The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 08, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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Total Receipts of State Treas
ury for Year Over Twen
j ty Millions
tJ5?UillU,ng t0 the Tetany of
tifV re.POrt Ior the ear 119. his
tlm year In the ofrice. O. P. I off.
receipts of the department for tae
year were $20,876,401.80 and the to
tal disbursements $17,604,603.74,
leaving on December 31. im ,a cash
balance of $3,271,79.06
Instate depositories on December
I cash balance totaled $3,415,
980.77. secured by $4,813,782.18 in
securities held In the state treaspry.
-" "iioi me i unas pay 2 per
u ieresi.oa daily balances .
Interest Karaings Itemized. '
"DurinST the vsar lucf 1 ii
r - . junt, ViUDCU.
says me report, "the state received
he sum of $53,655.82 as against the
sum of $47,857.77 for the year 1918
!as interest earned upon deposits , of
.state funds, an increase of $5798.03.
! I be: average dallv haianAa i ii .....
depositories for the year ending Da-
" My Cakes Never Fall Never"
iny 'ccesH1 f f',at,in a"d th? secret of
Crescent Baking Powder
it k a different and more convenient powder.
miSrV"?3" '"eTpi Mn i'm in the midst of take
SifuS 1 - CMt iuterrnI,tiou J ot mean
to? fS V ?0l.lg l-nS to P"tio-no chance for it
tot, fall, though baking is .delayed for hours."
You pay only the pre-war price,
if' I'1' " ' 'i ') '" Ii
a-' ' '" :i ' """V "',',i lV'L-.;; - :
25c for 1 pound
$1.00 for 5 pounds
Seattle, Washington -
What's the me in hav
ing a cozy home an in
viting dinner splendid
1 i g h t a comfortable
chair a friend, to drop
in if your house is not
warm and comfy. .
Better order your Coal Nov, $10.50 per ton, up, Delivered
Phone 930
This is the newspaper name for that form of weakened
vision which begins to manifest from middle age and onwards.
It is due to the hardening of the lens of the eye. Hitherto
the muscles have been able to modify the lens, but its elasticity
diminishing, this become almost impossible. .The inevitable"
consequence is that clear vision : cannot always be obtained, f
while such work as calU for great muscle exertion can only be
done for saort periods in comfort.
- ':' '..v -T i..,;;'' t: .' " .... k ' I"" - ', " ' y. -i.':-. i tj '' J-
.w. vjWH unj vpm juwrv auiincY man ever anf
w uvu tta i caiuug or sewing u very difficult. Ones
book or newspaper is easier to read if held further from th
eyes, and a stronger light is obtained than hitherto. . :
x While old sight is not dangerous, it should receive prompt
and careful treatment. The purchase of ready-made glasses
is inadvisable, for though some may be obtained which tern
poranly helpthe tendency: U to get glasses which are too
strong or otherwise unsuitable, and therefor injurious to the
. .ihe of e future the "advice of a qualified
eighUesting optometrist in good time. . He
Fits Eyeglasses Ccrrecflv .
210-211 U. S, National Bank Building
i , - ....... . .. . : ... " - 'i
cember 31. 1919, was approximately
Interest earnings or 191 9are giv
en as follows:
SUtes deposits, $53,655.82; com
mon school fund, $446,162.79: ari
cultural college fund. $14,834.04;
university fund. ..6268.62; rural
credits fund. $21,865.27: segregated
accident fnnd. $91,814.91: industrial
accident fund. $44,485.43; burbank
trust fund. $1,463.89. Total, $680,-550.77.
The inheritance tax is mentioned;
as a very productive source of reve
nue to the state. Receipts from tax
es on gifts, legacies and inheritance
for 1919 were $346,276.97.
The report states that the revenue
feeeived br'the State treasurer from
the motor vehicle deoartmnt. whfrh
is used for the improvement of roads
and highways, was $745,703.50. and
from the gasoline tax S290.79K 4
Total receipts from all sources di
verted for road and highway purpos
es amounted to $8,471,966.55.
Operation of Rond Khmm.
. Relative to the state's bonded in
debtedness the report says:
"The bonded indebtedness of the
state of Ore iron on December 21.
1919.- was S10.665.7SO. on
of $7,375,750 during the year 1919.
With .the exception of $450,000 is
sued by the state land board as Or
egon farm credit 4. per cent bonds
and $75,750 issued by the Oregon ir
rigation securities commission to
pay -the interest on irrigation bonds,
this bonded indebtedness represents
issues for road and highway im
provement. The payment of interest
an dtne retirement of the highway
bonds is provided for from It
ieviea on motor vehicles, chauffeurs,
gasoline and from all monm anrt
enues which, by law are diverted for
me improvement of our roads and
oignways. vi the monds issued for
highway -purposes SI. 200 000 m t.
sued under the state co-operative act
otherwise known as the 'Bean-Barretts
bill. These bonds, beginning
xyzt ana i3z. win oe retired at the
rate of $100,000 per year until paid.
The interest rate is ,4 per cent. Of
the remaining highway bonds $2,-
A A ft AAA .
were issued pursuant to the
$6,000,000 act and retired beginning
utb years irom tne date of issue at
me rate; or z i-z per cent seml-an
nually until paid. The Interest rate
Is .4 per cent. All other highway
uunus were issued pursuant to the
$"10,000,000 act and wfll be retired
one-twentieth each year commencing
wun me six in year after the Issuance
tuereoi. -
..-:- . ... .
What Toaahd Ilare Found Gives
Relief From This l'ainfol Trouble
Rheumatism is a constitutional
disease, manifesting itself In local
aches and pains. Inflamed joints and
stiff 'muscles. It cannot be cured by
lrwal af Ktsrnal nnllnllnna . It
must have constitutional treatment.4
Take a course of the great blood
purlfying and tonic medicine.' Hood's
Sarsaparilla. which corrects the acid
condition of the .blood on which
rheumatism depends, and gives per-'
uiaucui reitvi. mis meuiciue com
bines, with excellent alterative and
tonics, what Is generally-conceded to
ire IUC UlUDb cuecuiv ngcui in IB
treatment of this disease.
If a cathartic or laxative Is needed
take Hood's Pills. Purely vegetable.
Cossack Leader Who
May Win Support of .
British in Siberia
Take "Pape's Diapepsin" and
eat favorite foods
without fear
. Your "meals hit bakt v -
ach is sour, acid, gassy and you feel
bloated after eatin?
beavy lumps of indigestion pain or
ucauacae, DUl never mind. Here is
msiani renei.
"?.n 1 y P8et! Eat a tablet ti
fv RT Jt ""W"" aa Immediately
the Indigestion, gases, acidity and all
stomach distress caused by acidity
- Tl- K . w
rw uiapepsin tablets are the
surest, quickest stomach relievers in
the world. They cost very little at
Salem Automobile Dealers As-
,-. sociahon Wonld Control
Space at State Fair
Date of the automobile show to
DeVViLV1?, Sa,em AnobiIe
"aJers association was changed
February 19. 20. 21. to February 1?
last nfcght. The reason for the
eiunge is that the armory, where
the show will be held, is-under leas
t0rdar D,Sht for taVpar:
thl d !p,ay of the hlbits at
the show it was found that' the as
sociation would have to limit the
entries to the rf-. o.l T .
- --c. i r. ui ciHiem oniy.
I ,r,nL7. ht building that
" tocateq io noid the show,
'but IS too ama II . -11
'leal era to have an -hiKit .
rod any of the local dealers out.
ne estimated ost of the show i
between $500 and $600.. which will
include all exiene tv. i
estimated to aggregate $125 for the
three days. MiikIo nnhifi a
orations and minor erpenditures will
or me 'oaiance.
(Another a nest Inn nt mt.r.k ji
ion was regarding the rates the? Sa
lem dealers have to tpay to the Port
land Interests for floor ana v
Ktate fair. It waa h-w- '
ltfealers have , the same right to
i .vn? entin "to; floor spac
,at the fair grounds, amt mi. i- '
pace. as the" Portland firms have
........ oi inree was appointed
tot consult with ih at -t
and Investigate th,e matter, to as
certa n whether or not the Salem
ssoeiahon could have control of the
SU1'! Lth ra,r nd
fi'tbr let it to the Portland dealers a
the next fair? a
iPvG J8kInner' n auto dealer of
Independence, was present at the
meetjns and ald he hd heard Tron.
reliable soarrea ihi th .... ....
lialFr Is :Bted " ird in th- most
StatM ,nauM of the United
i" Thr 8Sm OMocIatio expects to
Ion and Polk counties.
Tmoanse Deportment, R. C.
a Jh Liit,e, Greekraddy. what
did you do In the Trojan war?
'-.Daddy (proudly) My chnd ,
Painted the spots on the wooden
horse. London punch.
I 5 - -r-
it -
. V
uv4 9
General Semenoff
Cable reports from ToVIn inHtoat-
that the government of Admiral Kol-
Chak is about to COllanae anil tK.t
complete new lineup' is being organ-
uw oioena. uenerai Knox. Mm.
manding the rtrittah
ring In Harbin with General Semenoff
wun a view. It Is believed in ti
of switching, British support from
n.uivu-. io. ine teaaer of the Cos-
in nortnern Siberia.
Biddie BishoD Plans Semi.
Pro Aggregation and Fine
1 Article of Ball
iWith Biddie Bishop at the throt
tie, one of the best Indenendent ha
ball elubs in tne. state 2s promised
inia season. Bishop for
nerly wa with th. t-.
Butte teams of the Northwest league
r"..i "ay-a wun the ramous
Xi.cMianillo Tc-lobana . iia i. n
ing in Salem. '
In making an invoice of the local
talent Bishop. finds euh men avail-
oie as uoie. Cox. Miller, Keen.
Auams, rroctor, Humphries and
Craig. Knickerbocker nr tho
McMinnville rl
habiUt in Salem tiow-. having a Job
" i" siaie treasurer's office, and
will be available for th. lroi
Another man at: the state house Who
nas piayea rast ball In Oregon and
in other states " wtiere h Yiaa mci.
his home is Chauncey Butler, head
of .the automobile registration de
pariiueni in the secreUry of state!
ui i iirir. - .
Wayne Dai ham, who was with the
Portland club last rear anri r.-- o
lime with the Cincinnati r. i-
read for the Salem call, as is Jac
Mays or tne Idaho State league and
"Ducky' Holmer, a Portland, player
"uu expects xo locate in Salem
Chuck O'Mally. a good outliclder, is
In the city and expects to stay here.
AVirh men' like these for th.
pective linup things look promlsin;
It Throws Oft Poison Keeps y0a
In Shape to Resist Disease
i AAthl" ,,n' ' th J when eolda,
1 griiipe ami inilueoza are In She air, it
in of gmttmit. importation to keep ywir
llwr. kklnvys and bowels in Rood
worktna; onW. When theae oromnti
i4l to carry off the poiMon wm iiwrter
jwrr viMUity and JvmxUuioe are wwk-
oti m an ewiy victim for in
feetions and Aim-nm germs. .
' Htllnnano-a -r..V
and hmdachenare Nature's
warnlnga. Dob s neglecr
them. Uo at ooce to your .
drugzist ari fti paA-kage
U Lincoln Tww Take
cup mch night and you'll
be aurpriawt how ma It
will put you Jn tune and -n. a ll
.iiH,ln Tea. is a fauoiia old herb
remedy-for chmnio ennatipatkm, cold.
. lrtpi, tofluenza, blliounes; head-aciM-a
mn-j rhoaauuiKnu. It ia Bentkt
iHit pmitive and leares no unpleaaant
..aftereffects like violent pht-afci. u'
Nothing., better -for the ehlldr-n.
' i-i?or,i!U'"wlir'.lp ktTV thtnn In the
p'nk i condition. . :a e.nta at all'
m 7n
oJaoaary S
pecnals .
To help reduce the cost of living
Due to market' conditions and the fact that prices here quoted are in many cases
less than today's factory cost we reserve the right to limit quantities although
we want to supply patrons all they reasonably need for their own use.
PtppereU or Mohawk sheetings, 81 inches Crash toweling, bleached or brown; the
wide, bleach or brown, the yard 69c yard . , 19c and 25c
Fancy colored outing flanaala, th yard, ,25c Bed spreads, special, each ,
Extra qnality white onting flannel, the HucTc towels, linen finish, size 17x35 each 19c
; ' 1 ' 25c Hnck towels, linea finished, siie 19x42,'
Extra quality white outing flannel, the - cachr....- 25c
290 Cotton blankets, best qcJality, 64x76, the
36-inch Challies, yard 29c pair 2.03
Amoskeag ginghams, the yard 29c Ladies' Bungalow, 'Aprons made of genuine
f .35c Scout Percale, each: . . . $1.19
Our Prices Always the Lowest .J .
Commercial and Court Streets ! V . Formerly Chicago Store 1
for a semi-pro team that will be one
of the fastest in the state. Bishop
upets to arrange a schedule of
games with, the best clubs in the
state and also fast teams from Seat
tle and Tacoma. Bishop believes Sa
lem Is big enough to sapport a team
of this class.
Feels Mke a Xew Maw. f
Rheumatic pains, backache, pains
in sides, sore Mutcles, stiff Joints cr
an "always tired" feeling are usually
symptoms of disordered kidneys. V.
W. Wells, Toquln, Jtlch.. writes:
am on my feet most of the tl.nj and
get . tired. Hut after taking Foley
xidney Pills I fel like a new man."
Pronpt in action J. c. Perry.
Richard B. Fatdds Dies
at Hospital in Portland
learn of bis death on Tuesday at
Forest Grove, after hospital confine
ment In Portland- with acuta heart
Mr. Faaulds hade a wide circle of
devoted frit n da In Oregon and else
where who will deeply mourn his
many noble attributes of character,
tils wlnninz Dersonalitv ant ttn.
lent life. His entire career n
one of devout active Christian ser
vice, and form any years he mas a
member of the'official board of th
Forest Grove Christian church, un
til railing health caused his removal
with, his wire to Idaho. later living
in this city, but ror the past year he
had been a resident -of Portland.
Mr. Faulds Is survived by bin wife,
and numerous Immediate relatives
In Wisconsin, also in Seattle and oth
er Puget Sound points. He was an
nncle or Horace M. Blbby. Helen
JUby-Anderson and Edna ftarfloid
Alter services at Forert Grove, the
remains will be sent 'to Seattle for
family services and interment.
immmmmmm ' s .
When Mr. Taft learned of the fin
al rejection of the peace treaty, all
ha said was: -Well. welL T A Xew
York board of trade man remarked
that he had not heard what Presi
dent Wilson said, bat ha bet It would
rhyma perfectly with what f aft said.
(St.. Paul Dispatch.
Hand SapoUo.The
Ideal forToilet and Bath
The many friends in this locality
or Richard R. Faulds will regret to I After services at Forert Grove, the I -
- " - .
nan mm
1 . ' -' '; , . . - , . i
a 1 .. .inipn , ' - - . . - . .
Saturday, Ja
1 0th
; At 1:30 P. M.
Hunt Bros. Packing Co., Division
TKese house, arMo beemoTed from the property by buyer. For furthW inf6r
mahoa call at office of Hunt Bros. Packtn? Co.. or te'ephone 150. -
, W00DRY. AucUonecr
a 11
si '"w""SSWaSasSSSaBSMaaaaaaaaMM.-.- " 1