V ' i nrn Oregon statesman: Sunday, November o, i9i9. C I " J . Scandinavian Methodist. Fifteenth and I Mill streets. Snh day school at 2 p. mT. and services at S p. n.. when LJ. llassel will speak All are welcomed ; j 3 St. Paul's (liurrlK -Twenty-first Sunday, aTtcr Trinity.. 7:30. n. J-. holy c.nni union ; 9:45 fhnrcH school; 11, mornins prayer and sermon. "Our first or Last Re sort?" ;7:30 p. nu, evening prayer and sermon, -The Spiritual Strug gle." ' Everybody welcome. Charles JI. Powell, rector. Ministerial Association. The regular meeting of the Min isterial association will be held in the Y. M". C. A. Monday morning at 10 o'clock. I V. Porter will pre sent the subject, "Men and Millions." Leslie MethodUt Episcopal. South Commercial and MeyerB streets. Horace X. Aid rich, pastor. At 9:45 the Sunday school opens with a sons se:vice. Well organ- i Izf d classes for all ages and grade:. .V: 'Pllii! I Experience 1 - : fe&S JXHmSSS $& hcuscxiie Cat si! coffees ; "t '- iVSwNra r OTF Ell3& 5etertcra anJ become ' ' ' fePSiSJS fcol icticn tr? tins. She has U& ! $SK?Y &f$&S Pn ll prance - ' V . .: - SSSEE for cbt,rtr.-fresh coffee ' 1 SsLrJ-iLiTT XffiM$& beci.:;: e.c can ret more j ! GOLDEN WEST COFFEE 3 lACUUM fACr.-?- )) K. A. Rhotcn. superintendent, and Mffs Sue Williams Is In charge of the primary department;- 11 a. in.. Xublic worship, with sermon by the pastor. Theme: "A Message From God Unto You." At 6:30. devotion al meeting of the Epworth league,' Leslie Springer, president; 7: JO. a song service, led by th choir, and permon by the pastor. Subject: "The Greatest of -all Demands.' Special music in morning- and eve ning serv'ces by the chorus choir. First Church of Chriwt, ScienlUt fRunday service is held at 4 40 Chemekcta street at 11 a. m. Sub ject of Bible lesson: "Adam and fal len Man." Sunday school at 9:4." a. ml Wednesday evening testi monial meeting at 8 p. m. Reading room j 20!) Masonic temple, open every "day except Sunday and holi days,! from 11:4.1 a. m. to f p. m. All are invited to our services and to our reading room. ' First Congregational. Liberty and Center streets. W. C. Kantner. minister. 10 a. m.. Sun day school with classes for all, W. I. Staley.' superintendent. 11 a. m., "Men and the Religion of Jesus Christ." Xo Cv E. meeting owing to union meeting at Christian Hun-i-alow ch!TQk. 7:30 p. m.. "The Peace IJke a River." will he the ser mon topic. After the address a mo tion picture will be shown of a "Trip to the Island, of Catalina." ' Firwt lVel) terian. Thomas S. Anderson, minister. Church Kchool at 9:43. Joseph H. Albert, superintendent. Morning worship ar 11. The pastor will give the second sermon on the general them: "Free Moral Agencr of Man." s Text. "Quit Yon Eike Men. Be Strong " Young people's meet ing at 6:30. Evening worship at 7:30. Text. "Follow After Char ity." Good music: a cordial wel come for everybody. State Institutions, i Services at the Mate institutions Sunday will be held as follows: 9 a. m.. f ecble Minded institute, by I. G. Lee; 2:30 p. m.'. Cottage Farm. by,A. Wells: 3 o. m.. Girls' Training school, by Mrs. I. G. Lee: 3:15 p. ni.. Tuberculosis Hospital, by Captain George Hunter. United KvangeUcol. 'Cottage and Center streets. Rev. G. L. Lovcll, pastor. The Snnday school will meet at 10 a. m. Morn ing worship and preaching service ta II. "To Whom Does the World Be- I ; ', ': '- ' ":"i.''"';.VV'; : ,k'' i.,i-:-r'' v,.';; .': . : . ;v ''j: t: ,'Y- y":-f f I TT JiU " FOUR ROOM OUTFIT AS LISTED BELOW ' Living Room 9x12 Rut- r Reed or Fiber Settee Oak Rocker Wood Seat li Oak Rocker Leather Seat 1 Oak Library Table v Bed Room Dining Room 6-foot Oak Table Oak Chairs Buffet 9x19 Rug 4 STORES hi gj.00 ' ; j;:- , ! J' -.-'.v 4 STORES Ivory, Wood or Iron Bed Ivory Dressing Table Ivory Chiffonier Spring Mattress Room-size Rug j Kitchen Range, Polish Top . 12 Yards Linoleum 2 Kitchen Chairs 1 Kitchen Table 75-50 1 ra00 Hllil'ilt!!!';! .i.i.'i I, -i I Two Kinds of Economy i iii the Post-War Maxwell TI IE Post-War Maxwell inherited from its 300,000 predecessors two traits that cap tivate the person who likes continuous, uninterrupted, comfortable and jlowyncost mileage. " One is its freedom from repairs.. It runs on and on. Give it gas, oil, grease and water and it will deliver an amaring amount.of mileage. The second is the low price you; pay per mile Its thrifty engine makes gas go a long way. Its 2000 pounds of weight assures long I tire wear. Such kinds of economy, came from years of study and the experience which 300s,000 previous Mar ells have taught. The notable improvements andlrcfinements to be found in this car have caught the attention of many who figured that high efficiency meant high price. The public has served notice that it' does appreciate value. That is why 40,000 persons will have to go without a Post-War Maxwell this year though 100.000 are be in 2 built. t - Price, J9S5 f-o.b. Dctroi it : A ff OSCAR B. GINGRICH MOTOR & TIRE CO. 371 Cort Street SALEM, 0EEO0N 1 dL . .1 L S4Ps& !H1 !l!!!!l!!l!lliil!lii!ill!!!:!H!i long or Acknowledging Our Owner ship." The chutches of the Kvan Keiiral association wll meet with us in union service -In the evening. Christian Kndeavor at 6:30 p. vi.. and Rev. G. F. Leinlng will preach at 7:30 p. m. All members and friends are cordially invited. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening. ' First Christ laa. One block north of Citr hall, ni- Me school at 9:4 3. Hear our lo- pieco orchestra. Sermon at 11; C. K. at 6:30; evening sermon at 7:20. Prayer meeting Thursday at 7:15; choir rehearsal at Sl. N'jrMnlvr ,is Oregon missions month, nad our goal 14 si per member for our home state. Envelopes will be distribut ed lated: let us be prepared. Leland . l'crter, pastor. ' IlighlatMl FHrixIx. Bible kcbool at 10 a. m. Kr Pruitt. fuperintcn lent. We have classes for all ages, under competent Christian teachers. Morning wor ship at 11" Young people's meet iati at 6:13 and preaching at 7.30 p. m. We are Mill giving our lessons In Revelations: tbis Sabhath the les son will be8: In the twentieth chap ter. Prayer meeting on Thursdav at 7:20 p. m. The full gospel of salvation from sin is preached in our services. . If you are not a regu lar attender at some other church, we give v?.u a cordiM welcome to our services. I. G. Leo and wife. j,astors. SaHlth Salem Friend South Commercial and Washing ton streets. H. k. pemterton. pastor, nible sch.ioljat 10 a. m., classes for all. Carl K.j Miller, superintendent. Meeting for! -worship, tinging and preaching at. 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Yonr.y people's meeting at :3 p. m. Prayer ireetln'g at 7:30 p. m. Thursday. . SALVATION tKMV. Street meeting Saturday evening at 7:1... Full -.tlrati tn with tosit mony and sonc In the hall at R n. m Street, mating Sunday mornins at 10:30; Holiness meeting In the hall at 11; Sunday school ta 2 p. in. Y. P. L. at :1.1; street ine-tinr ai 7:J3 anl urcahinc chorus and -rWi. fnr ntitp m the ball at X. A cordial invitation is extended to all. and M:s. Hunter, officers In charggriri nary r t , , (Continued on Pago 6.) I?" M t'4 C TilS D i If It's a Battery Be Sure It's New V It isn't cood business to buy a battery that may be months old when you get it. j The only safe thing to do is to buy a WiHard Battery with Threaded Rubber Insulation tht has been shipped and stored bone dry, and consequently rs brand new hea it bcglz-s to worlc for you. - Drop in some tim and let us explain this process to you and tell you why it is on!y pessibi? with Threaded Rubber Insui-i-uon. r DEGGE & BURRELL Auto Electricians 233 North High Phone 203 a 1 i A 4n XJ . ICtf. c " 3 tt ot Small in size great In remits ....I 7:r : u 14 - I- I 14 4 u- m. 1- ... a1 OS x4 km vl trvo is ta; B)C a 4 a s m-aV Stalcs-un CtsslficJ Ads :o. 1 1 ; - -- - - ; ;