THE OREGON STATESMAN: WEDNESDAY, JAXTARY 7. 1026V 4j - - - : ' ' T 1 r : : .. concert pucn, 11 REVELATIONS OF A WIFE The Story of a Honeymoon A Wonderful Romance of Married Life Wonderfully Told by ; ADELE GARRISON CHAPTER CCCCLXXXVI WHAT HAPPENED WHEN MADGE AROUSED M RS. ALL 1 8 TO RAGE. i ' '. - - i. . "Now, we're ready to come down ,td cases,' Raid Mra,,Allis.' I made no reply.., I couldn't. Never In my llfei have I been so thorough-! yl unstrung and-, frightened. The Sudden awakening Irom sleep to find the hand lot the woman I had so - dreaded over my tnouth, the wrest ing of the promise . not to scream - from me, her contemptuous demand that I arise, .throw on a bathrohf and listen to her all these things had utterly unnerved me. Even my pride seemed to have deserted me 1 was horribly afraid that in another minute I should weep helplessly. But the vision of - d jing thing so , humiliating to my self. - so Ygratifsii3 ' to this voices below She paused and gave a long search g. derisive glance. As I met it 1 lOLCOTT MAKES v EXPLANATION steadied me, enabled me to seize up on my sorry remnants of poise and will nower and hold fast to them. I was careful not to let Mrs. Allisi see an' change in my demeanor, however. I felt instinctively that 1 could handle the situation belter it she believed me to be still as panic stricken as I had been when I Hrst opened my eyes on her vindictive face. The Mocking Goad. 1 "We shan't bo Interrupted," she went on as she drew up a chair and sat down opposite me. "I've got-the key to your door in my pocket," she gave an indifferent nod- over her shoulder at the outer door of my room, .which according to tbechairs we had taken 1 faced and she had at inr began to realize just wnat me nations of a mouse must be when be neath the paws of a cat. The wo man was cnuaisniy gioaung over ui. i j prolonging the situation as long as EfceCUUVe BellCVeS TlSb and she could. The conviction rorcea u self upon me that Lillian's surmise was correct, that Mrs. Aius was aa- dicted to the use of drugs, and that in all probability she was even now more or less under the influence of one. Game Conference Is Misunderstood And you really thought, yon and your precious friend, that you couia Reoorts in some publications rela tive to the fish and came conference in Salem Monday led Governor Ol- cott to believe there had been mis scare me off with a few private dH understanding as to the results of tectives scattered around her house she mocked at last. There was a. goad in her voice which forced a' reply from me. -I'm sure that Mrs. Underwood the conference held -at the capitol. In a statement, yesterday the gover nor expressed pleasure at the out come of the meeting, declaring that it showed a tendency to harmonize thought nothing about the matter tne different Interests, woman -who at"r opposite Tie her back, "and we'll just keep our TODAY except that she didn't care to have her dinner disturbed by an outsider." "Dut 1 Saw The Proofs.' . Either the words or the careless manner In which I purposely uttered them angered the, woman. "By the time I'm through with in tne right direction and as such It Mrs. L naerwooa sne u Know oeuer than to give dinners In honor of my husband." she snarled. "Your husband!" I retdrned In genuine astonishment, for I knew that, though Robert Savarin. the dis tinguished artist whom Dicky and I Concerning th compromise p! posal placed before the executive In his office after adjournment of the session, the governor is of the opin ion that it would not lead to the ben eficial results that would accrue from two separate commissions, but- as a compromise said .be deemed It a step ANNA Q. NILSSON K was agreeable to his office Apparently there has been a mis understanding- as to the results of the meeting of the fisheries and game committeea at the capitol yes terday. 'said the governor. "Fnllnwlnv rfiamsairtn anion? mem had found secluded in a lonely Cat- be of the committees and repre skill mountain farmhouse had once LBtatlTM of Tarious Interests In the inougni ine woman now Known j y i enat( chamber, leglslatora of the airs, auis io oe m w. nenau U1!; committees came Into my office and covered that at the time she went pre8ented the following: inrougn me marriage ceremony wud i .. .Wonld lt mj.cTttmMm to the vc v. tA.. i. nii " 5ue,u, executive if a bill were passed pro- to another man. In fact, the know- r . . , , . m I iiuiua w mm was aas assa vas va crva ieage oi mis aupucuy was one or .mhpr. lhr of lhMMI tn ha. a round of the orchards in tots vi cinity and saya he found the trees In better condition than any others In the state. A tew of the young prune trees being shipped to Dallas growers have shown signs of being frozen but as a rule the nlrsery' stock was well tak en care of and arrived In first class shape. Several of the large growers have received many thousands of trOees during the past week and are preparing to set them out as soon as the weather moderates. Tree prun ing Is bing carried out as usual, ex perts finding that this Is the correct tjme of the year to trim up the trees. Chenoweth Elected Head of Legion at Dallas DALLAS. Or.. Jan. S. (Special to The Statesman.) At the annual meeting of Carl D. Fenton post of the American legion Friday night the fol lowing officers were elected: Commander, Oscar 1. Chenoweth: vice commander. K. L. Williams ; ad jutant, J. N. Helgerson;. treasurer. W. P. Miller: historian. Ray Boyd ston; chaplain, Edward H lines. The legion now has a membership of. CO men and new. applications are coining In at every meeting. A committee was also appointed from the post to asslt In th reorgan ization of old Company..!. 'of the na tional guard. ' j i NUNN ANNOUNCES DISTRICT SHIFT McLeod and Whitmore in Charge of This District in -Highway Work : GRAND OPERA HOUSE 12 J Supremely Satisfying MONDAY JANUARY In The WAY OF the STRONG A Drama of the Great Northwest Realistic Life in the Yukon YE LIBERTY Fertilize Your Fruit After the loss by freezing of parti of nearly all berry plants, it will payjron to force the growth of the balance of your yard, by the use of fertilizer. Prices are going to be high and it is to your advantage to secure as large a crop as. possible. We have fertilizer especially for berries and fruit trees, made by a reliable company and the prices are reasonable. v Call in and see us about it. , , "j " . j 1 . . . " 4 High Grade Lime " ' We have just received a car of the highest grade lime on. the market, especially adapted for spraying or building pur poses. ''"V ' , ' . ' ', .v ; ." : ' D. A. White & Son v r The price is . as low as the common gTade. Phone 160 '. 251 State St., Salem, Oregon the things that caused his loss of clnglve control over the commercial reason ana cis ausence irom me world for 15 years. Yes, my husband!" she Jibed He hasn't any real proofs that I'm not and he's too white-livered" to use them If her had." interests and three over th sports- imens' interests the seventh member to act as an arbiter in case of dis putes?' " Iadvlsed the committee that the But I saw the proofs. I uerslst- ftt ,.fl(. th. iarmnntniim mnA beneficiar results that might be ex pected from two entirely separate I do not know why I was not! . , 7v. j.' 'IK? T?a?;2 Mon and a. such acceptable ..d 1 A IJ7,e. ed. ; "Mrs. Coezrove showed them to me. Legalli. you are no more Rob- art Savarln's wife than I am.' Sorenson, Wealthy Lumber ' Operator, in Sanitariam PORTLAND.' Jan. 5. Xels'P. Sor enson. wealthy tlmberan who was paroled by six Judges of the circuit court sitting en banc last week, front a sentence imposed In the municipal court of six months imprisonment for driving an automobile while In toxicated, has retired to a sanitar ium for nerve treatment, according to a statement issued today by Ralph Wilbur, his attorney. Sorenson. ac cording to the attorney, is in an extremenly nervous condition at the result of. his court ordeal. eyes to avoid contradicting her. My pride had been aroused by her con temptuous goading of me. and her cool assertion of her right to Robert Savarin angered and-alarmed me on Increasing amount . of -highway work under construction and con templated in eastern Oregon has hade It necessary for the state high way department to realist rlct that part of the state, effective January 5. . Herbert Nunn. state highway en' neer. announces the change In dis tricts as follows: "Division headquarters will be es tablished at The Dalies wltn C. C. Kelley. division engineer. In chr;e This division will comprise the coun ties of Hood River. Wasco, Sherman. Jefferson. Crook and Deschutes. "The work formerly handled bv Mr. Kelley in Marion and Linn coun ties, south of Salem will be included In Mr. McLeod's division and that north of Salem In Marion and Clack amas counties will be handled by C H. Whitmore. assistant engineer. "Division headquarters will also be established at' Baker R. H. iialdock. division engineer in charge. This division will comprise the coun ties of Baker, Malheur. Harney end Grant, excepting that section of the John Day River highway In Grant county between Daynli) and the Wheeler county line. "Mr. Bennett's headquarters at Pendleton will be maintained as at present and this division will com prise the counties of Ciliisa. heel er. Morrow. Umatilla. Wallowa and Union and the John Day River high way In Grant county to Dayville be tween the Wheeler -county line ani Dayville. "I will take occasion ft this time to commend the services of Mr. Ben nett In handling the entire work In eastern Oregon but which has now grown to such proportion that In Justice to him it should -b rilvidMl Into divisions of a sixe comparable with other divisions In the state, adds Mr. Nunn. If! "At the same time I expressed pleasure at the outcime of the meet ing, snowing as it did a tendency to compromise and harmonize the dif Marion Christmas Program Lillian's account. I felt that Harry . Underwood's black shadow was i.T" VL1" ",V,,Y,a "a, Iln.l u cpien uj appreciation 01 enough to fall between Lillian Un derwood and Robert Savarin with- the presence of the legislators and out having this "croaking thing orr"",r "Ir ,wn-D"Duea unnae j evil" cross their path. ' But she didn't leave me long ln!D nfin THM1P doubt as' to my foily In answertnej DIAJXJU' 1 UillV her. She leaned forward In her chair and I saw her fingers working: in her lap. "And 1 can tell you." she said In a louder tone than she had yet uned. "that by the time I get through with you, your husband won't know your face. Youll be his 'legal wife' " sie fairfV spat the phrase, "but be won't be apt to spend much time lookin? at you." She put her hand into a pocket in her gown and drew forth a small b -ti tle, her eyes gleaming the while w'th a light which I knew was born of drug madness, roused by my unfortu nate words. k (To be continued) TURNER NEWS MARION. "Or.. Jan. 3. On account of stormy .weather and the recent illness In different homes, there were no Christmas exercises in elth er church. J. V. Dencer Is moving back to Marion for a while. Having purch ased the Interests In the Claypool estate: he will proceed to convert I QAV NlTMnUD 4 A" the timber into cordwood. 4loy and . -v Herman Hanner. nephews of Mrs. Frank P. Skaggs. prominent drug- Dencer are going lo help make cord- gist. Harrisburg. III., writes: "Num-I wood oer 40 Is still going good. If a cus tomer says 'Blood Tonic.' I say 'Nuta ber 40.' as it gives the best satisfac tion of any blood tonic I have ever SOlL"-i .,.,. ,ii 1, ..;s ,. , . Employed In blood poison, chronic rheumatism and catarrh, scrofula, mercurial ; and lead poisoning,. con stipation, malaria biliousness, liyer and stomach troubles. Under its use, nodes, tumors, glandular swellings, pimples., skin eruptions that have withstood all other treatment disap pear as If by magic Drug Store. I BITS FOR BREAKFAST ! The Misses Oarrie and Viola Bonck are home on a vacation from Portland where they are attending school. Carrie Is taking a business course and. Viola . attending high school. Mrs. S. Roll' who has been on the sick list for two weeks. Is able to be out again. . Raymond Colgan Is home. He ex pects to remain at home and help his father clear up more land. Mrs. Lee Doerfler Is visiting her sister-in-law. Mr. Bernice mover soia oy perry's of Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Hoag took New Year's dinner with Mr. and Mrs. E. 4 i e. uengs. MRS. SHURTE IS NEW PRESIDENT Morrow County Woman Se lected as Head of County Superintendenti TRICKS f 10 to SOe 4 Plaa tax Beats on Rale Satur day at Opera Hcae Drag Wore 2 The commission believes th hospi tal should be located in Portland and does not believe the present la the proper time to build the institution. The commission will have two other bills, one Increasing rates of compensation, and another establish ing physical and vocational rehabili tation service. The compcnsatloa bill has been completed and Is la the hands of a special committee named by the governor to prepare a calla ble bill. EASES A COLD . WITH ONE DOSE Pape'a Cold CompomJuT Tbea Ilrraka Up a Cold la a Few Howrs Relief comes Instantly. A dose tak en every two hours until three doses are taken usually breaks up a severe cold and ends all the grippe miaery. The very flsst dose opens your clogged-up nostrils and the air pas sages In the head, stops bom running. Mrs. Lena-SneH Shurte. SMjrtn-Uerlshness. sneexing. 'soreness and lenaeni oi scboois in norrov couni I ilff the Oregon County School Superin tendents association which closed Light and The Eye , Light, as is well known, is composed of seven primary col ors: Violet, indigo, bine, green, yellow, orange and red tne spectrum. Some .have greater chemical action than others. These, the. bine, indigo and violet, called the actinic rays, are the most irritating to the human eye. The photography, where these rays are eliminated by means of a light screen or filter, much better; definition is obtained, and consequently a more perfect picture;". The eye is a camera in miniature. Its retina is the sensitiisd plate of the camera and is a network of tiny nerves called rods and cones. There are one hundred and thir ty million of these rods aid seven million of the cones, all wired to the brain through a cable (the optic nerve) no thicker than a slate pencil. The eye opens, light rushes in and bathes these rods and cones, they, in turn, telegraph the impressions to the brain, and sight is the result. 1 Mbtais proved conclusively that wearing lenses of various tints has a marked effect upon the nervous system, tome caus ing the patient to be cheerful and contented, others having the opposite effect - My specialty is treating the eyes fitting them scientifi cally with glasses that will not only ease your eyes but also restore normal vision. DR; L HALL WILSON s Evejight Specialist i Fits Eyeglasses Correctly 210-211 U.'S. National Bank Building TURNER. Or., Jan. Miss Lu- cile Riches is taking the census of Turner and West Stayton. H. A. Thiessen has nurchased the R. O. Thomas home nrooertv. Ernest Larson returned t Ore- on Agricultural college Sunday eve ning. Kenneth. Mickey returned l:om Sunday from the navy. Il came by way or Kansas and brought a b.-lie wiui mm. . . Miss Marie Dur'fee visite 1 relatJvc at Drain dring the holidays. Mrs. B. G. Brlggs has Durchased the O. A. O. Moore property, former ly ownea oy h. u. Crawford. Miss Gay Davis spent two davs vis iting relatives at Dallas last week. Perry Larson went to Portland Saturday in search of work. Miss Hazel Dear returned to .-U'cr.i Monday evening to resume hr school work. DAD! YOUR HAIR IS FALLING FAST DandeHne" Will Check That I'gly! lMnurarr and Mop Hair Coming Out Fair again. Ever see finer January weather? V . Pear slogan in Statesman tomor row. Have you written your article? There Is a Russian soviet ambas sador to the tTnited States. Hut the government detectives arstrylng to find him, evidently to put him In Jail. W The way to a man's heart is not through his stomach but through bis hobby. . They are arresting sugar profU cers'ln Portland. They will probably have a sweet old time convicting them. The less gowns cover, the more they cost. A Salem man tells a story, about advertising being a good thing. bu It mar hire a kick in it. He had a lot to sell, and sent for an adver 1P0VERS WANTED BY AUTHORITIES Insurance Departments of Two States on Trail of Al leged Swindler The Insurance departments of both the state of Oregon, and Washington are on the trail of J. E. Powers, alias Jn E. Howard, who Is alleged' to be swindling people of the two states by representing mmseir to be an agent or reputable insurance companies. Powers. It Is said, has contrived to procure policy application blanks from offices of the Massachusetts Bonding & Insurance company, the Southern Surety company and the North American' Accident Insurance company. In receiving applications for policies he Is alleged to procure a payment down from his victims and Using man to writ up an ad. After ap??,rih.1mo,leJr tOT. n"lf five day session here. J. YY. Alien, superintendent of the Coiutahia county high schools, was elected vke president, and Miss Elmetta Bailey, superintendent In Baker coctty secretary. While In session the superintend ents recommended a tax levy of J mills on all the taxable properly of the stste for school purposes, a con dition being that the amount raise! In this manner la any county to us4 In that county. This measure the superintendents hope to hive ic f erred to the people by . the speciil session. of the legislature for the general election next November. An other measure recommended .by the organisation for reference to the peo ple Is removal of the six per cent constitutional limitation restriction from school taxes. i Tbw superintendents also have un der consideration a bill making the minimum salary for county superin tendents In Oregon S240O a year. An Increase In the salary of the state superintendent is recommend ed and probably will, be Introduced as a bill In the legislature. . Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blow- Ing and snuffling! Clear your con- gested head! - Nothing else la the 4 world gives such prompt relief as ., , "Pane's Cold Compound. which costs , only a few cents at any drug store. It acta without assistance, tastes Dice, contains no . quinine Iasict upon Pane's! - Hewitt I hear that yon are to pat up a 2S-etory building. Crewltt Tea. and a 2S-story ha Hi . lag. and a 27-story bailding. and a but that's another story! Cartoons. Magazine I the ad was written, it was so lauda tory and fine that she man concluded that he would be a fool to sell bis lot. So. hi kept It. What we need In this country Is more baby carriages and wheelbar rows and not so many automobiles. Exchange. V .m Southern California la mipht healthy place. Seventy per cent of the widows in Los Angeles are of the grass variety. Los Anreles Times. (Evidently you think that is some thing to brag about.) S S The wfdow of Edward Grieg, al most - the only .'Scandinavian com poser who ever became great, ha been compelled to give up her cSt tate. no longer having moans to sup port It. Crelg made the mistake of his lh In not living in this age and writing a fev moving-picture scena rios. His widow might hive revelled in luxury all her life. What a bles sed priviUge It must be to -on trib ute to the world of art. While under the name of Howard he Is said to have claimed man by the same name who operates a gar age at Hood River was his brother, and that he had been employed by blm. In that way deceiving persons Into signing up for policies. His lat est operations la this state are said to have been at Hillaboro. . Accident Commission Doesn't Want Hospital In addition to other legMat'on the state Industrial accident coiamission will have Introduced at the special session of the legislature a dill plac ing the sum of $400,000. set aside by the commission through an act of the 1919 session for the const ruc tion of a hospital for ludcsirial crip ples, placed back into the accident fund. The present act make 't. Incum bent on the commission to build the hospital, and under thj law '.his would have to be locate 1 In Falern The soft coal strike looks as if It might be a hard nut to crack. Port land Telegram. To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dan. draff, get a small bottle of "Dander lne at any drug or toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and rub it Into the scarp. After sev eral applications the hair usually stops coming out and you can't find any dandruff. Soon every hair on your scalp shows new life, vigor, brightness, thickness and mora color. I Little Damage Reported to Polk County Orchards DALLAS. Or.. Jan. 2. (Special to The Statesman.) A careful survey of Polk county orchards since the freezing weather-ot two weeks .ago reveals the fact-that little damage has been done to the Urge prone or chards and berry patches about Dal las which at first had been thought TAKE ASPIRIN AS TOLD BY "BAYER" "flayer latrodored AplH to the Ihyklans Over 18 Years Ago. To get quick relief follow carefully the safe and proper directions in each unbroken package of "Barer Tablets of Aspirin." This package Is plain ly stamped with the safety "Bayer Cross. The ."Bayer Cross" means the gen nine, woria-iamous Aspirin pre scribed by physicians for over eigh teen years "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin can be taken safely . for Colds. Headache, Toothache. Earache, Neuralgia. Lum bago. Rheumatism, Joint Pains. Neu ritls. and Pain generally. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cents. . Druggists also sell larger "Bayer packages. Aspirin is TODAY HOWARD FOSTER PLAYERS IN SPOKEN DRAMA O 1 to have been seriously damaged by the freeze. ..r" Frank V. Brown of Dallas, seere-ithe trade mark of Bayer Manufac- tary of the Polk county Fruit Grow-1 ture of Uonoacetlcacidester of Saliey era' association, has Just completed I licacid. INVENTORY YOUR LOSSES AND YOUR GAINS '. TRIKE a balance sheet of yenr income and outgo for the past year and see how badly you need a United States National bank account Those earnings of yours might as well be work ing. Ve hare both a safe and profitable job for them here. QitaiBanl Oregon. - m r