TITC OREGON STATESMAN: SATlTtDAV, JANTARV 17, 102O." A. Correct ing Children's Sight-:-! Jly one-lhiril of a century m continuous practical experience in Wrrccting chil dren's eyes qualifies me;to do this work thoroughly and well. - Nine Years', Practice in Salem During the nine years I have practiced niy profession in Salem. I havei successfully fitted glasses for over l."00 children from 5 to 16 years of age roiin Polk and Marion counties. IJHng your children to me and I will tU you frankly whether they need glasses or not. Don't let them lit? retarded in school or handicapped in their work by poor e'esight. Eye defects can ho corrected much more readily during childhood than later in life. My prices arJvery reasonable. j I guarantee my work to give perfect satisfaction in every : respect. . " ; i Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn FITS GLASSES CORRECTLY 211-212 Oregon-Duilding (formerly Hubbard bldg.) Thonc 443 n the Threshold Of a New Church Year" and "The Heart Cry of Christianity" will b Hr. Kantn-r'n mtuuhi topic on Sunday. 100 OahMidara for I'ritrtlral I'l Homer 11. Smith. McCortnack bldg lUnly Ai rivet Today ' The body of Uev. Silas Williams of Tallman. who died yesterday In Albany, will arrive In Salem on the 2 o'clock Southern Pacific train and the funeral rartv will nroceed from the station to th Warren cemetery In tne wamo nuis. unaer me airf tion of the Illation undertaking e- NVwIiptr Mnn Marries ' f tjf ruitl II. Iiatn, - . ui .irwiiuii;. secured a marriage llcen: yesterday from County Clerk I'.oyer to wed Al um A. Maker. 2 1. of Turner. The ceremony will be p-rfoimd today. X. Needhiim ln-ut JUI.jr 4'hWks :..'.S State St. Phone 40H. Dance at Auburn Hall TonlrhJ. . Good;,loor.j,Fio piH orchestra. Come. n. 1 O. K. Dance- Tuesday evening, Jan. 20, for Klk? and ladies. ilee Club on Tour . . The Itov's (!hf ttiib of Willam ette university started last night on a week end Ringing tour. They will give musical programs at Jefferson and Monroe. The boys tj go on this trip are John Medler. Kdwln Koeolofskl. Harold Emml, lxren rtasler. Paul Day! Ross Miles. Mr. Craven. Frances Cramer. Lauren?" Davies. Henjamin Rickli. Noble Moc dy. Vernon Sackett, Floyd Mclntyre. Fred McOrew. and Ivan Orner. Prof.(John It. Sites, their Instructor, will accompany the Willamette s'ng-ers. KO Mien Get AM More than SO ex-service men at he Willamette university received their first allotment ' from the state educational aid fund. Thursday. Those who entered at th beginning or the student year, re ceivedv payment for two and one half months, which was up to Ik cember first and amounting to S62- .50 The payments were delayed ow ing to the absence of President Ho ney. Tonight. O o'clock Dance at armory. CITY NEWS Special meeting, of Salem Lodge No- 4, A. F. &A. M., tots evening. Work In' the M. M. degree. Visitors wel come. Tonight, 9 o'Clock ! Dance at armory. Widow is Appointed The will of Christian Wenger who died January 8. wai admitted to pro bate la county court yesterday. Ills widow, Anna Wenger, 56. was ap pointed administratrix of the tstate. which consists of real and personal property to the probable value of $18,500, and will serve without bond. The will left by Mr. Wenger men tioned as heirs. Anna Wenger. 56s. widow; Daniel Wenger, 49, son. and Mary M. Harl, 35, daughter, all of whom live in Marion county. The appraisers selected were William Kaufman, Jacob Zurchi and Freder ick Krug. Tonight We d like to see dance at armory. your smile at fiCgal Blanks Get them at The Statesman office Catalog on application. litikil Vi&it Session vis. Dotson. orincinal of the Yew PnrU Bcbool. and tho nixlh grade of h!s Bthool visited the legislature, me state prlntine office and me siui? hrin vesterdav afternoon. There were about 40 pupils In the party Mrs. CJrnbnni Petition? l.ucv V. Graham. 51. petitioned the county court yesterday to be. ap pointed administratrix of the estate of Jerry Graham, husband, who died January 11. He left about $4000 of real and $4500 worth of personal Property. It tfas alleged that there was no will In evidence, air. ura ham had one child, an adopted daugh tei, Avllla Matlock. 23. who lives In Portland. The men suggested as ap praisers were W. S. Low, H. K. Cur tis, and David Eyre. IfliHwlinn KndcavOr Wlih a live meeting Sunday even- ling at First Congregational churcn. Misa Nell Fake, leader. Tonight We'd like to see dance at armory. LONGFELLOW'S "EVANGELINE" i - . . COXTIXVOCS H1IOW TODAY iff f Interesting Motion Pictures At First Congregational church Sunday eveninz "The Fair Ground-) jat Iluenos Ayres' and "The Military gentine Republic. informing. iV BONDER HOSE For Kiddles, per pair. .. ...... .tSOc REMNANT STORE i 254 North Commercial Street r ELECTRIC RESTAURANT V- i 481 State Su-et J' i Our Specialty: i . Oyiten Fish Cliopi V ! Chill Con Came l ; J.D. MADDOX, Prop. tht w pay th Hec for CAHrcrra, stovks. MACuiMtsaT Dm't tell anything bfor yon tax. Ca'l t- 41 Instructive and Bonds, Mortgages Interest Bearing Investment HAWKINS & ROBERTS 304J207 Oregon tlnildlng BICYCLES AND REPAIRS LLOYD L RAMSDEN 387 Court Street MONEY TO LOAN On Improved City and Farm Property Capital Credit A. Adjustmemt Co. lr 416 Masonic Temple SALEM OREGON your smile at Hie Annual Sleeting Of the stockholdeis or the inos tr-. rv-ntn Mill Co.. will be hell -t the office ojf the company in So- 20th day of it'iia f' ' . . lantnry. 1920 iat 9:30 a. m. Election directors will be held and any other business that may properly come be fore the meeting. K. J. swauoru. sec. , lUgilnn Company- Superior funeral service ior 1?Dr.CB. O'Neill - r M ' - I "KfCbr Male atf Here U Yonr CtuBV UW Leom , About tractors. A tractor school will be held In Salem. Oregon on Jan uary 1 and 20. at tiifitnaries " Arrherd Imulement Co.s store from ! a. m. until 4 n. m. each day. Thl w r.nte conort unity for - 'factor owners and all who are interested in farm power. You will get aonvo val uable first hand Information on trac tors. Pome nrenared to ask 'ines- tlnns. This school will be 'absolutely free to all. There will b nothinr rr.r.,i fnr S3 la n.t J here will be nn sell'na talks. Th tract tr school will be held by the International Har riir rnnininv and will be thor ouRhly practical In every way; The Instrnctors ore-men' who have been handling tractors for a nnmber of years and not only anow iracior. rrom the standpoint X theory, but have operated them, and can giv you the benefit ot their practical ex perience. Every owner or a tractor or engine is Invited to attend this school. Charles R. Archerd . Imple ment Co. i T0y Mother says I ought" to be I reading something deep.' -Glmme "Twenty Thousand Taos under the Sea." -Boston Trattsmpr. - BLOUSES FOR GENERAL WEAR In the Moose deDartment there is'alwavi torriethinV new. In a fast morinp ilock the opportunity is greater for a wider choice of styles features. Pretty touches of . emhroiderv. daintv lace trimminsr. rows of hand stitchinc A visit here ii well 9 9 m - - 9 W 17 " -" worth while. Always a wide range of prices. i ... MYRTLE KN0WLAND Most: . mod Mimical MefttoAadlae BoBora Dealer In Salem 41S Court St. ' Salem, Oregon Telephone 111 1920 llocls of the "Lexington Minute Man Six" "Auburn lleantv . Six'f and "Elcor Fiery Four" now on exhiW tion at 178 N. Commercial. Brassieres of Quality and Style They are so daintily made and yet so durable in wearing qualities that yon will want several for present and future wearing. The ones now 'showing have an exterior loveliness of appearance that is not always found in brassieres. Quality Merchandise I. &. g-htult g '(Ho. Where Shopping Is a Pleasure popular Prices HOTEL ARRIVALS 'J I Marion L. E. Xlner. Henry M. Parks. I.. O Porker. P. II. KurhoU. A. H. Lanier. M. Watford, J. J. Mc carty, K. W. Ducher. J. II. llnnnlng. Portland; E. H. Uur.bea. Astoria; Mrs 1 M. Wilkins. Kuzene: lr. J. CuertuT, Rnd; Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Wilson. Cedar Falls. Idaho. IHlght Mrs. Panline Riley. France R. Burnett. Elmer C. Flippey. Albert Scott, M. R. Carpenter. S. E. Wat kins. Frame E Weed. R. A. Illrsh. Portland; A. K. Peep. Marsh field; Mrs. A. L. Coolidce. Stayton. Arjto Miss Bertha Gale, Oeore Sines, W. A. Cornell. Portland; Car; Ellis. Mill City. HAMILTON Will THE FlTtXlTUKE MAS make and bang your drapes. Largest Stock of Drapery. H0 Court Street. Salem Auto Radiator Shop Radiators. Fenaera ana w Tanks Repaired Tractor Radiators Specialty Ford Radiators for Sale 198 S. 12th St. Salem. Or. 1920 ELGIN SIX IS HERE J personal mention Motorists who are looking- for a strong-. serviceable car wtin eieg-ani body unea ana interior ivw that iiiuim maximum ervlc ano economy at a reaaonabU prlca should LEE L GILBERT, Distributor 1S . rwrill Street. Electric Macnlnery and Engineering- company . For EXPERT ELECTRICAL WORE iH So. Commercial St. Phone 865 CITY CLEANING WORKS EYEGLASSES Cleanen of Quality THAI rll Cleaning Dyeing Repairing 12C1 State St. . Phon T0J DR. U. HALL. WILSON 210-211 V. S. NatkmaJ Damk Bldg. ' BISHOP BROS nih and Perry SU. ' Phone 1400 4 WE BUY Farm Produce. Eggs, etc., Faying Highest Cash Market Prices. MONUMENTS ff Tonr monumental work lfl solicit-1 ML, kindly ask tne solicitor ior oar Hisioss card. rnital Monnmental works. 1210 & Com. St. Phone 11, Salem W T. R1GD0N CO. Leading Funeral Director! U. S. GARAGE , KK4 Ferrr Street vsim TtITT NOT ABUSED CARS SPECIAL New seriet Stndebaker, I . t vain I1S2S. todar sixov. u. o. Oarage. Phone 1763 A. E. Dall of Ballston who has been In Salem for a few days visit ing friends, returned to bis home last nlr.ht. WPliam McGilchrlst returned yes terday noon from a short business trip to Tacoma. Frank Munkers and W. C. Ixkke of Dallas left Monday for Fallon. Nev., after making a rhort visit at the home of their aunt. Mrs. Ed Keene, on Front street. They ex pect to locate in Nevada. ilNDERlNlTY BILL IS NOT OPPOSED the damage as rapidly as possible, that the public may not be unnec essarily dei'rived of the use of (he books. Durinc the tim of repairing tbe library wfTT b op-n far cirr-ala- tlon books. Just as long as is prac tical, daring the. boars 1 d. m. to 6 p. m. and 7 p. m. to 9 p. m. Tfceso hourfwlil t subject ti change when necessity demands It. but Lhf notices of chanpe.will be ulren to'the news- napers as btxn as known br the li brarian. ' ' I AW tewwjicft 4. Wtrk lUim parol . With the building in its present condition, pnd the reference books out of repair, it la impossible for tbe urual reference work to be carried on. The room cannot be kept com fortable or quiet for stndy. but any questions that are brourht to th desk ill be answered, as fully as conditions permit. Corporation Properties Are Subject to Attachment The senate jresterday paased sen ate bill No. 34. Introduced by Moser. and making the Oregon property of foreign corporations subject to at tachments in Oregon courts. Norblad's bill No. IS. amendln the rod relative to the power of municipal corporations designated as "ports" was passed. The bill al lows ports to Increase their limit of indebtedness from 10 per cent to IS per cent and also allows the port of Astoria to bond itself for the pur chase of a st to turn over to th government for a proposed naval base at Astoria. Senator Thomas assailed the bill it extends to unwarranted on the ground that port commissioners powers. . The' port of Portland has the power.- said Norblad.. -Why should n't we have It? We want a Wit line railroad W we can complete the fln- id ocka on the Paclfe coast-' ' I OUR facilities are of the highest -character. We are equipped to satis fy the most ex acting client. The courteous coo duct of oar stair matches the np-to-dateness of oar equipment. , 7TI ET7NEIST ORANGES ' DOZEN BUSICK'S 50cYM.GAESD0RF r EAGLE DRESS SHIRTS $2.00, $3.00 to 10.0O , SCHEI'S 344 State Street , The Knppenhelmcr ' House In Salem The Store 'of Housewares Wood, Coal or Gas Range Kitchenwar Dinnerware Let na prove to yon that onr prices are less, gome gooa oar gains w and used pianos. THE WILEY B. ALLEN CO. S19 Court St. Derby building 0REG0NUS A PERFECT CIGAJL llannfactnred by HENDERSON'S CIGAR FACTORY Phone 119 Hmall Investment Loans MiceJty Losna ilosue stntal Agency, QeneraJ' Property Dealing. jniiw Tt iiroTT REALTY CO. iai.aOK Hubbard Bldg. ?hone 214 8alem. Ore. DENNIS0N ELECTRIC CO. JOR WORK AND FIXTURES 222 North Liberty Street 135 N.Liberty St. Phone 67 USED CAR BARGAINS WEST FUR CO. Furs of Quality New Location 251 Court SL Opd. Court House D. H. M0SHER .;' High Clasa T' MEN'S TAILORING . t 474 Court Street POTATOES Seed and Table Stock". Bar bank's Netted Gems. Red Rose. White Rose and Gold Coin. Get them now. they won't last long. Phone 717. Office 542 State St. Warehouse Trade and Hign MANGIS BROS. 1916 Ford? B-naasenger Baick, 1918 Stndebaker. 7 passenger; 5' passen- gerOverland; 1918 uori, aa over hauled. . - SALEM VEUE COMPANY 102 North Com'l WILLARD Storage Battery SERVICE STATION 238 N. High St Telephone 203 FOR TAXI-CABS Phone 100 SMITH'S CIGAR STORE Victor, Pathe and Windsor x Talking Machines : ?;LL STIFF SON- LONG DISTANCE AUTO TRUCKING YILLARIETTE VALLEY TRANSFER CO. Phone 1400 We also do local hauling. One Ovreland. nearly new. six cylin der, 6 passenger, equipped, all Cord Tires and one extra, new. Guaran teed In Al shape for 11250. WOOD-ROSE MOTOR CO. 146 State St. Phone 811 WANTED , i. J I NK AND MACHINERY OF A IX 'kinds; We also buv neroml-hand goods. H you have anything to sell for a rm1 prke call 38. The Siuare Deal Hon sc. CAPITAL JUNK CO. 271 Chemeketa St. Salem, On. Porter's Act Would Compen sate Stock Owners for Slaughtered Animals Senator Porler'a bill providing for indemnity navnient by tbe stale to I owners of cattle infected with tuber culosis and-horses Infected with glanders that were killed by orders of tbe lisestock ranitary board In 1917 and 1918 mere passed. The i amount of money neresaary is $29: The line is rbarply drawn arainsi disloyal aliens In senate bill No. 25 by Eberhard. which passed yester day. It prohibits the employment on nublic works of aliens who claimed exemption from military service dur ing the recent war on grounds mat '.hey were not citizens of the Lniteo States. The law" will apply refafd leps of whether the aliens have de clared .their Intention. 10 become cit izens. A wwalt i attached for vi olation either by the alien or the person who employs him. For Chapped, Rough, Red or Blotchy Skin D you realise that Jut bneth that i nariw, rough or discolors) rofntlto there's an qulite beautiful akin of youthful tint and delicacy? If you rnulil only brine thl con-ilrxtn to th Kuriarr. atraroin(7 me oia oik: i mi ran in the rtct. airnpleat. most nat ural manner tmair inmhl.. JuiL set an ouni-r of ordinary . mercolisrd H at, any aruirfiore. apply nianiir min i irrim. removtnc It moriiit with I warm water. The n Nature by arradually taking off the llaaerisic partlclea of deat and lratf-drad ur- tare akin. riumnK no n icom I or V wnai ever. Cutaneoua deferts like chaps, pimples, blotches. her spots, moth patthes. fr-kles. of rour.e disappear with, the old skin. Nothing else will accomplish such wonderful results In i short a time. W A NTED Furniture, ranges, heaters, tools and, fcs tact, anything you have to sen. I buy for cash. Phone B10 ot ill. , , W00DRY. The Auctioneer j WANTED! WHITE BEANS PEOPLES CASH STORE LIBRARY LOSS FIXED AT $4877 Damages Allowed on 803 Books Hours During Re pair Work Announced The fire which damae-d the pub lic library on January t has ben 'adjusted by the agents of the inur- 'ance companies, at a total of HS77 .1. Of this amount 2r.2.9l is 'allowed on books, rurniture and fix tures. $2225 was allowed on the building, lmmapel were allowed on 803 volumes, partial or total losses, besides th- general depreciation on the whole tock of books. I Hoar Announced The plan of the board Is to repair DELCO-LIGHT The cosnpieie Electric Uf be aud Pewtr PlaaS An electric rou, rayes endless steps and hotfrs of work, and wor- r, . vf); ... . i . y.nnnnrrff aw a a a r OSWALD BROS. IT. AXGKU OltK. YOU know Hut the eati&g of cood'trtad is benefldal to your health. Th cream of wheat comes to tu la the finest flour. We combine the purest of ingredients with a marvelous expertness . and make such a treat as Peerless Bread possible. THE PEERLESS BAKERY Philip Winters, Prop. 170 N. Com. St. Phone 217 MILK "Certainly every- morning promptly. Children" Grade A for the Phone 316 SALEM SANITARY MILK CO.'