'nJ. fit WEATHER The SUte4BUL relve tha leased wire report c4 the Ar oclsted PreM the greatest aad on oat reliable press as sociation U the world, Italn. In west,, cloudy in east por ion; moderate southerly winds. A rj' 1 1 , ' . i - tiHTY-NINTH YEAR 8ALKM, OKF.tiOX, KKIUAY MOil.MM; JAXt'AHY 16, tOMK 10 MILLION BOND ISSUE House Puts Over Road Im provement Bill With Three Dissenting Votes Weeks, k rfnghes and Scheubel RESOLUTION ADOPTED - (EARLIER IN PROGRAM Limitation of Highway Indebt edness Raised If Senate I Follows Lower Body VTh ten million dollar road , hand ! bfU passed the house yesterday with pnly, three members. Schuebel of CUckamas, and Weeks and Hughes of Marlon voting against it. The bill ; U house bill No. 32 and was intro duced by the, committee, . on r tads and highways. There was praci "cally no discussion. '. . The bill provides that lhe highway commission shall Issue not to 2xceed ten ttullon dollars worth or bonds for road and highway Improvement - It is specified that 75 per cent of : the a moon t derived from the sale of the bonds shall , be spent on hard ' surface paving and the remainder on improvement and roads to meei rc ' nuirements of the various districts as the commission shall determine. I T Itenoiiitkm Adopted !' House joint resolution No. It, sub , stlfute5 for house Joint resolution No. 3, introduced by Stewart of Wheeler L was adopted earlier in the day vitb . two dissenting votes., . they blimt those, of Weeks and Hughes ot Mar lon. The resolution raises the lini nation,' of indebtedness for road fm provement from 2 to 4 per ceat of the assessed valuation of the '.ate. Tk resolution will make possible me. operation of the bonding bttV t.: : Journal of House Ordered 1 by Resolution Adopted Journal" of . the house to be pre pared;, withlri?54ay&. following ad journment f ;he special session is pro vided! for in house resolution No. 11 . adopted by the house yesterday. ACT PASSES rM Surely it hai ioccured I to you that the thing most I I I mmui site iiutig iiuiucti iu get; ion i i nil , hesitate to purchase these i IPLIJSIES , li. J .:).,. I I : !j I , ' At s , .- I rM ' : ; lone-fourth 1 If. - - Ztt I iB.'-i till ' : 1 f 1 1 - 1$ 5.25 Hushes, yard $3.90 1 0; I 1,1 ' I I I I I ' 6XK) Plushes, vanl ,t ' 1 ! 1 liftn.00 Plushes, yard... ,...$12.75 : ' - r is , ; 'Th;se are high grade plushes in j ;t :l - every, respect that can; 1m put to ! e j H grood twe in many ways, Therdis jjj I a .gootl range of colors in both ! )t , Hi! I laiuamnpvelties. You way want 1 ' i these very iiuch. next season, it j , I , not norr and fhen you will find the prices almost rro- T ft hihifive- This is the Jast call on these Plushes. ' We are ir" . !l Pointing you to a stroke of good business. 4 1 1 . ' . 5 jjjjj Special Session Laws or , , i 1919 Code Is Proposal Inclusion In the laws passed by the special session in the 1919 code, now in process of compilation by Conrad P. Olson, is provided in house Joint resolution No. 10 which was adopt ed by the house yesterday. Commit tee reported that the code which originally was to have been ready about February 1 will be delayed less than a month if the resolution is finally adopted by both houses. MRS. TO.1PS0N ACTING SPEAKER Woman Representative Pre sides in House When Bill 13 Passes Mrs. Alexander Thompson, repre sentative from Hood River and Was coountles, was acting speaker yester day when house bill No. 13 came up fori passage. She had been asked At take the chair by Speaker Jones while he sat in 'the body of the house lor a few minutes. - The bill was introduced by K. K. Kubli and relates to ownership of lands by incorporated cities and towns. KOLCHAK HELD , CLAIM - 7' cm r n KCP0rt rTOm Liberia Ot Lap- I nf Admiral I. IViL firmed LONDON. Jan. 15. The report of the capture of Admiral Kolchak. head of the all-Russian government in Siberia have been confirmed, it is declared in a Moscow wire'ess to- day. Salem and Eugene High Loop Teams Meet Tonight The Salem high, school team win meet the Eugene high's basketball team tonight on the hixh school era .floor at 7:45 o'clock.. .The local team has been practic ing conscientiously since the game with MeMlnnville and the five mas defense will be a deciding factor in their favor.1 This was used to ad vantage In the last game. ." The lineup for the-game fs planned as follows: E. Gill and Schaefer, for wards; uotse, center, and Gill and Ashby, guards. The boys will be warmed up for Eugene b ya prelimi- nary game with the deaf school. BYREDS WAR AGAINST REDS LOOMS FOR ENGL AND Successes of Bolsheyiki in Russia Causes Secret Con ferences of British Military and Naval Heads INVASION OF INDIA AND EUROPE FEARED Poles Expected to be Next Ob ject of Attack Troops Have Able Leaders IXJNDON. Jan. 15. -Before peace nn uermany is a week old. tiie Uritish public has been brought up Bnany against the possibility of an otner war." Winston Soencer Chur- enm, secretary for war: Walter" Hume Long, first lord of the admir slity; Baron Beatty, commander of the Grand fleet, and Field Marshal Sir Henry H. Wilson, thief of the imperial staff, left London tonight navtng been hurriedly summoned to Paris for a consultation with Pre mier Lloyd George and other British officials there on important mill tary and naval matters. Ilctl Kucrc I CTmirt This summons is inevitable con nected In the public mind with the semi-official statement published to day called attention threatening sit uation in the; middle east as a re- cult of bolfhivik military successes, which have given the Soviets virtual mastery of the whole of European Russia, for. although it is not' yet' confirmed that they have entered Odessa, it is believed it cannot be long before they are in full posses sion of the coast regions. By their victories the bolshiviki have obtained command of enormous supplies of food, raw material, coal and rolling 6tock and otht means of transport.' 1 Speculation i is active in the-European capitals as to what will be the - next :ouve of the bolshiviki. It si regarded as certain that, flushed with success, they will not be con tent with their present conquest but will seek to extend bolshtvism eith er . eastward or westward. Expert n.ilitary opinion inclines to the b- i'ef that their next move will be an attack ion Poland and the Baltic states, anl jVars;iw dispatches to the London papers already indicate that the Poles are anticipating such a move. The Soviets now undoubtedly com mand formidable forces, but cot suf ficient to warrant an attempt to ad vance both east and west. Against the likelihood of an attack on PoU .nd, which, it - is said, would be popular with the red generals, is the fact that the bolshevik flanks would be exposed on the north to an attack by the Ietts and on the south to an a tack by the Rumanians. The semiofficial statement issued at London today seems to indicate that the Dritih government Is irore apprehensive of a move eastward, threatering India. - MALHEUR ROAD; . BILL IS PASSED Measure Held to Open Way for Flock of Similar Bills One More In House bill No. 4 providing for the Inclusion in the ftate highway system ' of a road in 'Malheur county from Nyssa'to Melprmitt by way of Suc cor creek and Jordan Valley, was passed by the house yesterday. The bill was introduced by Gallagher and on Wednesday was the center of at tack on the ground that it would es tablish a precedent for other coun ties. The minority report favoring the bill was adopted Wednesday. No money is to be appropriated by the state for the road the county hav ing funds on hand at present for its construction, according to statement made by Mr. Gallagher. House bill No. 70 having similar provisions appiyin to a road in Sher man county was introduced yester day by Mr. Wright. WILSON' GARAGE THIEVES WHO ; DROP SEVEN TIRES WHEN PURSUED AND GET AWAY 1 The AVtlson garage, 388 North' Neighbors hearing nois In tho Commercial street, owned by Mayor Otto-Wilsoil. was entered by thieves about 12:45 o'clock last night but nothing of value is believed to have secured. The robbers were pursued by the police and dropped seven new automobile tires which they carrying and escaped in the ness. were dark .3-HOUR BRIDE IS 'JQJJJEYJJ ! BRIDEGROOM KILLS SELF I UWyi nirmrftA POOR HEALTH IS CAUSE LEWISTON, Ida.. aJn. 15. John H. Brown, well known young man of Idaho county, ended his life at 9 o'clock this morning by leaping from a Camas Prairie passenger train while crossing the Lawyer canyon bridge, the hlgtl est trestle of the entire Northern Pacific system. Brown was unit ed in marriage three hours prev ious at Grangeville to. Miss Leta Ycvelace. The couple were en route to Winchester where Brown wkas employed by the Craig moun tain Lumber company and Brown left 'his bride in the day coach while he went in the .smoking compartment. Brown had been in poor health for some time and was rejected for war service on account of poor ejesight. He was member of the student army training corps at the University of Idaho during the war. DONALDHOST TO DELEGATES FROM LEAGUE ! Banquet Is Served to Visitors During Enthusiastic Con vention BULLETINS TO GO OUT Co-operation With State Chamber Expected to Bnng Big ResuiU Donald is not a big town but it is one of the most active burgs on the Oregon Electric line. 'The branch of the Marion Com munity Development league at Don aid entertained delegates last night from other locals in the county Those who were so fortunate to have been served a meal at the bungalow hotel, managed by Mrs. Mercer, and by the sood women of Donald with the good "eats" provided after the meeting are unanimous In voting Donald a place at the top of the list of hospitable hosts. ' Sign Itaardt t'rged Holiness of importance dloi'ssed at the meeting was the placing of signs at important road Intersections in the county. This work is tobe completed before the opening cf the next tourist season. Bulletins 10.000 or more in num ber -were ordered to be puMished- The booklets are to embody 42 pag es of reading matter descriptive of the industries, resource and oppor tunities for home building in Mar ion county. Each town and commun ity represented in the league will be given one page in this bulletin in which to set forth its claims as a home building center. One-fifth of the entire edition will be distributed by the State Chamber of Commerce. It is believo-1 that this method of advertising ibis coun ty will be far reaching and iroduc- tlve of great results. Meetings of farmer will come un der the supervision of the ;fpectlve local organization, at which topics of local interest will be discussed un der the leadership of experts in farm practices. Each member was urged by L. .1 C'hapin to use his influence to iake the corn show at Salem a success The exhibition will be held from Jan uary 19 to"24 inclusive. It was an nounced that lectures and demon strations in the use of lubrication and fuel oils and the management of tractors would be given by authori ties in those lines during the petiod of the corn show. T. K. McOoskev announced that. dtirinz February, the Development lea pile would be appealed to for roji tributions to aid in relief of thf starving Armenians. hundred of whom. It is said. arV dying daily This announcement was greeted with hearty applause. The next meeting of th county organization will be held in SaleM on February 3 t which time new and Important business will bs r.on- i sidered. The Marion County Development league, while a new organization has gotten under good headway. It ha? within its grasp forces that are capable of doing untold good in up building the villages and rural com munities throughout the country at was evidenced by the strong spirit of cooperation uppermost at the meeting at Donald last night. IS ENTERED BY I ParaKe wnt 'Parch of an officer and found Officers W. J. White and V. Moffitt on the street.' The offi cers hurried to the garaxe and caught sfght of the fleeing burglars The police started In pursuit but were not close enough to capture the i fleeing men or to get description ot - I them. The men dropped the reven tires as they ran. i IS ASSERTED Travellng Salesman Tells Sen ate Committee Southern Na tion Hotbed of Radicals From Border to Border WILSON "HYPNOTIZED" BELIEF EXPRESSED Outrages in Passing of Once Prosperous Colony Are Described SAN ANTONIO. Tex. Jan. 13. Propagandiste"Tr iSo'.shevism have spread taelr doctrine of radicalism from Sonora to the Isthmus of Te hauntepee within a year, the senate ub-eommittee investigating ihe Mex ican situation was told today by an American traveling sa!esman. Th witness was heard in executive ten sion in order that he might b guard ed to that extent against possible re prisals by Mexicans. He bagged that his name not be used becau he ex pects to return to Mexico. jMTna Fat or IVKhevik Carranza. hen forced to choose between two small armies in the south, one led by the federal com mander and the other-known as the Dolshevik force, declared In favor of the latter, he assured the commit tee Striking laboring men in other districts, he aid. were frank in their declaration of adherence to toe radical cause and almost everywhere he went he found undisguised evi dence of the success of the extremist agitators. "I have told the American consuls in Mexico about the conditions," he testified, "but ! couW always note that they were averse to hearing the facts and especially where it reflect ed unfavorably upon the Mexican government." i WiLion 4HypnoUil After commenting that "Mr. Wil- win seemed to be hypnotized by MY Carranza." he added: If the American government should cea?e to support Carranza h would not last 30 days. The mer chants and the business men of Mex ico want law and order but they can not hope for such while the Bolshev ik gang is upheld by the American government." Out races Ilelatrd Matthew Warner, a veteran of the Cvil war. of Antonio. saV-? the. his tory of the Atascador colony whia he founded during the rule f Por- firo Diaz near Tampieo. It was pojw ulated by farmers from Neb.-aska. Illinois. Iowa and Texas. A German and one American family remain on the property. His account included reference to the murder of A. Hurt, and the serious injury of his father by Mexicans. He said it was that property that the daughters of Mat thew Gourd were attacked by Mexi cans, who first roped their father i3 men a position their acts. ne mignt wimcfa DEATH PENALTY UP TO PEOPLE ; ' . Senate Resolution on Capital Punishment Adopted by House . Capital punishment will be refer- red to the vote of the people at the general election as result of the nans- age by the house yesterday of senate joint resolution No. 2. The house passed the resolution without record vote. KULfc IMfcAllU CHERRIANS TO MAKE SEARCH FOR ALL SALEM CITIZENS NOT ENUMERATED BY CENSUS TAKERS KA1.KM-S rorri..Tiox TEX. YEAIW .UXr AM) NOW For 1H total H.0M White . . Negro Olher races . White, native 13. s 161 47 parentage 9.." 17 White, foreign parent age White, foreign born ... Males Females . . . , Moles of voting age. .. . Hliteratce over 10 .... 'Number whool ag. Kamilles 2." 01 I. Ml 7.526 r..ii .1.1S& t 2.J7 i There are several interesting things about the population of Sa lem ten years ago. according to the above census figure. Settling of Klamath Land by Service Men Favored Settlement of Klamath county rc- tarnation lands by service men instea or tieing them up, in a contract with an eastern Crporation. Is favored in house joint memorial No. 7 which was adopted by the house yesterday. The memorial if adopted by the sen ate will be sent to congress. PAIR OF SMITHS TANGLE AGAIN Resolution on Amending Con- stitution Battle Ground of Legislators The two Smiths of the house tan gled again yesterday ver bouse Joint resolution No. 9 which would put be fore the vote of the people the bill providing that the constitution shall not be amended except by majority of all registered voter whether they cast ballot or not. Smith of Baker and Bean of Lane maintained that the proposal if passed by the people would be a safeguard to the constitu tion and save it from unnecessary cmendment. Smith pf Mnltnomah declared tbat'; the resolution put a premium on shirking responsibility of the tote, that the citizen who "stayed at home and neglected his duty would be, Tot ing against the voters who were tak ing their part In the responsibility of citizenship." The resolution was referred back to the committee. WATER POWER BILL IS PASSED Measure Has Been Before Congress in Some Form for Decade WASHINGTON, Jan. 15. Uy vote of nearly three. to one, the sen ate today passed the water power development bill, different In eme respects from the measure adopted by the house in July,' but following in a general way the same Hit that has been before congress in one form or another for. the last decade. . MINIMll WAGE MEASURE ROILS Resolution in House Provides for Committee to Prepare Argument Mixing of the legislature In direct Ing vote of the peple was frequently charged by members of the house, among tlin being Eugene Smith of .Mutiuuiuau. wnen nouse joint resoiu tion No's.! 4 came up for action. The resolution provided that the leglsla lure snau appoint a committee to prepare for use in the general elec tinn pamphlet an argument against J the bill which is to be initiated pro viding ior a minimum wage or 94 a day for all male workers. Arguments against the proposed measure, mhicb. it is said, la being prepared in Portland, were numerous Smith of Baker spoke against the measure and in favor of adopting the resolution. Smith f Multnomah said that he did not approve of the meaa- I 11 TP hilt nifhr riirf h a nrtrnr. nf IK. , - - - - - - - - -" . " w v. i ,?KifIalure In ne Initiative t nnt or otlzens. -He suggested tha ! " the people did not want the bll some one would prepare an argument against It. The motion to adopt, the resolu tion carried 40 to 12. For instance, there were then 115S more males than females In Salem. Are there that many more now? Hut the important rcatier in. ne there more 'than I4.'.l jNnple in Salem now? Ha Stilei.i grown La population in ten yearn? If so, how much? The census for 192') Is about fin ished now. Have all the iop!e locn counted? As Tne statesman ua said a num ber of limes, the tet is this: You live where yon sleep. Have all the sleeping placet lieen found? The Cherrians are aou to make a search on Monday for any who may not have n cnun'ed In SaKra It Is Important that -3alein should show a sabMantial growth. Many advantages will accrue too numerous to mention. And the figures will stand for ten more years. GAME BILL PASSED BY THE SENATE Veto by Governor Olcott Is Now Only Hope to Rescue Department From Dire Ma chinations of Politicians OLCOTT EXCORIATED , FOR LACK OF DECISION Vote on Measure Preceded by Hard Figtt and Margin Is Close Only the veto of Governor Olcott Can nOW save Orron ' f ih and nmm 1 frnm Ida amnttl - - - hVn7 depmae;t ot iZ state government has been subjected la Oregon history. If tha governor bucks up. If he screw up his political courage to the point of slapping executive dis approval through the veto power on -the Infamous Korblad-Handley-Beaa bill. Introduced In the house, and which passed the senate yesterday, he doubtless will yet be able to save fish and game affairs la the fature from the dire machinations which have secured passage of that bill through the legislature. The salmon monopoly, urged and . aided by representatives ot the pav ing trust, who are working: shoulder to shoulder with the taonopolixed fishing interests In this special ses sion of the legislature, was able to win is fight In the senate as It did in the house, though It took a hard er battle, and the Norblad-Handley- . Bean bill was passed by a vote of Is to 11. with 2t senators voting. la brief .the bill creates a state board of fish and game commissioners of nine members, five composing a game commission, three a fish com mission, all elected by the legislature and a ninth member not affiliated with either branch, who shall be elected tha nlhr rm rm I tilnfi.!. and serve as ' chairman. Provision of the bill thai the members be elect ed by the legislature made the Issue on which the figat was made. ' It Is the brazenly, admitted Inten tion ol the proponents of the bUl to elect all of the present fish and game commissioners as members of the new commission. This will throw fish and game back Into the constant con dition ot bickering and wranrlinr and political scheming from which ' Governor Olcott- has said he would deliver it by oustinr the present members of the commission and sup planting them with an entire new personnel. Only the veto is left as possibility to lrinr back that au thority to the executive office. The action that has been taken bv the legislature, over the-protest .of sportsmen of the state. loses to the sate the services of William X Ha ley, nationally known scientist and student of animal and bird life. bill has been Introduced In tha let Ulatnre creating the post of state hi- ologist for Mr. Flnley. but word comes that because of what has been done, ao post In the-power. ot the state to offer.- win be accepted by him. The Intention of the legislator! who steam-rolled the Norblad-Hand-ley-Bean bill through the house and secured its passage In the senate ob viously is to fill the post with one of their own political henchmen. The office of biologist, of coarse, will be political football at every sessJoa of the legislature henceforth If tha bill passed. yesterday becomes a law. The word has gone about that Gov ernor Olcott. has promised that he will not veto the bill. This, after his apparent determination expressed la his later- published statements, came as blow to the members who came to Salem to help the governor put over what he said was his rec ommendation and served as a dis couracement in the last hours before the voting. The result was that la the senate debate yesterday all aides excoriated the governor. - Senator Banks, who voted for the bill and who a year aro reneatedlr In speeches on the floor of the senate spoke in Olcott's behalf, aaid yes terday: What we need Is more of the Gib raltar and less of the Jelly-fish, more of the executive and less of the clerk." ouii tuwi. m ii u tiMi igim low the bill, asserted In directing re marks to the opponents ot the bill, that "if you are going to follow the governor' program yon will have te step to the liveliest Jazz music that any public official ever danced to." ' In a seething characterization of the governor's lack of decision Sena tor Thomas referred to him as one entitled to wear the crown as klnc of passers of the buck. The vote on the bill was as fol lows: For Danks. Bell. Eberhard.Tar relL Handler. Huston. Hurler. Jon Moser. Nockelsen. Norblad. Orton. I'atterson. Kltner, Shanks. Smith of Josephine. Wood. Asalnst Baldwin.' Eddy. Ci!l. lcbmund. LaFollett. Pierce. Torter. Smith ot Coos ' and Curry. St rarer, Thomas. Vinton. Absent Howell. House bill. No. 31. the Norblad-Handley-Bean measure for the cre ation of a fish and gams commis sion of nine members, eight to be (.Continued on page 5)