mse Phone by "Sim if. the Statesman carrier ml fines yoa, please phone by 8 o':lock,Jind , copy iu jrv fie tit 4 paone. trgrUUtrri Night' Tonights j ; ' tnooertr Is Attached The real and personal property of mrles- tfnenke was attached jby fherHf Needham yesterday to satiety is demands of L..D. Gibson. The jmonnl df! judgment Is 1200. r, ... Von: Seen .' The Parisian ivory at Fry's Drug; Store? ' I j,'--. ' r - Corpor! Cooper Returns After Acquiring the prefix of cor poral and spending 22 months with the American expeditionary forces In! pnmee, Pelbert Cooper, now 18. b u t I , 1 1 EXID BEXXETT ' ix WHAT EVERY j WOMAX LEARNS" WrRLITZER XIG1IT Lav S MITH FOk MOKE s Stata and Comvnercial Sta. EYEGLASSES THAT FIT, i -.-.'-I- DR. L. HALL WILSOX 210-211 1U. S. National Bank Bldz. ELECTRIC RESTAURANT ' . 481 State Street - Oor Specialty: Ojsters-J Fish -Chops Chill Con Carne J. D. MADDOX. Prop. jEMOSHER ' :j&gh Clasa ip;S TAILORING reversal Stoves, -Heaters and Earges known the universe over L L STIFF & SON WAITED rnrnltiira, ranges, heaters, tools tad, U fact, anything you have to teui. 1 buy for caab. Phone .; B10. or 51L ,. . U00DRY, The Auctioneer . Salem Anto Radiator Shop Radiators, Fenders and Gaa ' ; Tanks Repaired. Tractor Radiators a Specialty Ford Radiators for Sale ll 8. ,12th St. Salem. Ore. Interest Bearing Investment HAYKINS & ROBERT? 204J207 Oregon Building , -SUXKIST ORANGES i - ,40C DOZEX 1 BUSICKS 'KEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS SCHEIfS 8ma laveatment litns Kealtv ns Mooso ' KenUl Agency, ' General Property I Dealing. 'OHX R. nCOTT ItHALTY CO- .4"4H Eubhard0Bidg. 'aoae 2$ Kalem. Ore DENNLSON ELECTRIC CO. JODj WORK AXD FIXTURES - , 222 North UbeHy Street " I MONIIMRNTS r your moou mental work in solicit r..inaiy ask the solicitor for oa "wesg card. C . Caplui Monumental Work. i9 a. com. SL Phone 69, Salem HAMILTON ' THE FURNITURE MAX m maite .and hang your drapes largest Stock of Drapery. Mortgages SMEW Vlted rom Salem Septem- armea nome yesterday morning. Corporal Cooper, though but 16 years old at the timo non aged to get buy the recruiting offi-'xw ? t2 t.I!,are rhsile, pass id. -He arnvea in France January 1918; and returned to the United States" November 5, 1919, serving Ja the quartermaster corps. "Wurlltwr Xight" ; Tonight. f '-. Adjutant Resigns , "c"'. First Lieutenant Richard O. Han sen, battalion adjutant of thA thtrrt fbattalion. national sruard of Oronn icuuereu ms resignation yesterdav-to . 1 ... . ,-. I Adjutant General Stafrin. Mr. Han-1 sen, who is secretary of Capital Post ' T ' , Jl " " No. 9, American Legion, stated that 8 Stock he has been unable to give attention Many persons in the state are buy to both organizations and for that ng ol1 ltock without making inquiry reason resigned his commission. It is considered probably that E. Ray mond Attebery present battalion sup ply sergeant, will be appointed suc cessor to Mr. Hansen. Bazaar, Marion Hotel Thursday. Dec. 7, OpenirlO a.'m.. Under management of Ladies of St. Paul's parish. , Announcement ' 'hia 'nivilna "'suuu militant announces tr-i .. the arrival and installation of their i?11! Are 1Ield New Funeral Car, The Lorraine. bullH H- H- Corey and Fred A. Williams, 4 expressly for them ' by the Motor 1 memDers of the public service com ! Hearse Cornoration at America n , mission, have returned from Daker uicnmond. Indiana. In Beauty, Style and , WorkmanshiD. the Lormtna stands unsurpassed anywhere. In thus adding to their equipment the Rigdort firm are, but maintaining a reputation of many years of being one of the most progressive funeral establishments In the Northwest Their established policy of moderate Dricea remains unchand "WurliUer Xight" Tonight. WEST FUR CO. Han furs of style and quality 1 New Location - ' 521 Court, Opposite Court House 1920 ELGIN SIX IS HERE "SIotorIt who are looking for a strong', serviceable car with elegant body,, lines and interior specification that assumei maximum service and economy at a reasonable price should se this car.N LEE L GILBERT, Distributor 1S m. reBSsaere4al Street. One Ovreland, nearly new, tlx cylin der, S passenger, equipped alt Cord Tires and one, extra, .new. Guaran- eea.w ai saape jor f xaw. X WOOD-ROSE 3IOTOR CO. -' Phone 311 246 State St. WONDER HOSE For Kiddies, per pair. ..5Jr REMNANT STORE 254 North .Commercial Street WILLARD Storage Battery SERVICE STATION 238 N.TJigh St. . ? Telephone 203 SAVE $1000 We have a 1S19 Douglas Eight left with us for sale that may be had for f H09 lees than it, cost the owner la February. Mechanically perfect: it fine condition; run len than 306V miles. It's a beauty and a irood buy. THE B. & C MOTOR CO. ! ZS6-58 State St. RRMRMBRR that we pay the nl-fcet prlee for - SKt'OKD-ll.lAD Kl It.MTt ItK CARfKTS, STOVES. MACHl.VERV A3SD TOOLS Don't sell anythinsr before you see us THE CAPITAL HARDWARE AD KIR.MTIIIK CO. 28S ?f. Cesa'I St. Plie t POTATOES Burbanks. American Wonders, Netted Gems, Pride of Multno mah, Garnet Chill, Early Rose. We pay the highest prices and are always in the market. Phone 717 or address 542 State street, Salem, Oregon. MANG1S BROS OUR facilities are of the highest character. We are equipped to satis fy the most ex acting client. The courteous con duct of our staff matches- the up-to-dateness of uur 'equipment. 1 Scrofula Rheumatism and Cafirrh are constitutional dis eases Tliey inquire a constitutional remedy. Tlure is none tetter than Hood's Sarsaparllia JVh'ch thoroughly purifies the blood and luiids up health. Friccs on Appl Kings, bpitzenberes. Russets: 5 boxes, $4.25; 10 boxes, $8, delivered. Hand picked, winter keepers. Ward K. Richardson, phone 494. Racing Hones Here About 25 well known racing hors es are now in the stables at the state fair grounds where they will be kept during the winter. Among them are strings owned by F. H. Ragsdale and John Stetson. Froth Salmon , 12 c lb. Fitts Market. of the state corporation department to ascertain if the companies have permits to operate in this state, ac cording to Corporation Commissioner Schulderman. Many of the( compan ies, says Schulderman, are organized under the common law which means they are not organized under the laws of any state. Dance Wednesday Night At the Moose hall. and La Grande where they conducted hearings last week. Hearings were on applications of the Eastern Ore gon Light &. Power company for an increase in rates and an aoplication of the Sumpter Valley railroad for an increase in the freight rate on certain commodities, i Hearing was al8 S1 a complaint of Frank Card liner of the Baker White Pine Lumber company wno alleges aiscriminaiion On the part of the Sumpter road and also declares that the company does; not have sufficient motive power. , MONEY TO LOAN On Improved City and Farm Property Capital Credit it Adjustment Co. 416 Masonic Temple SALEM OREGON CITY CLEANING WORKS Cleaners of Quality Cleaning . Dyeing Repairing 1261 State St. Phone 703 Electric Machinery and Engineering Company For EXPERT ELECTRICAL WORK !'- ;?3 So. Commercial SL Phone 9SS 0REG0NUS A PERFECT CIGAB Manufactured by HENDERSON'S CIOAR FACTORY . Phone S19 W T. RIGD0N CO. Leading Funeral Directors Have You Seen? THE NEW VELIE SIX Now on Display at SALEM VELIE COMPANY 102 North Commercial Street U.S. GARAGE I B54 Ferry Street USED BUT NOT ABUSED CARS SPECIAL New series Stndebaker, value $1625. today $1300. U. S Garage. Phone 1752 MYRTLE KNOWLAND Music and ' Musical Merchandise Sonora Dealer la Salem 41 S Court St. Salem, Oregon Telephone S52 Let ns prove to yon that onr prices are less. Some good bargains in new and used pianos. THE WILEY B. ALLEN CO 519 Court St. Derby building Old Newspapers end Magazines Wanted Alw Hop Wire Wanted. Used Cai-s For Sale By STEINBOCK JUNK & AUTO WRECKING 120-32S North Commercial St. Phone SOS LONG DISTANCE AUTO TRUCKING WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANSFER CO. Phone 1400 What Mar Can Voo Ak? i jwu aeieci ia oaieai ransian iv-: ory toilet articles at 20 per cent less than Portland prices. Particulars Fry's Drug Store. Dougherty Would Quit J. F. Dougheity who operates a water plant at Yoncalla has applied to the public service commission for permission to cease doing business as a public utility. For some years he has been furnishing the city with wa ter and alleges that the city refuses to grant him a franchise to lay pipfs beneath the streets. t Dance Wednrday Night At the Moose hall. Road to Be Opened Information reaches here that the Athena-Adams section of the Oregon- Washington highway in Umatilla county, will be opened to traffic in a short time. Hard surfacing on the highway has been discontinued until spring, but the work of the surveyors will continue. The Athena-Adams section has been kept closed to pro tect the surface of the new-made highway. For Sale at Baaaar ThurMl ay Aprons. Fancy Articles, Embroid ered Linens. Towels, Bags, Handker chiefs, Baby Finery. Natural Photography Subject Natural color photography will be taken up at the meeting of the Salem Art league when A. C. Barber- will give a talk on natural photography. This lecture will be augmented by beautiful slides of Salem scenery. The meeting which is the regular month ly general meeting of the Salem Art league, will be at 8 o'clock tonight at the public library. For the First Time. In nearly five years we are enabled to offer you some of the tinesf Par isian Ivory ever brought to Salem. Fry's Drug Store. Extradition Sought Governor Olcott on Saturday gave extradition papers to V. F. Bakotich. a deputy sheriff of Clatsop county. who is on his way to Clear Creek, Utah, to return to Oregon William Wilson. 19, and P., A. Benner. 17, who are wanted at Astoria for' the murder of Frank Gowan. a Chinese merchant. They are under arrest at that place. No Fig In the l'ol Holiday presents priced in plain figures at Fry's Drug Store. Wolfe File IaMr Most of the foreigners that have applied for citizenship this month are farmers who have lived ia this coun try from two to 10 years. A farmer of West Woodburn. Wilhelm Freder ick Wolfe. 54 years old. a native of Dobari. Germany, filed bis first pa pers yesterday. Etate I Appraised The estate of the late Amelia Man- agree was appraised at $3780. accord ing to a report tiled yesterday, a large portion was Invested in govern ment bonds. ,n Attractive Tea Room Cooked foods. Candies. Bazaar, Marion hotel, Thursday.. IfuHband In Guard ia John Scollard was yesterday ap pointed guardian of the estate of his wife, Alice Scollard, an insane per son who was confined in a sanatorl um In Portland a short time ago. Legal Blanks- Get them at. The Statesman office. Catalog on application .Mrs. Halferty Get Divo Mrs. Axle Halferty was granted a decree of divorce In circuit court yes terday from her husband. Downer Halferty. The couple were married in Salem March 3; 1918. after which they lived together happily until Oc tober. 1918. when the husband is e- leged to have deserted Mrs. HaUerty and has not lived with her Since. There were no children and property rlghtes were settled out of court. W. R.'C Raxaar At McCornack hall. Thursday, 10 a.- m. to 4 p. m. uooKea tooa, iancy work, luncheon. Canon Funeral Today- Funeral services for the late jonn G. Canos. w ho died at the Salem hos pital Friday following an operation, will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Webb & Clough chapel. Rev. G. F. Holt of the First Congregational church will conduct the services an dburial will be in Odd Fellows cemetery. Mr. Canos was 4 5 years' old and Is survived by his wid ow. Mrs. Ida H. Canos. and by four sisters. Mrs. J. F. Sullivan and Mrs. G. W. Harmon of Portland, Mrs. No ra Smith of Peck, Idaho, and Mrs. Sadie Smith or Salem. He was a member of the Knights and Ladies of Security. Boy Wanted Large boy, to deliver papers. Good pay. Apply at Statesman office. Hilled to Court ' ' - Alan Frazer was apprehended yes terday afternoon for riding his raot orcycle upon the sidewalk. It, hap pened on Seventeenth street net ween State and Ferry streets. He'ia cited to appear In court today at 1 o'clock. 1 ' TtlMior E ' C. Ncwuome Fertilizer exDert. will give an il lustrated address on "Well Balanced Food Rations for Plants and Trees.- Commercial club rooms Tuesday, the 9th .at 1:30 p. m. All frtilt growers and farmers Invited. PERSONAL MENTION i Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fox of Dallas and Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Shank of Al: ban y were week end guests of Jlr acd Mrs. J. B. Shank. Judge and Mrs. G-orge H. Burnett left on short vlit to Portland yes terdav afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Eppley o.k the afternoon train yesterday to Portland Chester G. Murphy was here yes terdav from Portland. . Alex Cornoyer. elevator operator at the state capltol; IS agaln xsn the hob after a week spent with relatives at Albany. A. A. Schramm, one of the state bank examiners, has returned from a trip to a remote part of the estate. Don II. Upjohn, secretary to Gov ernor Olcott, was In Portland yester day and returned last night. Frank Glover has cone to Silver Creek falls to visit his farm. Leonard Kreps who has been em ployed In Portland for two years has returned to Salem. William A. Marshall, chairman of the state industrial accident com mission, was in Portland yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Stone are here from Medford. Mrs. Olga Hoffard and Miss Madge Hoft of Woodburn are in' Salem for a few days. Mr and Mrs. D. L. Webster of Vancouver. Wash., are in Salem vis iting friends. W. E. Fisher of Albany spent yes terday ia this city with hij brother. II. . Fisher. Mrs. Al F. Counter and son. CM re. of Falls City spent the week end in Salem with friends. Miss Elizabeth Lord. Miss Mabel Withycombe and Mi3S Catharine CaT- wn of Salem are registered at the Hotel Portland. Truzton Beck leaves this morning for Roseburg to take a position with the state highway department work in the southern part of the state. Pearl Wright of Keating. Or., has filed woth the state engineering de partment an application for a permit to construct a reservoir for the stor age of 120 acre feet cf water from Backer creek. Albert Conklin of Eugene has been oppointed by C. .II. Gram.' state labor commissioner, to a clerical position In the office at Salem to succeed iss Marie Mars-hall, who has resigned to ener college. A. H. Lea. secretary of the state fair board, who has been attending the livestock show at Chicago, is now on his' way back to Oregon, accord ing to a telegram received here y terday. Because of the curtailment of train service caused by the coal shortage Mr. Lea was uncertain when he would reach Oregon. HOTEL ARRIVALS MARION D. E. Green. T. E. Al len. J. W. Brlstow. K. E. Spencer. J. M. Rice, Hiram E. Nagil. C. Dltt man. Portland: Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Lowell. Pendleton; Milton Levy, New York: J. T. Shutt, Seattle; E. P. New- mart. aTcoma. BLIGH Colonel Rauon. W. L. Garrett. T. Tiffany. Mrs. G. W. Han man. Mrs. Blackburn and daughter. Dorothy Stayton, Jeanette . Haggard, Portland; II. Uhlman. New York; G. D. Brenton. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Mart in, Eugene. ARGO Mr. and Mrs. Penner. Steinbock. Mont.f I. J. Tappendorff. Sherwood, Oregon. WILLIAM BOWEN, PIONEER, DEAD Veteran Resident of County Crossed Plains from Mis souri in 1853 William Boweu. a pioneer resident of Marion county, died Sunday after noon at his home. 491 North Twen tieth street. The funeral will he held this afternoon at 1 o'clock from the Rigdon chapel. Burial will le in Mt. Hope cemetery la the "Waldo Hills. Born In Monitor county.- Mo., on August 4. 1841. Mr. Bowen crossed the plains in 1853 by ox team and settled nar Silverton. Since coming to Oregon he has spent most of his life in the Waldo HiPs. He was member of the Willard Congregation al church. In 1877 he married Miss Alice Poole. He is survived by his widow and by four sons. A. L. B"wen and E. Bowen of Sslem. C. E. Bowen of Dal las, and R. A. Bowen of Great Falls. Mont., two sisters, and one brother also survive him. Mrs. Rebecca Walt of Salem. Mrs. Carrie Egan of Sil verton. and James Bowen or suver- ton. ! CUT THIS OUT IT IS WOBTII MONEY. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out ih!i slip enclose with 5c to Foley Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave.. Chicago, in., wrltlnsr your name and address elear Iv J You will hocelve In return a trial package containing Foley's Hon-' ey and Tar Uompound. tor con r is. colds and croup. Foley Kidney Mils and Foley Cathartic Tablets. J. C. Perry. I . i ' I nd at trial Program Are - ; Announced by Van Dalsem Prorrams for meetings that are In Im hefd at the Lincoln high school. Portland. Tuesday and Wednesday. DecemWr 3 and 31. under ihe di rection of the department of voca tional education of the Oregon State Teachers association, are announced Asli for "HILL'S FIVE MILLION PEOPLF. USED IT LAST YEAR ! H ILL'S CASCARAbf QUININE - i . i BltOrtlD ti cold rtmtir tt X yr -tn tablet toil i.fe. . m equate fcrttk a cM ia 2 fceoT. relief S'P oner kck it it UU. 1M rtiwiM be r. a Ke4 m viii far. iiuj picture. i I At AUDrn N ft lti"il "V by Newton Van Dalsexn. state direc tor of vocational education. The programs follow: Tuesday, Iecember SO l:30j. m. Seven minute talks by members of board and ttaff. 2:30 p. m. Agriculture, home eco nomics, commerce and Industrial arts divisionspWlW adjourn to respective rooms. 2:30 p. m. Trades and Industries division will remain in session. 2:30 p. m. The Problem of Ado lescent Youth Mrs. Millie R. Trum bull, secretary of board of Inspectors of child labor. 3:15 p. ni. Oien discussion. 3:30 p, m. Vocational depart ment will combine with superintend ents division for the discussion of administrative problems. Wednesday, Iecenher 31 9 a. m. The problem of the part time school. Superintendent Herbert L. Hnssong, Astoria; Miss Marie Bar ber. Salem. 10:30 a. m. Business meeting. 10:30 a. m. Agriculture, home economics and commerce divisions will adjoin to respective rooms Trades and Industries and industrial arts divisions will remain in joint ses sion. 10:30 . ra. The Problem ff the Day Trade School. Principal C. E CSeveiand. Benson Polytechnic school. Portland: Principal Anne E. Arnold. Girls Polytechnic school. Portland. 11:13 a. m. The Problem of. the General Industrial School for Cities and Towns of Less Than 23.00 Pop ulation. E. E. Bergman, Salem: Fred Chess. Eugene. Over Two Hundred Boys WiU Attend Dinner Tonight More than 210 boys have signified their intention to attend the dinner and boys' rally to be held at the Y. M. C. A. after school hours tonight. The program as planned by Secre tary James Elrln includes gymnas ium exercises by different clashes, a big plunge in the tank and a song "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at Tongue! Remove PoUon From Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Accept "California", Syrup of Fig only look for the name California on the parkage. then you are sure your child is haying1 the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children rove its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bottle. Give It without rear. Mother! You must say -California." -"Certainly every i morning promptly. , h Children" Phone 316 SALEM SANITARY MILK CO. THE BREAD FOR ALL , Made by the best bakers ; baked by electricity. Clean-lpurc Wholesome. It has a taste that makes you w&nt more That's why everyone buys it. BAKE-RITE SANITARY BREAD 457 State Street TV Notice To d J I state; gsTHcn. 1 ff. r- I 3- 1 rxr o . We boy country produce of all kinds. See us befrre yri se!L Highest cash market prices. Potatoes, Cgs, clover seed, on ions, especially wanted. BISHOP BEOS. Address Corner High and Ferry Streets. SALEM, OREGON fen Ice to b led by Rev. ?L N. Ald-" rich. Following the song raMy, a dinner, the savoryaers of 'which has only been hinted at will bo served. Talks by Ir. K. E. Fisher an I Har old Cook. Boy Scout eonmUsiocer. are promised while Miss Berth Clark, will whistle well knvwn c.-. Io dic and E. t'oo;e Pat ton will my tlfy the youngsters with leer tenia. n. After singing "America the beys , will b dJsniis&t-d at 7:30 o'clock. PET CORNS Few Drops of Frecaoo' Then Lift Com Right OS A tiny bottle of Tree zone" eosts so little at any drug store; apply a few drops upon any corn or callus. Instantly it stops hurting, then short ly you lift that bothersome corn or callus right off with your fincers. Truly! No humbug! WANTED JUNK AND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS We also bay second-hand goods. If you. have a&ytalcg ta sell for a gpod price call 2 VS. Tte Sqaire Deal House. CAPITAL JUNK CO. 271 Chemeketa SL aa. Ore. V(ll GAHLSDORF . . The Store of Hcusesnre Wood, Coal or Qu B&sg?s . Kitchen ware Dinrmrtr , 135 N. Liberty St. Phone 67 WANTED! WHITE BEANS PEOPLES CASH STORE MTSTTria HUTXL ruaiutr lOrRTKST Owferl. UmUkt ra mt witotiw w , at' A Wetwtety tlrmpwwt. OMnllr 4. Uifukal t all MiUm WASHIXGTOX Al TWELTTU rrtlaw4. Or. :i.r rv. HtTK. w r. ILK Grade A for th r T A'T '11 nPTHMFTPIST-nPTIflAN Farmers Telephone 14.00 310 Court Street,