The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 04, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Oregon Statesman
Issued Dally Except Monday by
215 S. Commercial St., Salem. Oregon .
of air!w. I.!.tPreMif.eiclu?iTely entled to the use for republication
VnS iilKSJ ?S!lChe8 cred"?d t " or not otherwise credited in this paper
ana alsa the local news published herein.
R. J. Hendricks
Stephen A. Stone
Ralph Glover....;.
Prank Jaskoski
. . .Managing Editor
........ Manager Job Dept.
-?AIjFAtESMAN.'nfed by carrier In Salem and suburbs, 15 cents a
riAIT.V RTlTPOMiM m..Ji-i. ! - .
-T .v i. t P""1 year; 13 tor six months; 50 cents a
montn. For three month nr mnm nt In ..!..... f r
ITHE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm paper. ViU,
" Bl Jar u any one paying a year In advance to the
Statesman.) . , , - ;
.v rtoilAN, 11 a year; 60 cents for six months; 25 cents for
.7!, a A A 1 KSMAN, issued In ! two six-page sections, Tuesdays' and
Fridays. $1 a year (If not paid in advance. $1.25); 50 cents for six
. memos; zt cents for three months.
Business Office, 23.
Circulation Department. 583.
Job Department, 583.
Entered at the Postof flee in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter.
Production Sufficient to Sup
ply Current Use Says Re
port of Hines
Ariswer These
' - " . " :;f
WASHINGTON. Jan. S. Coal prt-
diKtion is again sufficient to meet
mi-rent rwiuirenifnts. accord-nr to
! the weekly report made public to-
nicht by Walker D. nines, director
eeneral of railroads. In the .central
western region cOal production wan
exceptionally large, the report seyt
loading being 34 per cent mere than
the same period last year and 148
per cent more -than the previous
wk. Business conditions are im
proving generally, the-report aid.
Have you ever had cause to doubt
that you enjoy perfect vision? Do
your eyes feel! sore after, a spell of4
close work aching, smarting, or
feeling as If sand or grit was lodged
behind the lids?
Do you evet, while reading, find
that the print suddenly "goes misty"
end confused?! Is it necessary for
Cherniavsky Trio Will
Appear Here Wednesday
Once upon a time, years, and years ago, a local politician, long since
gone to his reward, put np a sign board in front of some North Salem lots
he owned4;like;thls:;::;;-";':,t :;(': 4 '-: '" '
"For sale or Jor trade for anything but more North Saleni lots."
There was some civic pride even then in the district over across North
Mill creek, for this politician had a busy time of it making amends, when
later he came up for a county office for the North Salem voters started
out after his political scalp. I ,
. North Salem is coming Into its own.
It Is getting, onto the 'map. i
.That section was boomed in the nineties, when Herbert. Hoover lived
out there, with his uncle, Dr. H. Jj Minthorn, in Highland Addition.
'Now the North Salem Improvement Association has taken up the work of
making that part of Salem beautiful, prosperous and . creditable to the
city of which it Is a part. ! j ' " ' f
' This association proposes to have fifteen streets in that section pared.
Here are some of the proclaimed objects or the North Salem Improvement
Association' , j . ' t
. y "The purpose: Substantial civic improvements. Better home sur
roundings. Community welfare.
. The big fact: Everybody knows that Salem grows so must North
1 Salcra. V : ! f yhhX: "" j H : -:: ; V ;' r . r V. , . ;,. ,
"The Ideal: A city jhcantlful In which every family-man and wom
an and child, may be proud of their home, their block; their street,
On the account of the recent storm
the program given by the Chernlav
skr Trio was nostooned until aJnuary
7. On Wednesday evening this triqj
of international renown will stop in
Salem and fill Its postponed date. Sa
lem should feel itself highly honoreo
in hear this trio of musicians. In
you to hold your book or newspaper portiand on the Artist course, Jan.
further away from the eyes than!the poet panigt. was called back 19
formerly or do you need a stronger ; times for a single number. Mlschel.
light? Do you find that reading oj:
sewing for an extra hour or two
causes headaches? j
IT you have noticed any' of these
peculiarities with your eyes you
should have them carefully examined.
Call and see us at once.
i -. , Eyesight Specialist
305 State Street
and their end of town.
."The method: Every man's shoulder at the whecl-
-and every worn-
"The spirit: Never! asleep at the switch while great opportunities
are passing.'" . - !
E. S. Tlllinghast is president of the Association, M. E. Elliott vice presi
dent, and Ward K. Uichardson secretary.
: .The Statesman wishes, success
in that section of the city will be
Ito the organization, for improvements
reflected in betterments in all parts of
As near as'we can "gelt it, the Fiederal sugar control board is to remain
aiivn for another vear. iwith a view tor doing something or other for the
Consumer. What that Something jor other is does not seem clear likely
it is to boost the prlcesJ That has) been the result of all such swivel-chair
salary drawing so far, under this administration.
Daniels Asks Navy to Tell
V: of Acts of Heroism in War
'.WASHINGTON, Jan. 3. Secre
tary Daniels issued a call to the en
tire naval service tonight designed
to bring outrun information as -j to
acts of heroism or distinctive service
by officers or men during the war
The' Moore Multiple Ex
baust System is an exclu
sive' Lexington feature.
This device conserves fu
el by producing more
horsepower pert piston
displacement. This ex
haust develops m maxi
mum of 22.8 per cent
more h. p. thanvdoes the
same motor without it.
Iff a fuel saver; "
which would justify the awarding of
decorations. The call was In the
form of . an "all navy" message to
be displayed at all stations and on
ait ships. 1
' It attention to the fact that
the board of awards - of medals is to
be reconvened January 5 and asks
all persons in the service to send full
statements "regarding any service
involving courage or distinction ren
dered in the world : war that such
service may be properly recognized."
New Steamer Is Launched
in Frozen-Over Stream
Literature or Membership Il
legal by New Order at
f SPOKANE. Wash.. Jan. 3. Under
nrovlstons of a permanent iniunction
Issued by Superior Judge R. M. Web
ster here today, it will become con
tempt of court to advocate or to
teach the principles of the I. W. W..
to be affiliated with It or to post in
any place anything which wilt ad
vertlse the organization-.
The order-was Issued at the con
elusion of thee ourt's arraignment of
John Grady, alleged secretary of the
I. W. W. defense fund, and three
score other alleged I. W. W. now
serving sentences in the county Jail.
The order arfests not only the de
fendants named, but all others who
may hereafter become known in
conection with the Industrial Work
ers of the World.
the 'cellist, was also called hacK
eight times for a single number and
Leo. the violinist, an equal number
of times. They will thrill the Salem
audience at Grand theatre on Wed
nesday evening, January 7.
Former City Tieasarer Says
He Took $50,000 From City
WARREN. Ohio. Jan. 3. Charles
B, Kistler. former city treasurer.
pleaded guilty to the charge of em
bezzling $50,000 of the city funds,
when arraigned before Mayor John
McBride late today.
Work of Pumping Out Skip
Burned in Haibor at End
PORTLAND. Or.. Jan., 3. Work
was completed today of pumping out
and raising the motor shfp Avance.
which was bruned and waterlogged
at her dock last month. A survey ot
the vessel was ordered today to as
certain the extent of the damage..
, w
Let the Reds go. ,
Thev can't paint the Russian
towns any redder thun they ate.
"b -
The wonder is how the red new-.
paper offices being raided have been
getting by all along.
It is to 4e hoped that a fair ex
f ha net. ig heinz made that the rush
of immigrants now coming In to take
. i 9 ik ..J, .nlnir nnl ore
material ior gooa Americana.
Predictions as to how long the
high cost of living will last have tak
en the place or forecasts as to4ow
long the war would last. A Freneb
economist gives old II. C I, firteen
years.. If he is right. It will seem
The weather man thinks it will
be warmer today Hope liss i ivies
is working right.
S m
As a general thing, the man who
hasn't any 24-Karat enemies hasn't
ah? 24-karat friends.
S (
Dr. William Osier is dead at 70
vears. He never said that men of
60 should be chloroformed. Van
derbilt never said: "The nubile be
damned." Sherman never said:
"War is hell." Pershing never said:
"Lafayette, we are here." But whe
the reputation for an epigram is es
tablished not even death can shake
It off.
Dodge Touring, cord tires, shock absorb
ers, bumper and spotlight
Ford Roadster, demountable rims, re
Harroun Light Four, cord tires, 28 miles
to the gallon on this car
Studcbaker Six, new top, repainted, 1920
Easy terms on the above cars
Lee L. Gilbert
Phone 361 156 South Commercial St
Open evenings and Sundays ' ,
TOLEDO, Ohio.. Jan. 3. With the
weather at the zero point, the Lake
Fillmore, latest ship to beb uilt for
the United States shipping board,
was launched today. . Ice in the Mau
mee river had been broken. The
ship was launched side wise.
Clemenceau Escapes Injury
When Two Automobiles Hit
TOULON, Jan. 3,-r-Premier Clem
enceau,. who la on a visit to the de
partment of Var. was in a smashup
; of automobiles today but escaped in
jury The collision occurred between
H ye res and Toulon a Four deputies
were quite badly hurt.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 3. SUfy of
the subject has convinced o.IU'ials
here that .President Wilson tuj i
sue the call for the first
of the council of the leagu of na
tions, without committing the Uni
ted States : government to partic'pa-
tion In the league. In accoiaaiv
with that view necessary prelimiuarf
steps have been taken, It fr under.
stood to permit President W isnn to
comply wijh the requirement of hi
treaty that he Issue the formal ca;l.
The call will be made immc:iatfy
I upon publication in the officiate
r rencn organ or me " process ver
bal" proclaiming the completion of
the ratifications of tht. peace tr.:it?
which is expected within a woek.
Though not officially stated it i?
believed that the call bv President
Wilson wtu be issued through sec
retaria of the league ia London or
Paris. L
QN January first we credited the accounts of
Savings Depoiitors at the-United States
National their semiannual Interest payment
At the same time it became a reward for past
thrift and an encouragement for that of the
future. It was EARNINGS ON EARNINGS for
Sa !m
l .M Mi. M li J I I I ft
- Oregon,
Naturopathy What It Is, and
Fire Reasons Why You Should
fie Treated By a Naturopathic!
" Physician
What Is Natoropathy?
Naturopathy is a system of treat
ing the sick 'by the use of drugless
and 1 non-surgical methods. It is
based upon the principle that tf the
causes of disease are removed. Na
ture will restore the body to health,
because the,body, when functioning
normally, contains within 'itself. the
elements to restore and maintain
. What Method Are Used in
Naturopathy uses various princi
ples efficacious in healing the'sltk.
some of which are:
Dietetics Scientific food selec
tions, preparations and combinations.
Hygiotherapy General personal
Manualtherapy Manual methods
of correcting abnormal conditions of
the body. -
Hydrotherapy Scientific applica
tion of water of varying temperature
Electrotherapy Scientific applica
tion of the different forms of elec
Psychotherapy A scientific appli
cation of the powers of mind to the
problems of health and disease.
Vibrotherapy Mechanical
manual vibration.
Ozone and Oxygen Vapor Oxygen
converted into ozone by electricity.
Phototherapy Scientific appllca
Hon of sunlight, incandescant light
and arc light, for curative purposes
What Is The Standing of
Naturopathy has already been roc
Will R JXiMill0Snlel n( adopted by many of the
Will Be Administered briKhte8t nind in the onhodoi
schools of medicine.
Missing Man's Estate
T. E. Lambert, a former resident
of S'ayton. of whom relatives have
had no word or communicatlnn since
1892. when he was in Whatcom
county.". Wash..- have petitioned the
court to take the necessary action to
declare the T. E. Lambert estate
open for administration.
In the petition it is requested that
L. S. lanbert. a brother of .the mis
sing man be appointed as ' adminis
trator o the property In - Marion
county. His holdingr here eonsist
of real property, netting a return -of
10 9 month and personal property
to the probable value of $600. The
immediate kin that will share In the
estate 4 no will wan located are:
listers. Mary Tate. Sublimity; Kate
Gmirlev. Tacoma. and Frances lum
ber!. , Los Angles; brothers. N. J.
I.ambert. Grand View. p. II.-Gilbert,
Scio, and L. S. Lambert, Stay
Ion. ,, . i , . -j.
Jess Willard Is Freed of
Charges of Profiteering
KANSAS CITV. Mo., Jan. 2. Jess
Willard. former heavyweight cham
pion, was cleared of charges of prof
iteering in the sale of cord wood,
and was discharged by United States
Commissioner O. Q.XIaHin In Kan
sas City, Kan., today without-any
witnesses for the defense being
heard. :
Naturopathy is not Osteopathy
iniropracuc, cnrisuan science, or
any other similar system. We do not
condemn them; we recognize the
good in all of them.
Five Ilcattnis Why You Should lie
Treated by m Naturopathic -
YJ a a .. . h a .a
nri uccause .-Naturopathy uses
all drugless and n on -surgical meth
ods in treating the lick.
Second Because Naturopathy
the oldest of the drugless cults.
Third Because Naturopathic meth
o4s are basful upon scientific observa
Hon and practical experience.
ourth Because Naturopathic
methods are adapted to the treating
of all persons from, infancy, to old
Fifth Berause Naturopathy 1
more effectual and less expensive
than other systems of treating the
210 U. B. National Bank building
Phone 110,'
"d) jo) r
"" -
On Br'okeii : Liinies
of Shoes'
All This Week
This is an opportunity to buy high grade shoes at reasonable prices.
- We have the only complete stock of high grade shoes in the city. We
stock every known size' and width. Large stock of party pumps in
all the new styles at reasonable prices. Just arrived new stock of
FL0RSHE1M Shoes in all styles. These shoes were bought early and
we are able to offer them at the present wholesale price.
Beginning Monday, we will close
week days at 5:30, this will con
tinue thru the winter months.
mmm 7
llanan Show
Fox Pumps
DtixBax Oil
Witch E1H Boob
BaB Band Soob
326 Statea-KcxttolaaflcBusIiBanK