The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 18, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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' Vi
Scotch Woolen Mills Store
426 State Street
TP HE first several months of this year will un
I dergo a settling up and a settling down.
Legislatively, commercially and in our everyday
living there are needed reforms which will bear
Thrift is one of the crying needs the country
over and neither Salem nor, yourself are ex-
I. i C1 . ft; 12
' J - '- . . . f
frvn . - . i
'. '""vim- iW'yw'ii" '.w.'sA
Flrt Congregational.
Liberty and Center streets. W. C.
Kantner, minister. 10 a. m., Sun
day School with classes Tor all. V.
I. Stalcy superintendent; 11 a. in..
"On the Threshold of a new church
year;" 6:30 p. m.. Christian Endeav
or. Miss Nell Fake leader a live
society with live meetings; 7:30 p.
m.. "The Heart Cry of Christianity."
Following this two motion picture
films, "The Fair Grounds at Buenos
Ayres." military training station, Ar
gentine Republic. A cordial welcome
J a Hon Iee McthodUt.
Winter and Jefferson streets.
Thomas Acheson, pastor. For Sun
day, January 18, the following pro
gram will be observed: Sunday
school, 9:45. classes for all ages un
der the care of capable teachers.
Strangers welcomed. Public worship
11 a. m.. subject. Tractical Patriot
ism. Class meeting. 12:15; Epwortb
League meeting, 6:30. A rousing
time assured. Young people cordial
ly invited. Evening service, 7:30,
subject: "The Great Inquiry." The
choir under the leadership of Prof.
Ciark. will fgurnlsh special music
This Is a Problem That Con
fronts Us All
Whether you are young or old.
rich or poor, the question of "who
should wear glasses" is one that
touches you very closely.
They who "refuse to be bored 'by
learning anything about their eyes,
simply because their vision teems to
be' good, are taking the most serious evening testimonial meetings at 8.
9:43 Sunday school with classes for
all. E. A. Rhoten, superintendent.
The primary department meets in
Leslie hall with Miss Su Williams
in charge. 11a. in. Public worship
with sermon by the nasi or. Theme:
"Character. Building." 6:30 p. m I
devotional meeting of the Epwortht
IeaxJ studying the topic. "The
Worth-while Life." Maymond At
terbery will lesd. 7:30 p. m, !op.g
service. Ie-1 by the choir.' and au
evangelistic address by the pastor.
First Clmrrh of 1iHr, SrintUt
Sunday service Is held at 4 40 Che
raeketa street at 11 a. m. Subject
of Bible leroon. "Life." Sunday
school at 9:45 a. m. Wednesday
risk with their most precious facul
ty. No one can afford to lose good
vision but It often is lost solely by
teason of that neglect which arises
from lack of appreciation of the im
portance of care of the eyes.
Those who cannot see clearly need
no warning to tak care of their eyes.
Out the human eye Is a long suffer
ing servant, which never tries to
avoid work which it can accomplish,
even by extreme difficulty, and hence
it is very apt to create a false im
pression of greater power than it
really possesses.
These people have bad vision with
out realizing It. they can see clearly,
but do not understand what a terri
ble strain the eyes are having to
achieve this desirable result This
morning and evening. Two items of ; condition Is called Eye-strain, and It
the week to be remembered are: The, results in severe headaches and
tea served by Mrs. R. E. Dunlap and nerve troubles.
Threaded Rubber Insulation permits the
Bone Dry shipment and, storage of bat
teries so that no maUVr how long the
dealer keeps them in stock they are brand
new when they go out of the doormen his
customers' cars. Ask us about it
Degge & Burrell
Mrs. Fred. Barker at 1311 N. 4th
street to the ladies of the church on
Wednesday afternoon, and prayer
meeting Wednesday evening 7:30
o'clock. We cordially invite the
public to worship with us:
Court Street Christian.
North Seventeenth and Court Sts.
We want the membership to begin
planning for the revival service
which we hope to -begin the latter
part of next month. This prepara
tion can be made In two ways: Pri
vate prayer and by talking it to your
neighbor. The evangelist Is now
holding a big meeting at Vancouver,
Washington, and come to us imme
diately at the close of that meeting.
A splendid interest is shown in every
department of the church and we
trust that it may continue to grow.
Let every member be prompt in at
tendance at the services and this
growth is assured. Begin by being
at Bible school promptly at 10 a. m.
The pastor will tell the story of
"Saul, the King," to the children.
This is Educational day and the "Call
of Christian Education" win be pre
sented in the morning sermon. The
Junior C. E. 3:30 p. m. under direc
tion of Miss Fleta Caspell. Supt.
Young People's society of C. E. 6:30
p. m. A special program each meet
ing. E. B. Flake, president, keeps
things humming. Song service and
sermon 7:30 p .m., subject, "The
Dark Cloud None Can Dispell." Wed
nesday, -7: 30 p. m., practice; Thurs
day, 7:30 p. m.. prayer meeting. 8
m.. teacher training class. The
seventh lesson, "Instinct and Habit"
in Prof. Weigle'a book, "The Pupil-
is the next assignment. Help us to
make'lt 100per cent class. Fri
day evening Miss Tartar will give a
program for the benefit of our Cradle
Roll department. The admission will
be 35c and 25c. Everybody invited
to attend any of these services or
meetings. R.. L. Putnam, pastor.
Firwt Baptist
Dr. S. J. Reid will speak at to
First Baptist church morning and
evening. -At 11 a. m. his theme will
be "Can a Christian Be a Successful
Business Man?" At 7:30 his topic
You may get your sight In a sim
ilar fashion! You cannot prove
whether you do or not unless you
have your eyes scientifically tested.
The only evidence you have of eye
delects may be in thyform of head
We can tell you scientifically
whether your eyes need help or not.
We can ascertain whether your vi
sion is good or bad In the sense of
now it is obtained, whether at cost
of undue effort or not.
The method of Sight-Teatlng em
ployed by us is a thoroughly scientif
ic process by which the exact condi
tion of the eyes can be established,
aud corrective glasses, if necessary,
can be furnished. Your optical de
fects of vision can, in this way, be
lerfectly corrected.
If your eyes need attention see Dr.
L. Hall Wilson. Eyesight Specialist.
210-211 U. S. National Bank build
Reading: room. Masonic temple, op-a
everv aav except Sunday and holi
days. All are invited to our service.!
and to our reading room.
ChriMtUn and Missionary Alliance
Services at 2:15 o'clock next
Thursday afternoon. January 22 at
632 South Commertial street. Rev.
J. E. Fee. of Portland conducting
Bible study. A cordial invitation to
Flrt Mrttiodlftt
State and Church. Dr. R. N. AvI-
son. minister. :ia me oia-unie
class meeting, room 4 down stairs;
W. L. Cumminas. leader. :45 Sun
day school. Prof. Jno. W. Tod spuer-
Intendent. 11. Sermons by the pas
tor; to boys and girls from I King
3-9. 3 p. m. services at the Old
People's Home Twelfth and Ferry.
Prof. J. T. Mattbeson. leader.
Senior Epwortb League, led by pas-
tnr Jnalnr IirilC In KDWOTth
hall. 7:30 p. m. A platform meet-j
ing: "A Saloonless Nation.' ad
dresses bv W. L. Cummin rs. W. T.
Rlgdon. Mrs. S. E. Oliver. Mrs. E. M.
Vandervort, Dr. Doney and Dr. AvT-
son. Mid-week prayer and praise
service Thursday 7:20 p. m.
A SUrj it SJlrXJM tA hnfVrln nUL rifAl'Er.'am to Efaltfc
It will ! jon f. 4 f r.'4 It
No mittrr how l. i.or Low fu.h you bj.o
sufTered, do not giire up bNre. In rot dcida
Uiere la no help for m There Jr. Wake u
yrar mind to get.-.elL You can. There la a
remedy In which jou way.plare full reliince
as did Mrs. Rozal a JCanta of 39 S.lver Street.
New Britain. Conn . This Is what she says:
I had cramps for three years and thought I
would ner be any better. I could not et
without distress. Slet with my mouth opTi
and could hardly breathe. No mcdiriae helped
me. I had catarrh ct the stomach. Now I
nave no cramps and am feeling well and
healthy. I wUh every suffering person would
t.atarrh erects the mucous nembranes la
cny organ or port. FE-ItU-NA. by reculatinr
the direction and a'dicg elntnatlon. sends a rich, pure aupply of blood
and nourishment
For vo'irj. colds'
catarrh and catarrhal ronditir... '
fS-liU-NA is recr .met.!ed. If you are sick, Co not wait and sufferj
iw.ner ra bt-ia csiLg Dr.. Hartman'a well-known PE-RD-KU
e sMo-er you cry Expect to M well and strong and la fall possession
' health. bottle of PE-RU-NA Is the finest emergency, ready.
" r-' la Have la the Louse. It la fourteen ounces of prt-
would get a big stick or a steam roll
er or a pair of spurt.
V mm
"As unreliable as a tate house
clock the last day of the legislature"
Is a new one.
238 North HigE Street
Through Service We Grow
pie's union of the Central Baptist
association will be held at 2:30 and
6:30 p. m. with lunch served to the
young people between afternoon and
esenlng sessions. Evangelistic
meetings under Dr. Reid's leadership
will continue ' throughout the week
with services each evening except
Monday, at 7:30. .
First t'nited Brethren.
Yew Park. Bible school at 10.
Preaching at .11. Prayer meeting,
Thursday night at 7. Christian En
deavor Sunday at 7 p. ra. Sermon
at 8. C. W. Corby, pastor.
Sooth flukm ' Friend.
South Commercial and1 Washing
ton. Sunday school at 10 a. m.. with
classes for all and all are welcome
Carl Miller, superintendent.' Meet-
ling for worship at 11 a. m., subject.
Redemption." Ybung people meet
at 6:30 p. m. Jn C. E. Evening, pub
lic meeting at 7:30. Thursday, 7:30
stuay in Hebrews.
Salvation Army.
Street meeting Saturday evening
I at 7:15. Testimony; chorus and
Corn show week.
National thrift week.
Made in Oregon week.
And the week the census work If
finished up.
After which we wi'.l soon know If
we are ahead of Astoria, with Salem
the second city In size In Oregon.
according to the census figures.
In fact. life Is Just one week or
one drive or one some other old
thing after another. ,
And It Is a great life at that. If
you do not weaken.
Salem Is not the only rlare suf
fering from a shortage : of houses
The same conditions are reported In
Rome hence the expression about
Rome howling.
Tee legislators are not dead but
sleepy. -
The mild reservation 1st mlrht rot
further If they were not so mild but
will be ; -Camouflage." Sunday I preaching at S o'clock. Street meet
school at 9:45 a. m. The semi-annu-ng Sunday morning; at 10:30. Holl-
al rally of the Baptist Young Peo- n' meeting in the hall at 11 o'clock
aunuay scnooi ai z p. m. Sharp. Y. P.
L. at 6:16. Street meet In at 7-1 S
Prominent Indiana Farmer I t08pel insns. gospel preaching in
Cured of Rheumatism by Tak-lr invited to worship with us. Ensign
ImilA Siva irnMAM
m l ia r in Ti Jl " uvmci, uniteij iu caarge.
ing numocr turor ioe diooq
Newburgh. Indiana, April 17.
1919. "I suffered with rheumatism
lor several years and tried numer
ous remedies with little or no bene
fit. Number 40 For The Blood was
recommended to me and I have used
in alt six bottles and am entirely
cured, and have no symtoms of the
disease for over two years." Frank
Stacer. Number 40 encourages rap
id elimination of morbid and un
healthy products used in the treat
ment of chronic enlargments of
glands. Mn goitre, nodes, tumors.
chronic enlargement of the spleen I
and liver. Encourages the flow of
bile and corrects catarrhal condi
tions. Used with advantage in ec
zema and skin eruptions of whatever
character. Made by J. C. Menden-
nan. cvansvuie, ma. 4u years a I
druggist. Sold by Perry's Drug
St; Paul's Church
Second Sunday after Eninhanv
?:30 a. m., holy communion: 9:4
a. uu church school: 11a. ra.. morn
Ing prayer and sermon; 7:30 p. m.
evening; prayer and address. Every
m n . - .
owiy welcome, cnas. ti. rowcii. rec
evangelist . A. R. Bell will rive
anomer ser.non stuay topjght. His
suoject wilt be: "The Crash of Em
Pires the Next Great World-Power,
The Dream of a King. Its unfold
Uig and Fulfillment." You canno
afford to miss It. S. D. A. chtircb
corner North Fifth street and Gaines
7:?0. Take North Com
Will continue all day Monday If you did not take advan
tage of our Saturday sale, be sure and &op in Monday for
you will find many bargains in every department of our
Rapidly Growing Store
Special Sale All Week
8c yd. and up.
o aireet I vro Store Commerci,! St.f
: : s asf v
First lrebTterin
Thomas S. Anderson. minister
Church school at 9:43; Joseph 11
Altert. superintendent. Morning
worsnip at 11 ocioK, Sermon by
tne uev. i.nther Bicknell. Theme
"Poured Out." Come and hear him
Young peoples services at :3rt
Fvening worship at 7:30. Theme
"Keeping the Heart With Diligence.
tVntrnl C'tmgrcsatf nuil
Mouth nineteenth and Ferrv
strecte. ii. c. Stover, minister Sun
nay school in charge of Mrs. Burton
K. Kdwards at 10 a. m. Addrenii
ii a. m. n;nrmiian endeavor a
6:4 p. m. Evening service at 7;
n. m. Thursday evening service
7:30 p. m.
I'nltetl Kjjuiseliriil
Cottage and Center streets. Rrv
O. fj. Ixjvell. pastor. Rundav school
at 10 a. m. A cordial welcome and
a class for all. Divine- worship and
preaching wrvlce at 11 a. m. "Con
vlctions the Need of Today." Chris
Han Endeavor serviee at 6:30 p. ni
Fvening worship and sermon at 7:30
p. m. The two churches of the Fran
jgelical assoeaticn will anile with n
; in 'the prayer meeting on ""Thursday
: cTemng.
Flr4 Christ Up.
Center and High streets. Bible
school 9:4 a. m. Morning worshi
I at 11. "The N. T. Doctrine nt Llh
ierty." C. E. at 6:30 p. b. Evenlnr
worship at 7:30. Leland W. Porter,
Ille Methodlut
, Sonth" Commercial and Meyers
Mreets. Horace N. Aldrlcb. pastor.
A colored man driving a male at
tached to a Junk wagon meandered
along the road. Suddenly the males
foot took root. He "posolately and
absotlvely" refused to budge. The
darky with a sigh, dismounted and
tried all the arts, of his race, from
persuasion with a shovel
downright cruelty. For half an hoar
he worked, bat the male only re
mained fined fast to the road.
"Why don't yon tell bins and buy
a Ford, ancle?' called a policexaaa
who had been enjoying the fan.
"Hah! 'growled the colored man.
"That mule'd take that as a passoaal
victory. He's been tryln to shake
me for a week. No, sab. Ah reckon
Anil stick It oat.
Breadstaffa are going abroad, bat
there la an abundance of cnut left.
handle to Spokesman-Reviews
This Pretty Girl Defies Age
By Using Ordinary Buttermilk
To Beautify Her Complexion
TelW DreiiUli ! Take AifHfl
ytmr t'aleaa Tfcla Dellsktfal Sew
VaaUkJac C'reass Qaleklr SWwa .
a DeeMed laiaraveaMaC Tt
It Taaay at Oar EU.
Buttermilk Cream create beantr al
most tike magic.' Tha moat wonderful
thin-x about it is the fact that whilst
It turns ttaa dullaat. moat lifeleaa corrf
plexion to radiant beaaty and makn
red or rough hands or arm snowy
white, yet there la not the Hshtrst
sign of its una after applieation It
actually vanlahes from aiarnt and tha
moat haated atmoaphera will not pro
duce tne least hinlneas or trraalncaa
oi lie ikiil
No matter whether you are troubletfi
wim m. ftt-r complexion, wriaKiea. pun
fines, around tha eyea. freckle, craws
feet or lines around the mouth, agly
finger nails, or Just a simple rouRhneaa
of tha face, hands or arms ctuwd b
wind or sun. you wilt find that any or
ail of these troublea will qairMjr dlf
appear with tha uaa of Howard's But
termilk team.
. To proTt; this to your comp1e4 aat la
faction, get a amall quantity today
v itlt tha understanding that tha pur.
chaa money will be cheerfully refund
eo to any dissatisfied aser.
Beaatlful aerreaa aaya.'A abort mil.
sga with Haward'a UutUrmtlk Cream
at night, before retiring Is all that Is
OB mm
&e mm
I IF km.: I
MM V " -w aaaBBSBFaav tf
W M a raSaW V m . aT
" 1 a
pur ia our
nowland increased
each week for532 vveek
gets yoxx next
You can have money and so can your children by joininz
our Christma Banking Club.' ' v ,
10 cents, 5 cents, 2 cents, or 1 cent is all you need to start
with. You increase your deposit the same amount each week.
In 50 weeks:
10-Ccnt Club Pays.... $127.50
5-Cenl Club Pays 63.75
2-Cent Club Pays.,., 23.50 '
1-Cent Club Pays . i .. 4275
cn fke, larM PJ?-t first and decrease
your deposits each week. i
You can put in 50 Cents, $1.00. or $5.00 each week and in
50 weeks have $25.00, $50.00 or $250.00.
Come in and join now. ' f w '
You will receive 3 per cenT interest.
Salem Bank of Commerce