The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 14, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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London Family of Seven, Unable to Rent Horns, make
Novel Appeal
are certain mm
! habit of saving money, while It stif
! tens tlffc will, al3 brighten? one's
this ! ener:y. t vou would be sure that
country who stand for 3uq-ess in the! you are besinnin? - right, begin to
best fens of the term. Some have save."
... . ? . . ff 1I.MI . 1. A : I .1 Irln J
pwt trvciu'eiea on recova in answer aaess j. m.h. nir.ianivu n n -to
thia question, "Is caving heces- of t.:e northwest and one of the
Rieafcnt developers or men America
has known, laid down this rule: It
sary? ' . -
l Theodore HooHeveli ha said:
What's the use in hav
ing a cozy home an in
viting dinner splendid
light a comfortable
chair a friend to drop
in if your house is not
warm and comfy.
Better order your Coal Now, $10.50 person, up, Delivered
Phone 930
M. P. Mendelsohn5
I it
pmm- :V-. v-,. If
i.f---ri-ifi,i fniii-.i-(i.ttff'tr-twnMvw' i hi
Optometrist Specialist in Eyeright
Re-Opens Offices in
Thursday, January 15
Alter one year's absence from Salem Dr. Mendelsohn has returned to his extensive
practice here rcorns 211-212 Oregon Building. (formerly the Hubbard Building)
State and High Streets. ... - J
London ait well as American cities is having great difficulty with Us
housing problem. This photograph, taken in the English capital, shows a
man walking tnrough the streets, accompanied by his wife, and their five
children, bearing an appeal to some good Samaritan for shelter. All of the
children are under five years of age.
you want to know whether you are
destined to be a success or failure tn
life, you csn easily find out. The
testis fiinple and tnfLKbb. Are you
able to sa're monev?"
Now come two of the greatest mod
ern merchants oi America.
. John Wanamah'v l as said: "'flip
cover that saving will pay. Don't
you remember one of Poor Richard's
payings: "It is hard for an empty
bag to stand " upright;" and don't
you remember-what one of our great
est and best loved Americans ad
vised: "Teach economy; that is 'one
of the first and highest virtues: It
difference between the clerk wu begins with saving money." The
spends all his salary and the clerk j American who aaiti that was Abra
who saves part of it. is the differ-! ham Lincoln.
ence in ten years between the ownrj if you are golqg to save regularly,
of a business and a man out of s you must have some sort , of an in
job." ; centlvc. The thing you are Inclined
Marshall Field, of Chicago hr.d ; to ay offhand la this:
recipe for success. It was this: 1 "I'm young and stroii-;; I'm mak-
"If yould succeed in business, al-iing sood, wages, and I d'-n't see why
ways spend a little less than you i l should save. Every dollar rtiat I
earn. No matter how small your save is a dollar taken out of the
earnings, you should master -tlm j amount that I have to spend."
j art." i , ; What you say cxprwses the Amcr-
J. P. Morgan said this about thv j U-un tiieory. hat very American Is
savings bank. "Saving deposit in capable of looking after his affairs
I a bank arc like an anchor toa ship, j he Is capable of looking ater a fam
. needful in calm, vital in a storm." - ily when tamily responsib. titles come
Hui our modern men did not Ui- to hi id. It U a theory tht docs not.
matter of fact, work out.
One-Third of a
Century Practical
9 years practice in
My years of experience and the
satisfactory service 1 have ren
dered to thousands of Marion and
Polk county people assures you
competent and lasting relief in all
your eye sight troubles. My prices
are very reasonable for the mater
ials and service yon will receive.
1 Give My Personal At
tention to Every Patient
and Guarantee Satisfac
tion in Every Respect
-plW -r- '
r.igni minion American women are
t helping men to finance the family.
J Every -year a million working men
I become dependent either upon their
relatives or upon public charity. Aa
a matter or fact, the American man
. cioes not provido fully for himself or
I his famliy."
"A prudent man forseetb the evil
and hideth himself. The foolish pass
on and are punished." : .
Thrift will build a place of ealety
for old age.
National Thrift week begin' on
January. 17, the anniversary of the
birth of IJenJamin Franklin nd the
first flay in Thrift week' will b
known as Banker'day. The object
of this day is to enllst the nation in
a campaign to "Save first nd spend
afterwards." In other words to
stick resolutely to "the program or
making the prent Insure the ruture
by the resular avlne and invMimnt
of some pacof every pay envelope to
finance t future opportunities or
neeas: to invest savings safely, pref
trraoiy--in government securities- to
curb, the, profiteer by demanding at
dollar's worth of goods for every dol-1
far spent. i
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t.i.U,j - i r.iii.iiii TT.J .
Office Hours 9 to 12 a. m. 1 to 5 p
Sundays and evening by special appointment
M. P. Mendelsohn "
Y Fits
Glasses Correctly
. - ,
t : --r
Out of aecotrralated capi
tal have arisen all the
successes of industry and
, applied science, all the com-,
fort and ameliorations of
the common lot. Upon it
the world nrust depend for
; the process of reconstruc
tion in which all have to
rpHE successful farmer raises bigger cropS
and cuts down costs by investment in
labor-saying machinery.
Good .prices for the farmer's crops en
courage new investment, more production
and greater prosperity.
But the success of agriculture depends
. on the growth of railroads the modern
beasts of burden that haul the crops to the
world's markets.
The railroadslike farms increase their
output and cut down unit costs by the
constant investment of new capital.
With fair prices for the work they do,
the railroads are able to attract new capi
tal for expanding their facilities.
Rates high enough to yield a fair return
will insure ibilroad growth, and prevent
costly traffic congestion which invariably
result3 in poorer service at higher cost.
National wealth can increase only as
our railroads grow.
Poor railroad service is dear at any price.
No growing country can long pay the price
of inadequate transportation facilities.
- ' '- '
" - " ,
ttJTkn! 4lrtnt information contrminf tht railroad
tttuation may atttnin UUratnre bp rritiny to Tht AMoet.
af(o EaUtcar Executive, ft Broadtcap. Xtm York
PHONE 443 Salem, Oregon
Luxurious Travel by Zeppelin Not Interfered With by Prohibition
' ir you have not already done so
be biire and plan to open n bank ac
count for yourself or yoi- chlldre
next Saturday.
We ent too nuich mettt v!ii c!oj;h
Kl.lne.Vh, then the linck
Most Tolks forget the kldneyn. like
the bowels. j;et sluggish and clogged
Rnd need a Hushing occasionally, els
we have backache and dull misery
In the kidney region, severe head
aches, rheumatic twinges, tropid liv
er, acid stomach, sleeplessness and
all sorts of bladder disorders.
You simply must keep your kid
neys actlr- and clean, and the mo
ment you feel an ache or pain In the
kidney region, get about four ounces
of Jad Salts from any cood dru?
sfore here, take a tablespoonful in
a glass of water before breakfast for
a few day and vour kidneys will
then act fine. This famous salts Is
made from th acid of grapes and
lemon juice, combined with lithia.
and in harmless to flush cloggsd
kidneys and stimulate them to nor
mal activity. It also neutralizes the
acids in th nrlne so It no longer
irritates, thus ending bladder dis
orders. Jad Salt3 is harmless: Inexpens
ive; makes a delightful effervescent
ithiawater drink . which everynodr
should take now and then to k er
their kidneys clean, thus avoiding
serious complications.
A wcll-kntiwn Jocal druggist savs
he sells lots of Jads Salts to folk
who believe In overcoming kidney
trouble while it is only "trouble."
, "' " -1 . , . - ' , t
A ., t '-' l r - I h
i i-
I -qA ,
Judging from this photograph, traveling by Zeppelin isn't so arduous as it sounds. ThU photograph ahowa
the interior of the car of the super-Zeppelin Bidensee, which is making regular passenger-carrying trip. "The
tew German republic hasn't gotten around yet to prohibition. The "steward" maj be aeen In the backgund
opening a bottle of wine. ' .
Deckebach Is Elected Head of
Episcopal Vestry for Com-
' ing Year
ly increased financial Income
the average of recent earc.
Vestrymen elected forthe ensulngt
year are as follows: J
F. G. Deckebach. V. .1. Uunert. U-j
K. Page. J. C Nelson. N. V. Kafoury. i
r It as? el I Catlin and Carl T. Toie. ,
Upon recommendationof the rec
tor, a rector's council was created
to assist the rector and vestry in con- j
tiucting the spiritual and temporal j
affairs of the uari.vh. the council to,
consist of two members of the vestry; Take "CaSCAfCtS
and one representative chosen by j I
each one of the parochial organira-j J
tions. A special meeting of the new i
vestry was railed to order after. the ,................
adjournment of the parish meeting. !
and organization was completed as, "Cacaret3" tonight sure! Unr not feci right,
follows; nior warden. K. tJ. Ierk- yster.: lTled with liver and bowel or ronstiuatcd.
Lach: junior warden. F. J." Uupert: ,. ,rBWl k, v-,t,r skin fallow. hZ ,-k,5
icretarv and tw-asuier. Carl T. . . . ,.fcii. jne. -ci
. . J vmir smtun'i
i-ope. 1- 'l.
The butdncss meeting wa fol
lowed bv an Informal reception in
for Your Liver and Bowels and
Feel Hrcr'n as a Daisy Constipation Gone! 1
your head dull
Pon't s:y bailom
Fr.l rtr-d''V -Crarc"fc
wiihout gtipinr or
the rectory o the members and
friends of the iarih and the women
of St. Paul's guild acted as hojteses;
serving refreshments. A brief uiusi
inconvenience. iney nrver -iew i
and arhin.- i.imI your s-)fcUiu full of rou like t'alpnifl. Salts. Oil or nasty.
rr.l.! Vo ir ru-als r- turnini: into l.arsb Fill, wytwt inuieu
poisons, gsn' i and mid. Yoa Casrarns aork waile yon tleep.
cal program. Including solo by Mr: IK ' WM-'i V-TJ 1 CkCw
W. Carlton Smith. a rendered. I Ij 'Zl H Z ri v r- I
Announcement wa made ai tk " - j 1 i - O
business meeting that St. Paul's had M f rT V
raised $.3r.O on its iiota in the re- M jA tA. II C
cent nation-wide Campaign
The annual meeting of the pr-
l?hioner of St. Paul's church was
held in the church Monday evening.
The report of the rector and of the
various organizations of the parish
indicated an increased Interest in the
spiritual actlvitica and a conslderab-
;M( Cnrrd In O lo 1 1 Pay
Prugg'st rrfund money, if PAZO
fHNTMKNT falls lo core Itching.
TUind. I'.leling or Protruding, Pile.
St:ps Irritation; HfKthcii and Ileal.
.Vou enn gel restful .Ice after the
first application. Prl-e 0c.
Read the Classified Ads.
w b a k a. m a w - w lj -
irjun ns tucurr