5 9- TTTT: OREGON STATESMAN: TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1020. CITY SMEW S Mm. Thompson 1Mm ' . . ! irrsL' Rufus Thompson of rvitany. mother of Dr. Fred Thompson of this city, died at he home at 7 o'clock Sunday morning. Death was the result of an attack of nnumonui. Mr. Thompson was an old resident Watchmaker and Jcivele Mrs. Lucille Corbett. who died at Everett, Wash., were held yesterday at 11 o'clock at the Rigdon chapei. The burial was In the City View cemetery. mittee. presided. Another meeting, at which all real est at-? men of the city are urred to he present, will Tie held Wednesday :tt 4:.".0 p. in. at the' Commercial club. of Oregon, havlnp lived here many years. during- which time she ac quired many friends, who share in the bereavement of relatives. Dr. Thompson of Salem is in Albany., wneer the funeral is expected to, be held at 2 o'clock today. , , 337 State street, Salem. Y. W. V. A. OiieWen Dinner Wednesday evening. Jan. 14, 5 to 7 p., in. 7'iic a plate. Coibett Funeral II eld The1 funeral services for .the late Z JET---. TTT K!TWra. W" vr : - i is S i DOUG.' FAIRBANKS .- '! In '; , WHEN: THE .CLOUDS ROLL BY" LAST TIMES TODAY If Mn. Wright Jiuried ; Funeral for the late Mrs. Eliza beth M. Wripht. wife of John A. Wright, was held yesterday at th Rljrdon chapel. Rev. Thomas S. An rrscn of the First Presbyterian church conducted the services. Mrs Ilallie Parit-h purdahl sang. The burial was in Citv View cemetery. I lance. Wednesday nieht. Moose hall. "OKI L'ne"' Content I'lajuicd An raorical con'est conducted after the manner, of the '"old line" that is. allowing the contestant to choose his own subject, is boinu planned fo- at Willamette. The lo cal contest will take plae February T. The winner of this contest will represent the college at the Inter rolleKlate ontest to be held at For est Grove in March IS. V. W. C. A. Chicken Dinner Wednesday evening, Jan. 14. 7 p. m. 75c a plate. to llrcakfiist At the Gray Belle, - S to 10. Scrofula Rheumatism and Catarrh nro ronxtltutinnril tlljr Tliev ri,(uiH a -ortiHitlonal remedy. There U none 1 titer tlian Hood's Sarsaparilla Whlrh tboroiifflilv purines blood and buiUU up bculih. the Breakfast At the O raj- Belle, S to 10. Rat Find Flat Seeel Rat have discovered the flax seed stored at the penitentiary. An electric rat exterminator Is beinj; in stalled In the warehouse, which, it is believed, will effectually cheek the destructive work of the Kieed: rodents. Ijongfelluu "s "Evangeline" Oregon theater. Friday. Saturday. Mrs. limit Iail tit llet Funeral services for the late-Mrs. Guy -Hunt v. ere held at 2 p. m. yes terday at the Rigdon chapel. -Rev. R. X. Avison of the First Methodist church gave tbe-sermon. Vocal numbers wers Riven by Mrs. Ilalliei Parrish Dmdahl. Burial was in Citv j'VIew cemtery. C. X. Xeeelliam About Ruby Chicks 558 State St. Phone 400. BISHOP BROS. I High, and Ferry Sts. Pnone i4D0 WE BUY i Farm Produce. Eggs, etc.. Faying Highest Cash. Market Prices, i Real Estate, Men Meet Real estate men of Salem met at the Commercial club last night to discuss plans for '"Real Estate day" Tuesday, January 20. which is a part of the thrift-week; campaign. John H. Scott, chairman of the com- Rcmey- Coming Today JVesident Carl Gregc loney is expected to arrive in Salem today. Dr. Doney has been in attendance at the association of presidents ofJ Methodist colleges of America, as sembler;' at Chicaco. During .the conferences Willamette's president presented a paper on "Evangelism in un Academic Atmosphere." Boy WanteeV Large boy, to deliver papers. Good pay. Apply at Stafesman office. Meeting I" Itpneel The' regular general meeting of the Salem Art league has been post poned from tonight on account ot the date being claimed by-the Apollo club. The time of the next meeting will be announced later. IHtr Snake Exhibited Snakes big boa-constrictors are on exhibition at a local meat mar ket. They are not dangerous, hav 'ng passed through the hands of a taxidermist. One of the man killing monsters is 14 feet long and his companion measures 13 feet. The serptnts wore caught in the jungles I Afr.ca ar.d brought to Salem by missionary. A deadly adder is lso anaon.; the flesh-creeling col- ection. Mr. I itts has placed them on exhibition for the special interest of school children w"ho gaze on the poisonous reptiles in round-eyed amazement. WONDER HOSE For Kiddies, per pair .IV.tr REMNANT STORE 254 North Commercial Street MONEY TO LOAN On Improved City and Farm Property Capital Credit & Adjustment Co. 416 Masonic Temple SALEM OREGON SUNKIST ORANGES ). it'- DOZEN - ; . ; ! BUSICK'S 50c J EAGLE DRESS SHIRTS j $2.00, $3.00 to $10.00 j. SCHEI'S 311 State Street , y The Koppenheimer House In Salem i WEST FUR CO. i K Furs of Quality i New Location 231 Court St. Opp. Court House DH.M0SHER Egh Clasa MEN'S TAILORING 474 Court Street FOR TAXI-CABS Phone 100 SMITH'S CIGAR STORE HAMILTON Will THE FURNITURE MAN make and hang your drapes Largest Stock of Drapery. S40 Court Street. 1920 ELGIN SIX IS HERE MotoriMs who are looking for a trong. serviceable car with -elegant ody line and interior specification -hat assume maximum jtervice ana -conomy .at a reasonable price ahoulu ' thiR car. LEE L GILBERT, Distributor 1M Sa. C'eaifarrrlal Street. Electric Macnlnery and Englneerfiig Company For SXPERT ELECTRICAL WOEK .3o. Commercial St. Phone S55 Bonds, Mortgages Interest Rearing Investment HAWKINS & ROBERTS 204.207 Oregon Building MONUMENTS f.jonr monumental work li solicit- d. kindly ask the solicitor for oar naios8 card. Capital Moanmental Works, 1210 S. Com. St. Phone 6S9, Salem BICYCLES AND REPAIRS LLOYD E. RAMSDEN 387 Court Street WM. GAHLSDORF The Store of Housewares Wood, Coal or Gas Ranges Eitchenwar 1 Dinnerware 135 N. Liberty St. Phone 67 MYRTLE KN0WLAND Vfusle and Musical Meraaiidlse Soitora Dealer la Salem 415 Court 8 L Salem, Oreeon Telephone lit Salem Auto Radiator Shop ' Radiators, Fenders and Gaa Tanks Repaired Tractor Radiators a Specialty Ford Radiators for Sale 198 S. 12ta St. Salem. Or vedding is planned far tomorrow! and will be held at ft70 South Four-1 tc-enlh street. Arriving :it the roun- : ty ekrk's effice Just a few minutes before the end of the business day, i Clement E. Tu midge, 25. secured a license to morry Maz-1 Inman liar kins, if,. Voih are of Talbot. They were in;irr: l at the court bouse Sa'-urday. lliKhtv:y 'iMliln ;xhI W. J. I'.ih"p. prexid' nt of tb. Ulllaiii'tte Valley Transf-r com iany. came clown from PcriLrnd yes ter'lry an 1 r ports the Pacific High way in fvMi . (indition for motoring xcept a stretch of several inil'f j bo yond Harlow. 1. (g. hfajlfg (Ho. Outfitters to Women, Misses and Children Quality Merchandise Popular Prices 10CO Calendars for IVnctlc.nl l Homer II. Smith. McCormack bldg )ffherH Installed The officers of Protection Lofle No. 2. Ar. ericn Order of I iiited Workmen for the enjiuintr term weie tiFtalled l?tt evening -at their hall n the .McCormack Hock. Pas' Grand Master S. A. McFadden con ducted the ceremony. The followine ist tf voun men will fill thr chairs- lohn II. t'arson. mas'ter workman. Harold M. Harnole. toren-an; Frank O. Ieckabach Jr.. overseer: Otto V Hoppes. treasurer; Wm. Earl Fhafer. ui(l?: Lloyd (ilenn. in.-i'de watch: Fmile F. Anf ranee, outside watch: Dr. William 15. Mott. Dhvsician lu'ljf P. If. H'Arey is past master. A. L. Brown has icen continued as financier and . Eusene Aufrance as recorder. The ladies of the J)e eree of Honor met the same evening and had an entertaininc prosriim. fol lowed by a banquet, to ill of which the brothc-.-s were invited, the result 1 einp an evening of derided pleas- uie.. These two Icdzes have taken on new lite this vinUr and ar growing rapidly. -.. I.um I t'orrit-r l Anminai in The I iitted Staf s c i v i mtvic- commission has aniionncd an ex amination f.r Mai ion county. Ij be held at Albany. Salem and Srlverton on February 1 I. 1MI. to till th po sition of rnral Ci'rrif-r :it Ji'fferson tn'd v.icanries .that m.iy lattr occur on rural ro.u-s frot.i irtln-r post of fices in thrt amove mentioned coun ty. The examination will be op n oiily to citizens who are actually domiciled in the territory of a post office in he county and who mee the other reo-iireine'iit feet forth in form Nn. 1P77. Admlsi-ion ot wom en wlil be limited to th-? widows nf lnitfd States soldiers, sailors, or irarines. aid t. the wives of l'nild State3 soldiers, niilcrs. or Ti'oirine-? who are physic allv ellsq unl:fid for examination by reason ff injuries ieeived in the line of mir.itary duty. This form and application blanks may be obtained from the officer mentioned aoove it fiom tho I'nited Slates' civil seivice cot:m.lon at Washington. D. C Applications hollld be f rwnrdwl to ih ccnmis sion at i-hiniMon ;-.t the e arlie. rratticable date. Cut Thi Out-It Is Worth Money DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out thl slip, enclose with 5c to Foley & Co., KhcffUld Ave.. Chicaco. 111., writinc your name ard address clear ly. You will receive in return a trial package containinK Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coutshs. colds and croup. Foley Kidney Pills snd Foley Cathartic Tablet? J. C Perry. PERSONAL MENTION L;hi Amc 1 iMtion Meet Totlnnv The adjourned annual stockhold ers meetlnK of the Mutual Savlnc nnd Ix.in association will be held today. January 13. 5 o'clock p. m. at the office of the Fee-tary. 2"r Plate street. All stockholders are urged lo attend. - A.TA. Lee, Pres. Rreakfast ' ' ' At the Cray Relfe. 8 to 10. The Annu.il Meetlnc Of the stockholders of the Thos. Kay Woolen Mills Co.. will.be heM pt tho office of the company in Sa- l-ra on Tuesday, the 20th day of .Tantiarv. l'20.. Election of diree tors w'll be held and any other busi ness that irav properly come before he meeting. E. J. Swaffcrd. Sec. V LEXIXGTOX SIX A UBIRX BEAUTY SIX ELCAR FIERY FOUR B. & C. MOTOR CO. Victor, Pathe and Windsor Talking Machines L L STIFF & SON REMEMBER that we ptiy the highest rfX t6t HKCOKD.HAKII rtHKITlKF. f CAttl'trrs, dTVK. MAC1I1KRT it. ASlt TOOLS I Dfm't sell anythinir before you see u. THE CAIMTAI. lf RIVAIIU AM) KIIIMTLKK CO. 28S X. Caaa'l St. Intone S-47 ELECTRIC RESTAURAXt 481 State Street Our Specialty: Oysters -Fish Chopt Chili Coin Carna J. D. MADDOX, Prop. EYEGLASSES THAT FIT PR. U HALL VMLSOX 210-211 U. S. National Rank Bldg. B POTATOES Seed and Table Stock. Bur bank's Netted Gems, Red Rose, White Rose and Gold Coin. Get them now, they won't last long. Phone 717. Office 542 State St. Warehouse Trade and High MANGIS BROS. CITY CLEANING WORKS Cleaners of Quality Cleaning Dyeing Repairing 1261 State St. Phon TOS Rirdon Company Superior funeral service for less, Opera House THURSDAY, JAN. 15 LONG DISTANCE AUTO TRUCKING WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANSFER CO. Phone 1400 We also do local hauling. W T. RIGD0N CO. Lcadiffjr Funeral Directors Let us prove to yon that onr prices are less. Some good bargains In new and used pianos. THE WILEY B. ALLEN CO. 619 Court SL Derby building Petition for tiujirtlinn ' I Albert A. John)n petitioned thl county court yesterday to appoint j Amanda C. Johnston as guardian of the estate of Charles A. Johnston, nn alleged incompetent. It waj ' Manned that t harles Johnston wa in pot'f-ession of property to the prob r.hle value of $1" and was unable tot rare for it correct'y, owin-r to hi mentnl condition. The court issued a citation notice to Charles A. .Tohr tton to appear on January 2(i. 192o. :.nd make 1anis whether or r.ot a guardian should be nppjinte'd. 0REG0NUS A PERFECT CIGAK Vlannfactured by HENDERSONS CIGAR FACTORY Phone Sl U.S. GARAGE " t54 Ferry Street USED BDT NOT ABUSED CARS SPECIAL-New series 8tudebaker, Talue $1623, today $1300. U. S. Garage. Phone 1752 ! Hraall InTentment lnn Realty Loan Uimse tfjtntal Ageney, General Property Dealing. . JOUN 1L RCOTT REALTY (XL, 404-406 Habhard Bldg. Fhone 214 Salem. Ort. DENNIS0N ELECTRIC CO. JOB WORK AND FIXTURES U 223 North Liberty Street WANTED JUXK AMI 3IACHIXERY OF ALL KINDS We nlo buy seconl-liand km1s. If ymi hnve anything te well for a K'xxi price all Witi. The Square Deal Ilonsci CAPITAL JUNK CO. 271 tlienieketa St. Salem, Ore. WANTED f WHITE BEANS PEOPLES CASH STORE USED CAR BARGAINS 1916 Ford; 5-passenper Buick. 1918 Studebaker, 7 passenser; 5 passen ger Overland; ID 18 Dort, all over hauled. 1 SALEM VELIE COMPANY 102 Xorth Com'l I'nnre Wednesday nisthl. Moose hall. ! 1 uleKil Files lrtx-r J;u-ob T.ib't;a. .".7. C m; p.uth Twe-n-ly-fir.st street, yesterday declared i i intention of becomirg a citizen rf the United Ftetes filing his Tirst pn pers with the county clerk P.oyei. Mr. Tueca was born in Hrnmberc. fJermany, and immigrated from Xu vie. Germany to Philadelphia, in 1S7G. lietral Ftlank Get them at The Statesman office Catalog on application. WILLARD Storage Battery SERVICE STATIOX 8 N. Iliffh St. Telephone 203 One Ovreland, nearly new, six cylin der. S passenger, equipped all Cord Tires and one extra, new. Guaran teed in Al shape for $1250. WOOD-ROSE 46 State SL MOTOR CO. Phone 311 WANTED rurnlfure. ranges, heaters, tools and. k. tact, anything you hare to sen. I bay for cash. Phone , , 110 or 611. W00DRY, The Auctioneer Ltate s AppraiM-el ' Avalmtion of 9 2 1 o.". s". w--t lai ed upii the estate of the bit Ciredine Paln-rco. bv V. J. Cnlve-r. L. M. Vanfba.i- and A. Kot.i ap praise ra. Th property is rmnpitwii mostly of lcnk deposits and notes. CLIFFORD DEVEREUX and his Company .MarvelTire Life on F.xliibirion 2C Court street. Ed Keyes, Agt. Day Xanietl inanlbjn ilobin I). Day wm appointed guar dian of Nickolas Turans. a paint of n state Institution, by county eonr yeslerdav. Turans is an Insane per ron and hrs some money coming from the United Stales eovernm-nt which will not be entrusted to hi'M except throrRh a guardian. including ' ZINITA GRAF Eighth Annual Tour ' In OLD ENGLISH COMEDIES THE SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL" Prices 73c, $1.00, $1.50 Scat ale at Opera House Pharmacy Today Miss I'.lanche Drake, of the class of lit-'O. at Willamette will leave Salem today for Alicel. Oregon, where she wrtl have charge of the Alicel high school. Miss Drake baa been very successful in her college work ana will finish her course this term. bnt will, however, reserve her diploi..ai tights until June when rbe will re-1 turn to Willamette. to graduate tb her class. S. V. Taylor. suierintendent ot the state soldiers home at Rosebnrg. was a Salem week-end visitor and was a guest at the home of R. H- Gooelin. secretary of the stale board j of control. George Cechran. LaGrande attor ney, was in Salem yesterday to at tend the opening of the legislature. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Manis. R. K. Mangis. Hazel Downing. J. II. Dun ning and George W. Spicer of Salem are registered at the Hotel Portland. Major J. C. Johnson and Colonel 15. K. Lawson of Gold leach and Wedderburn respectively are in Sa lem watching the proceedings at the rpeclal legislative session Major Johnston is district attorney Tor Cur ry county ana colonel Lawson nas business interests at edderburn. Doth being much interested -in the propose-d change in the fish rnd game coitvnnssinn and any legislation ei- fecting the fishing industry. Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Howard of tn)9 Waller street visited at the home of L. D. Johnston oer Sunday at Finrer. County Commissioners Pierce and Puller of Albany are Salem visitors ami are watching the organization of the special legislative session. both being particularly interested in road and highway matters. W. C. Conner returned -home yes terday from a week's buiness trip to Jackson county. He attended the southern Oregon poultry show at Medford in the interest of the North west Poultry Journal. Hood River. R. G. Ruton. 5au Fran cisco; F A- DenUer, f.NerMon: J. It. iiooster. WitoJbUrn; W. Ilu.. M-M-inr.il!e: Jnd. t r-ry R. KP V ' Albany; AUred !I llarptoa.' l l McMicken. Paul Sullivan. Mirve Jones. W. II. Perkins. Cat! Tsilor. Portland; O. F. Ensign, G. It. Can ton. SeatUc. Pligb C. Ptt, C. A. Weedmar. T. C. Lorey. Charles K. litrtterop er, Mr. and Mrs. Henry ilanzen. II. Woodmcrth. J. A. Fi-cher. J. II. Lyons. W. K. Godsey. J. V.. Lindis, II. K. Marby. Portland; F. rWsmsr;. J. C. mith. Grants Pas? X.-T. Ws!r lace. Prineville; Gerge Merrynian. Klamath Falls; G. C. HeA!i;ter, Ashland: W. R. Knight. Coibett: George O. Goodell. Kugeue. Argo V. P. Elmcre. Erown? ille; AV. SI. Stayer. Raker; George Keeny. Mill City; Mlldr-d Morgan, R. IL Kssl-ner. R. H. Hopkins. . V. Royd. J. R. Wills. J. G. Ftout. II. R. Ixru. J. O. Party, Port'cnd; 11. A. Dedr.ian. Canby. Grovv.Your Hair FREE RECITE After beimg khaoU WXiHy bJ4 a Sv Trk kuitm aua ffrrv kair 4 kss praliir (ravU kt C f a tor wklck It wtll ea4 tS citiM tvrip trr ea rrqvrtx t tor nam oc wewn wfc wikhea ! Tcm iii4nl r u kair rw1k. Or iratiag IjX ! pr aratioB, Ketalk; wiU k aW4 wi?a rvip If yt sa4 19 er, iai.c r Wer. JP addrM ta Joka 14. Briltata. BT SOL. glatioa Yark. X. V. i'e Feel.4 Like a New Man. Rheumatic pains, backache, pains in lid', sore :-inftl3s. stiff Joints cr an "always tired" feeling are usually symptoms of disordered kldceys.' W . W. Wells. Toquln. liich.. writes: "I am on my feet mof of the tln and get tired. Rut afier taking Foley Jvidney Pills I fe.-l like a new roea." Proupt in rction -J. C. Ptrrz. - " 1 I" HOTEL AERTVALS I Mariem J. E.i Reynolds. Tugene; Dr. W. H. Hood. Hil'sboro: V41haiu M. P.riggs. Ashland; Ix-jlie Butler, OUR facilities are of the highest character. We are equipped to satis fy the most ex acting clIenL The courteous con el act ot oar stall matches the np-to-datenesa clour equlpmecL 4 aVM:TTWm7TTT alii. n r i STATE g STRlET a: O tCR O'Neill - 0PT0I1ETR1ST-0PTICIAN LaddDush -Dank BaM TTfCfa Mate apj - LADD & BUSH, BANKERS 4 Established 1F63 General Banking Dusincss Office Uoun from 10 a. ra. to 3 p. m. Bake-Rite Bread a. 13 Erimfull of Food value and dcliciousncss. It'g Scientifically and SaniUrily Made BAKE-RITE BAKING CO. Mav Conclude Civ Tinlay The easo f the state against ,lo!in VN', who is hld on u eriiuinal ehare, is nw or trial and will prob ably be de"ided "today. The rase is called for '. o elock. The Jury s---leetion wa well under way jet :-day. Tli-e IJrenM l.iie The marriage liee'nses wr- issiwd je-stcnlay r-silentH ef Marion founiy. Ralph It. llay.v::fi. of S:1em. centred a liense t.i hI Marie Flan r.ry, . J7. a!so ef Salm. The r r mony toek plaee at 1 ?, " South Lib erty street yesterday. Join . Roh wecn. 2."i. a farmer of Seio. will mar mi THE APOLLO CLUB OF SALEM - - -s in Concert with - JOHN HAND, New American Tenor Armory Tonight .At 8:15 olock Seats, $1.50, Now Selling Armory Box Office I ry Anna M. Pauer. 1 of Salem. Th I