The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 06, 1920, Page 1, Image 1

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The SUtecm&n receive the
leased wire report of the As
sociated - Press.-the 'greatest
ud mott rtlitM prtM w
oclstlon la the world.
Occasional rain In west portion;
clearing and co'i east portion: mod
erate northwesterly winds.
2.75 BEER IS
Supreme Justice, by Vote of "Babe" Rath Purchased
.. 'Mif't un i . i I ai. Vi
January 10 Tentatively Set
as Date of Ratification
PARIS. Jan. 5.- The, supreme
council has tentatively set January
10 for the ratification of the treaty
of Versailles. The council's basis for
a settlement on the Sea pa Flow sink
ings was handed over to Baron von
Lersner today and it was announced
that an agreement had been reached
with the German delegation.
5 -
4 to 3 Uphold ftght of Con
gress to Define Intoxicating
Lienor Under War Act
r.Iinufacture of Low Alcoholic
Bererages Still Legal by
margin' of one vote the supreme
court today upheld the . right of
congress to define intoxicating li
quor. Insofar as applied. to war-time
prohibition. , ' " .
. In a five to four, opinion rendered
by Associate Judge Brandeis. the
court sustained the constitutionality
of tbe provisions - in the Volstead
prohibition enforcement act prohib
iting the. manufacture and sale of
beverages containing one. half of one
percent or more alcohol. Associate
Justices Day. , Vandevanter,,; McRey
nolds and Clark dissented.1
Amendment Validity Not Involved
Validity of the federal prohibition
constitutional amendment and of
portions of the Volstead act affeet
i , ins its enforcementowas not involved
-a-a the i proceedings but the opinion
leave little hope among "wet; adher
ents. , Wayne B. Wheeler, .general
counsel for the Anti-Saloon League
of America hailed it as a "sweeping
victory" and, in a statement tonight
aid' .the only prohibition question
left open by the court now is whether
the amendment Is of a nature -that
can be considered as . a federal
amendment and whether it was pro
perly adopted. . n- ; ;
: In rendering the opinion the court
sustained federal court decrees dis
missing injunction proceedings to en
join federal authorities from' pre
venting Jacob Rnppert,"a New York
brewer from manufacturing - beer
containing In excess ot one-half of
one percent but which he alleged
wan non-Intoxicating. :
. The ; fweta. however, received a
brief ray of hope when - shortly af
terward Associate Justice Day. In an
unanimous opinion sustained the dis
missal ; ot indictments brought un
der the war-time prohibition act
against the Standard .Brewery of
Baltimore and the American Brewing
company of New Orleons for manu
facturing .2.7 S beer before the Vol
stead act was passed, inannfar- -f
low alcoholic beer was permissible
under the war-time prohibition act
by Hew York Americans
NEW YORK. Jan. 5. The pur
chase ot -Babe" Ruth of the Boston
Americans by the New York Ameri
cans was announced today by Colonel
Jacob Ruppert. president of the New
York club. Colonel Rupert refused
to state the price paid.
Petition Requests That Fish
er, Empey and D'Autre-
mont Be Named
Mrs. Cora Lee Sturgis, of Vir
ginia, Tells Dramatic Story
of Hardship and Degrada
tion to Senators
Rebels and Federals Work To
gether and Sneer at U. S.
Is Assertion
MEXICO. Mo., Jan. &. Mre.
Rosa K. Stuart who has been mar
ried 36 years and Is the mother of
twelve living children, was grant
ed a divorce and $30,000 alimony
today by the circuit court of Au
drain county. In her petition she
stated that he husband was worth
$50,000. Her bill, which charged
non-support, was not contested.
Adjournment Is Taken With
out Fixing Outline for ,
Delegates From 14 States Be
gin Conference in Chicago
to Outline Share of Femi
nine Voters in Convention
Dr. Bernard Daly, Former
State Senator, Is Dead
LAKEVIEW. Or.. Jan, 5 Dr. Ber
nard Duly, former circuit Judge for
lake county and prior to that a state
senator, died today while en route
from here to Livermore. Calif., where
he bad intended to go in the hope of
benefitting his health. He was C2
years old.
Improvement of Conditions
for Women and Children
Chief Proposals
City -Council Has Busy Ses
sion Reports Come from
City Officers
Salem is to have a boxing com
mission for the fostering of the man
ly art In this city under regulation
with : none of the questionable ap
pendages that sometimes follow the i Sturgis. a dentist, his wife, the wlt-
Doxins came attached
The petition was presented at the
meeting of the city council last night
tween Sportsmen and Com
mercial Interests .
WASHINGTON, Jan. 5. A dra
matic story of eight months' hardship I
Mexocan bandit camp was toid by Line Definitely Drawn Be-
today, before a senate committee In
vestigating the Mexocan situation.
With tears in her eyes, Mrs. Stur
gis told bow her old mother, worn
out by long suffering and humilia
tion, died of -starvation after their
plantation had been looted by the
bandits and how she- bad been forced
to? go into the . bills to cut wood and
of a long tramp to another camp with
a secret message from bandit to ban
dit, sewed in the sole of her shoe. .
Bandit Ridicule V. 8.
It was in 1917 that the home of
the Sturgis family, comprising Dr.
(Continued on page 4)
111 , r 1
and would have been granted forth
with upon motion of Alderman
Wiest had not Alderman Utter stood
for deferring action until members
Of the council could further enlight
en themselves on the" law. Wiest
withdrew his motion and the petition
was referred to the police committee
until the next meeting.
The petition was signed bq W.
II. Byrd and 142 other persons and
asked that the commission be com
posed of Dr. E. E. Fisher, Oswald
Empey and Paul D'Autremont.
V. M. C A. Favor More
It is understood ' the movement
here has the support of the-Y. M.
C. A.. Under a law passed by the
legislature of 1919 boxing commts
siqns may be appointed in each city
or town and the sport maintained
under regulation. Several cities of
the state now have commissions and
are affording good boxing matches.
As a means to bring some of the
dances that have gone to rural dance
halls- back into the city where they
can be properly regulated, an ordi
1 nance was Introduced last night, sent
(Continued on page 4)
ness today, and her mother, was
raided by federal soldiers who charg
ed them with giving refuge to rebels.
"Two of Carranza a captains and
a lot ol soldiers came to our nome
and beat us with guns, Mrs. Sturgis
testified. "When my husband pro
tested and reminded the bandits that
we were Americans, they pushed him
aside and laughed, saying 'Your old
government Is only- a bluff They
found no rebels, but they were not
satisfied and wanted to search the
roof, insisting that I . go up with
them.- I tcld them I was an American,-
not a root climber, bnt they
struck me on jthe shoulder with a
run. '. : ,--
Dr. Sturgis reported the raid to
the American consul at Frontero who
advised the family to remain at the
plantation, the witness said.
Federals and Rebels.
Mrs. Sturgis said rebel and Car
ranza forces frequently worked to
gether and that, both factions dis
seminated anti-American propagan
da including a charge that Henry P.
Fletcher. - American ambassador to
Mexico, had accepted one million dol
lars to uphold the Carranza govern
ment. Mrs. Sturgis said she told the
bandit who made this, charge that "It
was a He,
"One of the badits told me that
Memmebrs of the fish and game
committees of the state legislature,
who were called into conference yes
terday by Governor Oleott to deter
mine upon a definite program to
bring order out of chaos In Oregon
fish and game affairs when the spe
cial pension meets next week, ad
journed without getting anywhere.
After adjournment members of the
committees waited upon Governor Ol
eott and asked if he would sanction
a bill to provide for one fish and
game commission of seven members,
three ' to represent the commercial
interests an dthree to represent the
game interests with the seventh a
business man to serve as arbiter. The
governor replied that he did not be
lieve this plan would be as workable
as the plan for two separate commis
sions as outlined In his recommend
ation. -The committee suggestion
was not agreed to by all members.
- It is understood that later the
committees designated three mem
bers to meet In Salem next Sunday
and draft a bill to be Introduced at
CHICAGO. Jan. Republican
women from 14 states of the mid
west, conferring on party plans and
Issues for the 1920 presidential cam
paign demanded equal representa
tion, with the men on the naU'.nal
committee and urged a "fair repre
sentation of women delegates Irora
each state" in the national conven
tion in June.
Many of the women professed to
see' an immediate an endorsement of
their attitude in the speech which
Will H. Hays, chairman of the Re
publican national committee, deliv
ered at a banquet tonight.
Party Welcome Women
Navy "Host" to Admiral
Jellicoe, Jutland Hero
WASHINGTON. Jan. 5. The Am
erican navy was "host" tonight at
a reception given to Admiral Vis
count Jellicoe. commander of the
British high seas fleet In the battle
of Jutland. The reception, which
closed a busy day for visiting naval
officer, was at the residence of eSc-
retary Daniels.
Expected Fight in Council
Election Fails to Material
ize and Vote Is Without
Dissenting Voice
Within Hour After Reconven
ing Both Homes Resume
Normal Appearance -
Hugh Rogers Chosen Engineer
and Dr. Ray Poxneroy
Health Officer '
Treaty Compromise Formally
Presented by Senator King,
Utah" '
WASHINGTON. Jan. 5. Congresf
went to work immediately todav no
"The Republican party offer the on reconvening after its fortnight
women efrywiiun we uurr ir. uic-u.
the special session next week. Who
these members are could not be as-lpianks for the Republican platform-
he said. "Republican women come
into the party not as women but as
Voters, entitled to participate and
participating as othetr voters. They
are not to be separated or segregated
but assimilated and amalgamated."
The women proposed - that the
coming national convention "take ac
tion to double the membership" of
the national committee to that "eac!
state be represented by one manand
one woman member.
" They further urged that this be
come "tbe policy or the party In all
party committees both state and lo
cal." ,
Ten Planks SngKetetl
The women adopted ten sugrgetfed
certained last night,
Time Will I Wasted.
Governor Oleott presented to the
conference a program, recommend
ing two separate commissions, one
to administer the Interests of the
sportsmen and another to administer
the. affairs of the commercial fishing
interests. . The governor bad t Invit
ed to the conference any citizens of
the state interested in the question
Rpresentativa ot the packers who op-
posd the governor's' program were
strongly in evidence. Senator C." M.
Thomas ot Medford, a member of the
senate fishing .committee .alone1 of
the committee members, defendad
AmK..... vi.t,..- the program as outlined. With him
w ..t,r xtrm cn re-ia 1 George Mansfield of Medford. Dr.
mm "i vt .Mnv Mr Don. president of the Oregon
knew .how bad conditions were. Why. 1
things were awf nl. Once when I
went to Mexico City they blew up
a train In front ot me and one behind
me," . . - .
Capture Is Related.
The most thrilling chapter of her
experience followed capture of tbe
Sportsmen's league. R. W. Price.
president of the Portland Anglers'
club, and Marshall Dana of Portland,
another representative of the sports
men, .all stood in backing np the
governor. Tbe result of the confer
ence's failure to act is that tbe spe
cial session of tbe legislature will
hare to waste several of its limited
Victor Wolodin, Said to be Among Co-Workers of Trotzky,
asd Oscar Tyverowski, Alleged Communist Official
Among Latest Catches
NEW YORK, Jan: 6. The sweep
ng raids against rreda'f by federal
8ent. which netted nearly 700 pris
oners last Friday night, were resum
ed when ten large automobiles and
'wo army transport wagons left the
local headquarters of the department
of Justice to round np communists
and revolutlonadvocates who escap
ed tn first raid.
With the arrest on a deportation
warrant ot Gregory Welnstein. ''chief
fit stuff- of soviet Russia's "ambas
lador U c. Aj K. Martens, the de
partment Of . instlce . announced to-
- night it was hunting "Mg gam" in
1 its effort to rid the country of its
most dangerous alien ararchists plot
ting the overthrow of the govern
mpnt by violence. 1 ;
Trotxky's Best Friend Is Ratine. ,
Rated at Trotzky'g best friend
Here and a co-worker, with him ' on
the Russian language radical paper
NN'ovy Mir Weinsteln's position in
tne soviet bureau ranked virtually on
a part with Martens, it was stated.
Victor Wolodin, former manager
of the Xovy Mir, and said to have
been another co-worker with Trot
y. was swept Into the govern
ment's draraet late tndflv and sent
to EUis Island in the wake of Wei n-
Attempts to obtain release from
Ellis Island of manv of the radicals
fttarted today when attorneys began
ppiying ior WTiti of habeas corpus.
The federal agents and police were
ra "h six hundred wan-ants.
' The first Dersftn taken intn rnt
tody was Edward Elore," editor of a
Hungarian dally paper. He was sent
to EUU Island. ,
i Reds Take Corer.
The- renewed raids revealed ' the
fact that, there has been a stampede
tor cover on the part of the "reds
h? we not caught FrlTday night.
federal agenta raided 25 houses only
. mm A. IF.- A I " "
lamiiT ur bdiiui panuiis, wuu iwk j, t irai., , , i,
eleTW?e fb!I5?d.IS--tAS W wihch is now damaging both
plantation, including $23,000 in cash
They were sent 40 miles across conn-
try to a prison camp. Mrs. Sturgis
and her husband were aioot and the
former's mother on a mule.
Some months later Mrs. Sturgis
tbe game and the commercial inter
Packers Against Pro cram.
Packers, or those who spoke in
their behalf.' defended the present
fish and game commission and con-
- a . m . ma MVKBMV f -m till' OIVU MUU W V U
was ordered to proceed on foot to dMnned the governor in his deter-
to find, that the majority of those
sought had gone into hiding.
' Up to midnight less than SO per
sons had been taken. Of these about
25 were held tor further examina
tion. William J. Flynn, head of the
department of justice secret service,
said shortly before midnight:
"I thipk the. reds have taken cover.
(Continued on page 4)
another camp with, a secret message
and warned that unless she returned
in two months, other members of the
family would be killed.
1 Kmba.Hy Notified.
On the way she stopped at Mexico
City! and reported here troubles to
the American embassy. The embas
sy, .she said, got In touch with Zapata
forces. and it was agreed to send a
Zapata lieutenant back to camp with
(Continued on page 4)
Jim Hill was never much interest
ed' in a community until it could
show him that soon there would be
smokestacks and barns. He himself
had as much to do with their ap
pearance, as the people that he ex
pected to build them, but be never
tneless always put it up to them to
show him where they would be made
possible. i .
'Later' he was not so inquisitive
about smokestacks and barns. There
was one thing he thffught more im
portant to a community ana mar
was its roads. Good roads can no
Ion cer be Ignored as one of the
greatest factors in community devel
opment and community, happiness.
Roads today are the vital nerve
threads of community life. They
give it the very life. Only because of
rood roads is a community able to
widen its field of activity. In place
of many small canneries big ones,
are now built and not so close to
gether. These canneries are able to
do bigger business at lower cost to
the ultimate profit of the grower and
the neople.- ; ; .
The good road makes farming
mination to appoint an entirely ew
board. The sportsmen commended
the governor for his decision.
Thomas Nelson of Astoria, one ot
the representatives of the packers,
declared that the interests of the
sportsmen-and the commercial inter
ests dovetail, and advocated one com
mission with a game and a commer
cial department.
R. W. Price endorsed the program
as outlined by tbe governor for two
separate commissions .'
R. E. Clanton, state master fish
warden, asserted that either one com
mission or two separate commissions
could solve the trouble and that it
not necessary 1 for the two inter
ests to conflict.
The name of W. I.. Finley, who
was recently ousted by the commi
sion from the post of state biologl
and whose discharge has brought fish
These Include recommendations for
"direct citizenship of women, not
citizenship through marriage" ad
laws making: possible the naturaliza
tion of married women.
The women also favored "natioual
and state legislation for the regula
tion and abolition of child labor."
Another section asked states and the
nation to establish the eight hour
day anu the 44 -hour week for wo
men in industry with statutory p;o
vlsion for a day of rest each week.
Permanent establishment of the -women's
bureau of the department, of
labor, a national employment service
and equal opportunities for women
through the civil service were also
Other planks were:
A new policy by the federal board
of vocational education "to insure
for women equal opportunities with
men in trade and technical educa
tion." Appointment of women mediators
on all federal labor boards to deal
with industries employing women.
Compulsory education in all states
for children between S and 16 year
of age with provision for "thorough
education in citizenship of all our
youth." "
Kpeechee Disclose Stand
. The women's stand on all these
questions was reflected in short
talks which several leaders made at
tonight's banquet. The aTfair was
given by the state central committee
in honor of Chairman Hays and the
chairman of the women's division of
the national committee. Mrs. John
Glover South. Among th speaker
were Governor Lowden o" Illinois
and Major General Wood.
There was a meeting today of tbe
committee in charge of arrangements
for the national convention. The two
holiday recess.
Without formality both senate and
house began disposition of bills on
their calendars and within an hour
or so both bodies resumed their nor
mal appearance of scant attendance
during speech-making. Miscellane
ous bills only were considered and
a few ot tbe less Important passed. I
The senate late In tbe day started
debate on the water power develop
ment bill, consideration ot which
promised to continue into next week.
The Sterling: sedition bill went over
until tomorrow.
Compromise Preaew ted
There was. only perfunctory discus
sion of the peace treaty In the sen
ate. Senator King; Democrat. Utah,
presented formally his set ot com
promise reservations and many sena
tors were engaged in private confer
ences on the treaty situation bat
nothing tangible resulted. . .
Victor Berger, tbe- Wisconsin So
cialist, re-elected after being refused
a seat by the house, did not arrive
today, but tomorrow or immediately
In the annual election of city of
ficers by the city council last Bight
a surprise occurred when the slate
of police officers a recommended fey
Chief Percy M. Varney went through
without dissent and by a unanimous
rote, with every member ot the conn
ell rrsenL A fight was expected on
aom of the men whom Varney pre
seated. .
The slate embraces the present per.
sonael of the force with the excep
tion of Troy Branson who resigned
two weeks ago to take a position at
the state prison. In his place Varney
recommended V. If. MotfltL Mrs.
Myra was re-elected police ma
tron. Only One Coatee
The only change made la the. per
sonnel of the city officers were the
election of Hugh Rogers as city en
gineer to succeed Walter Skelton aad
Dr. Ray Pomeroy to succeed Dr. J.
R. Pemberton as city health officer.
Keithr Skelton nor Pemberton were
candidates for re-election. '
The only contest came In the elec
tion of city attorney. B. W. Maey, in
cumbent, defeating Ronald Glover by
a vote of 10 to S.
Harry Hutton. fire chief, was elect
ed unanimously and with him all of
his men aa recommended, in eluding
F. Friebert as chief fire engineer aad '
William Ivaa as captain.- The other'
elected are designated, as hoeemen.
-Walter 8. Low was again the unan
imous choice for street commissioner.
A member of the park board Is to be
appointed by tbe mayor. -
Fight Cum Change.
. Mayor Wilson announced several
changes In the personnel of commit- 1
tees, the Important one being the re-
n ftnn Vila DrMnlitlnn f r Itlni
credentials, house leaders planned to"01 ,of Dr r- .u Uttr "
refuse again to grant him a seat.
Representative Maan of Illinois, for
mer Republican leader .surprised the
house members by announcing he
would support Bergers claim.
- Many committees of both house
the police committee. v He -was rele
gated to tae chairmanship of tne park
committee, changing places witk Rob
ert Craig who will head the police
committee this year. Utter anl May
or Wilson have been at swords points
(Continued on page 4)
(Continued on page 4)
(Continued on page 4)
Opposition Develops Soon After Report Is Read at Conrea
tion of Union Opinion ' General 'That Officers Will Be
Upheld .
COLlTMniTS. O.. Jan. 3. Tie ex
pected opposition from the radicals
in the I'nited Mine Workers organi
zation, to action of tbe internation
al officers In accepting President
Wilsonji proposal for settlement of
tbe miners strike, developed late to
day, shortly after the report of the
settlement had been read to tbe
Irraa King, the little girl who has
had tbe sympathy and interest of all
Snlem since her accident on Jnly 2
last, when she was severely burned
more profitable. And. more than
anything else, it has made farm life and game affairs into their present
more attractive. It has removed J state ot disorder, was mentioned only
frOmthe tana the air of the back- once. This was then Senator Robert
wood's and has made the city and S. Farrell advocated that the legis
tbe ranch minutes apart where they lature create tbe office of state blol-
formerly were hours apart. .logist, to be maintained from tbe gen-
It has broadened community life-leral funds -of the state.
The farmer a mile away from, his L Fllair at VanDnxer.
.t.Krv to sn , rtrt f nrth.r nTt than I S T. V.AAv nf Pnrllan1 'twt f.
the city who was a block away. It forts he has made to restore harmony loganberry yard near alem,
has made possible much In an educa- in fish and game affairs and said his dJd 1(aV n Kht aft" h,ard bu T?J
.1 1 K rnrmtrl nnt to offrtrta wnulrf Ko fnntlnnor! H. ao!H CneeMUl Struggle IOr lite. Ueatn
Ha tiinnvht nf Ovprtho hiehwavs he did not want to aee th(Vommer. cun.e shortly after 8 o'clock at the
AIM f Ih. farm, oan ninv thfllriat Inforoata riaraarni nr wIM am bome of her grandparents, Mr. anLd
.H,,nt.T. that th rhllt Of Ufa tmna!r.t h thnnrhtUaa arttnn Mrs. C. HlggtnS On SOUtb Lloerty
tTA niir haa Th towns with their Frank Senfert of The Dalles, kin i street. For the past three days she
bad been falling noticeably but it
schools are within reach of all for ers. said he had been In the fishing
miles around. bnsiness'40 years and had perfect
What Marion and Polk, counties confidence in the present com mis-
have done for themselves in road de-Uion. He took a fling at H. B. Van-
velopment will form one of the feat- Duzer ardent sportsman and presi
ures -of The Statesman Industrial dent : of - the Portland chamber of
edition. What more is to be done commerce, by saying:
aad the further spreading of the net I "We never will have peace as long
of better roads will be described id I as we listen to gentlemen who wear
detail and In a way that will convince red neckties, drive big automobiles
the eastern or southern brother or
fullest community .development. (Continued on page 4)
was not thought that the end would
come so soon. Her death was due
to dilltation of the heart. Irma was
12 years old.
Barns are Revere.
Last summer Irma went with her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. King,
to tbe loganberry field of J. Toung
several miles east of this city. While
playing at the camp her clothing
caught fire from a tin eampstove. the
entire right half of her body and
both her arms were badly burned,
entirely burning tbe skin . down to
tbe flesh before the flames could be
She was taken to the office of Dr.
Fred H. Thompson who has been at
tending her. since. -The same day
she was taken to the Willamette san
atorium where she soon won the sym
pathy and Interest of the entire com
munity because of her patient suf
fering. Dr. Thompson sent a call for
volunteers to give of their skin to
be grafted upon the raw flesh of lit
tle Irma and over a hundred people
from all over tbe county volanteered.
Grafla of skin from "2 persons were
used, taking from each one or two
square inches. Almost all ot these
grafts "took" and a short time later
Dr. Thompson made a secondary
grafting taking skin from' her own
convention by International ; Secre
tory William Green. -A
motioa made by Phillip M array
or rittabarga. president of the
Pennsylvania miners., to affirm the
action or the international officers
and endorse the policy outlined la
their report, was promptly follows!
by attempts of the radicalsMo reject
the motion and to condemn the In
ternational, officers who have accep
ted the president's proposal.
Office' OwUmc Ikmgfct
Some of the te'ecates said they
had been Instructed by local unlona
to demand tb resignation cf the In
ternational officers,
Sereral delegates declared :be of
ficers should "have gone to Jail"
rather than surrender to the terms
or settlement Imposed by the propo
sal from the president. -
When the convention recessed to
night until tomorrow the motion of
Mr. Murray was still nnder discus
sion. That action or the International
officers In effecting a settlement or
i V 1 1 it. .
iriae win oe approved by a
overwhelming majority wt the con
sensus of leaders tonight.
(Continued on page 2)
Norman Rots, 0 PorthrJ,
Wins Sprite in Australia
MELBOURNE. Anstralia .Sunday.
D- Norman Ross, the American
swimmer ffom Portland, Or., won the
2 2 ft-yard. championship sprlat la aa
athletic meet here today. Speaeer
and Osterieter. Americans, wen the
-day bicycle race with, a parse ot
200 pounds. Foe rte-M .teams competed.-
- J