The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 07, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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An incident of the Salvation Army's AVoirld-wile Slum Services
'A handful ot pale-faced children,
4 10
Mt nrovmi tne jmie red-covered lieaveiC
tftbU-t whereon rested a Kittle and a
lij ran-book I J
They were looking up wistfully
at the Slum Captain, who was at
list piaklfg an Impression upon their j Around the throne of God in Heaven
anil 'little minds. It is something Thousands of children stand !
to teach a slum child a aOnir nhmit
Afia.lii nnd aeain the pains
taking ojfieer tiair gone overthe
lines, anu at last they could remem
ber them. .-v I.
- ' 1 1 1 1 11111 11 ' 1 11 mr n ") " , 1 n
' ---.'r: :' ' i j in,, i ' ' ' ' J"
I - ft 1 - - - 'V . , 1 I i v i -
AeeoMfflceiffleEt !
jThe W, T. Rigdon Company, leading Funeral Directors
of Salem and Marion County, announce the arrival of their
New Funeral car. - The Lorraine,; manufactured expressly
for them by the Motor Hearse Corporation of America of
Richmond, Indiana, finished in Molten Old Silver, with per
fect lines, the Lorraine spells beauty and Dignity combined,
and represents the very latest in Motor Hearse construction.
' ! ' " j - 4:-i'".. ' - ; ' '
The installation of this new addition to their already ex
tensive equipment, marks! but another step in the life-long
policy of this establishment to keep pace with the times, be
ing the first to construct a Modern Funeral Home to intro
duce the Motor Hearse, as well as every other recognized im
provement in equipment and methods.
The name Rigdon will stand in the future as it has in
the past for the Very Best in Funeral Service at a moderate
cost.'-' - .-
5 : COMPANY' '
.:, t - Reliable and Progressive Funeral Directors
Children whose sins are all forgiven,
A holy, happy hand.
How loudly they sang it. and when I
Iht-y cane t.V the line. "Sinning
'Glory, glory, glory!" well, the cap
tain had to smile, such tremendous
energy did they put into it.
Little Alice's voice piped high and
clear above the rest. She was poor
ly but cleanly clad. At heart she
was a little lady. Even in her pov
erty garments Alice looked a dear
little Cinderella. She was as straight
as a lily, and as graceful of move
ment as a little princes.
"Perhaps Alice will sing the sec
ond verae by herself." said the cap
tain, smiling." Come on, little heart"
she said oaxinglr.
The child's lily-like face flushed
a :osy red. Not without a tremor,
she began, gaining strength, how
ever, with every word:
In flowing roDes ;of potless white.
See every one arrayed, :
Dwelling in everlasting light.
And joys that never fade.
There was a sweetness in the song
which the captain had never realised
before, and. acting upon swift im
pulse, she said, ''Shall we have a
little march tonight, children?"
"Oh, yes, captain, yes!" they cried
joyfully. !
Now, it is not a custom to march
children through the slums in this
way; but tonight was an exception
to the rule. So. with a flag, a con
certina and a timbrel, the strange,
sad little procession of rag-tag chil
dren parsed out of the tinv hall into
the street. How lustily the bullet
headed boys sang! The girls, too.
inarched along as though walking
on air, awaken'ed the echoes. While
they marched and sane, tousled
heads looked, out from high windows
and untidy women and unkempt men
came from the court pn and
out through the doorways, for the
Indigestion, Acidity, Sourness
-ind Gases1 ended with
"Pape's Diapepsin"
Millions of people knov? that it is
needless to .be bothered with lini
gestion, dyspepsia or a disordered
sumach. A few table's of Pape's
DiapeDsin neutralize acidity and
give reliel at once
When jour meals doc't fit and
you . Tee! uncomfortable, when you
Ltlch sates, acids or raise mur, un
digested food. Whn yoa fe3l lumps
of indices'.Jon. rain, heartburn or
headache, from aridity, eat &
tablet of Pape's : D'apepsia and the
stomach distress ! Is gone.
The cost is so little. Fh? beuefits
so great. You, wilt he a Dia
pept'n enthusiast afterwards.
Ycu Can Tell Which '
, People Have Iron in
Their Blood Straus
Healthy, Vigorous Folks
City nrlela Orilmmrr Xanl4
Iroa W1U Imimn th tttmstk (
NrM. KaB-4wa I'm! la Tw
WMka' TIbm la Mmajr C a.
ONE glint t is enough" ta tell wtica
people Lave iron ia their blood. Tfcey
re tli anes taat do and dire. Tk
. elfcers are ia the weakling cUm. SteetAeia
if at spent worrying er supposed aj
anenta. constant dosing with habit famine
drugs and narcotics, and useless atlesapts m
brace up with strong coffee or other strata
lams are a bat keep them suffering and vaia
ty longing to be strong. Their real troabl
is lack i-l iroa ia the Uood. Without iroa blood has no power to chance food iota
lAiag tWsue and. therefore, nothing yoa eat
does you g-od; you don't get the strengta
out of it. When irn is supplied it enrxbrs
the impovenbed Mood and give the body
yrtater resuUnce to ward B diseaie.
Nusber of ner"us. mn-dowa people aha
were ailing all the hi'.e hiTe most awea
ihirEly increased th. ir strength and ea
durance timfJy by taking iron ia the proper
f orai. And this, Iirr they had in some rates
tern going on for months, wilhoat getting
brnefil from anything. ...
If you arc not strung or well yoa' owe it
to yourself to make the following test; Se
boa long you can work or bow far yoa caa
walk wtibout becoming tired. Next take twa
fiir-gria tablets of ordinary niuated iroa
three times per day after meal for twa
weeks. Then test your strength again aad
see for yourself bow much yru base gained.
There is nothing lik good aid iron to help
f ut color it your cheeks and sound, healthy
flesh on your bones. But yoa ibost take iroa
in a f-rm that can be easily absorbed and
assimilated like nutated iron if yoa want it
to do yoa any good, aiay arosa
orse than neiess. - .
Hike an angel, an" ou ait. 1 are .rial ronvtrse and platinin- for th
uvte drlx.i.ln.' ! French iir orpluns wiiit ii tin- club
Bill said nothing; be stared hard . has auupud. At the cln- Mrs. Kay
ibrotiith Ibf gatiz window-Mind 'i-rvt-d a daiuty lun-h.-stared
right through Alice at a lit-! ,
tie neglected grave. While h look-
ea hia hand rested rentir . th
dirty arm of the sobbing voman.
God was speaklne to him, also,
through the song. Hoth nw listen
ed gpelll.ound to the word
Utmm Xm Pwvtlvt 1mm I
r 1 ntrru,. i M(C p if t mmtm4.m o
Iwmm tX w4b. otk ihtm t;rS. mt ik ,t Mh
TS BMiatKtr Hmrnt Winn tmi mu4 lwwlv mn
. ttxiliKcaS wsitiSr
Daniel J. Fry and J. !. Perrv and all
other drRKiit. .
And Is that Fountain- flowint; yet?
Blest Savio-K. lead us there.
That we those happy ones may meet
And In their praises share.
The, Captain said a word or two.
and prayed Tor tht men and women
in the "Hull and 'late;" then th
little procession movd jff to the
hall, and the man and woman from
'oehind the window gsue left th
"Bull and Gate" tor the lasi time,
and followed iikwthe wake of th-i
chi'dren. which was to them the wy
to Heaven.
Hew many bricks will yon buy
to erect in Salem the Comuiunity .
Welfare hulldinr,?
Ijo.ikii:im lurkii
LOXDO.V. Oct. IS. Ixmdon re
gards the properts of the coming
Bivlera season as particularly bright.
There is much to Indicate that now
the German element has gone. Men-
tone will be restored to Its former
state as the Knglish colony on the
Itiviera. Knglish people who visited
Mentone annually in pre-war days art
anxious to return after five years ab
sence and there are many others who,
having tasted of continental travel
in their war service, will be attracted
by the beauties of the Riviera and,
perhaps, the ' allurements of alonto
- aa, i
Tlie Nicest Place Mo
1 j-vt Jh . . ( v
ty . '- 'li ' I' -
- ;
-H -
Is from a Store Like This Where
mg m
Musical Instruments
1 z-,rj&&&. rM
la Sold and
. .. . . ; . f - , -
Known to Be
o(S.i- s'-v l ' V. -r -v''4-.
Pioneer Music Dealer of Salem
magic was wo:klng and the words
were exercising a wondrous charm:
What brought them to that world
above ;
That heaven so bright and fair.
Where all is peace, and joy, and
love? ,
lf.iur eamo thnao rhllilren than?
fome of the women were remin
ded of all but forTotten days, and
when the ragamuffin procession had
got out of earshot they went Indoors
with the old song humming through
their minds.
In fron; of the "Bull and Gate' the
captain marched her little singing
crmtingent round and' round, and
then went straight for the open door
of the saloon, which was half full
of men and women. The procession
was brought to a halt within a few
yards of the now crowded doorway.
For a moment the captain was lost
for an idea, when little Alice, look
ing wistfully up into her fare, with
those wonderful eves of hrs. said:
"Please. Captain, may I sing my lit
tle song?"
The child was very white, and she
was ttembiin?) yet strangely enough
she wanted to sing.
"Yes. dear.- said the Captain,
breaking one of her own rules for
There, in sight.' of gome of the
worst men and wwmen of th dis
trict, little Alice stood forth, the
clear notes of her- son!? reaching all
ithin the notorious tavern:
: 1
Around the Throne.of Cod In Heaven
Thousands of children stand
Children whose sins are all forgiven.
A holy, happy band.' ' "
At the sound cf the voice, the
bloatM faros ofa'man and woman
peered furtively through the fcauze
window lilind.
Alice, with her face now lit up
ith an ethereal light, continued her
On earth they sought the Saviour's
grace. .
On earth they loved lllz name;
So now they see His blessej face.
And stand before the Lamb.
The woman behind th gr ute win
dow-blind, leaned her h1rchy face
upon her dirty, bare anu and began
to sob. The man swo: j a civat oath.
which broke half way into a groan.
"Cod. Bill." sohbed the woman,
it's our Alice! Iook. she" Kinging
I Miss Dorris Kikes of Eugene, for
merly of. this city, ia the weekend
guest of friends here
I ' -2-
JMr. and Mrs. Paul V. Johnson
were In Portland Wednesday to hear
Sir. Harry Lauder.
Inside Facts
Mr. and Mrs.: Norlyn P. Hoff of
I'oriland are spending the week-end
in this city fls the guests of their
parents. Mr. and Mrs. O P. Hoff.
Mrs. T. B. Kay charmingly enter
tained the members of the Piety Hill
club Thursday afternoon at her
home on Capitol Mrett. . The after
noon was pleasantly spent wilh so-
Not All Who Attend
Our rchool are competent
bookkeepers and stenograph
ers because there arc many
who do not remain In school a
sufficient tinia to complete the
But those who complete our :
full course graduate nay be.
depended upon to do efficient
a-ork. These are the ones who
ire In demand by business men
These are" the ones who climb
to the top asd secure good sal-
Your success will be meas
dred by ahat you pat into tbe
This school can
Let in talk It over,
light scrsions.
help you.'
Day and
It's what's favide year battery that makes it
Eve hong or wear out quackly.
Inferior insulation wears out bmfoe th
pfalas do, and rtinaulatiaa Is necessary.
Tbreaded Rubber InauUtioo greatly pootpoe
and almost always enrwety eiunmatea the swd
of retnaulation. sake battery last mtrck
ionior under mju! condition, and reduces
th liability to any other kaod ot repairs.
It's the on biggest battery barprwvetnrnt la
ten year dcxaCKUtratcd aow by four years it
You cant afford sot to know About It to
some day youTl need a new bwrtcry.
CS aad let us tell you all about is. ' ..-
Degge & Burrell
238 North High Street
Hereafter We Will Ciof e at 6 P. M
Through Service We Grow -
Capital Business College
U.L ... . f -'M 1 '
4 i' .4H 'rtl
Bigliime in Store
or the
i i s
VXN swe-y . . pa
Christmas will more than bring joys to the. Children of Salem this year. The
war is over and we now can use every effort to make the children happy.
We are prepared for this event with a large stock of Children's Gifts, Chil
dren's Furniture of all descriptions, tables, chairs, beds, dressers, sammy cars,
x tricycles, coaster wagons, etc See our large display in our north window. We
also have a large line of Gifts for the larger children smoking sets for Dad
and Brother, chairs,, writing desk, etc, for Mother and Sister.
, Select your gift now while stock is complete, we will store it free and deliver
Christmas. . . - -
- ' i
At The Electric Sign SHOES
A Victrola will make the whole family happy and will be thoroughly en
joyed by alL .
We are Salem's exclusive Victrola . and Victor dealers
21jjShopIEarly-Do It Now
You Get More For
Your Money At
: Moore's