The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 16, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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    j ; I
I i
Hi ;
Reliability of Figures of Com
missioner Booth Questioned
by Thomas
Hot Fight Is Staged Over Auto-Royalty
Measure of Sa-
; lem Lawmaker
,. j '
Figures furnished by R. A. Booth,
state highway commissioner, purport
ing to show that patented pavenienf,
rail he laid in Oregon, even should a
royalty be paid, cheaper than can
unpatented pavements, made the
main basis on which opponents of
thi Lachmund antl-rpyalty bill suc
ceeded in having the bill indeflnite
ly postponed in the senate yester
day by vote of 20 to 9.
' This iii face of an attack by Sen
ator Thomas who charged that a
combine exists between the Warren
Construction company and other con
tractors ! whereby secret manipula
tions in bidding are made and which
Senator Thomas asserted make Mr.
Booth's figures inaccurate and with
out weight. . .
OmuniM&ton Excoriated
The state highway commission was
excoriated for refusing to take the
advice of Attorney . General lirown
by laying a pavement of the same
general characteristics as the War
ren pavement, yet not infringing on
its alleged patent, so that this as
well as the questionable validity of
the patent might be a ground for
defense if the highway commission is
sued bv the Warren romoanv to .. 1-
lect royalties which have not been!
paid since early last year.
Iirliniuinl Staru Fight
Declaring- that there are many
liebple in Oregon who do not .believ
they have received from the Oregon
legislature laws that afford protect
ion against the paving trust. Sena
tor Lachmund initiated a f i i - in the
The fight was over the majority
and minority reports on Senator
Iachnvund's bill to submit t) the
people the question of prohibiting the
payment of royalties on pavement inj
Handley. I. S. Smith, Norb'.ad and
Orton signed the majority report
om mending, that the bill not pss and
Senators Thomas and Iachum:i3
signed the minority report. Lach-
mund moved substiluipn of he min
ority for the majority! report.
Senator Iachmund declared iha:
pavement as good as bitulithic can
be procured without the necessity of
paying royalty.
llooth Sways Smith
Senator Smith said on the floor
that he had gone to the committee
meeting with the intention of voting
But if you won't exerdse
vigorously you must
trke "Cascarets."
Bridge Over Euphrates From Which Turks Hurled 4000 Armenians
There is nothing like bending ex
ercises, taking long walks, or chop
ping wood to keep the liver and bow
els active, but most folks take thflr
exerc ise in an easy chair. Such -folks
wed Cascarets. else they suffer from
tick headache, sour, acid stomach,
indigestion, colds and are mlseralbe.
Hut don't stay bilious or constipated.
Keel splendid always by taking Cas
carets occasionally. They act with
out griping or inconvenience. They
never sicken vou like Calomel. Salts.
Oil. or nastyharsh Fills. They cost
so little too Cascarets work while
you sleep. .
for the Lachmund bill, but that lig
ures submitted by Commissioner
Booth had caused him to change his
Senator Pierce, who stood with
.ahmund and Thomas, flayed the
highway commission for not heeding
the opinion of Attorney General
Brown in which he advised that a
pavement of the same general char
acter of bitulithic be used instead of
the patented article and which woaid
not be an actual Infringement, so
'National .Thrift Week
And right in this connection Thrift could be shown of the highest order by taking
advantage of the
At the
Electric Sign
167 North
LADIES! Maybe you like better shoes,
style 114 Selbys Black Kid, cloth tops,
French heels, $8 qualities at special $3.95
LADIES ! Brown with cloth tops, lots 228
240, $9 and $9.50 values this sale only at
LADIES ! Fine Dress Shoes, nothing nicer
for your silk dress, style 155 Red Cross Pa
tent, new long toe last, the very latest style,
today's value $15. Our price was $13.50. Un
til Saturday night at $10.85
MEN! If you want a fine high grade shoe
there's rstetsons" now worth $18 to $20,
black or brown. We sold them at $15 but
unil next Saturday you can buy them at
V. ; i 4 $12.95, $13.45 and $13.65 plus war tax
MEN! If you want lower priced shoes there
are Regals" and "Brennans," for instance
gun metal English lace, Goodyear welted,
oak leather soles, style 740, today's value$10,
our price was $9.50. Until Saturday you can
buy for. . . . . . . . . . . .............
Warranted equal to any regular $10 quality.
MEN! If you want just a cheap light
weight shoe buy style 717 Gun Metal Eng-
usn lace weu soies, an $8.50 shoe for $$ $5
T.nfin t ttktrw lurwi w Or "Bed Cross" All Beaver Brown De Luxe
alfjSnl?1? ffier yle. d r. B. & C. Kid, turned
nhinltt valued today at $19. We sold at $17. UntU
debaln turdly at 9 p. m. you can have them
actually worth now regularly $20. Until . "' ai.M
Saturday night you can buy them for
r - '$16.95 BOYS! Black Calf Blucher lot 821, sites 1
m. . L:. . , to 5H, regularly priced at $5, special price
This is a Wonderful .Bargain. . . S3 35
LADIES! Would you like a very inexpens-
ive, yet nice looking shoe, see the Black Kid
i or Patent Vamp, Grey Cloth top, practically Also lot 806 Brown Army Blucher, 1 to 5,
all sizes, $10 values, would be cheap at $8.03. regular $5.50 grade at. $4.45
Until Saturday you can buy them at $2.95
LADIES! One lot small. sizes up to 4 in Lot 826, extra heavy oil grain blucher, sizes
Hanans, Selbys, etc., to finish out. . . J.35 1 to 54, $5 quality at. $3.85
And Hundreds of others at just such bargains. You cannot afford to shiftlessly
allow this chance to pass. Sale closes Saturday, January 17th at 9 p. m.
l -J.
167 NORTH v
1 .' ... - M
l c ,. 7 A
h-.- ; ''.-Ti? vv'-f -v: .
This photograph shows a brldse over the Euphrate4 River at Teio. Turkey, which ha been the n of
lerrihle Armenian massacres. More than 4.000 Armenians were driven on to this bridge, killed and their bodies
thrown over bv the Turks. ,.
Let "Danderine" save and
glorify your hair
this might constitute a ground .f de- attention to the ' city beautiful."
fense in event of suit. A. .J. Baef.
"I heard Mr. Hooth's speech a. the; Salem, Jan. 14.
Methodist church last night," said
Pierce, "'and came away mo; a than
ever convinced that we should have
a paid commission that could gito
its entire time lo this work. Mr.
Itootb told the audience that t te
specifications of the Warren Con
struction company are being fol
lowed. The attorney general's i-'d-
vice is not being followed out a n't
the people are paying the price. j
In 1917 it was said $6.0o0.f0'
would be all the money required
Last session. Senator Orton told yon
on the noor that tne iu,uuu,v'jw
voted at that time would be the la.---..
Now they are after $10,000,000 morv
In 12 monhs they will be after an
other $10,000,000. And they w'.'i
spend it like drunken fools.
Hurley Defend
Senator Hurley, who has stood and
voted consistently with the paving
trust at this and other sessions.
seemed to state the Warren Con
struction company's case exactly
when he said it makes no difference
to the people 6t Oreicon whether the
Warren patent Is valid or invalid.
It is a question on which the
people have no rigiit to vote." said
Hurley. "It is a question for the
Senator La Follet declared he had
no confidence in the highway coi.i-
mlssion and offered to pay the cost
of a special train if the senate would
adjourn and go with him to Wash
ington county to see road , work be
tween Forest drove and Tlillsboro
The argument that paving can be
procured cheaper with paying royal
ties than without Senator Strayer
termed amusing and ridiculous.
For the closing speech in support
of the minority report. Senator
Lachmund yielded the floor to Thomas.
"It occurs to me that if the high
way commission bad desired to lay
a pavement Just a- little difieient
from the Warren pavement but just
as good, as it was advised to do by
Attorney General Hrown. this law
suit for $300,000 in royalty that is
coming would be avoided." snid
There if a common belief about
the state that a combination of events
between the Warren Construction
company and other contractors
whereby some remain out of tn?
bids through secret manipulations.
That is why the figures that have
been submitted by Commissioner
booth are faulty when be says that
even with royalty payments bitulithic
that has been laid would be cheap
er than other pavements.
Slam Taken at Hurley
"Hurley says that the Lachmund
bill would drive the Warren Con
struction company out of the state
with its big payroll and I can't help
but think that the thin he is in
terested in is not the Warren Con
struction company but its payro'l."
Senator Moaer did not participate
in the debate' but In explaining his
vote said he could not support the
bill but would support the Hare bill
prohibiting the highway commission
from paying royalty to anyone ur.'il
the status of the Warren patent has
been determined.
The minority report was defeated
by a vote of 20 to 9. The vote:
For Eberhard. Eddy. Farrell
lachmund. Pierce, Strayer. Thomas.
Vinton. ,
Against Baldwin. Hanks. Hell.
GUI. Handley. Howell. Huston, Hur
ley. Jones. Moser. Nicholsen. Nor
blad. Orton. Patterson. Porter. Rit
ner. Shields, Smith or Coos and Cur
ry, Smith of Josephine. Wood.
M. 0. Evans Becomes Field
Representative for Co-Op-erative
en work in Portland daring the sea
sons of 1913 and .1914. assistant
county agent leader for Oregon for
nearly three years, and as supervis
ing farm help specialist for the
United States department of agricul
ture in the 11 western states for two
years. He takes op his new duties
January 19.
M. O. Evans, travelinr representa
tive, of the Portland Union stock
yards, has resigned to take the posi
tion of field representative for the
Oreeon Growers association, the new
state wide fruit marketing organiza
tion with headquarters at Salem. Mr.
Evans Is a graduate of Cornell uni
versity, a former student of O. A. Q.
and has been a resident of Oregon
for the past 12 years. He served as
supervisor of school and home gard-
Suffered 3 Years with Rheu
matism, Catarrh and Stomach
Trouble, Since Taking No. 40
Feels Fine
Gary. Ind.. April 25, 1919. "1 suf
fered for ever three years wfth chron
ic rheumatism, catarrh, constipation,
stomach trouble, bad blood, nervous
spells, aching limbs, so I could not
sleep. Saw an advertisement in the
daily paper about Mendenhall'a Num.
ber 40 For The Blood. Thought I
would give it a trial. Although I was
discouraged, as I had doctored with a
number of physicians and tried nu
merous medicines .without receiving
any benefit. 1 have taken but two
bottles of Number 40. Can eat any
thing I want without fear and am not
near1 so nervous and am feeling fine.
I am now starting on my third bot
tle. Mrs. Gostlne Rainey. 2270 Jef
ferson St." 40 Is demanded in poi
soning, gouty conditions, malnutri
tion, auto-toxication. constipation.
liver and stomach .troubles. Be
lieved to remove and prevent gall
itones. appendicitis. Successfully
used in eczema and skin diseases.
I'sed with phenomenal success In
.hronic rheumatism, catarrh, lumba
,'o. myalgia (pain in the muscles,
muscular rheumatism or neuralgia)
;landular swellings, scrofula, mercu
ial and lead poisoning, abscesses,
tores, ulceus, boils and carbuncles.
Vild by Perry's Drug Store.
IP 1 J S
11 1
7 ,
In a few moments yon ran trans,
form your plain, dull, fat luir. Toa
can have It abundant, soft, glossy and
fall of life. Just get at any drag
or toilet counter a small bottle of
"Danderine 'for a few cents. Thea
moisten a soft clotb with the Daa
derine and draw this through yoar
hair taking one small strand at
time. Instantly, yes. Immediately,
yon hare doubled the beauty of your
hair. It will be a mass, so soft. las-,
trous, flffy and so easy to do np. All
dust, dirt and - excessive oil Is re
moved. Let Danderine pat more- life, color,
vigor and brightness in your hair.
This stimulating tonic will freshen
"Wombat Invited me to inspect hU!
cellar last evening."
"I suppose a pleasant time was
"Naw; he merely wanted to show 'your scalp, check dandruff and fa.ll-
me a lot of coal.
ier Journal.
-(Louisville Cour- ing hair. and. help your hair to grow
long, thick, strong and beautiful.
We Have a Good Assortment
of the following goods that we are offering: to our pa
trons at a big sacrifice
Union Suits
Boys' Underwear, $L30 rtluei .' ...S3c
Oirl Underwear, $1.25 nine V.95c
ladies' Union Suits, $1.85 nines. LIZ
' .
Ladies' Hats
We are still selling ladies hats at half price.
$9.75 values .A25
$7.25 values. : $3.C0
$5.00 values . $250
$3.50 values $1.40
Children's Hats
ranging from $1.25 up to $3.00. your choice at 85 cents.
Matches, per box 5c
The place where you get the most for your money at the
152 North Commercial Street
(Th Statasmaa Is plead to print
communications upon topic of general
4nteret at any tlma. Thar la acarcalr
any limit to the topics of "rencral D.
taraat." It la aakad only that corre
spondents refrain from praonalltx.a
?4 th,t written
of a libelous nature. Letters must haa
writer a name and address. Uieucb net
necessarily for. publication. Ed.)
Salem Ileautlfol
Editor Statesman: We bear a
good deal about Salem beautiful.
But. for weeka- and weeka, the
atreet In front of the Oregon1 Elec
tric depot, where more people e It
than If It were located In any other
place, has been used as a wood yard.
It is high time that we paid more
We are now handling only standard lines and in "Union
Made" where possible
We Carry full lines of Boss of the Road "Union Made" over
alls and pants. Black Bear " Union Made" work pants and
shirts. Lee's Unionalls "Union Made" Unlonalls. H. &
L Black "Union Made" Work Glores. Washington Solid
leather Shoes are "Union Made". Guaranteed lines.
240-246 North Commercial Street,
"The Store That Protects Its Customers"