The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 18, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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    3 -TTOro
DAY In national thrift move
; By JAMK3 ELVIN ! we accumulate is a vital part of the
The aim of Jesus Christ as found I work, of the moralizat.ion of life,
in the Sermon on the iinnnt ani h. Ambition is an Important econom
Parables is to establish the Kingdom
of God as a kingdom of righteous
ness on the earth. In order to con
tribute our Dart and heln mike that
kingdom of righteousness a possibil
ity there must be practiced those
final virtues which are not only the
essentials of economic success bnt
also great aids in building of the
whole man in a moral and spiritual
One of the most basic; economic
virtues is honesty. Business could
not flourish long on a basis of dis
honesty. In all human relations
, honesty is one of the obligations that
our m,oral nature Imposes upon us
because it makes for the highest
good of man.
.Fidelity is another-economic vir
tue. In all relations of life it is
true that "a faithful man shall
abound In blessings." Every work
man should aim to merit the "well
done" of his- employer. Every em
. ployer should honor such fidelity to
his interest by a corresponding fi
delity to the real interests , of his
Farm Loan Association .
Elects 1920 Officers
ic virtue. It makes for progress and
the general good. Work should be
a pleasure and an inspiration. What
ever be our wor, to lack ambition
is to be morally and spiritually recreant.
Patience and perseverence, thews
are virtues without which compar
atively poor results can be attained
In all work there are discouraging
circumstances, many difficulties
arise, progress la often slow, there
are many failures; ' promotions ar?
tardy; merit does not always receive
full recognition. These things ten 1
to jimpatience and discouragement
but nevertheless they arc at test of
character. They call for patience
and perseverence. Results in both
the economic and spiritual world de
mand their, exercise.
Justice. This is a fundamental
and Inclusive virtue, Undoubtedly
most of the unrest of today relates y ins. A. L. Collins, T.
to this virtue. The fundamental oe-Aufrance and
cessity for industrial peace. Is a will
ingness of both parties tc do the just
thing.4 Such an attempt in industrial
relations as that recently undertak
en by several companies to "come
New officers were elected at the
annual meeting of the Marion-Polk
county National Farm Loan asso
ciation of Marion and Polk coun
ties January 13. 1920. Reports of
the association show tha,t since the
organization was formed a total of
$241,000 has been loaned to th$
farmers of Marlon and Polk coun
ties. In 1917 the United States govern
ment made a large appropriation of
money called the federal farm loan.
Thi a was tt be loaned to the farm
ers at. a reasonable rate of interest
for long time periods. The Marion
Polk county National Farm Loan as
sociation was formed to handle the
federal loans in this vicinity. Dur
ing its organization the association
has loaned $241,000 to about 70
farmers in this vicinity and not one
of them' have defaulted in payment
of Interest.
The officers for this year are:
L. P. Hopkins, president; A. L.
Collins, vice president: V. 1. Smith.
secretary-treasurer. The loan com
mittee is er m posed of T. J. Clark
E. A. Aufrat.ce and F. C. Ewlng. The
directors fhosen were L. P. Hop-
J. Clark, E. A
It Is Advancing Rapidly, He
Says, and Taking Whole
Country Along
More Money to Acre in Im
provement of Farm and
Orchard Is Doctrine
Young Men Held as Suspects
in Frohmader Robbery Free
L. Canvigan and Jim Grace who
were nently arrested and held for
investigation as being Implicated In
the shooting of John Frohmader,
are now ui iiDeriy. une wai re
leased Friday night and the other
Even though the casts of the foot
prints In the vicinity. of the shoot'
Ing corresponded with tBelrs, the
alibi furnished by them was suffi
cient to exonerate them. The boys
were In their room at 8:40 oclock
and the shooting was reported to
have happened not earlier than 9:30
o'clock. It was shown.
F. C. Ewlng.
wHueucj a Breai. worn in ioe ,M,k., . tll- nt .,.,. a
What Is worth. do-L, , nntiH,.n
economic world
ing is worth doing well! Every one
whether he be In business for him
self or In the employ of another,
should familiarize himself with the
best methods 'Of doing his work and
then try to put them into practice.
A careless., disinterested Incompe
tent workman or business man is
morally weak.
Economy is & virtue of much im
portance In the work of the world.
The corresponding ' vice is waste.
a long step toward me application
of the Golden Rule in business.
These efforts, which are growing
more frequent, develop the spirit of
brotherhood which is the true Chris
tian spirit.
Every man should try to estab
lish the Kingdom of God, which is
he kingdom of righeousness, in his
own heart. Character is the great
est thing In life, it is the greatest
asset In tut economic world. It is
Promptness, regularity, system, make I.... , u,a
IV , ' W W W V LI till, A UI LVQ WB.
all -kinds should be carefully hus
banded. Thrift is one aspect of econ
omy, i Extravagance indicates self-
fishnets and selfishness is the tap
tap root of cin. The right use of what
hoe, the man behind the plane, the
man behind the machine, the man
behind the counter, the man behind
the desk. tlat counts for most of the
work of the world. In all work.
we are to give diligence to pre
sent ourselves approved unto God,
I workmen that need etc not to be
; We offer you the best lines on
the market including the Buckeye,
Queen and Petahuna Incubators.
We handle the Buckeye, Queen
and Eresky Brooders and there
are none better on the market.
aim-strike law
Retention of Provision
Cummins BUI Urged by
Oregon Member
It Is no longer a question of whe
ther the fruit industry is going to
develop rapidly, and naturally take
the whole community up with it. It
merely a question of whether
(hose who are on the ground, those
who in many cases have given years
of hard toil, are now ready to ac
cept the fruits of their work, or whe
ther they are going to let it go to
outsiders, people who will have no
interest further than the money
which they can reap from the har
vest of those who really should get
This is the opinion of F. . Kurtz
head of the packing firm whfch built
the evaporator and cannery in North
Salem last year. Kurtz is himself
Johnson May Contest Ohio
Support With Sen. Harding
COLUMBUS, O.. Jan. 17. Senator
Hiram W. Johnson of California to
day Indicated that he may contest
with Senator Warren O. Harding of
Ohio for Ohio's support for the Re
publican presidential nomination,
Mrs. Thompson to Take Offi
cial Part in Welcome in
School for Sunday School l&TZ:1 2' ZZ
TVarhpr Ha Fnrnllment lduclng prune orchards in the valley.
leacners nas uiroumeni .., haTe Jugt recenUy rturned
ol mgnty
The Sunday school teachers train
ing classes will open Monday night
at 7:30 o'clock with SO teachers of
many denominations enrolled. The
course will continue for, ten weeks.
the school being held each Monday
night. T. E. McCroskey is chairman
of the committee in charge.
. The program for .each night pro
vides for three classes having per
iods each and closing with an as
sembly of all classes.
from a convention of fruit men
and at the same time made a trip
through much of the fruit country
cf California," said Mr. Kurtz. "The
ejes of the biggest men n. tfco bu.i
not are cn the Willamette vallej,
for they hve seen how nature has
removed so many of toe handicaps
which other places have lo contend
with. They look to this great valle
for the biggest development of
rowing in t'e next few year.
But, if those men com, they will
lay their own plans, and when they
get ready the grower will play the
game the way those peop'e will want
and not in the way that will mean
the growers interests first. This
sair.e thing has happened m .otaer
fruit distrl-.-t3. Another great Jan
Five members of the bouse of rep
resentatives of the special session
of the legislature will go to Fort
land today to join in the welcome to
General John J. Pershing. The otb
er members of the committee are
Speaker Seymour Jones. Marlon
(Couniy, who was selected by the
house by acclaim, P. J. Gallagher.
Malheur county, David Graham of
Lane, and James Stewart of Gilliam.
Sherman' and Wheeler, all appointed
by the speaker as was Mrs. Thomp
March 21 A bill extending the
franchise of women In presidential
elections is signed by me governor
of Minnesota.
April 3 The French chamber re
jects two woman suffrage amend
ments to the electoral reform bill.
April 22 The Pennsylvania house
p'asxes woman suffrage amendment
to the state constitution. -
Mav 21 In the American congress
the house passes the woman suffrage
amendment to the constitution ny
vote of 204 to 89. showing a relative
sain since January. 1118. when the
vote was 274 to 136; .
Jnn 4 Tha United States senate
adopts the woman suffrage amend
ment to the constitution by more
than the necessary two-thirds vote
56 to 25. The amendment bavins
alreadv Dassed the house, it goes to
the state legislatures for ratification.
June 10 Illinois is the first W
lo ratify the woman suffrage amend
ment- then come Wisconsin ana
June 16 Kansas ratifies: so do
New York and Ohio.
June 17. The Illinois legislature
corrects an error , and ratifies the
amendment a second time.
Jnne4 Pennsylvania completes
ratification of the amendment.
June 25 Massachusetts completes
June 27 Texas ratifies.
Jmy 2 Iowa ratifies the amend
ment. c .
July 3 Missouri is the eleventh
state to ratify.
July 17 Alabama rejects
July 24 Georgia, rejects
amendment. ,
July 28 Arkan-as the twelfth
state to ratify. t
July 30 Montana completes rati-
August 2 Nebraska "complete ?
September 3 Virginia defeat
September 8 Minnesota ratlfTee.
September 10 New- Hampshire
completes ratification.
September 30 Utah ratifies rati
November 1 California Is the sev-
erjteeeth state to ratify.
November 1 Jaine ratifies.
November 21 Illinois declares
that vromen may sit In the national
December 1 North Dakota rati
December 1 Lady Astor first wo
man member of the house of com
mons. December 4 South Dakota rati
fies. -
December 12 Colorado ratifies.
Jannary 6, 1920 Rhode Island
January 6, -1920 Kentncky rati
fies. Jannary 20, 1920 Oregon ''rati
fies. Of the 2 states that have ratified
the suffrage amendment twenty are
Republican states.
E. L Gibson, Known for Work
in Durrant and Other
Famed Cases
OROVILLE. Cal., Jan. 17. Ed
ward L. Gibson, probation officer
and superintendent or charities of
Dutte county, one of the most wide
ly known detectives on the Paclfie
coast died at his home in Oroville
r l . . r n n . . imrougn locauy ownci tnu suppo'i-
rlgni CO Oring raying raieniSlcd enterprises which will keep ta the
thia mnmln r after an lllaesa of minr
iruir msLriMS. ahul ilt ii tit i i u- I mm m i .
i. k. iH ,wt,. iftr.A. ii. ih I l hr Krnrrl l.n hv Knarrl in I months at the are of 59 years, lie
9 v a to i AJsa v t imh aa vu no ,o .- s ava- is- i m mmM w iwws W Stf J W f et Ui I m M
tlty in many sucn cacea,
The greatest prosperity will :oiue
National Scholastic
Into Court Fails to
PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 17. Three
national inter-scholastic swimming
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. Reten-
Hnn nf antl.Btrlkat nrnvialnna In th
If yon are Interested ,Jn cither 1 railroad bill jjow in conferencejs;as
Incubators or Brooders, send forlsenUtlve Me Arthur, Republican, of
. , 1 Oregon, whl declared there had never
the complete catalogues, stating I been a strike -could that not have
- ' nn Kiuw ' bj. uvb : ravms 111-
iwhich you are interested in or call I aether.".
, . - i -we are tace to lace witn tne ruin
and let OS show yon the different (less demands of organized labor
wnose lonnyisis . ana nenenmen
cemmunity the profit of dlstrlbnticn
as well as raising of the fruit
nf nt-nhor. win Ko . .or. tr.warrf. recorus were oroaen nere toaay in
vava " " w w " lW. ! ai a
better fruit that wil! be .attempted naiionai scnoiasuc sw m-
Renewal of the paving royalty w- tfnr mrt ming meet, won oy west rniiadei-
fight in which the Warren Construe- ..FIr8t will have to come the lc- pD "ii .h- n i Jm?" lv
tion company was the target of house Uelopment of a system cf dlstrlbi. r 'fS"!" A0,yarAf w,:PhJ!
Din iso. 45, by Hare, railed to se-tion of electrical
cure passage of the bill In the house I the country." he
' I til . ruwrr un lire laiui. inu rv-- (.. rnrm m.rV
daily electrical power, la the higgeut Chace. of nerkeler irlnr hiti
money saver that any farmer can school. New York, broke his own ree-
nniimited. lord In th ??ft vtA ri wfcloh ti
served for two decades at a detective
.sergeant ot the San Francisco police
uewrtment during which he figured
conspicuously and with great credit
In some of the most sensational
case of California history. He was
an active factor In the Durant case
the Botkln poisoning case and "the
remarkable Becker forgery In which
a $12 check was raised to 1 22.0 OX).
Gibson was born In Portland In 110
D. A. White & Sons
251 State Street
Salem, Oregon
swarm the. capltol In their efforts to
secure special privileges and special
liriTBTinltA.n lift ripolareri- - : - t
"They are not only opposing the
measure now in conference but they
are clamoring for two years more of
government operation at the expense
Phone 1 60 I of the traveling public, the shippers
ana tne country generally ana xor
the- special benefit ot the railroad
Scotch Woolen Mills Store
426 State Street
lifted his hands and shook his head
ith an air cf eestary. Af'er this
pantomimic compliment to the dish,
he said. Interrogatively:
"Quack, quack?"
"No. no." aaid the Chinaman.
"Dow wow!"
And the .Chinaman has not yet dis
covered why the Englishman ran.
Chicago News.
"Your father. Is unreasonable."
-Why?" asked the dear glrL
"Telia me not to lose sight of my
object In life and then kicks beeaase
I call seven nights a week." Losts-
vllle Courier-Journal. .
Clothes Tailored
totional majority of the house,
The bill provided that the validity i ntoner saver that
of the patents on pavement mixtures I n,Te. -ns uses -ar-i
used In Oregon be tested out in the
district court of the United States
for Oregon. Mr. Hare led the de
fense of the bill and L. A. A. Smith
of Baker and L. E. Bean of Lane
led the opposition.
The for-
Senate Rejects Measure
Changing Test From Grav
ity to Boiling Point
The gasoline bill which would re
move the 58 degree specific gravity
test required in Oregon, failed to be
come a law wnen it was killed .n
the senate late last night. The
house, where it originated, bal
passed it.
The bill provided the test of gas
oline on the boiling point test in
stead of on hte specific gravity basis.
i nave uaa mat snown to me on won In 2:38 4-5 seconds.
my recent trip Krom Mcrora to mer mark waa 2:39 3-5.
Oregon down to t eh Mexican border The third record waa broken by
one great eiecincai sziem onngs conn, of Rutgers preparatory school
the modern wizard to every farm. I who added six inches to the old
plunge mark of 70 feet.
Even electric tractors are oeinz used
n some places. With pewer ccmes
irrigation at low cost
'In the rice fields of California
they keep 18 inches of water on tin-
ground for several months at a time.
and I am told that the total cost oi
power for .hat purpose comes to $7
per acre annually. In one cne a
nln flv fret in itlameter I npr1 tn
bring the water to the far, and Efforts of Leaders to Continue
form the miracle of mrkin? wate I With Senate Conferences
lands bloom. TTT'aw t k
"At different times wc have suf-SMtt
rered here because rains at the en l
of a drought would shoot the sap WASHINGTON. Jan. 17. IIoDes
through the trees so rapidly thatl for final action by the senate on the!
the fruits would break, ith even peace treaty this month virtually had
a moderate rizea irrigation system, vanisnea tonignc
every farm could have paid for its I Efforts of Republican and Demo-
equipment many times over the lastlcratic leaders to adjust disputes over
Man Indicted on Statutory
Charge Gets Term With
out limit
ci vi Li ATT ATfo nrrvojis
John Wyatt who was indicted on
statutory charge' by rand ury
was sentenced to the state peniten
tiary without limitation by Judge
Kelly of the circuit court yesterday.
The maximum is ten years when
sentenced "without limitation."
Read the Classified Ads.
B. & G. Motor Co
Changes Location
We have moved from 256 State street to 178 South Commercial
street, where we most cordially invite all persons interested in mo
tor cars to call and pass judgment on our respective Jines, no mat
ter whether they contemplate a purchase or not. 1920 models have
arrived. :
The B. & C.
"Lexington Minute Man Six" "Aufcum Deaoty Six" "Ekar Fiery Four
and "Sanlov Tracks
lew years. There is hardly a sum
mer goes by where one or two good
waterings would not add thousands
of dollars to the value or the crop.
As for myself, I am goiug to have
such a system even bef-re electric
power comes. I spend $30 an acre
on my orchard annually, and I be
lieve It would prxy ire to spend
reservations will be continued next
week but the time required for sub
sequent negotiations with the rank
aud file of the senate and the debate
in the senate are expected to pre
clude final action before February.
Two sessions of the bi-oartisan
round table" committees were held
today and considerable progress to
ward agreement on minor reserva-
The Chinaman could speak but lit
tle English and the Englishman could
speak no Chinese. All the same the
dinner went off very agreeably. The
two men sat in silence, while a neat
Chinese butler served' op dish after
dish of surprising delicacy. )
There was one especially that
pleased the Englishman. It was
rich stew of onions, pork, mash
rooms and a dark, tender, well-flav
ored meat that seemed like dock.
The Englishman ate. heartily of
this stew. Then he closed his eyes.
Lack of
Has cost many a young man
and young woman the loss of
an opportunity to secure a
good position where advance
ment would be substantial and
Perhaps yoa are In this class;
if so, begin, now to put your
self in the class of young peo
ple who can told lucrative po
sitions. . '
A thorough course in this
school will prepare yoa to bold
the big jobs. Let ns tell yon
what scores of our graduates
re doing. Tla an Inspiration.
Capital Business College
I war a m aia( a 4
rrmi urumuj ib uuv i'i iuc I T Aon. v.v -u- ......
r.nMI. Avnn tm.lntia. In 1.A vu Blurs Baia llllie
r. 7r t. v LV ..k.. progress has been made In the
country." said Mr. Hurts, "but
here in Salem we have not yet feit
the full luport of it.
He says the country round about
Is taking .': up faster than the city.
"It is inconceivable to most of the
men who have come here to do busi
ness in the last year, that this city
of such a flourishing community has
not sufficient hotel accommodations.
Not long ago we had some men here
whose good will and business means
a great deal. Imagine 'our em bar-
i rassmen when we would have to take
those -men to the train at night so
, they could go to Portland to sleep
and then bring them back to do more
business In the morning.'
liminary discussion recently of the
teservations affecting article ten and
the Monroe doctrine: Rennbllcan
leaders, including those of the "mild
reservation" faction, appeared as In
sistent as ever that there be no
change in principles of Jjiese reser
vations. .
Bake-Rite Bread
Is Brimfull of Food value anddelidoumesa.
It's- Scientifically and Santarily Made
Declaration of Independence
to Fight Reds Through
Movie Theaters
WASHINGTON. Jan. 17. Recent
.activities of (radical propagandists
led Secreary ' Lansing this week to
display for the first time in 18 Tears
1 . ... . - - w
Jones Appoints Members of Si ffi'S iJSSKi.01 M
House to Investigate
GeneraB anting Businesa
Office Ilourir from. 10 a. m. to 3 p.
constitution of the United States.
in the presence of a rroun of of
ficials the parchments were removed
from the protecting wayys of a steel
entatlve L. E. Bean. Lane TC h f . PlC.d ?n
tii I view in the state department for m
""'" u- "are oi d-k. .kii. .
E. Cross . ot Clacka- L.rJI,VL-i.. "clurB c.raer
.w.viv iiini aiitpriniDrF ior Inj I
oenem ot me 11U.UUU.000 nenunn
living nnaer the principles enunci
ated by them.
Theaters from Maine to California
and irom the Gulf of Mexico to Can
ada will exhibit the films In sn ef
fort .to remove from the nubile I
mind in every city, town and village
Ington and 21
nwa were qppointea yesterany as
I house members of the committee to
investigate tne xisn and game com
mission. The .appointment was kn-
nouncea Dy speaker Seymour Jones.
The Stateman's Classified
' Ads. Bring ReidU,:STfflS"-el,ee-,0f recent ,Ttd'
03Ql-60a5cZr or ty Paso.