People-'of Chihuahua Placing Flowers on Coffin of General Angeles, Executed by Carranza a k m m a., i SELL IT TO "iTT HE . Firing Squad j - VI FARWiEB S 1. i .- 4 I i you will to .3 VARY ROCERS : Ccit St. Phone 409 Utenian's Classified " ; . i ' J r Li V i JS .. MARC Originators 'of I; H 351 Stat . '. 1 ,' : ( , - , 1 r . m I t - f T . . -. .T--'T. '--V' iW. . . 'v '. . ; hctcplay Projection - Ads. Bring ResalU It' iv..v"it',) v t I; No matter what it is, from a threshing machine, horse, or cow, to a paper of pins. The farmer is the best huyer. THE GREAT WESTERN FARM PAPER . Published in Salem, Oregon, will place your advertisement in the hands of 20, 000 farmers and they read it . Bargain Column ads tost only 3 cents a word, or 2V&' cents a word for four or more insertions. Try It v Statesman Building, Salem, Oregon . h Read The Pacific Homestead, Weekly, $ 1 a year. YouTlTind it well worth while. The people of Chihuahua were greatly stirred by the execution of General Felipe Angeles. This photograph. taken after Villa's lieutenant had faced a firing squad, shows men and women placing flowers on his coffin. General Angeles, who was captured near Parral with a few followers, was convicted by a. court martial of con spiring against the Carranza government. - Many pleas for clemency were made to President Carranza. ! REAL ESTATE VERY ACTIVE ATSTAYTON Store Buildings Change Hands and New Residents Enter Community. s FARMERS ENCOURAGED Woman Is Badly Burned When Clothing Catches Fife From Stove ' STAYTOX. Dr.,. ap..Z. There has been considerable acttfity in the business life of Stay ton the past week, several deals In, real estate and , other .transactions having been Tnade'"4-v B. A." Schaefer has purchased the stock of S. A. Starr and wife and ns now the proprietor of the 10 and 1& cent store. Mr. Schaefer has leased tM building and will continue the business in its present location, j V. E. Thomas of Salem was in Stay ton a day or two this week. While here Mr. Thomas leased his store building on Third street to Peiser brothers, who wiil occupy it with their, business In the near fu ture. ' The Pelser brothers operate a pool and billiard hall and will be better located-in their new quarters: E. C. Titus who now occupies the building with his garage, will move early in the year to another build ing. J. F. Mack closed a deal Tuesday with Joe Sestak for the business pro perty on Third street where the Stayton bakery and Davies barber shop stand. This is one of the moBt desirable- locations in Stayton at present. The bakery will probf ably continue in its present location while Mr. Mack will occupy the oth er half of the lot. Iluilding Work Ittuthed Mr.' and Mrs. S. A. Starr who hive conducted a business In the "10 and 15 cent store for the past five years. will move to Albany in the very near future where Mr. Starr holds a po sition in an Albany bank. These es timable people will be greatly missed both In church and business circles. as they have made many friends in Stayton who regret their leaving. Since the snow and ice are gone work has been resumed on the big store building being erected by Kaipn urnan tor & garage ! and a large force of men is kept constantly on the works. Mr. Urban, thus far has been greatly handicapped, but from now on expects to rush it through as fast as the weather will permit. Dr. Ilea uch amp's office building which has occupied a corner of. the Urban blpck, has been moved across the alley to the rear of the Stayton hank building.,' u . - i Holiday' Trade Heavy , The heavy, snowfall .preceding the severe cold snap, protected the- fall grain from (being injured. , in , the least, and-has ; put the ground in a particularly mellow state for the spring plowing- throughout this sec tion of the country. - The Stayton' merchants enjoyed Sheriff and Posse Helping Carlisle, Wounded Train Bandit, to Mount Horse at Cahin Where He Made Last Stand . - m"- p;r:.Y:i '',t v&& UJ A-&vSyv.r . IiXix n O&m.. . !- M I 1 You Can M an Who Depend on the Advertises j --. ' ' . ' , j.,.. Nine times out of ten you will find that the man who advertises is the man who most willingly, returns your money if you are not satisfied. Ht rax too much at stake to risk losing your trade; or your confidence. You can de- pen4ta!tun.' . . ; jlXZi He is tst a business for today or tomorrow only but for next year and ten years from next yW. , He knows Afe 'value, of "good will" . ; ; ; ; You get Ltlter merchandise at a fairer price than Le could ever hope to sell it if he did not tave the larger volume of business that comes from legitimate advertising antl goods thu bcar out the promise of the printed word. ...... ' . " 1 -1 - 7 -' V Don't miss the advertisements. This very day they call your attention to values that tomorrow you will be sorry you o? erlooke d. , DON'T MISS THE ADVERTISEMENTS This unusual photograph shows the beginning of the return to prison of William Carlisle who, had made his last stand in a little mountain cabin. The escaped Union Pacific train bandit had .been pursued by Sheriff . Roach and a posse and It was Sheriff Roach who wounded Carlisle. He Is seen here 'being helped, to mount a horse on which he had to ride a narrow, rocky trail t Esterbrook and from there he was taken by automobile tot Douglas, ArL, twenty-five miles distant. - ! J one of the heaviest Christmas trades this year they have known for many years and are well pleased with the outlook for -a continued prosperity. A. S. Pancoast and Miss Leon Meize were married in Salem Sun day afternoon. Miss Meize was one of the teachers In the Stayton schqpls while Mr. Pancoast is a citizen of Stayton. Miss Meize resigned her school work before her marriage. Mrs.. Tom Taylor is substituting. Woman's Life Saved Mrs. Jones who lives at the Gard ner-Murphy mill on route 2. was badly -burned Tuesday when he skirts cought fire from a hot stove. Mrs ones stood with her back to the fire, and did not discover her clothing was on fire until the flames had got ten beyond her control. Prompt ac- uon on the part of a neighbor. Mrs K. D. Crabtree. probably saved the woman's life, although she was bad ly burned about the body. The Foresters held their annual jubilee in their lodge rooms last night. It Was an open meeting for metr ramuies. Little Audrey Smuck. the 4-vear- old daughter of Mrs. Mary Smuck. died at the family home Wednesday morning after a few weeks illness of acute Drights disease. sable property, but If sold subse quently and before the tax is levied In -November and December the tax rolls are corrected and the tax lev- led against the persons who have bought the cars.' says an opinion of Attorney General' Brown yesterday, written for the state tax commission. The commission with Is Inquiry; en closed a letter from M. O. Wilklns of Portland, president of the State Au tomobile Dealers association. It LADD & BUSH, BANKERS ' U .i. EsUblithed 1868 ' " " General Banking Dosinen Office Iloun from 10 a.' m. to 3. p. to. I Insurance Department Has Good Showing for Year Receipts of the state Insurance de partment for the year 1919 touled $235,085.03. an Increase over the receipts for 118' which totaled $214,503.20. The department Is self-sustaining and after, deduction of office administrative expenses, which for 1919 were lens than $20. 000, the receipts are turned over to the general Tund of the state. Itemized the receipts were as fol lows: Annual licenses. $36.766. 4: certificates for fire Insurance agents, $10,762; certificates for life insur ance agents. $3421; miscellaneous certificates. $3228; annual state ments. llZZo: registration nf nntltv titles. $113; certificates of authority H7.-e; transfer oft certificates $5k35; ratrelaneoiii. $821.50: an nual tax. $178,5 42.75; total, $235, 085.03. Notice To Farmers We buy country produce of all kinds. See ns before yon t elL Highest cash market prices. Potatoes, eggs, dorer teed, on ions, especially wanted. - Automobile Taxes Have r . Rding horn Mr. Brown '"Antomlbiles held in stock hv deal -fs ca -oirfh l each year arc z .- BISHOP BE03. Address Corner High and Ferry Streets. , SALEM, OREGON Telephone 1400 I 7Z This Eepair Directory gives, the principal places where an article can. be repaired, and should be pres erred in - . erery home as' a ready guide. KTOVK KKPAIR1XU Batlsf action" guaran teed. 46 years exxper- - lence. . Salem Fence and Stove Works, . 3S0 Court tS. -Phone 124 GEORGE C WILL . of Sewing Machines Supplies. Keedlet, and Oils. rtone 1(9 AS2 State Street; 81 era. Oregon