t . TITO OREGON RTATESJIAX:. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 1. 1010. THE WORLD'S BEST JERSEY COWS IF- YOU START i A ROW, BUY A SAVINGS STAMP jen Francisco Judges to Make j Guilty ' Choose Between Fines and Investment ! 1 World's, beat Jersey cow, The sire of Vive La France and ! one of the greatest sires of the breed was produced ty the mating of the line bred Combination bull Chief En gineer 47148-13, with Golden Glow 129238 Imp., a double great grand daughter of Golden Lad. This bull was named Golden Glow's Chief 61460-196. He was mated witb Sugar-ln-the-Barrel 220474 daugh ter of a line bred St, Lambert bull ' and a line bred Ramapo cow. (Ram apo Is the sire - of Corwall Maid 19024 with a seven day record of 29 lbs. 12 oz. and fire others with but ter tests). This mating produced the Queen of the JerEey World, Vive La France 319616, unexcelled in merit by any Jersey cow present or past. Her record of 1031.64 lbs. fat .made from 14,925.7 lbs. milk as a senior . 4-year-old cow exceeds the record of any other Jersey by 30 lbs. fat She has the greatest accumula tive record for 2, 3, and 4 years of age of any cow, any breed. Her av erage for the three years is 852.52 lbs. fat and carriedcalf during these tests an average of 158 days. While making her last and greatest record ' s'he carried cclf174 days during the test. No cow of a-fiy breed has be fore held three vrorld records at one time or broken two world records in two years successively. Had she calved five days earlier as a 2-year- COW EDITORIALS Milk is a food.' 1 It is a necessafy1 food. There Is no substitute for It. ' Nature has not made, man cannot make, a substitute for milk. To the children of today the men and women of tomorrow you must drink milk, if you would attain vir ility, r f '' ' " ; The butter on the child's bread Is worth more to the child than the bread. - The athlete must have milk to In crease his muscles. Milk furnishes the substance for new flosh m th. bddy grows. j " ' i The milk sugar In milk furnishes the brain and nerve tissue. Nothing else will do it. Milk Is a lime food. It contains more lime than does lime water. To keep your teeth and bones hard and to make teeth and bones for the baby you.must have milk. .' Without Iron there can be no red corpuscles. We must have Iron in the blood; at the rate of elimination, we would lose all the iron in our blood in 500 days. Milk contains DAIRYMEN OF THIS SECTION CAN MARKET j ALL THEIR PRODUCTS RIGHT IN SALEM Salem has two splendid and pro gressive . concerns for the marketing and handling of all the dairy prod uct that this section can furnish now or in the future. . i The Marion Creamery and Pro duce Co. is now paying out at the rate of 1400,000 a year to the dairy men of the country surrounding Sa lem; and they have facilities for mak ing it a million; Including the con densing of the milk, the making of the. cream Into butter, and making of cheese. - The Capital City Co-operative DATES OF SLOGANS IN DAILY STATESMAN (In Twice-a-Week Statesman Following Day) . Loganberries, Oct. 9. Prunes, Oct. 16. Dairying October 23. Flax, October 30. Filberts, Nov. 6. Walnuts. Nov. 13. Strawberries, Nov. -20, ; Apples, November -27. r Raspberries, December 4. Mint, December 11. r Great Cows, -December 18. ; Blackb,eries,- December. 25. Land. January 1, 1920.- I Dehydration, January 8, 1920. Paper mill, January" 15, 1920. x i ' VI VK LA FRANCE 3 1 06 1 6 . bred, owned and developed by Picka rd old she would have headed the un-der-2-year-old class. A look at Vive La France's picture will serve as a study of what a dairy cow should be to possess greatness. Her picture brings out many points by which a good dairy cow can be selected. Great length and depth of body indicating capacity for band- ling large; quantities of feed. Won derful udder and great protruding milk veins which indicate good blood circulation and productive ability. The general characteristics of what a dairyman calls "scale" or good bal ancing of parts,- show her to be an animal of superior merit. The intel ligent expression in her eye indicates temperament, which can be trans lated as meaning eagerness to work Her dam is the dam of four cows that average 648.5 lbs. fat each and grand dam of four at average age of 2 years and 10 months average 440 lbs. fat. Her sire. Golden Glow's Chief, is the sire of 38 cows in the Register of Merit averaging 521.27 lbs. fat out of cows of 20 different lines of breeding, owned and tested by nine different farmers and dairy men of Oregon, none in a' herd of over 25 milking cows. Most of his greatest daughters are yet young cows and two more are yet to go Into the Register of Merit. He is sire of four cows that average 908.8 lbs. fat, 20.6 lbs. to the cow higher than iron more than most foods outside of spinach. In treating wounded men in France, the value of milk iwas thor oughly demonstrated. Bone dry Am erica will find in milk a tonic with no regrets. Even the water In milk, known as "Water Soluble B," is a growth sub stance. Without this, men will lose completely all muscular control. If we live a long time, we will have to form the milk habit. No one need fear milk. Even though milk sours, it is still good food. Witness the Increasing use of Bulgarion milk and buttermilk, to prolong life. It is folly to fear milk. Milk is the food for the sick. Doc tors are increasingly prescribing milk or a milk diet exclusively. You can lay on flesh or take oft fat with a milk diet. The army doctors have found that milk will make a satisfactory ration out of almost any mixture of other foods. Any one of he othrrs may be substituted, but not milk. Again, milk is a food. It is a food for which there is no substitute. Milk is the proper food for each and every Creamery is owned by dairymen and managed by dairymen, and it has! fa cilities to handle all offerings, and to make the highest possible returns. Both of these Salem institutions are prepared to lend -every sort of help and encouragement for the in crease of the milk supply of this sec tion. And It ought to be and will no doubt be before long; and then doubled several times more, in or der to furnish the highest possible development of intensified farming; a'nd to furnish an income that brings in checks the year through. Cherries, January. 22, 1920. National Advertising, January 29, 19Z0. .Sheep, February 5r 1920. Angora Goats, February 12, 1920 Hops. February 19, 1920. Currants, February 26, 1920. Gooseberries, Mah 4.. 1920. Pears, March 11, 1920. (Back copies of Galem Slogan r editions of the Daily Oregon statesman" are on hand. They are for sale at oc each, mailed to any address.) IItum., Marion, Oregon. any four daughters of any other Jer sey sire. His daughters hold four of the eight Jersey world records 50 per cent. He has 36 granddaughters through his daughters that average 476.1 lbs. fat with 15. of these rec ords being made by 2-year-olds. His five proven sons have sired 27 cows in the Register of Merit that average 419.2 lbs. fat each, 13 of them be ing 2-year-olds and under. He has one proven grandson with 13 Regis ter of Merit daughters at average age of 2 years 10 months average 421.8 lbs. fat. Golden Glow's Chief's sire. Chief Engineer 47148, is the sire of 11 daughters with tear records at the average of only 2 years 5 months average 408 lbs. fat: also five other daughters with 7-day records. Chief Engineer has six proven sons with 54 daughters that average 515.5 lbs fat each. He is also grandsire of Amy's Chief 74154. the sire of six that average 622.9 lbs. fat. Golden Glow 129238 Imp., the dam of Gold en Glow's Chief, was an exceptionally beautiful cow. She has a seven day record of 1 8 lbs. 3 oz. Dam of Gold en Glow 3d. Register of Merit record 2 veara 9 months. 8878.1 lbs. milk. 477.8 lbs. fat. Dam of Golden Glow 2d, dam of a bull whose daughter at 3 years 4 months made In one year 7680.5 lbs. milk 519.8 lbs. fat. Dam of Grand Coin 59791-19, sire of three cows in Register of Merit. growing animal, including the hu man. It is the .food provided b nature. Each child in the land should have a liberal supply of milk each day. Each adult would do better work and enjoy better health by the use of this wonderful fluid which supports every function of the body. Be sure that y6ur family is well, not expensively fed. by using milk. Use plenty of it, note how nourish ing it is. Good, clean, fresh milk is the best safeguard against disease. Milk builds bone and tissue it makes blood and muscle it makes sound. beautiful teeth. Milk is a cheap food when its true value is considered in relation to its price. . 4fr Milk is a complete, whole, well proportioned food. Milk Is the per fect food the food par-excellence. Milk Is not just a drink. It is much more. It is the only complete food that is known on earth. OREGON DAIRY COUNCIL (Continued from page 3) in the state is uninformed or un supplied. The directors of the Oregon Dairy Council are: Dr. D. W. Mack,4R. L, Sabin. F. J. Wilcox, P. O. Powell. J E. Dunne, Carl Schallinger, Ira Stel gerwald. j. D. Mickle. F. G. Decke- bach. A. Jensen. W. K. Newell. P. M. Brandt, Carl Haberlach. OLD HERB TEA BEST INSURANCE AGAINST FLU, COLDS AND GRIP It Throws Off Poisons Keeps Yon In Shape to Resist Disease At this time of the year, when colds, la grippe and influenza are in the air, it is of grmtest importance to kerp your liver, kidneys and bowel a in good working oroVr. When these organs fail to carry off the poitwn waste matter your vitality and resistance are weak ened. You are an easy victim for In fections and diseane germs. Biliousness, weakness and beaaacne are Nature a warnings. Don't neglect them. Go at once to your druggist and get a package of Lincoln Tea. T r rm m . jjincoin ueiv. iaj ake a cup each night and you'll be surpriaud how soon it will pat yon in tune and make vou feel like new. Lincoln Tea is a famous old herb remedy for chronic constipation, colds, la grippe, influenza, biliousness, head aches and rheumatism. It la gentle but positive and leaves no unpleasant after-effects like violent physics. Nothing Is better for the children. An occasional cup keeps them in the pink of condition. Sio cents at ail druggists. Lincoln Proprietary Co. Wayne, Ind, U Instead of forcing persons g'lilty of ninor transgressions of the law to pay lnfc. in future Police and Superior ourt Judges of San Francisco, as a orrectlve measure tending to cbarac- er building, will give offenders ap pearing before tbem an alternative of Helping themselves by investing in I'nfted States War Savings Stamps. "I shall be glad." said Judge T. I. Fitzpatrick, Presiding Judge of the Police Court, "to auUt in the move ment in this direction as far as I can. inder tie provisions of the charter of his city and county, upon the thesis hat a thrifty man is a better citizen tnd that many of our economic Ills and much of our present day social unrest are due. directly to thriftless- v ness. m The policy agreed to by1 the San Francisco judges is a move to pro mote a better citizenship among those persons coming before them upon mis demeanor charges. Fining them. while serving as a corrective meas ure, lowers the self supporting ability of defendants, whereas compellinK them to purchase interest earning se curities of the United States Govern ment, In the judges' belief, will give them a start toward bulldlnc ud a bank account, and, proportionately, a feeling of responsible citizenship. The only condition attached to7 the alter native of purchasing securities in tead of paying the flnf will be thai the defendants must hold the securi ties until maturity. r h BUT W. S. 1 Daughter Now you've gone nnJ spoiled everything. George dcen't come to see mr any more. Mother Well, what more could I do? Didn't we treat him like one at i the family? ' Daughter You did. and he would n't stand for it. Milestone. i J I I tit hi k 1 NEVER was such right-handed-two-fisted smokejoy as you puff out of a jimmy pipe packed with Prince Albert t That s because P. A, has the quality I You can't fool your taste apparatus any more than you can get five aces out of a family deck! So, when you hit Prince Albert, coming and going, and get up half an hour earlier just to start stoking your pipe or rolling cigarettes, you know you've got the big prize on the end of your line ! Prince Albert's quality alone puts it in a class of its own, but when you figure that P. A. is made by our exclusive patented process that cuts out bite and parch well you feel like getting a flock of dictionaries to find enough words to express your happy days sentiments I Toppy Td baf, tidy rmJ ii, handttm pomtd mmJ kZf-poJ tut ,,,v"'" L- ri l" rtr'-rirf jirmc CTjtttf iltua kumiJut with pongm mowfcMcr top that hp thm fo&occe in tuck perfect rrrnfTfrtm. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-SalcxaJ N t y - ,1 ' V ! ' I ; f r y, . - a V - ; 1 - xJlw . : v- WT? Xsky T" ' iy- ' 4 - i . ' v-. j.- j - r ) , ' , ; J I - 'i : ' ' -; ' ' . 1$ ' . i'2 ' ' , ' ' " ' ' ?: v -j s ; . ' . i I . . . ' ' . - ' ' -! f 'k .1' 1 j - , . '; ' ! She Klows For Health and U$c Plenty of Ml Be sure it's pure, then go ahead. Don't stint 'Milk is a necessity, a fundamen tal food. Every drop is full of nourishment. Milk, ice cream, hutter, cheese, cot tage cheese, all are valuable in the diet Young and old alike need them. v There are No Substitutes for Dairy Products OREGON DAIRY COUNCIL 807 Broadway Building, Portland, Oregon Happiness - (X v 3