: ' THE OREGON STATESMAN: TUESDAY, JANUARY, SO, 1020 9 - , . m CITY NEWS fence Moose Hall Wednesday M&lH. Elks To EentertaJn Roys - An entertainment m the state traing school for boys under the au spices ot the Salem Elks and with Elk participants will be given to night. 'The entertainment is in line with the Itig Brother work of the lodge. A musical program baa been , prepared", and refreshments will be served. Automobiles will leave the Wits' club for the training tchool at 7il5 o'clock and any. members who wish to v.olunteer their car3 for the trip r requested to inform the sec retary. K0 Calendars for Practical r Homer II. Smith. McCorntack bids i - G trln To liar llHKketbai; (The girls basketball team ff Ka lemvhlgh school will pay at Chematr wa Wednesday night with the jirls' team of the Indian school. A r intra match will be played In Salem Fri day nllfht, Jan. 23. Iga1 Wanks Getthem at The Statesman office Catalog: on application WILLIAM FARNTJM f In "Lone Star Ranger" MONEY TO LOAN On Improved City and Farm Property ' Capital Credit & Adjustment Co. 41$ Masonic Temple SALEM 1 OREGON HAMILTON TITE FURNITURE MAN WlD make and bang roar drapes. Largest Stock of Drapery. 140 Court Street. Bonds, Mortgages Interest Bearing Investments HAWKINS & ROBERTS JtO4207 Oregon Building : i BICYCLES V AND REPAIRS LLOYD E. RAMSDEN ; ' 887 Court Street WONDER HOSE Far Kiddles, per pair. , . . . . . . . .80c ; V KEMXAXT STORE 214 North Commercial Street ELECTRIC RESTAURANT ,, 411 SUte Street . Oar .Specialty: Oysters 7-Fish Chops Chili Con Carne J. D. MADDOX, Prop. BEMEMBER I 1 ' " , that we par; the fclbat Ht for . IRTAVD'HAXD rUH!IITtTRH CAKTKTS. STOTKS. MACU1XERT . . AKD TOOLS - . Tn't sell anythtnr before 'you se us. TUB CAPITAL HARD WAKE AKD Ft B SUTURE CO. XX W. Cmi'I St.. Pie S47 BISHOP BROS. lllga indj Ferry Sts. Pnone 1400 I I f WE BUY Farm Produce, Eggs, etc Pajinc Hlgbeit Cash Market 'Prices. SUNKIST 0EANGE3 DOZEN ; BUSICK'S 50c E.VGLE DRESS SHIRTS f 2.00, $3.00 to 10.00 SCHEI'S S44 Stale Street The' Kuppcnhelmer noose in Salem : WEST FUR CO. ; Furs of Quality ; New Location -A. 231 Court St. , Opp. Court Mouse D.H.M0SHER j Rlgh CIsas MEN'S TAILORING . 474 CouH Street Victor, I Pathc and Windsor : Talking Machines H.L. STIFF FURNITURE CO. Hear Mischa Lhevtnne Pianist, and Estelle Gray, violinist, world famed artists, at First Chris tian church, Wednesday evening, Jan. 21st. Admission 75 cents. . Huddleson Funeral Held The funeral services of Mrs. Helen Huddleson. wife of Charles Huddle son who died Friday were hela yes terday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Rlgdon chapel. Large quanti ties' of beautiful flowers and a larne number or friends and relatives wera present. The Christian Science ser vice was used. The pallbearers in cluded the employes at the state hos-, pital where she had been a 'favorite employe for years. The bodv wna j laid tj rest in City View cemetery. I " .a ihiu.i lUxlr I Shipped The body of Vera Savage who died yesterday at a local hospital wa shipped last night by the Terwil!ger home to Willaraina where fiuisr.il ind bur'al services will b? hell to day. She was 15 years old. Love, Watchmaker and Jeweler "337 State street, Salem. t.-i!?u? !! Wednerflay . The regular meeting of the busi ness men's league will be he!1 in $ the Commercial club rooms. Wednes day night. I'.uslness cf importance is to be taken up. H. P. O. E. Innco TnewHy evening. Jan. and ladies. !0, for Eik Urnkemasj'a-ltody Sent K.iM The body of George I. Hindley, the brakeman who was killed by fac ing between the wheels of a freight train Saturday morning was shipped to his home In Portage, Wis., yester day afternoon by the Webb & Cloigh company. He was S3 years old and his widow and three children live In Portage. Realty Dealers RegiM More than 1300 real estate brokers of. Oregon hae registered with the real estate department of the state insurance commissioner's office and 1920 Models of the "Lexington Minute Man Six" "Auburn Ueauty Six" and Elcar Fiery Four" now on exhibi tion at 178 S. Commercial, .1920 ELGIN SIX IS HERE Motorists who arc looking for strong-. rviceabl car with elesant body tines and interior specifications that : assume maximum service and economy at m reasonabls pries should ee this car. . LEE L GILBERT,) Distribator 15 S. Vmmrrrtmt Street. EYEGLASSES THAT FIT . DR. L. UALL WILSOTf 210-211 U. S. National Bank BIdg. U. S. GARAGE SS4 Ferry Street . USEIJ BUT NOT ABUSED CARS SPECIAL New series Studebaker. value 11625, today $1300. U. 8. Oarage. Phone 17S2 Electric Machliiery and Engineering Company , -. .;-' - ' For - EXPERT ELECTRICAL WORK 7S So. Commercial SL Phone ISS MONUMENTS If yonr monnmental work li solicit d. kindly ask the solicitor for oar nsi9ess card. ' Capital Monnmental Works, 1210 8. Com. St. Phone fit. Salem YM. GAHLSDORF The Store of Housewares Wood, Coal or Gas Ranges Eitchenwars Dirmerware 135 N. Liberty St. . Phone 67 POTATOES Seed and Table Stock. Bur bank's Netted Gems. Red Rose, JVhlte Rose and Gold Coin. Get them now, they won't last long, phone 717v Office 542 State St. Warehouse Trade and High MANGIS BROS. LONG DISTANCE AUTO TRUCKING WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANSFER CO. Phone 1400 Wc aho do local hauling. Hood's Sarsaparilla Keeps en succeeding; where other medicines fall, because its original high standard of merit in ronscien llously maintained. Good for blood, STOMACH, LIVER, KIDNEYS. Ask your druggist how good it U, have paid their licenses for 1920. About 150 of them were realty deal ers who were not registered for 1919. The registration for 1919 was in excess of 1500. Rigxloa Comiwuiy Superior funeral service for less. New Conxmuion - The C. H. Chenowelh company of Portland, a commission firm capi talized at $100,000. filed articles of incorporation yesterday at the otfic-e of H. J.. Schulderman. state corpor ation commissioner. Tiie incor:orn- tors are C. II. Chenoweth. J. V. Chase and Maurice Seitz. Other ar ticles filed were: Ruiter Sanitarium. Roseburg. j incorporators. Dr. V. L. Ruiter, Dr. .David M. Rrower, II. IC Riter; capitalization $5000. Ouiario Milling company. Ontario. Malheur county, incorporators. E. A. Fergu son. Ellis It. Allen, David V. Powers, capitalization. $2,000. Fourth and Taylor Street Market. Portia ad; In corporators E. M. Fryermuth. J. I'. Smith. V.: A. Carter; capitalization. 15000. Permit to operate in Ore gon was granted to llerrin and Rhodes. Inc. a WashTngton corpor ation.. R.-E. Ef finger of Portland is attorney-in-fact for Oregon. V. X. Needharn Atoot IWby ClilckH 55S State St. Phone 400. McCrkev to t'orvalli T. E. McCroskey, manager of the Salem Commercial club will leave to day for Corvatlis where he will taAo cbarga of a meeting to reorganize the Corvallis Commercial club. Mr. McCroskey will return early tomor row. STOP TOBACCO Stop tobacco for a month and see how much better you feel. You can stop without suffering any inconven ience or feeling the usual craving. Simply get a box of Xicitol from any druggist, use as directed and the habit quits you. Your health Willi be better, your resistance to disease will increase and you will cease to be a slave to nicotine. Read what Dr. Connor formerly of the Johns Hopkins hospital, says about the evil effects of tobacco in an article soon to appear in this paper. Xicotol is dispensed by all good druggists in this city, especially by D. J. Fry. WANTED Exericnced Chambermaid Apply Manager . BLIGH HOTEL MYRTLE KN0WLAND Music and Musical Merchandise Soaora Dealer in Salem 41S Court St. Salem, Oregon Telephone lit Salem Anto Radiator Shop Radiators, Fenders and Gas Tanks Repaired Tractor Radiators a Specialty Ford Radiators tor Sale 19S 8. 12th St. Salem. Ore. CITY CLEANING WORKS Cleaners of Quality Cleaning Dyeing Repairing 1261 State SL Phone Tl W T. RIGD0N CO. Leading Funeral Directors Let ns prore to yon thst oar prices are less. Some good bargains In new and used pianos. THE WILEY B. ALLEN CO. 619 Court SL Derby building 0REG0NUS &. PERFECT CIGAA Manufactured by HENDERSON'S CIGAR FACTORY Phone S19 USED CAR BARGAINS 1916 Ford; 5-passenger Bulck, 1D1 Studebaker, 7 passencer; 5 pascn eer Overland: 1318 Dort, all orer hauled. SALEM VEUE COMPANY 102 North Coml WILLARD Storage Battery SERVICE STATION 238 N. High St. Telephone 203 One Orreland. nearly new, six cylin der. S passenger, equipped all Cord Tires and one extra, new. .Guaran teed In Al shape for $1250. - WOOD-ROSE MOTOR CO. . 246 State SL Phope 311 W A N T E D fnrniture, ranges, heaters, tools and. Is fact, anything yon have to se. i 1 bny for cash. Phone I , 110 or til. WOODRY. The Auctioneer NINETY-SEVEN BILLS ARE SESSION OF THE OREGON During the special session of the state legislature which closed early Sunday morning 97 bills were passed 4 4 senate bills and 53 house bills. For the special election or May 21 nine measures are referred to the people. The complete list of meas ures passed Is given below: Mrim t n Ilrfrrrrd. I'ollowlns; ars the cnnntitutiona amendment, and other measures to b ftubmiiiea to the voters of this stitr at th pe-UI tlrtt.n May 2t- It J It No. 7. by l.urdlfk U latn.n to dfbtH and liabilitlt-n of count led. tn llin cuntke to fund their debts. J. It. No. i. by committee on jti d: i-rv Iteitorinr capital punishment. H. J. It. 10. by Montr and I lank. ItelHtir to surrvsaion to Rovtrnorahip; providinK pttrf-ident of senate succeed. H. J. K. 11. by commlttre'on reaolu t'on: :teninc road limitation ln dcbivdnt-rr from 2 to 4 per ot-nt. S. It. to. by PW-rcje and Smith Pro viding additional tax levy for p-ra-tion of soldiers'. ailora ui.a marine. ed iIl'ii t ion. I ..id ar t ' II. H. 31, by Airs. Thompson Ievy annual tax of 2 mills for support of ptibHc elementary schools. II. R 77. by liorne Ievyinsr special In for -rt-ction. equipment arid main tenHtiic of institution for blind. II. It. fc. by Kublt iTovldintr tax of or i z mill for support cf I ni verait f r.-K.n. Agricultural collete and Monmouth normal. S. J. It. 17 (adopted at 1514 miil. nl ' t:elatiiiK to a (uirinr of prixate lnd for puhlir purposes. Senate JalHt ltelnt S. .1. U 1, by Karrell I'rovidins for atificntioii of national suffrag-e incniliinnl. S. J. li. :.. by riere.' A pimiptlnK committee to investiKute boys' trainina chorl. S. J It. . l-y I'.ank Thatikin? lni- veraity of Oregon football (rmi for rworrt and rportitmanaliip at I'asadena ootbHll pame SKainst Harvard. S. J. It 8. by Judiciary committee Irovidin(r for reference to people of amendment to restore capital punish ment for treason and first decree mur der . S. J. It. 10. hv Hanks and Moser Iteferrin: to p-ple prp-..i.l amend ment to constitution providing that president of senate succeeds to of firs of RoVernir. to serve as such only until next Benerat election. S. J. it. 12. by Norblad Kelatinff to national hiKhwar system. Ilsaae J4nf ltettlallais. 5. t U. 2. bv IJell 1'rovidinc for In vestigation of salaries-of county offi cers. It. J. It. 4. by I.ean Investigating the state fish and Kame commission. H. J. It. 7. by I'.iirdick Amending constitution as to debts of counties. H. .1. It. 8. by Ilurdick Creating a commission to investigate means of de veloping- central Oregon. II. J. It. It. bv resolutions commit tee Amending constitution to In crease stale indebtedness for roads. II. J. It. II. by committee on resolu tions Providing for an argument In official pamphlet against minimum wage amendment. fteaate JJat Meaaarfala. H. J. M. 1. by Patterson Memorlal zinr congress to bar American-born children of Japanese aliens from be coming American cilisens. is. J. m. 2. by I. b. nniiln Memorializ ing congress to appropriate money for Roosevelt highway. K. J. M. 3. bv Uachmund Memorial izing congress to pension veterans and widows of veterans of early Oregon Indian wars. 8. J. M. 4. by Raldwin Memorializ ing congress to open Klamath Indian reservation for settlement. 8 J. XI. 5. by I. H. Smith Asking congress to establish life saving sta tion near Port Orford.' 8. J. M. . bv Kltner -Asking con- gress to give preference to ex-service men in opening up certain publje lands in Klamath county for settlement. lipase- Jalat lciarlil. If J. M. 2. by Dennis llelating to national highways. It. j. M. 2. by ruiter Keiating to patrol of forestslby airplanes II. j. 3i. a. oy lu ana ivuoii nr- latin to disloyal aliens llaaae Bills Pwr la aeaaie. II. li. I. by labor and industries com ittee llelating to funds for recon struction hospital. 11. li. 2. by labor and industries com mittee lTovlding for additional com pensation for injured workmen. It. li. a. Dy la nor ana inausiries com mittee Providing for rehabilitation t Injured workmen. H It 4. bv tlallaghcr Designating Ontario-Jordan Valley road as part of the state hlgwhay system. H. It. i. bv !sllSKher i-roviaing lor payment by state of interest on irriga tion and drainage Donas. II. II. 6. by Jones Kxienaing time in which federal government may appro priate funds for Koosevelt highway project. It. ll. IS. bv Kubll Relating to own ership of property within city limits. It II. is. by Mugnes .uinoi lin county assessors and deputies to au- mimster oatns. . . . 11. 15. Hi., py Hughes in tnciun Statewnrd lands in irrigation and drainage districts. ' IX MUNA 2 "-25' CIGARS Foil Wrapped SMITH'S CIGAR STORE State nnil Commercial Streets Hmall lareeaneot loina KesUty UMUie Moose Htl Agency, General Property Dealing. JOHN n. SCOTT REALTY CO 404-401 Hubbard Bldg. fhone 214 Balem. Ore. DENNIS0N ELECTRIC CO. JOR WORK AXD FIXTURES T North Liberty Street WANTED U'XK AXD MACIIIXERY OF ALL KINDS We also buy second-hand good. If ynti have anything to sell for a CmnI price call 3J8. The Sqoare lKal House. CAPITAL JUNK CO. , 271 Cliemeketa St. Salem, Ore. WANTED!! WHITE i BEANS PEOPLES CASH STORE PASSED BY SPECIAL STATE LEGISLATURE H. D. IS. by Home Relating to col lection of fees for factory Inspection. H. U. IS. by Horns Fixing salaries of deputy labor commissioners. H. B. 20. by Edwards To construct bridge across Nestucca river. 11. R 21. by labor and Industries committee Providing for safe employ ment and safety standards . H II. XI. Coffey Repealing hide In spection law. II. 11. 27. by Burdick Relating to salary of district sealers of weights and measures. M. ll. 28. by Thrift To eradicate bo vine tuberculosis and other livestock diseases 11. 11. 21. by Joint fish snd gsme com- ' mittee Creating fis and game com- mission and providing for Its election by legislature. II. H. Jl. by Thompson Levying tax ol U mills for elementary punlic schools ( ii. i. jo, oy inompson neguiaiintc Hire for commission to feeble-minded home. It. K 37. by Thompson Regulating dar.re hulls outside city limits. H. B. "S. by K. K .Smith Re:.iting to s-ilary of engineer of rial; highway omms? ion II. It. U3. by P.urdick BUabllhlng I-a-hi;teh county fair at Uedm-jtid. II It by Stewart Tcvidins for special election on May 21. 1920. H ll. H. by ,(am- coniTin e -l'r.- vidint; 1'iipt isonment as puntf hriont fur j kininj e!k. mountain sheep, etc. 11 It '2. by iriT.ie C4m-nit Au-thi-riinc fish r.nl gunie com'nisson i p...li!.fe l for ganio fnt.n. . IV la. by Vi: Th.irnp i i ."o pr' . vide new lu-l ni; at f et bl--ui.mo u n.- .1 II V.. ' y l i naugh i I . r,- I r f.ir !i Odi 's c- ... in Tenth lit cial di li i t i !:. J-., 1; loads an-. Mt.livi '.mm :'e -- .".ii'borizing t't'.u-c vt,a It o-l Si ii. i t i, o xl roadr. M. i .er Keg a,.ii; ir'l r d.-'r!ciR. II. : M. bv rnilitary j ii ice Mki'i; ll i -i . eto n .li."r'i td s :-ur. sal r -r marine :!. II I:. 5 i '!'. -jjher I i in t..-.n s:.is..? i.r sine tirds. ll I. u'i. I. inn ji-ounty jt tcatioo U I.Ttiv to rji.-.t) t.f coun : ;r. pertntendent. II. It. S2. roads and highways Au thorizing highway commission to re pair roads by force account. It. 11. fcl. by ways and means com mittee Appropriating $C00 for oil painting of the late Governor Withy combe. H. IR 61.- by ways and means com mittee Appropriating SS500 for in creased expenses of public service com mission. H. II. 66. roads and highusys Au thorizing highway commission to es tablish emergency fund of $7i.0utt. li. i. 7. by i:r.lT.it ! "tun- -'fin v- in' funds lor .v.n.fn t-iildin at tiaii- university. tl II. fct. ty corporation ..immlt't i:i-.-rdlng corporate exi.t-ne to pri vate corporations 11. li. 70. by Wright Designating certain Sherman county roads as part of stale highwaw system. II. II. 74. by roads and. highway committee To provide funds to match federal appropriations. H. ll. 7. roads and highway Rela tive to lease of sand, gravel, etc. in beds of navigable streams. H. H. 77. by Horn. Providing for one tenth mill tax levy for Oregon em ployment institution for blind. H. U. 71,. by game commute Rela ting to payment of labor claims against new state gam farm in line county. II B. 79. Thompson Prohibiting op eration of dance balls outside corporate limits after midnight H B by ways and means com mitteeAppropriating funds for home for indigent children H. B. SI. byways and means com mitteeAppropriating funds for feeble minded home. H. B. S2. by ways and means com mittee Appropriating funds for spe cial sessldn. H. B. 11. by ways and means com mitteeAppropriating funds to repair airrory at Dallas. H. B. 81. by ways snd means com mittee Providing appropriation for ex-service men's educational aid act. -It. It Si. by roads and highways committee Relating to loada and weights of motor trucks on state hign- hf.'fa. S. by Kubli ITovldina; for ad ditions! revenue for university of Or egon. Agricultural college and state normal school. H. It. 87. by Moore Permitting mem ber of legislature to serve on fish and game commission. II. 11. McKarland Regulating ang ling in Willamette river below suspen sion bridge at Oregon Citv eaate Bills Paaaeel la II ease. H. II. 1. by Baldwin State banking examiners. S. B. 3. by Patterson Dealing with psrole Isws . 8. IJ. 3. by Huston Creating court of dctnestic relations. . 1. 5. by Strayer Relating to reg istration of professions! engineers. S. B. . by committee on irrigation Declaring validity of certain irrigation districts. S. IS. 7. Multnomah county delegation Iteluting to establishing of kinder gartens. S. l. 8. by Porter Providing Indem nities for cattle slaughtered by order of state veterinarians. ti. P.. 10. by .Multnomah county dele- fation Granting additional powers to 'orl t f Portland . It. 11. by Multnomah county dele gation Relating to financial aid for certain children. II. 13. by XUktlsen Relating to county assessors. S I s. 11. by HurWy P.elatir.g to reg ti'atioii of livestock or cittain non lesldents snd corporstions. K. P. 17 Relating lo fire Insurance. S. II. 1. by Norblad Relating to 1'ort of Astoria. 8. P. 19. br Nlckelsen Punishment of persons aiding prisoners to escape. S. V. 22 Relating to release of sur eties H. B. 22. by I'nlon county delegation r'i.ng salaries of Union county f-fii-ir.ls. S. Is 26. bv Pierce and Smith Aid to soldiers, sailors and nu.intn. S. II. 21. by Kberhard -Dealing with emitlovment of aliens 1 S. l:. 30. bv committee n lo.vl and hiuhvays Maintenance of highways. S. B. 39. by committer on medicine nharmsc v ami dentistry Relating lo l vcl i"e of medicine. S. B. 3 1. by Moser Relating to at tachments. S. B. 3." by Orton Licensing oper atois and drivers motor vehicles. S. IS. by Pierce Relating t- mar ket ro;,ls S. B. 37 Circuit Judges' expenses S. IS 3. bv Shanks Salaries of su- oreme indues. S. P. to. by Pierce and Fmith lie- Intirtr to soldiers' aid. S. I;. 11. bv Ritncr and Shanks- Re cording of discharge papeia by service men free. S P.. i2 To validate Vista House conn-nets. S. I.. IS. by Lane county delegation Krection of monument a ppi opriate to incmy of world war S. i'. 43. by Norblad foreign lang iiclp newsDaoera. S B. J" Relating to salary in vestl- eation. Is. 12. bv Thrift Roads in Coo county S 1:. ".3. by committee on juiiriarr Providing for straight party ticket S P.. :. I Roads In Jackson count v S. It. 55 Bonds in Douglas county S. IS r.li Itoads In Polk rounty S. P.. 57 Roads in Klamath county H p.. r.H Relating to roads in CJat sou and Tillamook counties. S. B. if. by Patterson Resignation of certain roads in Polk and Yamhil counties as part of state highway sys tern. S. B. SO. hy-I'limuml Designating certain roads In Marion county as par ot st:ite highway system S. IS til--Relating to snlaries. S.4 B. Hi r'lxing penalty for murder S. B. HI Providing enforcement o death penalty. S. U. li.'i Providing penalty for Ire son. X PERSONAL MENTION Miss Francis Strong of Monmouth Display of Jantzen Wear Home Products Week Did yon realize that in the State of Oregon there it a factory devoted to the manufacturing of absolutely high grade knitted wear? This store has a special display of this famous wear and it will be a pleasure to see the quality garments offered SWEATERS BATHING SUITS CAPS SCARFS TAMS V Quality Merchandise Is in Salem this week aa the gae;t of' Mia Wlda Roork. Mlsa Gladys Crozler and Miss Vcl U3i Koork apent Saturday in Mon mouth where they vltdted friends. They look the opportunity while there to visit and view the normal school and it grounds. Mrs. Bessie Cartia of Aumsvl'.le has been visiting, friends In Salem. Mr. C. M. Need ham went to Tort land yesterday. Mra. Frances Blewing of Portland spent Sunday with friends In Salem. Raymond Wilson, an employe of the woolen mllla at Oregon City, waa here Sunday to visit friends. Peter G. Schmidt and P. I. Ken ney are here from Olympla. Tfaey are connected with the Phez trim pan y. George Qulne, sheriff cf Douglas county, returned to -Roaehurg jesLer-- aay auer naving Drought a pruooer to the state penitentiary. Read the Classified Ads. David Graham Phillips Greatest Story "The Grain of Dust" A Thrilling Dramatic Screen Production With LILLIAN WALKER And a Star Cast , Now Showing YE LIBERTY -uiDr.CB.0NeiU en r STATE g STREET O Bake-Rite Bread Is Brimf ull of Food value and delidousnexs. -It's Scientifically and Sanitarily Made BAKE-RITE BAKING CO. LADD & BUSH, BANKERS Established I86S General Banking Dullness Office Hours from 10 s. m. to 3 p. m. i L Popular Prlws Simple Way To End Dandruff There la one sure way thst has never failed to remove dandruff at onre. and that Is to dissolve It, thea yon destroy It entirely. To do this. Just get about four ounces cf plain, common liquid arvoa from any d""iC store (this la all you will need), ap ply It at night when retiring; us enough to moisten the scalp anl ruu It in gently vrim the flm r tips. Iiy morning, moat if not all. of your dandruff will be gone, sad three or four more applications w;ll completely diasoUe and entlrel) de stroy every single sign and trace of it. no matter how xaach dandruff yog may have. You will 'lad all Itching and .cog ging of the scalp will stop Instantly, and your hair will be Huffy, luuroni. flossy, silky and soft, and loc and feel a hundred times belter. OUR faculties are of the LIgheat character. We are equipped to satis fy the tnost act in g elicit. TLe cou neons con duct ot our staff matches the vp to-dateoess of our equlpmenL - OPTOMETRIST-OPTICIAN - LadcHBush Dank MtiSStd Xtfc Stele atf - t '