TTTR OREfiOX 6TATEAMAX: WEDVESDAV, DECEMBER 10, 1010 l fl Cr (Cb XpJ The Wants and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under Proper LM 11 Ji ILmJ) IF V Headings So Yon Cn Rl.Kr Fm TKom.UAvV WnHK Wfii! lass1 xj -ww a vuuil T A.v a. nvm a aaw. w w w we a w v a v lined NORWICH UHIOIf fTJjt INSURANCE SOCIETY Thlelseiv Roland A Btirghardt 1 Indent Agent , 871 8UU St, HONEY TO LOAN . rnTROTETJ rABM PROPERTY AT JWB1 RATES. NO COHMISRIOH TK0S.K. FORDsV.1: MPLOANS; HAWMNS & ROBERTS '; 204-207 Oregon Building CLA98D7IED ADVERTTSEMlESrTa R Per WrdJ jf Per Insertion I le On week (six Insertions).... 5e On month , .15c Six months contract, per mo. 10a II months' contract, par mo., to Klnlmum Cor any advert s'm't J 6c NEW; TODAY FOR 8 ALE A DOUBLE DISC DRILL. No. 1 condition. W. A. Taylor. Mac- leay, ure. t-none ssrzt. UST TWO AUTOMOBILE CHAINS in Salem streets. Finder leave at : Statesman office. Reward , WANTED MAN InqSir Ml Mi Mark Skiff. . TO, SHOVEL SNOW. Court. Sc. . upstairs. FOR 8.VLE rSTUDEBAKER BtTO NEW Stint. $159; terms. Also 1916, Over tad. $533, Call 1723 I rOR 8 ALE OUR I -ROOM HOUSE Lo cated at 170 Court St. 4 bedrooms. 1 toilets ,2 baths, full basements with hot water heat Everything in fln hape. The four bedrooms will brinj, 4 per month.! This is inside, prop erty and' a snsp at $3750 for a quick tale. Will exchange for a 4 0- or 50 icre farm and pay cash difference. 8es owner. j PARENTS YOUR CHILD WILL AU prcciate the Chautauqua Desk and Blackboard for: Christmas Phone 490 (or personal demonstration. FOR SALE A I PAID-UP CORRES ponding commercial course In the Northwestern Business - College of fpokane, Wash cheap. F. M. Brown, independence, or. : LOST LADY'S COLD IIUNTINC CASE watch, initial A.L.D. on front of ease, Reward -for return to office of Port Hud Railway, Light & Power Co. Phone 85. ' -. . JUEMEYER'S BUYS -New Today 1 ,': -'fr Exceptionally attractive, strictly mod ern (-room home at 18v w. 4ta oi. Fireplace. Lot 50x159. Walnut and cherry trees $4200. . v ' i 8-rnom modern bungalow : on North , CapitoL. Lot 50x100. Young! fruit Folly modem 8room home on Saginaw fct. lots." Fine fruit, garage. Nice homt $1101. ...'-. 4i acres S miles south: 41 acres bearing orchard, prunes. p-ars, apples, cher ries. Good dryer; S-room house; out buildings $450 per acre. . If acres near Macleay. 14 acres orchard. Near school and railway station; 3 room house r$ 04 00. ft acres 1 miles east of Maries y, 'al cultivated; good family orchard: fine watr; t-room house; large barn; school near $7SO0. . i C W. NIEMEYER Juat Real Estate and High Class i, Investments. I1S-2K Masonic Bldg.. Salem. Phones 1000. 1014 BIPLOYMENT sksajasaasstssaaanaeaaaa ' TEMAZJS C1P.L WANTED FOR GENERAL housework. Good pay. In a modern j home. None but a irood cook need jpply. References. Write L. M., care SnUrman. i : MALIk HAS WANTED TO CUT BRUSH BT y or contract. Shack furnished. Phone 114U. t COMPETENT SALESMEN WANTED experienced selling newspapers pre wired but not necessary, if a hustler. BvralCht salary. Statesman business flice. . ' ' NOTICE ' HELP WANTED MALE "you are in Urea ted in taking a course in sny branch of the automotive ln uatrr where students ir tnus-ht hv practical experience in construction. "psinng anr trouble-shooting on all makes of gas engines, their ignition yatcms. startina- and lirhtinr avs- ttina. including generators, starting rB armature winding and build 5?.tfr,'t also acetylene welding ana vuiuns;- enroll for winter term at Kmphiirs Trade schools. Our schools re approved by the U. S. govern ment Hemphill's operate the larg l1 fna'n of practical schools in the world and have schools in the follow- E. citiesi Portland. Ore.; Vlc '';, tt i C.j Vancouver. B. C: t 5arr' ; Edmonton, Lthbrldge, .tfu1?0": Rfflna and Winnepeg; - .u. nea capital stock. $150,000. The stat r rv.... . n mT .. "I?.eIT,f "n $2$ per month while - -our i Portland school. Ap j"'Y"Jns win be received at our i l:.-"",u,,,ce. 07 Hawthorne ave.. or -r aepot office. 124 N. Sixth St. ' P.? iro"n Vn'on depot entrance, ai r l Write us for catalog niliimilllftB , ' MISCELLANEOUS ""ifcijlEj, AND' WOMEN TO 'n our circulation department. KOOd Proooaitlnn In tt. rirrht n,n. t!Addrs the Pacific Homestead, -""" Salem. Oregon. II PEftSOJfAL ifci J GENTLEMAN OF GOOD .rI"'J 23. wishes to m-et ; i.-t Iwra i to 35 yars. Oh- I I' PlWyiony. J. M.i Mitchell. It FOR SALE B tHT?V1' WALL TINTS. MA NT 0. n.T-.TO.iK. Pwiiid and ap. Max FARM WAOAZINES fTUWANT 70 GET THE BEJTT aZH!-9.nplT-'n4 the Paelfl-sntr.1'..- 8'm. Oregon, for a trial - l Mntion thjs aoV- 'OILTRt risa saW 7iiril":,J 'KEREXS KOU SALE OR o ";",nw if1' thi birds f.i 1"al value, phone 49K23. fl V"RT1WEST POULTRT JOUR rVl hm b,et and best In the west. V f5,.U 5 rw. $1.00 In Salem. KmiZZ. Y. r j"tv(h I'nuiiry journal MISCELLANEOUS. - - - - i-i-i-,rn-l-inn.n.n.i-wxruKj tCK SALE. , CHEAP POTATOES!. OV ions and carrots, l'hone 399 or call 197 S. Com'L . FOR SALE ONION AND POTATO SSo.".1 pltal Junlt Co. Phone 398. 271 Chenieketa St. CHOICE GOAT MEAT AT PEOPLES Market between State and Court on Liberty Sjt. FOR SALE FORD. 1918. with starter. m excellent condition. Oscar IS. CJingrlchw Motor company. . FOR SALE BALED OAT HAT. 82 per ton at Route 5. Box 92. Macleay road. A. If. Litchfield. GOAT MEAT FOR SALE FIRST class only Orders taken at 2567 Oak and 25th St. Phone 2160M. j- "WALFELT TOUR HOUSE : ITS superior to cloth, at about half price. Max O, Buren 17 N. Cora l St. USED .CARS FOR SALE 1918 MAX well good as new; 1917 Maxwell, run 1000 miles. Cash or terms. 197 So. Commercial. Phone 299. MR, 8-CENTi SMOKER JUST TRY A Kinsmen 60 Clear. The mild Havana short filler smoke of satisfaction. Ja cobs & Bualck. distributors. FOR SALE i-HIMALATA PLANTS. Air irea aiming strain; uttersberg straw berry -No. 121; Oregon Champion gooseberry. W Franklin. Ru 1. pox xi. rnone osr it. FOR SALE OR TRADE ONE HUDSON ,i speedster used three months, perfect condition with 5 Uoodyear cord tires. $2200 Dodge Touring car, 1918 model $900 Inquire Cherry City Oarage. 170 REX DRY PASTE. NO COOKING RE- quirea. works better, sticks tighter than flour paste. Max O. Buren, 179 N Com'l St. 4 . i WANTED SACKS, RAGS AND ALL Kinds or junk. Hteinbock Junk Co.. 326 N. Commercial St. Phone 30a. Used cars for sale. Parts of cars at half price.: , CAPTIVITY OF THK OATMAN GIRLS Thie true story of western immi gration has been carefully revised, making a handsome little book. It tells in graphic terms of the massa cre of the Oatman family, of the es cape of Lorenso. and the captivity 1 of Mary and Olive. Marr died of star vation and Olive was purchased from the Indians five years later. The price is 20 cents, postpaid. Address Oreaon Teachers Monthlv. Salem. Or. WOOD, WOOD FOR SALE: FEW CORDS OAK wood. $8 cord. Corner 13th and Ox ford St. Phone 1170R. " FOR RENT BOARD AXD ROOK GOOD ROOM AND BOARD. WITH home privileges, close in. 495 S. Commercial St Phone 1448. BOUSKk X)R RENTHOUSES. APARTMENTS and farma. F. L. Wood, 841 State street. Phone 194. t SMALL. HOUSE IN OUTSKIRTS FOR rent. Is in poor condition. Will al low two months' rent for fixing up, then $3 a month. Big garden plot. Lase if desired. Statesman business Office. v. ROOMS FOR RENT ROOMS WITH HOT water heat and lavatory- with hot .and cold water. 1030 Chemeketa St. Phone 1280. ! LOST AND FOUND LOST lost shoe buckle in black and silver. Monday. Reward. Phone 2353 1 LOST A 15 INCH STRING OF PEARL beads at Fair Grounds or In city. Re ward. Phone zs3. $25.00 REWARD TO ANY PERSON for the apprehension or tne person who shot ana Killed a uairy cow Be longing to Wm. H. i:an & Sons on Mt View Farm, Oregon. Dec. J. isis. Wm. H. Egan A Sons WANTED BCISCLLAKEOCa. WE BUT ANT KIXD OF USED CARS. Phone 99. it? South commercial. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY BRINO TOUR RATTERT WORK TO the Battery Shop, st i. uommeroiai street Phone 418. All wora guar anteed. , . AUTO SErtVICBI 5 eyvMwtiweW 8HIPPS AUTO SERVIC CTTT AND country trips. mono: uay. ; night 369. OLESON AUTO EXCHANGE 349 N. Commercial St Phone Ce$. Antes for hire wlthoat driver. We hay ears for wrecking purposes. Baets- flees a aeeesserle. Maxwell truck. $125. Sxon Six $50. Ford Buz 8375. 5-paasenger Overland. electric lights and starter. $350.- 1915 Studebaker, $415. 1918 Chevrolet $550. 1 ton Ford TIUCK. ,e-u. we nave a bargain In a Ford touring. Come and ii -naasenirer is.eo. iita. is Overland touring $?o0. 1917 tord $3o. TIRES REPAIRED VULC AJflXIIf O xwarri- afissjasr"a'i'' rvirTJr OATES half-wjlm TIRE 8ERVIC& Station. 177 South , CommteTclal St Phone 428. LODGES --w Chemeketa Lode. Ko, 1 1 meats Vj every evening at t: at tha I. O. o r. HaiL BUSINESS CARDS DRAYS ASD EXPRESS.! LARMER TRANSFER WE MOVE AND stor good Day phoa 838. Night JTJHK. JUBt uAij-L-.n i - -- -- --------- JUNK WANTED WE PAY HIGHEST price for 1HOK.OI every una. mi enalEJt vnll aWIM OB TOUT household m-nAm Thai i uars Deal". House- Capital Junk Co, 371 Chemaksta fit Phone 398. TTSAHCIAL. J irus-ic INFORMATION IF YOU WANT Information about any kind af llf Insurance- an J. F. Hutchason. dis trict manager for the Mutual Life of j New York. Off l at 371 State street . New York, ofrica .at s. Btat sire utn'cT-im!' ",C P : XAUVSXXES. CAPITAL CITT STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work, prompt aervlea, 1211 ttroadway. Phone IS. saxjsm steam laundrt Quicx I 0c per pound, lit SoutL Liberty SU Phone is. . HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REQ- ular washing done at a rate every body! can afford. For only SO cents we will collect.. wash and deliver your washing within twenty-four j nours rnone aia. . HOP. LEX EXPERT LAUNDRT MAM. rmy St I pay top marks pries for 'chickens sad eft. Hoase phase 1383J. 8hop phone 18WJ. HOHET TO GOVERNMENT LOANS AT H PER cent. vv. u. Smith, 108 Salem Bank of Commerce. MONET TO LOAN ON FARM LANDS Sb per cent Federal Farm Loans. H years time. per cent Private Funds. 33 years; time. City Loans. Reasonable terms. Pay off like rent. A. C. Bohrnstedt 401 Masonic Temple. Salem. KlRSEiUKS FOR SALE FRU1TL.VND NURSERY has a few thousand Italian Prune treea crafted Franauet Walnuts, and also other Nursery Stock.. Phone 111F21. Rt. 6. Salem. Ore. SECOND HASP trrjiUUTURJB WANTED SECOND-HAND -FURNI- ture, ruga, carpets, stoves, machinery and tools. Best prices paid. The Cap ital Hardware & Furniture Co, 28$ N. Com'l St. Phone 947. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE 871 H. Commercial. Phone 784. Uome of bargains. New and second-hand fur nishings and hardware. We buy, sell and exchange. Highest cash price paid for second-hand goods. OPTOMETRISTS. 5 DR. U HALL. WILSON Special ist in the Modern Scientific AP olicstlon of Giasses for the aid of vision and the 'relief of Eyestrain and Headache. Office closed Saturdaya Office 210-211 U. 8. Bank Building. Phone, office 145: re. 1244. SCCOXD BARD GOOD WJ3 BUT AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of aU kinds, pipe fittings, har ness, collars, collar pads tools, and ehaina. Fred Schlndler, 158 Center street. trah sren HAtTUDia CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 228 State SU phone 933. Distributing, forwarding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. - . AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANT JCLNP of hauling. uousenoia moving Jobs done prompt ly. Try me once. Tlmme. 475 State St. Phone 881. Residence phoae 1122J. - WALL PAPER, FAXHT SEE PORTER for paints, wall, i Paper ul "m,f.- workmen. t uouxt eu " - sxjTEEN CENTS A DOUFLP! roll i and upwards for choice wau raper at Bur en's Furniture Bwta, ail immo- mercial street WOVK8 W1KJB . STCH CTWO . DfMt Railtaal 4 nil staea, se in. tm v isu Paints, Oils sal Ve.Talah. Stoves Reballt and Kepalre. Loganberry and Be Uka . Saleaa Fence A Steve Werka, SSS Coart St. P 1S4 - r. sv, nxni.iu. CHUfSCSK rHTSICIAS DR. u vf. hum cures AWT known 1 disease, 153 8. High St Phoae 888 PROFESSIONAL OSTEOPATHY. DR. JOHN L LTNCH. OSTEOPATHIC Physician tc Surgeon. 493-404 Oregon Bldg. Phones: Office 1394; Res. 68F5. DR. W. L. MERCER. GRADUATE vine. Mo.; treat acute and chronic I disease. Office 404-405 U, S. National I Bank Bldg. rnoa vi. nesiasnoa, i 419 North Snmmer. Phone 814. CHIROPRACTORS. DR. O. L. SCOTT. D. C. CHIROPRAC- tor. P. 8. C. graduate. jo-ij u. b. N. Bank Bldg. Phone 87: Res. 828 R. WATER SALEM I WATER. UUHT A POVVEH Co., orrice 201 south comi street riat rates naid in advance. No de-1 ductlon for absence or any cause unless water is shut off your prem ises. PUBLIC NOTICES ' rxfxrlrs1srMl"l" " "r1 " - .-sMaMasMsaMsMa. ALL PARTIES WHO HAVE BILLS against-Oee uum sre requested to present them to D. Taksgl. Japanese Hand Laundry. 445 Ferry St . BIDS FOR MACHINERY. The county court of Marion coun ty, Oregon, will receive sealed bids ud to 1 o clock p. m. on Dec. is. 1919. for two paving plants. Twt kinds of plants will be considered; one a factory made plant, the other a nassembled plant. Capacity not 1 less than 1250 square yards of 2-inch asphaltic top per day. Specifications can be seen at tnc onice oi ine coun ty clerk or will be mailed by him to responsible contractors. Bid will. be considered for one pr both.. The right to reject or accept any or ail bids(l I reserved. 1. G. Boyer, , County Clerk. BIDS VOll TRI CKS. The county court of Marion coun tv. Oreeon. will receive scaled bids I up tQ j o'clock p. m. on December 19. 1919. for 10. trucks equipped lor haulinc gravel, .for delivery by April 1, 1920. Proposals will be considered to furnish one or more. Capacity 3 1-2 tons. The right to accept or reject any or all bids is reserved. Mark envelopes "Bid for Trucks" and I a,idrcfs to the county clerk of Marion county. -U. G. Boyer, County Clerk. XKW YORK MARKETS. NEW YORK. Dec. 9. Evaporated Jps , t prune8 fii 'lS :5c. Peaches firm Prunes firm; Orcgons WHOLE IsIILK A&D PEODTCE WAHTED Marion Creamery & Produce Co, Salem, Oregon. Phone 2188 SALEM MARKETS l BTJTEVQ PIUOB Bggs and Poaltry, . Eggs, 68c. , '. Hens, 24c. . It rollers, 2c. Oil roosters. I3c 'Dressed hogs,' lS-19c : Extra fancy veal, 20c. Pork. Mutton and Be. . Pork on footC 16c. ' Lambs, IOC Beef, steers, SK to 9t. ' Cows, 6 to sc. Top Teal, 20c. ' naj. Cheat hay. per ton 117. Oat and vetch hay, per ton 120 to. szi. r Clover haj. 921 to 922. , Grain. Wheat, 9. Feed oats, 80c to 85c Milling oats, 87 to 90a Beans, nominal. . MU1 Feeds BXaO, Millrun. 948.50 to 947. - Wholeaaie To Dealers. Creamery- butter, cartons, 9 0 70c Butterlat, 72c .. Fruiu Oranges. 96 to 86.80. Bananas, 11c. . Lemons. 88 to 8 8.60. California Craps Fruit. 86. Watermelons, le a. pousd. aieloos Santa. Claus. 2 He a pound. Vegetable. Cabbage, 2 lie .Onions, 88.00 a sack. Turnips, 45c a dosen bunches. Carrots, 45e a dos. bawrs . Lettuce, 60c a dosen. Sweet potatoes, 7 He a pound. Green nepers. 10c a pound. Celery, 91 dosen.. Retail Price. s Creamery butter. 78c. Dairy butter, 50 to 65c. Eggs 80c. r. Flour, hard wheat, 83.15 to 83.3 . Flour, valley. 2.o5 0 82. Sugar, cane and beet, -13 l-2c Hngar, sack, uooe olierei. . Attorney of SUverton With Boys at Conference i SILVERTON, Or. Dec! 8. (Spe cial to The O. g. Larson left for Dallas Friday noon to attend tho Older Boys conference Tnt 12 boys who accompanied him were uusseu Mcuuuougn; Aianis Smith. Ernest Haeverneck, Alfred Oi sen. Ronald Hadley, c John Fronk. Phares Calender. Leslie Goodleri Lloyd Fry. Marie wood. Robert Sea man, Allen Porter. Monmouth Youth in Jail on Charge of Larceny DALLAS, Or., Dee. S. (Special to The Statesman.) Albert Lewis, a young Monmouth man. iras convicted of larceny in Justice of the Peace John H. Sibley's court this week and fined S60 and costs, which being un able to pay. the young man is spend ing 30 days In the county jail. The act Is alleged to have been done Sep tember 27 when Lewis is said to have stolen a suitcase snd other belong ings from a returned soldier at Mon mouth. Although pleading not gull ty the evidence at the hearing was Buch that Joge Sibley. Imposed the sentence Fenton Pott WU1 Play Basketball With Vancouver DALLAS. Or.. Dec. i. (Special to The Statesmsn.) The basketball season opens in Dallas next week with a came between the team of Carl B, Fen ton post of the American I legion and a team of the American Leeion at Vancouver. Wash. The Dallas team is composed of old players, some of whom belonged to the famous Oregon team wwen I enclose .$..' purchate.... .".lEed Cross Christmag Scab to aid la the fight against Tuberculosis Name 1 - . Address City and State.. " Make Cliccks Tayable to Mrs. 0. C. Bellinger, It. F. D. 5, Salem, Oregon twuiu rasi several vnn. imi i The event will be staged la the Dal las armory which Is now under the management or the legion. . CTOVEKUALK PKItSOXALSw clover dale, or" d th women f the V. C. T. U. met far an all-day dm t at the home of Mra J WcKinney Friday. The work for 'the day was to make two quilts for Mra. Wl.ll Morris.:,. . Mr. snd Mrs. Terwilli lem spent Sunday visiting Mr. and mjs. r. a. wood. Mrs. Charlie Scott of Salem came out last week to spend s fortnight with her mother. Mrs. Pickett, at the W. J. Hadley home. Three cars were fast at one tide in the mud holes on th? road st tie foot of Zimmerman's hill Sunday. J.. M. Hamilton and L E. lien nis and sons. Albert and Louis, were in Salem Saturday attending a logan berry growers' meeting Mrs. Gus Drager. and family were In Salem Saturday. F. A. Wood and family were in Salem Saturday. Mr. and Mrs.- W. J. Hadley left here Thursday for Portland wher they expect to sp?nd a week vls:t 'nr their son. Clifford Hadley and wife, and other relative nd friends. Reirj tie Qasiified ArU I I a When a Want Ad is Working For You The' boarding house vacancy Is merely a passing Incident not anything to worry about at alL i . People who keep boarders In this town soon learn that the way to make money In that vo cation is to utilise classified ads D D D E 1 8 P I a n D Das promptly and persistently as R If aifvertlalntr for a. ln Ala- 9 mond. I B TllW TABLES lOmiKRV PACIFIC "CO. Korthaewad Ho. 84 Oregenlan 5:99 a.m No. 18 Oregon Express 8:55 am No, 28 Willamette Limited .. 9:17 a m No. 18 Portland Passenger .. 1:19 p m No. 24 Coos Bay 5:25 p.m Nl 18 PorUand Express .... f:44pn " Sontkbt4 No, 83 Oregon la n 8:19 a.m No. 22 For Eugene No. 18 California Express ...11:95 a.m No. 17 Rnseburg I'assenger .. 4:98 p.m No, IT Willamette Limited... 8:44 pm No. 11 San Frsoclsco Pass.. .10:91 p.m ALKM-CEKR LIJIB No. 7$ Arrive at Salem...... 1:18 am No- 74 Leave Salem 4:88 p.m SALBcsL. raixs C1T1 4 181 Leaves Salem, motor .. T:Ham 148 Leave Salem, motor .... 9:24 a.m 145 Leave Salem, motor .... 1:55 p n Through ear to Monmouth and Air II 171 Leave Salem 8:18 p.n. 183 Arrives at Salem ........ 8:25 a.m 184 Arrive at Baiena ....... .11:40 a.m ICS Arrive at Salem 8:19 p ar 172 Arrive Salem 7:49 p. at OBtBOOS KIJtCTStlC rftsitl.s Oef. !. ISIS. Traits ' Leave Arrive No. oy-ortlaad ' Salem Eugene Ltd.. 8:15 aaa 10:15 an 12:80 pa 7 19:48 nam 12:50 pm Salem onlr 9 ..... 8:95 pm ' 4:15 pm 8:25 pn 18 Ltd.. 4:44 pm 6:40 pa 8:50 pm 17 ..... 8:0 pm S.OI pm Saiam onii It 8:28 pm 11:28 pm Salem only North Bank Statloe (leave jeRar aota Street 58 and 20 aslant Uur.) Trata Arrl-v Arrle Portlasa 9:39 a 11:24 as 3.20 pm 6:50 pa- No. 6 Eugene Salem T:lSans 7:26 aaa 9:45 am 12:05 pm 18 LU.. IS 18 Ltd.. 1:85 pm 4:0 pm 20 ..... 8l-ra only I Ma T-40pe 22 5:25 pm 7:55 pm 10:00 pm . North Bank (nation farnv jstiar son Street 16 ml a ate earlier). Loav Corvailla. ' oostaxxxs conxcrzogs Sertkseaad T ssts Cs-reama Anei 8:90 am 0:48 ass S:S8 pm : 9 8:18 pva T:85 pm Lsv Salesj 10:18 as 4:11 pa : pa Arrive OsrraQU 11:87 am 6:4 Red Cross Christmas i Seals Xal-I . ! ;-sv Salem. Oregon REAL ESTATE FOR BALI LA BUS HOC8K IX GOOD Lo calise, ia Saleaa. far, iOOO. rkeae ISA 5-ACRE FARM Foil SALE BY OWN er. all in cultivation. House and barn, runmlng water. r-ady to move In lie car fare, on public road. I'nc $l0e; address "J 4. care Statesman. A DANDY FIVE ROOM HOUSE ON 20in street, paved, for $lfta. 8mall sura cash and monthly payments. . Built by owner and a pre-war price Phone 198JJ. FOR SALE SEVENTY-ACRE TRACT well located near paved road. 5 mile from biiftn. two good residences thereon. Special prlcepfor u:ck sate. vail owner, phone air 2. FOR SALE 10 ACRES APPLE.", prunes, loganberries. Just outside ' city limits, on paved road. Good 7- room house, barn: extra rich sol over $: sold in fruit off place this year. IT ice $&; terms. D. E. Hart 2 va Oregon Bldg. FOR SALE 208 ACRES, OVER 190 IN cultivation. Da lanes pasture and small' brush easily cleared: slightly rolling, under woven wire fence. fs!r house, barn; good location. Price li per acre; $4&0 cash, balance 8 years per cenu D. E. Hart. 298 Oregon Liiag. FOR 8 ALE 140 ACRES. 73 In cultiva tion. i of which la In S year old Italian prunes, balance oak grub tlm ber estimated cords; fenced with woven wire: small house, barn: miles from Dallas. Price 813.099. iC0 cash balance 8 years 8 per cent. u. k. itart. z4 Oregon Bldg. BARGAINS 15 ACRES ALL IN CULTI vation; small house and barn. 7 acre In atrawberriea, 4 acres locsna. 219 filbert trees, for 82 Per acre. Small cash payment remainder on long time or crop payment. This ts a great bargain. Any d'lay will let the other fellow get the bargaina. Come tomorrow morning If you want It John II. Scott Really Co, 228 Ore gon Bldg. WE HAVE IMPROVED AND UNIM proved lands near the town ef Marl on In tracta of 5 to ISO acres for sale for 115 per acre end up. Will sell in small tracts for 8100 cash snd pay aa rou please on remainder. We sold the IS acres advertised a lew nays aso to the first man who saw lt Many called after it was too late. We only advertise oargama, nun you see It in our ad It means something bsck of it This Is good land on your terms. Call tomorrow and let us tell you about it ISe our other ads li this issue. John H. Scott Realty Co-, j 228 Oregon Bidg. FOR SALE BT OWNER AT A 8ACRI flee 40 acre fruit farm. IS acres of besrine- prunes 7 Tears old: good fsmily orchard: balance all cleared land: rich red soil; Pest legsnoerry or fruit land In Oregon, ready to set out; good large bouse, pern sad im provements: 2 wells, etc. turd local' Itr 2 miles off pavtmeat on rock road near l era. ibis rarn naa to sold In a few days at a big aaeriftea. You will agree with me when you ee the price, 5950. Terms. $100 will handle. Easy terms on balance. For- quick results Bee H. R. Pearson. Room 495 Oregon building over Ore gon Electric station, or pnone tx. FOR SALE Ot SIHxlSS ft deep la business tlock oa Liberty street. ALSO Choice corner lot and dwelling, oirt block north of the City haiL - ALSO 110x158 feet facinx fMlevwe rt, near to ca dencea. WOODS BARGAINS Five, acres Hollywood. $1190. 8 seres loganberries, 1 acrea. n4 buildings and orchard on Uardew road. Iii. S acres on Gsrden road. rnnd buildinaa and orchard close in $7e0 5 acres apples and walnuts $1900: take house la trade. 20 acre bottom land close to Miem. i ' a prunes: taae homo part pay. 5-room house, good location. 8 He. S-room bungalow, two blocks from male flu $14.9. 3 room bouse. let. F. L WOOD Bayne Building. SELECTED All are very good buys and peysoaal.'y inapecieo. .V good 8-room cottage In perfect con ditto SIS: Immediate possession Another at 82eOe: posseasiow Jsa, L This Is a beauty: 81240 cash and In stallments monthly: close in: no car fsra. Intormatlon only In person. Thio seek only tor leas prooaoiyr. On. of Ik best burs In the city in S-room modtrn. close In. corner t i a rmwl (.room c-ottaaa close to car at 81400: terms. nv' A good 7-room snodern except bs.?vnat with big lot paved street, good loca tion at 82iOO: terms. Wm iss uttr a nan re omers; ronie In and Se US II yo-U want a nons vi mmy kind. TOE FmiING REALTY CO. 211 State SU Room 7. i Deals in Real Estate Francis S. Kendall to Elmer w. Kendall; two and one-half acres in T. 5 8. R. 1 W. $500., Joseph Becker and wife to J. L. Siegmond. 41 acres In T. 5 S. R. 1 ll' IIAA Adalane' Kennedy to Amedy I SChspelle. lots 1. 2. 3. 4. block 2 A. St, Louis. 1100. ln one of the California suburban) communities I to-wit. Fruitvslel they havs a dance once a week for the re turned soldier boys. All the rirls shout town ar oa hand and a'l the boys from overseas are made wel come. Recently an InterrsUns Inel- J . ..Harlail !! Vll thriM- . . j . nk iv.l II HP mau ana naa aam arlrl twice and they were em ehanHne confidences.. "Are yoa what thy call a rm he asked. . Oh. no. she. murmorra. -i tn from Indiana. Hoosier glrL The doughboy blusnea. ana stam mered. "Why er I hsvea l any. ua Neverwed "hat a tiny little wo man your wife Is. Juatwed ShVs Jnst that. But. then, apartment rents are so ngn i ran't afford house room for anyihina larger than a gnome. Knoxvllle V-ntinel. . V-SX lWIIWUIi TiMMelW. P-T eey-e y Pi iMHKirr-.Tfil Wiaieosa naa rimsi-. MBat4.l scid a edtiuGn niTirjiu e S. P. paaaenger depot. Kirely o-l" ': ted and Just rignt nr mooest rei- - - Will divide nicely Into i low. I . . . . ne owner. 2.. Lioerty e c.iy. I lem" Keit of w:L su KbovL liai- , REAL ESTATE 5 FOR 8ALE HOUSE AND LOT IN &outh elalrm, near car kin and ecboot Inquire at lili Saginaw Sc. corner Lauelie. WANTED FROM 18 TO 28 ACHE55. good tn-sprovements: give terms and complete description in first letter. -Jlvs." care Statesman. SEE V FIRST 8-ROOM COTTAGE. full basetneat. cement walks, bstK. toilet snd electric llrhta. . art home John It. Scott Realty Co, 228 Oregon Bldg. A BARGAIN 8-ROOM HOUSE. LARGE lot. close ia on Improved street Bath and toilet and electric lights. Uood barn. If sold soon, $!. John 1L . Bcott Realty Co.. 228 Oregon Bldg. WANTED TO BUT 3 TO 8 ACRES Im proved land, cloee to ctt S ITTts ts oa paved or rock road. Give fuH de scription of land and improvements, with price, la first letter. Salem. P. O, Boa 524. FOR SALE ICS ACItES. 70 CVLTV- vated. balaac- abroad growth fir t! ber: bouse, barn, orcnard 1-4 silte off Pacific blfhway. 8 miles from -lenv Price $ per acre; terms. H. K. Hart. 28 Oregon Bldg. V E NEED MORE PROPERTY If your property la for sale, put It up with us to selL We have buyers waiting. For reliable and erfirteat roeulia. try us first John It hcoit Realty Co, 228 Oregon Bldg. FOR SALE 11 ACRES: HOUSEiBAR edjotning fair ground paved high war. Price $!; terms. D. EJllart. 298 Oregon Bldg. i WANTED TO TRADE QUARTER section, valued $140 acre Loverna. bub, lor small acreage pr Salem prvperty. Would consider tgood car as first payment, balance term, l'hone 92F3. If Its LOANS. IEAL. ESTATE INS U RAX C , LAFLAR A LA FLA R 498-1-8 Oregon Bldg. FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW IN 1198 -t block, south, one block from pe ve in at. for $2480. Built by owner Juat---" before the war. Well constructed;..- fireplace: complete cabinet k.lcbea; fully plumbd. $te caak. Caria Abrama. Statesman building. t: . T 1 REAL ESTATE LOANS IXVXJTMENTS WALTER MrH-RE Room 2. 180 N. Com. St REAL ESTATE AND L0A!iS on farms or INSTALllIEOT LOANS on city property ELSVORTH PICKELL ... 391 Masonic Temple. Salem: ,r. GoodBargainj & InTestinents 8 acres clone to Salem on pavs-d road. cam 82198. 14 acre tract 7 aerea prunes. 3 acre rhecrtes. 2 acres spple: sorxl buildings mil from town. acr:rc (like. 55 acres of fiae dark loam soiL 4 miles from Kalera. farm buitd'nre and I orr-hard. Choice bargain at $11 5r I acre. I 8 acres 3 miles out. nil la cultivation. I Farm buildings, fine road. 2t For bargain and a square deal se PERRINE & MARSTERS 212 Commercial Club Bldg. BEST BUYS 4-room house. Nob Hill. $- 8-room boose. Urge lot f -4 l-rgura buaaalow. cood eoaditiem. $1700. T-rvom house. 2 lets, fir piece, raete goe. $12. -room strictly snodera buacalow. Isrg lot $l-s fKtE KANLlll.l 20 acre. IS la prupes. aoeo ppla. soan lor ana. complete eoulpment drier. koiua, bar. $11.50 24 acres l bearing prunes, H cher ries, a few apples, house: well located. $' per acre; easy terma. 45 acres, 21 seres Italians Vrarlnrt T rhsmplons. 4 cherries, 2 apple and para. ths is o orehar; aoiua. oar a. cleo la. oaly $l0 per acre; easy terms. 1 acre. 7 bearlnr Ttaliana, t .gans, lamiiy ve-raam. a.rv; rair wrraa I acres. i Aiitareao le oeirisi rr:s $l"ooI' aw lossrrc) i J wmi fpiva, ll mrwwm oo4 nous. Pern, cloae t e-rhs-cl orth stock sad eaaipmeat f-wt. 8.040 cash. Pal a no 4 per cent. i;uv prune orchard bcfire athe spring rise in price. If j u don't ee what yon want In this sd kindly call on us We have a larse list and may bav tahat jrou meat r or pst buys se r ' S0C0L0FSKY 311 Slat street GOOD BUYS - L . It n: IVS? --,."eJ?rl ,., i acre prunes. Price 8. I acre irari I acres loiisnerrira n first riaa conijitwn. .-room aouse. I barn. uelL Irlre 814. S 2-4 acre tract ell cultivated. 3 acres In prunes, good i room bo us, bar. price 810 Vtell improved 5 arr tract 1wate-s cloee to carlin. good 5 room plastere bungalow, electric l-chts and baernt bearing fruit gravel street. Price f.4- 12 arre tract 4 acres Italian prune. 4 aeres cherrM a. some log ana, -1TVC 2 1 a0. 20 acre trac t lorate riopa in. an mi- iK.led. ,r,. f pruaes. some srr'ee, - pUa mA hrn. vlectrer llxbt. sraael air.t $-4 m i frmearline. a:btly lo- -mi in. itia. in aaa. 4 acres of first claas prune. Intra- berry or strawberry land, all cuitivav t ed. Pric $lli per acr. litis dom a." oa la are 8 rears at 8 per rent Interest. - - 1 acr tract 5 acres bearing peur.a t 3 seres 2 cars old. 2 acres appUe. " ITue Hi 9. ' - ' HOl!E RUYS 8 room modern home lor a ted at 114 S " South Liberty sireel. Price $! ta. 8 room raooern Pungalow. lx-a I i at SI NuriK C'ommrrcial streat ITlca 8I40; $J0 down, balance $10 per . mrth. a per real latereet ' room modern home located cleae In. paved street Pr. $t!. 4 room modern bungalow, paseravat ITlc $1500, - , W. H. GRABENH0RST h CO. M " 278 Ktata trt ; ros 9tr:T .. WS 1R RENT 15-AfRE TlttCT I-A"t-ed l-t mile from vterorMla ststio Oregon Klertrie .It It with dwell. nr. barn, orchard, pasture and farm land 'together tall ca! par rnt for wrd and w Im r for elderly imlUmia Adlrets ervata. . Rout 2. Loi 4a c-r phone JTIL A. 4 w . i ta. t " u"a. . alentlon this ad.