3 .clinics are held nre considered too' R i cold for successful testa to be made, WE WILL BE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL XMAS VSt''l condi!ions h" STeatly deayed the nsual Christmas bnji and to ac i J ? ' wi? wonlif otherwise find it Idifflcutt to do their buying in the few re. c Hartman Bros. Company Mi. Kelly leal Mr. Maty Kelly died Monday at th home of a son who liven on North Commercial street. She ai' 67 years old. The body will h; eat t to eastern Canada lor interment. Rigilon Company Superior funeral fervice for less. (liailen Northcutt Dead Information reached here yefter- SALEM goo Is Horn . A son was born at the home ov Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hanson, 427 South Commercial street, Monda. Dec. 15. The Capital Business College Will give a dance Friday, tha 13th, it Cotillion hall. Alumni invited. Fancral Tliursday-J The funeral of Mrs. O. If. p. ,Cor ncllus. who died recently at Turner, CH ARISES RAY In "crooked straight" lloyd comedy -wurlitzer night M TOK( Mr 4 ti WANTE D Furniture, ranges, heater, tools and, k fact, anything you hare to au. 1 boy for cash, phone (10 or 611. WOODRY, The Auctioneer Bonds, Mortgages 'l Interest Bearing Investments HAWKINS & ROBERTS 204.207 Oregon Building SCNKIST .' ORANGES 40c DOZEX BUSICKS i y ! WEST FUR CO. lias furs of style and quality New Location (21 Court, Opposite Court House 1920 ELGIN SIX IS HERE Motorists who are lookinz for tron. serviceable car with elee-ani body lines and interior specification that aasuma .maximum service and economy at a seasonable price should this car. LEE L GILBERT, Distributor 1S . Comaaevefal reet. Ona Orreland. nearly new, six cylin der, S passenger; equipped all CordJ Tires and one extra, new. Guaran teed in Al shape for $1250. WOOD-ROSE MOTOR CO. 248 State St. J Phone 211 WONDER HOSE r Kiddles, ner rair. ..&Jr REMNANT STORE - 1254 North Commercial Street t . ,. . i WILLARD Storage Battery 238 N. High St. Telephone 203 EYEGLASSES THAT FIT DR. Ij. UALt WILSOW 510-211 r National Rank Bldg. ELECTRIC RESTAURANT 481 State Street Our Specialty: , Oysters Fish Chops Chill Con Carne , J. D. MADDOX, Prop. - D.H.M0SHER High Class MEN'S TAILORING ' 474 Court Street BICYCLES AND REPAIRS LLOYD E. RAMSDEN 387 Court Street JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS NEWS will be heldt the Methodist churcTi of that place Thursday at 2 o'clock p. m., according to made yesterday. announcement. Dance r Moose hall Wednesday night. Proet-Rm Is lsHnrJ The United States: National Bank Tig club meeting and achievement day's program which was to tbe held in connection with the Marion county corn show, the week of December 20, has been indefinitely postponed cause of the weather This v as an nounced yesterday by W.. M. Smith, county superintendent of schools. Mi. Rector Iead - Mrs. Eva Rector, .ho had been' ill for some length of time, died in a lo cal hospital early yesterday morn ing. The body is in the care of Webb & Clough, funeral directors. The fu-nej-n will be held at their chapel at II o'clock this morning. The vices MYRTLE KNOWLAND ! Music and Musical Me-oillK Sonora Dealer In SaJetn 416 Court St. - Telephone Salem, Oregon 36Z Let ns prove to you that our prices are less. Some good bargains in new and used pianos. THE WILEY B. ALLEN CO. 519 Court St. , . Derby building W T. RIGD0N CO. Leading Funeral Directors Have You Seen? THE NEW VELIE SIX Now on Display at SALEM VELIE COMPANY 162 North Commercial Street U. S. GARAGE 654 Ferry Street USED BUT NOT - ABUSED CAItS SPECIAL New serier Studebaker, value $1625, today $1300. U. S. Garage. Phone 1752 ?lectrlc Machinery and Engineering Company For SXPEET ELECTRICAL WOKK i.j so. commercial u rnone a MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS Khkl and fJeey ; $4 $5 a ' SCHEI'S Hmall Investment Ixmim tteatty lioan UooHe ilntai Agency, Geoerml Pmpevty Dealing;. JOUN IL RCOTT RBLUTY CO 404-405 Hnb'hird Bldg. 9hone 264 Salem. Ore. DENNIS0N ELECTRIG CO. JOB WORK AND FIXTURES 222 North Liberty Street MONUMENTS t your monumental work is solicit d. kindly ask the solicitor for oar nmnesfl card. 5 Cnpltnl Monumental " Work. 5210 S. Com. St, Phone 689, Salem HAMILTON THE FrtNITURE MAN iVIll make and hang your drapes Largest Stock of Drapery. 340 Court Street. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved City and Farm Property Capit! Credit & Adjustment Co. 4 16 Masonic Temple . SALEM - OREGON CITY CLEANING WORKS . CiaiXf ra, f. Quality Cleaning Dyeing RtptJrlns; 1261 State St. . Phone 7 02EG0N i , are to be conducted by Rev. II. C. ; trover of the Central Con?rcf.ional :. n.tn auer wmci ice Douy wi.i De cremated. 1 i Legal Blanks Get them at The Statesman office. Catalog on application. Unite, 'File Paper f'.ren Peter Sor.non. 2S. a r-si-d&n. of Silverton, 'his expressed this dtf-ire to become a citizen of the Cnited States. He filed his firit pa pers yesterday. Sorenson was merly a subject of Denmark, came to th!s country in 1913. IO-, aa't Baby Clinic Powtponel The Marion County Children's bu reau officials announced yesterday that the baby clinic scheduled for to morrow will be postponed until next month because of the unfavorable weather. Unh-ss a different announcement- Is made the date will be January 15. Parents who have re ceived notice that the clinic was to be held Thursday- of this week are asked .to disregard the notice. Tfe Commercial club rooms where the 0REG0NUS A PERFECT CI GAB Manufactured by HENDERSON'S CIGAR FACTORY Phone X19 SAVE $1000 We have a 1!'19 Douglas Eight lift with us for sale that may be had fri ll COO less than it cost the owner lai February. Mechanically perfect: lti fine condition; run lees than 300u miles. It' a eauty and a Rood buy. THE B. & C. MOTOR CO. 2 j6-58 State St. REMEMBER that we pay the fclgheat rlee for SEOI)-ll AII Kl It.M 1 I til-: CAIlfKTS, TO K. MACHIXKRY i AM) TOOLS Don't aell ahythlnpr berore you see u. THE CAPITAL, H AKUWARE A.D KtltMTtllE CO. 285 X. Cm'1 St. MJ POTATOES Burbanks, American Wonders, Netted Gems, Pride of Multno mah, Garnet Chill, Early Rose. We pay the highest prices and are always in the market. Phone 717 or address 542 State street, Salem, Oregon. MANGIS BROS. WM. GAHLSD0RF The Store of Housewares Wood, Coal or Gas Ranges Kitchsnware Dinnerware 135 N. Liberty St. Phone 67 WANTED! WHITE BEANS PEOPLES CASH STORE Old Newspapers and , . Magazines Vanted Also llop Wire Wanted. Used Cars For Sale Ry STEINB0CK JUNK & AUTO WRECKING S20-328 North Commercial St., fbone 30S LONG DISTANCE AUTO TRUCKING WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANSFER CO. Phone 1400' . day of the death of Charles North cutt. 65 years old, at the home of I W. P. Collard. nine miles north of ; Salem. Mr. Northcutt lias lived In Ma: ion county for 4 5 years and for many years had lived at the Col lard 'home, lie wax unmairied ar.d war .a nephew of Yates Northcutt. I1 known pioneer of the early days. The I " Ifunera at the neral was held yesterday tftcrn.'cn e Collard home with inl.rinn. in the Claguett cemetery. i:,olutlm Receded Resolutions passed by the Ftate Bar associjticn on tbe death nf JuiIl-k C. I'. tiantenbein of Portland wer teceiveu at tne supreme court yes-1 terday to be filed in the records. Boy Wanted Large boy. to deliver papers. Good ! pay. Apply at Statesman office. Brim it Admitted , I'. tsrtggs or t'ortiand was i yesieraay acnimoa oy tne iiDretnr ! court to tho practice of law In Oi- con Hi :i.lmislnn is fnr n Irlul period of nine months on strength of a certificate for the state of ldano. Xeir Corporation The following new Oregon firm"? filed articles of incorporation yester day at the office of H. J. Schulder man, -state corporation commission er: uoberts invest men company. Portland; incorporators. Joseph C. Robetts. Ida E. Robcrtf. George Es- tee; capital. zation. JIO.000. Klum Advertising company. Med ford; in corporators, B. Klum, Joseph Shock- ley. R. I). Henon; capitalization S30- 000. Wahkeena Furniture Manufac turing company, Portland; incorpor ators. II. C. Long. J. B. Moore. G. G. Sundbcrg; capitalization, $15.00 Fire- l.eI it Weapon H. C. Brown, a roomer at 1223 Ferry street, was aroused frcm his peaceful rest - Monday night when ni. adjacent neighbors are said to have challenged eac bother to phvr cal com pat. Tbe seriousness of the ffalr was that the conflict inv; ele ment were both women and as a meant; to destroy they, used lighted stick?. The trouble was said to have started when one of the women cfalni ed that the other was "crazy lOne wuman gave her name as Mrs L. "St. .Vaeness and the other renretUvto give her name, utricer inompi'OTi arrived on the scene in time to pio vent a fire as he stamped out the sticks and settled tt argument. PERSONAL MENTION H. J. Eberly of the state forestry office went to Portland yesterday. T. S. McKinney, district attorney for Lake county, was visitor at the state capitol yesterday. Will II. Bennett, state superinten dent of banks, is in Portland. C. II. Gram, state labor commis sioner, went to Portland yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Fenton have gone to Portland for a few days visit. W. F. Jeffress was here yesterday from Portland. HOTEL ARRIVALS MARION P. S. Ross. R. A. Mink. ler. D. E. Green. G. T. Hopper, P G. Clibborn. T. Hammond. R. W. Ross. R. W. Davis. George M. Nor- fon. Portland: R. tj. Stuart. C. A. Wheeler. Oakland. Cal.; James Black. J. A. Thomas, San Francisco; J. . Dawkins. Spokane;' Frank E. Mc- Clure. Los Anpeles; M. S. wrigni. Toledo: W. Esley. G. M. McElroy. CHRISTMAS CIGARS TOBACCOS CIGARETTES SMITH'S CIGAR STORE State land Commercial Streets WIIKX IX SALKU OREG03T top at BLIGI1 HOTEL A Home Away from Horn Strictly Modern J1.0S pr day 100 IIaia ( ! Cmmtmrt Only Hotel In Businesa District 5 Di.CR0Tielll CP70r.Tr!5T0PTIC!A SPECIAL PRICES ON HEATERS LI STIFF & SON Salem Auto Radiator Shop Radiators. Fenders and Oaa Tanks Repaired Tractor Radiators a Specialty Ford Radiators for Sale I8 S. 12tb St Salem. Or. WANTED rUXK AND MACHINERY OT ALL KINDS We also bay second-hand goods, ir you have anything ta. sell for a cood price call 38. Tbe Square Deal House. J . . ; CAPITAL JUNK CO. 11V ChemekeU SL !exn. Ore. DOLL FAMILY IS LARGE THIS YEAR A dell show that will delight the hearts of all the happy little make believe mothers of this community. Dolls of all sires wide awake dolls dolls that go to sleep character dolls kewpies, rag dolls, dressed dolls, and dolls that real ly talk. Bring fie little girl and her mother too to Doll land and let them choose. ! Quality Merchandise 1. Hillaboro, N. D.; L. A. Illndson, Chi cago. RLICII Clarence Sebo, Miss Anna Antle. Silrerten; A. C. Bracken. F. J. McCook. C. E. Green. D. P. Gibson, J. A. Rooney. F. C. West. Portland; S. E. White. CorTallis; O. C. Keyt. McMinnTllle; E. W. LeClair, Lewis ton. Idaho. ARGO II. F. Southard. Aurora; Rosella A. Richardson. Lillie S. Lar son. Clara Larson, surer ton; Aiicnei A. Oeder, Mill City; Ed. Criffa, lias kins. . Eksivard h Encouraged . r i. - at Results in Oregon F. L. Eksward of San Francisco. member Nof the California senate. a who recently was in Oregon in the Interest of uniform traffic legisia- tion which is proposed for the leuis- latures of the Pacific coast in lzi writes Sam A- Kozer. deputy tec re-1 tary of state, that his trip througbj the northwest was a success an o that he thinks uniformity Is cer tain to brins; results. The National Traffic Officers convention which is to be held in San Fiancisco next August to plan a campaign for uniformity of motor vehicle laws bids fair to prove a bi; stircens." writes Eksward.- "The National Automobile Chamber of Commerce. National Automotive En gineers. National Motor Car Dealers and traffic officers from the entire tB'ted States will be present, ro we are looking forward to a great cam paign on uniformity in the future." Dort Auto Saves Day for Pacific Telephone Company Battling its way through deep shifting snow drifts, where no vehic le had travelled before since th snow storm, a 1820 model Dort auto, driven by Otto Buff, repairman for the Velie Auto company of .this city, made it possible for telephone com munication to remain Intact between Salem and Portland. flf T When trouble wltfr Th lines baa ben reported at Woodburn the wl.-e chief was in a quandary to know bow to ret to that town to make tne re- , pair as he had tried other makes of cars .that failed. He heard that a Dort bad made a successful tiop from Salem to Silverton throueh the snow drifts, and he called. J. W. Jone. dis trict distributor for the small car. Jones consented to his use of lh car. They started out. In due t!ra th-y reached woouoarn. i mur. The Dort was the only car In sight in that town. It pushed stubbornly on through the snow, the trobule wan reached and repaired, and the ser vice was saved for the upper vallej. Mrs. Caroline Daberco Dies at Home Near Salem ! Mrs. Caraline Daberco. 79. who became III a week ago Monday, died at her home on route at 6 o'clock yesterday norninr. Sl bad been a re:-T--: nt this country for 46 years. eriginaMy om!nj from. Sweden. Mrs- (&. htpl?g aberco was a popalar e Evangelical chnch. Mrs. Daberco Is furvlv Daberco was a popalar member cf the ed ty fonr sons; F. A. Johnston. Charles A Johnston. Jacob F. Aohnston and Al bert A. Johnston. w&jLjived with her and one daughter. Amanda Caroline Johnston, and a step-daughter, T:l lie O. Rodgers of Hubbard. Webb & Clongh hare charge of the i body. The funeral set-rices will be held today at 10 a. m. and interment will Le la Murphy cemviery. ! JLT...J.. K1- :-J IV If r Ai.j jd r - : uv ncuu tutu i iukkc ( I The fact thrt she recently has chanreiLJier name by marria-e will J not Interfere with Mrs. N". G. Ander- son of 1183 Montana avenue. Port-; J land, in practlclnc her profession as) a u jrr. qc was auuuiu ia id; bar under her maiden name of ifu!- dah P. Malcne; Mrs. Anderson writes- Arthur S. Benson, cleik of them-1 preme court. Jo ascertain if any new t procedure will be neceswry for her"! to practice under her new name. - i Coart Hears Arguments in St. Johns Bank Case The supreme court yetei Jay heard arguments in the case of S. A. i Mulkey et at against Will II. Lea-. nett. rtcte superintendent of banks, in which the plaintilfs are attempting to romptl the bank superintendent to isue a charter for the Bank of Com-; inerce i.t St. Johns. Portland. Bennttt refused the charter on the ! rieunsd that there is InsufflUent business at St. Johns for three banks. The promoters of the bank appealed to the ttate banklnr board which uv (V.rupwny 31, Orrgna National ttsuml. villi give Military at the Armory, Xew Year live, December 31. As a special feature a fine program will be offered at mltlal&ht, after which rrfrel ments will be served. .Tlien Lu4ly thxmgh skH leaat rbe roafettl dance will begin. Owar. SteelTuimmer will furwlb. the stsilc am.1 a good time promleU. Committee of Entertainment: Twaels t sale at Armory, by Harry Ilsnt. I.OO couple eclnive of war ta. CMW HOW DO L fir ' the Grip, a crouch. Lis nose runs. Lis bones ache. Toa need a MJilALr ; fiL Xv 8 3 2bt Popular, Prices held Dennett. The rase was then t ali en to the form of a mandaniu-action to the circuit court for Marlon coaw ty where Judire Cincham handed down a decree for the plaintiff. Ben nett appealed to the supreme coart. Husbband Always wanting mon ey. It Is like a came of chess noth ing but -rheck. check, check." Vfe But if you don't giTt It to me It will still be like a came of chess, for It will be "pawn. pawn, pawn." Pearson's Weekly. f Ktt. Major A. It. Mi sKt. Dr. Rardette. Kgt. Ionaltl Mile. YOU LIKE THE LOOKS ill!FW . r . 1 1 i . . . . . i SHOW Tnnw :; M IUUHI - - UF 1HIS PARTY r You cant blame htax for looking sour. Fla baa he looks on the world through blue glasses, just all do when we bare a Cold. medicine to reduce the ferer. aton the ache, carry the cause out of the system. litre la a preparatkn. that la frrer-r educing, anodyne, and nleasantly laxaUre. Try one box. Too wui like U. Li; H COLIJ TAIILETS i -i M KHfAKFEirs DU 10 STORE 6tiy' liia North Commercial Street ! . it