The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 17, 1920, Page 1, Image 1

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Probably rain; moderate toJ fresh
southerly winds, i !
. The Statesman receive the
leased wire report of the A
.'eoclated" Preea,.th gxeaUst
and moat riu.tu . prsea as
sociation la the world.
lillSSIOf! IS IE
11 M
r i
SI 1
Resolution by Banks, Howell,
Moser and Thomas Aski
That People Be Given Op
portunity to Elect
Four Senators Back' Measure
I lor Vote on Constitutional
n m i Ai .
i -. . . .
year, so that the people may bare an
i opportunity to say whether they want
' t.1 . . i . . m
, mm iv wfie uui me enure unexpired
, term of the late Governor ,Withy-
combe, which he has a right to do
, under the opinion of t the supreme
I court of last Tuesday, a senate joint
; resolution was introduced at last
i night's session by Senators Banks,
' Howell, Moser and Thomas. ;
The resolution old not come as a
, surprise, since It became known .ear-'
I ly in the day 'yesterday that such a
" measure was contemplated.
t . Senators! Xorblad- and Thomas
I to submit, to the. people.. at the, spe
cial election in May a proposed con-
stilutional amendment . providing for
tha 14tlVfl ftf a lllttont flPAnw
' It provides that after 1120 a lieuten
ant governor sa-ii pe eieciea at xne
- same t time . the governor is elected.
and that the lieutenant governor
."'shall serve as president of the sen-'-.
ate and have a vote only when the
v .. 11 jm I j . til
Bciiaio u.-iioii uniucu. .19 cum-
pensation while serving as president
f or me senate, wouia De siu a day.
. The lieutenant, governor would be-
. coma governor noon fallare of. the
.governor to qualify, his death resig
nation . or removal ..from oince.
t .Should the lieutenant governor die.
,,be removed, or, for any reason be
' unable to serve, or be absent from
th at at, thtt nreitident nrotmnor
, of the senate would act as governor
until the vacancy be tilled or the
disability cease.
Picture of Withycombe
Authorized by Lawmakers
House Joint resolution No. 8, by
Burdlck. creating a commission to
.- Investigate as to ways and means for
the development . of central, south
, central - and : , southeastern Oregon
. .was no. opposition. 1
Th sen a to. naiwil' Ihfl tiAURA OH
current resolution authorizing . the
secretary of state to purchase a por
trait of the late governor Wlthy
v combe to! be placed Jn the state eap-
ltol. the. cost not to exceed S600.
Oregon Alumni Discuss Way
, to Hold Trainer Hayward
',! --V f. "-1 : "
PORTLAND, Or.. Jan. 16. Homer
D. Angell, president of the University
of Oregon alumni association today
called a. meeting of former students
. and alumni here, for Saturday to dis
cuss means of dissuading. Trainer
"BBIir Hayward from leaving the
U.nlversity ,of Oregon.
' .; Hy Jajne K. Elvin ?
. Today Is the first day ' of the
"Thrift Week" and beHttlng that
this first day should fall on the an
niversary' of the birth of Benjamin
Franklin the greatest apoetle of
thrift, the world has ever known.
"Poor Richard" coined the phrase,
"a penny saved is a penny earned"
and when you stop to think that at
the time he made this remark a
great many people in the world
would not stop to pick up a penny,
let alone trying to save a thing s.
infinites! mall jr small. '
MBankera Pay" Today "
' When yon read this article try to
realize, that the banks of Salem are
doing all in their power to promote
"Thrift," It is also fitting that this
first day of the National Thrift cam
paign should be "Banker's day." Try
to realise that a bank takes care of
the depositor's money and must take
good care ; that the depositors can
have that money any time they call
for it. When you make a deposit Id
one of the local bank you are simp
lf playing safe you make the de
posit in order to save your money
until yon have to use it
Then you realize that a bask ac-
DENVER, Colo.. Jan. 16. Bib
lical Injunctions operated to end a
two-day deadlock between Roadey
K nhan. district census supervisor,
and "Children of the House of Da
rid" here today. As a result, 700
names were added to Denver's list.
"Render unto Caesar the things
which are. Caesar's," was the text
wherein leaders of the body found
warrant for answering the enum
erator's questions. 1
French Klatt and Chris Voluk
Die When Pile Tumhles
at Kellogg, Idaho ;
KELLOGG, Idaho, Jan. 'Il6.
French Klatt and Chris Volu were
killed here today under falling slate
which they w.ere loading. The slate
had been stacked and became un
manageable and collapsed. Both
men were unmarried.
30,000 DE1AND..
Dr. Aurelia Reinhardt Goes to
Washinton With Big Pe
tition SAN. FRANCISCO, Jan. 16. Dr.
Aurelia. Reinhardt, president of Mills
college, will leave . tomorrow for
Washington with petitions bearing
30,000 names asking the senate to
ratify the peace treaty without res
ervations, it was announced today by
the Woman's league for the peace
treaty, under whose auspices the pe
titions were circulated. i
lnyestigauon . uruered in
Charges at Disciplinary
KANSAC CITY, Kas., Jan. 16.
Following the testimony today that
federal, disciplinary barracks at Fort
Leavenworth, -Kas., was ruled by a
"soviet" committee which has the ap
proval of the officers in charge.
Judge J. C. Bollock of the Kansas
City, Kas., federal court tonight or
dered a sweeping investigation.
The testimony was given at the
arlal of 11 former inmates of the
garracks charged with being impli
cated in a plot of nation wide rami
fications to print at the barracks and
circulate fraudulent government
treasury certificates.
count is the mark of good business
and you have an. added protection
when you pay your bills by check
Again you are 'simply playing safe
But. you are doing more, when you
place your money in a bank in fajct
you are doing a great many things
that possibly you never thought
much about. You not only save your
money in this way and safeguard
your business transactions, but you
help build up the city and commun
ity by placing you money In a bank
Business enterprises which are wor
thy can get the money with which
to operate. Industries can be built
up by allowing the banks to use
your moneyin fact the banks' of
our city are the very foundations of
the city's financial structure and
that structure can be builded only as
strong as we make our banks. If
we do not use the banks by deposit
ing our money with them then our
industries and business cannot grow
as they should. Some outside capi
tal might be brought In. but outside
capital is"often leary of a city where
the people do not use the banks.
(Continued on page 2)
Speaker Jones Takes Seat in
Body to Join Debate on
Measure Protecting Prod
ucts Put up in State
Fear That Small Canneries
Will Be Hit Expressed by
Few Members
Oregon labels will be required on,
all fruit canned or packed in Oregon
as result of house bill. No. L0 which
passed the house yesterday following
a spectacular debate In which Speak
er Seymour Jones, of Marlon county.
sitting in the body of the house, took
active part. . The bill was Introduced
by Ivan Martin of Marion county by
request. ' R. provides a penalty of
$25 to $100 fine for violation.
June Enter Ik-bate
Speaker Jones announced early in
the debate that he was ramlliar with
the intent of the bill as he is sec
retary of the Oregon Growers's Co
operative association, an organiza
tion which has headquarters in Sa
lem and which is planning a nation
wide campaign to create a demand
for Oregon fruit and vegetables. Mr.
Jones! took issue with Smith of Mult
nomah who took the position that
when I Oregon goods excelled and
dealers and 'manufacturers found it
profitable to label them Oregon
made the demand would be create 1
and the. goods would be labeled to
meet the demand as a matter of
course. Speaker Jones asked Mr.
Smith 'how the public would learn of
Oregon goods if the products were
not so labeled. Mr. Smith declared
the labeling of Oregon goods with a
false label could be forbidden but th-
labeltng with an Oregon label coull
not be' compelled.
Haines, Graham, Elmore and Den
nis, spoke against the bill as being
detrimental to the small packers and
canners who must sell their products
to California concerns. as they hav
not sufficient facilities lor creating
markets of their own
Jlrs. Thompson ia Favor
(MrsJ Thompson of . Wasco and
Hood River spoke strongly in favor
of the bill. She said that it was in
consistent to put on a. "home prod
ucts" week in the state and have the
legislature reject a bill requiring
Oregon labels.
Westerlund made his first speech
on the floor of the house in the pres
ent session when he spoke in favor
of the; bill. Griggs also broke his
silence to declare that if Oregon
packers put out a high quality prod
uct the public will demand the prod
uct and it should bear Oregon labels.
Gallagher Jocular
Mr. Jones and Gallagher engaged
in jocular debate In which both werd
agreed 4 Jones declared tht the de
mand win ne created witnin two or
three years for Oregon canned and
packed: fruits and merchants will be
compelled to handle it because of the
demand- Mr. Galla'gher agreed as to
the merits of the bill and said St
would help fruit growers In Malheur
county which he represents.
, .Mr. Gallagher said: "Yes. I am
going to put a nice little Oregon tag
on every bale of that wonderful rich
alfalfa we grow so much in Malheur
county f
. tMr. Jones asked: "Is it canned?"
Gallagher retorted, looking straight,
at the 1 speaker: "No. you eat It
iaw." 'Tha house went into an up
roar. The motion for adoption wai
put and carried with 42 affirmative
votes. , .
Department of Justice Gives
Information on Pacific
Coast Cases
WASHINGTON. Jan. 16. Belier
that no large sum of money Is in
volved in suspected frauds in several
Pacific ; coast shipyards, was . ex
pressed tonight by Chairman Payne
of the shipping board, in giving out
correspondence .relating to the cases
The department of justice. Chair
man. Payne explained, asked the
shipping board in November to sus
pend payments to builders on all
ship contracts cancelled. This was
done by the board December I. The
ground for the request, as sta'cd in
the correspondence, was that the se
cret service agents considered there
waa a possibility that claims. aaint
the. government board on the cancel
lations were "padded."
Admiral Disclaims Intent to
Make Attack on Daniels but
Declares Spirit of Service
"Knocked to Pieces"
Commander of Great Fleet in
Favor of Less Stringent
" . Regulations
.W1ASIUNGTON. Jan. 1 6. Whll
disclaiming any thought of making
a personal attack on Secretary Dan
iels. Rear Admiral William S. Sim
told the. senate, sub-committee inves
tigating naval war decorations todav
that morale of the service had been
"knocked to pieces' as a result of
methods followed la making the
awards. '
The . underlying cause of
unfortunate affair.
Admiral Sim.
asserted, waa failure of Mr. Daniels'
.t-.ii, nuimrBi oiuiB
ern awards in his instructions to the
Knight medal board. .Grave injus
tices had been done many officers
because of this, he added.
Slnw Ka letter 'Tonfctnictlve"
Admiral Sims, who during the war
commanded American forces In for
eign waters, said constructive criti
cisms was part of his duty to the
service and his recent letter, as wrll 1
as his testimony, was not to be con
strued otherwlne'. He argued for
withdrawal of department regula
tions requiring officers not to pub
lish critical articles without specific
sanction as in the pest Interests of
the service. In connection with his
original letter refusing a disting
uished service medal, pending action
by the , secretary on his plan for re
consideration of bis recommenda
tions as to awards, be said Mr Dan
iels had written him that no final
action had been taken
Admiral Sims expressed the opin
ion that the service generally would
welcome withdrawals of all medals
becaus of th "unfortunat and unnec
essary controversy
Taking up the secretary's announc
ed policy of awarding distinguished
service medals to officers who had
lost ships in action where their ser
vice had been meritorious. Admiral
Sims declared such officers deserved
medals of honor or nothing He cit
ed the case of a British "nystery
ship" sunk by a submarine after a
battle from which the T-boat emerg
ed unhurt The Britih officer re
ceived. h said., the Victoria cross,
equivalent to the medal of honor.
Pel-tonal I-Mter Read
Admiral Sims read a personal let
ter from Sec re a ry Daniels asking
what steps would "suitable recogni-
(Continued on page 2)
Senators Moser and Banks yester
day introduced a joint resolution to
refer to the people pending the ques
tion of amending the constitution so
that upon the death, resignation or
removal of the governor from office,
the secretary of state should bold
the place as his successor only un
til the qualification of a successor
who should be elected at the next
general election.
The resolution is inspired by the
opinion of the supreme court, hand
ed down last Tuesday, holding that
Governor Olcott will hold through
the entire unexpired term of the late
Governor Withycombe, or until Jan
uary, 1923.
. The resolution reads In part:
"In ease of the removal from of
fice of governor, or his death, res
ignation, absence from state, or in
ability to .dUcbarg the duties of
NEW YORK, Jan. 16. A tele
graphic request was sent to the
University of Illinois tonight for
the despatch by airplane of an in
tl toxin the institution was said to
have, that Dr. John Rlegelman.
Bronx medical examiner believe
would save the lives of Anglo and
Domlnlck Delbene, dangerously III
alter eating olives.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Delbene and
two sons have died after, eating
olives. The men ill are brothers of
I'aul Delbene. 1
Last' of Ships Goes to Baha
mas With 34,667 Cases
Aboard .
BALTIMORE. Md.. Jan. 16. With
whiskey. valued at $5,500,000 by its
owners, the shipping board steamer
Lake Ellerslie.ahe third and last or
Baltimore's liquor ships, sailed for
Nassan, Bahama Islands, today.
...On board the vbes'el.were 34,667
cases of whiskey and wine and 1,86V
barrels of liquor.
The total value of liquor exported
In the last two days is estimated at
Mad. Do g Bites The Dalles
Girl Causing Bad Injury
. THE DALLES. Or., Jan; IS Fol
lowing the announcement that Gert
rude Dohm. bitten by a. dog. is lying
i critically ill in a hospital at Port-
I land. Chief of Police Prank Heater
.1 . v .. 1
"..r.uV4 w--' .r11 un,r""
Socialist Twice Refused Seat
Appeal for Another
MJLWAUKEE. WJs.. Jan. 1.
Victor L. Berger. socialist, twice ie
fused a seat in congress, today mad
an ineffectual personal appeal to
Governor E. L. Phillipp to call an
other special election.
-w--- m.-. " . f
CHICAGO. Jan. 16. Boisterous
cheering will be prohibited at west
ern conference basketball games, it
was announced tonight. 1
This ruling, which went into ef
'tect tonight at the Northwestern.
Iowa game at Evanston, states that
In the event spectators become
boisterous the referee may penal
ize the captain of the home team
with a technical foul.
Another rule announced follows:
Spectators arriving late must
wait until the end of the first half
before taking seats.
the office, the secretary of state shall
act as governor until the disability
be removed, or until the vacancy Is
filled at the next general biennial
election, and in the case of removal
from office, deatn, resignation, ab
sence from state, or inability both
of the governor and secretary of
state, the president of the senate
shall act as governor until the dis
ability be removed, or a governor be
elected at the next general biennial
election. The. governor elected to
fill the vacancy shall hold office for
the unexpired term of the outgoing
The amendment proposed would
change section 8 article V of the
constitution. One of the changes is
the provision to make the succession
affect absence of the governor from
the state, as well as his resignation
death, removal or Inability to act-
Governor Signs Bill Creating Double Board Early In Day
and Joint Meeting of Legislators FoUows at 6 O'clock to
Choose' MembersDelays Sought in House Prove Una
vailing Despite7 Heated Debate
With the election by the legislature of the new' dual filh xnd
frame commlision. the sixminsr by the irovernor of house bill No.
31, which created the commisjion; and the election of Senator
John bill, a dark horse, as member at larg for three year tern
on the game division of the body,, another chapter waa written
yesterday in. the controversy which began with the ousting of
William Finley, state blologist.
tSction Bitter,
Jihe joint 'eession," at which the" election wai Hcl was little
less bitter than waa the debate on the measure In the senate
Members of the fish commission are: -
Frank Warren. Portland: for 5 years: Christian Schmidt. Astor
ia, ami Charles Hall of iUrshfield.
Game commission. members are: I. N. Flelschner, Portland,
District No. 1 for 5 years; Marion Jack. Pendleton. District No.
2 for 5 years; E. C. Simmons, Eugene, District No. l:for 3 years;
Senator John Gill, Portland, member at large for 3 j-earsi C F.
Stone. Klamath Falls District No. 2 for 1 year.
Commercial Club Busy on De
tails to Submit to City-
Conncil " -.
Route" Proposed "May Make
Condemnation of Property
Opening of North Capitol street
straight through to Fairgrounds
road1, eliminating the dangereas
turns at the end of the street, and
paving the street. Is th4 plan to be
submitted to the city council at its
next meeting by a committee of the
Commercial dob. Ttte committee
has worked out a method for open
ing the street, which has been at
tempted at various times for several
years. ..
Club Commitee at Work
The committee of the Commercial
club was appointed by R O. Snelliag
director of the civic department of
0,6 c""1-1 f1"
man ex officia of the committee.
Members of the committee are F. A.
Erlxon. F. W. Steusloff and W. E.
Two Plan Proponed
The committee plans to lay before
the council a proposition to 'either
buy the property now occupying the
street or secure it by condemnation
proceedings. The property along the
proposed opening of the street Is
owned by. two persons and the dis
tance to be opened totals about two
The street. If . opened, will be
straight from Court street to thi
fairgrounds. Opening will eliminate
a double turn, which Is rated as one
of the most danrerons in the city
and Is a route used almost exclusive
ly by motor traffic.
Teri-MiUion-Dollar Bill
Made Special Order Today
H6use bill No. 52. the f 10.000.900
road bonding measure, came up for
third reading la the aenate late last
night and was made a special order
lor 10 o'clock today.
The non-partisan primary bill of
the Marion county delegation .de
signed to reconcile the non-partisan
ballot in city eWtlons where the
elections are not on party lines with
the consolidated election law, was
killed In the house last night.
Four Masked Bandits Get
$30,000 in Southern Bank
GIARP. Ala,. Jan. 14. Four
masked robbers held up oftieiels and
patrons of the .Phoenix-Glard Bank
here today and. escaped with spprox
imately 930.0AO in cash and recuri
Prisoners Watch $20,000
3 Worth of Uquor Destroyed
DULUTH. Minn.. Jan. While
prisoners and others looked on with
envious eyes, police officers at mid
night emptied S20.000 worth of
i seized liquor into the sewer at the
city Jail here. .
. r Kion at 3:34 p. m.
The' senate Joined the noose at
5: JO o'clock with slate ready.
Aa' soon -as the roll was callei
Senator Moser -of Portland moved
that Inasmuch 'as no method had
ten .prescribed la the bill' for the
election that the members of ln
cotataisaloa be elected on at a time.
Senator Eldy moved. that th .late
be adopted and the men listed 03 it
be declared elected by a unanimous
vote. RepraenlaUve Smith of Molt
nomah moved the election member
by member. . Tlo motions -failed.
Moser moved that the fish com
toKilon be elted first, member by
meniDer. and then the gam cov
mi& 'oa member by member. His mo
tion carried. .
Warren Xamed First
Warren of Portland waa elected
first on nomination of Smith of Coos
and Curry. Moser moved and was
seconded that the election be made
unanimous. Senator Thomas Inter
rupted with a bitter dean-elation or i
the law aod asked to be excused
from voting. His request waa grant
ed. . , -
Christian Schmidt of Astoria waa )
elected next He waa opposed ty
Gill or Portland wha had been nom
inated by Eddy.. The vote waa S4
tc 30. Thrift nominated Hall of
Marshfield and tie was elected.
The first ' nomination for game
commissioner was Flelschner by Mo
ser. 'He was elected ananimomalr.
Rltner moved the nomination of
Jack. He was elected with no dis
senting vote. Hughes nominated E.
C. Simmons, and Senator Snlth of
Josephine nominated Wlirred. Allen.
Grants Pass. Simmons was elected.
The vote waa made unanimous.
Gill U fiuirrtsctf, -
Representative Moora of. Multno
mah nominated Walter ' Backns of
Portland for member at largo. Sen
ator Eddy nominated 8nator G1IL
The vote waa 45 to 31 for GUI and
was then made unanimous. Repre
sentative Hurdlck nominated. C F.
Stone, and he waa elected unani
mously, afler Gallagher had moved
that nominations be dosed. -
Following his election Senator Gill
said: "I have . somatlmes wished
that I ralg-t serve on this commis
sion, but I have never ei
ther by appointment ot the guv era or
or by election: and I nevsr wilL Ia
this place with which yon have hon
rred me I shall aerra the welfare of
the state and none shall regret my
Foor Finned
Senator Gill waa excused from Tot
ing on all the nomination on his re
quest, saying that he did not care
to usurp what he believed a duty of
the govtrnor. Representative Smith
was excused from voting on similar
around !tit he voted for Senator
Gill. Senator Pierce asked to be ex
cused, sayi-g that th people had
indicated 14 months ago that they
did not want blm to exercise the
rights of the governor and he did not
propose to do so in the elcrtlon. Rep
isentatlv TVnnis was excused from
vol Ins.
llarnacb fioead Warning
The atom began brewing who it
waa announced in the house earlier
in the afternoon tht the election had
been set for S o'clock by the aenate.
Representative Burns ugh of Wallo
wa and t'nton made one of his few
-peeches In which he said he favored
delay ei the election ur.tll nomina
tions could be made and considered.
He sound-Hl warning thst eastern
O-egon should be represented on th
commission and delivered n ulti
matum that in the course of two or
three years a readjustment of rep
resentation. wou'i be made and that
eastern Oregon. iot,g accrstomed to
rank inequality in treatment In atate
affairs, would get Justice. He de
clared that Multnomah county ha J
(Continued on page 2)