The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 18, 1920, Page 10, Image 10

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The Oregon Statesman
Issued Daily Except Monday by
216 S. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon
The Associated Press Is exclusirelr entitled to the use for reoubllcatlon
of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited In this paper
ana ajso tne local news published herein.
R. J. Hendricks.
Stephen A. Stone
Ralph O lover..... .
Prank Jaskoskl. . . . .
....... 4 .
Managing Editor
........... ..Cashier
.Manager Job Dept.
DAILY j STATESMAN, served by carrier in Salem and suburbs, IS cents a
week, SO cents a month. .
DAILY; STATESMAN, by mail. $6 a year; $3 tor six months; SO cents a
month. For three months or more, paid in advance, at rate of IS year.
(THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm piper, will
be sent a year to any one paying a year In advance to the Dally
Statesman.) ,
SUNDAY. STATESMAN, $1 a year; 60 cents lor tlx months; 26 cents for
. mree monma.
WEEKLY STATESMAN. Uantd In two bIt.b&vm Mctlnna Tneadavi and
Fridays, $1 a year (it not paid In advance, $1.26); 60 cent for six
montns; 26 cents tor three months.
Business Office, 23.
Circulation Department, 683.
Job Department, 683.
Entered at the Postoffice in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter.
The old order changeth, indeed. It is safe to predict that former
conditions will not return. It if , possibly, the finest example in history
of drastic reform accomplisted without revolution. The people who
bavetioade this possible can be trusted in the end to accomplish
i substantial enforcement. National prohibition, effective January 16,
J 1920, Is the present generation's gift to the generation to come."
The above is the concluding paragraph of the leading editorial article
; of the pregonian of Friday the day on which national constitutional pro
t hlbitlon of . the manufacture or sale of intoxicating bevarages became
' effective. - . K,
It is now the law of the land.
"There wu a man in Our Town
And He was Wonderous Wise
He Jumped IntoA Bramble Bosh
And Scratched Out Both His Eyes"
Foolish Man
Ami he certainly was foolish, if we can believe the little,
verse of our childhood.
He committed a vey rash act, you'll say. Of course he did.
But remember: There are acts of omission that are just as
foolish as acts- of commission.
Folks who neglect their eyes are guilty of the former.
An examination will ieveal whether you need glasses or not.
If you sometimes think that perhaps you need them, then
you'd better find out for certain.
305 State Street Optometrists Phone 239
Senate and House Urge Con
gress to Adopt Lodge
McNary Compromise
The senate yesterday passed Sen
ator Hanks' memorial to congreKS
calling upon that body to adopte the
league of 'nations covenant accord
ing to the Lodge-Mc.Vary comprom
ise. : ' -'
When Senator Strayer, Democrat
is ttenator from Haker. arose to ask
for further i'lfornialion Of the mea
sure Senator Kddy said:
"Senator, if you are a follower of
Bryan. ol will vote aye. If you
are a follower of Wilson you will
vote no."
"I am not a follom-er of any man
on earth." roared Strayer. '"and I
am not a follower of any party. Hut
I will say for the benefit of the Re
publican members of thi? senate that
I think William Howard Taft is rigjtt
on the league of nations."
"This conforms to Mr. Taffs opin
ion." said Kddy.
Strayer voted for the resolution.
worthv The faithful servitor who
dusted the secretary's desk would
1. W- 1 . . . ,1.1.1
r i u.t trevn Toiea mio me iunaamemai iaw according io iae meioousmot secure so guttering a tronhv as
laid down by the fathers of the Republic, and has become fully effective I the secretary's nephew or his aide.
by laps? of time. . I tut. be might at least achieve the
,. The task of its enforcement Is now lathe hands of the federal of flcials I double cross of Neptune, with the
la all the territory of the United States; aided in most states by funds-1 silver trident that could be used
mental Slaw provision! and legislative enactments and municipal ordinances, as a pickle fork when the family had
Hundreds of thousands of men, from the highest judges down to the company for dinner. The official
constables of the smallest precincts, are sworn to its enforcement. barber, as a reward for lone and
Etery good American will willingly abide by the law, and no badcompetent service on the secretarial
American will disobey it with, impunity.
"Thai old order changeth, indeed, 'and it will not return.'
This is Made in Oregon week In Salem, as well as thrift week. Nearly
all the Salem stores will carry window displays of made in Oregon goods,
.and especial displays of goods made, in Salem Too much attention cannot
be given to this campaign for home products to creating sentiment in
I favor of keepins our money at home, in the employment of our own people.
jowls,; could be granted the order
of the golden mug with its two fig
leaves and the motto: "Safety first."
The amiable' ideas of the secretary
are re-echoed in the breasts of hun-
Strolling along the qnoys of New
York harbor an Irishman came across
the wooden barricade which is placed
around the inclosure where immi
grants suspected of suffering from
contagious diseases are isolated.
-Phwat's this boarding for?" he
Inquired of a bystander.
"Oh." was the reply: "that's to
Examine a Bethlehem today and
settle this Motor Truck Question
once and for all.
4 Ton chassis 21 Ton chassis
11 Ton chassis 31 Ton chassis
J..W. JONES, Mgr.
1G2 N. Com'!. St. Salem, Or.
i i 1 u i I
. I ' ' mi .11 J
keep out fever and. things like that, I beard of the board of health. -bat
you know." I bejaggers. it's the first time Ol've
"Indade!" said Pat. "Ol've often !sen it!" Tit-Bits.
This is corn show week in Salem. It Is very important that more corn I Naturopathy What It Is, and
should be raised fn this section, and better corn. Every loyal Salemltel
Five Reasons Why You Should
Be Treated By a Naturopathic
;j ; PhTtician
What Is Naturopathy?4 ,
will take an interest in the corn show,
1 1 For the sleepy legislators, high noon of yesterday was very high, with
the, sky the limit, along towards the shank of the morning after.
. Ail. -. . .
' v.. ;. . ; ;
While all the rest of the world wants peace these Senators want a
debate on peace.1 They are willing to let the great concern of America and
the world', go on the rocks in order that they may, vent their partisan
spleen on -the. President and serve their partisan and personal, purposes.
They are making a sorry spectacle of America, whose leadership in civillza- I
tloa they would turn into a leadership in dishonor and chaos. St. Louis
Post-Dispatch. ' :
dreds of gallant patriots who desert
ed their happy homes and wives to
serve their country in that part of
the navy lying south and. West of
Pennsylvania avenue. There, at
limes surrounded entirely by mahog
any furniture, they sold their lives
as dearly as possible In some cases
as high as $800 a month. Day after
day, dressed in the simple uniform
of an admiral, they sat in their
swivel chairs awaiting the stern 'call
for lunch. They were ready to meet
the opponent on the golf links, the
rathskeller or any old place.
"Theirs not to reason why.
Theirs but to do and die."
In fact,-they would do anybody.
It is only proper that these strong
spirits It we may have strong spir
its in a bone-dry land should be
recognised ly a fit decoration. The
come-across of St. Vitus would be
Before ; the Democratic national
convention is held the secretary of
the navy will have worked ont some
(plan whereby any ambitious and
courageous Democrat will be able to
gain a decoration proportionate to
his worth. Certainly a man who can
bring a hundred lusty voters to the
Sunk ! without
blp Barleycorn.
a trace the bad
; This is national thrift week, also
aade In Oregon week. They go well
together. '
Buy the ones that are made in Sa
laxa first, and ! the made in . Oregon
ones next. I, .
To the Cherrlans: 1 Get 'em all.
Find out' where they sleep; that is
the test, for enumeration purposes.
Why ' worry about the supposed
ireseace of another world beyona
bp tune? Quite a number of us are
ept busy with the little world that
j know something about.'
A well known woman In Ohio has
ntributed 110001 to the Harding
adldacy. Wonder If she has her
it on a cabinet job? These Ohio
;men are very long-sighted.
Having said nothing about a third
term, it is possioie mar. wooarow
'tVilson has placed himself in the
Barkis" class. ; But it does not seem
1 ossible that the Republicans would
lave that luck. V : .
In a magaxine article a scientist is
trying to explain why we can't see
in the dark. He needn't bother.
What's more to the point is to show
up some of these people who. can't
see in the light.
Naturopathy is a system of treat
ing the 'sick, by the use of drugless
and non-surgical methods. It is
based upon the principle that if the polls renders his country more eer
causes or disease are removed, ra- vice than one who simply sinks a
ture will restore the body to health, noclc ot Germans without a traee
ZZZmt contains wUhin Itse T he "
elements to restore and maintain be awarded the medal of .glory with
a bubble for every voter.
As a ruler of the sea our
What Methods Are Teed in
It la reported that Dr. Rose, now
of the Mayo hospital at Rochester,
has finally run down and tagged the
influenza germ. According to the
best advices the little devil is a green
bug of the streotococci family.
This, cock-eyed bunch are a bad
lot and said to be responsible for
several of our aliments.
Now that the brute has been found
the doctors will probably wind up in
the same old way. Instead ot hitting
it in the head with an ax and putting
It out of the way they will Just hob
ble it while they brew a toxin or a
serum as an antidote for the bite and
will charge us seven dollars for a
shot ot the stuff in the hind leg.
Leave it to the docs for getting the
; Naturopathy?
Naturopathy uses various princi
pies efficacious In healing the sick,
some of which are:
i Dietetics Scientific food selec
tions, preparations and combinations
Carolina journalistic friend is one of
tie best window decorators that ever
voted for William Jennings Bryan.
Hygiotherapy General
Manualtherapy Manual
of correcting abnormal conditions of
the body:
Hydrotherapy Scientific applica
tion cf water of varying temperature.
Electrotherapy Scientific applica
tion of the different forms of elec
Psychotherapy A scientific appli
cation of the powers of mind to the
problems of health and disease.
. Vibrotherapy Mechanical and
manual vibration.
Oxone'and Oxygen Vapor Oxygen
converted into ozone by electricity.
Phototherapy Scientific applica-
A friend has handed to the editor
the following copy of a letter sent in
methods I reply to one soliciting help for a
worthy cause: showing forth some
of the perplexities of these parlous
Democratic days:
"Gentlemen: '
"For the following reasons I am
unable to send you the check asked
"I have been held up, held down,
sandbagged, walked on, sat on, flat
tened out and squeezed.
"First by the United States gov
ernment for federal warvrtax, the ex
cess profit tax, the liberty bond
loans, thrif: stamps, capital stock.
tion of sunlight, lncandescant light merchants' license and auto tax. and
Old J6hn Barleycorn is dead. The
totlegger is up against the United
tates government' now, and his
rl9 will grow small and beautifully
s very fast.
Champ Clark sees nothing but a
emocratle victory this fall. But it
:il be recalled that Champ saw
nhlng but a Clark victory In Bal
nore In 1912. ;p.v:.' 'i,-.y
"You need a new government, and
hope the election will provide it,"
ys Emma Goldman In exile. True.
the- election of next November
1 provide it. But it will be such
ew government as will shatter
Tia's dream of ever returning to
rlca, which she says she intends
a at the first opportunity.- !
cretary" Wilson was not so sure
Emma Goldman and Alex Berk
could be deported to Russia, for
rason that the United States had
! blomatlc relations with the gov
it In power in Russia. Some
rTf days there will be a secre-
U labor who will look out for
rests of the United States Just
and arc light, for curative purposes. I
What Is The Standing of
Naturopathy has already been rec
ognized and adopted by many of the
brightest minds in the orthodox
i schools of medicine.
(Los Angeles Times)
The secretary of the navy wants
It understood that no man ban win a
Navy Cross or a Distinguished Ser
vice Medal by shaking the box or
cutting the cards, but outside of that
the honors are obtainable in many
surprising ways. As th6 secretary
himself says: "If the ' medals are
not to be given to those who are
able to turn a stumbling block into
a stepping stone, what on earth arol018 n treating the sick.
they for?
Therefore, any old subscriber of
by every society and organization
that the inventive mind of man can
Invent to extract what I may or may
not have in my possession.
"From the Society of St. John the
Baptist, the G. A. R.. the Women's
Relief, the Navy League, the Red
Naturopathy is not Osteopathy, Cross, the Black Cross, the Purple
CJiiropractlc, Christian Science, or Cross, the Double Cross, the Chll-
any other similar system. We do not
condemn them; we recognize the
good in all of them.
five ; Reasons Why Yon Should Be
Treated by a Naturopathic
.First Because Naturopathy uses
all drugless and non-surgical meth-
dren's Home, the Dorcas Society, the
Y. M. C. A., the Y. W. C. A., the
Salvation Army, the Knights of Co
lumbus, the Boy Scouts, the Jewish
Relief, the Belgian Relief and every
hospital in town.
"The government has so governed
my business that I don't know who
owns it. I am inspected, suspected.
examined and re-examined, in
formed, required and commanded, so
' Seeond Because Naturopathy
the oldest of the drugless cults.
. v- --i iru Because .aiuropamic raem-j i don't know who I am. where I r.m
iu uia uiuui tuu urcmrt: uia I wm uc usru ufuu scieauiic WBserv-1 nr .V,V T am tiora All T know (
. . , i ltf,nn and nral tial ,Ynorl.n. I '
vvivw u, .vl..orwgKpuii..B.a - r that j SUDDO,ed to be an Inex-
until Haaes freezes over would be I Fourth Lecause Naturopathic u,.,.,ihi i , ,
nwthods are adapted to the treating . ' . , ...
oi au persons irom, iniancy to oiai
agje. j i human race and because I will cot
rtfth Tteean.- K(nrnnthT ,. rell all I have and go out and beg.
moire effectual and. less expensive borrow or steal money to give away
thEta other systems ot treating the! I am cussed, discussed, boycotted.
medal with two palms and one cocoa-
nut. :
The-hardy hero who had the cour
age to charge the American navy
twenty-two cents a pound for his
bean crop would be decorated with
the Star of Merit with four prongs.
The secretary favors different
kinds of decorations for different
services. He would have quite a
collection ; cf honors, so - that the
humblest voter might secure some
210 IT. S. NaUonal Bank bulldlnr
talked to, talked about, lied to, lied
about, held up, hung up, robbed ard
nearly ruined, and the only reason 1
am clinging to life Is to see what in
hell is coming next."
The Stateman's Classified
Msf Ml o iM g
We have a number of USED FORDS, and thsy are accumulating for the reason that we are
Which most be moved. These USED FORDS have all been overhauled and repainted and are
in perfect running order. Remember last season's condition on USED FORDS They were
not to be had at any price, and the same condition will prevail again this season.
If You Want a Car, Now
Is Your Opportunity
With these FORDS, all in perfect condition, and at these "GIVE AWAY PRICES," no one
should be without a car
Act Quick, Before they are all Solid
Motor Co.
decoration commensurato with his
AtisrBnng Results'
Phone 110.