The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 16, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 ' . r THE OnEGOX STATKSMA!f: nPAV. JAM-AKY 10, lmo.
1 n -
The Oregon Statesman
Issued' Dally Except Monday by
215 S. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon
tb Associated Press la exclusively entitled to the usa for rermbllcatioa
of all news dlipatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In tbla paper
ana aio me local newa pubiuned herein.
R. J. Hendricks, k Manager
Stephen A. -Stone. Managing Editor
Ralph OloTcr j . Cashier
Frank. Jaskoskf Manager Job Dept.
DAILY STATESMAN, serred by carrier In Salem and suburbs, IS cenU a
week. 60 oenta a month.
DAILY STATESMAN, by mall, $ a year; 3 for aix months; 60 centa a
month. For three inontha or more, paid in advance, at rate of IS year.
(THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm paper, will
be lent a year to any one paying a, year In advance to the Dally
.' Statesman.)
SUNDAY STATESMAN, $1 a year; 60 cents for alx months; 26 centa for
three months.
WEEKLY STATESMAN, issued in two alx-naze sections Tuesdays and
Henry E. Morris & Co.
- Optometrists
305 State St Phone 239
edent by nominating a ticket that
will he defeated worse than anything
since the daya of Horace Greeley
and Gratz B. Brown.
Not a word from the white house
about a. little matter that Washing-
Fridays, $1 a year (If not paid in advance, 11.26); 60 cents for aix toil declined and Grant could not, t9 ccuis ior mree mooios.
Business Office, 23.
Circulation Department, 683.
' Job Department, 683.
7 Entered at the. Postof f ice in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter.
There was a time when a nickel
bought a loaf of bread, a dish of ice
cream, paid for a shoe shine and
even made a sizeable tip. Some of
show a general falling off in the out
put or gold for the year.
Returns from Inquiries to postmas
ters, merchants, dust buyers, and
othera reveal the fact that many
mines" in Oregon were Idle during
1919. Higher wages in other indus
tries attracted miners away from
their regular operations, and costs
were so high that the smaller min
ing operations were unprofitable.
Most of the Oregon placers are
worked by the hydraulic, system, but
thm rad outnut of the dredges is
greater than tht of all other forms
Walter C. Wtnslow, in his speech
to the Salem Commercial club on
that Salem ought to lo more exten
sive advertising.. And, still more im
portant, he showed that Salem has
the things that will bear the full
light of the widest publicity. That
is the way to secure the new capital
and the new people we need to get
all the land under intensive cultiva
tion. Then the growth of Salem will
take care of itself.
lTmi- T? A. Tlnnth rnmlvr f the Stflto TT!r1iwav f!o'm mission.
In his address to the Six O'clock Club in Salein on Wednesday even- Wednesday evening, showed plainly
mg, gave a vision of Oregon in the domain of permanent roads that
is encouraging and stimulating.
. He piedicted that at the end of the ten year period beginning
two yearg ago, Oregon Will have expended $100,000,000 on paved
highways; $75,000,000 furnished by the state and the counties and
$23,000,000 by the government.
And he predicted that it will not be necessary to levy a direct tax
in the payment by the state of Oregon of its share of this vast sum. 1
The gas engines will pay the bills.
; This great road system will be a free gift to the rest of the
people by the men who use gas engines for traction purposes.
Arid, further, the men who own the gas engines will make for
themselves great economy in thus providing the paved highways.
In illustration: ..
Mr. Booth said that the gas tax costs? automobile users about 5
per cent of the cost of their gas; so that if one using an automobile
may travel 105 miles where he could before travel only 100 miles,
the extra cost for him will have been covered ; that is, the tax he pays
when he buys his gas. And no one would think of putting the extra
mileage so low. .
Then the extra amount of his license tax is more than covered
the old citizens, in their more remin-
liscent moods, can recall those days lot placer mining combined.
at least they say they can. There are only about a hundred
producing metal mines in Oregon,
and six of these produce 80 per cent
of the total output of all the metals
mined in the state, and one of them
produces 25 per cent of the total val
ue of the metals produced. These
six mines are those of the Baker
Mines Co., Cornucopia "Mines Co.,
Homestead-Iron Dyke Co., and the
Commercial Minine Co.. all in Baker
county, and the Queen of Bronze
Mining Co., in Josephine county. The
only placer mine in tbia group is the
Powder River Gold Dredging Co.
The largercopper companies of the
state, which are in Baker and Jose
phine counties, show some increase
in output during the year, notwith
standing unfavorable conditions. The
most productive county in the state
ill metals is Baker, which pro
duces 80 per cent of the gold and
of the total value of all metals mined.
Though less ore has been produced
in Oregon during the last two years
than in 1917, the average value of
all the metals mined and treated has
increased about 90 cents per ton. The
relative rank of the counties of Ore
gon in the production of gold is as
follows: Baker, Grant, Josephine,
Jackson. Crook, Donglas, ' Umatilla,
Clackamas-, Lane, Malheur, Wallowa.
Carry, and Wheeler. '
IX 1010.
A preliminary estimate of the pro
duction of metals in Oregon in 1919.
compiled by Charles G. Yale of the! in
San Francisco office of the United
States, geological survey, department
of the interior, shows a decrease in'
the gold and lead produced but an
In ra9 a In tdd atlvo. n Mniur
uy ine saying pn uresio Bay noimng oi me saving on every omcr According to the mines report the
part of his machine. output of gold in 1918 was 11,270.-
So, directly, the automobile owner is allowed by the Oregon sys- 465 and the estimated output In
tern to make a splendid bargain for himself by his contribution in 1919 ls i(072.(6l. a decrease of
taxes and licenses. about 1197,804.' The output of sii-
. And he has to the good the saving of time Ter In 1 m w io7.323.fine ounces.
The saving of units of man power. Talued at no7.313; in 1919 it was
And that is the most important of all; a hundred times more im- 211,523 fine ounces, valued at $234.-
portant than the other considerations. 79j' j-he output of copper in 1918
.'Here ia a concrete case: A man who has now the use of a paved was 27451,016 pounds, valued at
road and owns an auto truck formerly consumed a whole day from his 1605,401; in 1919 it was 2,638,714
farm to the market town with his team and loaded wagon in hauling pounds, valued at $501,355, an' in-
his produce to the railroad and returning home. He now makes the crease in quantity of 187,698' pounds
round trip in fifty minutes; and he made it recently, in going after and a decrease in value of $104,046.
the doctor, in half that time,. - The output of lead in 1918 was 10.-
AVe have only one life to Jive.. , ' 601 pounds, valued at $753; the out-
If we can crowd into less than ah hour what formerly took a day, I put in 1919 was 2000 pounds, valued
we have accomplished a great thing. fr " at $114, a decrease in quantity of
The bonding way is the only way in which we may build paved 8601 pounds and In value of $639.
roads and have the -use of them; there is no other way to get the The decrease in the gold output of
work done in time for the service and enjoyment and profit of the the state was due to some extent to
present generation. ; " J ' the scarcity of skilled labor and the
And, slow to begin, Oregon has now the most: comprehensive increase in its cost and to war condi-
road building system of any state in the Union. ' H tions generally, but was due mainly
And she is building her paved roads at a lower cost thanariy to scarcity of water and power for
other state. I hydraulic, dredge and deen mines.
, And she is borrowing her money at a lower rate of interest than The water in the streams of the state ,
any other state. -r- was 80 low dui"lng the last two
She is paying less than the United States government. ' J months of the year that hydroelectric
The Oregon road bonds topped the market of the entire United power was entirely cut off from large
States in April. properties, including the dredges, be-
Our system is symmetrically worked out'. j ing furnished for domsetic use only.
. The security is absolutely good; the interest payments are ab-, Tne larger dredges were shut down
solutely sure. j t in November and December for lack
' , And the general public is "getting something for nothing." of power, so that the dredges of the
There is an adage that it' can't be done. state, which ordinarily produce 57
But it is-being done iii Oregon the great public is getting the per cent of the placer gold and 22
use of what will be the. best system of paved roads in the United r cent ot the total gold produced,
' Mates or in the world without navincr a cent of the cost . J combined, only $301,900, or $85.-
.! It is a free gift from the gas engine users. J
V ! And they are getting an investment that pays them, more than
10Q cents on the dollar directly and the Lord only knows how much
'. or there are a thousand benefits; ten thousand, and then some
- nuu uraacs an mis, me tourist travel will hrino- in th KtntP
. each year the total cost. , 1
; . Colorado is claiming that she is getting $100,000,000 a vear from
her tourist travel. j
And Colorado has only one mountain for scenery ; while Oregon
has three ranges of them, and several of the wonders of the world ;
and attractions too numerous to count and a variety of summer cli
mate that alone should bring more people here than Colorado has
received each year. ' -
840 less than in 1918, a decrease of
1 per cent. The larger mines were
similarly affected. Direct returns
I from all the dredging companies and
the larger deep mines of the state
Will they get through?
Will the legislature dispose of all
of its business by Saturday night?
No: it will not. It would not, if
remained in session twenty days, or
trrenty, years.
Hut it may easily be imagined as
finishing up all of its important bus
iness and letting the rest hang over
till the next regular session, or some
of it until the craick or doom.
Corn show aer week.
It will be held all week, at the
corner of Front and Stale streets.
London is alarmed over the spread
of Bolshevism and the danger of the
disease being, caught in Mesopotam
ia, India and other outlying posses
sions and zones of influence, held
under the awful hand of her far
flung battle lines.
There is real hope of ratification
by the United States senate, accord
ing to the Associated Press dispatch
es this morning. Let us knock on
There is nothing new under the
sun. It has recently been shown
that chickens were hatched in in
cubators in Egypt 4000 years ago.
We think we had the right hind leg
Til tant :.. 1. .
... .on, tkuh m iH.-ing mane over ,oy ner great roat imuuing
j.rogram. . via tnjngs are passing away and there is a new spifita
new ision-r-a vision of a great commonwealth true to the motto the1
pioneers gave to her; but expanded to meet all the requirements of
an age gionous wyona uurdreams of the men who laid the founda
tions. " i '
Corn show In Salem all best week.
V Toland China hog sells for $35,000
'at a NoMesvllle. Indiana, sale. That
is tbejlmlt so far. .
The Salem slogan editor of The
"Statesman will show in next Thurs
day's Issue that this is a good corn
country. And that, tool, Is important.
now times have changed! It will
ie necessary lor, the Republicans to
rebuild the system from the ground!
up when they assume office in 1921.
The Salem Commercial club has an
Immense amount of important work
cut out for it, on1 development lines
for this city and this section. It
must be liberally supported, and of
course it will be, ,
' Tne civil service law it being shot
to pieces by the Wilson administra
tion largely through the rulings ot
Postmaster General Burleson.: A
Democratic president, Grover Cleve
land, was its champion, S3 years ago.
The latest announcement is that
Flume gets self-rule. So D'Annun-
rlo, the wild-eyed poet, accomplished
something after all.
The list of war criminals to be
tried by the allies has been reduced
from 1200 to 390. And stilt going
Governor Coolidge has launched
bis presidential boom in a modest
way. The meek often inherit the
earth. '
It is th first time In the history
of either party that a national con
vention haa bMn hHrt vnl nf I'm.
saa City, if ; will break another prec-
THE HfrPP'EST .-n-i Ll
VcFm Lift1 W
. gyqoc.i
i" ''fiM
'wm y dmkMl J ' 1 1 !fe
rf ono of that sort ct a local tatcto
ria the othtr night. rExchange. '.
It now develops that the pack
ers had millions of dollars invested
In other business, cne line being ci
gars. No wonder the 5-cent variety
smells as If made of the hoofs of
To Curs a Cold la Otm Par
(Tablets). It stops the Cough and
Headache and works off the Cold.
E. W. GROVE'S signature on each
box. 30c.
Governor Urges Observance
' of National Thrift Week
Governor Olcott, In a statement
yesterday, urges universal observance
in Oregon ot national thrift week.
His statement follows:
"National thrift week of the
Young Men's Christian association is
to be observed this year from Janu
ary 7 to Jannay 24 inclusive. I an-
flestand this movement has the full
hip pot of the United Stales treasury
department and of the leading finan
cial, commercial, civic apd education
al organizations throughout the
United States. '
"It Is necessary that our serious
thought be given to the problem of
how to lessen foolish extravagance
and waste. I believe a well defined
program of education In the matter
of thrift will have a salutary effect
and I trust that national thrift week
will assist In calculating those les
sons which must be of benefit to
every citizen la every community.
Now they say Paris gowns art
more daring than ever. Bat seeing
Is believing, and where are tbe?
Centralia Hub. '
Read the Classified Ads.
r Doctor Ctifr. frmrlr of Jfc
Hopkins laoapltal- TbnMdi of ra
ufrrtnc from fatal a won 14 b
in prrfet hlta today f It not far
tha oaaair crnr Xlcotlna. btoo tka
it now baforo it too Uta. It's a aim
pla prorraa to rid yoyraalf of tka to
barco habit in tar form. iut s to
any up to data drat atora aved gt aonr
Nw-otoi tablets: tako tham aa 4iracta4
and lo: tha parnktoua habit ulckly
vaniaba. Druca'ats rafand tka mowr
If thar fail. I aura to read larra a4
Intaraatinr announcamant by Doctor
rofinnr to anpanr in tka napr.
It tall of tha hangar of nicotine pa
ontnr and how to avoid lt In Ua
memntlma try Nlcotol tablets; you wul
b aurpr iod at tbo reult
Irish Prealeher
3 C
Sundav 10:45 a. m.
'Can a Christian Be a Successful Business Man?'
Sunday 7:30 p. rru
Chorus Choir of 45 Will Sing
"Wounded For Our Transgrestiont" and "Sail On"
Male Chorus Will Sing "Give Me Thy Heart"
"The Golden Bells"
Will be Mr. Troy's Great Solo Sunday.
Friday, 7:30 p.m., "Do We Always Reap What We Sow?"
Saturday, 7:30 p. m., will be a Special Night
Drl Reid speaks on "What A Blind Man Saw"
Meetings Every Night Next Week Except Monday
Come Early If Yon Want a Seat
, Corner Liberty and Marion Streets