The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 14, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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The Oregon Statesman
Issued Daily Except Monday by
215 S. Commercial St., Salem' Oregon
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this paper
and also the local news published herein.
R. J Hendricks.. .
Stephen A. Eton. .
Ralph Glover... ..
Prank Jaskoskl
. . .Managing Editor
.Manager Job Dept.
DAILY STATESMAN, served by carrier In Salem and suburbs. IS cents a
week, 60 cents a month.
DAILT STATESMAN, by mall. S6 a year; $3 tor six months; 50 cents a
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(THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm paper, will
be sent a year to any one paying a year in advance to the Dally
SUNDAY STATESMAN. $1 a year; 50 cents for six months; 25 cents for
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WEEKLY STATESMAN. Issued In two six-page sections Tuesdays and
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Business Office, 23.
Circulation Department. 683.
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Entered at the Postofflce in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter.
To the Non Resident Owners of Vacant Property in North Salem :
' Fr three months the North Salem Improvement Association has
lcen doing preliminary work for a ciyic improvement campaign in
this part of the city. It is as much for your benefit as for any one
"else. In many cases your vote is the deciding vote that is to make
or block progress. !
The movement hag been spontaneous. It has been wide open.
Every step has been discussed at public meetings and thoroughly ad
vertised in the newspapers. The cards are all on the table. We are
rady for a complete line-up of those who are anxious to promote civic
progress and those who would prevent it.
The time for decision and action has come.
We know that a majority of the resident home owners want im
provements. ' '
We know that as a rule the men who hold vacant property for an
; increase, have more capital and wealth at command, and are better
able to help pay for improvements than the small home owner who
must depend for his living on a monthly wage. We know that 6uch
Rvalue as your vacant property has, is largely due to the homes which
these residents have built and kept up. We know that every new
home built in this district adds value to your prdperty. When a ma
u jority of these home owners come to you asking you to do your share
toward civic improvement, are you going to refuse, to balk, to hide! many old women on the national
.behind every shadow of excuse, argument or camouflage, in order I committee. Eychange
o. side step the issue?
Y inai IS tne Dig question in Iorth balem. i I (What the Democratic nart In this
"4t'M, Salem has reached its limit, if you are convinced that the! country needs more than anything
tap roots of its economic growth have already 'struck hard pan, you 1 else is the rest cure and the country
are quiie jumuira in uiocKing useless ana iooiisn improvements, jsut I proposes that it be accommodated
before deciding to follow the dictates of pessimistic conservatism, the
tugiv uf laapviLuiiucuis mug pasi, y, c urge you io -lane a uay on anu I wnen it is possiDie to raise a cam
, stuuy ine new inaus tries m balem. Ipaign fund of 3600,000 for the Re-
i Study the map of market roads to be paved. I publican presidential ticket in Tex
I Study the remarkable increases in bank deposits, post office re- J as it would seem that the solid south
-eipts, and school attendance. Iwas able to be split into smitber-
ify Study the development of nationalmarkets bv national advert is- eens
ing. wmcn saiem iirms nave undertaken.
UDserve tne crowds that throng the movies. I In some parts of the country
2 "Visit the real estate off ices and listen to the plaintive pleas for I where accommodations are scarce
more houses to rent. ' I the jails are being used tor tentpo-
Count the number of solid blocks of parked autos on Saturdays. Jrsrr homes. Not a bad Idea since
?ote the development of; highway truck service. : ' I in these bone dry days so many of
What Shall It
Profit a Man II
He Gain The
Whole World
But Lose His Vision To Be
hold It?
Does the hright sun make you
blink and squint?
Are you troubled with occasion
al headaches?
Do you sometimes see little
black specks when looking into the
Do your eye run water when
you face the wind?
Maybe You Need
W Probable That
You Do!
PRICELESS beyond all other
possessions is eyesight!
Do you reaHie the price .jou
may have to pay for neglect?
An examination will give you
positive knowledge as to whether
you do or don't need glasses.
i Optometrists
305 State Street Phone 239 cf our own particular little
llabies are the one lone product
in which the law of supply and de
mand doe3 not' operate.
.. Each proud parent will continue
in sublime faith that bis particular
mighty atom is a special brand which
the World could not have difpcnsJ
Every nun her will pereist in mak
ing the uust elaborate preparation 1
for tha babe that her means will alio-
and it as a remarkable
and precious addition to the uni
verse. Wise and wily old Nature knows
how to deal with the sociological
alarmists. She has hedged the mir
acle of birth around with too many
human emotions,, exalted tribula
tions, privileges, responsibilities and
love wonders. The commonest thin?
in the world is also the most won
derful thirg in the world and the
childless couples are Indeed entitled
to all the consolation the statisti
cians can give them.
The United States in general and
Salem in particular will continue to
begrudge every little life, every new,
little, hungry mouth that fate has
denied to us.
And we are very anxious, too, just
now, that the census enumerators
should find all the babies in Salem,
rind ail thj ether children from 1 to
100 years old.
We will run the risk of scaring
the statisticians over the increasing
population of the world If we can
fhow a little increase for 1920 over
our "population figures of 1910; and,
confidentially, we might add that
the enumerators will have to go
We Salemites don't believe in the
Malthusian theory, any vray.
Look at the new stores that hav heen fittorl nn'm iho loct fw I them, are vacant.
Senator Hiram W. Johnson of Cal
ifornia wants to be the Republican
party's nominee for president. He
has announced his Intention to make
a country-wide speaamg tour in oe-r
half-of his own candidacy. One of
his managers has already been in
Minnesota looking over the field.
The time does not seem ripe for
Hiram W. Johnson even to expect
such an honor at the hands of the
Republican party. That day may
come, pernaps in lour or eignt years.
Before It does come Senator John
son will have to atone for certain
things which happened in California
back in 1916. The country has not
forgotten that it was this California
senator, who stood in the way of the
election of a Republican president.
By almost a wave of the- hand Sen
ator Johnson eould have insured the
election of Charles Evans Hughes
ever Woodrow Wilson. He chose to
do otherwise, with the result that
Higbes loEt California by 3836 votes.
while Johnson "himself received a
maloritv of several . hundred thou-
ffw- Iff
Will Rogers says "The rcasofi they kept our soldier boys over there
co lung ns so that they could get the mail that was sent over to them."
American heme must now be added
that of being 'blown up by amateur
In a dozen industries in New York
the women employes introduced are
producing more than the men they
displaced. In mastering the national
problem' of production won't some
one arise add strike op that grand
old hymn: "Let the Women do the
Work "
Now it costs a dollar a day to
board a hor?e at the livery stable
but. thank heaven, we have no horse.
I Deals in Real Estate
It would seem that all these ora
tors and agitators who are so eager
for anarchy would be glad to be
transported to a country where'they
are having It three times a day and
between meals.
R. Brown and wife to O'.e OUoa
Opeahl, 1.99, acres, T. ( S. R. 1 W,
Mrs. S. B. Donnell to Alice Pagn:
Lots 5. C and 7. block 5. Englewood
Addition. Salem. 11400.
J. S. Rhodes and. wife to Mrs.
Mary A. Pearsallt Lots 1. 2. 3 aai
4. block 11, Highland Addition. Sa
lem, 11850.
A. O. Condit and wife to Ella Mc
Catfry: Lot by State Fairground.
Keep your . eye on the Oregon Growers' Co-operative Association. I Col. E. M. House has returned to1
Inquire into the present prosperity of the hotels that were so his Texas, heme and that. too. after sand for United States senator.
To be sure, there were factional
i i M -- - r . .7 1 J
frightened when prohibition became law. I failing to call on his old friend at
! , Get a jolt of that new live wire snirit irr th f!nmmArial rinh I the White House 'daring all the
a Compare attendance records at the state fair in recent years. I weeks tfae colonel was recuperat
ri'ompare all these conditions with those of five or ten years aeo.llnsr from lness in New York. Some
i cc ii mo jug vi pvssiiuism surrounamg your mental processes I lu,u ""s,
does not begin to disappear, and the clear lieht of a new dav for Sa-1
lem beem to dawn noon vor eoncionsnHui nA ih ihriU nt al I AFR.ID OP POPULATION
. enthusiasm begin to quicken your blood, so that you will decide to be I I
a came SDort. to take a chance, and to bet on tb nd nf WtW Sa.l 'Australia' official statistician has
Jem and not against . your home town. put the woi id's population at 1,6 49,-
' I Submitted on behalf of the Executive Committee of the North Sa-1 M00 in 9l- e declares that
lem Improvement Association hv - I the annual rate of growth between
''I . S . Chairman
".Yon will te surprised tomorrow at
the showing made by the gooseberry
Industry in the talem slogan pages.
Governor Olcott was born lucky;
er he carries a rabbit's foot in his
rocket. " ' 1.
: There will be no construction of
public buildings in 1920. according
to the Republican programme in con
gress. It Is absolutely necessary to
trim expenses somewhere and there
is no better place to begin.
The women of the country are de
manding equal representation on
the Republican National Committee.
If they are of the proper age we
don't know but we favor the propo
sition,. There have always been too
: y
JL 7 HICHEVER branch of business you are in
'V V'! terested in--you may be sure that a con
nection with the United States National Bank
0urfsucce$s in deposits is not individual at all
but the collective success of those persons, houe
holds and concerns who make up our patronage
list1 ' ! '
190 and 1911 was 1.170 per cent.
and that since the war this rate has
shown signs of increase rather than
The. war and the flu were mere
trifles In offsetting the wholesale
tigures for the world.
So the world probably numbers
2,000,000,000 now.
And just when every city in the
United States is hopeful that its pop
ulation has doubled in the last ten
years the sociologists and statisti
cians are telling us that they "view
with alarm" this rapid increase to
tax the world's resources and confi
dently predict a world catastrophe
as the result.
It is mighty hard to get an ambi
tious city to become really anxious
over dizzy increases in its popula
tion. Yet these pessimistic fellows
draw a most uncomfortable picture
of starving millions in conjunction
with the decrease in production and
the II. C. of L. Something like 800.
000.000 more mouths to feed every
five years or so and th; child wet
fare people all doing their best to
see that the new babies are robust
with wholesomely-rampant appetites;
and the scientists equaally busy and
determined to see the old folks get
aew monkey glands and frolic in
eternal youth. And every state set
ting Its face against birth-control;
vast armies of doctors everywhere
cooperating to prolong the lives of
weaklings and invalids; stern sent!
ments against the death penalty; and
still more virulent sentiments against
wars and death-dealing epidemics,
Under the harrowing circumstan
ces and li is a lugubrious pictutc
every country twill urge that It 1
the duty of every other country to
practice a little judicious birth-con
trol; some of our United States sen
alor feel that way rbnnt Japan al
ready. But it Isn't going to maki
tb slighted difference to the wol-
differences In California when Mr.
Hughes went, there to speak. Sen
ator Johnson felt he had been slight
ed. Hut he placed his own personal
feelings above those of the inter
ests of the Republican party.' For
that act be will have to do penance.
The best way for Senator Johnson
to regain the confidence of the party
nationally is by disinterested serv
ice for some time to come. He has
already demonstrated his ability as
a leader in the senate. In the .com
ing campaign he will have plenty
of opportunity to use hi splendid
oratorical ability in behalf of the
Republican nominee.
The Republican party can ill af
ford to nominate a man lor presi
dent who, when the power was his.
let his personal "peeve" stand in the
way of th election ofta Republican
president At a time when the coun
try sorely needed a change of ad
ministration. Minneapolis Tribune.
Pehold I'm man at break of day,
jrab coat and hat and rush away.
Anxious o Joiii the vast array
Of those who push and hustle:
AM day lorg io the noisy fray,
.Sober, stein, no time to be gay.
Not a moment to stop and play.
And rest his weary muscle.
Year In and out it's plan and toil.
Nothing ran hinder, nothing foil.
And oft he burns the midnight oil.
Like some old musty scholar;
Rushing here and following .there,
Uphill and down and everywhere.
Just like a honnd chasing a hare
Chasing the fleeting dollar.
He spends bis best days in the chase.
And as he almost wins the race.
In every movement you can trace
His eagerness intense;
And when at last he grasps the prize.
And holds it to his waiting eyes.
To his disgust and great surprise,
Tis only thirty cents.
E. L. Aultman.
The Sweeper you've
been waiting for
32 un nr ttn cu sn
I 1
Srr tt" !r W
li m, . . -
The explosion of a private still
partially wrecked a home in Port
land. This la not the first home
that has been ruined by strong drink.
either. Among other perils of tin
The factory representatives will be with us lor a few days.
Let them demonstrate this sweeper.
$25 on Terms
' w
i !