The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 15, 1920, Page 1, Image 1

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    Sto' PO '.;KMOWi That Saiem I
the;Oenteir of a peat ooseberiryjndii30t
10 Pages
aixTV-M.vnr YKAlt
. I
Grand Opera House Full lor
. ; First Open Forum Meeting
of Year Speeches Mani
; fest Spirit of Body
Boxing Bouts and Lunch Fin
ish Meeting Filled With
Portrait of Late Governor
Authorized by Resolution
The purchase of an oil portrait of
the late Governor James Withy
cduiibe. Is authorized in house con
current resolution No. 3 which was
adopted by the house yesterday. It
Js provided that the portrait shall
cost $600 and shall be hung in the
Naval Vessels Assigned
to Oregon Naval Reserve
y " 1 " ' ; " r&
propped thatDa itrk Ussewu! H Veteran of Argonne Informs
assigned to station here in the-near
future for the use or the Oregon
naval reserve, according to announce
ment today by Lieutenant I'ohn A.
Beckwith, commander of the 2nd sec
tion. Lieutenant Beckwith said he
had received the assurance from the
commandant of the 13th natal district.
Suspected Portland Radicals
i Released; No Indictments
PORTLAND. Or. Jsn 14 fin-
pected radicals whoad been arrest
ed but were not Indicted . by the.
county grand Jury on the charge of
criminal syndicalism, were released
today by Municipal Judge Ross in an
on the recommendation of Deputy
District Attorney Deich. Names of
those let loose are Robert E. Rice.
William E. Ness. George M. Zabn.'
Peter Peterson.. Bernard Kaler.' Ed
ward, Buck,' Floyd J. Ear ley. Nels
Turngren, Frank Hotlnger, Alf Wy-
ordi, Paul Ebersau. Charles F. Mack
and J. Ross.
Senate Investigation Com
mittee of Unredressed Mur
der of American Citizens
FROM W. U. 23-19 Pe"idy ?is
awry mat wauace was
! True spirit of a successful commer
cial club was shown last night In nn i
open iorum meeting of the Salem I
Commercial club at the Grand opera
house. A total of50 new members
was added to the club and many of
the members doubled their subacyp
tions. Speeches by VYV. C. Winslow,
F. A. Ericson, T. E; MrCroskey. T.
B. Kay and others incited members
and. member prospects with Mpep"
that has not been equaled for some
time. Two sparring bouts were stag
ed.; as entertainment by-the social
i The lower floor of the opera honse
was filled to near capacity with mem
bers and guests of the Salem Com
mercial club. The open forum meet
ing held last night was the first of
; the monthly meetings that are to be
held by the Commercial club to bring
the business men and property own
ers who are interested in the. prog
ress of Industrial Salem in closer
contact with the activities and ad
Tantages of the club, j
Winalow Tell Merita.
; The first of the speakers was
C. WInslow, who discussed the ad
vantages that are enjoyed by Salem
in. the way of natural resources as
well as Industrial developments al
ready accomplished.
. Among the possibilities Mr. Wins-
low called attention to tne nax. irun
r dairying and manufacturing 'indus
tries, which now are in the first stag
es of development and are capable
of unlimited extension.
' Mr. WlnBlow stated that scarcely
one-fourth of the tillable land la Ma
rion county is now under cultivation. !
He made a strong plea for the sup
port of the Salem Commercial club.
not only: financially, but with the
- spirit of the real boosters."
F. G. Deckebach discussed "Bet
terment of the Community" and the
relative Importance of the Commer
cial club o the community. He lik
ened the Commercial club to a
church, comparing the upbuilding
, spiritual influence of a church to the
upbuilding of the industrial resourc
es through the Commercial club. He
asked the guests present bow many
of them would like to be a member
of the club to stand, and a good re
sponse was evidenced,
t He explained that through the ae-
tlvltles of the commercial dob that
It was their duty and to their ad
vantage to become a member of the-
club, r .
; Kay Tells Necessity.
Thomas B. Kay was, .next speaker
' an spoke on the "necessity of sup
porting the Commercial Club." Mr
' Kay told when the Commercial club
was first started about 15 years ago
that the streets along the cartraeks
. were covered with weeds, and that
residents harvested a crop of hay
every year from the city property
, and that there was "not a complete
paved street In Salem, There was
not a hotel In the city that could be
rated above third class. The Com
tnerclal club was formed and served
as an aggressive element In securing
city improvements and was the nuc
leus of the progressive movements of
the city, which are In evidence now.
And for these reasons Insists that
; every business man of Salem should
I e be a member of the Salem Commer
clal club. It has been proven that
. the larger the organization the great
: er th results, and by the correct
co-operation of all the business men
of Salem through the Commercial
clam Mr. Kay can see no reason why
: population of Salem cannot be boost
ed to forty or fiftytbousand in the
next four yean.
; i 'The Commercial club Is a bus!
ess Institution and the f fleers
should be furnished with the toeces-
: ary financial aupport.' 'said . Fred
erick Schmidt, of the Pbez company.
- Mr. Schmidt spoke on the advantage
of advertising and as an exampte
nsed - an advertisement of the Phez
company nsed in a local magazine re
cently. The eompany ran a tnree
line ad. wanting to hear from famil
ies who would like to manage farms
In this vicinity., Numerous answers
were received, and two were from the
Canal zone. "Salem must be adver
tised and the Commercial club is the
medium through which the campaign
should be conducted' said Mr.
Schmidt, which, would: be a benefit
to the city, county and .-state.
McOroAkey GivewDatlnok
':! T. E. McCroskeyj spoke briefly
but pointedly on the present status
.and the outlook of the organization.
He said the Commercial club start
ed off some time ago wit flvinr
colors and much enthusiasm, but for
some reason Interest interest in the
Varsity Nervous for First Con
ference Game But Do Brik
liant Work
Drunk When Killed
SAX ANTONIO. Tex.. Jan. 14.
Stories of cruelty, unredressed mur
ders and devastation of property
were given the senate sub-committee
investigating tne Mexican situaon
today by men in close, touch with
conditions in Mexico. T. M. MeUee
a cattleman from a bonier town
James J. Britt, a lawyer from Tarn
Pico and George E. Blalock. once the
head of what was once the largest
colony of American farmers in Mex
ico were the witnesses. The ftffeet
of their testimony was to strengthen
the claims of witnesses beard in
Washington that the insecurity
American life and property in Mex
ico is growing greater.
Brltt tVwfirmH Report
Britt asserted that American life
was '"worth more in the Argonne
than it is today in the country about
"When James Wallace was shot.
Britt said, "I know for a fact he was
not a drinking man and yet th? claim
set up the Mexicans that he was
drunk. And this is what had hap-
,1 fPV. V. - f . I .. ! 1 - t
Colleges ThrOUghOUt LOUntry to his mouth, and over his race after
ue wait urau is vruer tuai lue uur
- Whitman college defeated Willam
ette university at the armory last
night in the local school's first con
ference basketball game by a score"
of 23 to 19. Team work of the vis
itors was a feature. Rich did spec
tacular work for the Washington
boys. o
f Willamette men did brilliant indi
vidual work - but lacked in playing
together, probably due to agitation
over- their first appearance in con
ference basketball. .
Another ? game , will be played to
night in the armory.
Chester Clark Appointed
I - Dionfv Revenue Collector
MARSH FIELD. Or.. Jan. 14.
Chester Clark, son of the late W..A.
I lark, deputy collector ol customs
for Coos Bay. was today appointed to
succeed his father in that office by
Will II. Moore, collector for the Ore
gon district, who came here for the
Beverages" Containing Over
Half Per Cent Are Banned
by Opinion
ii i .
mm Mil I , in
Stores of Fermentable. Liquid
To Be Under "Watchful
' Eye" .
Effort of Both Sides to Effect
Ratification of Treaty Con-
t - t t i
unue 10 maxe marKea rro- wai
Man Without Country"
. Refused by Native Land
NEW YORK, Jan. 14. Martin de
described as a "man without a
country.- applied for a writ of hab
eas corpus in federal court today.
He has been held for deportation
since his arrest as an I.W.W. la Jnly,
1918. In Seattle and claims SU Ifert-
- I agenlosch. Holland, as his birthplace.
ELECTION IS ' FACTOR iccepV wmf 0Ternment " re 10
Underwood Adopts Concilia
tory Attitude Toward Get
ting Together
Vote on Preference in
, Ratif icatior,
NEW YORK, Jan. 14. Supporters
of ratification of the peace treaty by
compromise maintained their lead
tonight in returns from 375 college
and universities in the inter-colleg
iate treaty referendum. Out of a
total of 92.466 votes cast by the stu
dents and faculties. 32.691 students
and 3612 professors and teachers
voted in favor of compromise. The
next highest vote was for rath icat ion
without amendment, which totaled
25,869 students and 3046 teachers.
Only 9.566 votes were cast for re
jection of the treaty in any form and
17,322 for ratification with the
Lodge reservations. .
might support their claim."
Britt. who was a soldier .in the
tank -corps-of the American uVmy'ln
France, confined to the committee
the recommendation that was attri
buted to Secretary of Finance J-nis
Cabrera hat members of the Ameri
can legion in Tampico should l-e de
ported. The membership, he. f aid
was nearly 400. ,
. "What are you going to do?"
asked the chairman. "Are you go
ing to get out?"
. "We won't get out ir th United
States government stays behrnd us."
he answered.
The story of the disappearaVe of
the."Bialock colony was told f,y (J
. Blalock, Its founder. He told the
committee it once comprised about
100 families, all Oklahoma farmers,
in very moderate circumstances.
He told, of the aspiration of the
men to acquire and develop their
6wn homes and how the order or
suggestion from the American con
sul at Tampico caused them to leave
In 1914.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 14. In one
of the broadest : constructions yet
placed on provisions of the act for
enforcement f constitutional prohi
bition. Prohibition ommlssloner Kre
mer has ruled that fruit Juices. and
ciders come within the dry ban If
they contain more than one-half, of
one pr cent alcohol. The commis
sioner's Interpretation of the law was
set forth jn a memorandum, charg
ing prohibition director? and inspec
tor? with the added tuty of exam
ining the alcoboUe content' of such
average. . i ,
The drastic regulation goev into
effect with constitutional prohibition
January 16. Violation of It carried
the same penalties as for the manu
facture or sale of stronger liquors.
Officials tfcmbt Force
Officials, ia discussing the ruling-,
asserted thai sncja a step could not
be taken under wartime prohibition
nor, was It en forcible under the pro
hibition laws of most of tlie states.
Hitherto, the baroau of Internal rev
enue has held fast to the poller of
assessing taxkatnst fermented 11-4-'''
quors containing more than one-half
of one per cent alcohol but actually
the regulation could not be applied
to ciders and fruit juices because ol
the technical language of the law, it
wa rl!. " . - "' ,
Strict enforcement of the regula
tion will hold liable dealers la fruit
juices and cider ia which the alcohol
ic content increases even 'rhlle It
storage. The department does not
Intend, however, to gnage all bever
ages thus produced, officials said,
but a "watchful eye" would be kept
on these manufacturers and' dealers.
Natural fermentation will offer no
excuse for evasion of the regulation,
it was declared.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14. Farther
and more determined efforts to; ef
fect ratification of the peace treaty
are expected to follow selection to
morrow by Duiocratlc senators of a
leader to succeed the late Senator
Martin of Virginia. - f
; Senatorial conferences today were
devoted almost exclusively to -the
leadership race between Senator
Hitchcock of Nebraska, administra
tion manager In the treaty contest,
and Senator Underwood of Alabama,
former Democratic leader - in - .the
house. The Democrats meet in cau
cus tomorrow to make their choice,
with an extremeiy close eoatest in
prospect. . .
. Leader F.lertion Affects -
- .
Mysterious Illness Spreads in
Bryan County, Okla
' v homa
One hundred cases of the -mysteri
ous intestinal malady which has ap
peared ia tnaay communities la the
south have bean reported 'In-Bryan
county. Okla.; according to informa
tion received tonight at the, state
board-of health.
Bean Measure Wins Out Ytllh
47 Affirmative Votes After
Hour of Oratory in YiTuch
Governor Is Made Target
Olcott Tells Smith of IlItn
mahHe WmNotOHcr ' -:
v Opposition
"UrfC'Ct of the. Democratic leader
ship election on the treaty is predic
ted on variant positions taken recent
ly by Senators Hitchcock and Under
wood on ratification. Although both
have urged unreserved ratification.
Senator Underwood declared several i
days ago thai, if unaDie to: secure
ratification, he was prepared to sup-
port a resolution of partial satlsfac-l
rtlon. excluding the league of nations I
covenant and leaving it for settle
ment In-the fall elections. Senator
Hitchcock has opposed sucU a course.
General Dickman Says Smug- fH AIRMFN OP
clin? on Border is From vlliUlUflLlI VI
0 I sv V PM j atMfsaBsa
li. U. Y 1U Mttl SENDS
Democratic Leader 'Tele
phones San randsco from
SAN FllAXCISCO. Jan. 14 Ilcia
er S. Cummlngs. chairman of th
Democratic national committee, tel
ephoned from; Washington to Post
master Charles W. Fay today that a
representative , of the committer
would arrive In San Francisco Jan
uary 21 to assist In arranging da
tails for the Democratic convention.
Fay. ho Ja eaalrnam tJ th xeaatal
araagements committee, also re
ceived a telegraphic message from
Cnmminga stating that the eoUra
east was delightel with the selection
of San Francisco as th convention
city. . .
Joseph Morton Convicted ol CHURCH BUDGET
niaraer 01 ie un- mi Jmiifniin
' 1U4 l.llLLlUiD
Army Camps
PASO. Tex., Jan. 14. Mexi
can munitions smngglers are believed r 4-
to be getting their supplies from bor- vonterence ot Lounty Heaas
der camps of the United States army,
according to Major General Dickman
commanding the southern depart
ment, who today issued instructions
from San Antonio for guarding more
closely the army's supplies.
to Be Held in Portland
January 19
PORTLAND. Or.. Jan.14. A con
ference of all county chairmen, lead
ers and speakers from alj parts of
Oregon has been called by State
Chairman Samuel C. Lancaster, in
charge of next month's Armenian re
lief drive. The conference will be
held here next Monday, January 19.
whn detailed plans for the coming
amnal trn n-tll tlullauat at a nnnm
American Le?ion to Distribute ?""""")- The approaching drive
' I III h. ..I.!. .1 r
campaign is scheduled for Febsuary
10 to 20 inclusive.
Attorney for Centralia
L W. W. Fined on Charge
VANCOUVER.-Wash., Jan. 1
George F. Vanderveer, of Seattle.
who has been In the public eye re
cently as chler counsel for the I. W
VV. held for trial on charges of com
plicity In the Armistice day murder
at Centralia. Vash.. was convicted
in the justice court at Minnehaha,
near here, of having unlawfully
talked with prisoners In the Clake
county Jail on an occasion last Oc
tober. Vanderveer was fined 2i
and gave police of appeal.
Salem Man Wounded by Rob
bers on South Commercial
.Street Hill
EVERETT. Wash., Jan. 14. -Imprisonment
for life was tjie sentence
meted out tonight to Joseph Morton.
15-year-old Stanwood, Wash., boy.
by a jury which found him guilty
of a charge of murder in connection
with tlie-shooting of Lee Linton, an
Everett taxicab driver. November 19,
(Continued on page 4)
; Decorations to Oregon
Men Friday
' The medals for all men living in
Salem and vicinity who entered the
service in the laie war from Oregon
will be -given out by Capital Post No.
9,1 American Legion, in connection
with its dance in the armory Friday
night. A special committee has been
appointed to give out the medals and
will be at the armory from 4 p. m.
to 2 midnight, Friday.
The distribution of the medals was
turned over to Capital Post by the
office of the adjutant general and
men to whom they are issued will be
required to show evidence of their
service. - "
panion. who it was alleged, actually
cbot Linton was found guilty of the
charge last week and sentenced to
be banged.
The jury in the niorton caB was
out nearly nine hours.
2500 Watchmen to Keep Eyes
On and Hands Off Big
Booze Stock
Just before adjournment yester
day the senate made a special or-,
der of business for today at 2
o'clock the Korblad-Haadley-Bcan
bill to create a fish and game com-,
mission to be elected by the legis
lature and also the resolution ema
nating from th same element call-,
lag for an Investigation of tbt
present commission. Earlier la
th day opponents of th resolu
tion for Investigation had tabled
It until today, but disruption was
again started. late yesterday when'
NorbJad attempted to have the ma-'
Jorlty report of the fish and gam
. committee ravoring.taa resolution
and the mlnoriay report against it
. removed from the table and acted"
upon. -" .. -
Louis Beaa's fish ad gam coin
mjsaJon bill parsed the hou yester
day afternoon with 47 affirmants
votes, following arguments lattlsg
over an hour.. Tbe hill had been
made special order ' for yesUrday
morning but, was held up as it had
not retained from the printer when
the house convened. It was a-.ide
special order for th afternoon ses
sion nd brought op following
4he assembly for th afternoon at 3
Mr.' 8Qed 4h- provisions -
ot th bill and conditions leading xp
to Its preparation. Following II r.
Bee, Hare ot Washington delivered
a speech against it In which b said
that tbe bill would pat th fish and
game life of the state, which should
be protected aad fostered, back Into
politics from which it shoald b res
cued. He said that paasag ot the
bill would mean that hereafter every
election of speaker of th boos an!
rpesldent of the Mnat would bins
upon th fish and gam commission.
He maintained that th p reseat law
I 1 I .1-, I M . L .
. ' . I U lAIUJ HIMUIIU(7 UB Mill
Missionary tO Japan SaySl the Problem In the present ma aoi
and not legislative la natnr.
Governor Xot Opposed. '
Smith ot Mnltnomah. arnls?
gainst th b!IL said that it depart el
from th principles et government on
which th United Hiatus is founded.
that ot th three branches of govern
ment. H aald he bad talked with
Governor Olcott concerning tb bill
and th governor had said h wosli
offer no opposition to It. Mr. Smith
asserted that th statement et th
governor, however, did nt eoattita'.a
approval. He said responsibility et
administering th affairs ot th com
mission should rrn..u with th gov
ernor aad not b placed with a chair
man as provided by th bllL . 21 sug
gested that the public bav repre
sentation on th commission aa pro
vided by th new bill Instead ot only
the, fish and gam InUresta.
Preti It Great Aid b
NE HAVEN, onn, Jan. 14 A bud
get of $104,000,000 for 1920 was ap
proved tonlzht br th fnrflrn ml.
isom wniie, i. Morton s com-i Bions board of the Protestant church
es of the United 8tats and anada.
. Keverend Albrtna Pleura, for 15
years a missionary In . Japan, ad
dressed the delegates on the subject
of publicity, urging a mora liberal
attitude toward lb press and us of
newspaper advertising In mission
work He told of results obtained
ty advertising In Japan.
KxecnUre is Target.
Smith of Tl I nMTi( f m k.l.
Barnes. Life-Lonfirl'nt commission In Its stand and aalJ
Men Held for Alleged False
Statesments As to Age of
Young Bride
PORTLAND. Or., Jan. 14. War
rants were placed in tbe hands of
officers today for the arrest or Frank
Cabler of Hillsdale, Or., and E. W.
Cnllison of Portland, charred rasnpe-
California Number Sixteen J11 wlth, subordination of perjury
Mountain Lions Killed in
SACRAMENTO, Cal., Jan. 14.
Sixteen mountain lions were killed
in California during December and
state bounties totaling $370 were
paid to hunters.
. Mendicino county leads with five
and Butte and Tulare tie for second
place with two each.
marriage license to Cabler and Miss
Ida Land of Hillsdale. The girl's
latner, wno issued the complaint, al
leged that whereas Cabler and Culli-
son swore at the marriage . licen
bureau that his daughter was 18
years old. sne is In reality .but 1
years oia. -ine couple were married
JohS Frohmader whose home is on
North Front street." was shot in the
back as he ran from, two robber on
South Commercial street about 9:
o'clock last night. The bullet en
tered the righr shoulder. Several
shots were fired by the thngs. Phy
sicians do not think the wound will
prove serious.
The bullet was removed at the hot
pital by Dr. J. H. Garnjobst and R.
E. Pomeroy. It bad lodged In th
lung nd jrai removed near thi
shoulder above tbe right breast."
Fromader had been visiting in
South Salem and was going home
when young men held him up at th
top of the South Commercial street
bill Just across the street !rom th
W. p. Ilabccck home. .It ia said that
FrohmaUer bad nothing of value np-
on his person, and when th robbers
had rinished going through hlj pock
ets they attempted to force him hack
into some brush. Instead be turned
and ran and the robbers opened fire.
' Frohmader was able to make his
way to an apartment bouse at South
Commercial and Leslie street- and
a physician was railed.. The bullet
"twed through tbe top of (he right
lung and was extracted from beneath
the collar bone.
It was too dark for Frohmader to
i note the menaccurately. if de
scribes them as about 18 years old.
one of them tall and the other thort.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 14. Employ
ment of a force of 2.50 watchmen
to guard C9.000.000 gallons or li
quor In government bonded ware
houses .is planned by the Internal
revenue bureau to protect thj li
quor against theft. Prohibition Com
missioner. Krcruer today told the
house appropriations committee. He
asked that congress make t20.00t).-
000 available for es tablirfhing th"
. Plana for the final disposition of
th liquor has been determined by
the bureau. Mr. Kremer told the
committee, adding that the permis
sive withdrawals after constitutional
prohibition becomes effective, would
be so few as not to pay the expense
for maintaining the guard.
Friend, Tells of Food
NEW YORK. Jan. 1 4. IIerbrt
Hoover was declared tonlrht Jn-
lliis Itarnes. bis close associate and
friend, to be a "progressive Repub
lican" who "will never allow himself
to be a candidate for high office nor
allow his friends to make as fffori
in hi behalf unless there shall com
uci indisputable evidence f such
spontaneous and universal popular
demand that It will overwhelm his
present resolution not to enter poli
tics." 't Mr. Barnes, who Is director of th
I'nited States wheat corporation was
the principal speaker at the annual
dinner of the National Wholesale
urygoods association.
Resolution Adopted Requires
.Two-Thirds Vote to Per-
mit New Measures
Introduction of bills after njon to
day except on favorable vote of two-
thirds of the house, is forbidden by
bouse resolution No. I". which was
adopted by tbe bouse late yesterday.
W A 1 ...... W . I
rftcu uiuiurr ui uia iiiucct, rmi h inuiuiwn ociure -vtiok auoptea
uesser. ai 10:40 tonignt and It was 1 was amended not to Include appro-
locaea up tor ine nignt. ; prution bllu.
Jurors in Deadlock Are Shut
in For Night at 10:40
After Futile Day
LOS- ANGELES. Jan. 14. -No
agreement has been reached by the
Jury In the trial of Harry New. al
leged murder of his fiancee. Freda
good commissions could be elected
by tbe legislature and cited elections
of officers of various kinds by the
Dody.- He aald tbe fun and rain
commission should bav some power
back f It when It was nidsr fir
and not lose Its political I v 1 becaas
of charges which were not proven.
Bean. In .answering q amnion a et
members ot th boas s-Jd VVat lithe
fish and gam rommlMloa were left
It stands wild Ufa resources of
the state -would suffer because cf
the announcement ot tbe governor
that the commission will be ousted
If a new commission is not created.
He said that a new commission
would nndo tbe work; that baa been
accomplished by th p reseat person
nel. '
Mr. Dean paid tribute U R. E.
Clanton. fish warden, as on of the
most- able men In the United States
ia bis work. Mr. Bean expressed the
general opinion that the present com
mission member will be elected ta
the new commission If It ts establish
ed and that the work will not be in
QveMioa on Governor THant.
Smith let Multnomah asked Mr.
Bean bluntly -it be thought then,
that tbe governor was wrong and lb
commission right.'
Bean replied that be thought the
present commission aa able and hon
orable group of men.
- Crawford called for a vote aad en
count It stood 4T for passage and 11
against. .
Tbe bill as passed providee for two
commissions, one of flv members
and on ot tm with a chairman to
be selected by the two bodies, each
cf which has one vote.
- v