The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 20, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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The secret
famous chefs sauces
It's knowing how to season foods
how to blend flavors. The men who
make a science of good cooking use
Del Monte Catsup in many of the de
licious soups, sauces, and gravies that
you enjoy in the best restaurants. Try
Del Monte Catsup in your own cook- ;
ing -serve it on your table. You will
be delighted with its taste -bettering
l possibilities. ? " -. 'v-
There ate more than :& hundred other deli--dqus
Del ! Monte Products that will, help
you to put? variety and flavor into every-day
meals. Our new book Da Monte Recipes of
Haror," will tell you more about them and
how to . use . them economically all the year
round. Send for a free copy.
Dr. S. J. Reid at First Bap
tist Church Tells of Age
Old Deceptions
: I
hen Dr. S. J. Reid began bit d-
drens upon (be ubjecl of camou
flage be faced an ilal audience Id
the First lUptlit church Sunday
evening. Standing' room . wa at a
premium in the main auditorium and
the' Sunday schoot' room. Clear and
scholarly, humorous, heart-sea rchJni;
and stirring, the' people of Salem
never heard a' better exposition of
the real conditions-oft today. Dr.!
Reid showed that while the word
and idea may seem to be modern, it
began 'in the garden1 of Eden. De
ception Is rampant in nature, in the
business world, la society and ' the
so-called trouble between the laborer
and capitol And yet the speaker did
not convey a' spirit' of pessimism to
his audience. '
.hat we need Is not spiritualism
but spirituality." The many new
apparently Christian cults contain,
under" the guise of another church
organization, nothing In fact but the
vilest teachings if put into actual:
practice. "Satan never lets himseir
appear a he really Is."
The genuine leader , of the peo
ple who have left the greatest bless
ings behind them when they dld
have been men; and women whose
lives have been steeped In the teach
ings of Jesus Christ.
Satan Van Imitate everything In
the church but the blood of Jesus
Christ; As "every heart knoweth Its
own bitterness"' no neutral ground
can be held in our soul.
The clontng appeal was for hon-l
t dealing with CbriM and that with
our fellow man will naturally fol-.
Professor Troy has had signal sue-
rene in training a very fine choir of
about j voices and tbe two pianos
were ably supplemented. The male
chorus, the solos and tbe tinging by
t'.ie audience left nothing to be de-j
s-lred In the way of flrstc lass music
and the public will . be pleased lot
know that the meetings will continue
for another week.
Oregon Products Week
' s' i ' ' .
January 19th
Saa FcsacMCOp CsIIfocnui
It hps that iipe toiTfato flavor
Accident, Commission Begins
Payments Under New Statute
Under1 legislation enacted at the
special session of the legislature the
state industrial accident commission
yesterday began payments of 30 per
cent Increase In compensation al
lowed injured workmen. Tbe new
law has been signed by the governor
and applies to all payments cover
ing disability from and after Decem
ber 1 last. A special force of clerks
is employed computing , toe back
payments. ' This work, will be com
pjeted in about one month.
I IHv $-3
- I "i' 17-
This week Is dedicated to the pur
chase of Oregon products. The peopls
of Salem can make it eren more locz!
by the purchase of Salem prodscts.
You hare ail heard of PHEZ JAI.IS
AND JELLIES. Here is an opportunity
to enjoy their flaror at a. sarin?; fcr
this week orer the usual price. Present
our coupon to any of the following:
Roth. Grocery Company.
R. D. Gilbert or Company
Peoples'- Cash Store
teller Brothers -CdL
Pure Food Grocery
J. K. Sampson
Capital Street Grocery -The
Economy Grocery
Edward Rocks .
A. Dane & Soni . . . v
Eppley 8L Company
Poisal frSnaw
Yew Park Grocery
Ttom January I9tb ty 24th, Incluiive,
tnis Conpoit and 40c will be axchxnT
by any of the Salem grocers lined
abore for One 15 ox. jar of PHEZ Jam
or J eUyf the ralne of which U ordinarily
When yo go down to the sea.
you are apt to bear aDout two kind
of ships. ," .
One it called & drifter. It seems
as if no anchor could hold her when
she Is in harbor, and no captain can
steer her on the proper coarse when
she Is u'nder sail. i" '
The other ship Is called a "sweet'
vesirel. Tbe steersman has no trou
ble In keeping her on the right
course, an u when she is In harbor.
a single anchor to windward will
hold her proper birth. . ! '
Ships and men, they are all the
same! There were, for Instance,
vwilllam and George. !
As boys, William and George went
to school together. When they went
i to work, however, their paths went
off In different directions. !
William's Tlrst Job was with ;
traveller show. It appealed to the
recklessness and to the love of ex
cltement In- him. but It proved to be
disappointing. He stayed with the
show not quite on' year.
The next year William drove a
grading team in a railroad construc
tion camp, and for the next ten year
he drifted from one Job to another.
Just before .his thirtieth birthday,
be came back, to his home town,
where he met his boyhood friend.
George. J . l
"I fa line to see you again. AVU
Hkm!" said George, as he took him
by the arm1. "I'm in a great hurry
now, why hot come along with me?"
So William went with George. As
they climbed aboard a street car.
George explained:
"The reason I'm In a hurry today
is that I want to get to a sheriffs
sale before it begins. It's way out
in the suburbs.
"The sheriff is to sell a house and
lot at auction.
"If I can get that-house at a re a-
"Some Men Dotft Knowit Yef'
says the Good Judge
This class of tobacco
gives a man a lot more
satisfaction than he
ever gets out of : ordin-,
' , ary tobacco. ; :
Smaller chew the good
taste lasts and lasts ,
You don't need a fresh
chew so often. Any man
who uses the Real To
bacco Chew will tell
you that, i;
Put Up In Two Style
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
sonable figure I'm going to buy it."
At twelve hundred dollars all oth
er bidders dropped out and the homo
vii his.
Mlf a worth" every cent I . paid for
it," said George to ill lain, as the
two went back to the business cen
ter of the city. "I happen to know
that a new trolley line is going to
be extended to that suburb verr
.That's all right, old man," said
William. 'But what 1 want to know
l where did vou cet all that cash?"
"Drew it out of the bank Just be
fore I met' you. It's the bunch I've
been getting together ever since 1
w kid. I'm married now. The
wif iBd I fie tired that it would be
better to put the money Into a house
than to leave it at the bank."
say, mat iibibub guuu tu wv,
aid William. "Tell me more aboul
how you saved up that money, and
load mo to that bank of yours."
So after ten years of drlfing. Wil
liam began to learn the value of
having an anchor to windward. He
tnrk clone to George and depended
noon George's Judument. . William
made his first otirchase of. four va
cant lots in the same suburb. To
pay for these lots illiam had to
cut out drinking, be had to cut out a
good? many other indulgences to
which he had become accustomed
during the ten years of his drifting.
Vnr icht rears now. William has
bee like the ship that steers "sweet-
" and holds her anchorage in me
harbor. He- is now the owner of a
two-family house which he built on
An nf his lots The rent of one of
thefe houses is sufficient to more
than meet the Interest payment on
ho mnrtrati) held bv the bank. He
1s living with his family In th. other
house. I
Hi Mvlnrs are the anchor to
windward which he has thrown out;
they are holding him securely In the
harbor of good citizensnip.
cor;i!Ei xiGirr axii pay
John Vognue. Elbert on. Ga..
writes: i "I coughed night and
dar and niT throat was rarr and tore
I got a boule of Foley's Ilony and
Tar and mv condition- began to Im
prove and in a few, day I was as
well an ever. In ray onlnion Foley'
Ic the beat cough medicine made."
Ilest for j colds. . croup, wnooptng
cough. Children like it J. C.
Terry. T i
The Stateznan's Classified
The Wise Business Maui
' Won't wait until spring But will act immediately to place his order for a .
or IRuniaLlbout
No business house in Salem can afford to be without a Ford roadster. It's a great busi
ness getter and the best advertising medium that any lire firm can hare. While we are re
ceiving an extra allotment of cars and have eight carloads rolling from factory, we are
booking orders faster than we can secure cars.
Place Your Order TODAY
v Motor Co.
! 1 AdsT Bring Results