The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 09, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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The Oregon Statesman
Issued Daily Except Monday by
215 S. Commercial St.. Salem, Oregon
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication
of all fcews dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited In this paper
and also the local news published herein.
H.J. Hendricks.
Stephen A. Stone
Ralph; Glover. . .
Prank; Jaskoski.
Managing Editor
....... .Cashier
.Manager Job Dept.'
' week, 60 cents a
served by carrier In Salem and suburbs, 15 cents a
month. . , -..
by mall. $6 a year; 1 3 for six months; '50 cents a
month. For three months or more, paid in advance, at rate of 35 year.
(THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm paper, will
be sent a year to any one paying a year In advance to the Daily
Statesman.) ;
SUNDAY STATESMAN, $1 a year; 50 cents for six months; 25 cents for
i - three months. j . . .1 t : f f
WEEKLY STATESMAN.! Issued In two six-page sections, Tuesdays and
Fridays. 1 a year (if not paid in advance, $1.25; SO cent for six
months; 25 cents for three months. . ' i ' ;
Business Office, 23.
Circulation Department. 6S3.
Job Department, 583.
Entered at the Postoffice In Salem, Oregon, as second class matter.
Fbrget it. The IL C. L. is a thing of the past, j
It is classed with the fall of Babylon or any other ancient news.
Dr. Harvey W. Wiley says that eleven cents a day is enough to
live op. A short time ago he stated that thirteen cents was ample
to provide all the comforts of a full stomach ; but on closer investiga
tion he finds that he was grossly mistaken.
Eleven! cents is enough and don't let 'eni advise you differently.
Dr. Wiley doesn't say that he lives on eleven cents' a day, nor
does he say that he wants to.
But he says it can be done.
'. It's like this. Get a bushel of cornmeaL If you pay the current
price of $1.50 a bushel all you need is a pound a day. Then purchase
eight cents worth of milk each morning.
Your cornmeal costs you three cents for the pound and with the
milk the total is eleven cents. ' -
fit, offers a wide variety of nourishment, too. Today you can
have your cornmeal and milk. Tomorrow you can put the milk on the
meal nd the next' day ,the meal on the milk. And for Sunday you
might 'mix the two. Should you become tired of this diet you might,
jusut for variety's sake, have milk and cornmeal. The possibilities
are really unlimited. ; .. " : .
The Oregon Legislature is to .be called in extra session. It may
last tljree days. ' It may last six. And it may last twenty daj-s. It
is absolutely limited to that time, by the Constitution.
The taxpayers of Salem want their school teachers to be paid well
for their work.
Are often caused by straining to see
Properly fitted, remove the strain
and produce
303 State Street Near Commercial
every woman in the state of New
York will oppose his re-election with
out regard to party.
A recent issue of News and View
of Stocks and Bonds says:
The United States has only 6 per
cent of the population of the world
and only 7 per cent of the land, and
yet we produce:
Twenty per cent of the world's sup
ply of gold. (
Twenty-five per cent of the world's
supply of wheat.
Forty per cent of the world's sup
ply of iron and steel. '
Forty per cent of the world's sup
ply of lead.
Forty per cent of the world's sup
ply of silver. , ,
Fifty per cent of the world's sup
ply of zinc.
Fifty-two ; per cent cf the world's
supply of coal.
Sixty per cent of the world's sup
ply of aluminum.
Sixty per cent of the world's sup
ply of copper.
Sixty per cent of the world's sup
ply of cotton.
Sixty-six per cent of the world's
supply of oil.
Seventy-five per cent of the world's
supply of corn.
Eighty-five per cent of the world's
supply of automobiles.
We also refine 80 per cent of the
copper and operate 40 per cent of
the world's railroads.
Before the war we owed other na
tions five billion dollars. We have
not only pand this debt, but foreign
nations now owe us ten billion dol
lars. We now hold the largest gold
reserves of any nation in the world.
with the buzz saw today. We have
been monkeying with the laws of sup
ply and demand. We have endeavor
ed to amend or repeal economic laws
that can no more be altered than the
forces of nature can be altered. Ama
teur economists, visionary politicians
and rampant reformers cannot,
through the formation of boards and
committees, the adoption of resolu
tions or the assembling of conven
tions, change the fundamentals of
life one iota.
We do not need any more pana
ceas. All we need do is to get on the
job and work, save, speed up produc
tion, eliminate waste, quit looking'
for Utopia and sighing for the mil
lennium. The world will grow 'better only
through the development of educa
tion and the adoption of wholesome
habits of life by the people. '
What we need above all things else
is a better understanding of thrift
and a closer application of Its prin
ciples. !
Let us Quit monkeying with the
buzz saw. Thrift Magazine.
'Your deal. Mr. President, on the
peace treaty and covenant of nations.
The east shivers as it hopes for a
settlement of the coal strike today. '
Tell the world through The States
man what you know about mint
growing. 'It Is important to Salem.
ministration that
next November.
will be voted In
General Wood has captured South
Dakota. Now for Wood's home state;
New Hampshire, that has Its primary
election March 9.
Many families are getting along
with- less ; sugar than they i eve,
thought possible before. Sweet are
: the uses of adversity.
President Wilson took a Fall-out
of Senator Fall's resolution propos
ing that congress call upon the chief
; executive to sever diplomatic rela-
tions 'with' Mexico. The matter of a
definite policy regarding Mexico will
likely go over to the Republican ad-
Thousands Have Discovered
Dri Edwards Olive Tablets
Are 3 Harmless Substitute
, " Dr.! Edwards' Olive Tablets are the ,
result of Dr- Edwards' detsrmination
not to treat Ever and bowel complaints
with calomel. For 17 years be used
these tablets (a veritable compound
mixed! with olive oil) in bis private
practice with great success
i-They do alTthe good that calomel
does but havetw bad after eilecta. No
pains; no griping, no injury, to the
gums or danger from acid foods ret
they stimulate the liver and boweb.
Take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
when you feel "logy" and "heavy."
Note bow they clear clouded brain and
perk tip the spirits. 10c and 25c a box.
; Looks like an epidemic of favor
ite sons in the coming Republican
national convention. The ' list In
dudes Harding of Ohio, Goodrich of
Indiana, Sproul of Pennsylvania.
Wood of New Hampshire, Lowden of
Illinois, Coolidge of Massachusetts.
Poindexter of Washington, not to
speak of Johnson of California and
a number of townships yet to hear
from. Looks like a good chance foi
a second-choice candidate.
King Alfonso of Spain will be wel
corned In the United States when he"
comes. There was no bitterness. to
ward Spain even during: the Spanish
war. We cleaned up on the job be
fore there was really time to get ex
cited about it. There are thousands
of people of Spanish descent in the
United States who will assist in ten
dering a generous and friendly wel
come to the Spanish ruler.
Serious trouble looms for, Senatojr
James W. Wadsworth Jr., of New
York In his ambition to be elected
for a second term to the United
States senate. The senator was a vi
olent opponent , of woman suffrage
and refused to support the constitu
tional amendment even after the leg
islature of New York had adopted it.
Miss Mary Garrett Nay is leading the
light against vv adsworth and says
IF most people were called upon to answer that
question, they would say it was due to the
opening of new accounts all the time.
' Well of course that has something to do with
it hut we look upon the growth of the old ac
counts in size as the most important end of the
United States National's progress.
It was Josh Billings, we believe.
who warned a waiting world of the
dangers that, lurked Jn.the processes
of monkeying with " the buzz saw.
Like many a work spoken In jest.
there was the wisdow of of the ages
in this homely quip.
We are doing too much monkeying
Abrogation of war legislation and
the exercise of war powers, together
with resumption of international re
lations, are urgently required for the
country's good. The 1 proposal to
bring the war to a legal end by a
congressional resolution is open to
grave objections. Such a method
of doubtful legality and would result
in the delay incident to an appeal to
the supreme court for final decision.
Article I of the constitution gives
congress the power to declare war,
but nowhere does it say anything
about ending it. Oppenhelm on In
ternational Law lays' down the prin
ciple that "It is not at all necessary
that the power of declaring war and
making peace should be vested in the
same hands." Congress has only
such powers as are vested in it by
the constitution, ' and the power of
making peace is not among those that
are enumerated.
If bur. constitution specifically gave
any person or body the power to end
war that person or body would be
the one to do It. As it does not,
then naturally peace should be de
clared by the one recognized by in
ternational UBage and law as the
proper authority. This is the treaty
making power.
! '
France has sent 100,000 pounds of
sugar to Bohemia a,i a price of about
20 cents a pound. Sugar seems to
be sugar the wide world over.
The country uses more'pork and
poultry than the city by 150 per
cent; but the city partakes of veal
and lamb to the extent of 120 per
cent beyond the country. The ques
tion before the house is which lives
I mm - 1 - "Tfl r-h z H'
I 0140
He who strikes last strikes best
those counties which were heretofore i
underpaid, which reduces the amount!
due the underpaid counties since the;
law went Into -effect in 1917. tkinr.
into consideration the apportionment
in 1917 and 1918 from 187.84:. 4S
to S34.5U.11.
The amount of the distribution to
each of the counties of the state of
the receipts for the year ending June
30. 1919. Is as follows:
Baker. $9.522.1 2; -Benton. $1.12:
Clackamas. S3.416.6S; Clatsop, noth
ing; Columbia, nothing: Coos. $282.
3; Crook. $2,875.78: Carry, $1,738.
81; DeKhntes. $1.491.C9; Douglas.
S4.C84.45: Gilliam, nothing; Grant.
$20,901.51;, Harney. .$4,000.25:
. .
Salem will welcome them.
The members of all three bouses
' U
But they will have to double up.
Salem is already crowded.
Looks like a greater scramble all
the time for all the loganberries, and
all other berries. There will not be
enough to go around, for years and
Hurry up those apartment houses.
In lieu tfyereof. tents are likely to
be in demand in Salem.
The teachers of Salem get theirs.
Or a part, anyway.
Men call d'Annunzio a patriot be
cause he took Fiume. When an Am
erican citizens uses similar methods
to annex a set of silver, we call him
a thief.
, No doubt the old-fashioned-European
statesman thinks of a republic
in terms of rag-chewing.
m m
. A government by conference might
do as well as any other if the con
ferees had any way to force their
opinions on the public.
Ioat Suffer: llHief Come the Mo
ment Yon Rah With Old M.
Jacobs Liniment
Don't stay sore, stiff and lame!
Limber up! - Rub soothing, penetrat
ing "St. Jacob's Liniment" right In
your aching muscles, joints and pain
ful nerves. It s the quickest, surest
pain relief on earth. It Is absolute
ly harmless and doesn't burn the
"St. Jacob's Liniment" conquers
pain. It instantly takes away any
ache, soreness snd stiffness in the
head. neck, shoulders, back, legs.'
arms, fingers or any part of the body
nothing like it. Yon simply poor
a little in your hand and rub "where
it hurts." and relief eomes Instant
ly. Don't stty crippled! Get a small
trial bottle now from any drug store.
It merer disappoints six gold medal
Distribution of Forestry Funds
Is Made by Deputy Sec
retary Kozer f
The distribution of the snm of
$115,405.7 4 which the state of Ore
gon received Trom the federal gov
ernment a short time a bo from forest
reserve rentals, sales of timber, etc.
from forest reserves within the stat
wai ye?terdav made to those roun
ties of the state In which forct re-
senes are situated by Sam A. Kozor
deputy secretary of stats.
I'nder a law enacted at ilit 191?
session of the legislature, a fettle
ment was effected between the coun
ties and the amounts determined snd
fived as between the 'counties which
prior, thereto , were overpaid and
thor.o that were underpaid. Under
the current distribution the sum of
$11,232.46 representing receipts' In
rorei re"rve in counties that were
heretofore overpaid, H credited to
Hood River. $1,115.82: Jackson. f 6.
1C9.04; Jefferson. $273.03: Josephine.-
$1.SS3. $Z: Klamath, $7.7S4.81:
Lake. $5.704.0; Lane. $1.71.0:
Lincoln. $340.28; Una, $422.23:
Ialher. $$.1; Marion. $524.73:
Morrow. $970.52; Multnomah, $405.
02: Polk. $9.71: Sherman, nothing:
Tillamook. $178.39; Umatilla. $J.-
1C0.30; Union. $7,548.24; Wallowa.
$25.C$.34; Wasco.- $1,323.78:
Washington, nothing; "Wheeler, $1.
:C7.C0; Yamhill. $C5.12.
After an appropriate distribution j
of thee amounts under the lay thei
amounts remitted to the several1
counties participating In such dlftri-.
button are as follows: j
Itaker, $11,252.53: Denton. toth-(
Ing: Clackamas. $2,701.15; Clatsop,
nothing; Columbia, nothing; Coos.,
nothing; Crook, nothing: Curry.
nothing; Deschutes. $1,491.(9: r
Douglas. $4.&4. 45; Gilliam, noth-1
Ing; Grsnt. $24.70.07: Harney. $4.-j
010.08: Hood River. $247.71: Jack-;
son. $8.C58.59: Jefremon. $211.57:
Josephine, nothing: Klamath, $S'
594.99; Lake. $5,701.05; Lane, noth
ing: Lincoln, nothing; Linn nothing:
Malheur. $S9.15; Marion. $287.80:
Morrow. $98.43; Multnomah. $24'.
Sl;;Polk. nothing; Sherman, noth
ing; Tillamook, nothlnr: Umatilla.
$2,280.48; Union. $S.C83.05; Wal
lowa. $2.T20.75; Wasco. $1,323.78:
Washington, nothing; Wheeler, $1.-
367. SO; amhlll. nothing.
Complete statements showing the!
acreage of the forest reserves within
the counties as well as the amount of
the receipts of each forest reserve
falling to each county according to
its acreage and the apportionment
and distribution thereof have been
forwarded to the county treasurers
of the respective counties of the state
for their Information, so that they
may verify the distribution if they so
genre. in arrears in tae respee-j
tlve forest reserves of the state hat
been furnished to the state depart
ment by the district forester as cf
June 20. 1919.
There Is a shortage cf overcoat
reported In Tarls. Here la dear cU
America they are wearln em losrer.
PresentsVtlie Big Laugh
in mm
With Kin Norton Paul
An Awfully Foray Fxrct
Pricci Wc to $1C0
Seat Sole Wednesday, Opera
Houe Pharmacy
Signs That Say:
"Wear Glasses"
Are you troubled with Imperfect sight? letter blurred cr running itrto'each other
skipping of word or letters in reading seeinj bjecta double floating speck Arcrxion to
light confusion of objects which is relieved by closing the" eye a tired' fetling in and be
hind the eyes a necessity for bringing the I ght between the eyes and the object looked at
for holding the book or work further away than formerly in order to see clearly or an In
ability to see distant objects aj weU as your friends see then. If So, It Is Quite Time Your
Eyes Received Attention. ' ...
Eyestrain and eye defects yield only to perfectly fitted gUsses and a disregard of the
above mentioned symptoms only mea,ns a growth of the trouble and a greater and greater
difficulty in overcoming it when the time com?s that you are compelled to seek their aid.
Think this matter over well, and if your eyes tell yen they are needing aid, let there be
no hesitation. Do it now. '
Do not imagine that you can preserve your present good sight if you disregard the coll
of your eyes for aid when help IS necessary.
Consult us at once if you have the least reason to believe your sight is not all it caght
Eyesight Specialist
210-211 U. S. National Bank Building. SALEM
i ;
t ,