v.; ' THE ORECON TATE$1X tWEPXIrUV. DliCEMBJ-U 10. 1919 holders of the Capital National Bank of Salein. for the. election of direct ors, will be held at Us banking house In Saleni.Oregon , on Tuesday.. January 10, 1920, at 3 p. m. Joseph II. Albert, cashier. SEASONABLE SPECIAL SEASONABLE SPECIAL Tea Served All Day Thursday At bazaar, Marion hotel, by ladies of St. Paul's parish. . Plan to drop' In for a cup and a chat. 1 Two Licenses Yesterday The unusual turn of the weather has not hampered Dan Cupid In any way. Two marriage licenses were Is sued yesterday to J. Walter Johns ton, 21. of Salem, and Antonia Sing er, 21, of 2301 Highland street; ana to A. P. Marshall, 28, and Christine H. Green wall, 30, both of Salem. 9 ....-w.-ii i i i, -. -W - - - - - - -. .A A DIAMOND FOR CHRISTMAS Make your Christmas gift, one of elegance, consequence and value, j : v- Come in and see our selection of diamonds and diamond jewelry. It is the finer articles which arejbeing selected ear ly. Have us lay back your choice for later delivery. ; Hartman Bros. Co. JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS SALEM OREGON Don't Overlook a Chance to Boy Gifts worth while, such as hand kerchiefs'' anrnni ambroid erpA lin- Jen, caps, bags baby and doll finery. I a. W m mm at . oazaar,; iwarxon npjeinursuajr. December 11. .nou J . " 1 Silver Cell Circle,, Xo, 43 f i All .members are requested to meet at their hall at 1 o'clock! Wed nesday, December 10, to attend the funeral of our late neighbor, Augus- ta Matthes. Patient Wanders Away J It was reported yesterday after ;noon that Charles Lawrence, an in j mate of the Oregon state hospital, had wandered away from that Insti tution. He is 77 years old. five feet, eight inches tall, weighs 140 pounds land wears a mustache. Good Materials Attractive Price I At the bazaar, Marlon hotel. Thursday, tecember 11. Open all day and evening. CI "FY MEW misses r .'-Please Phone by Nine . , If the . Statesman carrier ; you, please phone by 9 o'clock, and ' a copy will be promptly tent to y Use the 583 phone, j Bazaar Is Postponed Because of the inclement weather the Women's TRelief corps bazaar has been postponed.: The new date has not- been fixed. ! . f EXID BENNETT ' .. in f -""WHAT , EVERY , ,'.' .- "WOMAN LEARNS" : LLOYD COMEDY WURLITZEH NIGHT ir Vi I1y Special meeting of De VvAl'!; Molay commandery. W S 'K- T.' this even &5r r ing. work In the It. C and Malta degrees. Visiting Sir Knights welcome. The Ledge of the Lady Maccabees Will meet In McCornack hall Wed nesday evening. Election of officers will be held and a record attendance of members Is desired. Many Hear Lecture - About 30 pruni growers attended the lecture at the Commercial club yesterday of Major . P. Newsome on the use of fertilizers. The lecture was- illustrated , with , lantern slides. B. J. Miles presided at tbe meeting. Marabecs A meeting of extra Importance to be held at the McCornack hall vVed nesday night. It la important to be on hand oromDtlv at 8 P. m. i. Marvin, R. K. 37' JrT -. S MITH MOKE State and Com-jierclal St- S To lie More Exact The advertisement of the Valley Motor company published in Tues- Announcement mat one-naii tne total numDer oityta -,, nn1 installation of their amomoDiies ana - trucas , proaucea i v1 pnnrai rP. The Lorraine, built this year are Ford autos and trucks I expressly for them by the Motor instead of one-third as published. I Hearse Corporation of America, of Richmond, Indiana. In Beauty, Style "Wnrlitzer Night" ! , land. Workmanship, the Lorraine Tonie-ht... . . ..-- Ictnnda iinRurnasneu anvwbere. IE t ' . ' L ItVna aAAIniT tn tti1r pnnfnment the r; i i r' i Hicnnn iirm are dui diuuuuiiiuk a jim cmwAii f t! . - . .Sub Standard" Blankets" - " Good, Warm, Full Size, Serviceable ; A N K Made by one of the largest mills in the country. The quality of these blankets is dependable. . Some are soiled, with small oil spots, some are frayed a trifle in the binding edge, some are soiled from handling, bet each and every blanket offered on special sale as long as the supply lasts is an exceptional bargain. The imperfections do not in the least affect the real warmth-giving quality. j ' , B E CHOOSE EARLY! THEY'E GOING FAST Quality Merchandise i gIjipUg (Ho. Popular 1 Prices miBBldher. to a sawmui op - a man named Driberg. one and one t of iCobertK la Lane i A meetihe 'of extra importance to! reputation of many years of being COUnty; where it Is said that. a bon t. a meeung oi exira miporiance l"l . tyya ..t T,ro-.1.,RJ,iT( fnneral I fnr workmen Is used. The boiler is said to leak and one of the -most progressive funera. It Is important lo be MtaM&ned polIcy of moderate be held at the McCornack haltWed- nesday night. on. hand promptly at 8 p. m. II. C- Marvin, It. K. Tonight, Moose hall. Notifo J ."V The regnlar meeting of the tock- prices remains unchanged. "Wurlitzer Night" Tonight.'- . Workers In Danzep ' . L T. Rav. district attorney lor Lane county, has directed tne auen- Oram sUte labor com-! Bed Belt Vlslta Filends he is known among his native people, visited . friends at Chemawa and la Salem yesterday- lie has been trav eling since September when he came from the Blackfoot Indian reserva tion in Montana with A. Fhlmister Proctor, sculptor. The have been in Palo Alto. Calif., far two month and Mr. Proctor has completed two figures of Indian life lor which Bed Belt posed. These wo figures. will be placed In the city park of Denver. Colo. They are on their way to New York where they will make more fig ures for the parks of that city.. EYEGLASSES THAT FIT !- DR. I. WILSOJT : 210-211 U. 8. National Bank Bldg. ELECTBIC RESTAURANT 481 SUte Street f " Our Specialty: . 1 Oysters Fish Chops . Chill Con Carne J. D.-MADDOX, Prop - 1920 ELGIN SIX IS HERE Motorist who are looking for strony. serviceable car with elegant body lines and interior specifications that assume maximum service and economy at a reasonable price should see this car. LEE L GILBERT, Distributor 1S S. Ce- erelat Street; :D.rL!M0SHER, ' Eigh Class liEWS TAILORING 44 Court Street . XtniTersal Stoves, - Heaters " and Ranges known the universe over L L STIFF & SON I WANT ED rnrnlture. ranges, heaters, tools tad. te, fact, anything you have to sets. -1 buy for cash. Phone t 110 or 111. WOODRYj Tbc Aactioneer Salem Auto Badi&tor Shop Radiators. Fenders and Gaa Tanks Repaired Tractor Radiators Specialty ; Ford Radiators for Sale 198 8. lilh fit. . Salem.. OTe Bonds, Mortgages i Interest Bearing Investments HAWKINS & ROBERTS I 204J207 Oregon BuUdlng ; srNKisT ORANGES 40c DOZEN BUSICKS y3aWfSTFURCa: - Has fars of style and quality New Location f: 521 Court; Opposite Court Houses . v. In rinnror n( eXDlodlnC. About vf y. -- - ... 10 men are employed in xne mui, Legal Blanks 0 ? ' ' Get them at The Statesman office. Catalog otf-aprncsctlon. Boy.VanteO ,f "I. Large Doy. xo aeuvr w" pay. Apply at oat.emM vtwv.. 1 W T. RIGD0N CO. Leading Funeral Director MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS Kbokl nd C.ry I- mm Have Tou Seen? THE NEW VEUE SIX . Now' on Display at SALEM VEUE COMPANY 162 North Commercial Street small leunent loms ima. Isomum Mouse Kratai . agji General Pmoerty Dealing. JOHN H. SCOTT 1 404-408 Eabhara Biag. 'hone 214 Fresh Salmon 12 c lb. Fitts Market. "Wnrlltxer Niglu, . Tonight. - PERSONAL MENTION One Ovreland. nearly nwj six cylin der, 5 passenger, equipped all Cord Tirea and one extra., new. uuaran- teed in Al,shape for,.t250. . . WOOD-ROSB MOTOR CO." i L 34S State SU K , . Phone 311 U.S. GARAGE 554 Ferry Street USED BUT NOT ABUSED CARS. IniTkTWTCftW riCfTRir. TO SPECIALr New series Studehaker. I uuuiwwn value 11625. today S1S00 -Garage. Phone 1752 ,U. S. JOB WORK AND FIXTURES 223 North Liberty Street WONDER HOSE For .Klddlos. per pair. ,i ...... .o ? ? REMNANT STORK 254 North Commercial Street MYRTLE KN0WLAND Music and Musical Merrtukndls Sonora Dealer In Salem 415 Court 8U Salem, Oregos Telephone 262 WILLARD Storage Batterj SRR1CE STATION 138 N. High St. Telephone 203 HAMILTON Let us prove to you that our prices are less. Some good bargains in new snd niied nianoa. I irrrp urnvrrmi! sfAW THE WILEY B. ALLEN CO. Will make' and hang your drapes Largest Stock of Drapery, 519 Court SL Derby bulldln? F. C. Howell, one of the Multno mah county state senators, was at the state house yesterday. Joseph 6. Richardson, deputy state Salem. Ore. j treasurer. Is in San Francisco wnere of his mother. M. IV Hnnt has resigned a position !with tvia tat Industrial accident accident commission and will go to California where he has purchased an orange grove near Portervllle. Ht was marnea rovemor Miss Leone Dunham of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. George Clark who have been living at the Marion hotel n- iim. ..will Iitc todsv Tar atMLrtTitriTTe - , I California. Mr. Clark is connectefl MONUMENTS ; . with the Clark-IIenery construction it. ' romnanr. C. 8. Brown was here yesterday j from Aumsviile. Miss Belle M. Jeffry of Seattle Is visiting friends In Salem. Judge James A. Fee. Pendleton at torney, was in Salem yesterday. Judse Stephen A. Lowell and Mrs. Lowell were here yesterday from Pen dleton. F. P. Nutting of the Internal reve nue department was in Salem yes terday. Formerly he was publisher of the Albany Democrat. plaintiff; opinion by Justice Benson. judge uooert Tucker, reversed. . Aleta D. Shaw et al. appellants, rt. J. R. Corbett. appeal from Baker county; suit siiiing out of alleged failure to comply with terms of lease relative to -sale of real estate, live stock and farm machinery; opinion by Justice Burnett;', Judge Custav Anderson reversed. -' ' Aqgasta Kletendahl et al vs. II. L. Qanoe. et ai. appellant!- appeal from Multnomah ceaaiy: suit to terminate a trust and for an accounting aan damages for the maladministration thereor; opinion' by Justice Harnett; decree of Judre Cavanaugh modified by adding t5 to the. credit ef Ca noe and by makinr tbe reconveyance or tne property subject .to and .epm a satisfaction of tbe note clvea by the trustee to the Northwestern Na tional bank for S200 and 1259 re spectively, or -any renewals of the same after allowing for all payments which have been made out of the trust fund. State of Oregon. appellant, vs. George E. Craig, appeal from Wal lowa county; appeal from action of the court in sustaining the demurrer: to an Indictment for penary) opinion by Chief Justice McBride; Judge J. W. Knowlea affirmed. Zeilah May Lun. appellant, vs. Margie D. Mahaffey et al; appeal from Union county; action to recov er damages for an alleged unlawful oaster of plaintiff from certain prem ises: opinion by' Chief Justice Mc Bride; Judge J. W. Knowles affirmed Rehearing denied in Farmers Na tional Bank vs. Ren fro. - - t New Highway 01 ficinl " ' May Be in Salem, Today E. E. Kiddle, newly appointed member of.the state h'ghway com mission, wfll be la Salem tod.r rr .tomorrow, according to a. Litter to- ceivea at tbe offices of tbe highway department here. Mr. Kiddle wrota from Portland and expected lo go to Eugene before comiag to sSalem. 'f if Ta Fortify The ftysteia HgaTbr Grfp Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets which destroy germs, act as a Tnnlc and Laxative, and thus c fe rvent Colds. Crip and Inflnenxa. There is only one -DROMO QUINtne."' E. W. GROVE'S signature ea the box. 30c. , .. -. - '. I whes u iaixx, our GOV at such nom A Hot A war rrfn Heffx gtrietlr Itodrnt 11 v r Amr i iie ooiwi Oalr Hotl la Bastas Duulet f your monumental work Is hL kindly ask the solicitor tor oar main ess card. j Capital Monumental Work. tzlO S. Com. SU Phone 611. saiem !! DiGRONelll I 1 crrcnTR3Tarti!-i il!Ll biiirob Zcktdi V" w 540 Court Street. SAVE $1000 ar DousrUs Eirht left wlthAis for sale that may be had fo S1000 less than it cost the owner la February. Mechanically perrectiin - fine condition: run less than 3000 miles. It's a beavrty and a srood buy. THE B. & C MOTOR CO. 256-68 State St. that we pay the We prfee for -lErO'D-HAHO iriRJIITl'RK . - CAKPETS. frTOVB. MACH15ERT An TOOLS i - - Don't - sell anything before yfa .ee us. THE CAPITA li HARnWABB Au " 1 ...... Wrwst- Kt K. ff Fhae 947 ! Old Newspapers and Magazines Wanted Used Also Hop Wire Wanted. Cars For sale .-.;:.;':.'- By ' ' STEINBQCK JUNK & . AUTO WRECKIN' MONEY TO LOAN On Improved City and Farm. Property Capital Credit Adjustment Co. 41 S Masonic Temple SALEM , OREGON HOTEL AE2IVALS : SZ0-32I North Commercial .. i . : , rnone CITY CLEANING WORKS Cleaners of Quality CTeanlng Dyelnj, . .Rfcpairtn 1261 BUte St. . ,.., .. Pbone iv POTATOES Burbanks. American Wonders, Netted Gems, Pride or Multno mah, Garnet Chill. EarlyRose. We pay the highest prices and are always In the market. " Phone 717 or address 542 SUte street, Salem, Oregon. MANGIS BROS. LONG DISTANCE AUTO TRUCKING WILLARIETTEi VALLEY TRANSFER CO. ' Phone 1400 Electric Machinery and Engineering Company For EXPERT ELECTRICAL WORK .55 Rrt commercial SL ' Thcine tB5 0REG0NUS A PERFECT CIGAB , Manufactured by ' HENDERSON'S CIGAR FACTORY .Phone Sit MARION J. B. Broohy. J. W, Brown. J. Miller. C. Cropper. D. E. Burgh. Portland: C. J. Colson. Spo kane: Roy Ritner, Pendleton ; N. L. Watt. Aurora. . BLIGH W. F. G firm ft.. W. w.- Carroll. W, T. Bremnen, C. F. l!aw-j thorne.-W E.' Newsome. -II. C. Iew- Is. Portla-hfargati; Maise.M. u.-wyn- ntnrk. Seattle ;T; E. Powell. Albany. . n w a a ' Aar tei - i Charlea lietram. .ew ior -n, W. Flook. Albany: Mra. 4. . r iook. Seattle: Miss E. A. Ernest, Colville, Wash. Five Opinions Handed Down by Supreme Court The following opinions were hand-, ed down by the supreme court yes terday: Clarence True Wilson vs. E. E. Prettyman. appellant, appeal from Multnomah county; snit to restrain defendant from cutting and remov ing standing Umber from land of the ASPIRIN FIRST KNOWN IN 1900 The Rayer Company Introduced As pirin to PhyatrUins IS Yeara Ago. It you want the true, world-famous Aspirin, as prescribed by physicians for over eighteen years, you must ask for Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." The -Bayer Cross'; is stamped on each tablet an dappears on each pack- ase for your protection against imi tations. In each packs ge of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" are safe and proper di rections for COids. Headache. Neu ralgia. Toothache, Earache. Rheuma tism. Lumbago, Neuritis, and for Pain In general. Handy tin boxes containing 12 tab lets cost bat a few cents. Druggists also sell larger -Bayer" packages. Aspirin is the trail mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacldester of Salicyilcacid. mi GAHLSDORF,1 The Store of nouiesraxtj i Wood, Coal cr G&s Rtrgta v ' ' .-. ".. ' ' Kitcfccaware DinnercnLre 135 N. LiSerty EC Phone 67 WANTED! WHITE: -BEANS: PEOPLES CASH STORE gar Feeling Fine, Thank You Say, yesterday I bad the worst Cdd yoa iter saw. Nose run, bones ached, ca&hes oz Itvtr. bot and cold, chilly. But beliera xne, I &a all rifrbt today. i m . . Do you want to know what did ill Q&Q C5q heexot ' - i : SCHAETEB'S COLD TABLETS 1 n Sold Only by -SCHAETER'S DRUQ BTOEE , ' 13 S K. Com! Street, P.:::..i.::::;:::;'.:T::: tt :t e ! 4 1 1 1 3