 .. V. . n nn n w A n dinner filinilav a
i iuu Vi li o,iu a u ..... v . w..u.wj
the Kappa Psi fraternity house;
Judge and Mrs. Oeorgo H Bing
miim hum atarutf
k at am hair ami 1
lof ! I am
TXX CUTaCUli KZTI00 U t KiaBtmc,aanl SMthai, laTUiality fntmtAni frstttyini Main
ttmwt tmm & It fcatn mShnm o yaw
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paia, dry, oaad Inoatnfc lata waraanc; r-
net tha traofata U yo wmnt m aa jaar
kalraad tilt grow.
Lai Ua rw to ym br aradimr yv a
-Tha Trioawk ot aetaac0r
Aajraaa," I ik.lUmn Iittnl Matliad mt Haar CaMara
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B. C. Olinger. C During their stay
there Mrs. Olinger was the honoree
ror a nuntber of social affairs, one
being a smart luncheon by her sister-
in-law, another a dinner, and both
were guests of honor for a dancing
The music department of the Sa
lem Woman's club will meet Monday
evening at 8 o'clock with Miss Dor.
ham left yesterday for Woodburn othy Pearce at her home on North
and Portland where they will vlbit Winter street,
with their children. Mr. and Mrs.
Kieth Powell, and other relatives. Mr A. n,Cihh9r, nBa.t k,-
W I ' - aa &7tb o w WL
The many friend, of Mrs. Clifford j' "
Farmer will be sorry to learn that th vtrmt o
she Is ill ather home with a severe church at the Glbbard Fr!day
tor a very pleasant afternoon. Mrs.
W. P. Lord was leader for the after-
Christmas shopping. Behold this
twenty-two room Tudor mansion
standing four blocks back from the
rado in its own grounds. Does thv.
mistress of this mansion spend her
time on bridge, amateur theatricals
end beauty parlors? Not at all. Sh
It. there rlsht in front or the house,
rapturiously thanking her husband
for the gift of, an electric washing
machine which will make her Mon
days so much easier. 3ehold the
l magnificent young couple on the way
to the opera, he in full resralia of
open-face clothes, silk hat and fur got a job with a telephone company,
coat, and she in a $2000 cloak. How; There are no leisure classes. New
attack of grip.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hauser of thi3
City and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hauser
of Euteene have returned from a
noon Btudy which was followed by
a social and refreshments which
were carried - out in the red color
"""r1" scheme with the aonroach ot VaUn.
co. Mr. ana Mrs. raui nauser ar- t. . . .K.. a .
a w-a . a I a . Vr M , a IlldllVUS lft t I
rived in Salera Friday,
Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Olinger re
turned Thursday night from a twj
Miss Ila Sptfulding Is home from
Announcing the arrival of the season's newest Slippers and
Art and skill combined have achieved models in evening
and daytime pumps of unusual distinction and serviceability.
Southern Ties Aristocratically smart Black Kid Havana
Brown Kid and Patent leather. New, striking, beautiful. A
trim ribbon bow at instep. High tongue, long tapering toe
and perfect fitting. :i
Buster Brown
Shoe Store
.Sfoeiyrf Quality, StyUth) BeakUal
V: - V ; : ., :-, , ,
Hosiery in Fashionable Shades
1 a 1 V"V . , a . .
week's visit in The Dalles where in "renon Agricuuurai college for
they were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. ine weeic end wnn her parents, Mr.
I A 4aT a W W M as.
auu irs. (.oaries t. spauiatn.
Mrs. Richard Camman of; Port
land who bas been a house eguest
of Mrs. Mildred Robertson H rooks
has returned i to her home, j
" i
The regular monthly mleting of
the Hawkeyes. which was to have
been at the home of Mrs. L..H. Rob
erts Tuesday evening, has been in
definitely postponed because of the
influenza epidemic.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward GiUineham
and Miss Emma Godfrey are in Port
land for the week end going down
to atlend the play "Head Over Heels"
in which Miss V. Louise Thompson,
a former Falem girls takes a prom
inent part.
Miss Helent Scott of Newberg Is
a week end house guest of Miss Lora
Purvine. Miss Purvine, who has
been spending the week in Corvallis
with friends returned home yester
day accompanied by her brother,
Glenn, from .the Oregon Agricultural
. '
The many friends of Richard
Hansen are sorry to learn that he has
gone to Portland to live, having re
cently accepted a position on the
copy desk of the Morning Oregonian
Mr. Hansen durine the number of
years he has lived here was a poou
lar member of the younger set an't
has a host of friends. Since his re
turn from overseas he has been tel
egraph editor at The Statesman, and
previous to his enlisting he was on
the reportorial staff.
Mrs. E. E. Waters is In Portland
for a visit at the home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. W. C. Knighton.
A very distinguished and fasci
nating visitor in the city is Mrs.
George Pendle of London. England.
Who Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Miller at the Hotel Marion.
During England's war with Ger
many. Mrs. Pendle was an active
worker in the American Red Cross
The cirls of the W. A M s Fm-
f broidery club will im?et at the home
ir Miss Goldie Wetzel. 41." North
Cottage street for the regular busi
ness meeting and social.
do they manage it Hy Introducing
a double entry system of household
accounts, with special reference to
casserole cooking. Behold this hand
some living room with well groomed
father and lashionaby drtrsed moth
er looking up cheerily from their
newspaper by the larap,,tO..Srje.t
daughter entering in fur and hih
spirits. Where does she come from
the executive committee of the
Junior debutantes? No. she ha Just
York Evening Post.
The professor was telling ths class
in English history of the, Elizabeth
an era. He turned to one of the
young- men:
"How old was Elizabeth?"
The young, man wore a far sway
expression. "Eighteen on her last
birthday, sir' cams the reply.
Lippincott's. .
There arenLjiny.. This is evident
For Your Inspection! A Large Assortment of
Davenports and Rockers
In Exquisite Patterns and Shapes. Have You Seen Our Complete Stock of
With Shad es in Dainty Colors, To Harmonize With Your Color Scheme
Finished in Frosted Brown and Old Ivory. This Was Purchased a Year Ago
and Has Just Arrived. Although the Present Prices of This Furniture Have Ad
vanced to a Considerably Higher Figure Than a Year Ago, We Will Sell it at
Last Year's Prices. See it in Our South Window.
You Get More For Your Money at Moore's
from the super-illustrated hints for