TI1V. OREGON STATESMAN': fUTl IID.W. JANTARV, 21, 10ff. Classified Directory The Wants and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under Proper Headings So You Ca n Readily Find Them They're Worth While r r i KOKYflCH UNION i FIRS WSCItANCE SOCIETY Thlelsen, Roland A Burghardt jjsldsnt Agent ! 871 HUto Bi. MONEY TO LOAN fVrROTKD riRH PROPERTT AT tOWK1 RATES. MO COMMISSION thos. k. FORinv:i;:,fJ!-o-j: FARM LOANS . HAWKINS & ROBERTS 104-207 Oregon Building CLAMtmKD ADTKBTISEMEHTS Rat Per War. per Insertion On wHk (sis, Insertions) le 6c nna month ..i. He Six month contract, per ma. 10c It month' contract, per mo.. e Minimum for any advert's'm't 26c -NEW TODAY ijinjrirtnn n nn -iirir"rijj"jij- innr WANTED KEBHUAItV 1ST. MAN FOU dairy and chore at Oregon State ' Tuberculosis Hospital. Must he ftod ; milker, i Pay a $68 per month with board, room and laundry furnished. Write Supervisor, route 5. box 28. . Balem. WANTED- SECOND HAND GOODS OF all kinds. Lucas and Lucas. Ilione ' 117T. . FOR SALE DUFF ORPI NGTON cockerel. 345: Division St. BOMB REFINED MIDDLE AGED OR . elderly lady who 1 in straightened ;: circumstance but in good health ran secure a good home with email fam , lly In Portland if she will assist in the house work and kelp take eare . of young boy.' ' Will also pay modur 5 ate wagea. Addresa 115 Hazelfern Place, Portland!. HOME FOR SALE 9 ROOM HOUSE hot water, beat and every conveni ence; beautiful grounds. Price $6500. - Terms, l'hone owner, 1922 or call at , 1805 Market St. HOUSES ' WANTED I WANT TO purchase a heavy team, harness and ' wagon auitable for hauling wood. Must breed eheep for cash. Address J. care of Statesman. TE CAN GET YOU A LOAN ON REAL or personal security in any- sum it your security; arood. John H. Bcott Realty, Co.. 22S Oregon Build- r Ing. , .. TOR SALE YOUNG FRESH JERSEY cow and calf. 1 hone 1961 W. FOR BALE BY OWNER. TWO HOUS- es, and 9 room. $2800 each. Elec tric lights, bath, bearing fruit and EngtUn walnut trees. Poaaession soon. 1 Inquire, at $98 Broadway. FOR RENT it ACRE FARM JOINING city limits; also one four room fi nished apartment and one unfur nished. Socolofsky. 341 State St. FORTY ACRES ALL CULTIVATED. 16 acres bearing prunes; family or ' chard;, good road; fair improve- ". menu; close In. Must be sold at - once. $4000 will handle. Room 1, isayne Building. 341 State Street. New Bargains and Invest ments Fine modern bungalow paved street. i Mock from car line; nice location $2750: term. - 24 acre river bottom land. 'buildings, orchard; near town and school Sna, 1 1000. Exchange for Salem residence. ' Good 12 acre tract 2 miles from Sa lem; 6 acres bearing orchard, farm bldgs;, fine location. Bargain. Price 21 arrea fine dark loam il, 5 milea rrom aiem, 4 acre bearing- prunes; Diaaa.; good road. Snap, 95500. Dandv nice 12 acre tract close in Oood bidga.; 2 acres cherries snd ap ples; atock, tools, feed, machinery. AH ai!v tor quick sale. 10 acre tract U. miles from Satem Beat dark loam soil; buildings, orchard. bargain. 4 3UO. 10 acres best noil, near Salem. Good mags.; orchard. 1 $4000, terms, bee our lut before buying, PERRINE & MARSTERS Commercial Club Bldg. 1 A FEW GOOD PLACES J$ acres; 6 acres In Royal Ann and L ruber I cherries, balance In Italian prnnes, bearing: good 7-room plastered nnuse, prune drier, barn, storehouse, na; water piped to house and barn tani' Of m 1 1 i a gpjnxMr lmnUmntfl lMi dir,a, etc.. go with place at $14,050.00 Beautifully located, with grand seen ery, railroad station. poatoffle. tele phone, and only 8 mile fn.rtn state caotlaf. Pearcy Bros.. Salem' Oreg. acre at Quinaby Station. Oregon Electricity: 1 4aere in eiiolce apele aianee fine berry land. Small house na Diacksmith shop. Great; snap -- an acre. acre near . Monmnulh ; 40 acre n cultivatinn: 25 acre in pruine with small Planting of cherries. 1wanbeir- 'es, etc. Fair house. 5 room: gd ana sheds:; windmill . gasoline PBtnD. 'water lanb nr.,.i,au C tun- ?." fr$' nd 26x50 wurehoui-s. lrice fit.uvv. ( May consider some trade. j i PEARCY BROS. 210 Oregon Bldg.. Salem.. 1 - ' l'hone f.i3. EMPLOYMENT rXMAXA I WAJTKD A MAID choo.i Phone 616. . AT DEAF MALI Mx WANTED TO CUT 1000 !OHDS wood on contract. Phone 71K2. NOTICE " Ton want foi Icarn the uto and tractor busines where yoti can,w . ja make of automobiles. gs gna and tvaotnra Xt ... n.U. ork en-p- il'lit-atlon immediately. Special$50e0 . -m until j?en. ist. write ror : l," catalogue. and Information. ; tlemphiii' Trada School. Inci 307 - Mwthorne Ave.. Portland. Ornron. MfSCELLANEODS H'iK TO WOK1 "' A VCltY.tflOD PMton fnr t i,i0grtber w l smbi ; '" and iant, t ork an. 4. 1, care "Utenmsn. i NTKDME.N AND WOMEN TO work In our circulation department. ' Wi 00?,Propostlon to the right peo Audf the Pacific Homestead. 'tmn Bldg.. Halem. Oregon. aaaaaiejias FOR SALE o.nvS i"iLm- Bt SIX ESS CIIAXCES. FOH HALE iiKOCEUV STOCK. Fix ture and 'fine building:. A fine lit tle business fur ritrht party, 1390 S. lth St. FARM HAGAZ1.1ES t YOU WANT TO GET THE BUST farm paper. end 10c to the Pacific Homestead, Balem, Oregon, for a trial uhserlptlon. Mention thla ad. I'Ol'LTKY, ajesjsei rHE NORTHWEST POULTRY JOUR naL the blsgcst and beat In the west. The 1)t magazine for live poultry men 75 centa a jear. $1.00 In Salem. Bend 6 centa for aample today. Ad dreaa The Northwest Poultry Journal. Balem. Oreg-on. Mention thla ad LIVESTOCK FOR SALE JERSEY COW. YOUNG. very gentle, guod milker, fresh soon. Phone 736J. M15CEL asaaaik-ti .B THO LANEOCS. FOR SALE THOKOUOUBKED ENCJ- lish setter puppies, l'hone 646 FOR SALE 1916 FORD TOt'RIXG CAR in number one condition. Inquire 944 m. cottage. "WALLBOARD" CAN BE USED OVER lath, or atuddlngr. Can be tinted or papered. Max O. Buren. 179 North Commercial atreet. "WALL PASTE." NO COOKING RE quired. Stick everything. Max O. Buren ,179 N. Commercial atreet. "WALFELT- YOUR HOUSE; ITS auperior to cloth, at about half pnc. Max O. Buren 179 N. Cora l St, USED CARSl FOR BALS-1911 MAX well goodli new; 1917 Maxwell, run 3000 miles. Cash or term. 197 bo. CommerciaL Phone 393. FOR SALE CRAFTSMAN LEATHER couch, 2 et express harness, pion eer vacuum cleaner. 12x12 velvet Brussels carpet, man a bicycle, large aize ice box. A bargain Come quick. 395 S. 12th St. STRAWBERRY PLANTS PROG RES - ivv Everbearing, Etteraberg 121, improved Oregon and WilsoA V Igor oua, well rooted plant. Place order now. Ward K. fitichar.dson. 2395 Front. Phone 494; WANTED SACKS. RAGS AND ALL kind of junk. Steinbock Junk Co., 326 N. Commercial St. Phone 30j. L'aed car for 'Bale. Part of cara at ball price. CAPTtVITY OF THE OATMAN GIRLS ! Tbla true story of weatern Immi gration ha been carefully rerued. making a bandsom little book. It tell In graphic terms of the maaaa- vra of the Oatman family, of the es cape of Lorenso, and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of star vauon and Olive was purchased from the Indians five years later. The price la 19 cents, postpaid. Address Oregon Teachers Monthly. Balem. Or. WOOD DRY WOOD FOR SALE SAWED ANY length, phona evenings. 16; SW. WOOD FOR SALE DRY FIR WOOD. f3.au per cord while 11 lasts, l'hone 3itv . . FOR RENT ROOMS FOli RUNT FURNISHED ROOMS $5 to.t week. Hotel Glen. US N. Commercial St. WELL FURNISHED ROOM WITH private patn near state bouse tor rent until April. $20 per month. 248 1 North Summer St. Phone It SUM. HOUSE FOR RENT 3-KOOM FURNISHED -'bouse. 1865 S. l?th. Phone li3M. rOR RENT UOD8ES. APARTMENTS and farms. F. L. Wood. $41 State street. Phone 794. t SMALL MOUSE IN OUTSKIRTS FOR rent- Is In poor condition. Will al low two months' rent for fixing up then $5 a month. Big garden plot. Lease if desired. Statesman business office. 0 LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST SHOE BUCKLE IN BLACK and silver. Monday. Reward. Phone 2363 LOST A 16 INCH STRINQ OF PEARL beads at Fair Grounds ot in city. Re ward. Pbone zzez. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE BUY ANT KIND OF USED CARB Pbone 399. 197 South Commercial. WANTED TO 1 RENT GOOD 7 OR room lumlshed house with garage. Oowi location esse'fjtial. in or within 1 7 mile of Salem. Willing to pay up to $75.00 rent. Address "J.IS" care Klateimi.-in. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY OLESON AUTO EXCHANGE 349 North Commercial St. Phone 666 Saxon Six $650. Ford bug $275. 1915 Studebaker $415. 1 ton Ford truck $350. 1917 Ford, delivery car $100 1917 Maxwell In Tine condition $450 BltlNO YOUR BATTERY WORK TO tbe Battery Shop. 263 N. Commercial street. Pbone 413. All work ffua?- aoieeo. ACTO SERTICB 3HIPP8 AUTO 8ERVIC CITY AND country trips. Phone: Day. 163; nlcttt. $$9. TIRES REPAIR.! TTJLCA3lZINO SATES HALF-SOLI TIRE) SERVICE Station. 177 Boutn , cosnxnerciaj Bt . Phone 41s. . LODGES 1 Cheroefcets I4c Ke. 1 sssstt CS " 3 every Wedn4y eveaiag 7:30 at th I. O. O. F. HIL BUSINESS CARDS DRAY AND EXPEE8S. - - r.nriirrVwVVVVV'v'r'r LARMER TRANSFER WEJ MOVE) AND store good a ; Day pnone . wigni phone 1S9S 1 8 0i0t00m0p0000 JUNK WANTED WE PAT HIGHEST , price for Junk ef every kind. Let a make yon price on your household . roods. The "Squsre ; Deal House Capital Junk Co, $71 Cbemeketsv St Pbone I9. 1 Ads. Bring Results ITJTAirCIAL, FREE INFORMATION IF TOD WANT Information about any kind of lira insurance, see J. F. Uutchason. dis trict manager for the Mutual Life of New Xork. Office at 871 State atreet Balem. Ore. Office pbena 99. resi dence 139f. LAUNDKIEa. CAPITAL CITT STEAM LAUNDRY Viuality work, prompt eervlce. 12(4 Broadway. Pbona lift. ; SAUL'M STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash, te per pound. 13$ Souls. Liberty Bk Pbona J. HOP LEE EXPERT LAUNDRY MAN. 48j ferry Bt. I pay top narket pries fur ehiekeri sod eer. Iloas pheae 1S83J. Rhop pbons 1S39J. MUSKY TO LOAN (SOVETiVMF.Vr lIJVS AT (U tF!T. cent, w . i. ami to, SOS Balem Bank of commerce. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LANDS 5Vt per cent Federal Farm Loans, $4 years time. 6 per cent Private Funds. 33 year time. City Loans. Reasonable terms. Pay off like rent. A. C. Bohrnstedt 401 Masonic Temple, Salem. , NfltSEniES,'; FOR SALE FRU1TL.VND NURSERY baa a few thousand Italian Prune trees, grafted Franauet Walnut, and Also other Nursery Stock. Phoue 11IF21. Rt. 6. Salem. Pro. REPAIRING AND I PIIOLSTEIUNG FURNITURE HOSPITAL I HAVE opened up a first Ciass shop, repair ing and refiniahing and upholstering. All work guaranteed Will 'call and estimate your work l'hone 14.. 1201 S. Commercial. M. Hrnwn. SECOND HAND FCRSITCIIB HOll K OF BARGAINS NEW -ND I Second Hand Goods bouKht and sold. Bring in your old furniture and ex change it for new. Peoples furni ture Store, 271 N. Com. St. Phone 731. WANTED SECOND-HAND FURNI- ture, rugs, carpets, stove, machinery and tools. Best prices paid. The Cap- Hal Hardware 6c rurtnture Co, 2ft N. Com'l St. Phone 947., OPTOMETIUSTsL DR. U HALL WILSON Special ist in the Modern Scientific Ap plication of Glasses -for the aid ot vision and the relief of Eyestrain tnd Headache. Office closed Saturdays. Office 210-211 U. S. Bank Building. Phone, ufflce 145; re. 1214. 1 RAJfSFKU BACL1NG CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St.. phone 933 Distributing, forwarding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANT KJNT r -i ot hauling. Household j mi4rim moving jooa song prompi 1 1 i i ly. Try me one. Tlmme. 476 Stale BC Phone 963.; Residence phone 11J1J. BCvaU UAfcu uoolii WANTED OLD JUNK. OLD CLOTH- Ing. toolp gun. musical insitrumeni. camera. Will call day or evening. Capital Exchansc 3-7 Court. Phona 493. , Wkl BUY AND SELL buCON'D HAND rood of all kinds, pipe ratings, bar- cess, collars, collar pads, tools, and chains. Fred Schindler. iSt Center street. WALL PAPER. PAINT WALL PAPER AND CEILING PAPER 2-Oc and up double roll. Max O. Bu ren. i9 N. commercial fct. SEE PORTER7 FOR PAINTS. WALL Paper and Picture Framing. Good workmen. 456 Court St. Phone 486. WOVEN WIRE FENCING Dest National A Asaerteaai Feaee, 11 elsea, Z lav te SB la. high. Paint. Oils VaUsw Steve RehaJlt and ReealreeV LeKanherry Hep Hk a lea Fenee Steve Wrtta- - 15 Cmrt St. Pheae 1S4 R, B. rXEBIitO. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANT KNOWN disease. 16$ 8. High Bt. Pnone zai PROFESSIONAL 7 CHIROPRACTORS. DR. O. U SCOTT. D. C. CHIROPRAC- tor. P. S C. graduate. 309-1Z O. H. N. Bank Bldg. Phone 87: Rea. 8Z8R. 7 OSTEOPATHT. ORS. WHITE AND MARSHALL. OSTE- opathic physician and sargeons, 50b U. S. National Bank I'.IcIk- Phone 859. Dr. White rciden. iK(ihon 49. Dr Marshall residence telephone 834 DR. JOHN L LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC Phyician & Surgeon, 403-404 Oregon Bldg. I'honea: 01 f ice liJ: itc. &rs OR. W.' L. MERC EH. GRADUATE American School Oateopatby. iviras- vllle. Mo.; treats acute and chronic disease. Office 404-405 U. 8. National Bank Bldg. Phone 919. Residence. 419 North Bummer. Phone 614. WATER hssaBahjs)9aBa aALEM WATER, LIGHT & POWIiH Co, office 301 South Com'l street Ten per cent discount on dometic flat rates paid in sdvance. No de ductions for absence or any cau.e unless water U shut off your prem ises. REAL ESTATE FOR TRADE-! ACRE GRMN AMI slock farm. JMifncrc cuiuvaterj. ram lly orchard, buildinirs. tao tnile to town. Will consider hoiiwe and lot tn Saletn or ranch ner the eoijj-t. W. II Grabenhorst aV Co, Z",: State St 10 ACRES 2'i MIl.KS NORTHEAST OK fairground on gooi road i-rice. iiu 1. E. Hart. iOJJ Oregon BJdg. NEW HOUSE 4 flAX.r: MODERN bungalow type 8-rw.m. basement, ce ment walk .a reyj buy at $32fn. good term. Kei us today. John H Scott Really Co., 218 Oregon I'.ld. A DANDY FIVE nwi5j iiousk 20th street, paveo. ir sxueu. sman sum cash and monthly payments Built by owner and a pre-war price Pbone 103 5 J. MAKE AN OFFER --5-K'M M ll'n.'K barn and three lot witti iruit. on ljtnrrl avenue, near the new packing plant. Portland owner will take bt offer made for M in 30 !. See .lolm 11 Stotl Itealty Co, 2:8 Oregon Lldlf. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSE AND LOT. $C00. Address "J2" care Statesman. 3 ACRES BEARING P.OYALaNN AND liinjr, cherres, some luKan and straw berries. North Commercial ?t. Very rich soil. IT ice $li0. D E Hart. 20 Oregon Illdg. 60 ACRES RICH CHOCOLATE SoTl. all in cultivation, on l'acitic highway 4 mile north of Albany ind neai railway station, good building. ITlce $135 per acre D. E. Hart. 20 Oregon Rldg. 112 ACRES OF CHOICE I,XD 3 MILES East of alem for $1001 on easy terms; also small tracts near Marlon on easy term. One five acre tract with house and- splendid spring of water for $375. on terms. Thla will make a koikI chicken ranch. ' Bee TnllV.lty hu.l.lintr ' ouiiuing. I SPECIAL SNAP SMALL FARM. 80 acres, 12 in cultivation, good family orchard, some good wood timber and pasture, a modern farm house plan- tcred; bath and good closets; small new barn. $35o0 on good term. John H. Scott Realty Co., 228 Oregon Bldg. FOU SALE 7-ROOM HOUSE. IN good condition. Possession at once. Fine corner location with 2 lot, ex celent barn, convertible into garage; variety of fruit tree: paved streets and cement walks. A snap at $3000, with good .term. See Child and Marnach. 540 State St.. phone 1727. FOR SALE OR TRADE MODERN 9 room house mr state house. Has kitchen and kitchenette suitable for one-or two families; full basement, furnace: large lot. large fruit tree; j good garage: excellent location and appearance I'riced very reasonable: cash or terms or will trade for small modern house close In west of Capi ,tol street. north. If you are looking for e home in Salem let me show you what 01 are looking for, a I have It; cash- or t?rm. S. R. IVar on. 405 Oregon Bldg. l'hone 43. If Its LOANS, REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 8ee LAFLAR LA FLA O. 406-7-$ Oregon Bld(. FOR REAL ESTATE whether farms, city or suburbsn see C. VY. NIEMEYER 215-216 Masonic Temple Phones 1000 1014 Salem, Oregon REAL ESTATE AND LOANS on farms or INSTALLMENT LOANS on city property ELSW0RTH PICKELL 801 Masonic Temple, Salem WOODS BARGAINS . MODERN BUNGALOW.. PAVED street and car line, a swell homo and fine location. $1000. Five room bungalow two block from car line $2000. Small house and two lot $jV. 4 -room cot tage arid lot $600. 40 acres with prunes and loganberries. Rosedale district, $12,000. 13 acres Garden road $5500. 3 acres with house close in $2000. A choice lot in Highland with fruit trees, i. o. F. L WOOD Bayne Building. Farms Of All Sizes Wanted Kinney & Smith, real estate dealers from Corvallis. are opening an office in room 201 Bank of Commerce building, in Salem and are out for listings ot farms of all aizes. If your farm Is for sale and you will accept a fair price for it. write us at Box 261. Salem. Ore., and we will send you a listing card for a des cription of vour farm. We want t personally Inspect each one of our lixtings and will follow an extensive advertising policy, describing" your farm a it really is. Write us now st Box 261. Salem. Our office will be open after January 15th, with Chester L. Smith in charge. A MONEY MAKER 16 ACRES NEAR Salem, all splendid land. 7 acre set to strawberries. 5 in loganberries. .1 in filberts, - acre in timber, small hoiife. all for $3500. on easy terms. 2 crop of strawberries will pay for land Get busy 11 you want It it ii a bargain. John 11 .Scott Realty Co. 18 Oregon Bide. FARMS We arc gslhr-ri'ng some good farm for tin- demand wc leel sure is begin nintr. also orchniaa from 5 acr . to 50 iiffrn. We tiMVe something pe- ti.iny a i-:ri..iin in ine way oi niu i -.. i i ..... k... i ... 1 o. prunes! nd cbeines, threw . staple!", and a fine combination; can't fail, good income in the worst of season. pa.it e i"i icnce proves. S e u on this if ou cpn dandle a close in $n. OOii rop'n ii.cn: one-third cash, and liberal terms -n the balance. e aim to l e teiiable in statement. Fleming, Realty Hustler Z'.l State St. FLEMING BARGAINS A DANDY 5 ROOM COTTAGE )N paved street, on car line, modern. t tl.'.0; half cash. One of the h't bus cn toy list. Thi i a new 1si Iri. 1 want nn. re of the aame Kind Let (i hae them. Also ith tn pood lot (worth $7an. a good late tt lit 5 room cottage with lath, toilet. fNclrlc light, at ralf whnt it v-culd cost to build today, all for t'i: one third cash; Install in. tit baU ttc. b blick from Stale street or. Atiot! r otie nt I'.iOO. one block from St.-te strut. Fleming Realty Hustlers 2:1 State St. (jooli HOMES FOR LITTLE MONEY K room house. plateri-d In sov! dis trict: plumbed bathtub not in; goiI lot $2250; $".fi cash, baiani e t- rnis 5-rooin house, 3 fine lots; fnut, $600. Pavement pat't. S High. S -1 . Cli and t rmn. W. M lircn, Room 25. 180 N vm St 5- room house, 2 good lots, north, $12 Oil 6- i oom house, coo'l lot, trade for acreage, south. $l-'.0O. 8-room modern In line, v-ry close In tIAOO ;tradu for larm and pay cash $3000. 6-room house, ground 200x230; num erous out bo ibMng. frutt. good black soil. $2. ': caxli and t.-rms l-rt.nni liotise. barn. 1 lot, ftuit. $850, $3"'i ash and terms. 4-rooni liouie, .vt. lir.xIfiO; fruit, on Pacifist highway, $li'; cjh and term 2 One-acra tract good houses, $1850 and $2 500. ll acres. Imildincs. readv to plant, prunes, etc.. Irani zed tank, gasolin engine; lS.fiOO peach pits planted; on rock road. $350. Also numer'Hia fine frm for sale. WALTER MeLAHEN Ilootu 25, ISO N. Cvui. SU REAL ESTATE FOR BALE LARGE HOUSE IS GOOD LO ration, in 8-lem. for $5000. Phons 163 BEST BUYS 11 acre Joining city limit of Salem. gMl improvement. ii-rlv all in fruit 7'z acres Kod berry land 3'j mile out i'2 crf. nil clcnrd; house. Imrn iind other out build inir. near town, $17 50. 40 acres, well equipped dairy ranch, clone ir.. 22 acre, all cleared, beat oU, build in, north of SaUm. $7000. 10 acres, fine loganberry land; house barn, family- orchard. 32 acre, paid 40 per cnt on the price asked in 1S1S. Price $12.00 15 acres, family orchard: house, barn, etc. licst soil. $".'0). o acre, a fine loganberry cr sub- proportion, close ;n. I acre, komJ house, partly modern close to State Train. m achool. EXCHANGE! 70 acre, good timber near town, on good road 30 acres, all clear, near city limit. 20 acre .tvpiber I'- mile from town near paved road. Will exchange the above for house In Salem or farm not over 7 mile out . 10 acre and some cash for house in balem. 5 acres for 7 room house in Salem SOCOLOFSKY 341 State St. GOOD BUYS 20 acre tract locateu. all cultivated. S acres prunes, some apples, cherries nd pears. C room house. -electric lights barn, gravel rond. clove to Salem, sight ly location, not or soil. I 'rice $11,000. 10 acres of bearing Italian prune, rock road. 4 miles out. Price 85500. 33 acre tract .located 51, miles south of Salem on muln rock road. 6 room house, barn, well, mostly cultivated, some timber, fine prune and berry land. Price $20'i per acre. Well improved 56 acre farm, nearly all cultivated, mostly new land, good 8 room modern house, barn, water at house and barn. Price $11,200; caah, balance 6 per cent interest. 160 acre farm and timber land Io cs t ed on good road east of Salem. Price lioil per acre. 80 acre of timber, located on good road east of Salem, buildings, if you are looking for a cordwood proposition investigate this. lrlce $80 per acre. 80 acre tract located 6 miles from Salem. 20 acre under cultivation, bal ance timber and - stump pasture, land easily cleared. House and barn. All stock, machinery and feed goes. S horses. 5 bead of cattle, six bogs. Price $7500 108 sere farm, 100 acres cult! vs ted. balance pasture and timber; good 7 room plastered house; barn, well, crop goes; possession at once. Price $12. 000. ell Improved .80 acre farm located 5 miles east of - Salem; good bouse, nearly all cultivated and In crop. Price $16.5'J0. 32 acres located on paved road 6 miles from Salem: good bungalow, or chard, close to school. Price $12. $00. Well improved & acre tract located close to carllne and on gravel street. room bungalow, fruit, close in. Price $6000 36 Oacre farm. 200 acre cultivated. balance timber and pasture. House, barn, best of clover and grain land. some fine river bottom soiL IT ice $100 an acre. 5 acretract all in bearing fruit, ap ple and cherries, bouse. I "rice $2509; terms. HOUSE BUYS. 5 room plastered bungalow. In good condition, located on .Notrh zlst bt Price $1750. $950 down. 5 room plastered cottage, bath, pri vate water system, located in south ft lem. close to carline. lightly location Price $2000. 8 room modern house at 715 Ferry St. Price $3500. Terms. 6 room modern home, furnished, good location. ITlce $5000. 7 room modern home, located clo in. caved street. I'rice ij.uu. 7 room modern home, basement, good location, close to carline. I'rice $2C0, terms. room house, plastered basement fine large lot. bearing1 fruit. I'aved street. Price $2500. Fine view lot located on Fairmount Hill. 75x150 feet, paved street. Price 81600. 6 room modern Home located at it 3. Church street. Price $470. Strictlr modern 5 room bungalow 10 cated on Fairmount hill. Two large lota, corner property, paved street, sightly location, beautiful shrubbery ITlce 86000. ik casn. naiance term. If you want to buy, trade or sell, see us. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO 17S 8tat street mil TABLES SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO, Nertkhena! No. $4 Oregoolan No. 16 Oregon Express ... 6:00 a m 6:5$ a.m 9:17 a.m 1 :50 p m No. 28 Willamette Limited No. No. No. 18 Portland Passenger 2t O... Hay 14 fori !.! K.r,i S3 Oregonian , . . .'j t i . .- ii, 15 i ' i : - r i K i -. 17 U. ' irj I 'a- .., t 27 W tl.; hi. it.; i.iiniieu 13 San 'r ncisco I'- lip in 7 46 p a. 3 IV am .Mo No. No So No. i b n.rr II Oil III o o rr t 4 I p r 10 03 V ALKM-CKKn LINK 73 Arrive at Salem fie. 74 Leave Salem 4:00 p u No. No. S A LEV, FALLS CITA WXSTXRN 11 Leaves Salem, motor .... 7:00 a-m ICS Leave Balem, motor .... 9:18am 1(1 Leaves Salem, motor .... l:ilpcc Through csr to afonmouta and Alrll 171 Leaves Balem S:ll p.n 182 Arrives at Bslem S:t(a.m 164 Arrives at B,em 11:00 a.m 1 Arrives at Balem 1-rOpir 173 Arrives Salem - - UHCOO.1 ST1,ECTK1 effective Oct. let, 19 lay SeatAfceaaA. Trals No. I Ltd. 7 , 9 Leave Arrive An Salem Ei. 10:1$ am ls.3w p.. 12:80 prn Balani m. -4:1$ pm 4 85 pi. :40 pm a.tSpn 8:07 pm Balem onl Portland . $:l$am 19:46 am 8 06 pm 4:48 pm : prn 1$ Ltd 17 .... 19 9:Z0 pm 11:20 pm Balem ..n. North Bank Station (leave Jeffj son Btreet 1$ and 20 minutes later.) HeTthbeead Trals Leeve Arrive Arri.i No. Kugene . Balem Portion- S 7:lSam 9:20 ( 19 Ltd.. 7:21am 9:45 am 11:29 an 12 1Z:0 pm S 20 po ll Ltd.. 1:11 pm 4:00 pm t:(Sp 19 ..... Balem only 1:80 pm 7:40 pn 22 8:25 pm 7:55 pm 10:00 pn North Bank Utatloo (arrive Jefter on Street 1$ minutes earlier). 'Leave Corvallis. COSTAXXIS COmtXCTIOirB VertabesaA Leav Cnrvalli ATrriva Raloa S:30 am I IS ant S:SS pi 4-0 pm :1S pm 7:55 pat Soetiboand Leave Bsteai Arriva CrUu 10:1ft am 1 1 :97 am 4:19 pm 8:40 pm - e -oo m Read Ihe Classified AdsJ 1'I BI.IC XOTK K. 000 LoMlN MEETS AT s day ri.ht. M. BATCH- LEGAL NOTICES. KXECVTOHS NOTICE OF AP POINTMENT. Notice is hereby civen that the county couit of the State of Oregon 1 for the county of Marion did on the 22d day of December. 1919, duly ap point Frank O. Johnson executor of the last will, testament and estate ot Carolina Daberco. deceased, and he has duly qualified and letters tes tamentary with said will annexed have duly issued to him In said mat ter, and be hereby notifies all per sons having claims against said es tate to prenent same to him with the proper vouchers, at the law offices of C. M. Ionian, Breyman Block, Salem. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated January 10th. 1920. at Sa lem, Oregon. Frank O. Johnson. Executor. WHOLE ftULK AJTD PK0DUCE WAATZD Marten Creainerj k Product Co., Salem, Oregon. Pbone 2488 I SALEM MARKETS BTJTa PBICst Bess And PostfUT. Eggs. 4 4c. Hens, heavy. 26c. Broilers. 22 0 24c. Old roosters. 1 3c. Dressed bogs, 20c. Pork. Mutton and Bt. Tork on foot. 14 3-4c. Lambs. 11c. beef, steen. 8 4 to B 4 Cows, S to e. Top Teal, 22c. HA). Cheat hay. per ton. HS'to 119. Oat and retch bar. per ton. $22 to 123. Clorer hay. 2J to 124. OrmlsK Wheat 2 to $2.10. . Feed oats. 83 to 85c. Deans, 6c lo 6 lie. Mill Ferrta. IXalL Mlllrun. $4S to S49. W'lioiewaJe To Deatlers. Creamery butter, cartons. Sl-62c. Butterfat, 59c. FtbK. Oranges. $ to 16.60. Bananas, 11c. Lemons. $8 to I8.S0. California Grape Fruit, ft. TeCaP1e. Cabbage. 5e. Onions. $4.59 a sack. Turalpa. 45c a dosen bnacbe. Carrots, 45c a dot. btamss. Sweet potatoes, 7 He a pound Green nepers. i0c a pound. Celery. $1 a doren. Retail Price. Creamery butler, 70c." Dairy butter. 50 to 65e. Kggs. 50c. I'lour. hard wheat, $3.35 to $3.45. "'lour, valley, S2.55&$3. Sugar, cane, 18 -12c. igar, sack, none offered. HAND GRENADES USED 500 YEARS AGO IN BATTLF Government Giving Awa Bombs Intended for , Doughboys Use . 1 Washington - Hand gien.idf which tho ;.crnnrnt wiM slmrtb i mal:r nv.i il.ililc to thii i'i.-i tV.roiih l-auk and trust onip.uncs a Mm veti its i.f tho Creat War. dnti blcV f.vr nnluries ;is a:ir aivipoiih rhrv Her known to h.-.c . u umv n I II' 7 at sieo of I lie Kurlrrs- if I'.!.- i in.iggioro. on tlie It.ven IV ih'fonui r-. nsin a l.is I i'tl. ' ii Ii jhi lr. 1 l-:ilt 'gronadiore " groa- ou. tiaining of llio licst qualifl! , Tl.e foUlicrof Ix)iiis XIV. It 17t;.", to hurl ibcM' grcij.i do. In Kn glish history, as well, tho grenadieri .iro'foiinJ from tho S.'verilo.nth Crn tury on. The Kuso-Jap.tnc- war tioa-evcr. developed the grenade inN the effort i weapon it prnvo. in ih it War Jam tin, lotnan. can. r nieial re-ceptacle s wer i .:oni srap heaps and filled ' : !er. Thoo were the imme ! -runners of the modern ias . on ngafed TNT grenades i!.-" Mi!! Iiefenlvr lkml 'il su much destruction w i. i I into a r.e.rujn uencL Jtiout. It is the Mil! grenade ti. I r removed that the (:0v - . ;ucnt i V v :. V -r I II l iMttliiK out Ili;w a III l.atllc l ow to got one i ' ' ' paj a i etit for it UtlM 4I)IKNTS. .iiice Hocntr tiiiit rationing miiii! n Kiirooe thfr have1 nothing Kl Ifneor.l The soft coal miners seem deter mined to make it hard for the ron a. . CHICHESTER S PILLS W. THI lale BmASV J i ?!?a.aeiaajya4yy f--a,aaS? Kk tutt k" ma. JT Teae aaar. Bw afy iaf " . ti ai.l. A f-wt II irr.TVTt WlVjIwaa situs riUAK a Srr SOiflRuCBTSnuniiattJl a. Baat. aaMt. Ihwn B K4r 121 tJ REVELATIONS OF A WIFE The Story of a Honeymoon A Wonderful Ilomaacc of SLarried life Wonderfully Told by A DELE GARRISON CHAPTER 501 How It Happened That Mad ye auiit Ihr JVttit IHned Almost Privately Ah. Mrs. Graham. This la" In deed a pleasure." Iir. Pettit was wraitlng near the head cf the stairs up which the pas sengers climb from the train level to the waiting tooin. and as ha caught sight of me I saw his eyes 1'ght up. asd his nsuslly torabre. faco brighten mith a smile. His words were ultra formal, how-, ever, his tone stiff, though cour teous, and 1 -guessed that he was' guarding both words and tones -care-' iully. leaiag me to strike what ever keynote I desired for our fate well Interview. "I have arranged for luncheon at P.lstori's." he sold a moment later at he guided me toward the taxi entrance of Ihe MaJlon. "Yoa were kind enouah to leave the selection to i$e. and I ventured to hope Ri- tnri's would rle you. "I am delighted." I returned, aad indeed this selection pleased roe. for I the famou4 res'aurant was the last word in qu!et elegance. "Thank you." His eyes sail far more than his voice, ard I elt a ' faJnt little shiver of uneasiness. I tsd promised to eat thr farewell luneheon with him. and te had nak ed me to u-'l him how be could beta me in South America. But I said o myself that I must sternly re press any indication on bis part, of injecting anything resembling sen timent Into the situation. He helped m into the taxlcab., took a seat beside ice. and rave the direction to the starter. Then b fold-d his arms tightly over his chest and looked straight la front of him all the way to tbe restaurant. Who's At FaU? " I', If I had not known better..!' would hare thought that 1 had mor tally offended him in sooe way. for be made only the most perfunctory replies to ihe few casual observa tions I made. Once. I hid ft upon' my lips to-atk if I had offended him. but something warred me to leave the question unasked. Absurd as.. It seemed, bis whole demeanor was - that or a man fighting down some hidden emotion that threatened tu overwhelm him. As me entered the restaurant the head waiter, evidently recognizing the physician, eame forward. "I telerhaned for luncheon. said Dr. Pettit. "Ah. yes. Dr. Pettit. Right this wavf He turned us over to a subordi nate, who led up past the tablej near us. into the main dining roctn. 1 naturally thought we would be seat ed there, but the man led t through this room, and seated ns at a tabla cosily ensconsed In an unobstruslvet alcove. Why Iade .Apolgizexl. "Iunchen shall be served lmme diately." be said, with a bow.. and hurried away. ' We wer well within the aleov before the realisation came to ma that we were Jnst at the end of the uain room. All. the latent puritaa Ism in me came to the surface with, k rush, together with a fierce re-, stntment toward the mar. who. I be-, l-.eved. had deliberately planned the; situation. ' -Dr. Pettit." I said, and at my? tone, hia head came up tn If I had fc flicked him with a hip. "you must snorn- that 1 cannot porsibly star hi-ie. 1 am surprised that von should think so meanly of me as lo Imapino that you could bring me to so pri vate a table aa this. He turned-so white that I was trnied for frar he might faint. But . I. is eyes were like blaiir g coals 01 they rauchi and held mine. "Mrs. Criham," be said, and her was a note In his voice that I had , river heard before, a note iht ter rified me. -you will kinrUr belieii, me when I tell ymi that 1 had n... idea. Ihe waiter was coirs ty brlni uy'to this alcoves I gave my order' bj telephone, arwl asked lor a tatr---(ii a serhul"d eorner. for I thought- that perhaps you miyht not care Of ;rtis the thing about whkh yo-i T. vhed to Ulk to nie viithln heunrrl or others. He niut have thought I r-eant thi. ilrove tab'.e. nd row if .ti will ircrpt tny ewort bark ti , a taxw-ab I need not intrt.de my us- - 1 eboin' pn ence on you any lon- i 1 caucht my breaJh in ftirrrise ax . I liwkd at him. anl Iia'eneo to m !-t:ca'o ' yt rerance. I T'l kmwn i ti t'..iiii j. a tern. kiletit man. trot You I 1 ha,i nrirt dreamd that he bad f , tl.e caprire for 4nrt mrath i h- I wa. eshlbitinc. - It wis it an en- j tire stranger I me had I'lft stepped into" the r ' ul yet 1 knew that I t.nst apolo- ! ,i..ii:7o to hin . that 1 owed hint rpar- i 'i"n fr the shauieiul rn soir-ion i lad lust voiced and wl.ich I norr., - ;k.w m nrely unwarranted. Trulh - 'rp ke fro. hi- U. hi r. If ever ' iur it in a h-iotsn r.onru natir . I u-t iu him anil h. Id out try i ms nd . ) "W.n't ott olea foisite me. il ?d -hiinbly. "I should have Jliif.an thai jo-i er inraieaHe of Xml uav I r.ot lak lunrbeon hh yoi If nothlas hsl 1 Ipfefll' - (To be ffhllnuet!)