TTTE OREGON STATESMAN: 8ATTRMT. DKEOIRER l.-LIOIf,. ' -. ' ' g Classified The Wants and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under Proper ' Headings So You Can Readily Find Them They're Worth While Directory ,1. NORWICH UXIOn FIRS INSURANCE SOCIETY Tblelsen, Roland at Burghardt fakisnt Agent . - 871 Htata St, HONEY TO LOAN lnUU A rUlUBnk, Salem. Or. FARM LOANS HAWKINS c ROBERTS C 804-207 Oregon Building CLASSIFIED ADTBRTlSEJEfT-f I y-1 t4 lUte-JPer Ward.- Per lusertlonVv?rt-.. ...... lc One week (six Insertion).... 6c One month ---.iJ?i........15e Six months' contract, per ruo.JOc Jt months' contract, per mo.. 9c Minimum for any advert'a'm't 3Bo NEW TODAY sjnjsnjriorsrs,'v FURNITURE HOSPITAL-I HAVE opened up a first class shop, repair ins: and refinishing and upholstering. All work guaranteed Will call and. estimate your work Phone 1742. 1281 3. .Commercial, i M. Brown. WANTED $5000 OS GOOD FARM SE curlty at ,6 per cent- .Phone 82F2. RL2. Salemv Ore. I j , i - t. FOR SALE BY OWNER HtiUSE. five rooms, bath, electric light, etc., lot 76x159 feet located at 1768 E. Court street. ; IT ice reduced to $24 00 for quick sale. Call telephone 12a or 36. CALL UP 1525 ANYONE NEEDING Crystal Compound and 1 11 wait on you. Ed. Keyes. RANTED BY. JAN. 1ST FOUR TO sis room house furnished. Munt be plumbed and wired. Some ground foe chickeo-si and garden, to responsible partiea. ! Phone $31. : NIEMEYER'S BiafS New ! Today J-room modern housif on North Front 8t . X large lots, fruit $3000.. Strictly modern S-room home at 180 . & 14th St. Fireplace. Lot 50x159. Vruit and walnut trees -$4200. Beau tiful home. i t-room modern bungalow on Sagtnaw St Lot 150x50.; Garage and lruit. ' $1750. ' f " 6-room modern bungalow on S. 11th St. Neat fireplace $1300. '-.- II acre near Macleay. l'art of Waldo Hills orehards. i 14 acres mixed or chard ; House; near school and rail war station $6400. 49 acres $ miles from Salem. 17 acres bearing prunes; ; 8' acres timber; bal ance cultivated. J Good fruit dryer. 7 roora house; barn and outbutHings; tine water. Good location $15,000. C W. NIEMEYER ; Just Real Estate and High Class Investments. 21S-S16 Masonic "Bldg.. Salem. Phones 1000. 1014 EMPLOYMENT ! FJSMALB "v- - WANTED WOMAN OR GIRL FOR general hovse work. Apply at 2525 bo. Commercial or phone 55F13. CIRL WANTED ' FOR GENERAL houncwork. Good pay. In a modern home. None but-a.' good, cook need - spply. References. Write L, M., care x Statesman. r ( MAN WANTED TO CUT BRUSH BY day or contract. , Shack furnished. Phone 1I41J. "t ; . COMPETENT SALESMEN WANTED Experienced selling newspaperApre- ferred but not necessary, if a hustle Straight salary. Statesman business office, -. . ; .r-. - " ; . : , NOTICE : . :! ' HELP WANTED MALE If you are interested in taking a. course In any branch Cf the automotive in djitrr where students are taught by practical experience in construction, repairing and trouble-shooting on all makes of gas engines, their ignition systems, starting and ugnung sys tems, including generators, starting motors armature winding and build ing, charging and care of storafci batteries; also acetylene welding ana cutting; enroll for winter term at Hemphill's Trade schools. Our schools are approved by the U. S. govern ment. Hemphill's operate the larg est chain of practical schools In the World and have schools in the follow ing cities: Portland, Ore-l .Vic toria. B. C; Vancouver, B. " C; Caljfarys.. Edmonton, Lthbridge. Saskatoon. Regina and Winnepg; authorised capital stock. $150,000. The state of Oregon allows, discharg ed service men $25 per month wnile ' Handing our Portland school. Ap plications will be received at our main otfice, 77 Hawthorne ave., or our depot office, 124 N. Sixth St. 2 Mocks from Union depot entrance, rortiand. Or, Write us for catalog : "d information. ( : MISCFAEANEOCS WA.NTKD-.J1EN I AND WOMEN TO work in our circulation department A good proposition to the right peo ple. Address the Pacific Homestead. Statesman Bldg.. Salem. Oregon. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL WALL TINTS. MAN1 w colors 10c pound and up. Max O ""fen 17N. Com'l St. FARH MAGAZI.VES F YOU WANT TO GET THE BKflT Jrra paper, send 10c to the Pacific Homestead. Salem. Oregon, for a trial eabserlptlow. Mention this ad. P0CI.TRS THE KORTHtt'MT Dnnrrnv TnTTT?, jal, the bifgwt and best In the west. tr V7" ""Wslne for live poultry men 7$ cents a var. 81.00 In Salem. nena cents for mmsla today. Ad-. flress The Northwest poultry Journal. ' wregon. Mention this ad. ISCEl.l.ANEOCS."L"" ' ' "t BALE, CHE p IDTATOK3, ON- im J": c"rrots- l'hono 339 or csu ' .o- Com'L ! CHOK?K OO.VT MEAT AT PEOPLES Market between State and Court on Liberty St. . if1 '. SALB FORD ROADSTER IN rt . clas condition. Apply , I. A. Harris, Marion Hotel. Salem. WK -BALE P..T,ED OAT HAY: $20 "t, on et koui 5. Box 92, Maclcay rosd. A. 11. Litchfield. UOVT MEAT FtR SALE FIRST "nJ' Orders tsken et 2S67 Oak end 25th Sta Thone 216vM. WALKELT" YOUR HOUSE: IT'S i -' to cloth; at ab-.ot half price. MISCELLANEOUS, f PARENTS VOUU CHILD WILL AP MeC,ife .Chautauqua Desk and Blackboard for Christmas Phone 400 i" personal demonstration. FOR SALE A PAID-UP CORRES i P'ndn commercial course in the J rthwestern Business College of , Spokane, Wash., cheap. F. M. Brown. lnacDendpnpi Or 5EO-CARS FOR hat.: mi miy. rood J?'w5 "1 Maxwell, run www uuiei. castt or term. 197 Bo. Commercial. Phone 899. MR. 8-CENT SMOKER it-sst tiv- a Kinsmen be Cigar. The mild Havana short filter smoke of satisfaction. Ja cobs & Busick. distributors. FOR SALE HIMALAYA PLANTS. AL fred Muting strain; Etteraberg straw berry No. 121; Oregon Champion gooseberry, w C. Franklin, Rt 1, box 11. Phone 52F14. FXIR S ALE ORJTRADE ONE HUDSON speed rter used t hre tfVfeVljt i , i ' . n mmr I W C d " - - - . '.'" uuuuj-earcoru tires. Dodge Touring car, l918Tnodel -ewuz inquire jutjerry City Oarage. 170 tWUllA A REX DRT PASTE. NoncoOKlNGTK . quired, works better, sticks tisrhter than flour paste; Max O. Buren. 179 -. I Ok WANTED SACKS, RAGS AND ALL Kinas or JunK. steinbock Junk Co., 326 N. Commercial St. Phone 305. Used cars for sale; Parts of cars at nan price. , CAPTIVITY OF THS OATMAN GIRLS Thte true- story of western Immi gration fin been carefully revised. making a handso&e little book. It : teas in graphic terms of the massa - ere ef the Oatman family, of the es cape of Lorenso, end the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of star vation and Olive was purchased from ue inaians rive years later. The price Ls 20 cents, postpaid. Address Oregon Teach ere Monthly. Salem. Or. FOR RENT HOUSE) FOB RENT HOUSES, APARTMENTS and farms. F. L. Wood, 841 State street, rnone isi. SMALL HOUSE IN OUTSKIRTS FOR rent. Is in poor condition. Will al low two months' rent for fixing up. then $5 a month. Big garden plot Lease If desired. Statesman business office. - ROOMS ' FOR RENT ONE FURNISHED DOWN stairs front room. Phone 113J. FOR RENT ROOMS ' WITH- HOT water heat and lavatory with hot and cold water. 1030 Chemeketa St. Phone 1280. LOST AND FOUND I Tssses"ssjsses",'es lOST . LOST SI f OE" 1JUCKT.E IJf fTLACK and Silver, Monday. Reward. Phone 2363 LQST A 15 INCH STRING OF PEARL beads at Fair Grounds or in city. Re ward, l'none Z23. LOST POCKET BOOK CONTAINING about . $13, and 9Sc worth of stamps. -Reward for return to Statesman. LOST ONE CHAIN FOR FORD CAR Tuesday evening between 4 th and Hood streets and Statesman office. Finder please leave at thia office LOST LADY'S GOLD HUNTING CASE watch, initial A.L.D. on front of case. Reward for return to office of Port land Railway, Light & I'ower Co. Phone 85. - - WANTED 1 MISCELLASEOCS. WANTED USE OF A GOOD HORSE for a short time. E. B. Flake. 1046J. WE BUY ANY XI ND OF lrSF.D CARS. Phone 39rl3 South CotrimrclaL AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY BRING YOUR BATTERY WORK TO the Battery Shop. 263 N, Commercial street. Phone 418. All work guar :. anteea. DOES YOUR CAR RUNRIGHT? IF not. inquire of Chester F. Way, for merly of the Marion and Buick gar ages, who is located at the Fair ground Auto Electric Co., 2580 Fair ground road (on the-Paclfic high way). Starting. I'glitiitg. ignition and carburetor service a specialty. Telephone 1798 for service car. ACTO IKRYICTsj 8HIPP3 AUTO 8 BRVICs CITT AND country trips. Phone: Day, 88; aigbt. 851- OLESON AUTO EXCHANGE 319 N. Commerclat SL Phone $66. Aatee feriblre v It heat drivers. We bey rare for wrecking B)nrseeee. tTeed rt, 11 rm and eeeeenertre. Maxwell truck, $125. S:ixon Six $S0 Ford Bug $27i. 5-passenger Overland. electric lights and starter. $30. 191d Studebaker, $4 la. 1918 Chevrolet, H9 1 ton Pord Truck, I3.u. we nave a bartraln in a Ford louring. Come and see it. 5-pas.'engi' lleo. $175. 1918 Overland touring j0. 117 ford TIRES REP A J RED VTJXCA JflZINQ GATES HALF-SOLE TIRE SERVICE Station. 177 Bouta (Jommerciaj bl Phone 421. . LODGES Chemekrta Lses Ke. 1 saeats vrry Wrdneiwlay evsoiBg St 7:30 at the L O. O. P. HalL BUSINESS CARDS iijTjvXfVxrLn.n rrs""!! esaess SSAYS . AND EXPRESS. . nnn r i-i-wmmi ' LARMER TRANSFER WB MOVE AND store goods. Day phone SIS. .. Mght Obnn 1SSS. JVXU. JCJIkw I ITTVK- WANTED WE PAY HIGHEST jrlce for Junk or every una. uei u I make yon a price on your household goods. The -Square Deal" House Capital Junk' Co, 871 Chemeketa St Phone tTKAjrcXAXk mER INFiiRMATlON-IF YOU WANT Information about any Kino oi me in.nrinra J F. llutchason. dis trict manager for the Mutual Life of New York, orrice at u eisie eire Salem, Ore, Office phone 88, reel dene 139S. XAUHDKXES. sMaBsafSeeeasjesSsjssAsjs1 CAPITA-L CITY STEAM LAUNDRY : Ouaiity work, prompt service. 128 SAxSM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash, e per pound. 18 Soutfe Liberty 8k Phone IS. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REG- uiar washing done at a rate every body can afford. For only 80 cents we will collect, wash and deliver your washing within twenty-four hours Phone 171." HOP LEE EXPEST LAUNDRY MAN, 430 ry tn. i pay top msrset prtee for chickens and egr. House phase 1838J. Shop ehone 18S9J-. -i.- HO!kEI TO GOVERNMENT LOANS AT PER cent. w. u. timith. $03 Salem Bank of Commerce. . . MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LANDS per cent Federal Farm Loans. 3414 years ume. per cent Private Funds. 33 years Vme, City Loans. Reasonable terms. Pay off like rent. A C. Bohrnstedt 401 Masonic Temple, Salem.. Kl'RSERIES FOR SALE FRUITLAND NURSERY has a few thousand Italian Prune trees, grafted Pranquet Walnuts, and also other Nursery Stock. Phone 111F21. lit. 6. Salem. Ore. ROOK REPAIRING IF ROOF LEAKS PHONE 172. SECOND HAND KCRNITXRB WANTED SECOND-HAND FURNI ture, rugs, carpets, stoves, machinery ana tools, liest prices paid. Tte Cap ital Hardware & Furniture Co, 285 . N. Com'l St- Phone 847. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE 871 N. Commercial. Phone 734. Home of bargains. New and second-band far nishings and hardware. We buy, sell and exchange. Highest cash price paid for second-hand goods. OPTOMETRISTS. DR. L. HALL WILSON Speclal rC 1st In the Modern Scientific Ap Si plication of Glasses for the aid or vision and the relief of Eyestrain and Headache. Office closed Saturdays. , I Office 219-2 11 U. I MPhonee. office 145: 8. Bank Building. res. 1244. ' TUAAirCH ti All U CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 22$ State St nimne 933. Distributing, forwarding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. . y AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANY KINP of hauling. Household movleg Jobs done prompt ly. Trv me once. Tlmme. 47S State Sr. Phone $$. Residence phone 1122J. I SCCOAD HlfiD GOODS WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND good of all kinds, pipe fittings, har ness, collars, collar pads, tools, and . chains. Fred Schlndler. ii$ Center etreeC WAU PAPER, PAXHT SEE PORTER i FOR PAINTS. WALL Paper and Picture "Framing. ueoa workmen. 455 Court St. Phone 485. e-iFTEEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL fend upwards for choice Wail Paper at Buren's Furniture Store, 178 Com mercial street. WOVE.1 W1RH rENCXSO Depet NaUeaal A Aseerfean Fence, eJl slsee, Z In. te S3 In. high. Palate, Otis end Vawwlah. Steves Rebeilt eed Repaired. lAgaaberry and Be Ueehe. Seleaa Keaee A Steve Wsraa SM Cart St. Pbeae U4 R. 88, FLEMING. CHINESE! PHYSICIAN DR. L. M. HUM CURES- ANT KNOWN disease. - 188 S. High St. Phone IBS PROFESSIONAL OITEOPATHT. DR. JOHN L LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon, 403-404 Oregon Bldg. Phones: Office 1394; Res. 6&FS. DR. W. L. MERCER. GRADUATE American School Osteopathy, Klras ville. Mo.; treats acute and chronic disease. Office 404-405 U. 8. National Bank Bldg. Phone $19. Residence, 419 North Summer. Phone C14. CHIROPRACTORS. DR. O. U SCOTT. D. C. CHIROPRAC- tnr. P. 8 C eraduate. 309-12 U. S. N. Bank Bldg. Phone 87; Res. 828R. WATER aaeeSbbsnsssnaseSs SALEM WATER. LIOHT A POWER Co, orrice zoi soum com i sireec Ten per cent discount on domestic flat rates paid in advance. No de ductions for absence or eny cause unless water is shut oft your prem ises. PUBLIC KOTICKS NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT FOIl THE COST OF IMPHOVIXO 21th KTUEET I1U1M STATE STKEET TO A POINT 300 FT. SOUTH OF STATE STKEET. L To. It. E. Edmundson, Taul Tie- burg and Mamie E. Tigard: You. and each of you are hereby notified that the City of Salem ha, by Ordinance No. 1537,'levied an as sessment upon your respective prop erties hereinafter described, and in the amount hereinafter set forth, for such 'property's proportionate share of the cost of improving 2 4tn street in the City of Salem from State street to a Doint 300 feet south ot btate street. A description ol eacn lot or Dart thereof or parcel of land assess ed, the owner . then-of. ana the amount assessed and levlcO. upon .it is as follows, to-wil:. .,.'. J. Lot 4 In Block 1 of Brook side Addition to the City of , Salem, Paul Tiebnrg cost $132.84 Lot 3 in Block 4 of Brook- I side Addition to the'City of Salem. Manire Tigard cost 129.56 Lot 1 in Block 4DfBfQQjir side Addition to the City of Saw. It. E. Edmundson cost 235.1 Said assessments were entered in Volume 4. Docket of City Liens, on the 28th day of November. 1919, as a eharre and lien against the said ae scribed properties, and are now due and oavable to the City Treasurer I'.r order of the Common Council. this notice lis served upon you by publication thereof for ten lavsii tho Daily OrAcon StatesmanTa news paper of general circulation publish ed in Ihe City of Salem, Oregon. Date of first publication hereof is December 12. 1913. Earl Race. I j City Becoraei.t ZXQAX. NOTICE 8. NOTICE TO CltKDITORS No. 488fi In the County-Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion. In the matter of the estate of Er nest Herbert Helmer, deceased. Notice- is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed ad ministrator of the above entitled es tate by the judge of the above en titledcOnrf. and has duly qualified. All persona having claims against eald estate are hereby notified to present" same, duly verified, as by law required to the undersigned at 1024 Chamber of Commerce,. Bldg.. Portland, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. " Dated and first published Nov. IS. 1919. JACOB L. ASIIER, Administrator of the estate of Er nest Herbert Helmer, deceased. Abraham Asher and Jos. II. Pare. attorneys. Chamber of Commerce Eldg., Portland. Oregon. WHOLE MILK AND PRODUCE WANTED l&urioa Creamery & Produce Co. Salem, Orepon. Phone 2488 I SALEM MARKETS I BUTiNa rjucn B&rzs and Poultry, Eggs, 68 c. Hens, J&icr Broilers, 26c. - Old roosters, iSc Dressed hogs, ls-19c Extra fancy veal, 20c Pork. Mutton And Reef. Pork on foot, 15cr , Lanibs, 10c Beef, steers, S to 9t, Cows, to 8c. Top veal, 20c. . . Bayr ' Cheats hay. per ton tl7. Oaf and vetch hay, per ton 120 to $21. Clover hay, $21 to $22. Grain. Wheat, $2. Feed oats. 80c to 85c. Milling oats. .87 to 90c. Beans, nominal. Still Fel. BeisO. N Millrun, $46.50 to $17. Wholesale To IValem. Creamery butter, cartons, 69 70c Butterfat, 72c. ? Pran, Oranges. $6 to 16.5. Bananas, 11c. Lemons. J8 to $S.aD. California Grape Fruit. $6. Blelona Sac'a Claus, 2 He a pound. Vegetable. Cabbage, 3c. Onions, $3.00 a sack. Turalps, 45c a dozen bnnchea. Carrots, 45c a dos. buwene. Lettuce, 60c a dot en. Sweet potatoes, 7 V4c a pound. Green nepers. 10c a pound. . . Celery, $1 a doxen. Retail Price. Creamery butter, 7Se. Dairy butter. 50 to 65e. . ERgs. 80c. riour, nard wheat, $ to Flour, valley. 92.55 CMS. Sugar, cane and beet. 13 l-2c. P'igar, sack, uoue oUsrzi. -J "Hey, wotcher doing? Stealing ride?" "Ain't the railroads being run by the government? ' demanded the tramp. -Yes. - ' r "Then stealing a ride Is merely a political crime, and political crime don't go in this kentry." Kansas City Journal. ; TME TABLES SOUTHERN PACIFIC. CO. - Kortbbenad - No. 84 Oregonlan 8:99 sum. No. if Oregon Express 1:11am. No. 28 Willamette Limited .. 9:17 a-ra No. IS Portland Passenger .. 1:69 p.ra No. 24 Coos Bsy 8:3$ p.m. No. 14 Portland Express .... 7:48p.m. oethbeeed No. SS Oregonlan 3:19a.m. No, 23 For. Eugene ......... .19.06 a.m No. 15 California Express ...11:06 a.m So. 17 Roseburg Passenger .. 4:08 p m No. 27 Willamette Limited... 9:44 p.ra No. IS San Francisco Pass. ..19:08 p.m. SALEN-fiRFR LIJIH So. 78 Arrive et Salem. So. 74 Leave Salem ... 9:19 a-ra 4:90 p m 9ALRV. FALLS CIT1 dt n"ETWH 161 Leaves Salem, motor .... 7:09 e.m 163 Leaves Salem, motor .... 9:2 .w. 16S Lestvee Salem, motor .... 1:66pm Throuah car to Monmouth aad Air he 171 Leaves Salem ISpn 1 Arrives at Sslem ........ 8:2Sa.m 194 Arrives at Stitm ........ll:9e 166 Arrives st Salem ,...t... S:2Spn 17S Arrives Salem 7:49 p n ORXOOV BLKCTR1C 8meetJve Oet. Sat. ISIS. Sentbaened. rraln Leave No. Portland 8 Ltd.. 8:1$ am 7 ..... 19:46 am 9 8:05 pm Arrive . Aertv Salem Kuen. 19:16 an 18:Sps 13:69 pa Balem mi " 4:16 pm 8:36 pa 8:40 pm 8:69 pa 8:07 pm Sslem nil 11:29 pra Salem onL) 18 Ltd . 4:46 pm 17 S:pm 19 ..... 9:29pm North Bank Station (leave Jerter son Street 16 aad 20 minutes Later.) BJortbboead Train Leave Arrive Arrive No. Eugene Balem 6 .... . 7:16 am 10 Ltd.. 7:81 ant 9:4$ am 13 12:06 pm 10 Ltd.. '1:11 pm 4:99pm IS ..... Sslem only 1:11 pm ? 6:25 m 7:i5rm Portland 9:39 an 11 39 sir 2:20 pm 0:60 pm .7:40 pn 10:00 pm Nortb Bank Station (arrive Jeff sr. eon Street It minutes earlier). Leavt Corvallls. C0EVALMS COKirCCTTOVS Narthbeaad Leave Cnevsllis Arrive Sslen S:S0 am t:4$ em S;85 pm , " 4 : P 6:18 pm 7:55 pm aatabennd Leave Sslem 10:16 am 4:11 pm :40 pm Arrive OrvaUis ll:ST am 6:40 pm . , .-.i S:vo m REVELATIONS OF A WIFE The Story of a Honeymoon A Wonderful Romance .f Marricxi Life Wonderfully Tld by AULLE LiAKKISOX CHAPTER CCCCLXV HOW MRS. AI.LIS APPEARED UP ON THE SCENE Dicky childish "gettiD even" shadowed the rest of the day for me. Hut I don't think: my hus band would have been much grati fied if he had known just why 1 was depressed. The personality of the unknown 1 woman telephoning me at Dicky's! behest did not annoy tue at all. Neither did the message she relayed to me with with such evident delic ious enjoyment, for Dicky had al ready threatened to cut Lillian's dinner, and I was very sure that a wholesome fear of Lillian's wrath would keep him from carrying out his threat. The thing which stung me. bow ever, carrying Its barbed dart Into the secret recesses of ray soul, was the fact that DIcy could do so cad dish a thing as to take some other woman into bis confidence regarding his plan to tease me. The malicious enjoyment In the girl's voice as she relayed the mes sage showed me only too plainly thai Dicky must have confided in her. and the realisation that he had dona so made me fairly ill. There came to my mind again, as it had come many times before. Jer ome's famous adjuration to women. Heaven heln you madam, if your husband does not love yon because of your foibles instead of In spite or them." I. paraphrasing it, felt that I indeed needed heaven's help, for this wasn't the first time that I had been compelled to assure myself that loved my husband "in spite" of some revealed defect in his charac ter. My common sense told me. however, that there was no- use brooding over the matter.and I put it out of my head as soon as I could. Why Mr. Savarin Hesitated. Robert Savarin went directly to his room when we" came tack from our walk, pleading fatigue. At lun cheon he was pale and distrait, and I saw that his highly organised ner vous system had been aiiectea m the strain of the past few days. I knew that his revived love for Lil lian, which he considered hopeless, had caused him poignant misery, and I wondered if he still might not be worrying Over the reappearance of Mrs. Allis. tho woman who had once called herself his wife, and while doing so had wrecked his life. My question was answered by one from him. Just before we arose from the luncheon table he asked in what he evidently meant to bo a careless tone, but which my ear rcc ognixe'd as tense, strained: "How are you going to the sta tion this afternoon when you go In to XI rs. Underwood's dinner?" . "Why. I hadn't thought about It, I answered. The Durkees are goln also, you know. We shall probably get a taxi and all four go to the sta tion together." He hesitated perceptibly snd then asked slowly: "Isn't there some station on some othsr line that we eouia rescn taxi without too much inconven ience?" I considered, trying to keep mr face from expressing the curprlse I felt. "It's No Use " "Hemptead. on tb ln un' . . ... m t n- oniy tnree rones nura . -- s we red at last. Th two lines don't join unm they get to Jamaicans that right? "Yon are correct.- "Then may I ask that we go to Hempstead." ho asked earnestly. "I don't wish to alarm yoa unduly. bn I feel tmeay about your goinz to th? places you are accustomed to - . A.rm go. for ine nexi i - u v - "You dont accept me tneory oi the others. Ihen. that tho shot me ... . a l . . , . a A other nirni was urea iy mo - - lunatic who roamed torougn io vn - " . lace?" I asked nuictly. although n ro-aiiiv I was mnth UPet at this re currence of the fears under which I had labored. - 1 "I don't know what to think. Robert Savarin returned grateiy. but I know that the woman wno -ince bore my name is a very vindic tive person, snd that she win son it nothing to be revenged upon any one she fancien has Ihwarted her. It Mrs. Underwood's :iiheory ru that she has added, the n.e of drugs to her other' vices." she Is Indeed a desperate ami a dangerous person. Repair Directory rives an a n article can be rep&irc1. . every home as STOVE KEPAIRINti .Satisfaction guaran teed. 45 years exxi-r- . Icnce. Salem Frnco and Stove Works, 250 Court IS. phone 124 ir1 sli?An a t"i y and yea cannot take too many pre cautions. -1 will do exactly as you request." I returned, throughly frightened. The matter was easily arranged, although I had to quiet Mrs. Dur- kkee's curiosity rather perempyrtly. and the Journey to the city held bo incident out of the ordinary. Dut when we reached the taxi stand of the Pennsylvania station, a slender- veiled figure appeared at my elbow T1,ea igure appeared V1 w t'PP'n into a ear, and voice murmured mockingly: "It's no use trying to fool me. you see. You're only wasting your time trying. tTo be continued) CUT THIS OUT IT IS WOnTTt MOXEY. DO XT MISS THIS. Cut out this sl!p enclose with Sc to Foley ft Co., 2835 Sheffield A7e.. Chicago. I1L. writing your name and address clear ly, lou will becelve In return a trial package containing Foley's Hon ey and Tar Compound, fo couchs, colds and croup. Foley Kidney Pills and Foley Cathartic TabVrts. J. C Perry. Victim That young fellow who had the next chair was a tine barber. Why did yon send him back to ths barber's college? Head Barber. He was a good op erator, yes: but he bad an Impedi ment in his speech, so I sent him back for a postgraduate coarse tn conversation.' Washington Star. CHICHESTER S PILLS evv stAMe arnAS. y4tmt Aah mm m" Jt Puis to SveS 4 fcl4 e-iVj In aU aj SM iu i V Te otfc . MffW rii' . iim rfr.rrf VIAWOS M1S rikAA, fc. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LA KG I HOU8K 15 COOD LO rat lea. la 8alea far $SOOO. Pbsee 18 -ACRE FARM FOR RALE BY OWN- er. ell la cultivatloa. . House end barn.' running water, reedy to move In; 1 ic car fare, on public road. Pric $!;; eddr re talesman. FOR KALIi ACHE.'t, OVER 199 IN cultivation. balance nasturo end small brush eaily cleared: slightly rolling, under woven wire (rare, fair house, bare: (oml location. I "rice $ per acre; $! cash, balance 9 years a per cent u. t. Hart. 2s urtfos Bldg. FARMS NEAR MONMOUTH AND INDEPENDENCE 119 acres all in cultivation, goojluild- . ings. orchard, horses, com a. boss, farm implements, seed wheats oats, corn. kale. ear. everything wltn farm; $125 per acre. 89 acres, hou'. bern. orchard, alt plow lano. se acres set wan prunes, on luhway road; both farms near loans, stations, schools. J. H. MoltAN. Monmouth. Oregon. FOR SALE BY OWNER AT A SACR1 flee le ecre fruit farm. It acres of bearing prunea 7 years old; gucwl family orchard; balance ell cleared land: rich red soil: best locaaberry or fruit land in Or ex on. ready to set . out: good large house, bar it and Im provements: 2 wells, etc. Uood local' ity 8 milee off pavement on rock reed near Hls-w This farm has to b old In a few daya at a big sacrifice lou will agree with me when you see tho price. $?ie. Terms. $194 win handle. Easy terms a balance. For Quick results sve H. It lreren. Room 4 Oregon building ever Ore gon Electric station, or phone 43. SELECTED All. are very good buys snd personally inspected. A good 6-room cottage la perfect coa dition Immediate possession. Another et $1104; possiwn Jsa. 1. This is a beauty; $12ee rash and la- atallments monthly: close in; no car fare. Information only in p rsoa. Tn week only lor less probably l. One of the best buys la the city in 9-room modern, close in. corner $IV9e A good -is torn cottage close to car at $l69e; terme. A good 7 -room modern except besemeat with big lot. pared stresU-good I oca tion et $2iSe: terms. We have- over a hundred ntfiers; come in and -e us if you aent n buue or any. kind. THE FLEMING REALTY CO. 311 tate St. Room 7. Bargains and InYcitmcnU i ..... r.m v..i. .roei an in cultivation. ;ee I M ate II seres 4 miles out Z't acres bear ing berries. 4 acres orchard, e-room bungalow, barn, other buildings. nsp 26 afres near town. acres prone and on err ics. some apples, good build ings. $I6S. 4-aere tract 3 m.iee out tn pa- reed, fin soiL 3i:i. Fine generel fsrm of lie are. 8 miles from (ialem. good tocation, bar gain. 8139 lr acre. 19 acres cloee in. High state of culti vation: for quick ele. 81v. Oood 2-acre fruit tract near town to exchange fr m'--i kmiw end lot For n square deal and bargains see PERRINE 8c MARSTERS 211-12 Comincrtlal Clah Bldi- ths principal places whert and mould te preserved in a ready guide. (. EOTtfaK C. WILL Repairs all Makes of Sewing Machines e e Supplies. Needles. and Oils. t phune 159 433 Stale Flrec-4. Salem, trrrgrna U L J 1 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSE AND LOT IN Kuuth Malem, near earliae snd eehooL Inquire at lili tfagiaaw u. cvnur Laicile. Wanted from is to 2 acre. good Improvements: give terms end complete deerriptloa in first letter. "Jive." cere. Statesman. A DANDY FIVE ROOM HOUSE ON 2ih street, paved, for $!. email sum tesh aad seoathly peynteata. I'-eiK by ener and a pre- ar price, laoae 1IJJ. FOR SALE SEVENTY-ACRE TRACT veil lecated near peved road. 6 aniiee from Seiem. twe good residences thereon. fpw-ial pe-t- for aeKk eat. Call owner, phone Sirr FOR SALE 1(9 ACKU, 78 CVLTV- a ted. ha. a ace second growth fir her; bouse, bare, orchard 1-4 r-!ke off Pacific highway. 8 miles from He lena Price t per acre; terma. 2a E Hart. 28 Ores on Bldg. FOR SALE-i-11 ACRES: HOUSE. BARK; adjoining- fair grounds on peve4 feign way. Price !; terma. IX E Hart, 28 Oregon Bidg. WANTED TO TRADE QUARTER section, valued $! acre. Lovvrna. i ,. tor small acreage or Sai property. V ould cvmiJrr good car phone :rJ FOR S ALEXIS ACRE APPLE, prune, loganberries. Jest outude city limit a. oa peved road. Good ruvm house, bern: extre rice soil, ever f:ee sold la fruit off place this yeer. Price lSe; terms. 1). E. Hart 28 Oregon Bldg. FOR SALE lit ACKia, 78 le celtlve- lion. I or ekirk is m 8 year old Italtea prunes, balance oek grub tim ber estimated cords; fenced with woven wire; small house, barn: miles rroaa - Dalles. Price 813. S8. $li caeh belanew years perereat. 1. E. Hart. 28 Oregon Bldg. HOUSE WANTED A- 6- or 7-rc-om bouse north f CoOrt street, close In. Will pay SJ to 8IS cash. Joha it. Scott Realty Co. 218 Oregon Blue. If Its LOANS. REAle ESTATE XXSURANCa LA FLA R A LA FLA R 446-7-8 Oregon Bidg. FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW IN -1849 block, eoutb. one block from meat, for $299. Built by owner Jut berore the war. Well constructed, fireplace: cotnolete cabinet k.tcben: fully plumbed. $t -cash. Carle A or a ma. btateaonaa building. I1E.VL ESTATE LOANS ' investments walYer McLaren Room :i. 189 N. Com. bL REAL ESTATE AND LOANS on farms or INSTAliiUOT LOANS on. city property ELSW0RTH PICKELL 301 Masonic Temple. Salem. WOODS BARGAINS Five acree Hollywood. $1190. 5 acree loganberries. ! 14 acres. tmt buildings and orchard oa Uarden road. $.iS. 9 acree oa Garden road, good buildings end orchard cloee la 7e 6 ecree eppiee and walnete $!: take house la trade. 34 acres bottom land cloee to .Selena. 17 acres rrunee; take heme pert pay. -roe.w oue. good loeatloa. $lle. 6-reona bungslow. two blocks frm state Si-. llSeii. 3 room house. 3've. F. L WOOD Beyae Building. BEST HOUSE BUYS 4 rvoma. I tuts, some fruit 8799: cash. 6 rooms. 2 lots, some fruit $659: su rash. J-room furbished modern bungalow. $:; 'a cash. C-room modern honse. fruit $l.9: I110S cash. -room boose, ixjj North Broadsrai. $22; all cash. 7 -room iihmI modern bungslow. lai.k lot. well located, pavement. $!; $1109 caA. S ruoBis. strictly modern bungalow. well finished, lili-; all caah. 1 acree. 8 room house, lots of fruit. garage, good local Ion. l.iee; H rash. i-teera modern bouse, on aevetrfnt. cash, balance li per month at nr cent. If yon are look lag for a ranch of any kind yotj are lntt i to call on me tat see what I tan offer. For best tuS see S0C0L0FSKY 341 State SL GOOD BUYS IS acre tract located oa ms'n pacific highaat. 1 3-4 miles from street tar 5 acres prune iTIce 8eS. 5 ecre tract I 3-4 scree loaaberries ia first class condition, e-room house, bare, well IT ice $J4 C 3-4 ecre tract, sll caltivated. S acres tn prunes. gfoa - room bouse, barn. Price $! Well imprwed ece tract locate -.,e to ratline. g.pd 5 room plastered t.n !. electrw I'ghts snd basement bearing fruit, grsurl street, ilk $e 13 ecre tract. S acres Italian prunes. I serve cherries. Some log ace. Itico ;e acre tract iortei cie- in. an cul tivated. S acres of prunes, some epple. kahw and barn, electric light, grsvtl street 3-1 mtle from carlme. sightly lo cation. Price 8II.SS. 4 ecree of first clas prune, logan berry or strawberry land, all cultivat ed Ptiea $125' p' r acre. 8 II -0 down. haliar 5 jeers at pr rent interest. 19 acre tract. 5 atves bearing prunea 1 acree 3 ears old 8 acres apples. Price $3759. lll'tlSK IIV-TB 4 room mo-ier hu.e located at 1545 South liberty street. I"rice 6:S. -5 rota r.iociera bungalonr. locate at :ajS Nor I h Commercial street l"rice :; l-K down, balance- $: per ni alh. 6 pr tnt inttteet I room modern ihih located close in. paved street. iTice $.. 4 r'm rnosira bineio, vutmnii Itks $15. V. H. GRABENH0RST &. CO. 876 Elate street -trt st p:t-i irdi FiR KKXT 15- WISE Tit fT UVtT et -4 mile Irora station oregosj Kleetrte ,t It. vilth dwelling, bern. orchsrd. paore and fsrm land ntihr a UN mootnlr caah par nni,ft h..rd and nshmz fr sa elderly gentleman. Allre 'Jervaia.. . I'.vule Z. Uuk 4 vr plioae iKIL. Jiuren i,j W. Coml St, Broadway, -ponawts.- '