The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 17, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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The Oregon Statesman
Issued Dally Except Monday by
. . 2 IS S. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon
The Associated Press Is excluslrely entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited In this paper
and also the local news published herein.
R. J. Hendricks. Manager
Stephen A. Stone. ..... ...... ....-. Managing Editor
Ralph Glover. .,..' , .Cashier
Frank Jaskoskl. .Manager Job Dept.
Henry E. Morris & Co.
305 State St Phone 239
DAILY STATESMAN, served by carrier In Salem and suburbs, IS cents a!
- week. 60 cents a month.
DAILY STATESMAN, by mail. )S a year; S3 for six months; 60 cents a
month. For three months or more, paid In advance, at rate of $5 year.
he cares to indulge in a scramble
for the nomination that will amount
(THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm paper, will I to nothing
be sent a year to any one paying a year In advance to the Dally
Blieamn.) - I If I. ln nna iln after annthar
TTK'n'AV HT1TVQW1V 1 1 m RA oonfa tn-r .1 mnnMii K ,nt, tnr I
----- - T - 4 , - v-- .w .,. T-,L, Th n.r In
three months. I
WEEKLY STATESMAN, Issued In two aix-page sections Tuesdays and "Bht another war. with the Russian
Fridays, SI a year (If not paid In advance, fl.25); 60 cents for six Bolshevik!, in the carrying of their
months; 26 cent for three months.
Business Office, 23.
Circulation Department, 683.
Job Department, 6S3.
"white man's burden" in Mesopo
tamia and India and all the outlying
regions of that part of the world
Entered at the Postoffice In Salem, Oregon, at second class matter.
Back in Virginia the folks are al
swelled up over the fact that to the
honor of being the state from which
came America's first president she
j adds the distinction of being the
birthplace of England's first woman
member of parliament.
will be found the follpwing. strong paragraph in regard to the
value of saving: i
"Saving brings confidence and strength and steadiness.
The hope of the 'American Republic rests with those who are
putting by systematically something out of what they earn.
Try to earn more or to get more, if you will, but meantime
j avoid the economic blunder of placing yourself where you
1 cannot save or of having to live for a time on what you
1 i j i i n .
i tureauy iiave saveu. '
Over in England a threat of pros
ecution has the effect of reducing
the profiteering prices for commodi
ties. Dealers over there know that
the threat means business, while la
this land of the free it is the uni
versal view tnat somebody is trying
to pose as an aspirant for the presi
dency in 1920. And we may be
t These words might well be used as the cornerstone for thelfight at tnal
National Thrift Week that begins today.
I The program for the week is as follows:
National Thrift Day or Bank Day, Saturday. Jan. 17. To
emphasize the service a bank renders a community.
1 bhare With Others Day. Sunday, Jan. 18. To emphasize the
relation of money to character.
i. National Life Insurance Day. Monday, Jan. 19. To emphasize
the value of protecting loved ones with life insurance.
Historians are selecting the one
great battle of the war and by com
mon consent the firt battle of the
Marne. .fonght in August, 1914. is
given that honor. In this contest
the German army on its. way to Teu
tonize the world was checked and
see that no one has been missed in
your neighborhood.
The Bleeping place fixes the resi
dence for census purposes. Remem
ber that, and follow it to its conclu
sion, and none will be missed.
The Bits for Breakfast man be
lieves Salem's population has grown
a good deal in ten years; and it is
important in -a hundred ways that
none should be missed.
. S
The legislature is doing a good
thing in providing that Oregon prod
ucts shall go under their own colors
It is very Important that this piece
of legislation should be finished.
Oregon is the 25th state to ratify
the federal woman suffrage amend
ment. Eleven more will put it over
Of the states that have ratified, all
but four are Republican.
National thrift week; with les
sons that America needs more than
any other nation to learn.
Memorial to Congress to Urge
Legislation Against Chil-
dren Born in U. S.
; Own Your Own Home Day, Tuesday, Jan. 20. To emphasize thrown back at the Int of fai"
the desirability of owning one's own home. thest advance into France, it was
I Make a Will Day. Wednesday. Jan. 21. To emphasize the im- th Pk of Pwer d morale.
To emphasize thePIAK,XG AX office rux like a
;The corn show next week.
Make a Will Day. Wednesday, Jan. 21. To emphasize the im
portance of making a will.
i Thrift in Industry Day, Thursday, Jan. 22.
identical interests of employer and employee.
Family Budget Day. Friday. Jan. 23. To emnhasize the advant- t ua uranae uDserver t
age Of Using the budget plan Of finances. I Oregon has had many state treas-
j PfflvYmii Till Flav RjfrHav Jan 9i Tn amnlaA Ida mnl I nreri. All have been good, safe
igation to pay your bills promntly. mn "d "h w elected
the oince tee people lorgoi ait aooui
The enactment of the law reauirinir Orecron nroducts to cro tolln offIce nd the .man w
marlfPt nnrfpr their tnio rnlnr will inetifv tha a11in- fholtenn of office. At least that was
special session of the Legislature. The House nassed the bill Ior u, "" Becura ine m
requiring this Testerday. by an all but unanimous vote. The Sen- Jrity vote m aregon tor tne treas-
ate will no doubt make It unanimous. lurersnip
.; .1 When Mr. Hoff took el'arge he
i This business of the President of the United States callincr an I went to work. First he surrounded
assembly of the nations of the world from which the United himself with able men like Joe Rich
States is excluded bv its own acts would seem like a iest were it Wrdson of Multnomah county who
not tm trVtaeflv ' i knows finances and understands
w sv 10 j m i m
business. With sucn a force oi men
the treasurer began to analyze and
systematize the office business sr
that he could have some Idea of what
might be done in the way of advance
ment. Instead of being just treas
urer, he let his business ability work
seme, with a result that his office
began to how excellent results. The
last statement was a pleasure to
read, for it told of snug sums of
money being picked up here and
there by the treasurer and bis staff.
which sums in the aggregate will
make a neat amount for the state.
Mr. Hoff could in his next campaign
practically lay claim to having
"found" enough money from these
odds and ends to pay for the admin
istration of his office. But he will
not, for he is a man who much pre
fers to let the merit of his work tell
the story to the people. The state
of Oregon did he proper thing when
it chose the present state treasurer.
Now for national thrift week.
The American people cannot have
a surfeit of the. lessons taught by
the national thrift week.
In 1 lay tl , 210 bandits went up
against United States marines. More
than ' half the bandits were killed,
wounded or captured. Pretty good.
''ton follows
Neglected Cold
K -
w r- x x
old mart? lor 30 ytsrs N
vw stvi rwisu mnrm ska
pjsMs bfMka sp a coM in 24
wrora rtiirw pip In J dan.
oT bKk if it bib. fh
gMuia Imi i M
with Mr. HOTs
But not quite up to the record of
the marines. What became of . the
rest of the black, rascals?
Little Rhode Island askys for an
Injunction against the enforcement
of national prohibition. ' Of course,
there la no limit to what eiher an
individual or a state may ask.
Congress is urged to enact legis
lation against the automatic natural
ization of childrenof aliens who can
not themselves become citizens, in
senate joint memorial No. 1 which
was adopted by the bouse yesterday.
It is directed primarily at tbe'influx
of Japanese on the Pacific coast. Us
unanimous adoption followed about
45 minutes of oratory in which var
ious members of the house partici
Smith of Baker said the resolution
marked the beginning of a campaign
of education against the growing
power of the Japanese on the Pacific
coast. Smith of Multnomah warned
against the effect the action would
have on Oregon trade with Japan.
Richardson .of. Multnomah spoke
on (be measurelfrom the commercial
angle but later voted for ft. Kubll
saia ne oojectea to placing expedien
cy and commercialism above Ameri
canism. -. . '
Smith Hopes for Solution
Smith of Multnomah suggested
that the business men of the nation.
the American legion and labor join
in aiding congress to work out a fair
solution of the problem. He said he
hoped war with Japan could be
averted and that it may be if the
league of nations is entered by the
united States.
? We have no particular choice for
president fen the Democratic ticket,
but hold that Albert Sidney Burleson
is Just the man to adorn the tail. He
would never let go. -Exchange.
Without any Idea of drawing in
vidious comparisons, the writer be
lieves the corn show In Salem next
week will be of more importance to
this part of the state than the spe
cial session of the legislature of thds
Since It is becoming daily more
apparent that' the people of this
country do not propose trusting the
Democratic party with anoher lease
of power, thegrowlng frigidity of
WHUlam Gibbs McAdoo Is In evi
dence. He is not at all certain that-
OPPORTUNITIES are more or less governed
by preparations. If a fellow is ready for
them why they're easy to find and of coarse
grasped. :- ,
'.-v.v-. : " . V -'
There's no "heeling" like a bank account and
bank connection and we believe we can make
both seem worth while to yon here at the United
States National Bank..
Measure Brings In Its Wake
Flood of Similar Bills at
Under Suspension of Rules
Three Readings Made and
Vote Counted
Represetatlve Gallagher's bill pro
viding for the deftignation. as part
of the state highway map. of a post
road from XyBsa to McDermott In
Malheur county, which Gallagher
fought to a decisive victory in the
house over an unfavorable report of
the roads and highway committee,
precipitated a melee in the senate
yesterday. When the senate high
ways committee returned a majority
and a minority report. The latter,
signed by Senators I. 8. Smith. Tho
mas and Lachmund, asked that the
bill, be amended by providing also
for a road in Coos county.
Senator Smith contended that Gal
lagher's proposed road Is not one
fourth as. important as his proposed
Coos county road from Coqullle to
Kandon. The road, he declared,
would carry a heavy tourist traffic
and be the main road to California.
Orton Direct Accniuitlon
Senator Orton accused the minor
ity members of inconsistency and
said be had never heard of the Coos
county road before. The vote failed
ti substitute the minority report.
In argument on the majority re
port Senators Smith and Thomas as
serted it was too late in the session-
to change the state road map, and
tue latter urged that legislation of
this character be deferred until the
regular session next year.
The bill was placed on final pas
sage under suspension of the rules.
It carried by a vote of 19 to 10.
The vote:
For Baldwin, Banks. Bell, Eber
bard. Eddy. Farrell. Handley. How
ell, Hurley. Jones, Moser. Norblad.
Orton, Patterson. Pierce, RItner,
Thomas, Smith of Josephine, Strayer.
Against Gill. Huston, Lachmund.
Larollett, Nicbolsen. Porter, Kmltb
of. Coos and Curry, Thomas, Wood.
Representative Gallagher's bin
caused the senate to be flooded with
similar bills from other counties by
Senators who asserted that if Mal-
huer county has the right to enjoy
special road legislation the other
counties also have that right.
Ail of the -additional road bills
were rushed through the three read
ings and passed without going to thei
roads and highways committee for
These bills, four in number, were
- Tx
J r
The Dream of a King
Its Unfolding and Fulfill
ment ' Sermon Study of Daniel 2.
In the Head cf Gold, the
Breast and Anns of Silver, the'
Thighs of Brass, the Legs of
Iron, and the Feet part of Iron
and part of Clay, a tragic and
startling story cf World-Empire
is revealed; and the smiting of
the Image upon the feet is
God's stupendous climax to the
Last Chapter of Human History
You cannot afford to miss
this tremendously interest
ing study. S. D. A. Church,
North 5th St andGaines
Avenue, Tomorrow Evening
7:30 .
Take North Commercial Car
introduced by Senators I. 8. Smith.
Thomas, Patterson "and Eddy, desig
nating roads in Curry, Jackson.
Douglas and Denton counties retpec
tlvely. .
They Come at Slklaight
The horseplay was continued at
11:30 o'clock last night when three
more bills of the same kind made
their ap!earance in the senate, and
all iwere " rushed through the"
readings and pas;ed. Thee were a
bill by Baldwin designating roads in
Klamath county, one by the roads
and highway committee designating
roads in Clatsop and Tillamook coun
ties and a bill by Tatterson setting
apart slate roads
Polk ounties.
In aYmhlll and
John Vognue. Elberton. Ga..
writes: "I coughed night and
day and my throat waa raw and sore.
I got a bottle of Foley's Honey and'
Tar and my condition began to Im
prove and ia a few day I was as
well aa ever. In my'oplalon Foley.
Is the best cough medicine made."
Dest for colds, croup, whooping
cough. Children- like U. J. C.
Perry. v ,;
Read the. Classified Ads.
Established 1863
General Banking . Business
Office Honrs from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
It may be a long day.
It may be Saturday till the legis
lature get through.
Are you guessing that the popu
lation of Salem has increased In the
past ten years?
m S
If vou are. it would be well lo
Like Being Hit
By Rattle Snake
Says that every time you cut
or pidf at a corn you
invite lockjaw
' Tou reckless men and women who
are pestered with corns and who have
at least onee a week invited an aw
ful death from lockjaw or blood poi
son are now told by a Cincinnati
authority to use a drug called free
zone, which the moment a few drops
are applied to any corn, the soreness
Is relieved and soon the entire corn,
root and all, lifts right out with the
fingers, without one particle of
This freekone is a sticky substance
which dries the moment it Is applied
and just loosens the corn without In
flaming or even irritating the-surrounding
tissue or skin. He says a
quarter of An ounce will cost very lit
tle at any of the drug stores, but
this is sufficient to rid one'i feet of
every hard or sort corn or callus.
You' are positively warned that
cutting or picking at a corn Is a sui
cidal habit. . ..
Former Matron at State Pris
on Dies at Home Husband
and Family Survive
Mrs. Helen Huddleson, wife of
Charles Huddleson, for years a well
known employe at the state hospital.
died there yesterday. She was 42
years old. Mrs. Huddleson for sev
eral years was matron at the state
penitentiary and since that time-has
been a well known figure at the hos
pital. She is survived by her hus
band, also n employe at the stat
hospital, her father, John Curl of
Salem, three sisters, Mrs. Rose Darr
of this city, Mrs. Emma Anderson of
Portland, and Mrs. Lewis Mclntyre
of Washington, and by one brother.
Cal Curl of Jefferson.
The funeral will be held Monday
afternoon from the.Rigdon chapel
1 . 1 fl 1 - . t ofl3
wuu a (.uniuan ocience service, uur
ial will be in the City View cemetery.
Remedial Measure' for Sol
diers' Aid Act Is Passed
by the Senate
Senator Pierce's remedial bill re
lating to the educational aid act for
soldiers, sailors and marines passed
in 1919 was passed by the senate
yesterday. The bill Is made more
stringent, requiring closer applica
tion to school work by beneficiaries
under the law and making any school
work under 60 hours a month draw
for the applicant less than a 125
monthly maximum, the amount to
be in proportion to the hours of
work. Under the present law 125
a month is drawn In all cases, though;
some of the beneficiaries do a very,
small amount of school work. I
required to Investigate from time to
time to ascertain if the law la being
complied with. The emergency
clause is attached to the bill.
- A companion measure to the
amended edacational bill the senate
also passed a bill Increasing the tax
levy under the act from two-tenths
lo fanr-teni;ia.oI.ajnllL. The bill If
rassedby.the house, goes on the bal
lot at the pecial election.
January will be the month for our sale, and customers visiting tnis store now are
convinced we are having a truly wonderful sale and are supplying themselves
with shoes for their every need. 4
A glance at our prices will convince you that now is the opportune time to
buy to save on shoes possessing style, comfort and. wear. r
Men hoo. Wit of aolid leather, aoft and
pliable to mil working condition. Regular
$7X0 and $3.00, now $55
Ladies' grey kid, taupo tjrey, fieldmouse,
also combinations In turn and welt soles,
kid covered French heeU. Regular . rric
$16.50 to $18, now $12.83
Ladies' dressy street boots in brown kid or
calf, black kid welt soles, military or Cuban
heels. Regular $12.50 to $14, now. .. .$9.83
Ladies' lot of brown kid welt soles, military
heels also black kid welt soles fine for street
wear. Price regular $10 ami $11, now $8.45
Men's shoes in Jlnck ami brown calf, me
dium and heavy soles, narrow. -medium and
round toes, and regularly priced $11 and
$11.50. Sale price ,.$9.85
Hoya khoea. For this month we are offering
very encouraging prices on all boya' shoes.
Black and brown medium and heavy weight
.soles and at prices from $3.85. to $6.& you
will surely find the kind of shoe on sale that
will suit the foot as to wear and style and
the pocket as to price.
'Children's department offers for this month
specials on all lines and these lines are dres
sh oes, school shoes and play r!io, a select .
selection to choose from. A last and style
and size for every foot.