TIIE OREGON STATESMAN, THURSDAY, DF.CIlMliKR JK. 1010. (GSTY , . NEW S I tut e lrol Ordei-eri On it ?. own. motion the public Ser vice commission has- instituted an :nvestig.n;on of the distance, class and oommcfiity rates of the Sumpter alley railroa ! company. The inve3-t.-Kation is in ascertain whether the rates are just and reasonable u- b u?ed as i permanent races on Intra state bu-iaw. , A htann? will be be d in Tort'and Monday. Dec. 29.. W. V. Mooip Furniture Store . All t-r records for December nave jus, been received. rt her, surveys Rein - . Itepreti'tfves,'of Vac atTfirc .fciarshrii department havo ' complet ed:. a firs Lazard survey of Oreon City. State Fire Haral al Barber an ncunceu yesterday, xn win n0w "take up a similar survey of -Milwaukee and Gresham.. All sections of tjie 'V, .I, 3& CHARLES RAY In Crooked Straight" Today Only state ar to be reached by the sur veys ul.:.is -ely. the tbjecr being to cm dowa the-per ca'p'tU fire loss jn Oregon. , ' . 24 !n The Cast Of "A Tailor Made Man." the orig inal .New York company coming ta the Grand Friday evening, Dec. ID- State Oitei'ft Hid v ' i.'idi, ou '"plies f jr Stle institu tions for. the fix months' poriod be ginning January 1 we-t opened yes terday by the sate board 'of control. Pecretar I; t;. Coodi.i state that Hie rtPults it the bids will not be knjan for a da or two longer because of the volume of bids received. ) The Meeting of the Salem O. A. C. club which was to have been held tonight has been in definitely postponed. Meeting Postponed The regular weekly meeting of the directors of the Commercial club was not) held last, night. . Lack of im portant business and the nearness of the annual meeting on Tuesday night caused the postponement. v BICYCLES AND REPAIRS LLOYD E. RAMSDEN 387 Court Street WA N T E D . Furniture, ranges, heaters, tools uo, u uci, anyining you nave to se: ' I buy lor cash. Phone i . 610 or 511. W00DRY, The Auctioneer Notice, to Empliye Oregon -Pulp , & Paper company will resume construction .work at once. , Cirpettcrs should report Fri day mornng, December 13. Decoration Begins Soon decorations of the 'streets . for Christmas will be commenced by the Business Men's league committees as soon as the streets are reasonably city! cleaning works . Cleaners of Quality.! t Cleaning Dyelfis Repairing 1261 State St. , Phone 703 ' Salem Anto Radiator Shop Radiators. Fenders and Gas s , , Tanks Repaired v; - Tractor Radiators a Specialty Ford Radiators lor Sale J 198 S. 12th St. . Salem, Ore. err Bonds, Mortgages Interest Bearing Investments HAWKINS & ROBERTS 204 j207 Oregon Building t -? (- f SCXKIST ORANGES " Oc DOZE ' 1 BUSICKS WEST: FUR CO. Has furs of style and quality - -'I New Location 521 Court, Opposite Court House 1920 ELGIN SIX IS HERE Motorists! who are looking for? a strong, serviceable : car with elegant body tines and interior specifications that assume maximum service- and economy at a reasonable price should see this car.- . . . LEE L GILBERT, Distributor 156 So. Commercial Street. One Ovreland, nearly new. six cylin der, 5 passenger, equipped all Cord Tires and ione extra,- iew. Guaran teed in Al shape for $1250. ,: .v . . .(' - ' WOOD-ROSE MOTOR CO. 24C State St. Phone 311 WONDER HOSE For Kiddies, per pair.. ...... .80c REMNANT, STOKE 254 North Commercial Street I J WILLARD Storage Battery SERVICE STATION ' Telephone 203 238 N. High St. if EYEGLASSES ; i THAT FIT ' ' i" ' Jilt. Lu IIAtli- WILSOX 210-211 V. S. National Bank Bidg. KU3CTRIC RESTAURANT i 481 State Street ' I Our Specialty: Oysters Fish - Chops j Chili Con Carne ? : ir.!D:5aADb0X, Prop D. H. M0SHER MEN'S TAILORING 474 Canrt Street WANTED 4 JUNK AND MACHINERY OF ALL ! KINDS J, Wo Knr aeennd-hand goods. if t-nii hY anrthins: to sell for a eood orice call 398. The Square 271 C-L.tta SL oalem. Ore.! RIYRTLlvlCNOWUND Slnsle . and Musical , Merchandise Sonora Dealer In Salem 4 1 S Court SL. . . : Salem, Oregon Telephone 352 Let ns proTe to you that our priees are less. Some good bargains in new and used pianos. , THE WILEY B. AULEN CO. 519 Court SL ; ' Derby building W T. RIGD0N CO. Leading Funeral l)irectors -Have You Seen? THE NEW VELIE SIX . Now on Display at SALEM VELIE COBiIPANY .. .162 North Commercial Street 1 :,:,:; U.S. GARAGE j -'-i -654 Ferry Street ; , -; USED BUT NOT ABUSED CARS SPECIAL New series Studebaker, value $1625. today $1300. U. S. '. Garage. Phone 1752 Electric Machinery and Engineering Company ; For EXPERT ELECTRICAL WORE i , - - - - i?5 So. Commercial SL Phone 966 free of snow. A ''good.. fund for dec oration has ben secured this year and special effort will le made fi deck the principal downtown streets, in elaborate decoration. Legal Blanks Get them at. The Statesman office, Catalog on application. Dentist's Hand Injured Dr.,H. H. dinger suffered a se vere injury to his hand at his orfice Monday when a cartridge was ex ploded accidentally Two fingers were badly lacerated by the explos ion, but the doctor says the members are improving rapidly and will (e available for use as ever in a few days. i Rigdon Company Superior funeral service for less; AKociatin lmroving The Saem Y. M. C. A. is not go ing to wait until spring to do its house cleaning and judging from ap pearances the spring sun will shln on a newly papered and painted ruite of club rooms. ...All the wood'frame work in the club rooms is bein re painted in a befitting color. The walls ar to be papered and some neat designs have been selected. When the proposed plans are fin ished the interior will look like a new building. Rex. Beach Kterial Too Fat To Fight, a comedy drama at Ye Liberty today. Seat On Sole . Now for ''Tailor Made Man" com ing to the Grand Friday evening. Dec. 19. Get them at the "Opera House pharmacy. Ben II . Kaler lend Ben H. Kaiser. 47 yenrs n!d. and who for 21 yars had followed ih farming occupation near McCleury. died at his farm home early yester day. He leaves a wife. Jessie Kaiser, and two sons, Frederick H. Kai?er 0REG0NUS A PERFECT CIGAB Manufactured by HENDERSON'S CIGAR FACTORY Phone 31 SAVE $1000 We have a 1?19 Douglis Eight left with us for sale that may be had for $1600 less than it cst the ownrr la. February. Mechanically perfect; in j fine- condition: run less than 300i miles. It's a beauty and a S"ood buy. THE B. & C MOTOR CO. 2;-58 State St. REMEMBER that we pay the alafce.t arlee for "SKCOJtD-HAXn KtKSITI'BK CARPETS. STVES. MAl'HISERT AXU TOOLS Don't sell anythtnsr before you see ua THE CAPITAL. HAMHWARK' ASD , FI HMTIBK CO. Z85 X. Casa'l C . . Theae SIT MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS I Khaki and Grey SCHEI'S POTATOES Burbanks. American Wonders, Netted Gems. Pride of Multno mah, Garnet Chill, Early Rose. We pay the highest 'prices and are always in the market. Phone 717 or address 542 State street, Salem, Oregon. MANGIS BROS. WM. GAHLSD0RF The Store orHousewares 'v Wood, Coal or Gas Ranges ' Kitchenware Dinnerware ' 135 N. Liberty St. Phone 67 ttmall InTestment Imans Kealty Loans House J?ntal Agency, General Property Dealing.. JOHN H. SCOTT REALTY CO.. . ' 404-405" Eubhard Bldg. hone 264 Salem. Ore. DENNIS0N ELECTRIC CO. JOB WORK AND FIXTURES 222 North Liberty Street . MONUMENTS tf your monumental work Is sollclt vl, kindly ask the solicitor for oar riwiness card, i- 5 Capital Blonnmeatal Works, :210 S. Com. SL Phone 6 S 9, Salem HAMILTON THE FURNITURE MAN Will make and hang 'your drapes Largest Stock of Drapery. 340 Court StreeL j WANTED ! WHITE BEANS PEOPLES CASH STORE Old Newspapers and Magazines Wanted Used Also Hop Wire Wanted. Cars For Sale By STEINBOtK JUNK & AUTO WRECKING S20-32C North Commercial St. Phone 80S and Clyde M. Kaiser. Ti.e L.-.I7 rl the Rigdon establishment but fuueral arrangements have not yet been announced. 1. For the Thaw Rubber l oo's. Rest uuality. rrices right. Hanger Bros. War Veteran lenl Information reached Salem y(er day of the death of Julius J. Worces ter, a C ivil war reteran, which took place at a soldiers' home at Saw telle. Calif. Mr. Worcester was a member of Sedgwick post. G. A. II... of Salem. News of his death cam in a telegram to Judge Daniel Webster. Wet Feet Will Cause TrouWe Rubber boo's will ke' thm dry. Ha user Hro. Zielke Funeral Today The funeral or Mrs, J. L. Zielke. who died recently at her home near Uvesley. was held yesterday from the chapel or Webb & Clough at 1:30 o'clock. Burial was In the City View cemetery. Boy Wanted , Large boy. to dellrer papers. Good pay. Apply at Statesman office. (Grander Funeral Today Funeral services for Mrs. Margar et 0trander. who died Monday, at her home, on North Twestieth street, will be held at 1:30 o'clock today from the chapel of the Rigdon com pany. The body will be placed in Mount Crest Abbey mausoleum. Jnt Received IHg shipment or rnbber loots Best Quality. Prices right. Hauser Bros. Birds Suffer From We.it h Roy ilremraer. district game wa--den. reports that many Bob White quail hare been found dead as a re sult of th unusually cold winter weather. .'I t has apparently been impossible, for the little game birds to reach shelter, although many farmers hare. arranged feeding places for birds in their barnyards. So far China pheasants hsve been more for tunate and it Is not believed their loss is great. Business Men Piatt pone Flection . The annual election of the Busi ness Men's league, scheduled for last night, was postponed until January 21. There, was, not a. quorum pres ent at the meeting last night. Stores. Cle Usual Hours- Stores of the city will not be opea after hours during the Christmas season, according to annonncement made yesterday through the Busi ness Men's league. The usual hours will be observed by the stores as In normal times. I The stores will not be open evenings except on Saturday. pee3oial mention- F;j P.' McCople. who Is connected with the Dundas-Martin Financial service, is a Salem business visitor. Linn W. Nesmlth. who is employed by the state highway commission is a visitor in Salem for the first time In several months "M. O. Wilkras, president of the State Automobile Dealers' associa tion was in Salem yesterday. C. N. Maris, state leader for boys' and Girls' industrial clubs, is in the city from Portland. Brazier Small went to Portland last night and will remain over the week end. . Mrs. Lucy Johnson, who recently has disposed of her Interest in t3 Glen hotel to J. C. Smith of oitland will leave shortly for California where sh will make her horae. Mrs. May Bailey will retain her lace as housekeeper for tne notei. W. A. Marshall, chairman of tht state industrial accident commission went to Portland yesterdar. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. WrigM of Roseburg, who were recently mar ried, are euests of Dan Langenberg Mrs. Wright Is a niece of Mr. Lan'gen- berg. . Retta E. Joseph of Hubbard Is BUY THAT HEATER NOW E. L STIFF & SON MONEY TO LOAN On Improved City ana r arm rrirpcriy j Capital Credit A Adjustment Co. tr . K Masonic Temple SALEM - OREGON LONG DISTANCE AUTO TRUCKING WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANSFER CO. t Phone 1400 f CHRISTMAS CIGARS TOBACCOS CIGARETTES SMITH'S CIGAR STORE State "jand Commercial Streets OUR facilities are of the highest character. We are equipped to satis-' fy the most ex acting client. The courteous con duct of our staff matches the up-to-dateness of our, equipment 1 - 71 WHY S "VI V . ' J .11 SIMPLIFY THEj' CHRISTRLAS SHOPPING BY MAKING YOUR SELECTION FROM THIS SUPPLY OF USEFUL and SATISFYING GIFTS Surprise Her With a Blouse One of the Beautiful Ones "wliich any woman would be proud to own mitehor Why not a manicuring set or some sep arate pieces to complete her set already started? Exquisite Petticoats Why not for the out of the ordinary gift try a silk petticoat. Our assort ment is good Gloves . Why not select a pair of gloves that will be stylish and please the recipient. 1 ft- al- Stationery is Always AccepUt!e,t! Why not send a box of writing paperI or correspondence cards? Here is a elaborate outfits Silk Stockings Why not a pair of silk hose that wil bring delight to the wearer? Hand Bags Why not'ehoose from our slock cf give able hand bags? Never such prett ones, never so many to select from : Nothing is more dainty or gives more pleasure than a gift selected from our 'department xrf -Silken Underwear" WHY NOT SHOP NOW? Quality Merchandise Outfitters to' Women, Misses and Children Pc r ti guest of Salem friends. W. J. Kerr, president of Oron Agricultural college, was in Salem yesterday. Miss Anna Mullen of Salem is vis iting Mrs. Jack Doren in Portland. S. Z. Culver, inheritance tax clerk In the state trearurer's offkt, is In Portland. y Mrs. C. W. Parker of New berg Is a guest at the home of her brother. pr. J. R. Pembrton. 1443 South Commercial street. J. K. Weatherford. Albany tton sey. was a business visitor In Salem yesterday. To Prevent Infloenxa Colds cause Grip and Influenza LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tab lets remove the cause. There Is only one "Bromo Quinine. E. W. GROVE'S signature on box. 30c. HOTEL ARRIVALS MARION A. M. Bennett. 3. J. Woran. N. V. Tauner. J. R. O'Conner. W. 11. Kav. D. J. McKemie. P. B. Hafgood. Tortland; K. F. Rooken. Paul Casford. P. Havens. A. K. Ba saril. San Francisco ; Peter G. Schmidt. Otympia; W. P. Meyers. Bend: Major W. P. Simpson. Seattle; H. Seher. Chicago; tleorite P. Sar rick, Cleveland: Mrs. G. U Bjidwm San Francisco. 1. P. White. Nome. Alaska. BLIGH J. II. Evans. N. K. Yonra. Mabel Valler. H. Starface. W. L Garret. C. W. Bennls. G. R. SertU. Portland; Nora Crahen. Grand I!ap ids. Mich.: W. P. Spofford. Los An gelas; R. J. Ruby. Scappoose: tJ. H. t'arl. W. 11. Carl. Carlton: C. Pugh. Falls City. AGO Blanche Stlno. H. M. Olson. Silverton: W. F. Nash. Portland. John Sprangar. Geer. Or. Judge Hamilton It Not Satisfactory to Devers J. M. Devers. assistant attorn ct general In charge of litigation of the stat highway commission, will file in the crrrnlt court for ' Dosglas county a motion charging that be cause of prejudice relative to local conditions. Judge J. W. amilton l not a proper person to bear action of S. R. Rockhlll aaainst the high way commission, and will atk that the case be transferred to another county. The action was instituted by Rock hill, a resident of Riddle, to enjoin the commission from proceeding with construction of a portion or the Pa cific highway in Douglas conntv known as h Canyonvllle eut-oH.' the object being to have the route changed to tcuch the town cf Rid dle. ' There goes one of our most noted surgeons. "He seems absent-minded." -So he does. He looks as If he might have mislaid an appendix some where." Birmingham Age-Herald. Restaurant Men Will Not Raise Despite Conditions NEW YORK. Dec. 17-Represent-atives of five thousand New York restaurants In convention today de cided that despite heavy increases in operating costs apd losses du to pro hibition, they would not Increase prices to customers but would meet the situation by elfectig economies of operation. Joseph Burger, president of the United Restaurant Owners Associa tion, said a resolution to increase charges had been defeated. An earl ier report said the restaurant men had decided upon alt per cent rise to become effective January 1. Mr. Burger said the association had col lected $100,000 which will be used to help smaller members to keep in business. "Do you thlk I am tufterfng from tobacco heart, doctor?" anxiously! asked the patient. I "Not if tins is the brand of cirars., you smoke habitually. replied-the doctor, raising the window. Boston Transcript. I Own Your Own I A good way to start' cure a position with t ion house as book stenographer. Her learn the details of 11 Then you will te pro: ter you will be Invli stock in the business. Pretty soon you win upon to take an exec lion. , You can make your get experience at the j We are prepared tr all of the prellmlnsT the on office position j . It will be your Jc! Capital BuL2e3 SALEM, OR1 as r-j-i cc STATE 2 STREET x: 8 Dr.CB.0Ne1 . OPTOrlETRlSt-OPTl XgfCar. Stale stf. Turkeys n z 1 FOR HOLIDAY TRADE FITTS MARKET 44 Court Street : BATTERIES'' : : - : 1 EDISON j PHILADELI For Farm Lighting For Antomc Expert AutoEletrie and Ijiitioa Work THE BATTERY SHOPV 26.v N. Commercial Street j