The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 18, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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. r LL. ' ' - -' ' ' - ' ' ' 1 - J t
al ! I i . ...I I I ,0 I II II ' M ' ' ' i ..
.Miss Edith Bra; and Miss Marv
KaRthara of the state normal school
at Monmouth are the week end
guests of Jlrs. J. R. Luper.
Mrs. J. R. Luper entertained tlV?
members of the Salem Orange club
at her home Thursday evening for
a special meeting. Cards were en
Joyed for a 'short time before tr
buslnesa was discussed. Mrs. Luper
nenreda dainty lunch at the close oi
the evening.
" . .
Mrs. George G. Bingham spent Fri
day In Portland with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. U B. Gee- enter
tained with a nanny little FUDuer
party following the Monday Night I
Dancing club party. Covers were
laid for eight.
' I " ;. i
i Mr. nd Mrs. Will T. Nelll . In
tlted a few In for supper Monday,
night following, the Monday Night
Dancing Club dance.. Their guests
Included Mr. and Mrs. tt. J. McKin
non and Mr. and Mrs. Roy II. Mills,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wenderoth
were hosts for a Jolly litt'.e sapper
party Monday night following the
Monday Night Dancing club party.
A large basket of pink carnations
formed a lovely centerpiece for the
prettily appointed table. Covers
weretJald for Dr. and Mrs. J, .11.
CarnJobst.' Dr. and Mrs. Charles Hobr
rtson, Mr. and Mrs. K. tl. I'oraeroy.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weidiuer- and
Mr. and Mrs. Wenderoth.
Mlsr Mary West was a . charming
hostess Friday night for a surprise
party lor Frank Keinhart. The ev
ening . was riierr Uy spent by; the
young folks with dancing, and at the
close a dainty miiiiwr wa iwrvd by
M rs.
Ileinliai t.
party in-
Mrsi. MoKTnnon and
Those who made u;
eluded Mb; lleW'Ti Selii,-. t'hatlotte
Zerper. Ruth Griffith. Prudence Pat
terson. L-r.ta Baunieamef. Geral
dine Selis. Ruth Kuhn. Alics Mc
Kinnon. Mary West, ami Misers.
Frank Keinhart. Kex Adolph. Arthur
Hamilton. MaxMoon. John Caugh-
ell, Wayne 'Harris, Lewis W'M, Ar
thur WhSt?. and James vArioIph (
The many friends of Mrs. William
H. Prunk, who ia suffering with a
severe nervous breakdown will Le
glad to know that she is slisrhtly
improved. Sirs. Prunk is at thej4 tD jo
homvof her mother-in-law. Mrs. W.
I O. Prnnli
"00.000 members of the association
voicing the urseflt need for "high
minded, great hearted, thoroughly
trined 100 per cent American educa
tors to drive home the vital lessons
that these times hold."
Mrs. Preston says: "The new
year 1920 must signalize the new
service of education. This new ser
vice must include training for every
Individual life activity, and every
community life expression. To this
new service of education 1 call you",
teachers of America. For this ser
vice I ask you to make ready. As
true American citizens accept this
responsibility and my faith in the
certainly of your achievement."
Resides being one of the few wo
men ever chosen president of the
association. .Mrs. Preston is state u-perintende-u
of public instruction for
Washington, and vice cnairman oi
the women's division of the Repub
lican national committee.
At a meeting of the National Ed
ucation asaociallon -held during Mrs
Preston's stay in Washington, D. C.
it -was decided to hojd the next con
ference in Salt Lake City, from July
tic grace and ability. Pie cizht ban 1 J members of the societies.
Dr. and
numbers were particularly well glv- Mrs. Crl Cregg IJoney anu . ro.c
sor ana i ri. uurm , -
eroned the affair and after the rhow
the party went to the Cresto cottage
on the campus where refreshnienU
were enjoyec and -the evening r.nisn-
il uiih iiiiibic and ramei. The col-
me m
the occasion wltn Japanene euccis. i
The Patriarchs Milils-n Conton-
ment Capital No. II am the auxil
iary Capital No. 3 held a Joint In
stallation nd banquet in the Odtl
Fellows hall Friday night Msltlu,:
otficers were Major E. Sasdgras of
Kugene; Captain W . T. Weed of
Portland, and Colonel F. K. vaikin
ot Portland.
The Salem Art League held its
regular monthly meeting Friday ev
ening In the Commercial club audi
torium. Owing to the absence or
Mrs. Monroe Gilbert. Otto Paulus
oresided over the meeting. i ne
evening was devoted tp photography
and some very interesting views in
and about iSaleuf were shown b
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ilurton have a?
their guest this week Mrs. Hurton's
father, J. H. Ackernian of the Mate
normal scliool at Monmouth.
- '
Airs. H. Elfer of Portland is spend
ing the week-end with Miss Gene
The open house at Uie Y. W. C. A.
building Wednesday evening assem
bled over 70 people of the city for
the chicken dinner and inspection of
the building. The rooms had a large
n limbers of posters in them showing
the Y. W. C. A activities over the
world. The benefits received from
the evening went to improvements
in the kitchen.
Called to the national capital from
her western home to attend a meet
ing of the Kmergency-:n-education
commission to discuss .he present
shortage of teachers throughout the
country, Mrs. Josephine Corliss Pres
ton, president of the National Edu
cation association, has Issued a New
.Year iiwHac;e of Krcetinsf to th
.. . j, .
Jake "Cascarets" Tonight for Liver and Bowels and
, ; .Wake Up Qear, Rosy, Fit! No Shake Up!
' Feel, grand lomorrow! 11 effici
eient! : Don't stay sick, bilious, lread-
achy; conrtlpated. Remove ha liver
, and bowel poisons which Is keeping
' your head oizzyy your tongu-j coat
eoT.' your breath. bad and your loai
j arh sour. Why not get a small box
of t'ascarets and enjoy the nicest
gentlest laxatlve-caiuartic you ever
experienced? Casca rets never grip
sicken or inconvenience one llk.9
Salts, Oil, Calomel or harsh TiMs
CascareU cost io little. They work
while yon sleep. , - .
The Throe Link Needle club was
!hosiess last night for a happv little
dancing p.irty which was given In
the Hurst hall.. Informally marked
the eyenin? which was flosed with
a lisht luncheon.
Mrs. W. L. Simeral will leave this
evening for Pixley. Calif., for a two
months visit with her ?on, George F.
Thp manv friends of Mrs. ,. A.
Livesley will be grieved to learu l!:at
she Is quite ill with pneumonia In a
San Francisco hospital. Mr. and Mr3.
Livesley went to the southern city
about ten days ago to spend a fort
night and shortly afler their ar
rival there Mrs. Livesley was tak'.n
Mr. and Mrs. II. Stapleton of Posc
burg are in this cily visiting at the
home of the former's sister, Mr, .'o
seph Itaumgartner.
Miss Lucille Watson and Miss Le
na Tobey. teachers in the Salem high
rschool are spending the week-end In
Miss Hazel Flshwoo'l is spending
the week-end in Silvcrton wlib
A nnmler of Salem college folk
were in Corvallis last nUbt for the
annual fraternity ball given by the
Slrma Alpha Epsllon In irnury T.i
Revelation Novelty orchentra of this
city furnished the music for the
Mrs. W. C. Kantner has as her
guests Tuesday. Miss Ella Hendricks
and Mrs. E. Rredwell of McMJnn-
Miss Elma Weller presented a
number of her pupils 1 1 pi mo recital
Moadar evening In the First Presoy
terlaa church assisted by Mrs.-Ethel
Raymond-Itoyd. soprano. (Thes
skillful Jittle artist who, with the
r exception of one were under H'yehrJ
old played their numoer with artls
tm Ixiq
We show a complete line of furniture for the children
f v. v Etc';,
The display in our south window will be interesting to fathers and mothers.
:;5-a -: . ..w- .
We can surely please you in bed-room furnishings. Our stock is so large and
varied that prospective buyers will have no difficulty in choosing to suit their tastes
And at a price they can afford to pay. , -
Only Dealer in Salem Selling
Victor olas and Victor Records
L r Exclusively .
I. January Victor Records Are Here .
You Get More for Your Money at Moore'
CloducoVJ oight
'c rM f it to SMsts, mbMhay,
tMlunoM tat r th taniM korrta TM"
Succeeds oCtea wb all eOMr fU- Boy
Mill box e U f aarsta at aay lm cji
tortf follow th slaipi dttKtM
SaarastMl Boat OeUf addiiit l Ti
muH. happhMM; 44 tn to Ufa,
A BW SMt, Ulllag boW tO bMMM th!
la a picaMBt. mmtm, w wr, "U!r
grsnfullr stosar. vtvsrfo cbwrfuL to
tttWd: K4 WalfM Hmpmity." WIU b
Mit rraa la aula wrapper, noocst to
KORtlM CO, lUttoa.f, R Xfrk U X
Mrs. Raymond wh- possesses a
charming soprano voic?. aNfared
twice on the program and delist
ed her audience with her cl"ar rich
tt in iiti np' to riuric
lover's of Salem that Mrs. Hoyd Mill tage was attractively decorated for
return to her home In thj south n
The program as given follows:
Knight Rupert Schumann
Claudia Lewis. Helen Pettyjohn.
Janet Plimpton. Helen Roberts.
Story by the Mouse Tyncs
Gwendolyn Jarman
Marche Trlomphale Concone
: Louise Nunn
la) Playing Tag
Ibj Spinning Song Elmericb
Dorothy Livesley
Vissi D'arte. Vlssl D'Amore (Tos-
ca) .i'
Mrs. Ethel Raymond-Hoyd
(a) Robin Redbreast .. ..Concone
lb Arbutus IUlss
Helen Roberta
A La Fontaine Van Gael
Julia IRuj
(a) Happy Farmer S'huinann
! (b) Consolation .. .. Mendelssohn
(c) Hutterfly 'o
Janet Plimpton
Showers of Stars Wachs
Elizabeth Fairchlld
The Flatterer Chamlnad3
Helen Pettyjohn
Trot de Cavalerie rtiilwtstciD
Janet Plimpton. Helen Rob-rts,
Elizabeth Falrchild, Claudia
(a i Valse Chopin
(bi Curious Story Heller
Claudia Lewi
(a) Spring in the Heart Fink
(b) Etude Ilurgmueller
(c) L'Orage .. Riugmueller
Frank Hutcbason
(a) The Star. . . .James II. Rogers
lb The Secret .Oley Speaks
Mrs. Ethel Raymond-!kid
Mrs. E. K. Tyler and son Vernon
returned '.o Salem yesterday after
an extended trip thronzh (be middle
west and California. They were met
at Springfield by Mr. Tyler's son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
pel Tyler, who came to Salem to
spend the t eek end. Mr. and Mrs
rtamutl Tyler before their marriage
made I heir homes in Salem.
Mrs. May me Lucas of Corvallis
the guest of her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. W. V. Hill.
Mrs. Roy-Burton. Mrs. C. B. Webb.
Mrs. Thomas Galloway and Mrs
Craig Marvin have issued Invitatona
to a dancing "party for Tuesday
evening. The affair will he given n
the Moose hall and promises to l
the social event of the week. About
50 couples have been bidden.
Mrs.. Herbert Nunn was a chant
ing bostes-t of the week when sh-j
honored Mrs. Ralph Watson of Fort
land, a Sakra visitor for this week.
Mrs. Nunn assembled be: guests at
the Marios hotel Tuesday for lunch
trim. The--daintily appointed table
was centered with a Jerusalem cherry
plantAtj itch -ot.the. 12 covers, n
manning; rrencn nogay waa
I'aced. After th- luncheon they
formed a party at the legislature
Miss na Mullen is. in Portland
for over the week! end. , ;
r -
Miss Eva Miller oi Portland is a
week end hosse guest of h-jr, sihter;
Miss Jesala filler..-
The Mother's club of the Lincoln
school held - - its regular . monthly
meeting Friday afternoon in the
pchool auditorium. During tha bus!
ness meeting otiicers tor the year
ere elected rwlth the following re
sults: Mrs. A. F. Marcus, president
Mrs. C. W. Beckett, vice president:
Mrs. S E. Edwards. sereary, and
Mrs. E. Gannett, treasurer.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Dennison were
happily surprised Tuesday evening
at their hime on Court street when
group oi tlieir friends called to
spend the evening with them Inlor
mally. Those who made up the par
ty were Mr. and Mrs. L. C. IX-nnl-
Mn, Mr. and Mrs. IxkwHh. Mr. and
Mrs. Moe. Mr. and Mrs. Invid Reece,
Mr. and Mrs. Purvine. Mr. and Mm
Mnller, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis. Mr. and
Mrs. Gatch. Mrs. Caldwell. Miss Cuba
St. John. Miss Lydia Baldwin. Miss
Christie Brown. Miss Kdna Denni
on. Miss Flora Turn bull. Miss Feat I
Spinner, Mr. Wintersteln. W
Sihried. Mr Stewart. Mr. Clark. Mr.
Henshaw. Ernest Brown. Fritz Zel
luskl; Jack Gibson. Jack T'irn'ui'1
Lestr Dennison. and Matter Wilmer
4:- -Sr
The Philadosian and Philadorian
societies of the university gave a
joint party last night at the home of
Coach and Mrs. R. L. Matthews. The
affair was a flower party and the
rooms of the house were converted
into a veritable garden and the pro
gram- was (entirely pertaining to
to flowers. Professor and Mrs. M
k. recK anq .Mr. and Mrs. Matthews
were chaperones for the party. A
ter the prjsram dainty refreshment
through which, the flower ideas wen-
carried out were served.
The program as given during the
evening was as follows:
To a Water Lily Dorothy Staf
Forget-me-Not Dean Jennisnn
A Bouquet Women's Quartet.
The Revel of the Flowers Lau
sanne Hall girls.
Hearts Ease T. C. T.
' Bachelor Buttons Men's Quar
tet. Wild Thume. Bunch ot Rye. phil
adosian Blossoms. Weeding I he Gar
den and Nectar of Ambrosia.
The !oyal Women of the Bunga
low Ilible school held their regular
monthiv meeting at the home of Mrs.
J. A. Pogue Tuesday afternoon. Af
ter the business meeting which waj
conducted bv Mrs. Pogue the pres
ident, and Mrs. E. A. Bennett, thr
rl instructor, a social time war
enjoyed and , refreshments were
served. -'"
The Crestomathian and Cresto
phlllian societies at lh university
gave a Joint line party last night af
the Oreon theater to see Evange
line. The party included about 90
Mrs. Etta Squier Seeley. Mrs. 11. D
Trover, Miss Mlna Cook, and Otto
Paulus. A. C Barbour gave a lecture
on color piotograpuy and showed
over 20U views of Salem and iclnlty
in their natural color.
Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Putnam en
tertained the people of the Tumor
church where Mr. Putnam has been
pastor. Frifay evening at thHr hou v
161 South Fourteenth s'rwe. for an
enenin of games and music. Th?
affair was planned as birthday arty
lor all those who had birthdays in
January. ix were present who did.
including Mrs. Putnam. She wa
presented with a Jar'dinier as a win
from the Turner church. Refresh
ment were served to the 4 j
Miss Cecil PfeifVr of litis clay and
Edwin C. Dinsmore were yuletly
married yesterday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock at the parsonage of the First
Methodist church by Dr. R. N. Avi
son. Only relatives and a faw close
couple left Immediately for PortUaJ
to make their homes.
Mr. George Blaure and Mi Br.
djne Myers of Portland arrived lat
i,i'i ik'iii lunr uoniea ior a sev
rral days visit with their taother
Mrs. Clara Myers.
Miss Georgia Webber and Miss
Blanche Wright of the Oregon Agri
cultural college are week end guests
Of Miss Bern Ice Knutx af i. .
. MV , L
Chi bouse.
(Continued on page 3)
Whrn lrraular or uppmm4 aa Tr1
umph 1'illa. Sr ana always rpw4.
oir. . aoio at a rug stores. lx no
npfrlramt wllh other; aava diaapl
puinlmrnt. Writ for Hllr a4
particulars; Ifa f r-u Addrraa: Natiow
al Medical Inatitute. Milwaukee. Wis.
Scotch Woolen Mills Store
426 SUte Street
Spring Pumps,
Oxfords and Shoes
New shipment of spring shoes arriving daily. Ox
fords will prevail over all other footwear for the
v spring season. Brown and black lace boots
high tops, are good style for the early
spring. We will .receive all the
newest-things by "express as
fast as they are : created.
HcOid-Painted Spats
Is a new fad. See them in our window. We are al
ways the first to show these new specialties.
Hanan Shoes -
Full stock always on hand in both men's and women's
in all the lasts.
Rubber Heel Day Is , Wednesday
Hanan Shots
Fox Pumps
a . " Al
Bernan Boob
Foot Appliance?
326 Statea-NexttoladacBusIiBaiiK'