' ... .... .... I . ' ' .. r TTTE OHT.GOX STATESMAN; T1U ILSUAY, HIXKMUKU IH. 1019. " ' g ii - . : : : : : : : . . rz-rrT's o V TP 2 jL ' - The Wants and Needs of the CaDital Citv are Noted Under Proner II ii ass ii led II II Tl Tie T If m ir v .r - I Headings So You Ca n Readily Find Them They're Worth White c 'I NORWICH UNIOJI FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY pilelen Roland A Bnrghardt -gaeldent Agent 871 State St. HONEY TO LOAN a IMPROVED riRN PROPERTY AT ,0vYK"B RATES. MO COMMISSION TH0S.X F0RDBT,"ia"ifo" f A FARM LOANS HAWKINS & ROBERTS 204-207 Oregon Building CLASSIFIED AD TEnTlSEinCH TS : Rat Pe Were. Tper. Insertion ,1c On week (six insertions).... 6c One month ..15c Six months' contract, per mo. 10c It months' contract, per mo.. 9c Minimum tot any advert's'm't 26c NEW TODAY WANTED TO TRADE FOR STOCK of groceries, Salem residence prop trees now. Prices 35c. I'hone, 417R. ty bringing good Income. Write ful- 1 ly'givimf value, condition, etc. Ad- dress Fotornce box 214, fcaiem. GIRL FORGKNERALH OUSEWORK. Four in family. Oood wages to right party. i'hone last. LOMT WATERMAN FOUNTAIN PEN. without cap, between Owens til- and the Commercial Look Store. Phon WANTED CHRISTIAN' WOMAN FOR 'light housework. Inquire at 173 S. Cottage. EMPLOYMENT WANTED 15 Y RELIA ble man. Clerking or inside- work preferred. For reference see L. W'. Hoyard. U. S. -National bank.. K. C. Sheldon, phone 1667, lt59 Court St. PLACE YOUR ORDERS FOR XMA8 trees now. Prices 35c. I'hone 317R. WANTED-r-11300 FOR FIRST LOAN .on well located li 3-1 acre. C. W. Nlemeyer, 216 Masonic Bldg., Salem. NIEMEYER'S BITCS New Today Strictly modern I room home on N. Summer St- Oarage. tine- coiner lot iiSOO. t-room modern home on X. Commer cial SC. JiaraKe. Fruit a 1200: terms (-room strictly modern bunsalow on N. Cottage St. Lot 49x130; fruit f J7e. (-room modern home at 2C0 X. 15th St. liood basement 82000. tO acres 3 miles south. All cultivated. Coed prune orchard, bearing: 5-room houe in fair condition ti00Q. Ct acres near Macleay. All cultivated. Good family orchard: fine water; 8 roonr. Iiouse; large barn $7500. VC. W. NIEMEYER ' jut Real Estate and-HiKh Class Investments. 3U-216 Masonic Hldg1.. Salem. . Phones 1000-1011. . -j) . BEST HOUSE BUYS 5- room plastered house, lot 110x150 ft., lots fruit, close to car, furniture in cluded. $1300. 'i cash. 6- foom modern bungalow, furnished, close to car, $2000: cash. S-room house, modern, 1239 Nortn T.roartwnv f'iOi J' 8-room modern "house, very fine large lot with fine lawn and shadv, 565 Nortn Hiah St.: east front. $6000. - 7-room modern nlastered house, car line, navement. 82500: $500 cah, bal ance mnnthlv ft tier cent. 6-room Kouae. garage, east front. 1 ',s acres ir round 12u00. easy terms .'wm modern bungalow, lot 75'xlOO good location, $3500. J . t-room strictly modern bungalow, in good condition. $(25o. For best buys in ranches or houses . S0C0L0FSKY il State St, KIDS Fm HOSKVIXVITKIV The undersigned will receive sealed proposals' up till five o'clock p. m. January 5. 1920. for 1000 reet, &u- foot lengths, coupled, 2 1-2 inches internal diameter, cotton fire hose. lo withstand 400 p.uuds of pres sure, vith time guarantee of ser- vice and replacements for defects. Underwriters couplings. Also 20o feet 3-4 inch Chemical hose. Also 150 feet of 1 1-2 inch cotton hose. The city reserves the right to re ject anv and all bids. Earl Race. City Recorder. - EMPLOYMENT MpVMWMwswVwVVWMwAAwwrStfVV FEMALE Tiiinn nnn -in nnnn " aaaassasasasss WANTED WOMAN OR STRONG Girl for housework, small family. 1012 Saginaw' St. . WANTKD GIKL OR WOMAN TO wait on elderly lady and help with ' hoiiHework. I'hone Z00tJ. W A NT E D W OMAN OR GIRL FOJ! general house work. Apply at Zoia So. Commercial or phone it-it 13.. CIUL WANTED FOR GENERAL housework. Good pay. In a modern home. None but a rood cook need , apply. References. Write I M., care ' 'Statesinan. ' " r MILK v ; MAN WANTKD TO CUT BRUSH I5T -liy or contract. Shack firnished - - I'hone 114 1J. COM I'ETENT SALESMEN WANTED Experienced selling newspapers pre- . rrred but not necessary, if a hustler Straight salary. Statesman business of fire. "" Z .MISCELLANKOCS WANTED MEN, AND WOMEN . TO) work in our circulation department. A iwid nrooosition to the richt peo ple. Address-the Pacific Homestead. Statesman lildg.. Salem.' Oregon. FOR SALE miAtrriFiTL wall tjnts. many new colors Ittc pound and up. Max O. Ruren 179 (ft. Com'l St. FARM MAGAZINES r tali WANT TO-GET: THE BBH farm naoer. send 10c to the Pacific Homestead. 8alem. Oregon, for a trial hrrtplon. Mention this a PIANOS IN SPITB OF THE WEATHER AVE sre eclling uianos: eotnn fine bar gains in new and ued pianos. Easy 4riro, The Wiley li. Allen Co., 519 POILTR1 TUB No RT HW EST POULTRY JOUR, gel. the biggest and best In the weit The live magazine for live poultry, men 76 cent a rear. $1.00 In Salem. ?fn1 5Le'nt" for "ample today. Ad 2r'M Th Northwest Poultry Journal. Salem. Oregon. Mention thia ad. MISCELLANEOUS. rOK bALE NEW WOODSTOCK TYPK writer, petted condition. Will sell cheap. Address "J 8." care Statesman FINK PIANO IS Till: BEST op M.I. Xm.is n sents. Some extraordinary bargains. A small payment places n ixriiio in jour home. The Wiley U. Allen Co.. 51 Court street. WALFELT" TOUR HOUSE; ITS superior to cloth, at about hif price. Max O. Buren 179 X. Coml St. A tl LI, SIZE FINE USED PIANO FOR pale. You will be surprised at the yelue. of. jthis piano at $250. The Uiioy li Allen Co.. 519 Court street. W R ITR FOR "DIET AND CLIMATE IN Tubercluosis." 22 pages, very inter esting. I. T. MelUon, Box 652. Sai. liei riardlno. Calif. ' USED CARS FOR SALE 1918 MAX well good as new; 1917 Maxwell, run $000 miles. Cash or terms. l7 Bo. Commercial. Phone 399. MR. 8-CE.NT SMOKER JUST TRY A Kinsmen oc Cigar. The mild Havana short filler smoke of satisfaction. Ja cobs & Busick, distributors. REX DRY PASTE. NO COOKING RE- quirea. w or its better, sticks tighter than flour paste. Max O. Buren. 179 N Com l St. WANTED SACKS, RAGS AND ALL Kinds of junk. Steinbock Junk Co., aib N. Commercial St. Phone 305. Used cars for sale. Parts of cars at half price. CAPTIVITY OF TUB OATMAN GIRLS This true story of western Immi gration has been carefully revised. making a nandson.e little book. It tells in graphic terms of the massa cre cf the Oatman family, of the es cape or Lorenzo, and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of star vation and Olive was purchased from tne Indians five years later. The price Is 20 cents, postpaid. Address Oregon Teacbers Monthly. Salem. Or. FOR RENT APARTMENTS !WAasAsVejaAeVWMWWWMWWwVMMWeWWWMsiWU FOR l:ENT FURNISHED APART- merit. Zt,7, S. Hiirh. I'hone ?I5. BOCSEs FOR RE7NT HOUSES. APARTMENTS and farms. F. L. Wood. 81 State street. Phone 794. T SMALL HOUSE IN OUTSKIRTS FOR rent. Is in poor condition. Will al low two months' rent for fixing up. then $5 a month. Rig garden plot. Lease if desired. Statesman business Office. ROOMS. FOR RENT ONE FURNISHED DOWN stairs front room. Phone H36J. FOR .RENT ROOMS WITH HOT water heat and lavatory v.-ith hot and cold water. 1030 Chemeketa St. I'hone 1280. LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST SHOE BUCKLE IN BLACK and silver, Monday. Reward. Phone 2363 LOST A 15 INCH STRING OF PEARL beads at Fair Grounds or in city. Re ward. Phone 2363. LOST POCK ETROOK CONTA I NING about $13. and 98c worth of sumps Reward for return to Statesman. LOST LADY'S GOLD HUNTING CASK watch, initial A-LD. on front of c:t?e. Reward for return to office of Port land Railway, ' Light & Power Co. Phone 85. VOUXD FOUND- -AN AUTOMOBILE i'hone 863. TIRE cha.ni. WANTED POULTRY. TURKEY'S WANTED H ICS H EST MAR ket price pain. Hop Lee, 4J rerry SL Phone 13.19 J. AUSCEAJuAA EU li . WE BUY ANY KIXD OF USED CARS. Phones !!. lli soutn commorciat AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY OLESON AUTO EXCHANGE 319 N. Commercial St'. Phone 6S Maxwell Truck $125.- Saxon Six $j0 Ford Bug. $27o. a-passenger over land,--electric lights and starter. jj.iu. 191.'. Stnrlehaker. 8413. 118 CThevro- let. $'r.0. 1 ton Ford' Truck. $3.".n. 1917 Ford Delivery Car. $100. 1?1 Briscoe Touring $600. BRING YOUR BATTERY WORK TO the Battery Shop, 263 N. commercial street; Phone. 412. All work guar anteed. DOES YOUR CAR RUN RIGHT; If not. inquire or Chester f'. way, ior- mortv f.f the Marion and Btlick KIC at:tB. who is located at the Fair- ei ound Auto Electric Co.. 2590 t nil ground road (on the Pacific high way). Starting, lighting, ignition and carburetor service a specialty Telephone 1798 for service car. AtTTO SERYICBS sHIPP-8 AUTO SERVlCls CITT AND country trips. Phone; uay, it night. SSI. TIRES REPAIRED YULCAJf IZIHO JVWIiWuVsVyfTVi A "i sassi saaa sa sa SB. sa an en en sSa si GATE8 HALF-SOLE TIRE) SERVICK Station. 177 South Commercial bl Phone 488. LODGES Chrmrkots Lor Ko. 1 meet cvrry Wff(lnHiy 1 evening St ?:30 at th. I. O. O. P. Hall. I CARDS DEAYS AND EXPSESS. LA RUE R TRANSFER WE MOVE AND store good a Day phone lis. Nigh phnne 1898 . i JUNK JUJK JUNK WANTED WE PAY HIGHEST price for Junk of every kind- Let us make yon a price on your household roods. The "Square Deal" House Capital Junk Co, 871 Chemeketa St. Phone Sf The Stateman's Classified -Ai n n i. AOS. Inn? tXCSUUS IT5AKCIAZ. miKK INFORMATION IF TOO WANT Information about any kind of life tnaurance. see J. F. Hutchason, dis trict manager for the Mutual Life of New York. Office at S71 State street aiem. ore. Office phone 89, resi dence 1396. ULxnrsErEs. -i- CAPITALrCITT STEAM TLA UN OK T duality work, prompt sservlce. 1234 Broadway. Pnone 188. 'a- Saw-14 STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash. 8e per pound lit Soutt. Liberty St. Phone 35. 'HOME WET WASH I.Vl'XDRY-KEG- uiar washing- done at a rate every body can atiord. For only 80 cents we will collect, wash and deliver your washing within twenty-four hours I'hone 171. HOP LEE EXPERT LAUNDRY MAN, 488 Ferry St. I psy top market price for chickens and rfg. Hoots phone 188 3 J. Bhop phone 133SJ. MOSEY TO.LOAS GOVERNMENT LOANS AT Stt PER cent. w. d. Smith, 803 Salem Bank of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LANDS 5 li per cent Federal Farm Loans, 34 4 years time. 6 per cent Private time. Funds. 33 years City Loans, like rent. Reasonable terms. Pay off A. C.-Bohrnstedt 491 Masonic Temple, Salem. NURSERIES FOR SALE FRUITLAND NURSERY lias a few thousand Italian Prune trees, grafted Franquet Walnuts, and also other Nuisry Stock. Phone 111F21. Rt. 6. Salem. Ore. PLUMBERS PHONE YOUR RUSTED 11 PES TO 963. We fix them. REPAIRING AXD l'I'IIOI,STt:KIG FURNITURE J HOSPITAL I HAVE openeu up a rust class snop, repair ing and refinishilig and upholstering. All work guaranteed Will call and estimate your work Phone 1741. 1201 S. Commercial. M. Crown.. ROOF REPAIRING IF ROOF LEAKS I'HONE 172. SECOND HAND FURNITURE WANTED SECOND-HAND FURNI-I , ture. rugs, carpet, stoves, machinery ; and tools. Rest prices paid. The Cn- ital Haruware Ac furniture To Z . N. Com'l St. I'hone 917. ' PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE 871 N. Commercial. Phone 734. Home of bargains. New and second-band fur nishings and hardware. We buy. sell and exchange. Highest cash price paid for recond-hand goods. , OPTOMETRISTS. Die l. hall wilson spectai- nlication of Glasses for the aid of viilon and the relief of Eyestrain na Headache. Office closed Saturday a iffice 210-211 U. S. Bank Building. Phone, office 145; res. 1244. TRANSFER RACUUVG CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER Co. 22 State St.. on one 'JS3 uistriDuting. forwarding and storage our specialty. Get our .rates. AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANT KINT of hauling. uouseboia moving lobs done prompt ly.- Try me once. ' Tlmme. 475 State St. Phone 118. Residence phone 1122J. SECOND HlfiD GOODS WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe rittings. Har ness, collars, collar pads, tools, and chains. Fred Schlndler. J6S Canter street. WALL PAPER. PAIHT C17 IHiPTVH ITOK PAfVTJI WAIJ. Ik? 44 0 Vk av V m art - Paper and Picture Framing. Good workmen. 455 Court St. Phone 485. Fifteen cents a double roll and uowarda for choice Wall Paper at Buren's Furniture Store, 171 Com mercial street. WOVEN WIRE FENCING Depot National a Asserteaa reset) . all alaea, X la. &8 lav high. Palate. OUi su4 Vara la k. Steves RehaUlt aael Repaired. Ig-aakerry mmi Hea Heeka. Saleaa Feaee A Steve weraa. Phoave 114 2SS Co art St. R. B. rUEWINO. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANT KNOWN disease. . 158 S. Higb St. pnone xsx. PROFESSIONAL OSTEOPATHY. DR. JOHN L LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC physician & Surgeon. 403-401 Oregon Bldg. pnones: ouice ii; itea. st.thn oeZ(r. and the families at the DR. W. L. MERCER. GRADUATE American school osteopatny. K-tras- SUmmmm. iAI.IA!. TT National Bank Bldg. Phone 918. Residence, 418 North Summer. Phone 614. CHIROPRACTORS. DR. O. U SCOTT. D. C. CHIROPRAC- tor. P. S. graduate. 30!-12 IJ. S. N. Bank Bldg. I'hone 87: Res. 8281: WATER mmmmmmmmntl0mmmmmm10m SALEM WATER, LIGHT & POVVEK Co.. office 301 South Coml street. Ten per cent diacotint on domestic flat rates paid in advance. No de ductions for absence or any cause unless water is shut off your prem ises. PUBLIC ROTICE9 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT FOR THE I'OST OF IMPROVING 24lh STREET FROM STATE STREET TO A POINT SJOO FT. SOl'Tll OF STATE STREET. To. R. E. Edmundson- Taul Tic 'urg and Maui i E. Tigard: You, and each of yon ar' h rebj notified that the City of I Salem has, by Ordinance No. 1597, levied an as- si'Shiticnt upon your respective prop erties hereinafter dosribd. and in the amount hereinafter stft forth, for such property's proportionate. hare of the cost of improving 24th slreet in the City of Salem from State street to a noint 300 feet south of Slate ciro.t A jlourlnf Inn of oarh lot or I ill. V . I. . ... ... . ... - . - -v . .vw --. ! pat part thereof or parrel of land rsscss- d. IUe owner thereof, and the .amount assessed and lekd upon It i g g follows tO Wit Lot 4 iii Mock 1 of Brook- sido Addition to the City of. Salem, I'aui TicburK cost $1 .SI Lot 3 in Block 4 of Crook- side Addition to the City of Salem. Mamie TlKard cost 129. 56 Lot 1 in Block 4 of Brook- side Addition to the City of Salem, It. E. Edmundson cost Said assessments were entered in Volume 4. Dockft of City Liens, on the 28th day of November, 1919. as a charKe and lien against the said de scribed properties, and are, now due and payable to the City Treasurer. By order of the Common Council, this notice is served upon you by publication thereof for ten. days il. the Daily Oregon Statesman, a news paper of general' circulation publish ed in the City of Salem; Oregon. Date of first publication hereof is December 12, 1919. ' Earl Race, City Recoraei. WHOLE MILK AiTD PRODUCE WANTED Marion Creamery & Produce Co., Salem, Orepon. Phone 248H SALEM MARKETS I BUTTS O PIUCB Bggs and Poaltxy. Eggs. ,70c. Hens, 24c. -Broilers, 2&c. Old roosters, 13c. it Dressed hogs, 18-1 9c. Extra fancy veal, 22c. Pork. Mutton and Beef. . Pork on foot, 15c. Lambs, 10c Detf. s tee re, 8 V to 90. Cows. 5 to 1c. Top veal, 20c. llaj. Cheat hay, per ton, SIS to $19. aOt and vetch bay, per ton, $22 to 23. "clover hay, $22 to $23. Grala. Wheat, $2. Feed oats. 80c to 85c Millrun. $48 to $19. Beans, nomlnaL Mill Feed. BXaJL Millrun. $46.50 to $47. WlioleeaJe To Iealerii. Creamery butter cartons 72 to 73c Bulterfat, 73c. 1 FrasL ' .l Oranges, $6 to $6.50. Bananas, 11c. Lemons, $8 to $S.&0. ' California Grape Fruit. $6. Melon Sacra Claus, 2,4c a poapd. Vegetable. ' Cabbage. 3c Onions. $3.00 a sack. Turnips, 45c a dozen bunches. Carrots, 45c a doc. bbweties. Lettuce, 60c a dozen. Sweet potatoes, 7 He a pound. Green pepers. ll'c a pound. Celery, $1 a dozen. - Ttail Pneea. Creamery batter, 7Sc. Dairy butter, 50 to 65c. Ekks 80c. Flour, bard wheat, $3. IS to $3. 2a. Flonr, valley. $2,55 0 $3. . Sugar, cane and beet, 13 l-2c. Fxgar, sack, jone orforci. NEW YORK MARKJ-7TS. NEW YORK. Dec. 17. Evaporat I 1 1 1 ....... leet I EU UVVifS UUil'l. riUUCS 111 ill VU. " " . quiet. 1'eacnes quiet. Mats Again Delivered to Silverton People SILVERTON. Or.. Dec. 16. (Spe cial to the Statesman) The snow has caused much disturbance in the Silverton community. The rural mall carriers resumed their routes Mon- 1 day after a lay off since Tuesday. The roads have been impassable bnt now trans nave oeen uroaeu came Into Silverton. The moving picture houses were handicapped in not being able to get new films. The Salem-Silverton stage was off duty The loggers had to stop operations at the camps. It took some time be fore thev could be transported to Silverton because the logging trains I were unable to run. However, all 1 camps have moved to town. The saw i m. n. -inwn Tnesdar and do not I eXnefTt TO OWH Unill aiiei I lie. IM.ii- davs. Thev will take this opportun ity for their annual clean-np. inches on the level and the thermom eters registered as low as 15 degree below zero. , . , RICKEY NEWS M M. Magee and E. A. Lewis err spending the week on their ranches at Crooked Finger. Mrs. Mabel Drorbough spent Sat. urdy afternoon in Salem. Mrs. F. Shrunk has been the guest of her narents. Mr. and Mrs. F. White. Owen Fryslie and Fred Dickman snent Saturday in Salem. Miss Vineta Lewis is spending the week with the E. A. Lewis family. rhef Homer, who has been at Rend, for several weeks, is visiting his hrother. N. D. Horner. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards entertained Mr. and Mrs. Fitzpatcick and family at dinner Sunday: Little I-a June Gesner who has heen nnite ill. is now better. Mr and Mrs. E. J. Whitney have moved to Salem. N. Fryslie has completed a n riiachlne shed. 'Rend the Classified Ads. REVELATIONS The Story of a A Wonderful Iloniam-c of. Married , ADELU CHAPTER CCCCLXIX WHAT MADGE TOLD LILLIAN ABOUT IIEJl DINNER GUARD PLANS. vncn i realized that Lillian hai telephoned to Dicky for aid in keep- ing possible tragedy, certaia' incon venience, in the shape or Mrs. Al lis, awy from the dinner she was giving in Robert Savarin's honor, a little thrill of g'adnes ran throusb me. It does not matter how angry, justly or not. I may be at my hus band, nor how sorely he may have disappointed me. if any emergency or danger comes. I long for his pres-; enre. It isn't so much a longing for protection I have always been ra ther self-reliant but a feeling that goes to the very roots of life itself, that in times of danger or sorrow we should be together sharing whatever might come. I wonder If this Is merely a phase of my own tempera ment, or if other wives share this feeling? I knew from Lillian's tone that Dicky would be Mrictly "on the Job," one of her favorite expressions, and mv personal fear of Mr. ' Allis changed lo uneasiness for Dicky, al though I knew lhat she had no ani mosity against him. that her vials of wrath were reserved for my head. "Is Dicky Coming?" As soon as I could do so after Lillian came back Into the livlnsr room and Robert Savarin and Alfred Durkee Joined u". I drew her asm where the others could not hear us. "Is Dicky coming tonight? I asVed. ! She lookd at mf keenly. - Of course he is." she answered- "although h certainly was cm. enough at both you and me this morning. The well known bear with a ore head had nothing on Dicky bird. He sulked all the war to town. nut he evidently repentea mis aner- noon. for h- fent me all tnese roses. .. . i J.rfnM" Aren t mey -.m. ...... - i lonVerf around at the spiasnes o royal color Ibe crimson roses made against the white background of the room, and assented nearuiy. "Indeed they are." I ansmereo sincerely. "I'm so g'aa ne sen them." rl Choose To Tell You. I sioke nothing but the truth, and Deals in Real Estate E. Courand and wife t Fritz v-nohn ?r. acres T. 4 S. R. . 15200.'. . . - . ' E. 1.. rorter anu wne io n- - Wfitman. 13 acres T J . u. i f 75f Clement Schneider ana wue to Jo . . . seph Lux and wife. 10 acres I. b T7 1 W IShOU. David A. McKee and wue to Aiue . ... 1 F L. Lewis, lot 7, Dioca . nowumu Jiooo. W. W. Weslerhouse and wife to Walter H. Zosel, five acres Redlands Orchard $2650. Edmund IL Patcner m r.amunu a. Patcher. lot 6. block 7. Capitol Park addition $100. F.E. Callister U Head of Community Organization SILVERTON. Or.. Dec. 16. (Spe- I ci,t o The Statesman) The Silver- j tQn Cofomunity club Is now fully or- i . . , work The U "J the last uiiiceia w meet In r are: ' President. F. K. Canister; vice- tse R k. Richardson: ireaaurer. P. Ristelgen: directors or me nn. Roscoe Ames. C. A. Harwooa. v. Noftzker; G. I. Barr. L. H. Fischer. v i. r.arland. A. E. Wrightman: BUtlal VliTVVra, m mm rAetor of the business men's league. Julius Aim: civic director. II. H. La- i.rimtriii nirerior. rv. -nm-Hcn - aericultural director, i. w 'fnhha- taxation director. Dr. C. WJ Keene: legislation rector, C. A Reynolds. . HOME CHANGES HANDS SIIiVERTOW Oc,, Dec. 16 (Fpe ;UI lo line Statesman I D. E. Gei .er w ho recent rold his resldcn?e yn Colidce streets lo Ihe. Virkstrom familv from the Dakota has pur chased the J. J. Tallman home tn Third street and will take poses?mn this month. Mr. an 1 Mr.- laumsn will go to Salrrr where Mr Tallman has his bad inarlers in musical iu strumems. When a Want Ad is 4, . Working For You You'll not need to be anxious about whether or not that fur nished room is to continue ti be a source or income to yo- -for the want sd- will quickly bring jou an .-friru.ative an swer. Not many desirabH tenants ever feck or rent any but AD- OF A WIFE Honeymoon I Jfc Wonderfully ToV by Kit I.SOX wun me words there came to me a remembrance of another time when I had stood ia this cam living room and listened I to Lillian SVOlCC tell-j he rose Dickv bad sent ' .i .V . . " . . ' '. there hV'l been hot ran- ing me of the her. Then cor, bitter rrsentmebj. jealousy in mv hart toirar.t her 'fl .iih th. , . -- -- 1 reai i:n aning oi my nuiusna iriena-i ship for her. of the wonderful Ihfng "he had dor.e for him. 1 had riom for nothing in my soul but gladness that he should have atoned for his rudeness to her for I guessed that he had l-ern rude by this gift. of roses. Lillian paltei my hand. "What a dear you are!" she said irre'evani ly. jnd then In an altered tone.. "Wouldn't you like to know how I'm going tJ circumvent our fiendish, little feminine friend? there's an alliteration for you." Her tone was lightness itself, but then was a feverish spot in each cheek and her lips had the thin line around tbem that always means ten sion with Lillian. I saw that she was really concerned despite her air of frivolity. "I would like lo know whatever von choose to tell me." I answered quietly. "And I choose to tell you every thing." she answered quickly. "I wasn't going to, have -ray dinner snoiled lv any little dope fiend in this wortd or any other, so I called up Dicky, told him to round up two or three good private detectives, real ly gt-od ones, who will not only be equal lo any emergency, but who can be rel'ed upon to keen their months shut. D:rky happened to know some rrarkerjac!:s. and he Is going to sta ion them r round the house wberelFIVE ROOM BUNGALOW IN 13f thev'R the mort good. Nobody will ever be the wiser, and If the Allis person trie ,to pull off any funny stunts well; I feel sorry for her. that's all." Her voice held a quiet menace that made me shiver. I am very fond of Lillian Underwood, she is the best friend I have, but sometimes I will glimpse a bit of recklessness in her of which I do not quite approre. I may misjudge her. but I am afraid that in the cause of someone she loved she might not always be quite scrupulously ethical in the methods she employed to aid them. To be continued). REAL ESTATE FOR 8 ALE LARGE HOUSR IX COOD LO ratios, la 6ales. far $V)0O. paeaA 168. REAL ESTATE AND LOANS on farms or INSTALLMENT LOANS on city property ELSW0RTH PICKELL 301 Aasonle Temple. Salem. FOR SALE SIX ROOM MODERN house: reception rooms, closets. etc completely furaiaheu including H bart M. Cable I layer I'iano. S2e worth of furniture. 2 large lota xlll ft., good barn. cow. 25 chick ens, hay. wood and coal to last a year everything goes. This houi is located in the heart of Saletn and Is a fine home. Owner Is going east, and will sell at a very resonable price if sold now. $1008 cash will handle. If you are interested, see m without delay. Immediate possession. K. R. I'eaison. 485 Oregon BUg. I'hone 43. TIME TABLES SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. XsrtiMa4 No. 14 Oregonlan 8:88 am No. 14 regoa Express ...... 8:$Sa.m No. 28 Willamette Limited No. IS Portland Passenger No. 31 Coos Bay ., No. 14 Portland Express . 9:17 a m l:ilpm 8:1$ p m 7:48 p. SMUaaa4 No. S3 Oregbnian ......... 3:10 s m. No. 23 For Eugene . ... 18 88 a-m No. IS California Express .. .11:01 am No. 17 Koaeburg I asaencer .. 4:08 pm No. 87 Willamette Limited... 4:44 p.m No. 13 Baa Francisco Pass. .. 18:83 am S4I EH-;r.F.R LINK No. 73 Arrive at Salem 8:18 a m No. 74 Leave Salem 4:98 p.m I1LEX rALLSJ CTTTl 4t WESTER 181 Leaves Salem, motor .... 7:99 am ICS Leaves Falem. motor .... :ila.m 188 Leavee Salem, motor .... l:SSpm Through car to Monmouth and Alrlie 171 Leaves Salem . - (:18 p m 183 Arrives at Selem 8:28 i 184 Arrives at Ha. em 11:89 am 188 Arrives at Sslem 8:29 pm 173 Arrive Salem 7.49 p.n. OSUCOOBf ELaVC-miC rftertlTS OeC Set, 18 IS. eatheeead. Trala teve -No. Portland S Ltd.. 8:11 am 7 19:4$ am 9 8 98 wm 1$ Lt4 .' 4:48 pm Arrlva Arrive Salem Eugea. 19:18 am 13:39 pm 13:89 pm Salem ran 4:18 pra 8:8$ par 9:48 am 1:89 pm IT ..... pm 19 9.29 pm 8:97 pra Salem ob I) 11:28 pm Salera onl North Beak Station tleave Jeffer soa Slreet IS and 28 minutes later.) Herthbeaad Trala Leav Arrive Arrive No. Eugene Balem Portland S 7:18 am 9 19 am IS Ltd.. 1:18 am 9:(Sam ll:S9am 13 13:9a pm 3.Z9 pm 18 Ltd.. .1:88 pm 4:99 pm 8:89 pra 10 ..... Balemonlf 8 IS pro 7.40 pn 22 8:25 pm 7 ikpm 19 se pn. North Bank Btatlta tarrlve. Jeffer soa Street IS rolawlee earlier). Leav Corvatlla. coiVALi ts c?oinrr.trrios WerUVees4 Lsave Cervaltis Srriva Ralea S .90 is :4v eei 4 on aa ' T:5S pel 9:88 pm 8:18 pa Laeve Saleta 10:S eav eatkseaa Arrive Ceres a . ll ' ia 8 A ai S:ee tm -1 8:4 tm REAL ESTATE 5-ACRK FARM FOR SALE HY OWN r, all in eultfatiwn. House and barn, running water, ready to mote J": lc car fare, en public road. Iticc Hot; address "J care Statesman. A DANDY FIVE ROOM HOUSE ON Jvih street, paved, for $204. Small sum cash and monthly payments. Itutit by owner at.d pre-war price Phone IvliJ. FOR FALE ICS AC-ltEA 7S CUI vaiea. Dinner eeeond arowth f;r t. b-r: house, barn, orchard 1-4 t-.l frf J''e hishay. s m.iea lrm ii Irm. Price per acre: term. Ir. k. Hmru zt vri,n Hid if. "LrT:l,AcRESi HtTSE. BARK. vujvming iair grounaa on paved b.ga . mrt iciint. u. K. Hart. FOR SALE 1 ACRE3 APPLES, prunes, loganberries, just ouiaiae city limits, on paved road. Good 7 rwm house, bun; extra rien soil; .over $J0e sold in fruit off Blare th.a jear. price $i0; ttrms. U. XL Hart 288 Oregon Bldg. FOR SALE 168 ACRES, 73 in cultiva tion, li of which is la 3 year old Italian prunes. btUaace oak grub tim ber estimated laee torii; feactd with woven wiri small boum, barn: C . miles froia Dallas. Pr.ce f'.l.eo. Ll5t eaeh balance years e per cnu . K. Hart. 308 Oregon Bldg. FOR SALE 208 ACRES. OVER 10 IS Cultivation. balance pasture and small brush easily cleared; slightly rellin'g. under woven wire fvnee. fair house, barn; good location. Price 865 per acre; $44 eh. balance 8 rears per cent- D. 41 Hsrt. :8 Oregon Lldg. HOUSE WANTED A 8- or T-room bouse north ef Court street, close In. Witt pay liOO to 8 4664 rain J.,. 14 Scotl iieaity Co, 228 Oregon Blu. If Its LOANS. REAL ESTATE LVSURANCB LA FLA R A LAFLAR 4-7-8 Oregon Bldg. block, south, oae block from bm menu for $2004). Built by owner Just before the war. Well constructed; fireolace: corr, nlet cabin k.irk... fully plumbej. $tf cash. Carle Abrams. Statesman building. . REAL ESTATE LOANS INVESTMENTS WALTER McLAREX Room i. 188 N. Com. St. Bar gains and Investments 1 S acres t miles frdm Salem oa mm road all ia cultivation. $:. it acres miles out I', acres bear ing berries. 4 acres orchard, f-room bungalow, oarn. other buildings, fcnap $27 i0. acres near town. S acres prunes sad on err tea, some apples, good build ings. $4758. 4-aere tract 3 miles out oa pare road, fine soil. $IIi. siae general farm or 1(8 acres. I miles from Salem, good location, bar gain. S13S per acre. it acres close in. High slate of culti vation; for quick sale. $350. -rood 84-acre fruit tract near town to exchange for good house and lot tor m square deal and bargains see PERRINE & MARSTERS 211-12 Commercial Club Uldg. ' WOODS BARGAINS Five acres Hollywood. $1189. ( acres loganberries. S2ite. acres, good buildings and orchard on Garden road. $..500. S acres n Garden road, good buildings and orchard close ia $74 i acres apples and walnuts $;: take house in trado. 1 acres bottom land close to fcaiem. 11 arrea prunea; take home part pay. S-room house, good location. $110. -rom bungalow, two blocks from Plate ffU. $lt.v. 3 room house. $509. , F. L WOOD Bayne Building. SELECTED All are very good buys and personalty inspected. A good S-room cottage In perfect con dition Site: Immediate possession. Another at 825et: possession Jan. 1. This is a beauty: $1209 cash and In stallments monthly: close la: no ear fare. Information only ia person. Tbiai week only tor less probably). One of the best buys in Ihe city tn a 9-room modern, close in. corner 81 - A good S-room cottage close to car at lees; terms. A good 7-room modern except basement with big lot. paved street, good loca tion at llloe: terms. I We have over a hundred others; come in and see us if you want a house of any kind. THE FLEMING REALTY CO. 311 Stale SU Room 7. GOOD BUYS 19 ar.-e trart located on Yna'n Pacifle highway. 1 3-4 miles ffom street car line. arres prunes. I"rlce ..e. 5 acre tract 13-4 acres loganberries in first rlaas condition. S-room house, bsrn. a ell- PrUe $3se. , 3-4 acre trsct. all rultivaled. S acres In piun. good a' room bouse. barn. Price $1A9. Well Improved 5 acre tract loeated close to caihne. geod i rnm plastered bungalow, eleeirlo lights and r.asemenc hearina freit, gravel street. I"rice $e 13 aire tract. t acres Italian prunea. I aeres cherries, -some log aba. Price $l0. :s arte trart located r!se In. all cul tivated. 9rre of prune, some apples, nouse and barn, electric lights, gravel street 3-4 mil from rarline. sightly lo cation. IT lee $tl.ee. 49 acres of first class prune, logan berry or atrsaherry land, all cultivat ed Pne $115 per ere. $1259 down. balance i rri at 6 per cent Interest. le arre tract. S a-res bearing prueea 3 aeres 3 vears vli 3 acres spplc'a. Price $3750.- 14 1 U SB HUTS 8 roi-m modem home loeated at 15(5 South Liberty street. I-rice $:. rm mixiern bungalow. iM-ated at North Commercial street l"rlee $:; lie dwn. balance $29 per month. per tent interest. , room tno.iern iotue watea close sn. paved stieet ITiee li.'! I rfrii modern oungaiow, oa semen t lri e $1508. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 178 Rtata street "e FOR RK.T- (RM1 FiR RENT 1S-CRI; TRAT Ivri.VT ed 1-4 mile from nimni station Oregon Kteelric R IL with daelhnr. barn, errhsrd. paature and farm land together with monthly rash pur. menta for board and washing for an elderly gentleman. Addrea 'iervais. Route 2. iiox 45 or phoae JKIL Vis I I Court' KticeL i