The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 07, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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The Oregon Statesman
: Issued Dally Except Monday by f
2,15 S. Commercial St.. Salem, Oregon '
. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this papei
and also the local news published herein.
IX. J. Hendricks. . .
Stephen A. Stone . .
Ralph Glover, .v..
Frank. Jaskoskl. . .
.... Managing Editor
..Manager Job Dept.
We have made eyes ourj life's work.
No thine but, eyes and the making
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Eyesight Specialist
305 State Street SALEM
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DAILY STATESMAN, served by carrier in Salem and suburbs, 15 cents a
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DAILY STATESMAN, by mall. $6 a year; $3 for six months; 50 cents a
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Entered at the Postof flee in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter.
ties for enjoyment, it must be the in
tention of his Creator to increase and
develop those faculties and to pro
vide the means for their gratifica
tion. The reconciliation of religian
and science will come when science
dares to believe more and when re
ligion begins to Investigate every
Just as in the field of secular ed
ucation the curriculum has been en- i
larged and. broadened, so, in the
realm of religion, have the subjects
and phases of spiritual teaching in
creased their scope for the general
edification of man's multiform na
ture. A remarkable evidence of this
fact is to be found in .-"the; vast variety
of topics which are discussed Sunday
after Sunday by the Christian minis
ters of Salem and other cities.
The old days, when church mem-
.- r '
. .
weeks ago the district manager of a j race in America
large life Insurance corporation re
signed a $10.000 "position to accept
a salary of $2500 In the ministry.
As near as we can figure It out
the church and the insurance busi
ness are even again.
commercial venture of This character
and the results will b watched with
tome laterest. The naming of the
first craft Is most fitting. Frederick
Douglass had a white father, but as
-his mother was a slave, it was as a
slave his life began? . '
In 1832 he was sold to a Calll more
fhtpbnilder and be worked 14 boors
i r h Prlrlck l escape In ,1828.
A UC lliUkUUto - '- I
Dou class at New 'York sent Into thej
! ',
. m
. After that-he worked at shlpbulld-
a . 1 : ,
i ins wu iiiq s&uor on nil own
the waters tne flagship of the forth-, . . . . r
He knew the sea and Its ships.
coming fleet of the Black Star line.
This Is a million dollar corpora
tion and managed by negroes. The
Frederick Douglas's Is named after
the greatest human product of slav
ery and the vessel has a negro cap
tain, engineers and crew. Rut hT j bat Qe, jotcj
Later be was to become a great
orator, the Trlted States marshal of
the District of Columbia, mlclstf r to
Haiti and the friend ct presidents.
operations will not be confined to the
Black sea.
She may sail the wide world over.
It is -the flrft time that the colored
the blue salt water to
the end and would have been the
nad of a Black Star line were he
alive today.
Internationally Famous llussiait Trio Leo,.. Tan ami Misehcll Cher
uiavskw 'who will appear at (.rami Theatre, Wednesday, January 7.
ance. tne realization mat mere is
much good in all.
The other lesson learned Is the ne-
cessity for a more practical religion,:
instead of or rather combined with
theoretical discussions and theologic
al eruditions. '
These two lessons today are being
studied and taught by the clergy as
never before.
No longer does the average preachy
er stand before his sleeping congre
gation and spin out his learned dis-
an ounco
It is (rood news, Contained in this morning's issue of The States
man, that Salem's paper mill will have double the capacity at the Ders were somewhat skeptical con-kick-off
that it was at' first planned and arranged should cerning the sincerity of the preacher
have. ' ' who was bold enough to discuss the
I That is, two great paper machines will start atMhe beginning, vital questions of politics and social
instead- of one; and a third jone for which room' is being provided J science in his sermons, are gone for
in the great machinery building, will no doubt be added before long, j ever:
All this means. that the builders of the paper mill have satisfiedj Today every subject pertaining to
themselves that thdre will be a ready market for twice the product! the welfare of the human race be
they intended at first to offer to the trade. jthat subject of a political, social, fi-
The writer understand? that there is no sort of doubt about I nancial or purely physical natur
this thaUih fact the two great machines will not be able to supplyjls freely treated in the discourses de- course to the "thirdly, fourthly and
vehioh thelllvered bv local ministers. - fifthly." Instead he Is teaching that
mill will make papers that will have the highest finish in the line. Take for instance, the topics dls-
m - ' -' J w Mi l -a. i - 1 - -
01; wrapping ana package papers, ana win sen at nign prices. icussea in los Angeies c&urcnes on a
It was a great da for Salem when Major: Leadbetter and Mr. j recent Sunday, as reported by the
bpaulding and their associates decided to build the paper mill here. I Times of that city. Consider their
. ' '. wide variety in theme, and yet note
All Salem will rejoice with Willamette University over the vie-j how each sermon was evidently ln-
tory of Miss Margaret Garrison, graduate in 1918 of that institution, I spired by the desire to lift the hear-
who won both the state and interstate intercollegiate prohibition ora.ers to a higher, better plane of life
torical contests thai year, and has now, at Des Moines, Iowa,! won I and you will get an idea of how the
the national contest. Miss Garrison is a splendid young woman of jchurch is broadening its scope of use
marked ability and industry, and she fully deserves the high honor fulness to society. In one popular
she has by her patient endeavor attained. church the pastor spoke In the morn-
r , ..; : ing on the simple text, "A Little
Lloyd, George does not put the case at all happily when' he tells I Child Shall Lead Them." but In the
ah audience. in Wales that Australia lostr as many men as the ITnitcd eTC?ln5 h thundered his denuncia-
States in the war and had as much risht to vote as the United States. tIon of PettT politicians who place
more than a ton of empty words, tha!
a good reputation, backed by nobiiity
of character, is of more value than
great riches, that to be kind is bet
ter than to be famous, that an honest,
worthy purpose outshines the splen
dor of kings and that an unselfish
deed outweighs any purely intellect
ual attalLcient.
Regulate Your Liver, and Dowels Without Being
Griped, Sckeiied or Inconvenienced"
Cabcarets end biliousness, head
ache, colda. and constipation so gent
ly you're never even Inconvenienced
A prominent St. Louis pulpit bra
tor has.left the church to engage in
I the life insurance business and make! There is no griplp? and non of the
of right living is worth ! some money lor nss tamuy. a tew eiploslve after-errects oi catnaruca
likeCalnmel. Salts, sickening Oil or
cramping PUla. ,Ton!ght take Cat
carets and get rid of the bowel and
liver poUon wh'ch Is keeping you mis
erable and sick.- Cascarets cost lit
tle and work while you sleep.
If the League of Nations were to be a league of victors such an argu
ment might have relevance, but to satisfy the ideals of its founding it
must take in neutrals whjo lost no men in the war arid enemy states
whose losses 'were on the bfher side of the scale. To succeed, the
League must face the future; Australia's 'sacrifices are a claim to
honor but not to a vote in "the federation of the world. . Its claim to
& vote springs directly from thd fact that it is a political unit.-
i Americans can sympathize 'cordially with the "republican
league',' which is now being formed, in Germany of all the elements,
democratic, centrist and socialist, which are opposed to the restora
tion of a monarchical form of government. The formation of such a
league is a testimonial to the success with which America waged war.
General Pershing's early retirement from the army seems to be
forecast in the public statement, issued la t Lincoln, Neb., that he had
bought 'a residence in that city and, "as soon as I return, as far as I
know now,-1 expect to enter business here." Early retirement would
be both logical and human, for our military organization in peace time
lias practically no use. for an officer so high up as a general of the
highest rank.
Finh and game controversy worse
muddled than ever. ' No one can get
out of it either fish, flesh or fowl,
or good red herring. . ;
Two more Americans murdered In
Mexico. Bat not an Englishman,
Frenchman or Jap. The greaser
murder bund know a few things, i
It would seem that th.e presiden
tial boom of Secretary Daniels had
busted a t tre. Even that. vote from
Ililo won't do any good. "
Premier .Clemenceau seems to have
a clear, field for the French presi
dency. "The French, like Americans,
like a man who Is not continually
Ettlg things "balled up."
personal 'ambitions and aggrandize
ment above the welfare of the peo
ple.) He indorsed the league of na
tions, discussed the . question of
whether or not intoxicating wines
should be used in sacrament, ren
dered his opinions concerning "close
communion" and touched upon many
other religious, social and political
issues of the time.. In another large
church a well-known minister
preached a special sermon to men, ,
taking as his subject "The Prodigal
Father," and he aW discoursed on
many Interesting subjects of the day.
At still . another church the pastor
stepped down from his pulpit in order
to allow a judge to voice his opinions
concerning the divorce question. Sev
eral ministers discussed the subject
ot healing and its relation to the
work of the Christian church. One
preacher took for his subject "Moral
Insanity."- another talked on "Pro
hibition." another discussed "A
Womans God." another "The Fourth
Commandment." another "America's
Great Danger. another The Marks
of a Man," another "The End of the
World." Among the sermon subjects
The census enumerators might ask showing the versatility of the minis-
Times. (No question at all. They
will not Uke it at all. at all. They
are against it to a man with or
without reason.)
how folks stand on the league of na
tions and thus obtain that popular
expression which some of the wrang
lers professed to desire.
AROCT. , ;.
V Secretary Lane will be the head f
a Ualtlraore "bonding concern, it Is
announced,. Frank Lane has been
about the only surety to the people
that the Wilspn administration could
boast of, sWce March 4, 1913.
It his been figured oat In Boston
that the cost' ot living has advanced
82.2 per cent'. during the past five
years.; These figures, we imagine.
tne oacKmost backwoods of a
Southern state old Amos Johnson, a
negro preacher, stood, before, his
'faithful flock, expounding the scrip
tures. "My brudders." he said.-"In
de beglnnin de Lord made hebben
and earth and it rained for 40 days
an' 40 nights. Den de Lord sent
but a dove to see it It had stopped
rainin an- ae aove returned wid a
twig in his mout. So de Lord left
bis wbite throne an come down to
de world and made Adam out of de
mud anr hung him out on de fence to
have', nrost
prunesi '
to do with codfish and
The jstatemeit of General Pershing
that ho'choRe the Argonne sector be-?
cau b know that only' American
Iroopt could "get through Is likely
to brink down upon hts devoted head
an attack of folks who Imagine that
the United states had nothing to do
with winning-the war.
dry," "Hold on. rudder Johnson
who made dat fence?" came the dar
ing question from a sinner InVthe
congregation. "Never mind about de
fence. replied the ebony-hued ser
vant of the Lord. "Dcm things Is
snot for us mortals t 'quire Into: Let
theology stand as It's writ!"
It Is Interesting to note that the
average clergyman of today does not
hold to the view of Uncle Araos. but
that the ministers, as a rule, are not
only themselves Inquiring into all
things, in search of truth, but are en
couraging the lay members of their
churches to think and to question in
order that they may advance mental
1y and spiritually.' This Is a hopeful
sign, tor a wholesome faith does not
excommunicate reason any. more than
pure reason renounce faith. In fact.
all discoveries and inventions of sci
ence are necessarily based on as
sumptionand what is assumption
iThe. Pershing boom for president 1 hut, faith? j On the other hand, faith
again begins to loom; But it Is a is an oufgrowth of logic, being based
juri!tkn how the millions of return- on the conclusion that, since man Is
nl poldicrs will take it. Ub Angeles endowed with faculties and sensibili-
rearS are as important to Salem
factories as prunes; only In ' leser
4volume3 But 1bere should be right
now at least ten times as many pear
trees as we have. Tell the " world!
through The Statesman of Thursday,
what1 rcu knOw about pears. - And
you ousht to know a lot; for It Is lm
portant; . y'':':' "S ; ' '
ters and their evident wish to reach
all kinds and classes of people may
be. mentioned the following: "Does
God Care." "God in Man." "Glory
and Honor." "More Love and Less
Fighting." "The Hope of the World."
Planetary Influence," "The Jew In
the World War " "The Woman
Found Guilty." "The New World
Movement." "What Ms Man?" "The
Challenge of Difficulties." '-Fore-
gleams of Liberty." "Scrooge is
Dead. ""Man's Most Solemn Thought
"Reclaiming the Prisoner," "The
Cure for Bolshevism." "Death and
Resurrection." - 'The Millennium."
"Divine Healing."
The one big thing to remember is
that, regardless of their subjects.
these ministers of the gospel are not
forgetting the fundamental doctrines
taught by the founder of the Chris
tlan religion, and thvy are teaching
these dictrines In the best manner of
which they are capable.
I am not worried about Christ's
second coming," declared a minister
recently., My one desire Is to per
suade people to ad mist His first com
ing and to follow the rules of con
duct which He has laid down for all
of us. If Christ be not in the heart.
if His love dors not fill our lives and
Inspire our thoughts and actions,
then' His personal presence among ust
would have little effect in fact, we
would deny Him and perhaps help tp
crucify Him, as we are really doing
when we hearken to the tempter and
formulate our Uvea upon the sophis
tries dictated by the demons of hate
and nvy, gred. intemperance and
unkindncss." .. .
There are two great lesse-ns which
the followers of the lowly Nazarene
are.slowly but surely learning les
sens which even the horrors and sac
rifices of the great war have helped
to teach, y ' '
The first lesson is that of tcTr-
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