ST THE OREGON STATES3IAX: TUESDAY, XOVKMIIErt 4. 1919. BUSINESS MEN " RE-ASSET NEED . OF 2 POLICEMEN U' : ! ; ' . Deiton and Kay Mix at League Meeting But Break Is Soon Mended RECALL IS CONDEMNED Published Report of Effort to 'ust mayor uenied and Denounced Re-affirming its stand that the two policemen recently added to the city fcrcq be retained and. denying in no uncertain terms (connection with or responsibility foir a report published V 1 i" W IffrXITEfell) mm, tw LAST DAY YE LIBERTY GRATED OPERA HOUSE jT" V ONEj NIGHT "'v VEDHESDAY, NOV. 12 f 7;, ;! ". " ir-: : v, .: Coming in All Its Completeness. Il?aded -j 1y, America's Greatest dof," H6 ward Walton TuHjr -r. t Jmes G. Peedeyer, Mgr. ) c ' ' r presents . . Ir L GUY BATES POST In 1 The Season's Greatest Dra- matie Hit '.- "THE MASQUERADER" Prices $1.00 to $2.50 Advance Sale Opens Nov. 104 at .! Opera House Pharmacy ' NEW SHOW TODAY ! HOWARD FOSTER IPLAYERS ZZ.". The Big LAUGHING SHOW "ML HOOK FROril HOLLAND" : : I I : IVe a Roari From Curtain, to Curtain .- : , WM. DESMOND "WILD LIFE" :'; ; And KEYSTONE COMEDY Bligh (Theatre OLGOTT ASKS EARLY ACTION ON MANDAMUS Etate- No Time to Be Lost in Set tling Question of Tenure As Governor in an evening paper to the effect that the recall of Mayor Wilson, is eon' templated, the Business Men's league took action yesterday to support the appointment of the two officers. The action was taken at a special meeting of the league called Immediately fol lowing the adjournment of the busi nessmen's lunch at the Commercial club. The business men did not leave their seats but the two, meet ings were distinct according to ments made by speakers. Kay and Denton Mix. . A tilt between Walter Denton and T. B. Kay was going strong within a few moments after the special . A I 1 1 1 1 1 J I. I started on a motion of Mr. Denton NOTICE TO BE PREPARED in which he urged that the league Dring it iorciaiy 10 me auenuon oi p . t?fii rV n r the council that the of fleers are need- rony-rillll Uay rHOr tO rfl ed and that petty personality in city politics should be forgotten in the building up. of, the city. Mr. Jsay took the stand that the league was attempting to dominate the council. that is was "carrying a chip on its shoulder" and he urged that the del egation to wait on the council be mary Not to be Awaited by Secretary ' Declaring that he is anxious for an early determination by ' the su Dreme court on tha nuoittinn whether composed or some citizens at i large a , v . . . , aAiinn tn th momhor nf h a governor Is to be elected in 1920. in addition to the members of the league. He took personal issue with Mr. Denton but after they had ax Certification of $100,000 in bonds Asked by District ! Question of the certification- of $100,000 in bonds for the Grants Pass Irrigation district resolutions have been received by State Engi neer Cupper from the board of di rectors of the district. The resolu tion also makes known the plan of! the board to divide the district into unlas. . . , , The 1919 session of the legislature provided that districts may be divid ed into units of different reclamation costs, and the Grants Pass district has been divided into four units. W. C. Brown, engineer for Mult nomah county drainage district No. 1, has been in conference with State Engineer Cupper relative to approval of the plans of the district and the certification of district bonds of $400. 000. The district is located on the Columbia river, extending from Portland to Sandy river and covers 8300 acres. The plans contemplate the construction! of a levee 12 miles long along the Columbia river. Colin McKenzie of Hood River has filed application to appropriate wa ter for the irrigation of a small tract near Odell. PROGRESS RAPID IN TRIALS OF RACE RIOTERS Negro Convicted of First De gree Murder After Eight Minutes Deliberation DEFENSE IS LACKING STOP PAIN! RUB NEURALGIA AWAY Instant Relief From Nerve Torture and Misery With Old "St. Jacob Liniment Governor Olcott yesterday let it be known that as secretary of state he changed remarks for several minutes wl1' cause the certification of offices the break was apparently mended. lo oe imea oy election next year to Recall Opposed. De Prepared in the near future, omit- ir Kav exnrPKseri himself an tm- ting the office of governor. This alterably opposed to recall of the open the war for tne mandamus mayor, or any other city official and action suggested by Attorney General Mr. Denton gave him the assurance Brown in his opinion Saturday, such that h wm not behind anv move- mandamus to be brought by any vot- ment for recall of the mayor and de- er of tne 8tate to compel the secre nied that he knew anything of any taT ot Btate to Include the office of such action except what he had read governor, or by any candidate for in a newspaper. Mr: Kay said he governor to compel the secretary to had his information,, from the same accept his petition. source In preparing and sending out the E- H. Choate, president of the certification of offices to-be filled Rub this soothing, penetrating lin league. appointed a committee to lh secretary of state has up to the iment right into the sore, inflamed meet with the council, the members 4,5th day prior to the primary elec- nerves, and like magie neuralgia being the following: uon. tiowever, mere is no law toUgappearg. st. Jacobs Liniment Walter Denton, Paul Hauser, Jo- prevent nis preparing me cerunca- eonqmfrs pain. It is a harmless seph Baumgartner, I. Greenbaum, Za J y "V1, " p"?r'1 in" "neuralgia relief" which doesn't aoc Kiggs, t. .uy,uu J. ry .71? L "VJL burn or discolor the skin. sr., w. M. tfamuton,. wiiiiam uanis- Don't suffer! It's so needless. Get dorf, N. D. Elliott. L. J. Chapin. W. ,tJT?7r, ol ceTU"- a small trial bottle from any drug HI Dancy, A, Kafoury, C. F. Olm- cat on without the office of governor to8rmaIandrIntj:. tub Se "iehlSi stead Frank Gibson Mr Kay and wl11 constitute a basis for. the man- 8lore na fe,nu ruD ine cn,n bZSrwt. damus. procedure. After preparinff erves" d in Just a moment you excused fVom Serving o n the com- the certification it will not be neces- will be absolutely free from pain and mittee both saying-that other busi- W ior me secretary 10 sena i(nu..n.u8 ness of importance prevented them the county clerks before tie 45th day No difference whether your pain Mrvin? unless he desires. A statement, as lor neuralgia is in the face, head or Ijinrhpnn Inrnrnlal I -u lun unites luciuuea iu ioe ceniu- I any pari ui me duuj, ivu gci 'u"i The luncheon which preceeded the cation will serve notice to the public relief with this old-time, honest pain meeting was informal and speakers OI ine Qiuciai act on wmcn man-j destroyer it can not injure. unuiuB can u uruugui, inu wuuuuiu ing the certification from the mall until the 45th day, or until the! su TWO OFFICERS MUST ' DROP FROM FORCE (Continued from Page 1) were called upon from those present. Hal Patton spoke on the school book Kitnattnn William Rahlsdorf on the I ' I . W 1 '. 9 nria of coffee Josenh Ranmeartner preme court snail nave actea, wquia on th hardware market. Lnther J. avoid the confusion that would be Chapin on dehydration and crop ro-j caused by revising the certification tation, Paul Hauser on. game pre- ,n "e e'en' coun snouia noia serves and C. O. Rice on the city that the office of governor should be funds. included. A committee composed of L. J. -m oraer mat mis matter may Chapin. R. O. Snelllng, W. H. Dancy reach, an i early determination at the was appointed to arrange for an ex- hands of the supreme court I will hibition of Salem Drodncts at th worm . ot prpanns tne horticultural show to be held at Cor- statement 'or certification to the demanded truer. vallis on. November 6 The Salem jcounty clerks is started at once,"l The mayor was sjlent disnlay will be sent to Corvallis to-1 8aia secretary uicoii. i am advised i He refuses to answer.' morrow and. will Consist of the pro-y the attorney -general that underlan(i nS seat. . ducts of the Tarious "plants '-of the e wurtoecmoMM mey now stauai After further routine business AI- "Do you or do you not believe in a larger iorce, pursued utier. Iublic Exprewiion Demanded. "I have told you personally what I believe," replied the mayor. "But I want a publie expression, Ctter said Indictments Returned Against 122i Most of Whom Are Negroes HELENA. Ark.. Nov. 3. Rapid progress marked the trials today of cases growing out of the recent race disturbances south of this city, one nepro being convicted of first de gree murder after eight minutes' de liberation by a circuit . court jury and five others receiving a verdict of guilty to a similar charge, all at the same time, after the Jurymen had been out seven minutes The Ter dict means electrocution for the six negroes. . . . Two Cmen TrknL In the first of the two cases tried totday, that of Frank Hicks, several witnesses for the state testified they saw Hicks fire the shot the morning of October 1. which resulted in the death of Clinton Lee. an ex-soldier. The defense announced-, It had no witnesses, argument was waived, the Jury was Instructed and. In S min utes a verdict was returned. Defendants In the second case were Frank Moore. Ed Hicks, J. E. Knox. Paul Hall and Ed Coleman, charged Jointly with the murder ot lee. Witnesses testified that Moore, Knox and Hicks acted as leaders, ar guments for a verdict of second de gree were presented by counsel ap pointed, instructions were given the jury and a verdict of first degree murder was returned in seven min utes. 122 Indictments. Indictments have been brought against 122 persons, mostly negroes, as a result or the disorders. Evidence showed the existence of post ot the Progressive Farmers and Household Union of America. the organization under which it is alleged the negroes were banded for the uprising at Elaine, resulting in the death ot five whites and a larger number of negroes and the wounding of others. the figure fixed by appraisers named by the county court, to $0.000 as es timated by the treasurer's office, the Marion county court held a hearing on the question yesterday. Coanty Judge Bushey has the evidence under advisement. . A similar hearing on the estate of Emily M. Sweeney will be held by the Multnomah county court Thursday In Portland. Initiative Bill Gives Rise to Many Questions i An initiative bill, petitions for which are now in circulation, pro viding that 4 per cent Instead of per cent be made- the legal rate of Interest In Oregon, gives rise to a number of problems that have caus ed Will II. BeBnnett. state superin tendent of banks, to ask a number of questions of Attorney Genersl Brown The questions, asked under the as sumption that the measure pass, are: Would a person or a bank be per mitted to loan on notes drawing In terest up to 10 per cent as at pres ent? In case no Interest Is specified what rate would be collectible? What would be usury under the proposed amendment? What effect would the amend ment have on chapter 219. laws of 1915. commonly known as the pawn brokers' act. In which licensed per sons are permitted to loan on Inter est rates up to 3 per cent per month? city. THIS WOMAN FOUND RELIEF. Men and women suffering from kidney and bladder trouble will be glad to read how one woman found relief. Mrs. G: Hyde, Homestead. Mich., writes: "I had that terrible backache and tired out feeling. scarcely able to do my work. Foley Kidney Pills made me feel like a new person." J. C. Perry. I can do but one thing as secretary I derman Wiest Drought up thepollce of state, and that is to omit the of- matter for the third time during the lice oi governor irom tne cerunca-1 session tion. . I hope to see this matter clear ed up as soon as possible, so that if . there is a governor to be elected in 1920 the court's decision will come down sufficiently early to clar ify the situation for all concerned. I take, it that the action In prepar ing the certification with the office answered Wilson. 'I wish you would explain the status of the estimate." he said to Mayor Wilson. "How are we going to get along with the men we have on this estimate? ' "I will refer that to the ways and means committee your committee; Sixty Young People at Turner Hallowe'en Party taken. of governer omitted will pave the way for any citizen and voter to start proceedings in mandamus at once. It is my personal wish that such : The ordinance Increasing the . sal ary of Cit y Recorder Race because of bis additional duties as the city purchasing agent was at last passed last night In the shape of an amend ment to the present applying ordi nance. This was after an opinion from City Attorney Macy had been read declaring that the recorder, un der the city statute, is not compelled to serve in the additional capacity Hours of Sunrise and , Sunset for Oregon Given The hours of sunrise and sunset for Oregon during the month of No vember, as announced for each day by the fish and game commission, are as follows: TURNER. Or., Nov. 3. About 60 IHJXT iHMttxiAllU A COIJJ. young people attended the Epworthl neglected cold may develop into League Hallowe'en party at the Hy- most serious sickness. The Influen- att home Frirdar nleht. There were I ana pneumonia mat swept me I . I... several very nnlaue diseuises and country a year ago were preceded nyiwunout extra pay. Frances Martin, dressed as a "kitty" I an epiaemic ot coias. oiey s tioneyi ueiore adjournment ttarry tiution took first prize. Various appropriate I and xar win cneck a cold it taken in I tire chier, and Chiet oi rouce var- games were played and refreshments I time, it loosens paiegm ana muc-iney addressed me council reiauve to consisting of pumpkin pie, doughnuts jous, clears air passages, eases hoarse-j conventions they recently have al and ''witches brew" were served. . I ness, stops ucaiing mroat. j. u. i tended, uutton reported on me con Miss Thelma Han sett was home lei ry from Portland for the week end. Lucile and Donald Riches and Lars Lsrson took the census-takers exami nation in Salem Saturday. - Ernest Larson spent the week end visiting Turner friends. : Earl Bear Is at the Salem hospital 111 with quinsy. Justus Robertson was home from Corvallis for the week end. The Epworth league held a busi ness meeting Sunday afternoon and elected new officers. Miss Evelyn Osborn was elected president. SUNDAY SCHOOLS ENDORSE PLANh- vention of fire chiefs in Portland and incidentally recommended the adoption of one and one-half .fire hose for use inside buildings and a fire alarm system. The latter he said would be a factor in procuring decreased Insurance rate in the city. Chief Varney told entertainingly of the convention of traffic officers Date . Sunrise Sunset 1 S:4S 4:58 2 C:4t 4:S 3 ..C:4S 4:55 4 .6:49 4:54 5 C:50 4:52 (:52 4:51 7 S:53 4:50 8 S:55 4:SS 9 :5 4:74 10. ' :57 4:4 11 :59 4:45 12....... 7:00 4:44 13 I. .7:01 4:42 14 f.7:03 4:41 15 7:04 4:40 16 .......7:06 4:39 17 - 7:07 4:38 18 7:08 4:37 19. 7:10 4:36 20 7:11 4:36 21 7:12 4:35 22 : 7:14 ' 4:34 23 :.v...7:15 4:33 24 .7:16 4.32 25 7:17 4:32 26 7:19 4:31 27 7:20 4:30 28 ..7:21 4:30 29 7:22 4:29 30 .'. 7:24 4:29 A1in Seattle v" " 6 uvu"" I Routine RaslneM Transacted. Movement Is Explained by H. F. Humbert The latest thing is a thirty-million- dollar razor trust. One of those safe ty-first propositions. "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look, at Tongue! Remove Poisons From Stomach. Liver and ... Bowels ! A gathering of Salem Sunday school workers, held In the public library last night, indorsed a plan for a community training school. Fifteen Sunday schools were repre sented at the meeting, ovtr which Joseph H. Albert presided. The institute plan was presented The council voted to patch boles that have been shot in the roof of the city hall by pigeon shooters. Petitions were read calling upon the city to contract several sewers. A petition was read from Will H. Purdy and others asking that the city council call a mass meeting in the near future to devise means of housing new comers to the city. Al derman moved that the mayor call the meeting. Volk wanted, to know how the council could -call a' mass meeting. Wiest considered it out of CONSTIPATION MAKES YOU EASY V1GTIM OF ' FLU, GOLDS AND GRIP Old Fashioned Herb Tea Often Relieves Chronic Cases td. Accept "California Syrup or Figs only look for the name California on the package,, then you are sure year child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose ; on each bottle. Give it with out fear. Mother! You must say "Califor- by Harold F. Humbert of Portland, general secretary of the Oregon Sun- the council's province and the busl nay scnooi association. I ness of the Commercial club. No A communitp training school." I action was taken. said Mr. Humbert, "is a high grade nght school, meeting once each week. During the first period of instruc tion, from 7:30 to 8:15. three or four eourses are given, such as 'The Life of Christ, 'Teaching Values of the Old 8estament 'The Unfoldinc Life' and 'Principles of - Teaching. During- the second period, classes in methods are conducted covering 'The Religious Instruction or Little Chil dren, The Teaching of Juniors.' 'Young People and the Church School, and 'The Administration of the Sundayy School.' Students se lect one course for each period. The entire school tmeets in assembly from 9 to 9: SO, with demonstrations on successive evenings of hand work. the sand table, htiUding a worship program, music, the organized class, religious duration th:xogh pictures and pageantry-" The plan Is tt be referred to the Sunday schools of the city for rati fication. The committee on course ! of study and promotion consists of T. E. McCroskey. Mrs. F. A. Elliott and C. F. Hageman. Teachers for the training school are to b chosen from among local religions leaders The state Sunday school association las promised- provide on-? instruc tor from its staff. ion can iwioru to m onnsrimi If your kidneys, lirer and bowels fail to carry off th waste matter It anon poiMins your entire yntTa. It lowers your rPKUrtAnon agsinMt dismsn. At thin time of year, when the air Is filled with influenza, colds and irrip, yon should keep in the best condition. Any phynician will tell you that most Ills could bn avoided If peonfe would their nvem, lui ent and bowels in good work I ins order. t Are yon constipated, r triltoosand slugidshP Does - "your bead ache? Don't twjr V Wt Nature's w miners. When-things are a bit quiet down In Costa Rica they elect a new prest- . dent. i eoln Tha and take a cup neiore mirjng. it soon cWns yon out and makes rim feel fine. Thv no ctpwU th physio habit. This famous herb tm Is an unex celled remedy for ooMa, grippe. In fluenza, chronic constipation, rhnimv tiKtn, etc. Nothing I hKter to keep tb children In fine condition. 35 rents at alldnitrgi. Uoor.Ia Proprietary Co., Ft. Wayne, lad. Hearing on KUnger Estate Is Held by County Court Because of an effort made by State Treasurer Hoft to have the apprais ed value ot the Maurit Klinger es tate of Salem raised from $76,000. Arkansas Woman Wants to , Find Oat About Oregon Evidently, tired of the cllmatlcal and social disadvantages of the sov ereixn state of Arkansas. Mrs. M. V. Tolllver, a resident of Summit, that state, has written to the Salem Com mercial club In quest of a "sunnier clime and better advantages for her self and son. While the letter Is composed In the wording and phras eology of an older generation there Is a ring of sincerity that Inspires the reader with the wish that the quest will end successfully. Accom panied by a stamped envelope the letter was received In Salem yester day, and the text follows: "I am writing you to find out about the state of Oregon as I have heard so much about that country. Is It cold and Is the -country rough? What kind of crops are raised; are there many colored people In the state? Does It rata or do they Irri gate the land, and Is the land rent ed? Do you think that a good wom an who Is a good worker and can do any kind ot work could get a place on a farm? I have a boy who la 12 years old. He Is a big boy and stout, would be willing to work on a farm. In a hotel or business bouse. X can do any kind ot work and desire to find out all about the country before make the change. I would rather get farm work for I love that kind of work and I cant be beat at gar dening and raising truckery. Hop ing that tbla letter will bring me good news. I await your reply. Deal for 500 Million Feet of Lumber Is Made MARSH FIELD. Or- Nov. I. Consummation was announced her today of a deal for the purchase of the Gardiner Mill company's timber land In Douglas county, the purchas ers being A. E- Adelsperger and J W. Conrad of Marshfield. and A. E Hradrord of Augusta. Wis. Approx imately (000 acres . are represented In this deal upon which was aald to have been about 500 million feet of timber. The price, not announced officially was aald to have been about $750,000. Business Men Join Drive for Funds for Stock Show PORTLAND. Not. i. Forty busi ness men from the Portland Cham ber of Commerce will Join the army of solicitors who are raising funds for the Pacific International Live stock exposition to be held here late this month, according to announce ment made today at a meeting of the members forum, following a talk by William M. Ladd. who told of the great benefits which would be derived by local businessmen through the establishment of the exposition. CHERRIANS PLAN HIGH JINX DEC. 2 Gay and Festire Meeting It Set Dance to Be Thanks - giiing Night The "big meeting of the Cher rlans wherein all will be as gar as Is possible during the present drought, will be held December 2 according to action taken at a meet ing of the organization held la the Commercial club last. night. The old days will be outdone according to present plans and everything will b real bright and festive like. The big dance of the year will be held Thanktglving night. The Cherrtans pledged their sop port to Capital Post No. 9. American legion In its celebration of Armistice day. November 11. and upon the In vitation of the post, which was la session In aa adjoining room, will b present in the capacity of specta tors at the dance and will probably contribute some musical numbers. The Cherrtans will not appear oa I ho floor as the dance is for service men and their women frlenj!s exclusive- - I Klamath County Gets Big Sum for Road Construction More than 11.000.000 la connty, state and federal funds will be ex pended oa highway building la Klam ath county In the next year, accord ing to W. II. Mason, editor ot the Klamath Record. The work will all be done under the supervision ot the state highway commission. A por tion ot The Dalles-California high waky will extend through thai coun ty. Among other projects will be the construction, ot a road extendlag east and west from the Pacific high way la Jackson county to the Klam ath-Jackson county Una. Little Daughter of Gertais Couple Is Called by Death Lemora E. Miller, the 2-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Mil ler of Gervals died at their home Sunday. November 2. The funeral services will be held from the Fair field church Tuesday morale g at It o'clock. Dallas Goes Over Quota for Roosevelt Memorial . . DALLAS. Or., Nov.; 2. (Special to The Statesman) Copnty Clerk Floyd D. Moore, chairman of the Dal las committee to raise funds for tha establishmeat of a Roosevelt Memor ial la honor of the lata president re ports that Dallas went over the too la Its subscriptions to the fund. Tha amount allotted Polk coaaty to rair was ti and of this amount Dallas subscribed S12S.S0. Independence SO. Monmouth 120. McCoy 12.60. Several other cities la the county ara yet to hear from bat when their re ports have been received the toUl amount will have been raised. HAVE COLOR If! CHEEKS Be Better Looking Take Olive Tablet3 If roar tlda u yellow complcxing pnliicf tongue coated appetite poor you have a bad taste in your mouth a lazy, nocond fceKrg roa should take Olive Tablets. Dr. Edwards' Ottve Tablets a culv ftitute far calomel -wore prepared by Dr. Edwards after 17 rears of study. Dr.Edwardi'OliVTTatictsarca purely reartableampound mixed with oliveou. You wiU know them by thru- oiivc color. have a clear, pink ikin. brutit evr do nimplrt. a feeling of buoyancy Lke usklhond days you must ret at thecause. Dr. Edwards' Obre Tablets act aa the liver and bowels tike eakxacJ -ytt bare no dangerous after eflecta. Tbry start the tale and overcome corv sfjpatioe. Millions of bores are sold annually at 10c and 23c Take cne or two nightly and note the pkasog results. SELL IT TO THE 'FARMERS No matter what it Is, from a threshing machine, horse, or cowf to a paper of pins. The farmer is the best buyer. - THE GREAT WESTERN FARM PAPER Published in Salem, Oregon, will place your advertisement in the hands of 20, 000 farmers and they read it ' Bargain Column ads cost only 3 cents a word, or 2 2 cents a word for four or more insertions. ... . Try It Statesman Building, Salem, Oregon ! Read The Pacific Homestead, Weekly, $ 1 a year. You'll find it well worth while.