The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 18, 1920, Page 5, Image 5

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11 '
4 1,
Bill and Bob Millard
In '
Melroy Sisters
. Jin'-
Arthur LaFluer
Matt and Jeff
i Acts appear at 4 68 10 p. m.
y "J, ...... :."v"; t
V t irJkl TTk "Pictures Start at 2:154:30
PMUnfM' : - 6:30-8:3010:30
THEATRE , y come qn time i
Flares and Flickers
In Rapid Fire Musical Comedies
Girls 'v
Girls 4
Dance j
I i
A Laugh!
A Scream!
A Roar!
Mile a
Show at
Pretty Girls ! .Gorgeous Costumes ! Funny Comedians !
William Karnum 'will be the at
traction at the Oregon theater, be
ginning today in the William Fox
production. 'The ione Star Ranger"
a dramatization of the novel of that
name by Zane Gray.
The scenic effects that frame the
intense dramatic action of this story
were photographed In picturesque
mountain fastnesses and cn the des
A few years aeo David Graham
Phillips presented to the Saturday
I.vening Post a serial story. The
publlfe interest created by this ex
ceptional piece of fiction was so
great that the author made for him
self and for his publishers, not only
a name, but a fortune. As a. nlav.
the -rtory achieved instant success
and .proved the finest starring ve
hicle of James K. Hackett. In pic
ture form it will be shown at the
Liberty theatre today. Lillian Walk
er, Edith Day, Ramsey Wallace. Cor-
ene Uzzell and Ralph Delmore are In
cluded in the all-star cast. Harry
Revier directed this, master produc
tion. William S. Hart's latest picture.
"Sandf presents the famous star In
a typical western characterization.
According to the story, he is a wan
dering railroader who finally gets a
Job at the little southwest border
station of Condor. A train' robbery
has taken place there some, time
previous. Through his acquaintance
with Younj, the former agent, and
his, pretty daughter. Mary. Hart
makes an enemy of Barber, the local
bad man," who has enoueh Influ
ence to have Bill fired from his Job.
The star then turns cowpuncher and
is able not only to clear up the for
mer robbery but to reveal Garber
and his gang in another attempted
holdup and win Margaret for his
cwn. - Mary Thurman is the girl.
Frederick Orin Bartlett. disting
uished for his clever fiction, ttu the
author of both "The Lions' I)en" and
me spenaer. stories wnich were
published in The Saturday Evening
Post and converted into plays by
Metro for their popular young star.
Bert Lytell.
"The Lion's Den." to be seen at
the Liberty theatre on Wednesday.
next, shows the actor in the charac
ter of a young clergyman fighting
against great odds for the good of
the youth of his parish. . It shows
his heart-Ebreaking failures and
brilliant successes.
Mr. and Mrs. Carter De Haven, as
the stars, and William Seller as the
director, have created one of the fun
niest Capitol Comedies ever produc
ed fro mthe story of Bob MacGow
an. "Close to Nature.1' In which
William Parsons presents Mr. and
Mrs. Carter De Haven and which
Goldwyn distributes will be shown at
the Liberty theatre beginning Thurs
aerial thrills. Billed as "The Hu
man Top" this remarkable exponent
of musculation surpasses all prede
cessors not only In feats performed
but length of time consumed In per
formance without touching the
ground. At the Bligh today.
"Light of the Western Stars." fea
turing Dustin Farnum. will be shown
early next month. Watch for open
ing date.
The Melrov Sisters, undoubtedly
one of the daintiest and most delight
fully entertaining offerings seen in
some time is the act presented by
this clever paid of remarkably hand
some and fascinating young misses,
consisting of singing and dancing of
exceptional classiness. At the Bligh
today. "
"Checkers" Is the greatest racing
play In the world. In this brlllfant
Vlay of fine thoroughbred lorses
and thoroughbred men and women.
the sharp contrasts are. provided by
the deep shadows of trickery and
! 3ft ;
in i k 1
idiom put disaster in trie oath or vout Vf t t.
uwmeis ana social career, lusi aH aia ro? u
the ambiticmj.seltishyDunQ attorney in.
iWAIA ofIi 1ST I
Here is a biJ.vital.Humaa picture' lj
crammed with suspense with smasrrinc) - Jf
pTBatic climaxes,and with ihrnnc. J
.VilHf tllWfr Wt ILS lift ttVUI I,,
. . ! fstm
PlfRS wfaisCrtsrinMtti
A Double Reel Comedy
"CORAL AND ONIONS" Outing Scenic
e f . ; 5
c I . ' . '
I J : . -- ;. :V s
! 1
I x ' 3
i V.
i r 3
.' 3
! I
Today Monday Tuesday
Lloyd Insures Laughter
Continuous Today
2:15 4 45 7:30
and 9:15 P. M.
1 1
The new Enid Bennett picture.
The Woman in the Suitcase." which
Is being shown during the latter part
of the week, at the Oregon theater.
is a' treat for feminine movie fans
if for no other reason than that the
pretty star exhibits a most exquisite
Harold Lloyd in "Captain Kiddo's
Kids" is the two reel comedy at
traction at the Oregon today. Lough-
ter aids digestion, this comedy out
to cure it entirely.
"When Tom Moore, comes to the
Liberty theatre in "Heartsease" be
ginning Thursday he not only brings
his delightful personality, backed by
the support of a finished cast, but
he portrays the subtle effect of music
on a man who, through a vicious as
sault, has become indifferent to al
most all Impressions;
" ,,.1,11, , , . , .
Bill and Bob Millard are two rol
licking, good looking happy die post
tioned chaps, one big and hefty and
the other tall an dslim and both
equally clever as comedians and ver
satile entertainers whose talents run
from cycling to singing, all well sea
soned with wholesome comedy patter
of the sort that never offends and yet
is a decided riot. On the Hippo
drome show at the Bligh today.
How to make your wife love you
despite herself Is a problem confront
ing many unhappy husbands In this
day. One way to solve the problem.
one calling for heroic measures, is
shown In "The Spark Divine." Vita
graph's-newest Alice Joyce picture,
which will be shown In the Bligh
theatre today.
. Alter scoring a naiion-wme suc
cess as tho "baby .vamp" in "Up
stairs and Down." Olive Thomas
shows her versatility by playing a
very dramatic rate in her later Selz-
nick picture, "The Spite Bride."
Isn't it just like the contrariness
of life that a man who. is so bent on
evading the law as Harry Carey in
his pictures, where he is continually
holding up stages, cattle rustling and
outlawry in general, snouia be a
crack lawyer in reality? Harry Car
ey knows all the lar there Is to
know. Maybe that's why be Is such
a clever outlaw In "A Fight for
Love." coming to the Bligh theatre
next Tuesday,
t Musical comedy, the Parisian
Belies Musical comedy Co.. comes
to the Bligh theatre for two days
starting Monday with a pretty lot of
girls and handsome wardrobe backed
'by catchy songs and latest comedy
hits. .
The new policy at the Bligh thea
tre starting today will be four per
formances during the day. the vaude
ville appearing at 4 p. in., 6 p. m
8 p. m. and 10 p. m., this being done
so as to accommodate the vast
crowds that gather at this theatre on
vaudeville days.
I Arthur La Fleur, a sturdily built
'young Hercules of pleasing personal
ity, possessing unusual muscular
'strength; presents a combination of
fering consisting of remarkable feat
n 4 V.A Unman rinffi anil a tnavlllarv
The following, house bills passed
the senate at the session Saturday
H. B. 70 Wright: Designating a
certain road in Sherman county as
part of the state highway system.
H. B. 16 Hughes: To authorize
the inclusion of lands belonging to
the state or any incorporated town
in irrigation or drainage districts.
H. B. 28 Thrift: For the eradi
cation of diseases of livestock.
H. B. 42 McFarland: Giving the
fish and game commission authority
to purchase land for game farms.
11. B. 41 McFarland: Providing
imprisonment penalty for the killing
or mountain sheep, goats, elk, moose
and caribou.
H. B. 87 Moore: Providing that
membership on the state fish and
game commission shall not come
within the consUtutional inhibition
against members of the legislature
serving In offices created by the leg
islaturel Bill formulated so that
Senator GUI may retain his place on
the commission . to which he was
elected by the legislature Friday.
H. B, 27 Burdick: Increasing th
expense allowance for district seal
ers of weights and measures from
$850 to $1450 annually.
II. B. 36 Thompson: Relating
the age of persons committed to the
state institution for the feeble-mind
II. n. 13 Kubli: Amending sec
tion 6874. Oregon laws, providing
for the acquisition of property by In
corporated cities within or without
their corporate limits.
H. B. 19 Hofne; Amending chap
ter 48. laws of 1911, fixing salaries
for deputy state labor commission
ers. , .; 1
H. B. 18 Horne: Authorizing the
state labor commissioner to collect
the fees due his department instead
of having them collected through th
office of secretary of state.
II. B. 34 Thompson: Levying a
state tax of 2 mills for the malnten
ance of state schools, measure re
fer re r to the people.
H. B. 57 Committee on military
affairs: Prohibiting persons from lm
personating soldiers, sailors or ma
H. B. S Gallagher: Remedial bill
providing for arrangement whereby
irrigation districts shall advance
money to the state to pay interest
on state bonds Issued to pay Inter
est on irrigation district bonds.
II. B. 32 Smith of Multnomah
Removing the limitation on the sal
ary that may be paid the state high
way engineer.
II. II. 59 Gallagher: Fixing an
open season for game birds.
H. B. 76 Roads and highways
committee: providing for the sale or
lease of gravel in the beds of navi
gable streams.
H. B. 60 Linn county delegation:
Authorizing the county school su
perintendent of Linn county to em
ploy a stenographer.
H. B. 79 Thompson: Providing
for. a license to be placed on public
dance halls outside the boundaries
of cities.
H. B. 49 Burnaugh: Fixing th
time for the holding of circuit court
In the tenth judicial district. .
H. B. 37 Thompson: Providing
for the regulation and licensing of
dance halls.
H. B. 51 Gallagher: Relating to
Irrigation districts.
li. 11. 7Z Mcrarland: To regu-
south of the suspension bridge at
late angling in the Willamette river
Oregon City.
II. B. 62 Roads and highways
committee: Authorizing the high
way commission to repair highways
by force of account or otherwise and
declaring an emergency.
II. B. 66 Roads and htchwnys
committee: Increasing from $
to 875.000 the emergency fund
which the state highway commission
is allowed to create, and declare an
H. B. 20 Edwards: Authorizing-
the state to construct a bridge over
the Big Nestucca river.
H.. B. 24 Coffey: Repealing the
hide Inspection law of 1919.
The following appropriation bills
introduced in the "bouse by the joint
committee on ways and means were
passed by the senate:
11. It. 63: Appropriating 8600 for
the purchase of an oil painting of the
late Governor Withycombe.
II. B. 61; Granting an additional
appropriation of $8500 ror the state
public service commission.
H. B. 80: Appropriating funds for
homes of indigent children.
II. It. 81: Appropriating fnnds for
the maintenance and Improvement of
the state institution for the feeble
minded to be used in the, completion
or two buildings.
II. B. S3: Appropriating fundi for
repair of the armory at Dallas.
H. B. 84: Appropriation of addi
tional money through tax levy for
uses, under the educational act for
soldiers, sailors and marines.
approved by ways and means commit
tee: Providing additional revenue
through millage tax for University
of Oregon. Oregon Agricultural col-
leg and Oregon" Normal snool.
II. B. 67: Introduced by Graham
and approved by the ways and means
Committee: Appropriating $50,000
for women's bulluing at University
of Oregon.
" Take away the first number
you thought of.'
. "'I have
" Then you have the price of that
Georgette model, madam.' " Wash
Ington Star.
HARD COLDS Pebpl4fwbose blood
Is pure are not nearly so likely to
take hard colda as are others. Hood's
Sarsaparllla makes the blood pure:
and this great medicine recovers the
system after a cold as no other medi
cine does. Take Hood's.
Elsie Janls. back, from England.
said at Bar Harbor:
"Visits to London dressmakers at
present are painful affairs. There Is
really no limit to the fantastic prices
they ask."
. Miss Janis smiled whimsically and
"A chorus girl friend of mine
called on her Dover-street dressmak
er .before the Ascot races, and. this.
she claims, is a true account of their
"'What-can you make me an aft
ernoon dress, like the model on the
dark manikin, for?"
"'Um-h. Think of a number.
"Very well.' '
-'Double It.'
44 'Yes. v 7,
"'And add twelve guineas.' -.
She I trust. Jack, that our mar
riage will tret be against your fath
er's will.
He I'm sure I hope not: It would
be might hard for us. If he should
change it. Stray Stories.
Bicycle , '
Repair Ing
When jour bicycle is La seed of repairing, bring it to us. Then
you will know it is repaired right and at & reasonable charge,
For we have the largest and best equipped repair shop in
the city With only competent mechanic! in charge. .
Complete line of Bicycles, Tires and Accessories
117 S. Commercial Street.
Phone 63
We wish to announce that we have completed
arrangements with the Firestone Fire and Rub
ber Company to handle their tires in this city.
A cordial invitation is extended to yon to visit
us and inspect our most up-to-date salesroom
and repair shop.
One of the most valuable features of our ser
vice is a stock of the high-grade
We !.uc a complete new line of the Firestone
Gray Sidewall Tires. They have established a
new and higher degree of service than motorists
have ever before enjoyed.' Our records are
We ca: 7 c's a full line of accessories and sup
plies, ?tA ere ready to do your vulcanizing
pron.ptiy and thoroughly. Let us us relieve your
niirrd o i!! rrctoring anxieties.
iii. -.J
291 North Commercial Street
.exhibition that caps . the climax of J
II. U. 26: Introduced by Kubli and