THE OREGON STATESMAN : SUXTlAY, FEBRARUY 8, 1920. 1 1 Flares and Flickers aulerti' Pictures present Mitchell vU, lis new star, in "Code of the 1lon," al ,be I-lberty theater on ndneday. "Code, of the Yukon" H i story of a -French Canadian pros ector, Jean Ihibois, whoso aim in fa it toi find the man who wronged ill sinter. A sang of crooks try tt itetl hl film and they pursuade his sift that she is not happy with him. gbe run away with one of the band. Tjs leader of the band la Cregan, for whom a woman, who has fallen in love with. Jean, works. 5hvtelU him that. Cregan is the man who wronged his sister. Jean attempts to kill Cretan but a Higher Power naves hirn the. trouble. Jean's wife returns to him and things 'take a brighter turn. You've waited for it! It's here today, tomorrow, Tuesday, Zane firey'a "LUht of the Western, Stars with Diistin Farnuni. The added at traction is Larry Semen in ' The Simple Life." At the Oregon where Itawley plays the Wurlitzer. MaLano and Madre a sturdy sou of Scotland with a phenomenally pure tenor voice and a daUKnter oi sunny California possenst'il of a ier fect mezz-soprano. comprise the personnel of this due of voeal artists who present an offering consisting of Scotch and American songs at the Hlifrh today. Owen Moore in "Picadilly Jim." his first Se'znick picture, comes to the Oregon theater for a two day ALCAZAR STOCK CO ! .v .' a i 3 Direct from Alcazar Theatre, Portland, playing only the biggest and best royalty plays. Salem Engagement Starts Monday and Tuesday,! February 16 and 17 wmmmi k iip i " wy; 1 1 1 n ,hwii;i jmnnwi iwi'iin.imm mii.ii ' 'vrmm. i r .: . . " - '- i V ' - V. te r i ' One of the big scenes from the opening play l ess or me avoriii vuunii v New and Special scenery each week. BLIGH THEATER Opening Dates February 16-17 engagement. "Picadilly Jim" 1 a fast moving comedy of American. life with a you or Anglo-American for lit central character. It it a screen ver sion of P. CJ. Wodehouse's Satur day Kvetiin Pont utorv and la aald tot be one o fthe best bits of enter tainment tver presented for the screen fan's edification. Roy Stewart, Triangle's .wester star, appears in '"Hy Proxy,' n breezy western feature, with a new leading lady in the person of Maud Wayne, fornner Keystone favorite. "By Proxy" will be shown at the Hligh theater Tuesday. Chas. V. Hawley, Jr.. organist at the Oregon will give a special recital number immediately following the feature picture each evening and on Sundays. Mid week WurlltzeT nigbts will again probably next week. Dave Vanfield and Ray Itena un der the billing title of 'A Comedy RtnttoiTne nnd JusenLnr Noveltv. This clever pair of youngsters offer an offering consisting of a combina tion of enmedv. tone, patter and Juggling so constructed and present ed as to make the act most ueugni- fully entertaining. At me nugn to day. "The Hii'te rtrraker" comine to the Oregon on Wednesday and Thurs day of this week is taken in the great northwest lumber camps, showing a survival of the fittest. LARRY SEMON In a Two Reel -Laugh Producer . "Pluck and Plotters" -- HIDDEN GARDENS Outing Chester Scenic mi 17 Today Tomorrow Tuesday- fcr.n "The C.irl Vbman" will prove pop ular with those who like tot be held by emotional acting and tense sit uations. The picture in which. Vit a graph features Gladys Leslie will be shown at Bligh theater today. m (I mm ii -i r , mm i t f w m k-i s - v w r - . -a at i . m r . a ' d m u t - 'i mmm l i i l II -11 I . IIS II HI I If II W-VHWIi U-.jI I IBtlt 1 t .7T 1 I II II H IH'Ufl WAIfim II M'dlM'Rifr'n RVl jiif .J 1 III ' 1 --a Jlfc . K K 'Ca! til I ... i I A t ". n t - U V J Ii -WWVT.ate--. I I ! 'iX: ir 1 av,0- &4tiiimi$mmd I A I) -r 1TA :KA.. . 5r,;iMiiH J :V-'&; X PLAy , a a Ji 1 . -;.V :AMi f& aTA,l k, . - ETaS;" yy 'fi;-fifMBy ALSO Larry Lemon at Ye Liberty today. "Th Walk-Offm." a Screen Clas sics. Inc., adaptation of the famous Broadway stage success by Frederic and Fanny Hatton. will be the fea ture attraction at the Liberty thea ter, beginning next Sunday, with th beautiful May Allison in tne sieuar role. "The Countrv Cousin" it a keen and Baarchinr analysis of life that contrasts the more modest and hon est American ideals of several years ago, and the looser and more dissi pated social life to be seen in many large cities at the present timeVTn rpirit of the older order is typified hv a Kif-rpiiant voude woman from a small town in the west who meets and ia contracted With a group of (sophisticated pleasure seekers of New York, summering at a country place near the metropolis. ; Here the young niece of Nancy Price, the country cousin, falls Into the hands of a designing father who has left his first wife and married a merce nary parvenue. ttnt the country cousin, resource ful and determined, follows her nosA n th citv nd after weather ing many difficultiea, disheartening and embarrassing, she Pls "er frails of InbeYeKlt aweetneasiand pur ity of purpose to the ultimate undo ing of the intriguer ana me resu citation of her niece, who, now aware of the error of her way. U glad tn return to the clean, wholesome me she has left behind. she was a wooden image aqd the next she was alive. His love had wrought a miracle his love and a little mirror which he had placed tn the arms of the Image. IJId -the living image reium u.j love? Even unto death, as you win learn when you see Viola Dana. In the great Cohan ana nams bwk " ...... in A i success, "The Willow iree. Liberty theater, beginning -today. tvhita an a Krnvii. a black and tan novelty act o ntbe Hippodrome chow at th-s Bligh today. EVERY LUXURY SEEN IN PLANES ANNUAL SHOV Aerial Limousines and Coupes Have All Comforts Even To Vanity Cases FLYING FLIVVERS SHOWN Exhibit Includes Sport and Speed Models and Heavy Commercial Ships NEW YOUK, Jan. 31. Commer cial ratnrpr aircraft nrovided with virtually a'.l the comforts found In high priced automobiles will be fea tured in the second annual aeronau tical exposition of the manufactur ers Aircraft association, which will be held here from March 6 to 13. Leather padded cockpits, wicker chairs with velvet cushions, heated 'compartments protected from tn iwind by unbreakable windshields. silk curtains, mirrors, luncheon ta bles and telephones are found in American machines entered in the exposition. - All Comforts in Planes i Aerial limousines and coupes are among the most popular entrants The first three-motored airplane to be built in the United States will be on exhibition. It carries eight pas unn in comfortable wicker chairs. is equipped with a self starter and ranahle of makine 107 miles an hour. One huge transport plane carries 12 passengers and is con one distance travel at a speed of approximately two mile a minutes. It is 46 feet long. 71 feet wide and 14 feet high and Is iriti hv two I.ibertv motors of 400 horsepower each. One company has entered a limousine flylnr boat with itiirh eomforta as a ciisar lighter for r ten passengers and vanity cases for ne of women nassengers. An aerial coupe which has been entered for the show seats three passengers, in cluding the pilot, and carries a sup ply of gasoline sufficient to last five hnnrs at a sneed of 95 miles an hour. A cabin cruiser destined to mak i9v mil en hour and fitted with ritr tables ro that those "woo fly. may wcrk." will be one of the exhibits. Two types of mail planes are en tered, a twin engined machine car rying two m?n and 1500 pounds of mail with a gasoline supply for six hours and a mall, plane eapsble of attaining a speed of 122 milfs an hour. Aerial Flrrvern Shown Pnnnlir nrieed models, known as "flyabouts," to be seen at the exp-v fltlon sell for as low as $1500. Thes are almost capable of bein landed on oae's lawn and are small enouah to be hou.vd in the ordinarv auto mobile garae. One model. 1 S teet long. 33 feet wide and five feet high, carries two persons. Another mod el, known as "Butterfly." is of the monoplane type, measuring 29 feet from tip to' tin and weighing only 73 pounds fully loaded. It has at tained a height of 12.00 feet and Hies at 70 miles an hour. One of the most conspicuous ex hibits is a "pony blimp." the small est dirigible ever constructed for practical ute in this country. It is 9J feet long and the gas bag is ZS rt in Hia.neter. Two passengers are carried and the dirigible is pr relled by a 40 horsepower motor with a maximum speed of 40 mHe: an hour and cruising radius of 400 miles. Sport and speed models complete the types of planes showr In the exhibition. At a chur h conference a speaker j tion "IXi I understand that Mr. Dod began a tirade acainrt the univer- b.n Is thankful far bis ignorance? sities and- education. eTprea,'n "Well, ys." was the aiifwtr; "you ihankfiilnetis that he had n-ver b-ei put it way it you like." corrupted by contact witn a colie. I "Well, ail 1 hate i say." aid lb After proceeding for a fw in i a fit -- prelate in f.e-t and musical tones," the bUho.i. who was in the chair, j "ail I hav- to my la that tie has interrupted with the question que- muc h to t thankful for." ! TUESDAY NIGHT 8 P. M. High School Music Dept. Concert .20 Piece Band Glee Club 20 Piece Orchestra Special Solos Readings Features HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM, FEBRUARY 10 Don't Miss It Grand Opera House, Wednesday, Feb. 18 P-'J The Most Welcomed flay in America Tt .Richard Walton tuuyS I. & t " '. i. FlORENCE ROCKWELL AMD FAMOUS HMMtfAN SV(jsRS and PLMERS Mail Orders Now Received Seat Sale Monday, February 16 Opera House Pharmacy Prices 50c $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 ! GRAND S HON.. FEB. 9 Pnnnlir New York's romantic Greenwich Village has been In re cent, fiction, very little screen drama has been drawn from tne coionui lives of those Interesting people who Inhabit its quaint, rarasnacaeu, hloh ehntiltarexf nld StndiOS. - - . . . M - In "The Broken Meioay. tvuRen.;, O'Brien's Iptest Selmlck picture, soon to appear at the Oregon thea ter. Greenwich village -ouin mi i. wn a the background for this picturesque and charming love story- Mr. O Brlen. playing inn Stewart Grant. Is seen in the roman tic role of a struggling young paint er, whose love for Heaaa. a si" singer, carries him from one couu nent to another and back again and through a series of adventures mai -a iKnth itrimitto. and humorous. " - . . Beautiful Lucy Cotton nas tne roio of Hedda. is only arter trav eling through five actionful reels of poetry and beauty that the youn people prove to themselves that love Is totter than riches, or tame. r n.itir hnnnrc. and for the more practical minded they prove that by faith and devotion to nnsemnn one may reasonably have both. Warning people with cracked tin. win tuk their lives In their hands should they decldt. to visit the Liberty theater next week. Charlie Chaplin In "A Dav's Pleasure.' bis fourth million dollar picture to be distribnted by the First National Ex viuia firmiit will berin a four days' run commencing net Sunday. The Super Magic Show of the World THE RE A? WISE OLl H1IU r.en. Charles T. Menoher said at a dinner In Washington: "The civilian who tries tn ieacn soldier bow to conduct a court-martial reminds me of the young man ha triad tt teach the oprrot to talk. ... . ,, The young man said ne anew an about parrots, and guaranteed to teach a bird a bird be thought was voung and untrained to say nei- lo!' t "So he sat down In front ot tne parrot and said. 'Hello, hello, hello! like that for 45 minutes. The parrot didn't par blm the slightest attention, but when he aot through it opened its eyfs lailly. drawled Line busy, ring off and then closed Its eyes again." St. Louis Republic. ELECTRIC ROAD MUCH IMPROVED More Substantial Roadbed and Heavier Rails for Track in Salem Ralls7b.ave been removed and the excavation for the new roadbed of the Oregon Electric railroad, that .in .tiil all alnnr the paved streets of Salem that are traversed by the Oregon Electric lines, is al- The track foundation building or which will begin this week will be of a modern and substantial construc tion. Larger rails will be used. After the old roadbed was re moved excavation began and when this is completed the roadbed level will b about two feet below the lev rl of the surface of the street The nw fMifwlatlnti will be started with a layer or gravel that will bespread nvpr the roadbed to a depth of 1" nrha Th next laver will be tb;ee Inches or crushed rock. This will be covered with cement which will be laid level with the street paving There will be new ties nsed and thev will be placed 10 inches apart. Th rail, nreviouslr used were of four-inch thickness and about 3 feet in length. The new rails are to be rrom 60 to 62 reel ling and re six inches high. Previously the roadbed was cov ered at the street level with brica and when the cold weather came th water keened in between the brick and froze. The expansion of the Ice forced tbem out of place and mad traffic unsafe. This was one reason why the company decided to use a cement filler. Th dirt imi waste that accumu lated while the excavation was being effected was taken to where the Ore gon Electric line crosses south com mercial street and dumped under the bridge to reinforce the piling. Carpenters are working on th Commercial street bridre piline re placing old and rotten timbers for new and putting the bridge m a Reserved Seats on sale at Opera House Pharmacy tu... rn. tk - ei rui ' (inn uw iuv-fi.w fBffl ALWAYS GOOD MOST TIMES GREAT VAUDEVILLE TO-DAY 0 VANFIELD and RENA WHITE and BROWN ' Comedy Stuttering and Black and Tan Juggling Novelty f McLANtvand MADGE MUTT and JEFF American and Scotch . Songs Comedy GLADYS LESLIE and MAURICE C0STELL0 IN THE GIRL WOMAN THEATRE liiiJ, I J i more substantial condition.