'2 THE OREfiOX STATESMAN: TlllJSUW. F.1-:ll:KK 1H, I0IO. SALEM IS THE DEHY DRATION CENTER OF THE WORLD Did you ever stop to think of the part that Hunt Brothers Packing Company have had in the building up cf the fruit and berry industry of the Willamette Valley? Yours for progress and the up-building of the industry, X PRODUCTS Pure Juice of the Loganberry The Loganberry Beverage Ready to Drink Applju Drink an Apple Bulk and Bottled Cider Jellies and Jams "GROW MORE BERRIES" EAT MORE BREAD HOLSUM BREAD Is your is your Best BKEAD Best food Buy more Eat more of it. ' of it. ' ' ,.. . ' r . : r t.. .' ' . ;' CherrjP City Baking Co. i . BE EM AN . ONE-HORSE TRACTOR $325-SALEM ROACH & TROVER Liberty Garage 444 Ferry Street THE ROYAL CAFETERIA FOR GOOD EATS 460 State Street HOTEL MARION SALEM, OREGON Tlic Largest ahdMost Com plete Hostelry iir j)regon Out of Portland w. Walnut Orchards Filbert Orchards Prune Orchards All Kinds of Orchards for Sale . PEARCY BROS., - . Cntraetlns Horticulturists 210 Ur. salcm. Phone 6G3 H UNT BROS. PACKING FRUIT BUYERS H. A. BAKER & CO. J.L Van Doren, Mgr. Trade St, Near High The Vrooman strain Franquette is the nut we sell the trees. Bing, Itoyal Anne and Lambert are the leaders we sell them. The Ital ian prunes are the standard we can supply them in any grade and any quantity while they last. Salesmen Wanted CAPITAL CITY NURSERY COMPANY 1030 Chemeketa Street SALEM OREGON FAIRMOUNT DAIRY Schladler .Bros., Prop . . Dealers in Milk and Cream Wholesale and Retail , Phone 725 Salem, Ore. ALE On this page are some of the outstanding concerns have put Salem on the map and are helping to SAYS WE SPEAK IN SUPERLATIVES; YES, WE DO A Salem man shvs that The Statesman, in the Salmi Slogan campaign, speaks in super latives ' Thajt we paint 'every basic industry here a great industry. . So we do; and. so they are. " " , .But we tell the truth; we till what has been do:e under the most favorable circum stances, and by the men making the best records. - But what man has done man can do; so we 1 -iit the ideals lo which all mav work. ' We have proved that there are possible fori lines here in loganberries, prunes, dairying. X ilax, filberts, walnuts, strawberries, apples, raspberries, mint And so;we will go on down - Next week it will be blackberries. And again, we say that this i? vOlK Slogan campaign as much as ours. It. in' community work; and the whole community must benefit vastly from letting the world know what may he done here; in what we (excel. So you should help this to every person wh has any kind of a stake in Sa lem and the surrounding country. , We arc out after a million. We are now paying $400,000 a year to the dairymen of this section for milk. "Marion Butter" is the best butter. " More cows and better cows is the crying need MARION CREAMERY AND PRODUCE CO. Salem, Ore. Phone 24S8 PLAN TO ATTEND THE CAPITAL NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL and prepare; for the unusual op portunities which have been cre ated by the war. Bookkeeping, typewriting, shorthand, Gregg and pitman. Winter term begins Jan uary 5. Address j J. J. KK.HS, Salem, Oregon. W. H. GRABENH0RST & COMPANY Farm and Fruit Lands Small Tracts and Invest ments Telephone 2313 275 State St. Salem, Oregon DRAGER FRUIT CO. ; - ! Dried Fruit Packers 221 S. High St, Salem, Ore. Always in the market for dried fruits of all kinds SALEM'S FUTURE Salem's Progress and Development Depends Very Large ly Upon the Degree of Support We Give Local Business Enterprises. Let Us Put Our Shoulder to the Wheel and Boost for Progress. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Salem, Oregon An Institution that is Ever Anxious to Foster Worthy Enterprises THELMA INDIVIDUAL . CHOCOLATES A Salem Product, Made by The GRAYBELLE Patronize Home Industries EAT THELMAS! W. W. Kpsebraugh, Manager Office I'll one 68G Anderson Steel Furnace and Boiler Works Manufacturers of Gray Iron Castings, Warm Air Furnaces, Hop and Fruit Stoves, Smoke Stacks and Steel Work Seventeenth and Oak Streets SALEM, OREGON the lint1 PA SPECIAL CHRISTMAS CHOCOLATES Every Piece A Sweet . Surprise Complete line of Fancy Package! and regular stock boes ilisplajed " ... for your inspection THE SPA Homo of Fine Camlien ROTH GROCERY CO. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES FEESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES North Liberty Street A PROGRESSIViUSTORE Whose Slogan Is: M KIM '1IANDISE OF M KII IT, MODERATE 1'KICES COUR TEOUS SERVICE Dry Goods Ladies' Ready-To-Wear Ladies" Shoes KAFOURY BROS. 4GG-47I State Street ?f arn, ht nave ln tiltivntfl. SO deles -tiMablp v lu-n t--a r-"l ; all Cowi til: lunninjf water: rountv road anl n ail route tlirnuttli It. It at naw tin lr anl riiKj wii.ol: 3-4 mile from k-hxil and rxk ral: Z niil-t from l'ortlnnl; ioil- from Mulino. lricc J37iO; tay terms. 30 nTt. nil cultivated, fine for berriew; all feneeil hog tiht 1-t mile frm Aumsvillr. Or.; good barn ninirt on 10n. t.. 20 aerert ' om ;.pen. Iatanre tim It: l-l mile frolm paved road. 1 1 j mile. from town;' lotn of fir piling and tie timber. $i:.A; half caU. Socolofsky. taieni, Oregon. M LADD & BUSH, BANKERS SALEM, OREGON Capital $500,000 Long experience and thorough understanding makes this bank able to give unexcelled assist ance to all industries DO YOU KNOW? That this big, busy store sells GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING and SHOES AT LOW PRICES! We do a large volume of bus iness at a small margin of profit and sell for CASH PEOPLE'S CASH STORE 186-194 N. Commercial St. SLOGAN 1 1 1 r t II U. G. SHIPLEY CO. Outfitters To Women, Misses 1 and Children CASE KEROSENE TRACTORS. OLIVER PLOWS AND IMPLEMENTS LOT L PEARCE & SON 2o6 N. Commercial St. RODGERSPAPER x COMPANY 400 Kerry Street SALEM Wholesalers of paper and book- binders You can be jieeoiumodatcd in your mvhome town DO Yf)l KNOW Tt(AT IT WILL PAT YOC TO USE CUMMKKCIAL FKRT1L1ZKII on ourerries and Fmit Tre. We hae pecured the Afiency for the Marine Prod ucts Co.. ho manufacture Or ganic Fertilizer. It certainly docs the work and doen not hurt your land. Our-solicitor is nom- railing on the growers. Phone us for a call. D. A. WHITE & SONS :S3 State Street. Phone 160 J. W. MARUNY Grower and Importer Nursery Stock Perennials, Potted and Bedding Plants 211 Miller Street. Salem tat MiviitM ca Sales and Service FORDSON TRACTORS VALLEY MOTOR CO. 2C0 X. High. State and Front MARION AUTO COMPTfY FRANKLIN STUDEBAKER 0LDSM0BILE Supplies and Accesacrbs Opposite Hotel Marion , Open Pay and Night III I 1 1 1 II I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 i I I 1 1 DID YOU KNOW that Marion county has the great est Jersey cow in the world; that this district has . the greatest four full sisters in the Jersey world; that the greatest and next greatest senior yearling Jersey on earth are in this district; and that this is to remain the home of the best cows produced, and become the leading dairy center 01 inis coun try? Nature has so decreed; and men will natur ally follow the lines of least resistance. M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 n 1 u 1 1 1 1 111 MANGIS BROS: All Kinds of Fruit Car Lot Shippers of Potatoes A2 State Street Phone 717 Your choice is my choice . and that is Weatherly Ice Cream. Nutritious, Delicious, Kef reshing. Sold Most Everywhere; Manufactured and. Distribut ed in Salem by BUTTERCUP ICE CREAM COMPANY 1 M. tJregory, Mgr. 240 South Commercial Street Money Saved Is. Money Made. )o your traiinj; with the J. C. Pen ney Co... and you will make mon ey. Our Mock is up to date and up to Ftyle. and our prices mean positive economy to you. J. C. PENNEY CO. Ill 7 Husy Stores SaKm Si or". IKo North Liberty St. The bep lays away his supply of honey while the flowers are in bhom and Ihe R'juirrcl hi store of nuts while I he harvest is here "Should not we be a" wise as they! Start an Account Today Salem Bank of Commerce CO 51 o'. -FARM LOANS-6'J We loan money for five years. We allow you to pay $100.00 or multiple on the principal on any interest date We close our loans promptly HAWKINS & ROBERTS 205 Oregon Building WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANSFER CO. Cor. High and Ferry St., Salem We' move anything. Also mak ing through trips to Portland and return. We alto do local hauling. PHONE 1400 Rapid transportation is a prim ary essential to speeding up production F A- KURTZ Evaporating DryingCanning Prunes and Apples We need apple NOW. from ci der grade up. .Commercial and Jefferson Sts. Phone l.Tio PAGE which and men who keep it there HI I I 1 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 I 1 l I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SALEM HARDWARE COMPANY 120 North Commercial If it is in the line of hardware, we have it. We solicit the farm trade GIDEONSTOLZCO Manufacturers of (!. S. Brand Cider Vinegar . . Dependable- Brand Lime Sul phur Solution, and Carbonated Beverages SALEM OREGON Near tr. Summer and Mill CHERRY CITY MILLING CO. Flour, Cereals and Mill Feed THE "OLD RELIABLE" GROWERS ASSOCIATION EaUbhhcd 1001 WILLAMETTE VALLEY PRUNE ASSOCIATION i) yon realise mhat that It nuani that tlor Is a' mar ket, and growing market, for every i:-tible and fruit that ran be raised on the land ia this territory. AnI that mean more (ban Js apparent to the ttrancr at firt glance; for greatt-r va riety of frill and v-jctablea ran be uerefully j rown here thao In any othrr part of this country or the world. I -lid ration la the greatest thing in the woild. In food con Bert a lion. It takes opt the water; the consumer pats It back, at lay time in the future, anywhere under the shining sun and then be has the fruit or the vegetables good as fresh, la every nutritive quality, and la every other way. The savins; tU billions, annually. And all the nosey comes to Salem excepting what is expended for the nails la the shipping boxes. Better than a gold mine; for It will never "pinch onL" KAI.KM KIMJ'ft PRODUCTS COM PAX V .SALEM OREGON (This company !s committed to the growth of th's commu nity, by a program that will make Its output ten times its present output that will em ploy 2590 people ml its factory; that will pay to the growers $20,000,000 a year for-their prod'icts.) This jtpaee'urill be used for a year by Salem's Live Bus iness Trainiuj; School The - CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Watch for it. Students re now enrolling daily. Truly, a business education pays. " If Yoti Want REAL ESTATE Or To BORROW MONEY See . NIEMEYER Kirst 215-21G Masonic Ituilding. Phones Kxto, loll OREGON PACKING COMPANY 285 South Twelfth St, Salem, Oregon CANNERS OF OREGON FRUITS AND VEGETABLES i Wc arc always in the market for fruits and yegctahlcs 8 I n m