The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 18, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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    "second section
The Statesman receive tie
leased wlra report of Uo A
aoeUU4 Press, the greatest
and Doit rellabla prats aa
aodsUota Ja th world, i .
Eight Pages
HAUttl, . OUKGOX, M MA Y M OltM.Xi, J.. IAKV, 1.
rmcKi rim cxjih.
rp HE Apollo elub tivc its first
l n concert or me season Tuesday
! j-eeoiiK at tbc armory which
sembled the largest company or
iff aoclal affa!r of the week. All
tt! numbers sung by the club wore
gtcfllent and wre doni with art
tie finish and beauty which marks
all in appearance. The club waa
jssisted by Julia Hand, ihe new ten
tf, whose powerful voice of pleasing
true tenor quality added much beau
ty to the confer;. Ho cnthuniaf'tlca!
ly was Mr. Hand received by the Sa
lem audience that he was compelled
to respond 10 viverai encores acn
Included the favei'ltee. "When lrsh
yes Are Snulinj?." "A Little Bit of
Heaven." and "Mother Macbree." '
f taVar Jensf-n, Mr. Hand's accom
panist, an accomplished pianist, gavo
$1 instrumental anmber which was
t.nch enloyea.
The club was assisted by an ex
.cdlent eight piece orchestra, which
deserves n uch credit as do John W.
T"ld. the conductor, Dorothy
. Ft tree, the accompanist and Mis
J'velya DeLong at the organ.
, Tor the oceanic n the rotstrjm was
Cecorated with banking of palms
tad fern on the twm sidis with low
C arses of fein In front. On each
tide a yeiiow npor tamp was piaceu
and In the center fnnt a huge bas
ket of reVl carnations ave an artistic
tfuch t the a-Tilr.
ffOXORl.VC Mr. Ralph Watson
1 of Portltn-.! wi has been v!s-
f itlnfc In 8alMi. hiring the legis
lature Mrs. . U. Dancy entertained
By Ruth Len ore Fisher
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Gregg Doney, Dr. were all present to partake of the
and Mrs. George II. Aldeti. tM:ss
Frances M. Richards. Dr. n I Mrs.
11. L. Sleeves and ihe senior Ik-la
Chi girls. Misses Rita Hobbs, Gene
vieve Yannke. Vera AVise, Kreia
Campbell. Evelyn Gordon, and Era
Parrott. Miss Hern Ice Knntz i.Ur
duced the guests to the receiving
line. ,
In the drawing room the pink aurf
green were used as decoration 4. A
large basket of pink rosea rr:nei
the centerpice for the table and pink
shaded candles in crystal sticks
burned on the tables. Pink maline
In quantities and trailing gnillax add
ed beauty to the dining room deco
rations. The following junior Heta
Chi girls served the dainty refresh
ments: Miss Charlotte Croisan. Mur
ial Steeves. Ruth Wise. Myrtle Ma
son and Sybil Smith.
Throughout the evening the soph
omore and freshmen -girls acted as
hostesses through the rooms. Cyn
thia Delano In a dainty rrock gave
each guest a French nosegay. At
Mhe outer door the guests were met
by little Misses Josephine Allx-rt
and Dorothy Tweedale In attractive
THE Tniicnm. dancing club gave
one of Its 'delightful affatrs of
the week on Tuesday night when" it
assembled the members and few
additional guests for a masqu?rad.
at the Moose hall. Many clever and
some beautiful costumes were worn.
Mrs. Elmer Daue, as a Scottish las-
matrons andvR. L. Davidson, wear
ing an elaborate Alaskan Indian cos
tume received the men's prize. All
nations as well as clowns, Pierots,
' 4
'ree tables o brid; Widay after-.t5Jfwon the first prize among the
toon at her homi on North Liberty
street. Mr. I'd win L. Maker scored
, high, ft thn clo- of the play lits,
Lscy serveJ a dainty lunch. Mrs.
liaacy's gues for thn-aftemocn In
eiiHled, Mrs-. SVatnon. Mrs. Edwin .
Faker, Mrs. I. Drown, Mr.
i. H. Olingfry Mrs. 11. E. Leo Stelner.
!rs. Milton L. M-v.m-8. Mrs. L. F,
Crifrtth. Mrs. Frrtt'c Meredith. Mas.
F W. Durban, uMrs. John Caughefl.
Mrs. Oliver C i.o ke. Mrs. Charles
" L. Ramp and Mrs.. A. Al Jones.
: i . ''
Tf RS. Charles II. Uohertson Was!
11 on of Charming hostel's
: of the week when she enters
taited on Thursday the PletJtiil
club, a club .eomposed of some ofth
prominent mttron,! of the city. Two
new ucmbers were taken lno tht
club a, this meeting. They are lfi-s
E. 8. Tllllnghast ani Mrs. Cj I. Iew
ls... Mrs. Ilobertson Invited Mrs.
Harold Fowle of Tacoma as a guest
of the club' for the afternoon. ."In
serving a dainty lunch Mrs.: Robert
' son was assisted by Mrs. Thomas B.
Kay and Mr.-iJ. T. Barnes,
.The Beta Chi girl of Willamette
university were- hostesses Filday
evening for their first social fuue
! tloh when they g?v at large recep
' tloa. Invitations were Issued to SOU
friends of the club. For the occas
ion the living room of the house waa
beautifully banked with palms and
ping carnations, emphasizing the
dab colors, pink and green, Creen
vases held boquets of caraatlons and
. green candlesticks held plak unshad
ed candles.-
Velma JJaker. president of the club.
Professor and Mrs. E. CIUcliards.
merriment. At the close a collation
was served. The full club member
ship of 40 couples were present.
R. and Mrs,; J. E. Hrophy en
tertained with a suppct af
ter the Monday Xight Danclny
club at their country home in V'ett
Salem. Ping carnations adorned the
center of the pretty table, tluy pink
j heart shaped basket were al each
plate and the pink lighted Candies
gave a finishing touch to the dinner
Covers were laid for , Mr. and Mra
W. T. Grier, -Mr, and Mra. Ralph
Glover, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyers.
Mr. and Mrs. Arm in Steiner, Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Schmidt. Mr. and Mra
George Riches, Mr. and Mrs. 1-eo
Page and Mr. &nd Mrs. Hrophy.
Complimenting John Hand, La Var
Jensen, his accompanist and E
Russen his manager, Dan lanen-
berg waa host for a reception fo'low
ing the Apollo club concert Tuesday
night. Mr. Langenberg asembled his
guesig at his studio ij the Oregon
building and the evening was fin
ished in a delightful vay with mu
sic and a social time. During the
evening Mr. Hand was made the n?t
honorary member of th Apollo club.
Claude Stevenson and Edward Moas
entertained the party with several
comedy vocal number?. At a late
hour lunch waa served. Just before
leaving Mr. Hand Joined with the
guests in singing, "Good Night, La
Mr. Ingenberg's gu-?ss fnc'udeJ
the Apollo club memwe-: and.the'r
wives or friends.
Mrs. Walter Denton presented the
Martha and George Washington, Red 1 pupils of her advanced classes li a
iiwing tiooa. sailors ana larmers studio recital Wednesday evening.
- - .
Mm! A. P. Boyd of Baltwa Canal, Zone, talented singer who. is vis-
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Perry II. Raymond.
iariiiary Shoe Sale
We are felling our regular lines of high grade shoes at
great reductions to make room for our spring stock
which will arrive soon. Now is the time to hoy your
shoes as it is a well known fact that the price of shoes
will he higher in the spring than at the present time.
One trial will convince yon that Kafoury Bros, shoes
can save you money because they fit, wear, and are
made in neat styles.
"xs-rr J
One lot Shoes, odd sizes black
kid, . military and French
heels, value tip to $10.00,
One Lot all sixes both mil!
tarj and French heels, values
up to $11.00.. .. . . . f . . $6.50
Grey Cloth top, military heel
Fine Misses shoe or ladies
every day shoe, Black Kid,
Black Gunmetal, Brown Calf,
low heels, regular $8.50 $4.50
Grey Kid, Louis heel, regular
$12.00 ....... .. $8,75
Same as above in military
heel, regular $12.00 ....$8.75
Beaver Grey, Battleship Grey
Black and Brown in the new
lasts with a beautiful Louis
covered heel. Regular $16.50
special $13.50
Golden Brown, Lotus covered
heeL regular $12.50 $9.50
Same as above in .Miltiary
heel, regular $12.00 $9.50
Black Kid in French and Military Heel,
reguUr $1250, special $10.5C
Black Kids in Black and Military heels,
Regular $10.00, special..,.. $7.50
- OTk . MEN'S
Miss Maxine Glover was ihe only t-ne
of the younger pupils to appear,
playing her numbers by request. Mle
is a talented .little m'ifclc-lan and in
terprets her music well. -Among the
numbers were "Drifting, by France
1 lodge : Norwegian Dance , by Flor
ence Klgin; Russian Daue by. Mil
dred Brunk; The Uutterfl by Ku-
genia Savage. Donald Alllfio.i and
Elbert Lacbeile's numbers showed
clean and artistic work.
Mis Florence Power assisted by
giving a very enjoyable reading.
The program which was given fol
lows: Valse ,ln E Flat (Durai.d) Cra
Rainbow Dance (EnsU-mana) Es
ther Da vies.
Her Kiss (Hell man) Hl-n Cory.
Polka Caprice (llohmt Ronald
Habanera from Carmen Iinse)
Ruth Griffith.
Coquet ueia (Irragla) Ia Pappi
lon (Lavalee) Eugenia Savage.
Drifting (Frinil) France:! Hodge.
Idilio (Lack): Arabian Night.
Mildenherg) ; Norwegian 4 Danc
(Grieg) Florence Elgin.
Caprice (Huerter) Fnlta Kirk.
Recitation Florence Power.
Spanish Dance '(Luebehlt; A Le
gend (Luebehl), Maxine Xllover.
Russian Dance (Friml) Mildred
Hungarian Polka (Alfoldy) Char
lotte Horning.
Rhapsody (Koelling); The H utter
fly (Dennee) Donald Allison.
Tarentela (Heller); Souvenir de
Trovatore (Hoffman) Elbert La-
Mrs. Gerald 'Volk entertained the
P. E. O. Sisterhood at her home on
North Capitol street Thursday af
ternoon for the regular burner
meeting. Mrs. Will T. Kirk read a
paper on Michelangelo and after the
business hour Mrs. William Hughes
was Initiated into the sisterhood. The
afternoon was fini&bed with dainty
refreshments served by the hostess.
Mrs. W. F. Fowle Invited Dr. and
Mrs. W. C. Kantner. Mis Constance
Kantner, Miss IJiVerne -Kantner.
Richard Thomas. Leon Jennison and
George White to have dinner cn Sun
day at her home with Mrs. Harold
Fowle of Tacoma, her bousj guest.
Miss Theresa Fowle and her..
Mrs. George McMath came down
from Portland Friday ' evening to
spend the week-end with Mr. Fred
Jluchtel.' t
Mrs. C. M. Sherwood-and Mrs. if
N. Aldrlch entertained tba members
of the Luella Kimball el Hi Friday at
the home of Mrs.. Aldrlch. A bus!
ness meeting occupied tb early
hours and waa followed by an en
joyable social time -which was fin
ished with dainty ref-eshrne.its
eerved by the hostessea." "Abour 1
matrons -Vere present including Mrs
E. Harris of Brooks. Mrs. Ii E. Nich
ols and Miss Nichols of Portland who
were guests of the club for the af
ternoon. . '
The Garden Road circle was hos
tess for a sumptuous dinner Thurs
day at the home of Mrt. J. H. Kuker-
berg when the husbands of the 'lub
members were. Invited to nlp then
celebrate the sixth annfvevary of
the club. Covers were laid- for 0.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kirk asked
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyers, Mr. and
Mrs. C. n. Webb and Mr. and Mrt.
L. S. Geer to their home for anpper
following the Apollo club concert
on Tuesday evening.
Woman is credited with designing
the first gas mask, hecosding to
press dispatches from Pittsburg, Pa..
which state that " the first gaa mask
based upon the use of charcoal fi-r
the absorption of highly poisonous
gases from the atmosphere, the prin
ciple of which in actual practice was
so valuable to the armies In the
world war, was made by the late
Mrs. J. R. Garner of Pittsburgh."
Tho ulntomonl waa mal at tha Ml-
lon Institute of Research In Pitts-1
burgh, and would therefore seem to
be authentic.
Mrs. Garner, wife of the dir-ctor
of research of an importani natural
gas company, became interested In
the experiments her husband ?as
conducting with the gases which at
that time, early in 1915, had ap
peared on the battlefields of Europe.
When the principle was once estab
lished, the Institute declares, Mrs.
Garner designed and made gas masks
of the canister type, and in June.
1915, they were handed over to the
representatives in America of the
.- -
Co-operating with Oregon Manufacturers in the emphasizing of the true economy '
in purchasing wearing and boosting of Made-in-Oregon articles of wearing appar
el for women, misses and children at all times but more especially daring
National Thrift
Home Products Week
Oregon manufacturers are fast coming I o the front in many lines of manufacfar
ing. We will display in our windows during the week beginning January 19 lines
of merchandise made' on the Pacific Coast and an inspection of the articles will
be interesting and instructive. Many of our own Salem people do not realize
- 0
the quality and quantity of Home Products that's one reason for special empha
sis at this time.
. . - .....
For True Thrift Buy Quality Merchandise. .
For Good Citizenship Buy Home Products. i ,
1. B. ghiuleg (Ed.
Where Shopping Is a- Pleasure
'f .-
uicn bst
Infants' Garments, Center
Pieces, Table Scarfs, Sofa
Pillows, and many odds and
ends left over from the holi
day trade
This Week Onlj
429 Court SL ' Phone 958
British government. They werj -sea
to , England, and .from this first de
sign other gas mask were made.
When the United States entered tbo
war. full details of the experimental
work and all apparatus that had
been employed were supplied to the
government. Mrs. Garner died a
year ago.
Thursday evening the music stu
dents of Prof. R. Harr met at the
home of Mrs. Mary Stoddard at 140
North Hroaway and had a very prof
itable as well as enjoyable meeting.
A dainty luncheon yas served by the
hostess, assisted by Mrs. Harr after
the following program had been ren
dered: Cadences and achates by the class
Comedy overture, Keler Hela Op
73 Lustsplel
Gladys Anderson and Hazel Pierce
Exercises Walti -,.
Irene Haven
Mary Christmas March.. Jay Watson
Robert Renner
Jesus, Lover of My Soul Bril
liant variations .Butler
Florence McDonald
Poetand Peasant, Overture....
F. V. Supp.a
Donald Schaupp
Freyschutz. Fantaisle Brillante
Hazel Pierce
William Tell, D Krug Op. 170
Martha Steinbock
Come Back to Erin. Transcrip
tion Clarlbel
Margarette Hogg
Battle of Gettysburg. Descrip
tive Paull
Zed a Rhoten
Orvetta Walts Spence'
Marian Haven
"Hawaiian Breezes" and "Tell
- Me," vocal solos
Irene Pierce
Bridal Chorus from "Lohen-,
grin" . R. Wagner
Matlte Antrican
Wearing of the Green
-Vivian Jackson
Starlight Waltz Brainard
Delphine Anderson
Mocking Bird March E. Mack
Jennie Antrican
Lucia dl Iammermoor Fan- 4
taise Brllllante Leybach
Gladys Anderson
Concluded by song bv the class.
Birthdays seem to be the thing
this season and surprises the favor
ite war of celebrating ' them, with
all Its rakes and dellghtfulness. Mrs
George F: Holt was given a happy
surprise on Thursday which wai her
birthday anniversary when friends
called to ask her over to the parlors
of the church and upon arriving
found a beautifully laden dinner ta
ble, with a party of 55 women of
the church present. A large birth'
day cake twinkling with lighted
candles waa placed on one of the
tables. Mrs. Mabel Burgy as
toastmistress for the affair and Mra.
James Smithers,' Mrs. Albert Loagh
rldge. Dr. Holt and Mra. Holt an
swered to toasts. During the dinner
the women presented Mrs. Holt with
a leather handbag. Following the
dinner a social Informal time was
Dr. Charles II. Robertson 99it
Thursday iq Portland on busiaesa.
were Mesdames Grover Dclilcger.
Russell Fields of Pendleton. J. Deck
ley of Mexico Carl Abrams. Otto
Wilson. Floyd Utter. F. If. Thomp
son. Dean Cromwell ot Los Angeles;
H. V. Comston, Kay' Smith. Roy
Shields. F. II. Reeves and Cecil Haw-
( Continued on page 2)
Friends are welcoming for a short
time In this city Mrs. Cloyd. Dixon
Raueh. her two smal children, Mary
and Cloyd and Mra. Mary Long. Mra.
Ranch's mother, who came up from
their home In Portland Thursday.
Mrs. Rauch'a brother. Georgx Long
Ranch, her two small children. Mary
They were the hoase gnesta of Mr.
and Mrs. B. J. Miles until Friday
night when they went to th William
lis pi II tons for a short stay. They
are also visiting Ms Mae Ranch In
the Court apartments.
The many, friends of Mrs. A. P.
Boyd who Is visiting la this city will
be happy to 'learn that she will
aing "O' Devlne Redeemer" by
uaunod at the First Methodist enarcn
this morning. Mrs. Boyd during her
former residence here waa one' of
the leading musicians of the city and
possesses a rich soprano voice.
Mrs. Seymour Jones haa invited'
12 guests In for a Sunday evening
tea tonight at her home honoring
her son. Melville who leavea tomor
row for Kansas City, Mo. The oc
casion also is Melville Jones birth
day and she Is having a few of Ms
friends in as a farewell and birth
day celebration. Mr. Jones haa been
with the state highway commission
for some time and leaves for the
east to. accept a position with his
brother-in-law. K. w. Getter In
large paving construction company.
Mr. and Mrs. I.-C. Farmeare
home again from a two month so
journ in San Francisco and Los An
geles, spending a month In each ci'v
la San Francisco they were the house
guests of Mrs. Forrest S. Bracett.
formerly of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. KappUabn en
tertained Mr. and Mrs. Arthar 3.
Benson and Mr. and Mrs. Fred le
Leao for a delightful alter dance
supper Tuesday evening after th-?
Til Ileum daaclag party.
Mra. Elmo White gathered a com
pany of matrons to her borne Friday
afternoon for a charming time. At
the close of the affair Mrs. White,
assisted by . Mrs. Dean Cromwell
served a dainty collation. Those
who shared Mrs. White's hospitality
A very few of the Salenan'a asay!
rorsets stHl ora sale at s bargaia.
I2 CVtttrt Street -
""s'f '
r . i'( M
First the Corset
Then the Spring Suit
Most women realize the importance
ot having ajiew corset properly fitted
before purchasing the spring raft. Ia
the line of Frolaset Corsets we have
models for every type of figure, many
of new spring models having elastic
tores at top which insure comfort to
the wearer. .
115 Uherty Street. t '