TUB OREGON RTATESMAX: FIUDAV. JANUARY 10, 1020. REVELATIONS OF A WIFE The Story of a Honeymoon A VomIerfuf IUmane of Married Ufe Wonderfully Told by ADKIJC UAIUUSO.V Giant German Seaplane, Built at Zeppelin Works, YLI.L TL:c Allies Seek for Exneri- mental Purposes V. WHO WON THE WAR? CIIArTKH XIMV WHAT MYSTEUIOl'S WORK 'lS EX OA(iIN(S DICKY'S ATTENTION ?- Maditc. ; I wish you'd I ell Katie not to touch niy rooni until I tell her to. H doni"t need sweeping, and of you'll give me a dusting cloth I'll do any1 dusting that's necessary, t don't want you messing around ihera. either- 'putting , things to lieen thwarted in her plan of disfig uring me by Katherine' alertness. I 11 wan owing io rvainerme aione, ai- so that the woman had consented u go to the private sanitarium, t am afraid i bould haw weakly yielded to Mrs. AIlls threat to reveal some dangerous secret concerning my fa ther pud let her go her own way. Katherine and I had returned to the house thorougly worn out. In fact. Katherlne's fatigue, and ner- rlabts.' I'te some' ticklish .. work 1 1 v,.u headache had alarmed me. 1 - . .11 .....l.j . ' . . . ; . . . don i wain umuuuvu, inn ijo KumF to keep my door locked ;f mm novr Dicky ru ihed through the word tritbont looking at vne, ' afld then with n! abrupt "no) long. IVe got to work.' Call nie half an -ttur before dinner." ne from, the breakfast ta ble, and hurried upstairs to hU room. v., " 'y;.-. It was Sunday morning, and but two days after Katherine Sonnot and 1 had taken Mrs. AUis to the private "sanltarrum for drug addicts. So well had Katherine managed the trip that neither IKcky.vKatle. nor Jim suspected that Mis, Allls had entered my room at night,. had attempted to throw acid in my face and had only feared she might be 111. hut a day's lest restored her, and ahe had re turned to the city only the night be fore. Madge Resents Dicky Aloofness. I felt depressed and resentful as 1 heard my husband's footsteps mount ing the stair to his room. Sunday has always been the day tacitly set apart bv Dicky and me for a home day together. Sometimes we enter tain at dinner In the evening, but the day we invariably spend at home reading and talking. The xne Indication of a successful marriage to which I have clung Is tike fact that Dicky and I have never ,4ft Pitt, MiV&Si" mm , 7 wf The Choice Prizes of Life Are Won vlIie;Helhy and Strong The weak, ofwftabbv-BJoW thoee mho are deficient In vlcor ad viutt fOre hT mt bad to auu'er IK l.emiliatiun ct tarinsr ruthleealy uhtmti said by their atronffer tieaJa. A clear, ruddy dmpteiri in- lr:f.-ii rr: hardened maaclea: and a welt kait-toeether bodjr of elaatic tp and awes', constitute a trubip card io any saae wbetber of love or buaiaeea. If you feet that you ir nut-, clam J. laekinr the atamioa u ntand up and claim year ,' doa't delay another day ia vnty I ' .f.i -i ' ..'' , . ' r ' ''-5 ' ; ' . " ..... t . i ir wtfVr.-'l-'f.jjf - J - ' " i""jwJ " ' It h: ' . "lirfi f?5- ft I "-;,'" 13-"'. Great Hritaln. Prance and the I'nlted State. It i understood, all want this German seaplane for experiment, al purpose . It is the largest seaplane In the world. bulU at the Zeppelin works at Wilhelmshsven for the Ger man navy. ,lt 4s of the monoplane type, entirely of metil, and has a wing tpread of 120 feet. The plane has four wigincs, is capable of"mak!ng 100 miles an hour and can remsln In the air for twenty hours. The disposi tion of this unusual ncaplane has not yet been determined. lost our enjoyment in - dieus;ng tee Is to report at the next regular things which has been ours from the Bcsalon rif the legislature, beginning. 'Hooks, plays, news, gos- J Mnnott Hill Supported, sip. neither of u appearing fully tot Senator Ritner's ' Joint memorial enjoy its savor, unless shared with asking congress to throw open for the other. And from Diofcv' word settlement land about upper Klam and manner it seemed prol.a!J that nth lake. was adopted. The memor hls whole jday would be i-pu in hi ial wa Introduced at the request of room. ' the American Legion. The purport Hot teafs rose to ray eyes as I real- f th memorial Is covered by the nea ints uut i nuickty dashed them mtneiue to tab Ui U 1 W:, ... I ill B . tt "L a i rym mi a. aaa - The Great General Tonic away. There were many things with which I, could bus myself. , In three weeks we were to move from the old Tirennan house which we had rented. Into the quaint old place we had bought, and- there were many odds and ends of packing and pre paration which I could get out ot he way if I had the day to myself -Rut Dicky's defection rankled. 1 Wondered as t had done many times before what fhls mysterious work was which had occupied his time m much in the last few weeks. It was n't his. usual illustrating I knew for Dicky was notably careless as to bis drawings they lay in picturesque had rescued some finished illustra tion ready for delivery from a heap of discarded sketches ready for the urnaee. , 'Don't Do That!" Sitriott bill which the resolution urg t-s.the Oregon delegation to support. , LTKO a eeid la ertlaal perl asee ealr. Mae aectaare above. ill roetore that cotvfidenoa you need to combat the arer- novomaig forcee of aocial and boaineaa Ufa; it will eiva yoa the heart and epirit to do and. the eoarace to challenc the world to your rtht to a plaee ia tka bVun. beeaaea it will ra botlit year physical atraasth and mental pewer to a ataxe of eet health, atrwtrtoeninf year nm-oow ystam wits tr noariafaaicnt becaoee of its areat aid to diroataoa. KO" i a reixaehinz aDDOtisc and an oxeafitioBal ffeneral toaia ia tboao subnormal condluanx of the pbyetcal and i cLi arrtania. snch aa moecolar ana mental latisue. xwtatim. enral wrakneaa; or deb'.Uty following a f ractAvl uiitcu or tbaroji oTl WaatiaY diaeaae. If truly .Natorc'i firataaaanaat aa-a regteratlTO aaent a realty re markabte reeonatracCTe. AUdranaW bare LTKO.: Cat bcu:le today td begin at onca to tec', and tuok better. , SoleMaaeife.tieiai ' LYKO MEDICINE COMPANY NewY-k . K'aaaa City. Maw For sale by all Druggist. Always in stock at rerry's.Drug Store i aV "' h Clothes that Make You Proud without Making You Poor yoa view your- Convalescence atcr pneumonia, ty phoid fever and the t,rlp. Is soroe- iltiies mereley apparent, not real. To nuke It real and rapid, thre la no other ionic so highly to be recom-mt-nded aa Hood's Kariaparilla. Tkounahdi so testify. Take Hood's sters. Mrs. . X. riegel was again with the bureau to assist and give odvice. A new featare was the dis play of children's clothing and prop er children's beds. It Is planted that the bureau give a lecture in a 8nqrt tfme to tn mother Of the mothers at least once a month. The M. Pi? TheQ.MC? The Y. MCA.? Let's Talk It Over Again Tonight American Legion Dance ARMORY - TONIGHT January 16, 9 P. M. $1.10 Inclnding War Tax Spectators In Gallery 59c eoanty la order that they will under stand Just what the measurements and i cores mean so that parents of children whose body measurements ate too large proportionately will not become frightened. It Is ptaaned to hare some sort of a lecture to the The wejt clinic ruary 19. In the rooms. will be held FeV Commercial club The Stateman's Classified. Ads. Bring Results i THIRD CLINIC BIG SUCCESS Lectures and Explanations' of Move to Be Part of Program The third baby clinic held' la this I . t . . 9 1 It m. .But from all indications Dicky had c. y ua"'r lu,r . " done no drawing in his room forsev-T'on county cnnaren s uureau was eral weeks. There was no litter of .""t ninora when i T wranr In t tint ht Clinics, i ne cnnaren who were re? room in order each day, and his desk and chiffonier drawers were locked The thing puzzled me got on my nerves. I tried to put it out of my mind. and went directly about the work 1 had planned after Dicky went up stairs. Dat my heart wasn't In It. and when I heard his footsteps com ing downstairs again I felt a little glow of anticipation. He had thought better of his purpose, and was com ing down to talk to me. In a moment I realized my mis take, however, for he held a waste basket filled 'with crumpled papers In his hand. I supposed of course that he wished them emptied, and advanced to take the basket: "Katie is busy Just now," I said, "but I'll have her empty this and bring it up to you In a moment. "r Dicky shook his head. VXo need to trouble' her." he said, drawing the basket back. "I'll just put them dn the furnace myself." "Oh, Dicky." I protested, "don't do that. Jim has had a great deal of trouble with the fire this morn ing, and it's JuBt-beginning to draw well. If you pile those papers in there now you'll simply choke the fire. Empty them into the big bas ket and let Jim take them outside and burn them." Dicky turned and stared at me un pleasantly. "Will you kindly allow me to at tend to my own business?" he said and there was a sneer in his voice that pricked like a stiletto. (To be continued) SENAT0RJ5ASK AIR PATROL v ' ; Memorial Is Sent to Congress Urging Protection of Western. Timber Istcred for the postponed December clinic and a few others were examin ed yesterday and included 26 young- m y y V have several exeepfional buy in remodeled car Oil. miS Overland model IKVA-l condition : ....$800 Ou 1!M8 Chevrolet, overhauled, good Hhap ....... ....$00 HUM Reo Six 7-pasenger..loiik like new $000 Stadebakrr Six, 1918 model, newly painted and overhauled, iik jcoh1 nliape ,...d00 1U14 Ford, good xUape " $325 191!) Doii.-kmh1 sbap . L ...$S50 Hoys, we have two bugs that are in perfect mechanical condition at your own price. Wc will make cany term on the al-ove list.. These prices good this week only. i - SALEM VELIE COMPANY , 162 -North Commercial Street J. W. Jones, 3IanagtT self in the mirror dressed in a Monroe Suit or Monroe Overcoat, you - thrill with pride at seeing yourself neatly and smartly dressed in New York style. . ' Moreover, vrlien you see the price, the thrill grows, because you realize the garment that drapes to your figure costs you a price you feel glad to pay $25, S0and$35. And on comnarinff it with other xlothes you find - that your Monroe Suit or Overcoat has saved you." money. ' v; Monroe Clothes are to be had only at ... '- X .' ' ' 3 - . :' ' . ' . V . v. , G. W. Johnson &. 'Co. U.-S, National Bank Building KrTA UaCTraai.i .aie a'a!, X i Mil 1 1 afaja The' senate yesterday passed house oint memorial calling upon the Ore. gon delegation in congress to use itt influence to secure an adequate air plane patrol i as protection against forest fires In Oregon. The memor ial urges adoption of the patrol plan as outlined by Colonel Arnold, com mander of the western division of the air service. House Joint memorial No. 5 urg ing congress ' to pass . legislation to expel and keep out of the country disloyal aliens, and to expend money from the immigration service for that purpose.; passed the senate. liarhmnnd Memorial Vtuen. Senator Lachmund's joint memor ial calling upon the 'government to pension Indian war veterans and their widows on the same basis as Civil war veterans was passed by the senate., i; No opposition was made to senate joint resolution No. 5. introduced by Senator Tierce at the request ol the board of control, calling for the ap pointment of a legislative commit tee to Investigate the advisability of establishing a training school for young boys on the cottage plan, the present school to be turned Into a reformatory- tor first offenders. The SALEM-resolution was passed. The commit- Ilk &k -ASBtfo ii 'iP 4 m mil '7T and fx. vN if. : H" You may alwayi be sure of scrinu th-: orst if you let t.c DEL label be youf guide in buying citmcd f nuts, vegetable and food specialties. Mote than a -buiidred delicious varieties to select f.-oai. olsk the waiter Some day when you are not very hungry and you don't' know what to eat let him' recommend a dish. tell him to bring along a Dottle ot Del Monte Catsup. Watch his smile of approval. He will know that you have selected the best appetizer possible, and that his. recommendation is bound to please you. And when it cornet on the tabic, and your appetite wake up, just rtmetnber that a bottle of Dai. Mot Catsup on your own table at home will help you "get more enjoymtnt out of the meals you eat there. "DzL MOSTE Recipes ef Flavor," a new recipe book containing over- 500 economical menu suggestions, will b sent free. -; -r.'-'i - t- - .- AaUMa DeaMtneec N CALIFORNIA PACKING CORPORATION SAn rrncstco, California 1 1 B a Mm "'V - V- L '!''"' t