' 9 Tire OREGON STATESMAN: SATURDAY, JANUARY 17. 1020. 3 ' 3 ACCIDENT ni? f n tv a no DlLLO Commission Expects to Begin Operation Under New Laws Today Legislation rilling mi t the program of the."" stale Industrial accident com mission, which was given by Gover nor Olcott an the primary reason for trailing a, special session, was passed by the fen ate in" the form of three bills, listed on the calendar' as Hous Bills 1. 2 and Z. The bills go at once to the governor for his signa ture and the commission expects to begin operating under the new com pensation today. The bills carry emergency clauses. These are three companion bills relating to the workmen's compen sation Jaw. Rig Increase Provided One of the bills provide for a flat Increase of 30 per cent on all com pensation benefits to be paid by the industrial accident commission from December I, 1&19. to June 30'1921. This increase will apply -to the in jured worker who Is being paid for temporary" time loss, asweU'4s tfcose Hand Sapolio-The t I I I M t I I Hit HealforToiletaridBalh WHO SHOULD WEAR GLASSES This Is a Problem That Con fronts Us All ; V Charter So. 3405 Reserve District No. 11 RRPCItT OF THK OXWTION OF TIIK CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK At alem. In the state of Oregon at the close of business i4 on December 31, 1919. - ltotsrcrs. a. Loans and discounts. Including'' redis counts. 4exetpt those shown in b and c) I3S8.44I.0S 1. Total loanb 383,446.06 - secured, none; unsecured. S. deposits (par 100.000.00 1,000.00 81,000.00 319:200.00 2. Overdrafts, 5. V.. H. SuHUe owned: Deposited to Secure circulation (U. 8 bond par value) b. Pledeed to secure U ,valu) c nedgod to secure postal savings deposiU , (par value) 1S.000.00 - d. Pledged as collateral for State or; other : deposits or bills payable .. . , t. Owned and unpledged ........ 1 ...... . Total U. S. Government securities .... 0. Other bond, securities, etc.: """ " Total bonds, securities, etc., other than c. s. i. .-. S. Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (50 per cent ".of, subscription) 9, 'a. Value ot banking house, owned and un- "incumbered............... ..- 10. Furniture and fixtures ..... .'.-- ........ . 11; JleaJ estate ' owned other than banking house 12,. Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank H. Cash in' vault and net amounts due from na- tlonal banks 17. Checks on other banks in the same city or , town as reporting bank (other than Item 16) Total of Items 13. 14, 15, 16, and 17.. . ' ' (This amount is not to be extended.) 18. Checks on banks located outside of city or town v of reporting bank and other cash - items 19. Redemption fund with U. S.-Treasurer and . due from U. S. Treasurer 20. Interest - earned but not collected approxi . i mate-on Notea and Bills Rcclevable not r . .... . . S 388.446.06 756.35 28,279.47 63,471.89 466,200.00 234,298.12 4,500.00 28.279.47 4.374.22 3.219.28 , 66,649.69 - 56.320.63 9,151.26 Whether you are young or old. rich or poor, the question of "who should wear glasses" - is ' one that touches you very closely, ' They who f'refuse to be bored 'by j learning anything about .their eyes, simply because, their vision seems to: be good, are taking the. most serious risk with their; most precious facul ty. Na One can afford to lose good visionbut it often Is lost solely by teason of. that .neglect which arises from lack, of appreciation of the Im portance of care of the eyes. Those who cannot see clearly need no warning to take care of their eyes. Out the human eye Ism long suffer ing servant, which never tries to avoid work which it can accomplish, even by extreme difficulty, and hence it is very apt to create c false im pression of greater power than It l ea My possesses. These people have bad vision with out realizing it, they can see clearly, but do not understand what a terri ble strain the eyes are having to achieve this desirable result. This condition is called Eye-strain, and it results In severe, headaches and nerve troubles. You may get your sight in a sim ilar' fashion! You cannot prove whether you do or not unless you have your .eyes scientifically tested. The only evidence you have of eye I defects may be In the form of head ache. ' ' : We can tell you. scientifically whether your .eyes need help or. not. We can ascertain whether your vi sion is good or bad in the sense of how it is obtained, whether at cost ot undue effort or not. The method ot Sight-Testing em ployed by us Is a thoroughly scientif ic process by which the exact condi tion of the eyes can be established. and corrective glasses, if necessary. can be furnished. Your optical de fects ot -vision can, In this way, be terfectly corrected. If your eyes heed attention see Dr. L. Hall Wilson. Eyesight Specialist, 210-211 U. S. National Bank building. iraoi ubc. .............. 21. Other assets., if any . . . . '. 4,717.64 6.297.50 1 Total 17.752.69 28,887,87 liabilities. 22. Capital stock paid in .......... . ... ...... 28. surplus fund .v:;.v. ;.;.. i.;;...... - ' -' " ' 2 4 a.. Undivided profits ............. . 6 33,3 86.6 9 - b. Less current expenses.' Interest, and' taxes paid- 28 Circulating notes outstanding . . . . . . .... .. . " dO.'lNet amounts due. to National banks .;.... 31. Net amounts due' to banks, bankers, and trust companies -(other than: Included in Items 29 or 30) ...Vs. . 32. Certified checks outstanding ............ S3, Cashier's checks on .own bank outstanding.. Total of Items' 30, 31, 32 and 32..,., - (Tbls'.amount is -not to be extended.) , Demand deposits, (other thaa bank deposits) subject to Reserve (deposits payable, wlth in 30 days): 34. " Individual deposits subject to check ..... . 3 5. Certificates of deposit due , in less than - 30 days (other than for money borrowed) . . 36. State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge of assets of this bank. . Dividends unpaid ... .'. ... . . Total of demand deposits (other-than bank deposits) subject to Reserve Items 34, 35, 36, 37. 38 and 39 , (This amount is. not to.be extended) , Time deposits subject to Reserve (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and-postal savings):-. 40. Certificates of deposit (other than for mon ey borrowed ) ........... Postal savings deposits Other time deposits .............. . Total of time deposits subject to Re serve, items 40, 41, 42, and 43 ...... ., , (This amount is not to be extended) 44. United . Mates deposits (other ; than postal savings) : States deposits, including S. disbursing -officers 81,278.365.1$ t 125.000.06 25.000.00 ;8. 699,192.43 42. 43. 288.660.85 Other Untted deposits ot U. 1,000.00 Total 1.054.93 who are Ming paid ror permaneni 5.000 00 i and permanent nartlal disability. It I - . ' ' a - . . I J , iso "Win appiy to ine wiuows uu children who are drawing compen sation benefits during this period The bill does not affect the rates for contribution to the industrial -ac cident fund by the employers or em ployes of. the state, as the present, rates are considered ample ,to take care- of the emergency payments. " Fund to Aid Cripple The second fund creates a rehabil Ration fund to he used by the indus trial accident commission for the vo cational rehabilitation': of men and I women who are seriously Injured Id industrial accidents. The bill directs the state treasurer to transfer 1 100,000 from the indus trial accident fund to the rehabil it a tion fund and provide further that 2 per cent of the total monthly receipts of the commission shall go into this fund This fund will be used by the com mission to retrain or re-educate men and women who have been so ser iously crippled that they are unable to follow their usual vocations. The purpose is to assist these cripples in preparing to become self-supporting in spite of their handicap ' Provision is made in the bill that Injured workers may be admitted to the vocational departments of the public schools or the state school for the blind and the state school for the deaf upon application of the commis sion. The commission will pay their tuition. The third bill merely returns to the industrial accident fund the 1.40. 000 which was -set aside by the act of the last legislature for the build ing and equipping of a reconstruc tion hospital. It was intended to es tablish this hospital in Portland but the enabling act. which was sub mitted to the people at the special election in June.' 1919. was defeated. 15, 624.06 95.000.00 9,501.32 17,469.93 640.10 1,266.47 58.486.22 13,988.51 176.589.70 128.00 21,054.09 7,446.50 260,160.26 1.000.00 31.278.365.15 ; Of the total' loans and discounts shown above, the amount on which interest and discount vm charged at rates in excess of thone per mitted by law (Sec 3197, Iter. Stat.) (exclusive of notea upon . "which total charge not to exceed SO cents was made) was f . The number of such loans was . State of Oregon. County of Marion, ss: 7 I, Jos. II. Albert, cashier of the above-named, bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and' belief. Jos. II; Albert, Cashier. Correct Attest: B. J. Miles. C E.M. Croisan, ' J. II. Albert. ' . ' ' 1 Directors. Subscribed' and sworn to before me this 13 day of Jan., 1920. , ' t . ;- Paul V. Johnson. Notary Public. . ' - . . (My commission expires Jan. 8; 1921.) MONEY .CANNOT BUY ANY BETTER E. D. Grappe. a leading merchant i of St. Maurice, La., writes: "For a cathartic 1 especially recommend I Foley's Cathartic Tablets, knowing as I do that money cannot buy any j better." They act promptly, without! pain or nausea. They clear the bow clr, sweetea the stomach and tone np the liver. Not habit forming. J. C. Perry. I 1 " , .-'-,""-'" .:. 1 AJ: Is Brimfull of Tood ,vIuo 4ad delidotiaiiesiki f' ........... ... - - .. ? -., V ttJ-. s It's Sdentifically,aad BanitfjUy JImjSa Bm-RITE BAKING CO. This Repair Directory gives tho principal places who an article can be repaired and snould be preserved , la every home as a ready guide.; HTOVK REPAIRING Satisfaction guaran teed. 45 years exxper- lence. -Hal em Fence and Stove Works, 2S0 Court tS. Phone 124 4 Q EORGE C. WILL Repairs all Makes ot Sewing Machines r 7 mMdsr w Supplies. C Needles, and "Oils. r 1 Phone 159 j &2 State 'Street, Salem, Oregon Follow the crowd and you L will go to NO VARY GROCERS 333 Court St. Phone 409 i r ;., Jrk if Good Goods M Real Barg'aiiis In Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, If Yon Are Interested 'in Makmj a Paying InTejtment,Bny ETeryttiag Now at The People's Cash Store. You Will Find it the Best Inrestment Yon E?er Made. GROCERIES Crown flour, per sack $320 Hard wheat flour . . . v. $2.90 Valley flour $2.75 Rolled oats, 1 sack 70o Corn Meal, 1 sack 60c Colored Beans 13 pounds .$lj00 Lima Beans, 1 pound 19c Creamery butter pound. -.67c COFFEE, TEA, COCOA Coffee in bulk: : At .33c Reliance, very best, 1 pound .47c 3 pounds.-.. .$153 Selecto 1 pound a. 42c 3 pounds. . .V t . , $150 M. J. B., 1 pound 53c 3 pounds. $1x6 English breakfast tea, lb 35c Gunpowder tea, 1 pound 50c Upton's tea, 1 pound ... 85c H pound. .3c M pounds 22c Cocoa in bulk , . .32c LARD, OIL, GREASE Is advancing. Best Swift i lard in bulk 28c 6 pounds disco. .$2.18 3 pounds Crisco $1.10 No. 8 Cottolene $2.65 No. 4 Cottolene $1.35 Best Cooking Oil, gallon ....$2.10 ' CANNED. GOODS Milk, peas, string beans, standard to matoes, clams,' salmon, No. 2 pork and . beans '. 14c Pineapple '.20c Saner Kraut, large cans 11c Catsup, full pint 23c 1 pint jar mustard 23c Walnuts, Almonds, Brazil nuts 3 packages Corn Hakes 25c 2 Arm & Hammer Soda ..13c 2 Sardines. 13c Do you know. The future sugar price.' v Hurry and buy syrup. . Karo light No. 10.'.'. ..$1X9 Karo light No. 5. 53c Karo, dark, No. 10... -.99c Karo dark. No. 5., ;.52c Marshmallow syrup, No. 10 $157 Mars hm allow syrup No. 5 63d SOAP 10 bar white..... 60c 10 bars yellow 50c 10 bars woolen foap 70c Naptha, Light House Cleanser 15 Ounce 5c 1000 cans Mixed at 10c per can BLANKETS COMFORTERS, PILLOWS, Double Hie blanket, : 64x70 .$2X3 Double" size blanket, 72x80, ..... $23 Australian woolen nap, double size, CGx 74 .. .$4.73 72x80.. ..$4,85 VBest 'double size comforters,: pare cot- Jton v.:.....k...:$4.43 Double size comfort............. $2.43 4 pound stitched'eotton bedding. .$L93 Crash Toweling............. Ladies Hose, Black, white -and brown ....... .:.........-... .25c Ladies Heavy Hose, black only. ?. .15c Misses Flannellette Crowns $1.43 YARDS 10,000 YARDS HOUSE LDONCS f Bleached and unbleached at a big bar- 'gain for sale MEN'S CLOTHING . 200 Men's OvercoaU . .$63 up 200 Suits for sale. . . . .. ... .$3.83 up Big clearing sale in men's sweaters,4 overalls, work shirts, heavy woolen socks .33c up Basement. !b co no m y C L E A RA Thousands of Bargains in Etery line. Don't Miss a Chance That You Get Very Seldom at the Present Tune. NCE Shoe counters contain the following with 50 per cent reduction: Men's Dress and working Shoes ; Ladies' Shoes of all kinds; Children's Shoes, Tennis Slippers; Rubbers of all kinds, also baby shoes. REMNANT COUNTERS with enormous bargains. Sample goods counters of Ladies' Woolen Sweaters, underwear, under skirts, aprons, dresses and others. CROCKERY, GLASS, GRANITBWARE Cups, Saucers, 1 pair... J0 19-quart Galvanized Pail 37c O. N. T. spool cotton thread, all sues and colors c $1.00 brooms 60c Double Coupon for Saturday Only We deliver free as usual with purchase of $1 or more buy am PRICES WILL ADVANCE BUY NOW These Prices Guaranteed at Both Stores We are expecting another large shipment of government bacon, which we will sell at the former price of 29c per pound. Dress Goods Special See our window display of dress goods at 98c per yard. Saturday and Monday only. phone rl , TjV " . North CommerciaL Phones 453, 460 State Street, Phone 1799