The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 14, 1920, Page 1, Image 1

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    v . I wi:atih:u I
Fair; ! gintle southeasterly winds.
The States a.aa receives the
leased wlro rt port of the As
sociated Press, the greatest
sad most reliable press as
sociation la the world.
kaijvM, okkgox. wki.xksay .miikmvi;, jamaiiv u. iikm
Assurances Given That Both
Democratic and Republican
Leaders United in Effort to
End Present Status
Lodge Mentions ''General De
sire" to Avoid Campaign
I ! Issue i v I
WASHINGTON, Jan. llkur
ances that democratic and republl
- can senators were united in eadeav-
-; orlng tor end the senate treaty: dead--
lock and to avoid carrying thjtreaty
issues into the coming political cam
. paign were given by Senators Lodge
and Hitchcock today t& spokesmen
of organizations claiming to jrepre
wnt twenty million people desiroua
t of early ratification of the reaty.
''. Th leader Visited j
The two leaders were visited sep
arately fa the eapitol by more than
a score of representatives of various
, organlzniticns, irftludins societies
t (' . working, for;ratiricat0! of the) peace,
treaty, Ibor nftionsj cjiurch arid oth
er religious soeieUes.. a n' agricul
tural and educational- bodies. . Ths
calls on ;thc senate leaders followed
it urge immediate Iratlfi-
cation of the treaty with such reser
vations a may ' be necessary to . se
en re the requisite two-thirds vote.
IJotri Arc Keceptlve
Senator Lodge told them he would
- be "glad' to consider any modifi
cations of Ithe reservations! which the
democratic minority might present
, and that there was being evinced "a
general desire" to .dispose of the
treaty promptly so , as to avert its
' i Injections j into the elections. Re4
- publicans and democrats in the sen-;
ate. he ;paid. were attempting "to
..- reach a common ground." . r
Calling ion Senator Hitchcock, th-3
delegation was told by the acting
democratic, leader and by Senator
Smith of Georgia, of the efforts be
ing made on the democratic side to
bring abou. prompt ratification.
Three Bills by House With
Little Discussion and
i Slight Change :
Following predictions houSe bills
Nos. 1, 2, and 3, which provide for
additional compensation and rehabi
litation and vocational training for
Injured workmen, passed the house
yesterday without change except that
of the term' "persons" being substi
tuted for "men and women."
There was little discussion on the
bills, they having been reported on
favorably by the committees and it
having been explained that they con
stituted the legislation agreed upon
.at the atate Industrial conference held
In Portland a few weeks ago. ;
I ll " -: - - 111
; jj I "- j
County Engineers May Get I
Better Pay by Measure
Senator Nickelaon of Ho Hiver
contemplates introducing in the spe
cial session of the legislature a bill
amending the law whereby a Mat
salary of ? 5 a day is fixed for coun
ty engineers, the amendment iq pro
vide that the county court have pow
er to fix the salary. It is claimed
that in some counties engineers are
quitting county service because of
the small pay allowed. The Hood
River county engineer recently h:i
Memorial Asks That Indian
Veferans Be on Same Ba
sis as Men of '61
Hurley Wants Six Per Cent
Tax Limitation Amend- i
ment Repealed j
. . rrr rr:
rnirty million ciouarg worm or
property would be added to the tax
roll of Klamath county and the coun
ty made second in the state in prop
erty valuation if congress were to
heed a joint memorial Introduced in
he state senate by Senator Baldwin
of Klamath county calling for the
opening for settlement of the Klam
ath Indian reservation. The resolu
tion has not yet been adopted.
The memorial says there is stand
ing timber on the reservation of an
estimated value of 520.00,(mhi
which would be sold for the benefit
of the Indians who already have their
allotted land. The reservation is
rich In agricultural resources and it
is said there has been no appreciable
change in the population of the In
dians in 15 years. The number is
about 1100.
Would Pension "Fighters
A joint memorial was introduced
by Senator Lachmund - calling upon
congress to place veterans of Indian
wars and their widows on a com
mon pension basis with veterans of
the Civil war. , -
The senate passed a bill introduced
by the Multnomah county delegation
allowing school boards in distriets
having not less than 20,000 children
of school age, applying only to the
Portland district, to establish as
many kindergartens as their judg
ment dictates and removing the lim
it on expenditures for that purpose
Farrell of Multnomah voted against
the bill.
" enator Pierce introduced by re
quest a joint resolution for the ap
pointment of a committee from the
legislature to investigate the advisa
bility of establishing a training
school for. young boys on the cottage
plan and turning the present train
ing school of the state into a reform
atory institution for older boys who
are first offenders so that their in
carceration in the penitentiary will
be unnecessary. The committee, if
appointed, will report to the next
regular session.
Ort oil's IUII Pamm
The senate passed senator Orton's
bill amending the law relating to
proceedings on foreclosure. Judg
ment and decree, and said in the
foreclosure of delinquent tax certi
ficates by removing the requirement
that applications must be filed only
in the month of January.
Senator Hurley yesterday Intro
duced a joint resolution to submit
to the people a proposed constitu
tional amendment repealing the 6
(Continued on Page L)
This includes them all plain and novelties in a good range
of colors. There are no richer coating fabrics and if you had
an inkling of what they will cost next season, you wouldn't hes
itate a moment in making your purchase now. Prices on next
season's Plushes will ,be almost prohibitive, present conditions
indicate. . !
Student Plurality on Coast Is
in Favor of Ratification
With Reservations Giving
U. S. Broad Control
Immediate Ratification With
Tentatively Set for - ,
SAX FRANCISCO.' Cal., Jan. 13.
Although the proposition was pot lie
fore the students at ail of 'them,
votes taken at nine Pacific coast col
leges and universities today showed,
a plurality in favor of ratifying the!
peace treaty with reservations ealcii-
lated to retain for the United Stales
broad control of its activities under
the league of nations covenant. This
proposition, number six on the inter-collegiate
league of nations ple
biscite ballot, polled 2.0,6 votes from
five of the colleges reporting. In
every ca?e where any votes of this
proposition were reported, it secured
a dIu rarity at that institution. In
stitutions favoring this were Univer
sity of Southern California. Stanford
university. Whitman college. Occi
dental college. University of Wash
ington. Immediate ratification without
reservations or amendments received
the next highest numlwr of votes.
1.751. Tow colleges. Mills at Oak
land. Calif., a woman's college, and
he College of the Paciric, at San
Jose, gave this a plurality of student
votes. The Mills faculty gave it a
heavy majority.
WUtnmette is listed
Willamette university and the
University of Montana gave plural
ities of the proposal favoring ratifi
cation with any reservations neces
sary to secure speedy action. Thii'
stood fifth in point of view of stu
dent votes polled with 588.
The other proposition received
student votes as follows:
For ratification with the Lodge
reservations 1.123, In third place.
For peace without ratification of
the treaty. 989 in fourth place.
Against ratification in any form
479 in last, place.
Faculty Voting Light
The fatuity voting was light. The
Stanford faculty favored unreserved
; ratification heavily, and this propo-
sition received a preponderance of
faculty votes.. Ratification with res
ervation retaing broad powers to
America to determine its action in
the league of nations was ' second.
The total votes reported on these
propositions were "90 and 47 respec
tively. Only one faculty member
voted against ratification of the
treaty in any form.
Relief to Be Immediate
Wires Senator McNary
The federal raidroad administra
tion nas reached the peak of its dif
ficulties concerning shortage of
freight cars- and thinks relief from
the shortage in the northwest will
he immediate according to a telegram
received by the public service com
mission-, from United Stale Senator
Rotary Clab Has Banquet i
in Commercial Club Rooms
The Salem Hotary club, with the
wives or women friends or the mem
bers, neld Us first banquet in the
Commercial club rooms last night.
J. I.. Rurnslue. general passenger
agent or the White Pass and Yukon
route or Alaska gave a lecture on
the northern territory. He illustrat
ed tne lecture with lanter slides.
Prices Will be 20 to 40 Per
Cent Higher Says Seattle
CHICAGO. Jan. IS Clothing pric
es next spring will be from 2.1 to 40
percent hiuhe-r than at present, ac
cording to H. It.,Klnx of Seattle who
addressed the national retail cloth
iers' association today. '
Indemnity "for Scapa Flow
Sinking Rejected by
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. The
United States government has refused
to accept any part of Indemnity to be
paid by Germany for the destruction
of the German Meet In. Scapa Flow,
because it objects in principle to the
K'ttlero'nt made bv the supreme
council, it was said today at the slate
House Highway Committee
Votes to Present Ten Mil
lion Dollar Measure
The roads and highways commit
tee of the lower house will today
introdupe the. 1 10.000.000 road
bonding bill. It will report favor
ably on1 Representative Schnebel's
bill authorizing - the state highway
commission to acquire cement plants
and manufacture cement and will re
port unfavorable on Representaatlv
Gallagher's bill providing that the
commission designate as part of the
general road system a 40 mile stretch l
of road between Nyssa and McDer-
mott in Malheur county. On the lat
ter. Representative Richardson will
return a minority favorable report
at the request of Mr. Gallagher. Un
fairness to eastern Oregon was
charged by Gallagher and other east
ern Oregon members.
First Open Forum Meeting of
Year to be Full of
The first open forum meeting of
the year for the Salem Commercial
club will be held in the Grand opera
house tonight. Tne meeting was
changed from the original decision
to hold it in the Commercial club
tbecause of the large attendance
which is expected.
Indications point to a meeting fuli
of features and special entertain
ment numbers. Business of impor
tance will be taken up.
Astoria Teachers Awarded
Marked Increase in Wage
ASTORIA, Jan. 13. The boa d of
directors of the Astoria school dis
trict has made. an adjustment of the
teachers salaries, etfective at the
beginning of the present school
month. Under-, this the minimum
salary for a grade teacher will be
tlOH and for a high school teacher
$125 ter nonth for the first year.
tn addition each teacher will receive
an increase of $." a month for th-
lirst. second, third, sixth elev
enth years of service.
Order Finally Restored by Po
lice After Ten Are Killed
in Street
BERLIN. January 13. (Havas)
Ten dead had been brought into
the court of the reichstag building
when the national assembly adjourn
ed at five o'clock, this afternoon ac
cording to an announcement of Pres
ident Febrenbach. The police final
ly restored order before the reichstag
building. The assembly adjourned
until Wednesday.
I All MO AM 10
JUilllilUlM III
Wild Enthusiasm Marks Cli
max of Visit to Coast of
Will H. Hays, Chairman of
G.'O. P. National Committee
Mayor Rolph of an Francisco
, Urges Western Man in
ifornia IUpi!)liran. at a banquet to
night which marked the climax of
Hie western vis-It of Will H. Hays.
chairman of the Republican nation
al committee, made the affair the
occasion for paying tribute to the
candidacy of United States Senator;
Hiram W. Johnson. California's pres
idential candidate.
Johnson Applauded
Reference to Senator Johnson.
first made by Mayor James Rolph of
San Francisco, met with a vociferous
response from the banqueters and
brought Chairman Hays to his feet
miiinr and applauding. Iater he
pcinted out that while it was his bus
iness "to elect, not to select", the
Republican Candidate, he could give
heartfelt prnise to Senator Johnson
'as a citizen one of the greatest
assets of the country."
The national chairman making the
Keynote address of
wJest. characterized the income tax.
under the Democratic administration
as "Lie fine imposed on a man for
living outside the cotton belt."
Itolpti Wants Westerner
Mayer Rolph. urging the selection
of a man with western ideals at the
pa;ty's standard bearer, declared
that California wanted man "who
will -not forget that ships are now
being built In Japanese shipyards by
Japanese labor contracts because
contracts have ben cancelled in Am
erican shipyards, to
the detriment
of American labor."
Renublican State Chairman Pav.
mond Reniamin declared Senator
Johnson was spreading the teneta ofl'P11' order for 10 a. n.- today.
- tbe Republican party In other states
0. A. C WOMEN.
Debate on Industrial Unrest
tentatively OCt tor triarchy,
Much enthusiasm is being shown
by the women of Willamette univer
sity oer the debate to which they
were recently challenceH bv tha O.
A. C. Women. The tentative date!
Tor the debate is March 2. The't tederal income tax aiw ti
question to be discussed Is: "Re Wing the levy "within the bounds
solved that the canse of America's of moderation." and afford relief
wave of anarchy lies in unjust labor, "in the present era of economic di-
conditions In this country." Local
tryouts will be held in about a
Ben W. Olcott. by an opinion of
the supreme court yesterday In the
case of the state, ex rel. G. M. Rol-
erts against Oicott. will retain the
office of governor through the entire
unexpired term of the late Governor
Withyeom be.
The prevailing opinion was writ
ten by Justice Johns, and with him
justices Bennett and Bean, and Chief
Justice McBride concurred. Bennett
writing a special concurring opinion.
Three Dissent
Dissenting justices were Harris.
Benson and Burnett, the former writ
ing an elaborate dissent, holding that
the Chadwlck-Karhart case on which
the Johns opinion is based. Is not a
parallel care. '
The case was taken into the su
preme court directly in the form of
a mandamus to compel Olcott as sec
retary of state to Include the office
of governor in the list of offices cer
to county clerks of the state
to be filled by election this year
The action by Mr. Roberts, who Is
district attorney for Jackson county,
was brought as a test to determine
tue status of Mr. Olcott as governor,
an office to which he succeeded by
virtue of being secretary of state
when Governor Withycombe died.
Judiciary Committee Romps
l . Hard on Eberhard9s Bill
The senate judiciary committee
last night inip-d hard and unani
mously on Senator Eberhard's. till
to prevent the enactment on tbn
moving i-ture screen of any eno
which it com id 1 1 ted in actual lit
would be i felony under the laws of
Oregon. Indefinite postponement o(
the bill will be moved.
The bill provided a penalty for vio
lation of the act and attached the
Creation of New Commission
Made Special Order for
10 a. m.
Bean Says Enactment Will
Not Interfere With In
vestigation House bill No. 31 providing for
the creation of a fish and game com-
'"'srion the memW'ri of which ar-
o iw fie'-ira uy me siaie lerisia
ture. 'will l e mad- special order of
business in rbe house when it con
venes at 10 o'clock this morning as
result of action taken yeyterday.
Bean of Lane, following th first
reading of the bill ' moved that dh
. i . i . . . .... , .
s be susiended and that it ba
brought to its second reading. Sub
sequently he made a similar motion
for the bill to come up for Its third
reading and at once biought fir
from a number of quarters.
' Kfatn KipUined ?
Mr. Dean was arked if the bill
his visit to the!'"nou'tl not Pas without the inves
tigation or tne commission mmcn
that body had c requested had been
completed. He replied that the in
vestigation had nothing to do with
the creation of the new commission
as the probe' was of the affairs of
the present commission while the
new bill provided for a new body on
a different principle. Jle said that
the bill was not up tor adoption in
any. event.
Many Protect ,
Several representative! protested
' 3ra,n8t eontddering the bill befor
it was primed and distrib uted, Mr.
Rean triperreded his first motion
wt" a motion mia tae Mil tw maot
Compulsory vaccination for all
rchool children which woold be re
qhired by one of the bills which was
to have been introduced in the house
passed out In co mm The bill
was drafted by the city attorney of
Portland and was to have come from
Multnomah county.
' The proposed measure was along
lines similar to bills which have
been introduced in several recent
; sessions and which have failed each
! Revision of Income Tax
Is Urged by Otto Kahn
iu:trw. Jan. 1-. uevision
: ttirbances."' was urged in sn address
I here tonight by Otto H. Kahn, New
! York banker.
Excerpts from the opinion of Jus
tice Johns follow:
"It is significant that since the
rendition of the decis-ion in Chad
wick vs. Eariiart without an excep
tion the.nftotators of the code. vv.
1-air Hill. C. B. Bellinger. V. W.
Cotton and W. 1 1-ord. all men of
the highest type in their profession,
have construed the decision to mean
that now. under the existing facts.
Mr. Olcott should hold the office of
governor for the remainder of the
late Governor Withycombe's unex
pired .term.
Annotation Citeil
"Such annotations will be found
under section R or article V of the
constitution In every code compiled
and published since the rendition of
that oecUion. which for 35 years has
not been disturbed.
People Had Oiance
"It is vigorously contended that
the people should have an.opportun
j ,t. of chooi,in thelr own governor
In the Instant ease they have had
and exercised that right. Under the
express provisions of the constitution
wa'en they elected Mr. Withycombe
governor and Mr. Olcott secretary of
state, they elected Mr. Olcott to be-
(Contlnued on page 2)
Can Deputy Treasurer Legally
Hold Seat as Representa
tive from Multnomah Is
Question Asked at Capitol
Failure of Colleagues to Offer
Objection Is 4 Pointed
Can Joseph O. Richardson, deputy
state treasurer, legally bold his jat
as representative from Multnomah
county or mut he rasJgn as deputy'
treasurer and b rr-appoiated to tb
ofHce following the adjournment of
the special session? The question
is being asked about the stale kous
A state law provides that no on
shall hold two lucrative state orfi
res at the same time.
htsias Js KipUlaed
Mr. Richardson, discussing the sit
uation last night, said that he takes
the state Le can hold his at in
the legislature Insomuch as he has
taken his seat and ty their lack of
remonstrance his f el low-re present a
tives. have given their approval and
consent. He pointed out that by all
custom and lgal practice, members
of a legislative body are o tallfleU
to pass upon the qualifier! c of any
member of the -body. Insomuch as
the attitude of the present assembly
has beea acquiescent. . claims Mr.
Richardson, he may assume that they
consider hlra qualified to hold his
No More Toward Ilgnatloa
Mr. Richardson has made no move
toward resignation and th trend of
his discussion Indicated that he con
templated no such more. He is In
active charge of his dnties as deputy
state treasurer, using the Intervals'
between meetings of the house', to
care for hi work la the office.
The CruYalrons Senator. Far
rell Bows to Wisbei of Uru
, - Thompson ,
Final action of the Oregon legta
lature in ratify g too national wo
man suffrage ar.riic'ment was taken
yesterday afterucoawhen the sen
ate adopted without dissent house
Joint resolution No. J. Introduced by
Mrs Alexander Thompson.
The subject resolved Itself Into an.
Issue between Mrs. Thompson and
Senator Farrell. who introduced a
similar resolution In the senate, airs.
Thompson's resolution was .Intro
duced first, hat Senator Farrell
resolution was acted on by the sen
ate a.nd sent to the house before the
lower body hsd acted on the Thomp
son resolution.
In the opinion of the resolutions
committee Farrell's resolution -was
entitled to right of way, bat Mrs.
Thompson " contested this right and
Senator Farrell chivalrously rave
way to her.
The resolution has only to receive.
the slgnautres of the speaker of the
house and the president of the sen
ate' before being sent (o Washington.
iiecause of early adjournment this
could not be done yesterda.
Electrical Workers Co
Oat in Utah Power Plant
claring that he calling out all
electrical workers in the employ of
trie i tan Light and Power company
in Salt Lake City.Ogden and Poca
ello. 11. G. Greene, of San Francis
co, iuternational representative of
ibe electrical workers' anion. Issued
general strike call here late today
et fertile immediately.
Some of the men have already
c,uit work. Green announced. All
workers affected bv the order are
members of local 57 of the onion.
Men Trying New Locked cp
for Night on Order of -Judge
LOS ANGELES. Cal.. Jan. it The
Jury la the trial of Harry New. al
leged murdered of his nance. Freda
Lesser, had failed to agree at 10:4 5
tonight and was locked up on til to
morrow morning on the order of Su
perior Judge Gavin W. Cralf.