THE OREGON STATESMAN: SfXPAY. JANUARY 5, 1020. mmmmMmm !i The Oregon Statesman Issued Dally Except Monday by THE STATESMAN PUBUS1IIXO COMPANY i 215 S. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon i . MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS j i The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication ; of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited In this paper and also the local news published herein. J R. J. Hendricks. ... ' Stephen A. Stone. . i Ralph Glover..... Prank Jaskoakt. . . . Manager Managing Editor' Cashier ; .Manager Job Dept. ; DAILY STATESMAN, serired by carrier In Salt-m and suburb. 16 cents a week, SO cents a month. DAILY STATESMAN, by mail, $6 a year; S3 for ! months; 50 cents a month. Por three months or more, paid in advance, at rate of SS year. ; (THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm paper, will ! ; be sent a year to any one paying a year. In advance to the Dally Statesman.) i SUNDAY STATESMAN. 11 a year; SO cents for six months; 26 cents torj I three months. I . WEEKLY STATESMAN,! Issued In two six-page sections Tuesdays and, Fridays, $1 a year (if not paid in advance, $1.25); 60 cent for six , - ' months; 28 cents for three months. TELEPHONES: j Business Office, 23. Circulation Department. 583. i Job Department, 683. Entered at the Postofflce In Salem, Oregon, as second class matter. MAKING FARM LIFE ATTRACTIVE GOOD FOR SALEM. EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED L Tn make farm like attractive is erood for &alem. . The mnro lmv and eirln who stav on the farms the faster Salem! will grow. . Salem will grow just as fast as slie can have orchard ami garden and farm and livestock products to manufacture and ship. . Marion county has begun the construction of .t350,(XX) worth of pa Ted roads. Polk county has a'paved road program that is comprehensive. These roads will go a long way towards extending the Salem city limits far into the country. It is the writer's guess that Salem, has some 18,000 people; per haps f few less; may be 20,000. But there are 100,000 people within the patronizing territory of Salem. There should be a million, and then some. Paved roads, telephones, free fural delivery, automobiles and auto trucks will help to extend Salem's city limits, speaking from a trade standpoint, to 100,000 people, and eventually to a million people, and more. . But there is one other thing needful. . Many things that will naturally follow. ' . But one fundamental thing. Thai thing is electric light and power. " Electricity is the only thing in the world that is growing cheaper and will continue to grow cheaper. v So says Edison. He knows. There is power to transmit electricity in every gust of wind ; everyrain drop ; .every streamlet that flows; every atom of decom posed vegetation. - In time, all power, all artificial light, all heat for buildings, will - be from electricity. So The Statesman, to help build up Salem, proposes to enter upon I a long, 'persistent campaign for the extension of electric transmission i to every farm home in Marion and Polk counties, and parts of Linn, l amhill and Clackamas that are in Salem s territory. Of which more later. , ;;7A''grrat,deatTuore ;' and many, many times reiterated. i ! .Bosc 'i pears topped the market for Hood River pears the past season,! according to a report of the Hood River Apple Growers' As , sociation just out. The Bosc pears from the Hood River district sold at 1104 to $4.27 a 1kx. Very good. Butjhe Bosc pears from tlie Salem district sold in the New York market the past season at $6.85; they topped that market, as was "told in the Salem Slogan pages of The .Statesman a few weeks ago. The grower s of the Salem district ean beat the entire world on Bosc pears. And they should grow 500 bushels of them for every bushel now grown. Duroc Day m Salens will-be Wednesday, February 4. On that day, at the state fair grounds, .will be assembled mony of the most prominent stock breeders from all over the Pacific Northwest. In the forenoon there will be a show of Duroc Jersey brood sows, am prjes will be awarded. In the afternoon, the entire list of prize winners win he sold at auction. This show and sale will "start some .-thing" in Salem that will without doubt result in great 1enefit to this city and section, to Oregon, and all the Pacific Northwest. Too much stress cannot be put upon fine stock raising in this territory and the Duroc Jersey breeders are showing the wav; at least one way, ' The essential difference between an American and a Red is that the American would clean, it up and the Red would blow it up. N The cootie politician's interpretation of Americanism is something that will get votes. ; One Hundred Cents for a Dollar!! When we xamine a man's eyes, fit him to glasses, or simply repair the glasses he has been wearing, we see to it thaV- He Gets a Hundred Cents Worth of Satisfaction and Ten Dimes Worth of Service for Every Dollar He Pays Me. :or do we consider any transaction closed, or our services oniplete until that man is certain the glasses are satisfactory . in every respect. The most modern facilities for proper examination and for the grinding of the lenses, are a part of our equipment. Nearly twenty years experience. 4 Henry E. Morris & Co. ' Optometrists, 305 State Street. Opposite Ladd & Bosh Bank. Phone 239 Can lead the leaders safely forth To bnild anew the fetrickexi earth Freed from the rul ot force and hale, Tiuih. Justice, love 1M cmft'of stale William Karl Perry. Art. r.ia. Talif. iu:i:1t 1 1. "Noah wis Cito years cll before he knew hn lo build an ark." Mil Klert lln'ihard. adding. "Don't lose jour grip."" Itnf (al.- Eprem. BITS FOR BREAKFAST The success is petting more cor growers etartcd. That is the im portant thin?. ' Th Duroc Jersey breeders will make the once famous "Salem bog" 'ook respectable when they come to this city on Feb. 4. tem or regulating the expenditure? I of the national government. A bill putting his plan into effect was per mitted to die in committee while the regular. Republicans and the Pro gressives were sparring for adran- i The glorious rain. m . m a u m It will help ward off the flu. S And it is the normal weather for those of us who are natives. Have you noticed that the ads In, The Statesman were never before so well edited? S Duroc Jersey day in Salem Feb. 4. It will be a red letter day for red hogs.. m m Anyway, wood alcohol isn't a habit-forming, beverage. Newspaper stoiies about this "beautiful Bolshevist' will probab ly cause some grouch to remark that beauty goes deeper than caotles. N The charge that the two big politi cal parties dont' stand for anything is untrue. They stand for a lot of peanut politicians. No. Mr. Daniels. Bryan didn't lay the foundation for the League of Nations. That work was 'done some 1920 years ago. This Medicine Recommended by a Doctor When & doctor uses a medlcire him. elf besides prescribing it to bis patients, he mast know that It has merit. This is what Dr. J. IL Wagner, a proW. Inent physician cf Skate. Kentucky, has to say about Dr. Hartman's well-known remedy. PE-RU-NA: "I havt used FE-RU-XA myself for catarrh and hare given It to others br catarrh, bloating after eatinr and other ailments. It has proved a success In- all caaea with old and young men and women. All speak well of PE-RU-NA. It la the best of all tonics. Dr. Wagner, oat of the fullness of his , own personal experience, for the good of ' all sick and suffering, recommends a ' medicine which he knows to be goof. -You may be sure a doctor would not en danger his professional reputation by ' endorsing PE-RU-NA unless satisfied be yond a doubt of Its Talue. Whether your trouble be a cough or a cold, or a more subtle catarrhal election of the stomach, bowels or other organs,, give PE-RU-NA a trial. The Immediate improvement which you will see will saU lafy beyond a doubt that PE-RU-NA lwhat you need. -PE-RU-NA may be purchased anywhera la tablet or liquid forts. 1 I? ru. i .if. K rSJUiLiVJani " DR. J. It WAGNER Hi Johnson says , he not going to form a new party. He knows a few things. You will also be surprised by the showing made for celery in the Sa lem slogan pases of next Thursday. There are some people who think that the creation should hare been finished in five days instead of six, with double time for overtime. Duroc Day in Salem February 4. t -, Senator Reed of Missouri attacks the Hoover boom, and makes a fool or himself, as usual. Reed has re duced hlmtelf to the stature of a common scold, ana what he say amounts to only so much hot air and a poor quality at that. OBITUARY during the 1912 V congress ses- Vice President Marshall says this country will be ruled by the middle lasses, but where will, he find the middle ielasses? They would be mighty hard to locate. A new typewriter that can be op erated with but two fingers has been put on the market. 'Nothing new about that. We have been working our machine with two fingers for fifteen years. We find thenf suffi cient. Exchange. HKririUM'ALi MOUAI.S Under exUtUig conditions the Cal- ifornians who go to Japan aa mis- :onaries and a post Us of prohibition cannot expect to be received with three cheers. The Japs have a rep utation of quietly and Industrially naking a living while the peoples round about them ' were drinkinz themselves to death; They think It a bit far-fetched for the Knplish and Vmterican to be seeking to reform their manners and moralt especil- ly when they are satisfied that they are better than our own. At least as a matter of reciprocity the Japa nese might send a few missionaries to Indon rnd New York. Los An geles Times. tage sion. The Democrats condemned the Re publican majority for failure to pass a budget bill and p-ut a plank about it in their 1912 platform. Three -successive Democratic con gresbes discussed budget bills but the influence of the "deserving Dem ocrats" was aim ays strong enough to block action. The present congress, however. has taken up the question in a dif ferent spirit. Appalled by the enor mous expenditures of the present administration, the Republican mem bers have turned to the budget as the last reurt to cu:b the voracious appetites of the office holders. A budget bill has already passed the house of representatives, and a similar bill has passed second read ing in the senate. The two bills are not to (haj-mony, Vhowever, and a conciliation committee will be nec essary to secure the neceasary com- promlses. The McCormick bill In the senate seems to come nearer to satisfying the public demand than the one passed by the lower house. Unde" the provisions of the McCormick bill the bureau of the budget is placed rn the office of the secretary of the treasury and he ts made a real minister of finance. The house hill goes only to the extent or furnish it.:; the president with the machinery to create a budget bureau. Roby Jane'Brownell was born near Adrian, Mich., August 17, 1844 and .died at her home in Rosed ale. Jan uary 20, 1920. on the anniversary or the birth or-her late husband. Her father was a native of New England and her mother was a native of Mich igan. Her young womanhood was rpent in Spring Valley, Minn., and on June 14. 1871. she was married to William Stroud in Mahaska county. la., living in that state until they came to Oregon In 1900. To them were born six. children. Mrs. Ora H. Bear or Turner. Mrs. Mary Cammack of Rosedale: Merlon of Des Mofnes. Iowa; and Everett II. of Salem, who with 18 grandchildren survive her Two sons. Russell and Malcolm, died several years ago. ueain came peaceruny after a short illness of nleuiiav. which did not seem or a serious nature. Since her early childhood she has been a member or the Friends church. She spent an unusually active and use rul lire In her church as well as her home. She took pleasure in doing good for others and to know ber was to love her. You Take No Chances When Baying USED CARS from us, we rebuild them in our own shop. Bl'IKiKT OF EXPENDITURES ' The corn show was a success. All I- the six annual ones here have been. r OWN YOUR OWN HOME YOU'LL remember that that was one of the jTen Thrift Commandments. Now aside from the element of individual thrift expressed there is much community importance pressing upon that point right here in Salem. You can help relieve the. housing situation by OWNING YOUR OWN HOME. A United States National BANK ACCOUNT en-, courages that among other things. tmitsfflSto ais' onaiRnnfc Oregon. iw i omr.ui m By one of the accidents of Ameri can politics the duty devolves upoti the presenr Republican congress to make kood the pledges of the last Democratic platform in regard to the creation of a national budget system Former Tresident Taft was the first public advocate of a budget ny NAME "BAYER? ON GENUINE ASPIRIN Safely Stop Cold as Told t Packages. in "Ray To break up a cold In the head. neck. back, or any part of body be sure you take only; "Bayer Tablets ot Aspirin" with the safety "Bayer vruss on inem. Tnts is the genu ine Aspirin, proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for over eighteen years. You must say "Bayer" Don't merely ask ror Aspirin Tablets. Then you can take them without fear to relieve your Colds. Headache. Neu ralgia. Earache. Toothache, Neuritis and Pains generally. . Handy ttnboxes: containing 12 tablets cost only a few cents. Drug gists also sell larger 'Bayer" pack ages. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticac Idester of Sallcyllcadd. 1918 Elgin 6, tires almost new, has spot light and bumper. 1920 Lunn. 1919 Overland, Model 90, only run 3000 miles, ties all good, new spare tire. Chevrolet Touring. This car is in fine shape. Dodge Touring. Lots of extras. . Apperson 1-Ton Truck, four new pneumatic tires. This is a snap; " LEE L. GILBERT Phone 361 156 S. Commercial EL THE STATESMAN CLASSIFIED ACS. BEING GREAT RESULTS Made in Oregon HUIHT Oil CHAOS The earth inakc shock and the whirl-; -wiad'fc roar. Have rocked the world from shore to s!or; Old throne are crumbling into m'id. Old crowns 'are trampled red witu blood; Like ocean flayed before the wind Are tossed the hearts of all man kind;. War's hatebas gnawed earth's moth er breast; There is no peace, there is no rest. beyond their . depths od leaders grope To clutch in gloom some shape of hope; The wisdom or the wisest falls. The lore ot statesmen naught avail; The old dipiomacy is dead; Old priestly hands in vain are spread; Old system 4 or well buttressed thourht Are left behind, as things of naught Old social orders cannot met Conditions fresh from battle heat; The warrior at his best tiill sows The fertile seed of war and woes; The theories of sane dreamers wilt As the new dawn afar is split Lured here, lured there the peopl.' hie. Despairing turn from beckoning lie. The world must flee from cliao. death. Back to the hills of Nazareth. Where waiting calm a peasant stands To build the new world with his hands. The old world-makers as they try To build secure, but pass Him by. Or toss a sweet, adoring song. Or. bending knee, pass swift a Ions We have on display in our north window a beautiful period bed room suite, manu factured in Oregon, by Oregon workmex This suite is of the Queen Anne style in elegantly finished walnut It compares favorably with eastern manufactured furniture and sells for less money. We have just receive! a large shipment of Reed Fibre Furniture m Finished in Frosted Brown and Old Ivor. This was purchased a year ago and haj just arrived. Although the present prices of this furniture have advanced to a considerably higher figure than a year ago, we will sell it at last year'. prices See it in our south window. 5,0 V and Victor Records -r 'r He waits to enter on his own. The. , wisest statesman earth has known. Tis "Hirist or chaos. Only He Can make the peoples sane and free. i YOU GET MORE FOR YOUR MONEY AT MOORE'S S