The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 14, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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packing plants
W. L St John of Sutherlin
Elected President of As
Expenditure aggregating $200,000
for-the erection of fruit packing
plants in various; parts of Oregon
nwere entered up thia season's pro
tram of the' Oregon Cooperative
O rowers association at their annual
meeting Monday night,
jj: The plants are jto be used, for the
packing I of prunes, apples, cherries
and the disposition of the principal
fruit crops of Oregon. The associa
tion has under its; control more than
fOO acres In the vicinity of Salem
and owinfc to the inadequate facil
ities of the association's, plant here
and the promise .of big crops this
season It is quit? probable that one
of the largest plaints will be located
la Salem. Sites ! of the plants are
now being considered bjr.'J. O. Holt
' of Eugene, who acted as president of
the association last year.
! t At the first or this year the asso
ciation had under its control, land
all Over the state, aggregating close
to 13.000 acres. with more being
a Med all the time. With the proni-
Miz oil t look the association expects
lo d iii ra two to four or five mil
lion icloilar business the coming sea-
Htt aod if this present progranr is
' k rf rrlet ont in thtt way this season's
it;sinets win te close to aouDie tnai
of 'la at year
j The meeting Monday was held in
th fsoclaWon's offices in the Ma
sonic lullding and was attended by
c fose to 50 members, it being the
first annual meeting of the associa
tion. During the! business meeting
members of the board of directors
' and the executive! board; and offl-
. cers were elected.!
. 1 J The officers are as follows:
' President, W. E. St. John of Suth
erlln: vice president, H. M. Harlow
Eugene:; second vice-president, Ken
neth Miller of Sheridan;, secretary-
i'. treasurer. Seymour Jones of Salem
i-iit I The executive board members are:
W. E. St. John. .Seymour Jones. K.
'Wj Mathews of Amity. H. M. Har
- low of Eugene and 11. W. Johnson of
ji t ii Monroe.
' The 21 members of the board of
directors were chosen as follows: 11
W. Johnson. Monroe; Wi E. St. John
Sutherlin; 11. A. llusnbark' Rose-
lerg; S- S. Johns. Myrtle Greek:
Clyde E. Nile. Grants Pass; II. M.
Harlow, Eugene; E. L. Klemmer. Al
vadort Allen llellenger;. Sootts Mills
Seymour Jones, Salem; V. I,. Staley.
Salem; C. A. Jacques. Estacada:
.J.Ered Ewlng. Salem. IU.1; H. S.
Zutz. Dallas; E. A. Rueter. Forest
Jerry Graham Passes ,
Away After Long lUness
Jerry Graham, 62. who has been
associated with the city street de-
J part men t for several years, succumb
ed to a long illness at his home, 1898
Waller street, Sunday. He has been
ill for many months and for the past
two weeks had been confined to his
bed. Recently he had been employed
as a teamster In the street depart
ment and it is believed that his death
was the result of Internal injuries re
ceived while doing some heavy work.
He is survived by his wife, lir:.
Lucy V. Graham, and several children.
The funeral will be held at 10
a. ra. today, from the Rison chapel
with Rev. Charles H. Powell of St.
Paul's church ih , charge of the er-
vice. Hurial will , be in City View
i n .
Charles Coghlan Gets Verdict
in Suit Alleging Persecution
Damages of $523 were awarded
Charles. Coghlan. by a jury of cir
cuit court No. 1, yesterday, the re
sults of his suit against N'icqolas Mil
ler of Woodb'urn, alleging malicious
persecution and suing for .$2050.
The case was hard fought and oc
cupied two days, during that time
numerous witnesses were called and
attorneys of both sides battled over
many points of the law. During the
time that Coghlan was staying with
F.' A. Glatz, the attitude of Miller
towards Coghlan was one of the main
points of discussion of the trial. Tes
timony introduced during the trial
showed that Coghlan during hi3
residence with Glatz was recuperat
ing from wounds received in France,
at Chateau Thierry and the Arson ne-
Coghlan's claims, for damages
were based upon alleged defamatory
remarks said to have been made by
Miller and by charges filed by the
Wood burn man.
First Games of Commercial
League Played in Y. M.
CA. Gym
The An'IerFon-Brown basketball
team with a score of 24 and the Cap
ital National bank team with a mr.
of 17. carried off the first honor"
in the first two games of the Com
mercial Uasfcetball league, last nigh'
In the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium.
The first game was between the
Capital National team and the Uni
ted States National bank team. Both
terns have been practicing steadily
for the past two weeks and were
well prepared for the battle. They
were a little wary of each other dur
ing the first few minutes of play,
but as the grame progressed eoch
side played a little faster land to
wards the last the game toik such
speed that when all over. it was
claimed to have equaled any of Jhe
old" gatne! of the league. The fin
al score was 17 to 10. Ilulsey wai
Jthe star of the Capital National
bank team.
Good Crowd Attends
By the time the second game be
an between Anderson-Brown team
and Hauser Brothers, there was a
Grove; Fred Groner, Hillsboro; Ken
neth Miller, Sheridan;1 George Zlm
merman, Yamhill; I. D. Hunt, New
berg; E. V. Matthews. Amity; F. D.
Eisman, Rogue ulver; Charles L
McNary. Salem, i
' -A new field manager was chosen.
He Is M. O. Evans, formerly with
Swift. & company,,and,is regarded as
t highly capable for the position. He
succeeds Earl Pea rcy of this city.
Be Careful What You
" Wash Your Hair With
. '." Most soaps and prepared sham
i; poos contain too much alkali, which
11 very injurious, as it dries the scalp
, , and makes the hair brittle.
The best thing to use Is Mulsifled
- eocoanut j oil shampoo;.- for this is
"TPnre and entirely greaseless.' It's
very cheap and, heats anything else
all to pieces. You can get this at
any drug store, and a few ounces will
last the whole family for months.
Simply moisten the hair withwat
er and rub It In,, about a teaspoonful
. is all that is required. It makes an
. abundance of rich, creamy lather
cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out
easily. The hair dries quickly and
evenly, and is soft, fresh looking,
bright, fluffy, wavy, and easy to
J handle. Besides, it loosens and
takes ont every particle of dust, dirt
. and dandruff.
Authorship of Resolution on
Woman Suffrage Stoutly
v Defended
Stoutly affirming her claim to
sole authorship the resolution which
put over" the ratification of the na
tional woman suffrage amendment.
Mrs. Alexander Thompson took issue
with Sheldon of Jackson In the bouse
yesterday when the resolutions com
mittee recommended that Mrs
Thompson and Senator Farrell be
considered Joint authors of senate
joint resolution No. 1. The resolu
tion came np for adoption with the
opening of the house yesterday morn
log. Mr. Sheldon made his recom
mendation and it was at once pro
tested by K. K. Kubll who Bald that
Mr. Sheldon had not called the com
mittee together.
Mr. Sheldon explained that he had
Interviewed Senator Farrell and Mrs.
Thompson and that they agreed to
the co-authorship. Mrs. Thompson
sprang to her feet and turned on Mr.
Sheldon with: "I did not agree to it
Mr. Sheldon, I beg your pardon." Mr.
Sheldon then quoted Mrs. Thompson
as having said, in effect, that she
would be willing to meet Senator
Farrell'a decision.
Mrs. Thompson retorted: "You
must have misunderstood me. Mr.
Sheldon. What I probably said was
that Senator Farrell had already had
sufficient honor by-having his picture
beside mine In the Portland papers."
The resolution was re-referred to
the resolutions committee.
(Continued from page 1) '
1 per cent tax limitation "amendment
to the constitution.
- - Remedial Action Offered
, Const!' utionality of the act of the
IMS' lsitlature creating a court of
doiaeMIe relations in Multnomah
'' county will be unquestioned under
! the provisions of a bill by Senator
J, Huston which passed the senate yes
i terday. The bill amends the act by
j removing the words "as shown by
i 'the last federal census", in the
"elnue making the act effective -in
' i - eoonthn of-200,000 or more popula
. tion. Also It ratifies all work that
i has been done by the court of domes-
-rtic relations In , Portland up to this
r time.'. .
.i The Joint fisheries and game com
; mlttees of the senate and bouse vot
4 ed to have introduced in the house
the Norblad-Handley-Bean bill call
1 Ing for the crea.tion of a fish and
. game commission of nine members,
f eight of whom would be elected by
! ine legislature. Senator I. S. Smith
t i took a , positive stand against the
feature of the bill providing that the
. . legislative assembly rould elect mem
bers. He asserted that It would be
come a political issue if this wen
larc crowd in atlendanre. "The
"bleachers" of the k mnasiuni wero
well willed and fe-linK ran high. .
The Andron-Brown team lel out
with the first srore anl although
Mauser's team fought doggedly th"
loys were defeated with a score of
8. and tho Anderson-Brown scon;
of 21. Brown was the star of th
winning tctn.
Next Tuesday nipht is the time
set for the two games of'tbe league.
Lelty" Schroeder May
Be vn Pitching Staff
Eberhard Measure .Would Bar
Murder and Rapine From
Movie Shows
The first bill introduced In the sen
ate yesterday was one that is certain
to bring to Salem this wek a lobby
composed of opposing elements from
women's clubs, ministerial associa
tions, theatre operators and moving
pirture producers.
The bill was introduced by Sena
tor Colon R. Eberhard of I-atlrande.
and is entitled "An act making It un
lawful to exhibit or cause to be ex
hibited motion pictures of any act.
scene or episode depicting ,a felony
under the laws of Oregon, prescrib
ing a anally for violation of Ibis
act. and declaring an emergency.
The bill. if. jiafd. will make it
..niawrni. af noon an the measure la
signed bv the governor, to show In j ..nj Schroeder may be seen In
any public j.laoe an act. scene or rP'jaCton Salem this summer Schroe
iOde wbi' h. if actually performed j known eoutii paw, last
in roil lile. wouia amo.mi xrar w(th the Portland ball emu
the mainstays of McCre-
die s pitching stari.
ony under ine ia ui -"t.'lU.n if the flt Would 1C
iiiideiMe;'n'r punlj-hible by a fine of. J)an j,j (a atout to get Schiw
not more than $1ho or by mpri-lder and he u lootng for steady
onntent in the county jail tor notv ,,,on nl a T3 to tettl down,
more than one year, or by both fine, njdJIe Billoff nai m talk with
and Imprisonment. . ' i.r.i-A-r Mndav and he is very
desirous of coming to Salem. He
will be a great bely to the Lall clab
Tim rnnrlllillne KeCtlon of tllC bill.1
to which the enicrg?nry nauw
attached, declares that "conditions In
the motion picture InduMry In the
state of Oregon are such that fcenes
uepirtine murder, rapine and crimes
of violence amounting to a felony are
ronstantlv exhibited In public and
other buildine described In this act.
before the youth of the state or Ore
gon, as well as adnlt persons patron
izing uch place of amu.seinent.
thereby constantly tending to remind
the public of methods and scenes of
crime and tendifte to teah the young
In pv.'ilt in crimp and violence, ait
to the nianircft detriment of the
public peace, health and safety."
"It is common to see depicted on
the screen." said Senator Eberhard
in in in in en ting on the bill, "our best
motion picture artists holding people
up and taking their money, shoot
ing people down and committing oth
er acts of criminal character. The
result is that boys strive to emulate
them. in their play. The moral effect
is decidedly bad."
this season.
Games are being arranged with
fast clubs from Washintcton and east
ern Oregon. The fans ought to en
joy this season. two games are
Khedoled tor each week. -
Senator Thomas of Jackson coun
ty yesterday Introduced two com
panion bills providing for the crea
tion of a btate fisheries commission
and a state game commission of thre
and five members respectively, mem
bers of each commission to be ap
pointed by the governor.
Name Wanted for Oregon Pro.
ducts Produced by Co-op.
erative Firm
A first priie cf Slot) aad a aeca.,1
prize of IZQ is. offered by the Oreot
Growers' aKlation. for trade nB.
to apply to l heir prod nets. Aceerft.
ing tot C. I. Iewii. in cttarge ct tfc.
organization for the association. .
asserts that the Dime eoaen taar
not be solely a local name, bot a
that could be applicable to all pir-j
of the state. He suggested to a
plicaats that in selecting names. Ur
those such as "Ralnklst." "De
made." and MMlstklt- ar not watt
ed because they would not apply t
Southern Oregon where there is i
tie rain, dew or mlt. The nr
must be suitable to apply all ov
the state.
All contestants should tend L
proposed trade name, tbelr ,
name and address to C. I. Lev
Oregon Growers' Cooperative ast.
riation. Salem. Oregon. The co&Ui
closes April 1.
IrIgn Contemplated
After the trade name is selecu
mother prize may be offered for (
design to Illustrate It. said Ut
Resolution Lost When Time
Comes for Action But is
Found and Killed
Lie its many predecessors, house
joint resolution No. 2, introduced by
U. G. Lewis of Portland, and provid
ing for the removarof the state capi
tal from Salem to Portland was killed
in the house yesterday by the indefi
nite postponement method. It was
reported unfavorably by the, resolu
tions committee to which it had been
When the resolution came up for
action the document itself could not
be found. Many representatives were
in favor of indefinitely postponing it
without jit being found and various
suggestions were advanced. Mr. Lew
Is moved that it be laid on th table
until it was found. Coincldentally
with the failure of the motion. Speak
er Jon es announced that the resolu
tion had been recovered and Ir was
immediately indefinitely .pojtponed.
Over HaU MiWon Is
Available for Needs
Rally to be Held as Welcome
- to First Conference "
f . Uames . ..
t j t -The Willamette student hodr n
masse will hold a basketball rally
noon today. The occasion will be
Preparation for the first confer-
encea games that are to be played
--.u.,,man coucge tonight and
Thursday night in the armory.
Should the special session of the
legislature; find it necessary it could
appropriate money up to $337,581.68
withont throwing the state Into debt
or exceeding the 6 per cent tax limi
tation of the constitution. .That
amount is estimated as visible funds
over and above present requirements
for and 1920 for the payment
of general governmental expenses.
iie amotant is the difference between
$$,.34. 361.58, available, visible mon
ey in the general fund and $9,396,-
979.90, the exlstingliabilitics.
Read the Classified Ads,
You Live In Salem
Your Home Is In Salem
If You Are a Family Man-
-" .
. .
Your children go to school in Salem; then you're interested in Ssdem
Industries; Salem's Schools; Salem's Business Establishments; Salem's
Civic Center in fact YOU, as a good citizen, desire .to see SALEM
GROW and become the FIRST CITY in the state outside of Portland.
You want Salem to have the best schools and churches, great indust
ries, business houses second to none in point of service, in 'fact you
WANT SALEM TO LEAD THE STATE,. Portland not excepted.
Salem can grow into a city of
in a
t 1 -.
every citizen can be made to see the "VISION".
TiTt0 TifrTI rpm ? are you willing to give an evening in order
1V1LF. V.IiLlZ(KlI ! to learn how to make Salem a bigger -city.
Wednesday, Jan. 14, 1920, at 8 p. m.
You are to be at the GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Every
member is expected to be present. THE BEST EN
try to guess what it is.
next day. BUT COME
Don't expect to learn about it
(TOTnn)P SKPP NIGHT hy all means and prove th
NOTICE THE PLACE OF MEETING: It has been changed from
the Commercial Club to the GRAND OPERA HOUSE because of the
very large attendance expected. . nc